Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vilageidiotx
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Vilageidiotx Jacobin of All Trades

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Why is this thread now the home to every US-centered political debate in the Guild? This is supposed to be a place where everyone can bitch their heart out without being judged or being insulted by anyone else! This is a place where we can be as ugly as we want to be and not feel like shit! I propose we take all the saltiness and we move it over to the ocean where it belongs. Make the Guild great gain.

I think we need a thread that is just @SleepingSilence and @Dynamo Frokane screaming at each other. It'd be like the Guild version of cock fighting.
3x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by SleepingSilence
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SleepingSilence OC, Plz No Stealz.

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

@Vilageidiotx I do find it slightly funny, that not a single person seems to bat an eye when someone just continues to do nothing but personally insult me. And it's always avoided, but the moment I feel like joining in. THEN everything has gone too far.

I keep getting fucking reminded of when people used to bully the shit out off me in school and me getting equally in trouble, solely because "i was there" so must of done something. This kind of, "it takes two to fight" is fucking wrong in practice and in sentiment. And the bias is only getting a little fucking sad...<.<

I'm sorry but does context not fucking matter to anyone at all? If a man stabs another man sixteen times, and the other mortally wounded man finally stabs back, should both be ashamed and at fault to equal degree because in essence. "BOTH STABBED SOMEONE" Does reason and logic seriously not come into play here?

You cannot honestly pretend that, it is even remotely equivalent, unless your being incredibly dishonest and disingenuous.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Frizan

Frizan Free From This Backwater Hellsite

Contest Mod Seen 1 yr ago

Vacuous platitudes and mantras piss me off.

Find something original to say, or at the fucking least say something that's already been said but put it in your own words. Stop regurgitating what your Guru of The Week told you yesterday.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SleepingSilence
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SleepingSilence OC, Plz No Stealz.

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

@Ogobrogo I haven't attacked him in anyway personally, I'm not even swearing. But if he @'s me then I will respond with a cute meme. Beyond that I'm already back to my own business.

Okay lying to someone you don't know is VERY much in poor taste, if you going to basically call someone an idiot. Which if you lie to someone's face, that IS calling them stupid, figuring they'll be dumb enough to buy it. Don't insult that person's intelligence, or mine for that matter.

And just for references sake.

The times you personally attacked me or my character.


"You're Sensitive" (but you deleted it.)

"You have a sign of very thin skin."

"You are a grammar nazi." (put there just for record.)

“You feel that sensitive”

”You are too easily offended. “

Indirectly: (Implying something without actual fact. Basically calling me a liar.)

“you can misrepresent me all you want.”

"your mnaking another blanket assertion"

"calling you sensetive wasn't helpful, but strawmanning me."

“That'll be another strawman.”

"Dont over dramatize my behaviour as some sort of loony troll we are just talking here."

“If you feel trolled than really dont know what to tell you.” (Implying something with no proof, and is basically calling me sensitive again.)

“I wasn't trying to soley piss anyone off (although I'm sure it did piss someone off)” (Implying that was part of his desire. Gee, I wonder who you tried to piss off... <.<)

"Its only an ad-hominem if the attack is irrelevant to the argument, in this case its totally relevant." (it insults my intelligence for being such a wrong thing to say. But it perfectly encapsulates his attitude. “If I don't like someone, I can call them anything I want.”)

Using memes that you admit only are meant to upset me: (and they don't. But my quick argument, if you watch a man harass a blind and deaf man, do you not care because, "the victim is unaware/uneffected by it." No you care about context and that an asshole is bullying someone in the first place.)

“I'm saying he acts like a cult leader.” (My response is No, not really.)

“Based on how silence is reacting to criticism of him, I'll probably have to.”

“The only one in this entire thread who is upset when I joke about Stefan is you.” (which is pretty clear now, that anything related to him, is only posted to upset me...so lets see how often this is used.)

(Who in their right minds, would post something like this, without basically flat out admitting their trying to piss someone off? -.-)

And my attitude: (Defending you when someone called you insecure.)

<Snipped quote by Weird Tales>
That doesn't add much to the conversation -.- Refrain from personal stuff mate. It doesn't help. XP

My very 'long' list of insults:

You're an idiot.

(And that's it.)

Yep I could see how THIS could be seen as equal. <.< (No circle jerking here, no sir.)

