Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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Argetlam350 Do Glatem Live

Member Seen 18 hrs ago

Date: April 13th 9:31:24 PM EST

It had been just another night in the Big Apple drawing to an end, but tonight would be different from any other night. In Time Square suddenly all the flashing lights and TVs went dark. For a brief few seconds everything was in utter chaos and then, the TV screens in timescreen returned, showing off a man tied to a chair and beaten in appearance. Then two red orange eyes pierced into the screen, a face covered by the shadow of the hoodie the person wore.
"Good evening, residence of New York City. How are we tonight? I'm fabulous thanks for asking and I'm your resident demon of New York, Scorn," a feminine voice said over the screens ",Now that introductions are out of the way, let us get to the main business of things which includes a lovely show. Now you all heard a few months back about the cute little group called the Syndicate right? Well I have one of their members, right back their in the chair, say hello Phil." The person in front of the camera moved out of the way and pointed it at the man in the chair, who's name was now known to be Phil. The camera zoomed in on the man and lurking in the shadows on either side of the chair could be seen two white coated men, wearing a similar jacket to the woman who had been standing in front of the camera except for the colors.
"Now Phil here is, or I should say was one of the Syndicate's glowing eye freaks. A new recruit but none the less part of the group," the female coming back into view of the camera and walking towards Phil and then sat in his lap, having a hand gentle go down his face, revealing the sharp claws on her hands. Phil's eyes were full of terror which if it wasn't for the hoodie obscuring the face of the female known as Scorn the people would of seen that it made Scorn frown.
"Now Phil you aren't smiling at the camera, I'm sure everyone wants to see a lovely smile," Scorn said sweetly and then stood up in front of the camera, her back blocking Phil from view as he shrieked in pain. Blood could be seen trickling to the floor before Scorn moved out of the way observing her handy work. Across both sides of Phil's face were scars that started at either ends of his mouth and went up to form a grotesque smile permanently on his face.
"Now see everyone can love your smile," Scorn said sweetly ",Now back to what I was talking about. Phil here is a Syndicate member. As we all should remember, a few months back the Syndicate showed themselves in a video taking away a conduit's powers, a conduit who later killed himself tragically. Well you could call this an eye for an eye but I'm a reasonable person, Phil has a chance to escape if he desires, of course though I have to make it somewhat of a challenge. Here is when the shown starts everyone."
In the background a large light went on as Scorn disappeared from view, in the background was a large tank of water, crudely constructed but none the less held together. The camera shifted, being moved to a new position and shortly set down on a platform next to the tank of water. Soon Scorn reappeared again into view, dragging Phil's chair up a set of makeshift stairs, the chair clanking against each step before being set down near the edge of the platform.
"Now Phil here has a chance of escaping this chair if he can get this key," Scorn said holding up a key in front of the camera, her face still obscured from view ",Simple enough, well this key is going into that tank." Just like that, Scorn threw the key into the tank.
"Some may think this is cruel well fine. I'll give him a chance before he goes fishing, all he has to do is kill me with this gun," Scorn said then pulling a gun from her pant pocket, a small pistol. She then proceeded to walk over to Phil putting the gun into one of his hands that were strapped to the chair and kneeling down with her head right next to the barrel.
“So Phil, all you have to do is pull the trigger,” She said, her evil grin still on her face “, Come on Phil the world is waiting. Show how you hate us Conduits. Pull the trigger. Come on. Pull the FUCKING TRIGGER! DO IT! FUCKING DO IT!”
Phil was now in sheer horror and shocked, unable to do anything despite what his brain tried to tell him to do.
“Come on Phil, it is simple I’ll say it slowly now. Pull. The. Fucking. Trigger,” Scorn said one last time as if she was talking to a child. When he didn’t, she let loose and punched him, Phil dropping the gun.
“As you see folks, Phil is a pussy, unable to do anything without his big strong green eyed protectors. He is nothing more than a grunt, unlike my group who will do what they must to survive. However, I’ll still give Phil a chance."
She grabbed the back of Phil's chair and drug it near the edge of the platform."All right Phil, your time begins....NOW!" Scorn said with a laugh of pure evil and through him into the tank, where he sank like a rock towards the bottom. Scorn began to sing as she watched with a happy smile on her face:

“The itsy bitsy spider, climbed up the water spout.
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
The spider drowned and died and that was the end of that.”

She looked back at the camera and pointed at someone behind it."Oh dusty can you bring me my hair dryer with the extension cord. If he gets out we want to dry him off fast," Scorn said in a crazed but also sweet tone.
A man came forward, dressed in an odd garb of clothes as well as having his face covered with a metal mask.
“I just hate getting my hair wet, having to spend hours drying it out, well you think Phil feels the same way? I think I should give him this. Oh Phil! Catch!” Scorn called out and then threw the hair dryer into the tank of water. When the hair dryer hit the water, electricity surged through the pool, causing Phil to jerk around like a fish all the while Scorn laughed like a maniac. Soon Phil was dead in the pool, killed by the electricity.
“Now, it’s your move Syndicate. Either step down or prepare for the blood bath that is to follow,” she said in a hushed and yet creepy tone “,The Reapers are back, and we are here to stay. Pleasant nightmares New York City."
With those final words the screens in Time Screen showed the symbol of a skull, blood trickling from the eyes that could not be seen due to a hoodie over them. In the background were two bones crossing each other, made of metal, and behind those was a tribal marking. The screens stayed like this for a minute before turning off.
The next day Phil's body was found, hanging on a billboard with the same logo from the night before, with the words 'The Reapers are back and we're looking for trouble' across it.
Date: July 16 7:01:31 AM EST
Scorn awoke to utter darkness, just the way she liked to wake up. She was alone in the room which was covered from floor to ceiling with strange and obscure images, the back of the wall being covered by the new Reaper logo that she had constructed on her own for this gang of her's. She yawned and stretched before getting up and grabbing her clothes. She put them on before heading out the door which revealed that she was on an old train, in an abandoned train tunnel. The Reapers had moved into the train and tunnel when the Syndicate had struck their first base of operations. It had been a spectacular fight to Scorn but the building had been a total loss and with the Syndicate knowing it as their base they had to find a new place, something that would be the last place anyone would look. They took the tunnel away from the homeless and drug dealers that had resided there and made it the new base for the Reapers and even spruced it up a bit.
Scorn went down the train and got out into the morning air of the tunnel, walking over to where a cracked mirror stood against a wall. She looked at her face, noticing that her lovely skull was disappearing and needed to be reapplied. It took her little to no time to replace her skull on her face, having done it numerous times before. Once it was reapplied she began her daily work. Assigning her gang members their jobs for the day, eating, and then getting ready to go recruiting for her gang. So far she had not gotten many takers to join the Reapers. It was mostly the originals that started the group. This included Scorn herself, two Reaper conduits, a Dustman conduit, and three normal Reaper members who had belonged to the old gang. Scorn had no love for norms but they could still serve a purpose for her in the long run of things so she tolerated them as long as they did what they were told.
"Now boys you do your jobs while mommy goes shopping," she said with a laugh before leaving her goons to do what she told them. She disappeared into the shadows, going to the roof tops above, the gateway for most conduits to travel. Despite how early it was this fine summer day, the city was full of life, with norms heading off to do whatever they had to do as well as conduits, jumping from roof top to roof top, or running down the street or shifting into whatever form they had to teleport around.
"Just another day in my playground," Scorn said to herself ",Something tells me this day shall be a promising one indeed."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mr_Wiki_96


