Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Savayna found herself in disbelief as Nadeline said he was alive. As if on her command, she backed away a few paces but not so far that she was out of the purview of Jaakuna. She watched as she effortlessly healed him, though she could tell it would take some time. Jaakuna was badly injured. His entire body was covered in burns of at least second-degree and his entire body seemed to have at least one broken bone per the main section, not to mention after Nadeline had been going at it for a few minutes, he wasn't gaining any of his color back.

And then ten minutes passed since she started healing and still nothing happened. "What's happening?" Savayna asked, fearing the worst. "Why isn't he recovering?"
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"I'm working on it," Nadeline couldn't help but be annoyed at Savayna's question. He wasn't going to just jump up and run back into it after a couple of minutes. Granted, her magicks were better, but he was pretty beaten up. She could feel Savayna's eyes switching between her and Jaakuna, and she was getting increasingly annoyed. Her father was next to her, watching as Jaakuna's physical ailments slowly reverted themselves, but Jaakuna himself didn't show any signs of change. What had Hamut done to him? He squinted at Jaakuna, watching his chest slowly move as he breathed.

"I'm starting to think you're going to have to pick up the pace," He told Nadeline seriously. "Something's up, I don't like where this is going."

Shion narrowed her eyes, gripping her katana as she joined Grant in surveying the area. Why was it so quiet? Shouldn't Hamut have come to gloat by now? He never was the type to maim and run--he liked to rejoice in his victory. The only thing she considered was that perhaps he and Jaakuna had come to a standstill, and he was just as injured. She looked at Grant and Vlyn, the only two able bodied people. "We need to find Hamut," She told the pair.

Lorenzo looked at her. "If this is what he did to Jaakuna...do you really think you can take him on?"

"I can stall him for about five minutes. Though that's a fair assumption," She admitted, surprising Lorenzo. "The power of the Espers isn't something to be trifled with."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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It was apparent that Jaakuna’s state wasn’t improving. His wounds might’ve been on their way to getting healed and his color might be returning, but he still was unconscious and there was no sign of him regaining it any time soon, much to everyone’s fear, especially Savayna’s. When it had hit her, she hated that, even after gaining her new power, she still was useless. Not even Nadeline’s healing powers - as good as they seemed to be - was enough to bring him out of whatever comatose state he was in.

Then, as the others would suggest that something was up, Savayna looked around. Even though she had been distraught for the majority of the past ten or so minutes, it did somehow hit her that one crucial person was missing. Hamut was nowhere in sight. Jaakuna was fighting him, so he had to have been somewhere near...but where?

Meanwhile, Shinto looked on at the scene unfolding. He saw Savayna was in a waking state of distress while Madame Blue Rose was trying to convince everyone that she wasn’t wiped out from her fight with Savayna. Then, of course, there was the fact that Savayna had completely dropped the ball on Grant in more than one way in the past hour. First, not answering Shion’s question about whom she loved -or rather, who she still loved, and then another by going straight to Jaakuna when she awoke. Shinto couldn’t help but feel that Grant wasn’t in the best of shapes.

So, being the concerned friend - erm, good samaritan more like - he went over to Grant, trying to speak as quietly as he could without sounding it off to the others. “You know she loves you, right?” Shinto offered Grant some solace. “Listen, Savayna is just feeling inadequate right now. I know you and her might have some things to work out later on, but just remember that she said yes to --” Shinto would remind Grant of the ring on her finger “--well, you catch my drift.” Shinto shrugged, placing a hand on Grant’s shoulder, “her emotional state is probably the most fragile of anyone I know. So, just give her time. She’ll come to you when she’s ready. Just...don’t give up on her, okay?

Shinto gave Grant a reassuring smile - a smile that he rarely gave. He wasn’t one that usually showed emotion, but as someone who was once in Grant’s shoes, so he knew just how it felt to see the one person he cared most to choose another and be in a constant state of distress. It came to the point where he had to step away despite how much it hurt him. Even if it were his best friend’s sister, he had to distance himself from her because, no matter how he felt, he knew that Nila had too much to deal with. She didn’t need him to complicate things - especially since not long after he left her to her own devices, he was framed for a murder that he was trying to prevent. That was why he and Dominic were in the dungeons to begin with. They were trying to prevent Simon’s presumed death - just from the shadows...
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Grant was far, far away. His body was there, but his mind had gone somewhere else. His eyes looked around, but he wasn't even sure of what he was looking for. Scratching the back of his head, he let out a heavy sigh. If the circumstances were different, he would go to straight to the bar to drink his woes away, but that simply wasn't possible. Battling the thoughts in his head wasn't working out as well as he would have hoped, but it wasn't like he was going to help Jaakuna, either. He tried to focus, but after a while, nothing seemed to change even when he did pay attention. It was then that Shinto approached him--man the guy was quiet, he didn't even notice him until he started talking.