(Because I was not playing ad-homniem the game, despite you being so fucking desperate to egg me on, and I assume your playing victory in your mind. Because you got me to call you something -finally- after how hard you were trying...(Yet, nothing was won because in the end I won the war, you had nothing to deny from all the facts I displayed. Just because you have people wrongfully defending you, by either flat out ignoring what you said to me. Or pretending that my defense is equivalent to your attacks. Majority, doesn't mean your right, or that I feel even the least bit defeated. Hell, maybe it only makes me feel better that my disdain for most humanity is pretty legit. But I digress.)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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Dolerman Chrysalis Form

Member Seen 5 mos ago

@Vilageidiotx balls in your court now, have fun watching him lace every point he makes with profanity and caps.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by NuttsnBolts
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Moderator Seen 10 hrs ago

@Ogobrogo I haven't attacked him in anyway personally, I'm not even swearing. But if he @'s me then I will respond with a cute meme. Beyond that I'm already back to my own business.

I have a brilliant Idea...

(Wow! The ability to censor one's own mouth!)

Oh, and that's my bitch for today... two people that continue to argue and troll each other for weeks when they don't have the ability to just shut up and take in the fact that you two don't get along. Seriously!

And @Dynamo Frokane, if you respond to @SleepingSilence after their last post, you are indeed a troll. Same goes to you @SleepingSilence as the two of you and your constant bickering is really annoying.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by SleepingSilence
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SleepingSilence OC, Plz No Stealz.

Member Seen 2 hrs ago


My last post was literally proof that I'm not even remotely like what he is doing. I defended him when someone attacked him personally. My argument was purely factual until the very end.

I get the general, 'don't reply' thing and you're right I shouldn't. But please, saying I'm the same is just flat out incorrect...

Edit: Also ignoring his "u mad bro" meme comment which if that alone doesn't make it clear that person is trolling. When thats the troll catchphrase...He already did, just not directly...because frankly there is no defense...

But, why is me responding once to being trolled constantly, equal to someone harassing me? Please. I want to know why that's equal.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

@NuttsnBolts After that last meme I stopped @ing him, even after he continued to @ me, I've been paying little attention to him and focusing on my Stefan videos.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by NuttsnBolts
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Moderator Seen 10 hrs ago


My last post was literally proof that I'm not even remotely like what he is doing. I defended him when someone attacked him personally. My argument was purely factual until the very end.

I get the general, 'don't reply' thing and you're right I shouldn't. But please, saying I'm the same is just flat out incorrect...

I'm not going to, nor have the time to go through every post and find out the ins and outs of what is fully going on. The one part I notice is that you two are constantly posting back and forward and pointing out problems with each other on a personal matter more than anything else. I've even seen other topics continue after both your post and yet you two seem to necro the argument.

I merely said what I have said because out of all that I have notice the post get longer and longer and less mature over time. It's only a matter of time before one of you snap and then a mod will come in here and address the issue on a higher level. If it was me when I was once an admin on another forum, I would have given you two a week timeout as a cooldown period... but this isn't my site, nor have I done any moderation work for about 5 years now.

I will mention that everyone can see that you, @Dynamo Frokane, have been suspended from Chat so already you're in the mods sights. If I was you I would have a look and understand why that was and maybe have a think about how you could avoid escalating punishment that any further without meaning to.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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@NuttsnBolts Yes the chat suspension, youll also see that I'm not the only one who's had that 'forever' ban and others who had it are no longer 'forever' banned. So I take all that with a pinch of salt. But yeah it was a similar thing where I had an argument with someone who wanted to have the last word and I was being equally stubborn so it didn't end. This time I'm not trying to get the last word, the debate is over, and I don't want to hear anything more about it, I have videos to watch.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SleepingSilence
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SleepingSilence OC, Plz No Stealz.

Member Seen 2 hrs ago


It's fair if you don't want to bother reading the negativity, I wouldn't either. But if you did, you couldn't possibly think I'm at fault. So I implore you to not say we're the same, when it's honestly pretty clearly not the case.

And, I'm sorry but at some point, you can't just say "two wrongs don't make a right." When one person tries so hard to not escalate a problem. And the other does the total opposite.

I already brought up to a mod when the last person starting attacking me for no reason, and attacks were just going on in general. I've stated many times, I don't like personal attacks, including defending the one who was attacking me. Does that seem like something a troll, or asshole would do? This thread is the only place where attacks happen, and not just toward me. So if I was a mod, this thread would be locked in an instant. Including the fact that it's also spam. Because there's two identically named threads. But, that's just me.

Well, there's the whole thing. If that person IS banned from chat. Wouldn't it at least be a remotely fair judgement that maybe if two people are fighting, and one has been banned. That you can gather, who -started- it?

I apologize for making this personal again but I'm fully aware he has clearly pissed more than just me off. (from anonymous word of mouth.) So yes, call me immature for knowingly trying to be civil with someone who clearly is someone who pushes peoples buttons. Because I am, though I have legit excuses. (though won't share them.)