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Kain sat uncomfortably on his weary sofa as he stares relentlessly at a picture of Curdun Cay scientists on his wall. The picture had holes brutally covered over most of the faces. These holes were created by some sort of highly concentrated acid. This acid was produced by Kain himself. He was staring at the picture while twirling a floating piece of liquid hydrochloric acid around his fingers. His heart was dark and it begged for their deaths and it begged for their screams. That’s what he wanted. To ear them suffer, to know their actions and their consequences. Chlorine was a beautiful thing. He could make their lungs choke or their skin sizzle and melt. He continues to stare intensely at two of the faces. The last two. One is easily findable and the either cannot be found. It was odd. The one easily locatable was called Dr Nicholas Simione. The other one however was called Dr Mikhail Petrov. Petrov has been impossible to track down, every scientist he tracked down has no knowledge of his location and there has been no record of him since Curdun Cay. It frustrates him and his willing to kill a whole city just to find him. Simione is his last lead and he hope for his sake that he has something for him. He then stands up moves towards his sink; he starts to dissipate into a Yellow-green type gas cloud and moves into the tap. He starts flowing with the Chlorine-purified water like he was one with it. It was best way of transportation. He now had to find Dr Simione.

“Clara, before you leave could you cancel all my appointments, my son’s Birthday is tomorrow.” Dr Simione said while pressing the button on his intercom.
“Certainly, Dr Simione.” Replied his secretary. It was getting late in the office and he had to make sure that he had his son’s presents all wrapped up at home. He walked towards his own personal sink, unaware of his upcoming fate. He takes the water from the tap and throws it on his face to make him look refreshed instead of tired. He grabs a nearby towel and dries his face. He then proceeds to walk to his desk but as he turns around there he was. Kain, standing there with his hood up and with anger raging in his eyes. The Doctor feared for his life in the moment and looked a deer in the headlights. His jaw dropped and his eyes widened with terror. He tries to frantically reach for the emergency button under his desk but Kain produces a tiny gas ball from his hands and threw it on the ground. It was a small Chloroform grenade and it was just powerful enough to make him weak but awake. Kain walks slowly towards him, each step creeping towards him. He then fires acidic bullets at his kneecaps, immobilizing him. He screams with all his might as the acid eats away at his kneecaps, melting them and producing a visible gas from the melting. His screams tasted delicious.

“Where is Mikhail Petrov!?” He shouted at the scientist. Simione said nothing but then Kain grabbed him roughly and threw him on the desk.
"Where is he!?” He then placed finger in his arm and started slowly moving up it, drawing a line of acid on it, creating a trail of burns on it.
“Ahhhhh, you’ll never find him!” Kain then puts his hand on the doctor’s mouth.
“That’s not the answer I was looking for!” Chlorine gas then came from the hand and was being forced downing his throat, chocking his lungs and make screams that could be heard in China. Kain then let go to resume the doctor’s speaking. “He’s in Syndicate, that’s all I know!”

Kain let go of the doctor and was quite shocked of this. No one knew who they were. They were like snakes in the dark, unknown but deadly. He would never find him; no one knew where they were and he has yet to find even a grunt or someone who is a part of it. He kicks a nearby chair in anger. He will not give up; he will find Syndicate whatever the cost. He will not let his vengeance of Ellie go in vain. He then proceeded back towards the Doctor for his original plan.
“Look me in the eye.” The Doctor, barely wake and in pain, looked him in the eye. “This is for Ellie”. Kain then placed his finger on his head and started burning an acidic hole through his brain. He screamed with pure agony as a hole was being burnt through his brain. Kain continued to look at him with pure hatred. He wanted him to suffer and burn. Unfortunately, his secretary Clara walked through the office door.
“Sir, I heard screams, is everything all-Oh my god!” She stands there witnessing her boss being burned with a hole in his skull. Kain moves his other hand fires a large piece of acid at her head. She screams with agony and eventually dies. He didn’t care about them. Humans deserve to be punished.

Eventually the screamed died out and a massive hole was left in the Doctor’s skull. He could see his brain from the hole. Kain was now left with a dead body on the desk and a dead secretary at the door. This was good. He then looks at the window and wanders. How will he find Syndicate? His plan must not stop here. He needs to find Syndicate and Petrov. While in the middle of his train of thought the TV turns on in the room and on the screen was a message from the Reapers. Apparently they had found a member of The Syndicate and their leader continued to torture him. Interesting, he recognizes her from Curdun Cay. She was the psychopath who wanted the humans to suffer. If she could find a member of Syndicate then she could help Kain find Petrov. He has no idea where to find her but he might know a way to get her attention. He then proceeded to the sink to leave the murder scene. All he needs is to make a big “bang” to get her attention.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Automaton
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Automaton Just a simple Automaton.