The truth was that Grant really didn't want to talk about Savayna. Not now, anyway. Shinto's words should have given him solace, but the more he thought about it, the more he felt hurt. It was almost as if he was afraid of her answer--but boy, did Shion hit the nail on the head. As Shinto smiled at him, Grant couldn't bring himself to return the gesture, though he nodded in understanding. Shinto probably had a point, but it didn't change anything on Grant's side. Why did he bother? He knew this had been an issue for some time, but he stupidly hoped that he would change her mind.

He was an idiot.

"Yeah," Grant mustered up some kind of response before turning away.

Vlyn peered at their surroundings, his ear twitching slightly. The air was heavy, leaving him unable to properly pinpoint Hamut's location. He could tell he was around, somewhere, just...where? He looked towards Shion, who seemed to have stopped looking, though she held her weapon in her hand. "He mocks us," She stated quietly, narrowing her eyes.

"Hamut?" Vlyn asked her.

"Zodiark," She said, closing her eyes. "He watches us from his castle, enjoying the chaos. What are you planning next?"

Nadeline would take her hands off of Jaakuna, letting out a short huff. "That's it. He's healed," She said, looking at Savayna somewhat disapprovingly. "Since when have you played the part of the bystander? That was quite the frantic burst of panic, considering you're...usually more composed."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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SAvayna’s watery eyes watched intently as Nadeline worked her ass off as she relentlessly hovered over Jaakuna laid insensately. Though it was a relief to her that his physical ailments seemed to have dissipated due to the Rozarrian’s efforts, Savayna, as she gazed upon Jaakuna’s form, was not yet out of a state of distress as he refused to regain consciousness. And when Nadeline finished, Savayna heard her words. She criticised her for not doing anything. She seemed to - well, disapprove of her lack of control over her emotions. As if The Ice Queen was prone to those kinds of outbursts.

Throughout the entire time, Nadeline had been talking, Savayna didn’t look at her. The Archadian blonde would keep her eyes on Jaakuna. She watched his pale face starting to gain its color. She held her hand over his chest and felt his heartbeat was normal. His skin was gaining its warmth back. By all accounts, his eyes should be opening, but they remained closed, his emerald gems remaining closed off to those who wished to see them.

Savayna kept her silence for a few moments before finally looking at Nadeline. Her expression was blank and devoid of any real emotion. “I’ve had enough,” Savayna stated simply. Her icy blue eyes sparkled white and before anyone could even try to stop her, Savayna had tackled Nadeline to the ground. Her hand on her throat and ramming her head into the dirt. “You pretentious bitch! How dare you look at me like you’re better than me!? I swear to god, look at me like that again, and I will kill you!” Savayna shrieked, wailing at Nadeline as the Rozarrian princess’ head would bounce up and down on the gravel and dirt.
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Nadeline's eyes widened as she hit the ground, though she was just as shocked as she would repeatedly hit it. One, two, three, four--though her head wouldn't hit the ground, Savayna still had her by the throat. She could see her father attempting to pull Savayna away from her, though he lacked the strength. As she felt Savayna's grip tighten, she looked straight at her, not knowing what to do or say. Pretentious? Was that what she was? Was this what she deserved for abandoning Wesley? It wasn't until Grant ran in, and together he and Lorenzo finally yanked Savayna away from Nadeline did her brain kick in what exactly had happened.

"]Are you alright?" Lorenzo asked his daughter worriedly. Her hand touched her neck, Savayna's nails leaving several scratches on it, though she didn't respond. "Say something, you're scaring me."

Grant glared at Savayna. "Savayna! What the fuck is wrong with you?!" Grant yelled at her.

"Calm down, Grant," Lorenzo told him. "The last thing we need is another fight between us."

Another? Nadeline looked at Lorenzo, though it then dawned on her. She coughed slightly, though she looked at Grant. "It's...fine. I'm sorry..." She mumbled.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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If you don’t let me go right now, there will be a lot wrong, but not with me,” Savayna practically threatened Grant. She returned the glaring look he gave her back in full to him.

