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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Skallagrim
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Skallagrim Walker between Worlds

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Gladius Dei Senechal Dou’far Klaast snarled as he read the report about the engagement happening at Darashal. “How unfortunate that the Talisans have interfered with our plans, I had not wanted to engage them in open conflict yet.”

Turning he faced his aide, a cleric with two sunburst pips on his shoulders, Garal Vash, a skilled and competent knight, “Have the 45th Home Legion Fleet prepare for action. I want them ready to sail in the next 150 hours, full war complement.”

“Yes Senechal. May I inquire as to where they will be sailing?”

“That depends on what happens at Darashal, if the Talisans find the Tetrahedron of Transport, the fleet may have to sail for the Talisan home worlds to recover it and then glass them. Praise the Eternal Light.”

Garal Vash nodded, spinning on his heels he made his way quickly down to the command deck, his face grim as he relayed the commands to the Lord Bishop in command of the fleet. Finishing relaying the orders, he cast a glance at the towering figure on the raised dais, a quick check told him he was alone at the communication console, in one smooth move he toggled another switch and in hushed tones passed another set of orders before hastily closing the channel.

Nodding to the communication soldiers, Garal Vash straightened his cassock before heading back to stand next to the Gladius Dei Senechal as he watched the battle play out, a sly smile gracing his lips.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 2 days ago

On his fifth intergalactic expedition he as in somewhat of a rut, not a rut as in boredom, he just didn't know where to go.There were no habitable planets in this sector according to his scanner. (The scanner detects residual radio waves, a feature common on most planets. It's indicative of a society that has at least progressed to the point of long distance communication.) LeeRoy groaned to himself, muttering under his breath something about whores and spraypaint. This was unbearable, the last time he had come to port for supplies was almost two years ago. He was running low on food. (But not coffee.) "Splendid and damnation! I'm stuck out here with nothing to do and all the time to do nothing."

'You could always turn back.'

"Of course I could but why would I? Earth isn't fun."

'Pssh, says you. It's better than inside of your head.'

"Are you saying that I'm not fun?"


A bitter silence followed for the next few minutes before a siren blasted through the hallways of the ship. "Radio waves detected." This warning was also followed by: "Possible hostile force detected. Blasting forward thrusters and coming to emergency halt." LeeRoy gritted his teeth because he was standing up, and guess what happens when you come to a sudden halt. If you guessed, you get thrown forwards, you're right. His face connected with the wall in front of him, shattering his septum against the cold steel. The man stood there with blood dripping to the floor. Inside his head was an uproarious laughter from the Voidman.

'Nice job numbnuts!'

"Shut up! You know and I know this wasn't my fault- Er- Directly my fault. The automated stop is designed to prevent me from creating and interplanetary incident!"

'Yeah sure, it's also good for breaking your nose!' She was getting a kick out of this one, maybe because it was the most interesting thing to happen within the past 10 weeks.

LeeRoy rolled up a few tissues and stuffed them up his nose, the urge to sneeze was tickling at the back of his sinuses. "Anyway, I've found a planet."

The automated voice chimed up with a bit of fore-warning. "It appears to be a planetary defense line."

"A planetary defense line? Are they keeping people out, or are the people trying to get out?"

'That's actually a good question. Maybe they're in trouble, and the ever Heroic LeeRoy is going to swoop in and save the day~'

"Yeah sure. There's no such thing as a hero,Voidman, only perspective. Except for those people who wear like. Black trenchcoats and fedoras. Those people are cut from the same mold. And that mold is stupid."


"Nothing of great importance to this current situation, what is important is the fact that we're an armed vessel entering alien airspace. I'd be willing to bet money they don't speak English." LeeRoy flipped a switch and cut the gravity, this is just forethought if they board the ship. Once he reached the forward console he reduced the tint on the forward screen, allowing him to see out into space. "Ha! We might actually have a bit of a problem. We're about 10k miles too close to the line. I'm gonna say they're going to either hail us, or shoot first and ask questions after. I'm not sure which one is worse."

'Probably the one where you have to make another wish.'

"Yeah, let's try to avoid the latter."

LeeRoy jammed the hailing button, hoping that whatever ship he was about to talk to could at least understand basic human gestures. Also, he was hoping that the communication systems were compatible. The hailing was a multiple wavelength broadcast of televisual, auditory, radio, digital, and laser. It was intended to match the most common methods of broadcast, but even then there were variables that LeeRoy couldn't account for.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Skallagrim
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Skallagrim Walker between Worlds

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The Grand Fleet of the Empire, the largest fleet in the Imperial Navy with 118 ships and 180,000 sailors, soldiers and knights along with 1,200 manned and unmanned small body craft, orbits Angar-Rylla as part of its home fleet duties.

So when a scout-picket near the third moon of the sixth planet in the system picked up a fast moving body it made a cursor check and found it to be most likely space debris. However when the body slowed then stopped, the scout-picket transmitted a rapid alert to the Vangur Fleet Base orbiting the moon of Angar-Rylla, which in turn initiated a fleet-wide alert.

On board all 118 ships warning claxons bleated, followed by a hollow metallic voice, “General Quarters, General Quarters, this is not a drill, all hands battle stations, repeat all hands battle stations!” On 118 ships men and women paused a second as it sank in, then a mad scramble erupted to get to duty stations on the bounce.