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Why does everything need to be so Gorey all the time?" Maxi wondered as he scoped the scene of a double bio-terrorist attack. One doctor Simone and a woman, the office building scraped the sky. Police cruisers surrounded the building's entrance's "what do you think?" a deep voice said from behind him, the voice was a harsh manly voice. agent Victor Franklin Maxi's inside on police business "nothing on the the security camera's?." Maxi asked staring down at the street below. They were on a small apartment buildings roof a few blocks away from the scene,Victor shook his head "how were the wounds inflicted?". Maxi asked again
"chemical burns" Victor answered quickly. Maxi looked at the photo's that Victor had given him, a gaping hole straight through his head "chemical burns never get that serious, defiantly a homie out for revenge." Maxi handed back the photo's to victor "i'll do what I can and come back later tonight". Maxi shook Victor's hand and then jumped off the roof, to him there was a flash of yellow light and he was flown almost all the way up the twelve story building only being saved from death by him reaching up and grabbing the edge of the roof and pulling himself up.

But to Agent Franklin it would be a blink and Maxi would be pulling himself up onto the roof. On the roof Maxi pondered what happened, remembering the photo's he was shown. He knew the man who died, he was a scientist at Curden Cay who worked with special, more powerful conduits. Maxi found it a little insulting that he didn't get to work with him, but that was probably for the best, Maxi paced around the roof top, the afternoon sun bearing down on him like a whip, pushing him harder to solve this problem. A conduit that could use acid, or some form of chemical a very interesting power indeed.

Maxi put it off until he could get into the building, he was going to meet Franklin around twelve in the morning to check out the scene. Maxi went to the edge of the twelve story building, this city was in for some bad times. The Syndicate was doing whatever bigot didn't have the stones to try and now the reapers were back and with their new leader seemed to be more ruthless than ever. "Why can't we all just get along?". Maxi said to himself as he let himself fall off the roof. Falling a few feet, staring at his reflection in the windows of the glass building he was falling fro, his dirty blonde hair was being styled by the wind, his black zip-up hoodie worn over a ripped and torn white shirt. His almost always goofy smile was wider than ever, he watched himself as he transformed into the ray of light and landed safely in an alley below.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by athanshadow
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athanshadow Amateur Occultist

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sebastian woke up like usual, in a cold hard sweat. He had another nightmare like he did every night, always the same one. His mother's screams filled his head as the monster that he summoned struck her. The look of pure terror in her eyes. He didn't even pay attention to his dad, just his mom. He always woke like that. Staring into her eyes, remembering a faint speck of rage in them that was never there. He blamed himself for that every day, what he did, why he's here. It was all his fault. Sebastian wiped away the tears in his eyes before getting off his bed and taking a shower. He thought it was funny the way the steam reminded him of his power. If it were green he might have thought he were summoning it himself. When he finished showering, Sebastian did all of his other morning duties. Getting dressed, brushing his teeth, eating breakfast.

Upon leaving his house, he waved to his foster parents. "Goodbye!" He said in a cheerful tone. They both cringed slightly and his father bid him farewell whilst his mom just waved. They had been doing that for a while, almost as if they didn't care. Sebastian brushed it off thinking that they were just tired that day like he did every day, not knowing that they didn't love him a single bit. They thought he was a monster, and surely he must be. The only reason they are keeping him in the first place is because they got a large check in the mail every month for taking care of him. Something they just couldn't pass up.

But Sebastian was blissfully ignorant in his happiness from being out of Curdon Cay. How he hated that place. At first he wouldn't use his powers at all, some of the staff even questioned if he had any. They did until one day when Augustine sent for him. They kept trying to get him to leave but he didn't. Finally he broke, he summoned a large reaper and it sliced two staff members in half while the other was severely injured. He was sent into lockdown after that but he didn't care. It was thrilling, using his powers. But every time he did, he could feel the guilt well up inside of him. He stopped using his powers again but Augustine tempted him with with something he couldn't ignore. She told him he could use his powers to help others if he learned to control them. Little did he know, he was just being turned into a weapon. Slowly, they transformed him into a proficient weapon. Not the best by far, but fairly strong. What they intended to do with him he didn't know but he knew that he was out now and that he didn't have to think about it.

As he was walking to school, Sebastian heard something from a roof above. It sounded like screaming. Sebastian only knew what he heard but he still went up, unable to resist the urge to help. He could feel himself become fragile, his skin becoming semi-translucent, his bones showing through his revealed arms and face, and just like that, he flew into the air, leaving a trail of green mist behind him. He landed on the roof, catching himself and almost falling over. There were what looked to be a conduit and a normal person. The normal, was bound by sand at the wrists and ankles, begging for his life. The conduit standing above her laughing. When he moved, he seemed to have a sort of fluid like motion with every struggle. Sebastian noticed, that it was air currents moving him around. So the normal was actually an air conduit. The sand conduit formed a spear in his hand and aimed it at the other conduits chest. But before he could strike, a dense fogged surrounded the air conduit and condensed into a brutish ghoul with large arms. The ghoul pushed the sand conduit, smashing him against the wall.

Sebastian, filled with rage, summoned a large skull and grasped it. Whispering into it's ear before he threw it at the sand conduit. It dissolved into his body and he instantly started screaming. Sebastian had whispered a single word into the skull. "Spiders." When it hit the conduit, it gave him terrible hallucinations of spiders crawling all over him. Not biting, Sebastian couldn't cause pain with that ability. Just crawling on him, hissing, baring their fangs. "Don't ever hurt a fellow conduit." He whispered in the mans ear as he writhed on the ground in fear and agony. Of course Sebastian had just hurt him but he meant not to hurt one that has not done you wrong. The air conduit, still in the cage of the ghoul Sebastian summoned earlier, was backed away and looking at Sebastian with terrible fear. He waved his hand dismissively and the ghoul vanished. Instantly the conduit screamed and flew away, the air currents blowing sand in their wake.