All the while, she flailed and flailed, clawing at her soon-to-be husband and Lorenzo almost to the point where she found an opening. One moment of letting their guard down and Savayna had herself free of their clutches. In that one moment, Savayna would not waste anymore time. Her mist activated, responding to her desires. Sheer cold winds formed from her emotions, colored with a faint pink, swirling around her as if like a cloth. It whispered and if Grant and Lorenzo were still close to her, they would get the smallest feeling of frostbite, doubtless forcing them back.

Savayna’s eyes were less blue and more pure white. In whatever was possessing her or what had gotten into her, but one thing was certain: she was aiming everything she could muster up at Nadeline as she charged and aimed her apparent “friend”, intent on finishing what she had started before Grant and Lorenzo interfered.
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"Oi, oi, oi!" Lorenzo backed away, shaking out his hand that had been holding onto Savayna. What was wrong with her? Was her anguish so much she was just going to end up lashing out at everyone? He looked over at Grant, who was, understandably, still pretty pissed off, especially when Savayna managed to wretch her arm from him. As he moved to grab her once more, he could feel a coldness in the air. What the hell was she doing?! Admittedly, he was still mad, but why the hell was Savayna suddenly taking it out on everyone?

It was then that Savayna charged at Nadeline, catching them all by surprise. "NADELINE!" Lorenzo shouted.

As Savayna was about to make contact, a glyph formed, blocking her from proceeding further. The glyph disappeared, leaving Grant in front of Nadeline. "Want to try that again?" He asked her, his tone eerily quiet.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Savayna was still as the long night. Her eyes diving further and further into madness as her Mist intensified almost to the point it surrounded her in a complete aura of chilling winds, colored of deep blue, red, and white, now screeching. As she stood there, Savayna’s face was devoid of any and all emotion and any reactions that one might expect from her.

The Ice Queen raised her hand and as from above, a rain of mistified large ice darts(daggers more like) poured down upon her… beloved(and his niece) as she had revealed her true intentions without uttering a single word.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Grant looked up, spotting the magic as they would fall. Letting out a sigh, he raised his gun, Arcane magicks gathering. He shot once, though the bullet would then split into several as each one would match every one of Savayna's daggers, dissolving them into harmless snow. As the snow fluttered around them, Grant turned to Savayna, letting out a sigh. "Whatever it is that you're trying to do...I've had enough of it," He told her, shaking his head. "But who cares, right? If it has nothing to do with Jaakuna, it doesn't matter to you, does it? Forget Wesley, forget Nadeline, forget Emiri--none of us matter to you, do we?!" He asked, his own Mist gathering around him.

"Grant, that's enough!" Nadeline protested. "None of that is true!"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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As Grant would speak, she took in every word. And as his words would resonate with her, she tipped her head to the side, her eyes growing colder and more empty as time passed. It was also having a strange impact on her Mist. The more her eyes faded from icy blue into pearl white, the more her mist became...unstable. One could note that the mist was familiar to that of Nabudis. How it had such raw, uncontrollable mist that there was absolutely no telling what could happen when one was directing it at another.

You cannot begin to understand what I feel for Jaakuna none of you can. He was my everything. He was my whole world. All Ive ever wanted to do is protect him. But, even after Mateus Seal had been unlocked, I am still useless to him.” Savayna stepped forward as she would direct her cold glare at Nadeline. “And then, of all people to judge me, you have to gall to question my devotion to him.

About three steps forward, Savayna stopped, gripping her head with one hand. Her left eyes closed and her white one had a quick flash of black. It was a quick flash. After she would return to normal, her body was now straight and she took control of her body once more.

Now, step aside…fiance. This does not concern you. Or do you wish to find out how outmatched you really are?” Savayna poised herself. She held her left hand out to the side and Mateus’ Trident formed out of ice but this time it was...different. It had a color scheme of darker blues and greens rather than having icy hues.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Ah, so it reveals its true nature. Ultima mused to Nadeline internally. This should be a good test for you. You understand now, don't you? Mateus isn't the only thing in that woman.

She did. Nadeline exhaled sharply as she watched Savayna. Despite not outright saying it, Ultima was right. She almost didn't catch it, though as she looked at Grant, he seemed to have noticed it as well. Letting out a sigh, Grant shook his head. "You still consider me your fiance? Looks like I still have a chance, after all," He chuckled, his gun on his shoulder. "And here I was, thinking something had actually happened. Ah, well, no more moping around...although I have to say, darling, I wouldn't go underestimating me if I were you."

"Can't we talk this out?" Lorenzo asked hopelessly.

"Father, stay back," Nadeline said as she rose to her feet, her rapier in her hand as she joined Grant. "I'll do my best to back you up, Grant, though I have a feeling she's going to go straight for me. Ultima is telling me we'll have to wear her down before exorcising the influence."

