Oliver Jonas Queen ♦ Billionaire/Vigilante/Martial Artist ♦ Starling City, California, USA ♦ Queen Industries Heir
"After surviving on an Island for five years, I've learned a few things. The most important lesson I learned is that anybody can make a Hell on earth. That's why I do what I do, to make sure that never happens here. This city is getting pretty close though...I have a LOT of work to do to save as many lives as possible."
Oliver Queen, the young heir of Queen Industries, was on a small yacht when it was sabotaged. Oliver Queen nearly drowned but somehow made it to the shore of a small island, Lian Yu in the North China Sea. He probably would have died if it were not for the help of a fellow inhabitant named Shado.
With Shado's help, Oliver Queen survived and even thrived as he learned survival skills, Kyudo [Archery], and used his intelligence and inventiveness to create weapons and tools from what was available nearby. It soon became apparent that the island was home to an illegal operation, to which Oliver responded with Guerilla tactics, and managed to secretly supply the forced laborers with weapons long enough to plan a revolt which resulted in the expulsion of the organization from the Island.
With the island free from control, eventually, Oliver managed to get the attention of a ship which lead to his rescue from the island along with the other island survivors. Shado departed ways with Oliver once she learned he planned to go back to Starling City to inherit his position as heir to Queen Industries so he would have the tools and backing necessary to do as much good as he could in the world and especially his hometown of Starling City.
With Shado's help, Oliver Queen survived and even thrived as he learned survival skills, Kyudo [Archery], and used his intelligence and inventiveness to create weapons and tools from what was available nearby. It soon became apparent that the island was home to an illegal operation, to which Oliver responded with Guerilla tactics, and managed to secretly supply the forced laborers with weapons long enough to plan a revolt which resulted in the expulsion of the organization from the Island.
With the island free from control, eventually, Oliver managed to get the attention of a ship which lead to his rescue from the island along with the other island survivors. Shado departed ways with Oliver once she learned he planned to go back to Starling City to inherit his position as heir to Queen Industries so he would have the tools and backing necessary to do as much good as he could in the world and especially his hometown of Starling City.
C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S
I've liked Green Arrow since I saw him in the cartoons but I have to admit I never really cared for his looks that much. Then Arrow came along with a look more to my liking, especially without that atrocious goatee, so I've been considering a run with him for a while. I do think the arrowverse version is way too much batman-lite however, so I want to create something a little closer to the cartoons in character, but with some of the elements of Arrow as well.
Green Arrow is first and foremost, a man of the people, one who wants to help the poor and downtrodden as much as possible. While he loves to fight and root for the underdog he is also part of high society and knows that not everything is so black and white. His primary targets are those who exploit people, drug lords, sex-trafficking, and corporate corruption. Of course he also targets those who are a danger to the public, especially so called super-villains and the like, but his primary purpose is to make life better for others rather than bringing people to justice.
Green Arrow is first and foremost, a man of the people, one who wants to help the poor and downtrodden as much as possible. While he loves to fight and root for the underdog he is also part of high society and knows that not everything is so black and white. His primary targets are those who exploit people, drug lords, sex-trafficking, and corporate corruption. Of course he also targets those who are a danger to the public, especially so called super-villains and the like, but his primary purpose is to make life better for others rather than bringing people to justice.
Tommy Merlin – Old friend of Oliver Queen who was with him during his party years. Still tries to remain friends with Oliver but finds him quite different from his younger days. He is a good reminder to Oliver that he is still a part of the 'upper' world as Oliver Queen.
Mia Dearden – A young girl stuck in the vile web that is the sex-trafficking ring. She is looking for a way out and the Green Arrow's activities could just be her chance to escape.
Shado – A mysterious, young, Japanese woman he met on Lian Yu who saved his life and helped teach him ways to survive and fight there. Shado was very secretive and the best Oliver could figure out was that she had an affiliation to the Yakuza and quite a bit of martial arts training. Oliver was a bit disappointed she decided to not to come with him and still wonders where she went and what she is doing.
James Cameron – Police lieutenant in the SCPD. Prides himself on being hard on criminals and has a distrust of masked vigilantes. Wouldn't mind nabbing Green Arrow along with the criminals but is more than willing to capitalize on his activities in order to take down crime.