This always happen when anybody saw his powers. They always ran away. Always screamed at him, telling him he's a freak. Sometimes even conduits aren't extremely accepting. Sebastian just sat down angrily and pulled his stuffed rabbit Hugo, from his bag and hugged it. "Don't worry Hugo. I'm okay. As long as I can help people." He whispered to the inanimate children's toy, his recent victim still lying on the ground, finally fainting after being through so much torture.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AcerRo

AcerRo Struggling with Sobriety

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

In an underground pool hall is where Eli had spent that last few days. Drinking and passing the time, taking time for a few games of pool and other bar games. It didn't help that he maintained a residence there as well. That was one of his quarks some would say. Outside of combat, one of the few things he took away from the Cay was to never stay in the same place for too long. He held places all over the city. From an underground pool hall to a loft in Tribeca. He had places to live all over time, and on all walks of life.

His living made from giving away electricity.Also giving away electricity like he did, made it so much easier to get whatever he needed. From a place a place to live or a couple of items off the black market. It was easy to get from where he needed or wanted. Everyone knew a guy who knew someone. Free bar tabs and food from the pool hall owner. A fancy loft in the rich part of town from a real estate guru. His body made plenty enough as it was but in this world with people like the Syndicate and DUP, it never hurt to be able to get an advantage.

The Syndicate.... He didn't know what worried him more, a bunch of power stealing dumbasses with masks or Scorn. The smart money was on Scorn, that bitch was insane. He saw it first hand in the Cay and knew to keep interactions with her limited. She was more than viscous to win, and just smart enough to pull it off as well. What really worried him about her was what would happen after she got done with the Syndicate. World domination wasn't out of the question. Still it wasn't his problem just yet. He'd cross that bridge when he got there. He had much more pressing issues at the moment. For example the rum was gone and there was very pretty red head in the corner that he needed to be shot down by. Hell he might even pick before the day was out. Who knows?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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Argetlam350 Do Glatem Live

Member Seen 18 hrs ago


Keira awoke to warm sun on her face, coming through her window. She slowly got up, not wanting to leave the warmth of her bed but had to if she wished to get to her job on time. Ever since Curdon Cay though it was all ways the little things that were the most enjoyable things, stuff most people take for granted. A warm bed to sleep in, an apartment that had more then one room to it, fresh air, and so forth. She began her day with breakfast, a shower, and getting dressed, and then killed time before having to leave by watching a little TV, floating a small piece of glass in her hand and making different shapes with it it. There was still no news of Scorn or the Reapers. In one of the rooms could be found a maze of string, pictures, paper clippings, and pins holding it all together, trying to piece together where Scorn, aka Chloe, was at. Few knew the truth and it took several months after Curdon Cay before she herself and put it together but Keira and Scorn were related, half sisters, born from the same mother. Keira had tried to make friends with Scorn who had accepted Keira as a friend of some sorts but Keira couldn't always handle how Scorn was, her insanity. Yet seeing how she had pieced together Scorn bit by bit, it wasn't entirely surprising she was insane. She had led a terrible life yet from some she had heard before the death of her father and step-mother at her own hands, Scorn had been an timid and shy girl who was always kind. Something pushed her over the edge though she hadn't put that together. She wanted to try and bring Scorn around yet after the video a few months back, she wasn't sure she could. Scorn was intent with her plans it seemed, of destroying the Syndicate and who knows what else.
Keira looked at her clock and decided it was time to go. She shut off her TV and went to the window opening it. She then went over to a wall where a large piece of glass was at.
"All right, here we go. three.... two.... ONE!" she said before running out the window, jumping and then free falling. She placed the glass underneath her and formed it into the shape of a board. Before she hit the ground she suddenly zoomed up, flying on the piece of glass.
"Now this is the only way to travel," she said to herself zooming past buildings and taking turns at break neck speeds, all the while her feet remained glued to the glass. Her job was a nearby coffee shop, a job she needed after the last few jobs hadn't ended so well but she was intent on keeping this one. She slowed down when she reached the shop and lowered herself to the ground. When she was on the ground, she picked up the piece of glass and took it inside, the manager knowing what she was, allowed her to keep the piece of glass as long as it remained in the back until the end of her shift. Most people were kind to her, few anti conduit people came to the coffee shop after an incident between Keira and one of the anti conduit protesters. She was in the right for what happened and the guy got what was coming to him.
The one person though that she always was happy to see come in was a man named Zeke. He was an oddball that was for sure but from what she had heard, he had been Cole Macgrath's best friend, the saint of New Marais. She was always happy to serve him since he was a conduit advocate and had actually made a lot of headway for conduits surprisingly despite himself looking not so much the part for such a political spotlight. He owned a bar himself, in an area that was primarily full of conduits. He usually though got coffee on his way to work and she always wanted to be on top to talk with him a little. All in all it was just another day in the Big Apple.

"Oh she's checking her list, checking it twice. She's going to find out who's naughty or nice. Scorn is coming to town," Scorn said to herself as she continued her way across the rooftops ",I only want the especially naughty ones though. The nice ones will just get a beating." She laughed to herself, if anyone was around, they definitely wouldn't stay around hearing her laugh. It screamed how insane she was. She did have a list of names of people she was hoping to find, old acquaintances of hers in Curdon Cay or just people who she had found interesting in conduit prison who might of shared her interests.
"Lets see who we have on the list," she continued to herself taking out a piece of paper that was rather old and partially stained with blood ",Hmm, oh no can't find him, he's dead.... No not her, to weak..... Maybe him..... Maybe her.... Pretty sure she's a prostitute....," she did this for all the names on the list looking them over before putting it back in her pocket.
"Guess we shall just see what the cat drags in today," she said and then once more began bouncing between shadows on the rooftops. She would of kept going on her merry way if it wasn't for something that caught her eye. She saw three conduits, one tormenting another which made her blood boil. A conduit torturing one of their own? That was lower then norms standards of what they did to conduits? She would of probably gone over to help if it wasn't for another conduit that appeared, a young boy who was the third conduit who she watched defused the situation.
Interesting, she thought to herself ,He seems familiar. Wait.... Ah yes the young kid in Curdon Cay, always alone.
Once the situation seemed defused, and the kid appeared alone that was when Scorn made her presence known, appearing behind the kid.
"My, my, you are a special one aren't you?" she said walking behind him ",You have some interesting talents."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Automaton
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Automaton Just a simple Automaton.