Aboard the Wraith, the dreadnaught that served as the flagship of the fleet, Senechal Dou’far Klaast paused as the announcement blared, his jaw clenched as he inhaled deep and slow.

Before he could speak, a communication officer scrambled up to his dias, “Senechal…we have a burst transmission…shall I…”

“Play it!” Bellowed the Senechal as his fist hammered the desk before him, causing it to shift a little and cracks appeared around the base.

A static sound erupted over the speakers; it spoke in a language that seemed guttural, lowly. “What is that? Can the translators discover what it is saying?”

“I do not know, the sample is so small. I can make an educated guess that it a friendly hail, as it seems to be coming from a smallish ship.”

“Grant a hailing channel to the ship, perhaps we can make sense of this.”

“Aye aye.” The communications officer then tabbed several buttons on his sleeve before speaking slowly on a return frequency, “This is the Imperial flagship Wraith. You are in Angar-Ryllan space. Identify yourself.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 2 days ago

A signal bleeped back onto the console. LeeRoy's face lit up a bit with enthusiasm. "A return channel, perfect some communi-"

Jibberish and nonsense.

"-cation. Right, I think I win that self bet of English not being very likely." Opening up a display console he lines himself up with a camera to present himself to whosoever is on the other end of the com link. "Greetings and salutations! I am LeeRoy and I mean you no harm. And I swear to the various gods that if this gets mistranslated I will be incredibly furious at all of them."

'Not like you could do much to them, I mean, they are gods.'

"True. But anyway. I mean you folks no harm! I am a traveler and scientist!" The latter was true, the traveling scientist bit. But LeeRoy is always prepared to harm, especially those who attempt to harm him. Which was to be prepared for, these were clearly militant vessels. Surrounding a planet with ships that large? Either unsightly satellites or warships, there really was never much in between when it came to that particular design choice.

'Real convincing Popeye the Bearded Man.'

"How do you even know that reference?"

'I live in your head, numbnuts.'

"How do I keep forgetting that?"

'You also forget that you're on live camera feed to a possible evil alien.'

"I genuinely hate you." His ears rang as laughter filled his head, that witch was going to get his ship destroyed. They would think he's a madman, talking to nothingness in an empty ship. Not too far off really, sometimes he wondered if the Voidman was even real, but LeeRoy didn't want the extraterrestrials knowing that he might be crazy. "Not you, the uh. Servant robot that is just off camera, yes."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Skallagrim
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Skallagrim Walker between Worlds

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Grezorbd anal ssssalualba! Balam LeeRoy gnarlafrazzle. Andorab carbae borroe abdope."

"Tool. Blargh flan. Glargh nehh jussaw! Balam abrohut sslither!"

"Hobble hoe gnar fistula ta’mak?"

"Haw cooom I keeep forgetting that?"

"I genuinely hate you….Not you, the uh. Servant robot that is just off camera, yes."

Seneschal Klaast peered at the screen, his eyes narrowed as he glanced at the other officers around him, before he turned back to his weapons command officer, “Find me a firing solution.”

Then he turned back to the screen, “I am Gladius Dei Senechal Dou’far Klaast, Lord General of Anagr-Rylla. You have entered a very restricted place in during the opening phases of a war…”

The Nas’Gadurian rubbed the stubble on his blue-skinned face, “The rules of war are very clear in this case, our enemy, the Talisians have attacked us and then you appear here at our home world, ready I presume to bring the Angar-Ryllan Empire to its knees?”

The General shook his head as a leaned forward, “I would rather believe, LeeRoy, that you are merely a lost traveler who has made a simple mistake and wants to leave.”

Behind the massive man, the fire control officer spoke up, “Lord General we have a firing solution, as do our escort ships.”

Nodding the Lord General raised a hand, “That will not be necessary will it?” His gaze boring into the screen.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 2 days ago

There was a bit of silence after the bit where he said the word hate. "They heard that part didn't they? Of course they did. I think that the gods have fun weaving my fate in the wrong direction." He planted his thumb and forefinger against his temple and heaved a heavy sigh of frustration. Then the com opened up, basic translation was apparently coming through from their end. Fortunate enough, but it was still basic. The phonetic structures didn't quite match up between the two languages but there were some similarities.

"Nnnnd me fffrr solution. Ri na Gladius Dei Senechal Dou'far Klaast. Rude General of Angry Gorillas. Sunumi harken very restrained peso een donink pasen door." Another voice chimed in, the channel was too scrambled for LeeRoy to properly understand it. Damnation, that could be some kind of threat on his life being plotted out in the background and he would never know. Well. Not on his life, but more on his body's well being. And if the ship's destroyed then so is his backup cloned body.

'Still mostly gibberish to me.'

"Ex- Excuse me? Did you just say Rude General of Angry Gorillas? Are there gorillas in space?"

'I don't think tha-'

"He clearly said he's a general of angry gorillas!"

The com sounded once more like they were talking directly to him, so LeeRoy's attention returned to the camera. "I woad rat hair believe, LeeRoy, tharnoo ner merely a loser who Nessade distastes ung wants to leave." Another voice in the background, the same voice, started speaking to the clear leader again. Then the leader spoke to LeeRoy. "That won't please Nessade will it?"