"That...might be easier said than done..." He muttered, and upon closer inspection, Nadeline noticed he was slightly shaking. She threw him an exasperated look. "You're asking me to beat some sense into my future wife, do you realize how long she's going to hold this over my head?! I'm never going to hear the end of this!"

Nadeline rolled her eyes at him, though as she drew her weapon closer to her, a small, golden crown would materialize onto her head. Spinning her rapier, several small orbs of light appeared around them, and she poised herself ready. Grant would take in a deep breath, exhaling slowly as he charged up his own weapon. At the same time, the two would send their magicks forward, a combination of Holy and Arcane.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Yes, Lorenzo stay back. Let the adults talk,” Savayna quipped to Lorenzo before turning her full attention towards Grant and Nadeline.

An impressive display of magick would showcase from both of them as orbs of holy and a wave of Arcana combined into a mix of purple and white, destined to collide with Savayna. She knew the intent was to clash with her, aimed to harm. But in that attack that homed towards her, she knew it lacked the will to kill. She knew, despite it being enough to do her away, it was nothing but an elaborate attempt of simply holding her at bay. The Mist spoke to her. It crackled under itself, telling her exactly what it was created to do. These magicks were not meant to end her life.

That would be their first mistake.

Savayna walked forward as she made no attempt to block. The wave of Holy and Arcana made contact with her. For a moment, she stopped. It appeared to have made a direct impact.

Should we do something?” Shinto asked Shion. He had a thought that if this was left to be continued, it would not end well for anyone.

And as Shinto looked on, he saw something. Savayna was unharmed. She was walking forward, the joint efforts of the Roselias seeming to be reduced to particles of white and dark magicks. And as the particles remained in the air, Savayna raised her free hand and those particles shifted colors. The shades of purple and gold and white changed to various hues of blue and grey. When her arm came down, a spiralling tornado of ice magicks surrounding the two. As it would, brisk winds would pick up and the tornado would close in on them.
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"I wasn't expecting that," Grant admitted quietly as Savayna stepped forward, completely unharmed.

"I was hoping that...would do...something..." Nadeline agreed, though she would turn on Grant. "I've seen children put out more damaging spells!"

"I already told you, I can't--this is going to be extremely difficult for me, how the hell am I supposed to fight her without hurting her?!" Grant exclaimed, clearly conflicted. "I was counting on your attacks doing a majority of the damage!

"I...that is to say...I couldn't bring myself to do it..." Nadeline sighed. "We're getting nowhere, we must--" Her sentence was cut off at the appearance of Savayna's next attack.

"We should move," Shion suggested, eyeing the storm as she would take a couple of paces back.

"Grant, listen to me, we need to take care of this. We must be serious," She told him, holding her arm out as a red glyph appeared. "I can make an attempt to purify the influence, but it won't work until we at least manage to land a few hits." As her Firaja charged, she swung her rapier, the fire spell mixing with the tornado. Grant followed her lead, a gravity spell making quick work of the rest, leaving the tornado into little more than a breeze in the wind. "Can I count on you?"

As Grant looked at Savayna, something seemed to click in his head. Is this what it will be like for Jaakuna? He thought, the thought saddening him. He looked over at the unconscious Jaakuna, being protected by Lorenzo. I can't hesitate if that's the case. Deciding to go more physical, Grant clutched his gun tightly, Zeromus' own seal glowing, and it would look as it his gun transformed with its blade much longer.

Nadeline picked up the queue, her next spell in its cast as Grant would run forward. Here goes nothing... She concentrated on the ground around Savayna. "Scourge!" She called, the advanced magicks swarming the three of them, effectively trapping them together. Taking Grant's lead, she followed him through, her rapier charging up and together they would both go in for the attack.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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When Savayna’s attack was quickly dispelled, she smirked. She [Nadeline] was impressive. The fact she was able to effortlessly cast an advanced fire magick spell and then go to Scourge in the next moment was indeed impressive. The sign of a magnificent mage. And yet it was all for naught.

As Savayna would stab her Trident into the ground, her mist was concentrated into the tips of it and through that one action alone, she sent a wave of unmeasurable brisk winds that the tentacles that had appeared to close them in were frozen solid and posed no threat to Savayna. Then, as she whipped in a circular, clockwise motion, momentum followed as her trident shot out waves of blizzaga, shattering the frozen tentacles.

Her spinning stopped. Not on her own accord, but Savayna found herself gripping her head again. This time, she had her mist still active and because she lost her sense of focus, blizzaga spells would be shot everywhere, putting everyone else in danger of getting hurt. That included Jaakuna.