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Maxi sat in a coffee shop, he was drinking his usual Three cream two sugar when a loud man came into the coffee shop "Zeke is here!". Maxi sighed and sipped his coffee, he needed to send a message to the reapers, make them think twice before they strike make tensions with conduits and humans worse. Maxi looked out the window of the coffee shop when he saw two reapers both of them were on a roof, looking down at the square. Maxi instantly got up and put some money on the table, his powers reacting to his emotions and footprints made of pure light were planted where ever he stepped.

As soon and Maxi was out of the coffee shop he jumped, and suddenly appeared on the building with the reapers, they both were talking about something he didn't catch. Maxi smiled "hey fellas!" He yelled as he walked towards them "Better back off before you get hurt kid" one of them said, from his pockets arose tiny metal balls "i'm warning ya". The other one had a gun on him, "bring it cowards!" Maxi laughed as his hands started to glow and he fired a few balls of light at the guy who could control metal, they hit him in the chest sending him back a few steps "why you little!".

He yelled a shower of steel balls homed in on Maxi, Maxi grunted and rolled to the right as a few steel balls flew past him [i]I can't stay in one place for too long[i] he thought as he ran towards the both of them, the one with the gun firing at Maxi. He felt one go through his hair some blood covered the top of his head. Maxi didn't stop running, in his hands formed two discs made of light, throwing them light a Frisbee they homed in on the man with the guns legs, they tripped him, then like magnets they formed, locking his legs together, his gun slid away from him, Maxi kicked it off the roof as he felt a piercing pain go threw his left shoulder, the tiny steel ball was lodged in his left shoulder. Maxi turned and threw a ball of light at the man's feet. The ball exploded sending the man into the air, giving second degree burns. Maxi jumped up and grabbed him with his right arm and let the man land safely on the ground. Maxi then threw him into the ground, throwing four light discs at him, cuffing the man "when Scorn hears about this she's gonna skin you alive!" one of them yelled. Maxi ignored them and picked them both up, Maxi ripped the bag of steel balls from the mans pocket and threw them away. He attached them to the side of the building facing the square and started his message.

After about five minutes it was complete,The words "this is my city!" made entirely out of light. With two Reaper members stuck to the wall conscious. Maxi smiled and jumped from the roof he looked at it on and watched as a crowd started to gather, they took pictures and soon a news team came rolling up. Maxi just stood and watched as the news teams reported on his work of art. Maxi smiled, this was exactly the message he wanted to send.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by athanshadow
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athanshadow Amateur Occultist

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sebastian jumped slightly when Scorn spoke, quick to his feet, Hugo still in his hand. He looked at her, making sure that she wouldn't notice he was taking her in. He noticed the distinct markings on her face and her almost menacingly delicate structure. Sebastian almost chuckled when he thought of how you could see his bones when he flew around town. The way she appeared so quickly and silently startled Sebastian. He would have to play it careful with her. Maybe she was nice, or maybe she was tricking him. "It's nothing special," He claimed. "It never gets me anywhere in life anyway.

Gently blushing, Sebastian reached out his hand almost forgetting proper etiquette in the face of another conduit. "I'm Sebastian." he stated in a slightly cheery tone. He couldn't shake the slightly scary feeling he was getting from her. He couldn't tell if it was because she was another conduit or because of how she looked. He had surely seen people who looked a lot scarier over the internet. He shrugged it off as nervousness from meeting a conduit.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AcerRo

AcerRo Struggling with Sobriety

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Eli walked behind the bar and made himself a drink. This pool hall had a little bit everything and was opened nearly twenty-fours a day. It was a bar, it was a coffee house, a restaurant, a lounge. It made a great place for any one of Eli's niferous needs, anything from a meeting place to a exchange center. It also doubled as one of his favourite places that he has ever been. All this coupled with the fact that he was extremely close to the owners and each of their families of this establishment, meant he pretty much had free run of the place all without a ever having to pay a tab. Within reason of course.

Elijah made his way over to the corner with very pretty red headed woman. After sometime and light hearted banter, situation turned south as it often it did. Seldom did any plan ever work for the poor guy. Things just had a way of working themselves out. This however, was not one of those times. This was one of those times wherein nothing good was going happen. This was one of those of those time that was going to be looked backed on and laughed about one day. While the lighthearted banter went extremely well, that was until her boyfriend showed up. He was a huge mountain of a man, and a conduit to boot. It didn't take long for the an already bad situation to turn into a fight.

Eli was by far the faster of the two, however he wasn't nearly as strong as his opponent. Who had just thrown Eli into the streets filled on coming traffic. It took him a moment to get but when Eli did, he came up fighting. Rapidly throwing bolts of lighting at his assailant, bolts that did little to nothing to slow his assailant down. Who came back with a powerful attack that sent him flying through a cafe window, smashing into a million pieces. He thanked whatever deity that guided him for superhuman endurance that all conduits held. He rolled over once on his stomach and pushed himself up. "Can't keep yourself out of trouble, aye buddy?" Came a voice from behind him.

"Whats going on Zeke?" Eli said somewhat cheerfully, if not a little winded and bruised from his morning 'exercise.' "I'll be with you in a few minutes Zeke. Gotta finish this first." Eli got to his feet and snapped his thumbs and middle fingers on both his hands forming a lighting grenade in each hand. He threw one at his assailant's face and the one at the assailants chest. A moment later they exploded, that however that one the preamble attack as he followed that with a barage of his punches and elbows using conduit powers to bolster each of them. Enraged and hurt the assailant went after Eli with a long sweeping punch that was as powerful and was it was long. Eli slipped under the punch and caught the assailant with an elbow across his jaw, using his conduit abilities he fully charged his elbow and turned it into a highly powerful attack. Eli watched the assailant fall to the ground and pass out. Eli took a deep breath and staggered back into the cafe. "So, Zeke, what's happening buddy? Anything new and exciting in your world?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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Argetlam350 Do Glatem Live