But you and others, all coming in at the very end to 'make a stand' (and only after I say something, because 5 pages of this, was just him bad mouthing me. And me basically going..."no.") Can you see why that at least seems remotely suspicious? (ignoring the several times its already happened.) So, I'm a little sick of feeling like I'm in high school. But I'll drop it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vilageidiotx
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Vilageidiotx Jacobin of All Trades

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Vilageidiotx I do find it slightly funny, that not a single person seems to bat an eye when someone just continues to do nothing but personally insult me. And it's always avoided, but the moment I feel like joining in. THEN everything has gone too far.

I keep getting fucking reminded of when people used to bully the shit out off me in school and me getting equally in trouble, solely because "i was there" so must of done something. This kind of, "it takes two to fight" is fucking wrong in practice and in sentiment. And the bias is only getting a little fucking sad...<.<

I'm sorry but does context not fucking matter to anyone at all? If a man stabs another man sixteen times, and the other mortally wounded man finally stabs back, should both be ashamed and at fault to equal degree because in essence. "BOTH STABBED SOMEONE" Does reason and logic seriously not come into play here?

You cannot honestly pretend that, it is even remotely equivalent, unless your being incredibly dishonest and disingenuous.


This is the internet. This is how it plays out. I think you take it too much to heart. Like, if Dynamo was fucking with me in the same way, i'd just make stupid jokes. The "That's my favorite channel" comment is how you play it, that was a good comment. But if you don't want to argue, just don't argue. Especially if you don't want to. And if you do argue... well, now you're partly at fault. It's like what my mother would say when I get into shit with my sister as a kid, "It takes two to tango."
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by NuttsnBolts
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Moderator Seen 10 hrs ago

Well, there's the whole thing. If that person IS banned from chat. Wouldn't it at least be a remotely fair judgement that maybe if two people are fighting, and one has been banned. That you can gather, who -started- it?

Not always the case. A prior record does not mean the other party is viewed as innocent.

What if in a situation where someone with a prior record was in fact innocent and people viewed him/her as guilty? There was actually a book that goes along with a situation like that and it's called "To Kill a Mockingbird", or if you like movies you can watch "My Cousin Vinny" where the individual(s) that were blamed were in fact innocent. It was the people accusing them that had made the mistake.

If anything, and pushing the convo off topic, watch that movie or read that book. They're pretty interesting and sometimes stories like that can help with roleplaying. I'm currently using that logic in a roleplay I'm in where the main party that is blamed has been framed for the attempted murder of someone else. :)
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by SleepingSilence
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SleepingSilence OC, Plz No Stealz.

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

@Vilageidiotx Yes, but that was sarcasm and it also wasn't a personal attack...direct or otherwise. >.> (Apples and Oranges.)

Yes, when people ignoring someone being rude and offensive, THEN go "oh, this is annoying me" "man these two. amma right?" after I'm the one that does the same, solely to defend myself after constant abuse. You can't say it's just "the internet." Bullying, trolling whatever you want to call it, is still harassment...

But no it doesn't, that's the problem. Like I said, guy stabs 16 times. Then guy stabs back. You saying. "It takes two to fight." Implies, that both members are equal to blame, and ignoring context and common sense. Their both equally guilty. And that is not correct.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SleepingSilence
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SleepingSilence OC, Plz No Stealz.

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

@NuttsnBolts It's literally almost always the case. x3

Just because two people happen to be involved in something doesn't make them equal of guilt either...

And sounds fun. Hope that goes well for you. But I will say fantasy, is different from reality. :3
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vilageidiotx
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Vilageidiotx Jacobin of All Trades

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Vilageidiotx Yes, but that was sarcasm and it also wasn't a personal attack...direct or otherwise. >.> (Apples and Oranges.)

Yes, when people ignoring someone being rude and offensive, THEN go "oh, this is annoying me" "man these two. amma right?" after I'm the one that does the same, solely to defend myself after constant abuse. You can't say it's just "the internet." Bullying, trolling whatever you want to call it, is still harassment...

But no it doesn't, that's the problem. Like I said, guy stabs 16 times. Then guy stabs back. You saying. "It takes two to fight." Implies, that both members are equal to blame, and ignoring context and common sense. Their both equally guilty. And that is not correct.

It's not a stabbing though, it's a matter of one dude fucking with you in one thread. Like, you defend yourself in a stabbing because that's a matter of life and death so nobody will say anything, but if one guy is talking shit on the street and then another runs up and turns it into arguing, people gonna be like "Look at those two angry dudes arguing."

And I don't say this as someone taking sides. I just think you'd be happier personally if you didn't let people fucking with you on the internet get under your skin.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SleepingSilence
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SleepingSilence OC, Plz No Stealz.

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

@Vilageidiotx But, unlike real life. You have all the context, right in front of you...