Naomi Singh – A skilled computer analyst and software developer, her technical skills come in quite handy when having to deal with high tech crime.
Henry Fyff – A man with a passion for R&D and weaponry, Oliver has found him to be the perfect fit to help keep his arsenal updated and full of new and useful toys. Has a deep crush on Naomi Singh.
China White – A high ranking member of the Chinese Triad, China White is a ruthless gangster who is not below using any method at her disposal to ensure the Triads foothold in Starling City. A skilled martial artist, assassin, and small arms expert, her skills are not limited to employing her organization to do her dirty work.
Daniel Brickwell 'Brick' – Daniel Brickwell is a powerful mobster who has a heavy presence in The Glades part of Starling City. While his gang is dangerous, the man himself is a metahuman with skin as strong as brick making him a very hard opponent to fight against even with weapons. He prefers a more brute force approach to things but is by no means a pure muscle head.
Onomatopoeia – A strange villain who only speaks in 'sounds'. A mysterious individual with unknown motivations, but he certainly has no qualms with taking innocent lives in the process of a job.
Mia Dearden – A young girl stuck in the vile web that is the sex-trafficking ring. She is looking for a way out and the Green Arrow's activities could just be her chance to escape.
Shado – A mysterious, young, Japanese woman he met on Lian Yu who saved his life and helped teach him ways to survive and fight there. Shado was very secretive and the best Oliver could figure out was that she had an affiliation to the Yakuza and quite a bit of martial arts training. Oliver was a bit disappointed she decided to not to come with him and still wonders where she went and what she is doing.
James Cameron – Police lieutenant in the SCPD. Prides himself on being hard on criminals and has a distrust of masked vigilantes. Wouldn't mind nabbing Green Arrow along with the criminals but is more than willing to capitalize on his activities in order to take down crime.
Naomi Singh – A skilled computer analyst and software developer, her technical skills come in quite handy when having to deal with high tech crime.
Henry Fyff – A man with a passion for R&D and weaponry, Oliver has found him to be the perfect fit to help keep his arsenal updated and full of new and useful toys. Has a deep crush on Naomi Singh.
China White – A high ranking member of the Chinese Triad, China White is a ruthless gangster who is not below using any method at her disposal to ensure the Triads foothold in Starling City. A skilled martial artist, assassin, and small arms expert, her skills are not limited to employing her organization to do her dirty work.
Daniel Brickwell 'Brick' – Daniel Brickwell is a powerful mobster who has a heavy presence in The Glades part of Starling City. While his gang is dangerous, the man himself is a metahuman with skin as strong as brick making him a very hard opponent to fight against even with weapons. He prefers a more brute force approach to things but is by no means a pure muscle head.
Onomatopoeia – A strange villain who only speaks in 'sounds'. A mysterious individual with unknown motivations, but he certainly has no qualms with taking innocent lives in the process of a job.
The lights, the glamour, the women, it was a strange feeling coming back into Starling City's circle of high society. One half of him was glad to be back into his spot as one of Starling City's most adored members of society, but the other half remembered the horrors of Lian Yu and balked from the extravagance of it all. How many people could live such a decadent life in Starling City? A lot more than he wished to admit, especially when comparing them to the majority of the city.
If Oliver Queen was honest with himself he did miss the women though. I guess there had been Shado, but when survival and taking down an illegal operation were the primary concerns, there was little room for relationships. Shado had been more of a firm hand than a comforting companion anyway.
"Nice homecoming bash you got going here Ollie. I see you haven't lost your touch after 5 years." Tommy Merlin smirked as he approached Oliver Queen who had a beautiful brunette on one arm and a glass of champagne in his free hand.
"I'm rather surprised myself after 5 years in the North China Sea, kind of figured maybe I'd have lost my charm. It would appear that the mystery I acquired from my time on that island has made up for that. Women can't ignore a man of mystery after all." The brunette giggled on his arm and gave him a little squeeze. Oliver smiled back at her, she was a beautiful woman, Ellie if he remembered correctly, but apart from her looks he had realized that he felt no deeper attraction. She seemed smart and intelligent but she wouldn't understand what he would be trying to do, she was too entrenched in her ways and her station to become anything but a passing acquaintance to him.