Shinto acted instinctively. He extended his arm out and a green glyph appeared. “Shellga!” He called out, a veil of magick surrounding everyone, protecting them from the shots of ice magick that looked like they were strong enough to maim them severely.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

There's your chance.

As much as she wanted to make sure everyone was alright, Shinto's Shellga was the opportunity she needed. Nadeline's crown would glow as she ran forward, letting the Shellga run its course, and stabbing any Blizzaga that came her way with her fire coated rapier. Grant was not far behind, knowing that they would have to work quickly and seize the moment. Nadeline would skid to a halt, jumping high into the air as Grant came forward, her magicks already forming a circle underneath Savayna. Clutching his blade with both hands, he used the blunt edge as he would bring his blade down, likely knocking Savayna to the ground. He then stabbed the ground, and an eruption of Dark magicks would effectively cage her in.

The glyph formed completely underneath the pair, signaling to Grant that Nadeline was ready. He jumped back as Nadeline readied her rapier, magical letters dancing all around herself and Savayna. "By our Light, let thee return from whence you came--Purify!" Nadeline called, and the glyph suddenly exploded in a blinding pillar of light. She dropped down, landing on her feet, though she wobbled for a moment. Grant managed to help her regain her footing, the pair watching to see if the spell had worked.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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For a moment, Savayna paused. She didn’t know white magicks that well. She didn’t study magick as extensively as Nadeline did. She didn’t carry around a giant tome that housed information about everyone and everything to exist in Ivalice, so the form that Nadeline took was foreign to her. However, right as she began that incantation, she realized just what the blonde was doing. The problem with it was that she realized it a second too late.

Savayna started mumbling and as her Mist would focus into her hand and she would thrust it forward, it would appear she was intending to shoot a wave of blizzaja straight for Nadeline and Grant. That was a spell powerful enough to freeze anyone at absolute zero temperatures. However, just as her mouth had opened, no doubt to speak the single word necessary to cast that spell, Nadeline beat her to the punch. Suddenly, as a glyph appeared before her, Savayna was stuck. The Ice Queen was now the one who was frozen.

And boy did she feel every inch of her body writhe as the powerful spell began to affect every hair on her body and attacking her at every possible angle that it could. She struggled, finding herself only able to move within the glyph. Each time she would be able to bang on the forcefield that had surrounded her, the agony of the spell would increase twice of what it was before. And each time Savayna would move an inch, it would increase even more. No matter what she tried and no matter what little room she was allowed to move, none of it worked.

After moments of fighting it, Savayna’s energy had been drained to such a level that she could only stand where she was, still as water as...something happened to her. She shrieked louder than she had before. And after a while, the shrieking went from being human to her tone becoming twisted. It also got to the point where it was no longer feminine. No longer the tone that Savayna normally had. Instead, it seemed to have sounded almost nonhuman - demonic even.

What..is happening?” Shinto asked. He, along with everyone else, was witnessing a literal demonic exorcism. He just couldn’t believe it. And more to the point, what exactly was in Savayna that was causing this to happen.

What strength it must’ve taken Nadeline to keep it up. As she would, the results of her hard work would finally be seen. Savayna’s skin would see its natural color once more and the dark blue and green smoke rise from Savayna’s body. It was like an evil shadow of some sort as. The longer the spell remained active the more apparent it became that something lingered inside Savayna - something that wasn’t quite human. This shadow looked - and more importantly felt - like something oddly familar. The shadow that was expelled seemed to loiter around in the air was making the same demonic sounds that Savayna herself was making at the start of it.

It was pure black. Shapeless. It had eyes all over its body that ranged from jade green to sapphire blue to even a deep red garnet. It blinked and looked at everyone. And for a moment, it seemed to contemplate its options. But as that moment faded, so did the mystery of what it was planning to do.

This black demonic creature had started to swirl around everyone, trapping them inside a gathering whirlpool of blackness. Though it started out small and only one inch thick, it would soon be the height of five feet and trapping the group of Humes inside its claws. In that, the black creature began to show its true form. The black color would fade into various hues of orange and yellow, its shape starting to reveal itself.

There..in the shadow. You see it?” Shinto pointed out, looking closely. It was going too quick, so Shinto would try to make it slow down more. “Slowga,” he said. A glyph of a counterclockwise clock appeared over the gathering typhoon of mist and it would slow its movements just enough for Shinto make it out. When he finally saw, he almost lost his thought at what - or rather, whom - he saw.