"I'm a loser who Nessade distastes and wants to leave? Is Nessade your leader? Is this Nessade some kind of god-king? Take me to your leader, for I wish to do politics in a setting where the translators won't be bargain bin." LeeRoy stared at the keyboard in front of him, realizing that he should have spent the extra six hours actually constructing his translator while at port. But nooo, he had to try alien cuisine instead of spending time on something important. "If this Nessade has some kind of beef against me then I'd like to speak to him myself, maybe do some bargaining so I can get you guys a proper translator. Something that includes a few more phonetic structures."

'You're a god damned nerd.'

"You are correct."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Skallagrim
Avatar of Skallagrim

Skallagrim Walker between Worlds

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The Lord General stared at the screen, deep furrows on his forehead as he glanced to the officers on either side of him, as the man on the screen blathered on.

"I'm a loser who Nessade distastes and wants to leave? Is Nessade your leader? Is this Nessade some kind of god-king? Take me to your leader, for I wish to do politics in a setting where the translators won't be bargain bin."

Perplexed by the ramblings of the man, Dou’far Klasst pondered the thought of vaporizing the ship to simply be done with the man and move on to more important things, such as the ongoing siege of Darashal.

Rubbing his chin he decided not to, no perhaps this man would be more use to the Empire in some why as yet unrevealed, “I am sorry LeeRoy, your name is LeeRoy is it not? However, I have no idea whom this Nessade is. Yes, the Angar-Ryllan Emperor is a God-King, but I am disinclined to acquiesce to your request. We’re at war and allowing a…man such as yourself to see him would be bad form.”

The Seneschal motioned to his fire control officer, signaling him to be ready as he continued speaking, “LeeRoy, where have you come from? I don’t think we have seen a ship such as yours. Are there more like you?”


Several of the escort ships drifted slowly forward, as they did so long barrel kinetic launchers lazily swung around so they faced in the general direction of the smaller ship. Further out several elements of the 101st fighter wing launched from their berths aboard the carrier, Caer Don’arga, racing forward, their squat boxy bodies reflecting the light of the white-blue star that held court in this system
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
Avatar of LeeRoy

LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 2 days ago

'You ever get that feeling of dread when something bad might happen?'

"All the time."

Another message from the general of angry gorillas. The translator seemed to be refining itself a bit as the conversation went on, maybe it wasn't a super cheap one but it wasn't a great one. "I am sorry, LeeRoy. Your name is LeeRoy isttitit? However, I have no idea hum this Nessade is. Yes, the Angar-Ryllan Emperor is a God-King, but I am declined to ascorb to your request. Wear at war and allowing a…man such as yourself to see him would be bad for me.”

"That was almost perfect English, wunderbar. Anyway, that's unfortunate, I would much prefer to see your leader rather than a member of Brass, but I can make due. Not really saying that I have much choice in the matter, as you've likely lined up several cannons on my ship. Just a hunch. But, if I can board your vessel and speak to you in person, then I'd be delighted."

LeeRoy thought to himself, analyzing the situation to find his best course of action. Another question? Ah, he wants to know where I come from, I'd tell him but this guy seems to have a boner for war. Judging by the way he goes silent for long periods of time, and then asks suspiciously specific questions.

'Maybe he wants to conquer Earth, that'd be fun wouldn't it?'

No, I've never had the drive or want to become an eternal ruler of a backwoods planet that still follows religion. Sure, that'd be just dandy. 'Are you our messiah?' And then I get smited by some angry god. Except I'm forced to live through the smiting, so it's only excruciating pain for however long it lasts and then some time after.

'Eugh, that wouldn't be fun.'

No, it wouldn't.

"Where do I come from? A place once called Aigyptos. The people there are long dead, and I am the sole survivor. For good reason, a true god took favor on me and gave me the gift of eternal youth. And undeath. Now I roam the stars for others who have received the gift of eternal life to finally be among my kind. Kinda, I just want to know people who won't die in a celestial day. You get me here?" This entire time LeeRoy was doing the most over the top body motions, pantomiming his own death and revival into an immortal man. This was to make them believe he was just some religious wack-job, so they would trust him a bit more. I mean, who fears a space-faring nutcase?

'For someone as smart as you, you're an idiot.'

"And about the question whether there's people like me? Not many, though it's possible to become like me. If you somehow earn the favor of a god." A rather cocky smirk grew across his face. "I just so happened to be selected because I was the most intelligent of my kind, and the god saw me with enough potential that he chose me. So there's that bit of information that you might find useful."

'Nice job stroking your ego-boner there.'
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Skallagrim
Avatar of Skallagrim

Skallagrim Walker between Worlds

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Dou’far Klaast pondered the words the man spoke. Analyzing them, breaking each word down, and searching for hidden meanings. A soft snarl escaped the Nas’Gadur as he stood straight, stretching a bit as he shook his head.

Either the man before him was a raving lunatic or a being whose very blood could lead the way to the Nexus of Worlds and possibly to the fabled Dreamers themselves.

“You speak of eternal life. I have heard of such creatures, they are called Dreamers…at least that is the name they are most known by in the legends and myths. Their race name, lost in the hoary depths of history. Perhaps there are people like you, LeeRoy.”

The Seneschal frowned as he glanced at a status report regarding the battle around Darashal, a battle that required his attention. However, so did this being before him, a being who claimed immortality.