Member Seen 18 hrs ago


Keira was just enjoying her typical day, Zeke came in on cue as usual, his usual boisterous self was a pleasure to her ears. Then stuff started to go to utter chaos. One man got up and left and a few minutes later there was a commotion of gunfire which was followed by sirens and news vans. Keira briefly looked outside and sighed seeing what was outside. Two Reaper informates stuck to a building with a message written out.
"Scorn definitely will not be happy about that," Keira mumbled to herself. She had gotten to know Scorn well enough in Curdon Cay that crossing her was a very, very bad idea. She could act sweet and nice but Keira learned that was the mask, that wasn't Scorn, Scorn was the thing that everyone feared, a psychopath that wasn't afraid to do anything to get what she wanted done.
Then of course Eli came in a little while after, he was a usual customer. The only thing Keira knew about him was that he was from Curdon Cay as well, she did remember seeing him at least once or twice there. Unfortunately today it seemed more trouble was just finding its way to the quaint cafe. It appeared Eli had taken a fancy to a woman he perhaps should of checked before who she was with. The next thing Keira knew was there was a fight, with customers moving out of the way or leaving before things got to ugly. She had been finishing an order when she watched Eli get thrown out. Shortly after he came through one of the windows which made her groan as she went around the counter where she had been. By the time she was around, Eli had taken care of the fight.
"Really Eli, I'm going to make you start paying if you break the window again, thrown through or not," Keira said, using her abilities to pick up the shattered glass and started to reform it back together bit by bit. When she was done, it looked like it did before Eli had been thrown through it.
"So Zeke the usual?" she asked when she was finished and seeing she was over there she might as well get his order.
"Yeah babe the same as every day," Zeke said before looking at Eli and then also at Keira giving her a brief nod to say she should listen as well ",Can't talk much about it here but I have some information that you two might want to hear, come by the bar later and I'll share it with ya."
With that Keira went away to get Zeke's usual order of coffee. She came back within a few minutes and Zeke payed her.
"I better get going, to much excitement all ready for one day," he laughed ",Don't want to be late to opening my own bar. Keira you take care, Eli don't crash through anymore windows. Not every place has a glass conduit."
With that Zeke left, leaving Keira to wonder what he wanted to talk about at the bar. Unfortunately she wouldn't know until her shifted ended in the afternoon.
"So Eli what will it be today?" she asked.

Scorn looked at the hand and then gave a smile that was sweet, a cover up for her true self as to not scare the kid off."My name is Scorn," she said taking his hand into hers and giving it a shake ",Now as for your powers not getting you anywhere, well have you tried ever broadening your horizons, looking to see what greatest your powers could hold. Your powers aren't going to bring you what you want after all, you have to go out and do it yourself. That's where I can come in, I can help you with that."
She got distracted during her little speech by what the kid was holding, it seemed to be a rabbit.
"Oh and who's your little friend?" Scorn asked out of curiosity.
Before she could get a reply though, her phone went off, a buzzing coming from her pocket."Oh excuse me for a second," Scorn said taking the call ",Yeah what is it, Krieg?" She asked.
She didn't say anything, only listened as Krieg delivered the news. Her hand began to shake in anger, her teeth gritting in agitation. Someone had taken out two of her informates. From what she understood from Krieg, who was watching the news report of the incident, they were hanging from a building with a message. It appeared they were stuck to the building with light. She had a few conduits she could choose to blame for that, those that she had met at Curdon Cay.
She couldn't loose her sanity here though, not in front of the kid. She hid her face which showed her true face at the moment."Well take care of it then, bail them out or something but I want them back to deal with them personally, understood?..... Good, now ta-ta."
She hung up the phone and put it away before turning back to Sebastian her face now once more a mask."Sorry a little trouble with my group of friends. Conduits like us and a few norms."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AcerRo

AcerRo Struggling with Sobriety

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Eli waved to Zeke as he left. "I'll have you know that every time I have broken that glass..... It was someone elses fault... I think." His words started out with a great conviction, but lost steam as he went on. He knew that most of the times, however many that maybe, was more than likely him misusing his powers. "Second, can I get a fruit smoothie? Banana, strawberries and... peaches? I'm feeling some peaches. Any idea why Zeke would want to talk to us?"

None of the three are or were at anytime close. Infact if the truth were told, he didn't know much about either of them. He also has done a decent job of keeping most all information about himself, to himself. Eli was never, and still isn't scared at all of using his powers out in the open. Even with that in mind he kept as much as he could about himself away from other people. He still had trust issues, even with his own kind.

"Since Zeke wants to talk to the both of us, do you wanna head over there together after your shift? I'll buy the first round." He tried to ask innocently. It never worked for him, even one already knew that he was far from innocent. Eli slammed his hands together and slowly pulled them apart, lighting arcs back and forth forming the word "Pleeeeeeeease!!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expolar
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Expolar ...just a tortle...

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

After the events in Seattle with the fall of Brook Augustine and her DUP, Wes could finally stop his hiding and try to safely find some answers. Jumping one year later, Wes so far trained himself in his new found power and found out that the DUP were doing dangerous human experiments with ordinary people to become synthetic conduits, Wes being one of those few to actually survive those early testing. But the conduit that Wes felt changed his life for the worse was still out there was apparently Curden Cay before and after their release. During those early days, Wes asked numerous conduits if they knew a conduit that destroyed a house before, but there was none that match Wes’s story. It was that one year later that Wes found himself in New York City where various different conduits can be found and was where Wes hopped to find some lead there about the conduit that killed his parents and set his path to also becoming a conduit.

Already a few days into the city, Wes was surprised to see it to be such a lively place with the Reapers and conduits said to be around the city, and especially the whispers of the Syndicate also being in town. It was times like these that Wes was glad that he didn’t reveal his powers in public like other conduits that he saw jumping over buildings as he simply walked through the city. There was also some commotion occurring near a building with even a news team parked at the scene of two reapers attached to a building that had some message next to them saying "this is my city!". Close by, Wes could over hear the reporter discussion, “’this is my city!’, is this a message of some savior for us people or a conduit becoming territorial?” Wes was also confused by this matter as the message felt a bit threatening to him too.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Quadrophenia


Member Offline since relaunch

Ray sat in the back of the large truck. The truck was filled with boxes and crates filled with various objects and supplies. He had hitched a ride to New York from a moving van a day ago and had sat in practically the same position for at least 10 hours. The trucker driving the van would have gladly given Ray a seat in the front, if not for the dog that covered the two spare seats practically all year round. Still, a ride is a ride and Ray couldn't want to get out of his hometown.