"Well I admit, it is quite the mystery how you managed to survive so long without your prized wi-fi and night clubs!" Tommy jested as he lifted his own glass of champagne toward Oliver, who returned the gesture before they both took a sip.
At the moment they were all up in the pent-house suite of one of Starling City's finest hotels at Oliver Queen's expense. It was only natural that the prodigal son, though not of his own choice, have such a magnificent bash to signify his return to the elite circles of Star City. All the biggest names had been invited and the service was superb. It really was a colossal waste of time and money, or at least it would if it had been the Oliver of five years ago.
If there was one thing the rich loved, it was their vices, and fancy parties were some of their favorite places to spread the word of their newest amusement. Oliver made sure to keep his ears ready to snatch the latest bit of gossip and while there was a good chance some of the elites would try to share their findings with the new billionaire in town, he was also now an unknown, but he knew some of the places where people liked to talk, where a few bugs would be waiting to snatch up anything of interest.
"You certainly have a lot to catch up on Oliver. Just give me a call when you want the scoop on the hottest new digs in town!" Tommy took up a spot beside Oliver and took another sip from his drink.
"It is surprising what can change in five years, but also comforting to see what hasn't changed." Oliver took a look around at the top crust of Star City. It was the same worthless drivel as ever, it was sad it had taken five years and a lot of hell to open up his eyes to the truth. He couldn't change the past, but he was sure as hell going to make sure to change Starling City's future, before all that was left in Starling was the rich and the poor, the overlords and the slaves.
Oliver Queen had been given a second chance, and he was damn well going to make sure he did it right.
If Oliver Queen was honest with himself he did miss the women though. I guess there had been Shado, but when survival and taking down an illegal operation were the primary concerns, there was little room for relationships. Shado had been more of a firm hand than a comforting companion anyway.
"Nice homecoming bash you got going here Ollie. I see you haven't lost your touch after 5 years." Tommy Merlin smirked as he approached Oliver Queen who had a beautiful brunette on one arm and a glass of champagne in his free hand.
"I'm rather surprised myself after 5 years in the North China Sea, kind of figured maybe I'd have lost my charm. It would appear that the mystery I acquired from my time on that island has made up for that. Women can't ignore a man of mystery after all." The brunette giggled on his arm and gave him a little squeeze. Oliver smiled back at her, she was a beautiful woman, Ellie if he remembered correctly, but apart from her looks he had realized that he felt no deeper attraction. She seemed smart and intelligent but she wouldn't understand what he would be trying to do, she was too entrenched in her ways and her station to become anything but a passing acquaintance to him.
"Well I admit, it is quite the mystery how you managed to survive so long without your prized wi-fi and night clubs!" Tommy jested as he lifted his own glass of champagne toward Oliver, who returned the gesture before they both took a sip.
At the moment they were all up in the pent-house suite of one of Starling City's finest hotels at Oliver Queen's expense. It was only natural that the prodigal son, though not of his own choice, have such a magnificent bash to signify his return to the elite circles of Star City. All the biggest names had been invited and the service was superb. It really was a colossal waste of time and money, or at least it would if it had been the Oliver of five years ago.
If there was one thing the rich loved, it was their vices, and fancy parties were some of their favorite places to spread the word of their newest amusement. Oliver made sure to keep his ears ready to snatch the latest bit of gossip and while there was a good chance some of the elites would try to share their findings with the new billionaire in town, he was also now an unknown, but he knew some of the places where people liked to talk, where a few bugs would be waiting to snatch up anything of interest.
"You certainly have a lot to catch up on Oliver. Just give me a call when you want the scoop on the hottest new digs in town!" Tommy took up a spot beside Oliver and took another sip from his drink.
"It is surprising what can change in five years, but also comforting to see what hasn't changed." Oliver took a look around at the top crust of Star City. It was the same worthless drivel as ever, it was sad it had taken five years and a lot of hell to open up his eyes to the truth. He couldn't change the past, but he was sure as hell going to make sure to change Starling City's future, before all that was left in Starling was the rich and the poor, the overlords and the slaves.
Oliver Queen had been given a second chance, and he was damn well going to make sure he did it right.