It's an internet version life of this, expect the one to blame is apparently both, because the other retaliated. Because one strong 'biting back' (so to speak) is the same as continuous baiting and personal attacks.

And quite frankly it looks like people are taking sides when they're liking only one persons comments and seemingly lecturing one more than the other. Despite how obviously lopsided it is. :/

And yeah, here's the catch 22. Trolls are very, very stupid individuals, I've dealt with enough of them, hundreds of them. I know how they act and think. I've also had so many bullies fuck with my life. So the 'ignore it and they will go away' thing doesn't work in real life. So I'm sorry, but it doesn't work online either. But my point is. They will 'always' think they won. If you respond, doesn't matter what you say, or if your angry or not, you'll get "lul mad bra" and they win because you "got so madz" But flip side, "ignore them" they'll know your a pushover, and continue to do it, knowing, no one, not even you. Will stand up against personal harassment and never stop. And they won again. (and frankly if you allow anyone to treat you like crap. If you didn't defend yourself, You honestly -did- let them win.)

Both defending, and ignoring. Come off as them winning to them. And frankly one, calling someone a fucking idiot, which is frankly cathartic. So what if it makes people that circle jerk him, whine at me for defending myself. So what exactly do I lose? I won't make friends with people already likely to be the bullies friend? Yeah, big loss. Or, ignore the bullying and? I gain literally nothing, even less in fact in this scenario and its not like that will make me -look- any better to people that hate me for fuck all reasons anyway.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Frettzo
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Frettzo Summary Lover

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

At first I was convinced no one was a troll in this situation. Now I'm not so sure.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vilageidiotx
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Vilageidiotx Jacobin of All Trades

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Vilageidiotx But, unlike real life. You have all the context, right in front of you...


It's an internet version life of this, expect the one to blame is apparently both, because the other retaliated. Because one strong 'biting back' (so to speak) is the same as continuous baiting and personal attacks.

And quite frankly it looks like people are taking sides when they're liking only one persons comments and seemingly lecturing one more than the other. Despite how obviously lopsided it is. :/

And yeah, here's the catch 22. Trolls are very, very stupid individuals, I've dealt with enough of them, hundreds of them. I know how they act and think. I've also had so many bullies fuck with my life. So the 'ignore it and they will go away' thing doesn't work in real life. So I'm sorry, but it doesn't work online either. But my point is. They will 'always' think they won. If you respond, doesn't matter what you say, or if your angry or not, you'll get "lul mad bra" and they win because you "got so madz" But flip side, "ignore them" they'll know your a pushover, and continue to do it, knowing, no one, not even you. Will stand up against personal harassment and never stop. And they won again. (and frankly if you allow anyone to treat you like crap. If you didn't defend yourself, You honestly -did- let them win.)

Both defending, and ignoring. Come off as them winning to them. And frankly one, calling someone a fucking idiot, which is frankly cathartic. So what if it makes people that circle jerk him, whine at me for defending myself. So what exactly do I lose? I won't make friends with people already likely to be the bullies friend? Yeah, big loss. Or, ignore the bullying and? I gain literally nothing, even less in fact in this scenario and its not like that will make me -look- any better to people that hate me for fuck all reasons anyway.

See, I don't see it as being that complicated. For me, if you just make stupid jokes and don't get involved, anyone fucking with you will get bored. If they consider that winning or something then whatever, that's their business, I don't care what they feel about the situation. And for me if I were to get hot under the collar too I'd feel silly. Now that is all personality of course, but I think it might give you an idea where other people's answers are coming from. It's not a matter of taking sides, it's just this entire discussion seems more complex then it needs to be.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by SleepingSilence
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SleepingSilence OC, Plz No Stealz.

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

@Vilageidiotx I mean it's not complicated, can agree there...

Let's be frank. I mean I know exactly where I stand, I've been on enough forums long enough. To know when people are clearly standing up for one another. It's not a hard concept to grasp. And if it wasn't entirely for political reasons (like it always is, because ya know tolerance an shit.) Was the sole reason I got so much bullshit. It may be more tolerable. Even though I -should- be used to it, and I basically am. It doesn't make it any less -temporarily- annoying. Especially when its me trying to be nice, and for a reward I get a metaphorical knife in my back. <.<

Frankly my only problem is continuing to go in this thread. (But I already know I'm not the bad guy. -.-) And since I'm not a teenager anymore (thank god.) I will never have anyone convince me otherwise, nor will I care what others think. I frankly don't even mind having enemies, if my crime is for being honest. Because I'm long past the point of trying to do the impossible and please everyone with my actions. Oh, and I know that last post came off slightly melodramatic. So, non-personal matter, and to change the subject.

My back and head are killing me again. <.<
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