With all that he could, Shinto extended his arm out and jerked it back. Using his prowess of the technik of Telekinesis, he forced that creature that had trapped Grant, Nadeline, and the now-unconscious Savayna inside its clutches out and coming towards the others. With one last good measure, his other hand - which was glowing a wicked gold - created chains of a similar shade, laced with the same cleanse-like magick he used to help Lorenzo heal Lannit. In this case, he reverse engineered it to cleanse this creature of the blackness that concealed its identity.

Once it was brought to the ground, chained and unable to escape, the black smoke Mist would fade. Slowly but surely, its face would be revealed. Though Shinto had ideas on who it was, he was surprised. And a bit confused. He was sure he knew who it is.

“I was sure it was Halmarut,” Shinto sounded almost disappointed.

The man simply laughed. He had a dark mane that was nearly as black as the shadow that once cloaked him. Eyes like two garnet stones and his skin was a medium tan shade and slightly wrinkled but not too much. It showed age but also still some youth. He had a weird, almost-animated tattoo that ran from his shoulder along the side of his face that broke into two branches of sorts that stopped at his eyes and continuously flashed red as his eyes would sparkle of the same shade.

He looked around, seeing all of the intrigued faces. He then returned a gaze to Shinto as he simply chuckled “You’re obviously one who has done his research. But, I suppose I shouldn’t expect anything less from a student of the great and wise Blue Rose.” As he would speak, his eyes went to Shion, “I see his mark is well on its way to corrupting your soil. Perhaps a week if you don’t use any magick - three days if you do.” Then, finally, his eyes went to the Archadian Prince in which was being guarded by a wary, protective Lorenzo. It was as if it was a father protecting his son. Or uncle protecting his nephew..“As for him..” He closed his eyes and smiled. “Not the time, huh? Very well.”

What?” Shinto asked, feeling way out of the loop.

“Oh, you’ll find out soon--”

Before he could even say anything, down from the sky came a pale green shadow, As its feet would crash to the ground, an aftershock of mist was created, sending most of everyone back about five paces. Inside the pale green shadow, a form was revealed. First, the bare feet of sickly fleshy green and slowly, as smoke cleared, more of the form was revealed. It would eventually clear and as did the mystery of whom it was. Multiple arms and a cloak of simple beige and a giant tome in two of its hands.

“You’re late.” The man in chains said.

I figured I’d let you have your fun.” The all-too familiar voice said, looking around. He seemed pleased with what happened here.

Zodiark!” Shinto yelled, attempting to rush forward. He was murmuring incantations. But he was too late, for Zodiark was ten steps ahead of him.

As his multiple arms gripped just about everyone who was near: Shinto, Shion, Grant, Savayna, Nadeline, and Lorenzo, the tome would float and surround them all in transparent magick. Before any of them would realize what happened, they would be forced five feet back, wrapped in the same chains that Shinto had created before.

After he had done that simple act, he was over the unconscious Jaakuna. He knelt down to the blond, smiling down at him. “]You continue to impress me, Jackson. You may be ready for it now.

Zodiark’s left upper-arm touched Jaakuna’s face. Almost instantaneously, Jaakuna’s eyes opened up, and he sat upright.. “SAVAYNA NO! GET OUT OF HERE BEFORE—” Just as Jaakuna had said that, he was gone, sucked into a vacuum of space-time magick.

Zodiark stood up and looked at everyone who was no doubt fearing what the almighty Zodiark was planning. “]Rest easy, Humes and Viera. The cradle will rock once again and all of its filth shall be cleansed.” Zodiark would form a portal behind him, “]Blue Rose, if you truly wish to make amends to these Humes, come to my Sky Fortress. Bring them if you wish, but know that if you’re not here within the next sunrise, The Time Scion and The Prodigal Sun will meet fates worse than death. This I can promise you.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Hero
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A trap, was it?

Nadeline narrowed her eyes at the dark figure before them. And so the devil would decide to reveal itself, whisking away Jaakuna in the process.

Strongest of the scions created by the gods, they feared his growth, and so kept him a child. So indomitable is his strength that all things are by him twisted and pressed into oblivion. He alone fashions the laws governing all things, and administers punishment in place of the gods. ” She stated, a serious look on her face as she stared at Zodiark.

So is he Keeper of Precepts, and his authority is absolute,” Shion finished the passage, an amused look on her face. “Three days…to think one of the lowly Humes so beneath you would last so long.

Was this really the time to show amusement of all things?! Grant threw Shion an exasperated look, though he would return his attention back to the matter at hand. “The Prodigal Sun…and the Time Scion has to be Emiri. So all the pieces of the puzzle are falling into place, are they?” He said. “Why reveal yourself now?