“I am afraid Gods have been known to make mistakes. So you are the height of intelligence amongst your kind, where was it again? Aigyptos? Tell me of this lost world. Where does it lie? What potential do you hold? What are you keeping from us?”

Dou’far inhaled deeply as his eyes again focused on the report before him, a thin smile crossing his lips as he cast a gaze to the screen again.

“You perplex me LeeRoy. I do not know whether I should believe you or simply test your immortality by firing upon your ship. Perhaps though there is a way we can come to an accord. I believe I can help you find these immortals; in return, I would like you to help me by introducing them to me.”

A huge toothy grin appeared on the deep blue face as Dou’Far spread his hands wide in a gesture of friendship. ‘What do you say?’

A flash transmission interrupted the moment as a communication officer spoke quickly from off screen, the smile on the Lord General’s face expanded; he had heard that the strike team sent to capture the man known as General Freedom had arrived on planet.

“Perhaps soon LeeRoy we shall pay a visit to these…immortal Dreamers…”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 2 days ago

The translators had adapted enough to properly translate everything in the discussion, it was useful because now the general was asking questions of grave importance. LeeRoy would have to keep this lie up for a while, because they were serious now. This meant a lot more than just LeeRoy barging in on them, no, they had some sort of agenda of criminal intention. He had no qualms with attempting to destroy worlds, no, he didn't concern himself with the lives of others. He needed some way to get this guy's trust. All the time in the universe, and yet he doesn't have any way of dealing with this. The planet below him was larger than Earth, so the gravity would have

"I'm keeping nothing from you that you'd really like to know. The planet glassed itself when it erupted into nuclear war and its now an irradiated wasteland. I had to leave before the bombs dropped so maybe there's a scarce number of survivors of the war. But likely not many. But it was a backwoods planet, it was still following ancient religions designed by men to keep society in line up until the very end." He shook his head in a downtrodden manner, discretely pulling the two bloody tissues from his nose and tossing them aside. "And what potential do I hold? Well I've only been in this conversation for what? Twelve minutes now? I can understand that you're at war with a race on another planet that had the gall to resist your empire. You have a goal to capture what I can only assume is somewhat of a god or of greater power than a god. Likely to gain its power, and then you'll conquer the rest of the known universe with that power. If I don't side with you, you'll decimate my ship and check the debris for my thrashing body."

'What are you doing? What the fuck are you doing!? You're gonna get obliterated!'

It's called a bluff, if I can show that I'm more than capable of outsmarting them, and predicting what they're going to do. There's a 50/50 chance that they'll either be impressed or they'll start firing.

'If you weren't immortal I'd say you were going to get us killed!'

Well I am! So shut the fuck up and let me think!

"And now, you say that there's a dreamer. A dreamer, on Aigyptos there was a myth of such dreamers, that if awoken then great catastrophe would follow. Though this is likely a twisted version of the tale, and there's something much deeper to this. As a man of science I'm more than ready to discover what really happens when you meet a Dreamer. It's all about knowledge General. And if you want knowledge, then I'm the best source you have. Probably the best source in the known universe. So yes, we can work together. And yes, I'd be more than willing to introduce you to the other immortals like myself." LeeRoy's face was incredibly stony right now, no emotion, no expression at all. The best poker face in the galaxy right here. The reflective glasses he wore shimmered with a stretched reflection of the General's ship.

"I'm a man of science. And you're a man of power. Knowledge is the path to power, General."

'You're doomed.'

With an attitude like yours I would be, but I have a feeling that the General would not want to see a resource like myself be destroyed. Especially in times of war.

'Oh my god, oh my god, you're serious? You're serious!? This guy could crush you with one fucking hand, and you're going to try and use some bullshit intimidation tactic?!'

What other choice do I have?! Huh!? If I fire on his ship now, then I'd only manage to piss off what I'm assuming is the largest army in this sector of the universe! And then what? I run? Where would I run, I'm not going to outrun him, I can't warp for another day or so! So now I have to use my gut, and my gut tells me that I've got to show that I'm not afraid of him. Because if I weren't immortal, then I'd be terrified of getting blown up!

'Y- You know what, that makes sense. If you show no fear, even in the face of total destruction, then you're either crazy or actually immortal.'


'You're a damned fool.'


The scientist crossed his fingers, and hoped to his patron god that his bluff would work.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Skallagrim
Avatar of Skallagrim

Skallagrim Walker between Worlds

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The Lord General listened as LeeRoy spoke; "I'm a man of science. And you're a man of power. Knowledge is the path to power, General."

Narrowing his eyes as he pondered what the man had said, glancing a moment to Garal Vash, Grand Cardinal and advisor to the Seneschal, he tabbed off the communications as he spoke, “Garal Vash, you are my advisor. In my heart I know that I should destroy him, but the possibility that he may have blood of the Dreamers in him is something I cannot pass up.”

“General never have we come close enough to the Dreamers. Even the Fireen, who is also an immortal, does not possess the power to open gates between realities. If this man has knowledge, even knowledge locked away in his DNA we must not let the opportunity slip through our hands.”

Nodding the Lord General glanced at the screen again, his mind working furiously as he weighed the options before him, when Salandra Kur spoke.The petite Caladoran, huge green eyes and her vaguely feline features peering up at the General, “General, our science is vast and the depth of our knowledge is great, perhaps we can exchange information for an analysis of his blood. He claims to be a man of science…let us test that theory. May I speak to him?”