Soon enough, the truck stopped and everything momentarily shifted to the back a small bit before returning to position. The back door of the van opened up to reveal the familiar trucker who had given Ray the lift. Ray hopped out of the truck before looking around his environment. He was just outside the centre of New York, apartments surrounded and littered the streets like a disease. Ray couldn't help, but grin at the thought of new life in a new city. He turned back to the driver before shaking his hand gleefully.
"Thanks, man, if there's anything I can do just tell me, I'm not exactly the most occupied person at the moment" He let out a single 'heh' before releasing the old trucker's hand from his grip. The trucker responded to Ray after looking at his new environment in the same way that Ray had done a few seconds before.
"There is one thing, if you could help me unload all this shit into the apartment I'd be really grateful." Ray grinned, he just nodded and began to help the trucker as soon as the family arrived at their new home.

With Ray's help, the unloading took no more than two hours. Ray had gotten to know the family and the trucker throughout the unloading. As it turns out, the family had a life much alike Ray's early life, albeit one thing changed. The family were rather poor a few months before the move, but they had miraculously won the lottery and after a couple of wise investments, were now living the big life. The trucker's story was rather different. He was a convicted felon who had been on the run for a couple of years now. He had changed his name since the felon and he had assumed the police were none the wiser. He had turned his life around and was now just trying to live as quietly as possible. He felt he could tell Ray this after Ray told him of his old life and why he moved.

With one last wave goodbye to both the trucker and the family, Ray was on his way to the core of the big apple. After 20 minutes or so of walking and getting momentarily lost, Ray was finally in amongst the crowds of Times Square. He looked up at all the screens displaying adverts and whatnot on screens a hundred times larger than Ray had ever seen before. Plays, TV shows, phones, you name it and it was advertised. At least for a little while before the screens began to flicker and something a bit more grisly appeared on the screens. Ray looked around at the crowd, they looked as confused as he did, it didn't take a genius to figure out this wasn't some advertisement and was actually happening.

Ray ducked into an alley way before changing his centre of gravity to allow him to walk on the nearby wall. He did have the ability to fly, but it was rather complicated and Ray didn't exactly like the feeling of flies batting against his face when he flew. He soon reached the top of the roof, and clambered up a billboard until he was standing with the heels of his shoes on the edge of the billboard. He was crouched, staring at the screen. The events got more and more gruesome as time went on. It was soon apparent that it was conduits causing this as a reaction to the Syndicates recent power taking of a conduit. Ray shook his head before thinking about what this could mean for him. The public opinion of conduits was getting worse and worse, and this wouldn't help. If they were to win the war on the Syndicate they would have to do it peacefully, and not sink down to their level. That was all thrown out the window by some dumb girl who thought she was the next 'Joker' or something.

He stretched his back before letting himself fall backwards off of the billboard, adjusting his centre of gravity to make his fall on the roof as light as a feather. He stared up at the night sky. The stars mesmerized him, he would always love to camp out in his backyard as a kid and just stare up at the night sky for hours on end. He raised his head before pulling his hood up over his cap and checking if there were any obvious points of access up to the roof that anyone looking to rob or stab Ray might access. There were none, the roof was virtually accessproof to anyone that didn't have some sort of power to get up. He slowly drifted off to sleep, he'd sleep here tonight, and get proper accommodation the next day.
It had been a few months since Ray had spent his first night in New York. He now had a dingy little apartment in the Bronx. He had gotten a job in security at some hotshot record firm. It wasn't so bad, he got to listen to practically any music he wanted on the job which consisted of sitting and staring at a TV screen for the mornings of five days. He had recently just got of work and had just changed from his work clothes back into his casual clothes which consisted of a hoodie, cap, jeans and sneakers. He carried his work clothes in a sports bag that hung around his back.

He headed home after work. While the block he lived in was filled by various people of various paychecks, there seemed to be a great sense of community spirit. Some areas of his block were beautiful, and the people who lived in them had enough money to actually decorate the outside of their homes without sending a complaint to the government to do it for them. The other side was quite different, some people had barely enough to pay for good quality food and the insides of their houses were almost always damp and dreary. Ray's home wasn't anything special. It was in good condition if a little messy, but that was more his fault than anything. He shoved his work clothes in the washing machine before watching TV for an hour or so. He left after that, he felt like he was getting cabin fever or something.

He began to just wander about the city, he'd lived there for a few months, but never really seemed to go anywhere outside of his vicinity. He made his way to some coffee shop near the centre of town. He didn't even really like coffee or tea or anything like that, he just wanted to break from the norm. He saw a familiar face at least, Zeke. He'd been in his bar once or twice before, but had never really talked to the guy. He ordered the exact same thing as the person in front of him and practically just left it in front of him at the table he sat at.

Soon enough, things got interesting. An argument sprouted up and soon after a fight. Before he knew it, someone was thrown through a window and onto the table Ray was sitting at, crushing the drink he wasn't drinking. If this was what life was like in the Big Apple then it sure was interesting. He moved to the table next to him, he preferred not to get involved in shit like that.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Automaton
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Automaton Just a simple Automaton.

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Maxi had left, and was on his way home, he had enough of being a hero for today. But as he was running he remembered something, the girl who served him was from Curden Cay, he didn't realize why he hadn't remembered before. He Shrugged it off and he would talk to her later. He approached his rooftop apartment. Yes it was illegal to live on a rooftop, but he knew some people and he made it work. The small portion of the rooftop had a worn leather chair and a small battery powered Television. he sat down and flicked on the T.V. he didn't sleep here, too risky he slept int he basement of the building, why didn't he just rent an apartment? not as cool. And this was quick access he could run off the building and he could be lighting himself before someone would could say "holy shit it's a man wielding light!". Literally.