Reaching out, Emiri was about halfway out the bars once more. Despite choosing to throw her back in her cage, Keiran didn’t seem to fix the main method of her escape the first time, and so she chose to do it again. Perhaps he figured his threat would rattle her—either way, she wasn’t going to just sit around any longer. She was out of breath by the time she managed to slip out, though this time, she wasn’t going to repeat the same mistakes. Only for a moment did she pause, a glance around the room telling her that her psyche was all but crumbling. She closed her eyes solemnly, but now was not the time to feel sorry for herself. She would take off.

Running through the familiar corridors, she stopped outside her destination, only to find a pair of swords thrown at her. She jumped back, out of their range, and threw a glare at the sword’s owner. The still chained Esper glared at her, though he would not attack as she approached him. “Persistent, aren’t you?” Chaos asked. Was it amusement? Or was it annoyance? Either way, he didn’t seem hostile—rather, now that she was on her guard, he may have found it pointless.

You listen here, you bastard! I have had enough of you!” She all but shouted at him. “Considering the predicament YOU have put US into, we should be working together to find a solution!

He seemed amused by her outburst. “I was not the one who agreed to let the snake help.” He would remind her.

No, she wasn’t taking this crap from him anymore. “And the only reason that happened was because YOU erased my memories!” She shot back at him. “You can blame me all you want, if I was conscious of my own decision, I would never have agreed to it! So now it’s your turn to shut up and do as I say!

What an adorable sentiment,” Chaos laughed. “The Dark One goes and rattles you a bit, and you decide to retort with anger? This is little more than a child’s tantrum. You realize this, don’t you?

Yes, I do.” She replied right away, surprising him. “If I had my way, I would cast you off into the darkness forever if it meant I never had to see you again. But that isn’t how things are—you and I are connected, for better or for worse. I don’t know how, but we must work together if we—yes, WE are to be free.” She shook her head. “Keiran said he would punish me…but I’m not afraid of him. And I won’t let him use me to hurt anyone. I have to do something!

You should fear him.” Chaos was more serious in his warning. “That seed…you don’t have the power to break free from his hold. He knows all your fears…and will not hesitate to use them against you. If he so deems it, he will make sure you watch as he forces you to tear your friends, limb from limb. His claws have etched themselves into your very soul…it will take more than a spell or incantation to be truly free from his grasp. His magicks are ones that the gods above us granted Zodiark—the same magicks that made them terrified of their own creation.

Emiri hugged her arms, though she stood her ground. “That’s why I need your help. I don’t know what he’s planning, but—” She stopped, watching Chaos’ blades rise once more. “You say I shouldn’t anger him, but I’m pretty sure hurting me again will definitely earn his wrath.

You’re going to have to confront Keiran here if you want to make any progress.” Chaos explained, his swords circling her. “Time is not on your side. Ever closer does the Dark Lord approach…his plans set forth in motion. Will you bend to him?

I will not. So please…if you want me to beg, I will,” She urged him.

Chaos did not respond, though he surprised her when her Seal began to glow once more. “Putting my trust into a Hume child…what nonsense…” He chuckled to himself. “Despite you never getting along with her…you have your mother’s resolve. She, too, demanded my power—what folly.

Emiri let out a gasp as the swords would pierce through her, though this time, she felt no pain. What was this feeling? Power? It was so different from the darkness. As each blade would fade away, she could feel something familiar. It was warm and nostalgic, though she couldn’t quite place what it was. “…I will go, and confront Keiran now,” She told Chaos.

Wait,” He implored her. “Take heed. Once you break free, make no mistake, Zodiark will know—and he may choose to dispose of you. If you must, bide your time, and wait for the opportune moment.

The brunette nodded and then bowed deeply. “I understand. Thank you.

Then I place my own hope with you. Should you fail, it may very well be the start of the end for us all.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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The Keeper of Precepts could not help but look amused and impressed at how far the Humes have come. All of them, in their own ways, have matured and progressed. If not in power, then in their daring confidence. Jaakuna seems to be an influence on them - probably more than they would be willing to admit. Each and every one of them probably has him to thank for how far they've come. That, in itself, gave Zodiark reason to smile. It pleased him that these people who were so far from being a real threat to anyone have actually gotten to a place where they are no longer a burden to the one who would fight in their place. Instead of relying on someone else, they have the strength to fight with their own power. Whether it was their actual power or the power borrowed by a foreign being, they arrived here. And now they were here in front of their new god. Truly a moment to appreciate how far each and every one of them has come.