Dou’far Klaast frowned, pursing his lips, “Very well, you may address him.” Then he jabbed the communication button again.

Salandra Kur stepped up towards the screen, her slim form in the black and white body suit, and her tawny fur, with large green eyes peered at the man known as LeeRoy. A vague disturbing smile crossed her lips a moment before she spoke, “LeeRoy…I am Dr. Salandra Kur of the Imperial Science Academy. I heard you say you are a scientist. Let us talk as scientists, I would like to share our information with you in return I would like you to share your data logs of your travels with me. Perhaps there is something of import that you recorded, something that you would have dismissed as trivial.”

Dr. Kur looked at the Lord General, then inhaling deeply, allowing her pert but amble bosom to be accentuated, “I will guarantee your safety as long as you are on our ship, provided you do not attempt nefarious acts against this ship or the Empire.” She paused as Dou’Far Klaast growled audibly, “Do we have an accord?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 2 days ago

The com went silent, his palms began to sweat in fear that his bluff had been called. But then a woman's voice called through the speakers, asking for a trade of information. If his brain could smile it would have, LeeRoy would be able to see what kind of technology they're equipped with. If LeeRoy were the sort to break face once a situation seems to go in his favor he would have heaved a sigh of relief. The woman scientist had likely saved his skin, even if it was at a price. All the information stored on his command deck was practically useless to them if they wanted information about the Dreamers. But his logs were vast, spanning two centuries of travel through the cosmos, so it would take an incredible amount of time for them to analyze all of it. By then he'd likely be finished with what he needed to accomplish.

"I'd be more than willing to give you guys my logs and research, it's quite an expansive log but hey. You might find something useful of it. Takes me about a month to read through all of it at once, but hey, maybe you've got a computer to analyze all of it. Now, before I come on board I have something that I need to stress. I may be immortal, but I'm not invincible. I need my suit to even walk onto your ship, because the air is likely not breathable to me, and I'd prefer for my lungs to not explode." He perked an eyebrow up over the edge of his glasses.

"That won't be much of a problem will it?" He hoped not, exploded lungs always hurt more than anything else. That and his suit had holsters for weapons and C4 blended in quite perfectly with the color of the ceramic coating.

'You're going to do something stupid, aren't you?'

Probably, but if I succeed then the rewards will be great, and I'll likely have disabled one of the greatest threats to the universe. At least for a time.

'I wish I wa-'

Don't make wishes, you might regret making them in the long run.

'Eh, I suppose you'd know all about that one.'

You have no idea.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Skallagrim
Avatar of Skallagrim

Skallagrim Walker between Worlds

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The Angar-Ryllans, opened a docking back for LeeRoy to link up with their ship. On the other side of the pressureiztion lock, a half-dozen knights stood waiting for him, their weapons held easy but ready to respond if need be.

Dr. Salandra Kur stood waiting as well; however, she was dwarfed by the large armored knights, hidden by their forms, her eyes bright as she waited patiently for LeeRoy to come aboard. Although there were only six-visible knights, another six stood further back, ready to join any fray that might erupt.


On the bridge, Dou’far Klaast watched the proceedings, until one of his aides handed him a data pad, “When? When did this occur?”

“Half an hour ago my lord.”

“The telemetry data has been verified?” The aide simply nodded, “Very well, I want a scout ship sent at once. Find out if that is an active gate.”

The aide saluted and hurried away.

“What was that?” Garal Vash inquired as he continued to observe the data coming in regarding Darashal.

“A surge of aetheric energy was detected amidst a debris field. Analysis estimates with 60% probability it is a gateway, one leading to the Nexus.”

“Wha? That is what we have been waiting for.”

The Lord General frowned, his mind racing, “I know. That is what troubles me. We have been looking for such a thing and now for one to suddenly appear, the ramifications could be deadly.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
Avatar of LeeRoy

LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 2 days ago

The com channel shut down and LeeRoy nearly collapsed, clutching his chest. He was certain that somewhere along the line he had a heart attack. This kind of adventure was going to drive him mad. At least the alien party had made an accord, they had opened up their main docking bay and LeeRoy set the ship to auto-pilot. This gave him about three minutes to prepare himself, no, LeeRoy was not going to fight them. A galactic empire tends to have better resources than a guy buying his materials for his armor from questionable sources.

'You got lucky.'

"You're damned right I did."

After catching his breath he sprinted to get his landing suit on, pulling every part of the armor over his body as quickly as possible. LeeRoy had the inkling that the atmosphere was the same, but he also had an inkling that they were a lot stronger than he was. So the suit would at least give him a bit of leverage in that direction. Though, again, if there was someone in this entire empire with a half a mind like his. Then they'd have powered suits as well, for intimidation and combat advantage of course. LeeRoy's suit donned and powered up he was ready to go. If he were on a peaceful mission.

'This plan will backfire.'

"That's a very likely outcome, but if I can get to a place where I can cause enough damage, then I'll be content. I probably won't make it out of the ship in time. That's why I'm leaving my ship on autopilot. I've set it to blast off if my suit's energy signature goes dark, let's hope the walls aren't too thick here. Because that might set the sensors wrong."

'God you're crazy.'