After a few minutes of watching he flicked it off and set it down and just thought for a while. How could he get the reapers and hurt them?. Scorn would soon hear of his message if she hadn't already. She would plan a counter attack. he needed an Ally, that girl from the coffee shop would be a good pick, they had already exchanged a few words which weren't angry. That was like being best friends in Curden Cay. Maxi Grunted, he was a procrastinator he needed to do it rigth now or not at all he sighed and jumped off the roof and 'lighting' himself to a nearby building.

Maxi got back to the square soon enough, his message burning brightly, some firefighters tried to get the men off the roof maxi giggled and he light sped onto the ground so no one would see his light. Wouldn't want this aura of Mysteriousness go away. He entered the coffee shop. he hadn't thought of what to say until now, so he went and sat in his usual booth, his mug and money were still sitting there. He sat down and thought of his next move. Would he just get up and ask for her help or would he wait until the end of her shift and then ask?. Time or Impatience would tell. He ordered another coffee.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expolar
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Expolar ...just a tortle...

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Wes continued walking the streets after the event with the two reapers attached to a building. Although it only been a few days Wes was still a bit confused around the city as to where to go “A place where a bunch of conduits hang out would be great, but they’re not as noticeable if their just walking around casually like me.” Wes said muttering to himself. Some time had pass as he explored the city when he suddenly saw some guy instantly appearing a couple feet away from him. Surprised by the man’s sudden appearance, Wes quickly stepped back just to make sure if was about to be mugged or not by the conduit. Safe to say, Wes wasn’t going to be mugged, but the conduit began walking away as Wes began thinking that this conduit could lead him to others. So after following the conduit from a distant, he went into some store which was a coffee shop when Wes arrived, saw the man seated inside with other people who Wes thought could also be potential conduits and decided to go inside and seat a chair away from guy.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PhoenixEye9
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Milo was watching Scorn, it gets hard at times with that blasted Shadow Teleportation, but at least she never seemed to go far with it. She was talking to a rather impressive conduit, he's seen him before, seen him in action, but still never found out his name. "Well might as well drop in," Milo said to himself, if she's gonna have a stalker she may as well be aware of it. Milo quickly shot himself off of the roof down to the two. "Hello to the both of you," he said with a calm and cool voice as if he totally did not just fall out of the sky interrupting a normal conversation between the infamous gang leader Scorn and another conduit.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by athanshadow
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athanshadow Amateur Occultist

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Sebastian watched as Scorn talked on the phone with an unknown speaker. Looking at her, even though she seemed extremely sweet, he couldn't shake the feeling of pure malice he got from her. He just brushed it off and responded to her when she finished the call. "Oh. I'm sorry. Do you want me to help you? I'm sure I could be useful in some way," He thought for a moment. "And I really didn't feel like going to school today anyway." Before he could expect a reply from Scorn, a man fell from the sky and landed right next to them so that Sebastian couldn't see his power. Sebastian jumped back and his skin turned translucent for a moment, exposing his small, thin, bones. Sebastian coughed, slightly embarrassed and said "Hello." In a weak voice.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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Argetlam350 Do Glatem Live

Member Seen 18 hrs ago


Before Scorn could give a proper reply to Sebastian some new conduit appeared. She gave a slight sound of agitation. Yes she wanted more conduits for her cause, she needed competent people to help her, unlike the two low lives who had just been reported to of been caught, however she preferred one on one meetings. It made things simple and quick, she had many plans to put forward and little time to do so. Plus Sebastian was like a tightrope still, one slip and she would loose a unique conduit who had her curiosity peaked to see what else he could under her wing.
Despite the interruption though she kept a cool head and looked at the conduit that now stood in front of her while Sebastian was next to her."Hello as well I guess though perhaps a knock would be preferred before interrupting a conversation," she said now having a better chance to observe the new conduit. He didn't seem much older then Sebastian, perhaps a year or two but still quite young.
Hmmm, perhaps another prodigy that I can mold and use for my benefits, Scorn thought to herself.


"Really you have to resort to begging?" Keira said as she saw the lightning letters between his hands. Her mouth though formed a twitching smile on the edges of her lips, and it was all just joking. She knew Eli wasn't innocent, how can someone who gets into so much trouble be innocent at all but she had nothing better to do and going to the bar with someone would be better then heading there alone. Plus Eli wasn't always bad to be around when it didn't involve the need to fix glass windows.
"Oh fine since you have resorted to groveling," she joked ",My shift ends at three in case you wanted to do anything before then. Remember you are buying first rounds." She finished before heading off to take a few other orders as well as get Eli's his. She noticed that the man who had disappeared earlier before the lovely message on the building across the street had appeared, was back again though it was probably nothing more then coincidence since she didn't bother to check, being in a rush and all though she reminded herself to keep an eye on him, for her sake as well as his. She wasn't sure how much the guy knew about Scorn if he was the one who wrote the message but she knew that when Scorn found out who did it, he would have a target on his back.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PhoenixEye9
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"If you want me to knock, then you may need a door," Milo said with the most smartass voice he had. He looked over to the the jumpy boney boy, "learn to stay calm may save you some pain." Milo suddenly remembered why he came down, if he was going to stalk Scorn she may as well know who he was, he quickly decided against letting her know he was "technically" stalking her. "Before you bother asking about a name, it's Milo, Milo Cash. And who are you two?" He couldn't let Scorn know he already knew he she was, had to keep the numbers rolling for him only
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AcerRo

AcerRo Struggling with Sobriety

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Eli slowly brought his hands together and started rolling his hands in a circulation. Slowly he opened his hands, electricity arcing all around his hands. When he opened an electric butterfly came started flapping. Hidden rather obviously in each wing was a Y and in the body was an A. "They always said I could charm even the loveliest of creatures." A chuckle in his voice and child like grin on his face. It was almost sickening how much he loved having conduit powers. How we could do almost anything with it as well. It was amazing in every sense of the world.

Flying. Offence, defence, magnetism, all at the edges of his fingers tip. Lighting bolts of all shapes and sizes, different colors and level of powers. Lighting grenades that exploded over time or at the snap of his fingers. Explosions that could be changed from He had produces up to six at a time. With different kinds of explosions. Some highly precise others with a high blast radius.

None of this included his ability to magnetise metal object. Metal objects he could use to fly, lift and throw things. He could also create a magnetic field around objects. He used this ability to make his grenades
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