He waved one of his arms and produced a throne to sit upon. As he sat down, one of his arms was against the left arm of the chair and he looked at the group. All of their faces seemed to be a mix of anger, fear, and above all else, curiosity. He opened up his one tome and practically ignored Grant. Instead, his eyes went to Nadeline. "How interesting it is to see a young girl such as yourself controlling Ultima's power when it was originally meant for The Blue Rose." After saying that, he looked to Lorenzo, Aloa, and Vlyn. "The Prince here doesn't even have an esper. By all rights, he shouldn't even be here, yet you two are holders of my brother, Zalera." He thought about that wretched brother of his. "Fitting it seems. A weak male controlled by an empowering woman." Two glances went to Savayna and Grant respectively, then staying on Grant. "You must hate feeling like this, Grant. The two women you have loved the most in your entire life keep choosing you for the same man. I suppose seeing your own brother kill your father would make love impossible." Zodiark noted that in his tome, "both of you tainted by hate that you could never truly love someone. Your minds might trick you into believing it, but when it all comes down to it, it's just out of your reach, isn't it?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Hero
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Hero Sincerest of Knights

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

It was as if Zodiark had a needle constantly poking at all the soft spots Grant had. The prince eyed Zodiark wearily, though it seemed recent events had shattered him to much he couldn't so much as muster a denial. No, it was written all over his face. Whether it was intentional or not, Zodiark's words also reminded him of something Emiri had pointed out as well: that he didn't love her, he just loved the idea of her. She was right then, and Zodiark was right now. Savayna was a rather painful reminder of such, anyway.

Lorenzo moved over--carefully--to Grant, jabbing his brother with his elbow. "Whatever thought is crossing your head right now, you better drop it," He told him. This guy's just trying to get under your skin."

And it's working. The thought crossed Grant's mind before he even knew it. Nadeline moved closer to Grant as well, taking his hand in hers, though she kept her attention on Zodiark, almost as if she was trying to shield him. "You haven't answered his question," Nadeline chose to spoke in Grant's place. "What are you doing here? And why take Jaakuna away from us? Is he that much of a threat you chose to eliminate him now rather than later?"

Emiri woke with a start, immediately sitting up. Something was off, her whole body felt so strange and foreign for some reason. She didn't realize she was gasping for breath until a moment later, though she managed to calm herself. Chaos? She could feel his presence, but no, there was something else, wasn't there? What was this feeling? Dread? Regret? It was as if every inch of her body was on fire, but it wasn't painful. She felt like she had awakened something deep within, but what was it?

A knock on her door earned a gasp of surprise, and as it opened, Keiran eyed her curiously. "You look like you've seen a ghost," He commented quietly, strolling over to her bed. "Though you look much better than before."

Taking in a deep breath, she managed to calm her nerves, though she gave Keiran an annoyed look. He chuckled, deciding to sit on the edge of the bed facing an elaborate decorative wardrobe. Had that always been there? As if on cue, she looked down at herself, and let out a groan, displeased that Keiran had changed her dress into one much more form fitting. She didn't like how high the slits seemed to go up her thighs, and she threw Keiran another annoyed look. "Please don't change me when I'm asleep. That's creepy," She couldn't help but snap at him. "You also have terrible taste...why choose something that shows off so much?"

"Well, it's for a special occasion!" Keiran replied cheerfully, his head nodding towards the wardrobe. "Go on. There's a surprise in there for you," He urged her.

"Why would I do that?" She asked him as she would stand, hands on her hips. "I don't know what you're planning. You open it."

She noticed one of his eyes flash red as she said that, and he would stand, strolling over to her. He wrapped one hand around her waist, pulling her closer to him. "It's a present just for you. It's something I know you've wanted for a long time, whether you'd want to admit it or not. I admit, it's not quite here yet, but I'm sure it'll...surprise you," He said gently. "Though...I warned you, didn't I? You're acting up again...and I promised that you'd be punished, didn't I?"

Whatever you do, don't open it! She could hear her inner self shout at her. Emiri tried to back away from him, but he kept her close, practically dragging her to the wardrobe. "You're making me nervous..." She admitted as he would take her hand, placing it on the handle. Please, listen to me!


Keiran would have her yank the door open, and as she did, something fell out. She let out a scream of terror, clearly not having expected anything, and she immediately hid behind Keiran. She heard him laughing as she shut her eyes, half expecting to get attacked, but she swore she heard another voice. She dared herself to see what fell, and as she did, a familiar shade of blonde hair and emerald eyes met her view.

Her heart dropped as she saw Jaakuna on the floor.
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