"Am I? Look, these guys mentioned 'Dreamers' okay? In legends about 'Dreamers' if they're woken up, the universe ends. That's it, end of story. Then they go back to sleep and start a new one. Now, one of two things will happen to me if the universe ends. I'll either stop existing. Or I'll be forced to live through the destruction and creation of a new universe. NEITHER WOULD BE PLEASANT!"

'Alright! Calm down! I see your point!'

The scientist composed himself, the pressure was equalizing in the ship and gravity was being restored. He only had a minute left. The forearms of the suit slid upwards and two rectangular compartments showed themselves, LeeRoy tucked a pound of C4 into both sides. Then sealing them off so they couldn't be opened from the other side without some effort. He tapped a button on the chest and it slid outward, LeeRoy placed all 20 of his custom explosive plates into this compartment and did the same thing.

'So what? You're gonna just blow yourself up?'

"Hopefully it won't come to that, but just in case I do have to resort to that I'll just make a wish."

'You hate those.'

"I know." The visor on his helmet darkened to the gold color often seen on astronaut helmets, this was to protect from Ultraviolet light in most cases. But LeeRoy needed it on to keep his cool. If they couldn't see his face, then they couldn't see how nervous he was. Which, let me tell you something, even immortals get nervous when torture could be just around the corner. LeeRoy walked up to the console and pulled out the most recent 200 years worth of data, knowing full well it would prove completely useless to them. He hadn't been back in his galaxy for the duration of this data card, so there was no risk of Earth being in the sights of the imperial gun. He hoped. As his ship came into dock he stepped up to the depressurization gateway that equalized the atmospheres in both ships. His suit registered a slight flux of gravity based solely on the size of the planet so it adjusted to compensate.

'Why do you care about this version of Earth? It's not YOUR Earth, it's another Earth.'

"Because millions of lives are still millions of lives, Voidman. I won't be held responsible for their deaths because I was careless."

'You're not as evil as I think you are.'

"I fear death, Voidman. I wouldn't wish it upon anyone who wasn't my enemy. Why do you think I wished for eternal life?"



The door opened and it was precisely as LeeRoy had theorized, power armored super soldiers. Sometimes he wanted his own soldiers to be immortal, so he could bring them along with him. The man stepped down from his ship and into the domain of what he can only assume is the lair of a cosmic evil villain. Not the first time, probably not the last. "Aha, I like your armor. Give my compliments to the workers who slaved over it, they're sure to love the praise about their work. And you, ma'am, I'm assuming that you are the one who I spoke to on the com? The scientist Salandra, correct?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Skallagrim
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Skallagrim Walker between Worlds

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Dr. Kur nodded at LeeRoy’s question, “I am indeed Mr. LeeRoy, it is nice to meet you. Please come with me. Your ship will be safe; we will wrap a beta particle gamma field around it. It will keep it safe until you leave.”

Turning on her heel, the Caladoran moved at a quick pace towards a bank of elevators, waving her hand across a blank screen off to the side, a moment later a door opened. Behind them trailed two knights.

Several dozen races, many that LeeRoy would not have encountered spoke hurriedly in what presumably was a common language, probably a form of the original Angar-Ryllan language. Once in the elevator, with the knights crammed in with them, Dr. Kur again waved her hand before the screen and a sudden moment of weightlessness occurred before the doors opened again.

‘We are here. Tell me LeeRoy, where you are from what is your normal gravity? Here we try to maintain AR-base time and gravity; it helps the Angar-Ryllan’s aboard to move freely. Our oxygen, is similar in composition to the atmosphere you breathe, however we have more helium and greater traces of methane.”

Dr. Kur spoke as they moved down a long corridor, on their left and right massive are bays with laboratories within, and hundreds of scientists worked on thousands of projects.

“Although this is a warship, it is also the home of the advance studies college for the Imperial Academy of Sciences. Many of the greatest break throughw in our technology have come from studies of alien technology right away.” It was obvious she had a great deal of pride in her work and the laboratories.

Throughout the entire complex, for it could not be called anything else, knights and sailors armed with wither wicked looking energy weapons or sleek rifles and pistols.
Reaching an empty bay, Dr. Kur motioned for the door to open and it did, as she stepped inside she turned, her large eyes flocked on LeeRoy’s., “This is your work bay. Here we will examine your data logs, process them through our spatial recognition computers and try a fixed point in space and time as well as the probably dimension to these locales.”

A pause as the Caladoran nodded to the knights who returned the nod and assumed positions outside the door, another two knights seemingly appeared and took up their post across the way.

‘We will work in peace the knights shall stay outside. Several research assistants will be coming in and out to verify your data as well as ask questions. To start LeeRoy what is the level of your technology? I can see by your suit that we are ahead of you in power armor. And judging by your ship, our dimensional push technology is probably unknown to you.”

Then flashing a Cheshire smile at him she continued, “Shall we begin?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 2 days ago

Beta particle gamma field? They were going to shield his ship with heavy radiation? The translation was either off or these people were idiots in disguise as an advanced empire.

'Asks a lot of questions, doesn't she?' The voidman quipped along the journey, it was about this time that the voidman was getting concerned as well. 'Knee deep in shit right now, and she's enthralled with you. Like some new toy.'

Is that jealousy I detect?

'Shut up, I live in your head, I worry about your well being because it's my well being too.'

The man rubbed his thumb and forefinger against each other absent minded, he thought quite loud about this. Not vocalizing, but it was an easy way to communicate secretly with the voidman.Yeah yeah. But I'm assuming that she's just a member of the science team, and not the science team responsible for war crimes. Something comparable to Nazi Germany during World War II. Where the soldiers and scientists working on the military equipment had little to no idea what horrors were really going on.

'So you're saying she's an innocent bystander?'

I'd say there's a seven out of ten chance.

As the tour continued she pointed out several important locations around the massive cruiser, speaking of how it was more than just a warship. How there were schools on board, prestigious ones at that. LeeRoy saw that as barbaric, educating them on ship in space for what? War? They were either all twisted, and every one of them genuinely wanted to cause harm to the universe. Or they were ignorant. When the data card was brought up LeeRoy smiled behind the reflective helmet's visor. "My information is freely available, I've already unlocked it. It should only take you a few uh. Oh right. I'm immortal, a few days is a long time. Sorry about the length of it, I only carry one on board. Usually it has about eight hundred to a thousand years worth of data. But I only recently started this expedition, so it's only got two hundred." This was a flat out lie, LeeRoy carried ten on board. This expedition was his fifth, and four of those cards were filled. But hopefully they wouldn't go peeking around. The ball robot would know what to do if push came to shove, so he only had to worry about the loss of data. "About my gravity? It's a bit lower than what your ship has now, Aigyptos was a rather small planet."

'Nerds speaking with nerds about nerd stuff.'

The scientist offered up his data card to the woman alien. "Here you go, all the data's in here. And the dimension I hail from? Even I'm not certain about the number, sometimes I get jerked around."

"Technology? Well, my technology is sort of cheap right now, when I last came to port I left behind my more efficient suits. The Mark Two landing suit was all I had left, and it's uncomfortable to say the least. But it helps my ancient lungs breathe easily in an atmosphere that's more similar to what's on top of a mountain in some worlds." His hand rubbed against the back of his helmet. "I intend to make a superior model after I head out of here, even looking at the power armor your kind wears inspires me to want to craft a mark six suit. Though, a bit better designed. The angar-ryllan's haven't got much taste for simplicity, do they?"

Her enthusiasm was almost infectious, so LeeRoy nodded in agreement. "Yeah, let's begin."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Skallagrim
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Skallagrim Walker between Worlds

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Aboard the Wraith, in the port sub-docking bay, a small ship was quickly encased in a beta-gamma ray field, and then dumped into space, with a long trailing tractor beam holding it tethered to the ship. The gamma-field holding enough energy to rival a pulsar for a tenth of a second would detonate if the command given released the tether.

The Lord General watched the monitors as the strange man named LeeRoy and Dr. Kur began the exchange of information.

“Double the guard in that section of the ship. If this immortal tries to betray us, we shall test his immortality.”

An aide nodded and sent word to a cadre of Knights.

Turning back to the screens, the war on Darashal moved back as his eyes turned towards the readings that raced off the charts.

“This discharge of energies is not a gate, but it indicates a gate has opened. The question is where and more importantly why?”

Garal Vash frowned as he stared at the screen, “Perhaps it is not so unexpected Lord General. We found this man, this LeeRoy in our space. Now a gate discharge occurs. This might be a precursor to an attack by the Dreamers. Perhaps we have come too close and they now fear the power of the Angar-Rylla.”

Dou’far Klaast shook his head,“Were it so easy my old friend. No, I fear this is something different, something we may not be prepared for.”

Tapping the intercom he spoke, his voice reverberating in the science lad where LeeRoy and Dr. Kur were, “We have some pressing issues Doctor. Please come to the bridge I need your advice.”


Dr. Salandra Kur frowned, “I am sorry LeeRoy. I must attend this. The Lord General has requested me.” With a wane smile she hurried from the room, two Knights falling in step behind her as she made her way to the lifts.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LeeRoy
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LeeRoy LeeRoy Brightmane

Member Seen 2 days ago

A familiar voice crept over the intercom, the General's, and called away the woman. With her she took the data card and two of the four guards. There was still a pair of them just outside, and they were certainly cutting an imposing figure. The chances of his landing suit standing any sort of a chance against their war suits would be slim to none, so there was no running out of here. Above him there were likely surveillance cameras observing his every move. Alright, the layout is pretty set. LeeRoy's not going anywhere any time soon. This room was basically a prison cell, the only viable exit was blocked by two people who could probably rip his arms out at the socket.

'You could build a suit of that armor right?'

If I had the resources.

'Why not just ask the guards where the armory is?'

Because that'd be stupid.

'What are they gonna do, kill you?'

Alright, you make the plan.

'Ask them where the armory is, and tell them like. I dunno, you need to know to improve the performance of their weapons. Or something like that, they look like big dumb brutes, they'll probably fall for it.'

This isn't going to go as well as you think it will. LeeRoy raised his hand and waved to one of the guards outside, trying to get their attention.Hoping that this might actually work, dumb luck pays off sometimes. "Uh, hello? Yeah, you, guard. C'mere, I need to ask a couple questions. If I am really to help the Angar-Ryllan Empire I need a bit of information. I'm here to improve your technology guys, that's what I do. So where's the stockpile of weapons and armor, I could improve their performance at least seventy five percent. At least."

'Could have worded it better.'

Yeahp. I could have, that wasn't worded too well. LeeRoy actually crossed his fingers at this point, putting his faith in one of the most childish gestures.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GreivousKhan
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GreivousKhan Deus Vult

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Tablurath, otherwise known as Lord Cardinal Khazna of the 6th fleet strode down the narrow corridor. His surprisingly light footsteps echoing upon the steel floor and ringing down the hall he walked. Flanking on each side were two other humanoids adorned in Ryllan designed armor. On his right was Baltu, an aquamancer of no small talent, and often his active second in command. He wore a lighter design of power armor then most of his peers. Gavrick marched to his left, with long powerful strides befitting a being of his stature and size. As a Mulntuun, Gavrick was one of little humor and less patience with a determined nature though prone to an often slightly pessimistic attitude. Baltu on the other hand was an even-tempered individual, possessed of a seemingly inexhaustible kind of energy mixed with unrefined enthusiasm. Their personalities tended to class, so both Gavrick and Baltu had been known to come at odds on more than one occasion.

"So, what exactly did the Lord General say?" The question as voiced by Baltu. "Surely you think they would be sending us off to Darashal or something?"

As with most in the higher echelons of command, Khazna had heard of that conflict. The Talisans had finally come to blows with the empire. Khazna had half expected to be sailing to quell the foolish Talisans, but it would appear the Lord General had other plans. He had already heard more than a few rumors on his newest interest of late. More than a few of the Angar-Ryllan's resources had been used in finding as much as could be learned about these so called "Dreamers."

Khazna on the other hand was not so ready to place his trust in ancient powers beyond a mortals reckoning. Still if the power of the nexus could be harvested to their own use...

"The Lord General has summoned me specifically," Khazna began in a steady tone. "His reasons for doing so I imagine will be plain to us once we arrive."

Baltu only shrugged as they finally reached the main lift that would bring them directly to the main command bridge. In moments they had ascended, the lifts doors opening slowly with something akin to a hydraulics hiss. With a brisk pace and hands folded behind his back, Lord Cardinal Khazna, Dark Skull of the Blood Eagle fleet marched onto the deck proper, his face hidden under his iconic death head mask. Upon seeing the Cardinal many lower officers paid obeisance as he passed. It did not take Khazna and his small entourage long to reach the general. With a respectful salute the cardinal stood at ready for permission to speak. All the while he kept and air of indifference as if ignorant of everything transpiring around him, or completely comfortable in his surroundings.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Skallagrim
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Skallagrim Walker between Worlds

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Dr. Kur stood defiantly before the towering Lord General, her voice, while argumentative was also very composed. One did not yell at the commanding officer of the entire Angar-Ryllan military and expect to live long.

“Lord General…please we have just begun our research into spatial anomalies. I…I cannot assure you of success. Perhaps if you allow me some time with this LeeRoy, I can employ some of his technology to…”

“Dr. Kur…”Seeing Lord Cardinal Khazna enter the command deck, he held up a hand to indicate he wanted the Lord Cardinal to step forward.

“I assume you have heard of Lord Cardinal Khazna? Khazna this is Imperial Overseer of technology, Dr. Salandra Kur. Before this can continue I must lay the frame work for you. 360 hours ago we engaged Talisan fleet forces over the planet of Darashal. A little over 2 hours ago we encountered this…”

Dou’far Klaast punched up a picture of the man known as LeeRoy in the science lab, he seemed to ne motioning for the guards outside.

“This man claims to be immortal. He also appeared just as our attack forces encountered the Talisan, and his appearance here coincides with a sudden spatial anomaly off of a series of planets collectively known as the Demon Webs.”

Turning to face both of them, Lord General Klaast lowered his head and growled, “This man is currently considered a Class A threat. His appearance is not a coincidence. I am not sure the extent of his powers nor what his purpose here among the Home Fleet is.”

Nodding towards Garal Vash, who stepped forward, his eyes flicked towards Khazna in acknowledgement, “Lord Cardinal, your fleet has been tasked with entering the Demon Web system and searching for the anomaly. We believe that it leads to the Nexus itself.”

Garal Vash took over, his voice low as he locked eyes with the Lord Cardinal, “You are to consider this a black operation. You have tacit authority to do what you have to do, and punish those who oppose you in any manner you see fit. Nevertheless, the anomaly must be located before its signature vanishes.”

Lord General Klaast leaned forward, “Dr. Kur will be on stand-by, she and her team will be ready to utilize a fast vector transport to be in orbit around the planet in 6 hours.”
Straightening the Lord General faced the Lord Cardinal, “I cannot tell you the importance of this mission. You are have free reign to recover or find this anomaly. Do not fail Lord Cardinal.”

Then he turned to watch something happening in the lab where LeeRoy Brightmane was doing something.


"Uh, hello? Yeah, you, guard. C'mere, I need to ask a couple questions. If I am really to help the Angar-Ryllan Empire I need a bit of information. I'm here to improve your technology guys, that's what I do. So where's the stockpile of weapons and armor, I could improve their performance at least seventy five percent. At least."

The guard looked at the man, the metal face guard and dark visor hid any expression the guard may have had, there was a long moment before he spoke.

“Sir, you do not have clearance to enter any area without scientific personal.” The guard turned back towards the corridor.

Lord General narrowed his eyes, “I do not trust this man. Lord Cardinal what does his action tell you? I am always interested in the opinion of my Cardinals, especially those with a certain eye towards fate reading.”
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