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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by facelessrecon


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Welcome to the city of Haleton. It is a relatively small community,. The city holds a school, a movie theater, 3 sandwich shops, and 1 shopping center. However, beneath this normal facade lies a much more powerful secret. In this town, there are those with mystical powers. They are all taught by one person, Ms. Galeyard who they meet with after finishing their regular schooling. With Ms. Galeyard's help, these young witches will grow in power and soon be able to help others on their own. Or maybe they want to use their powers for another reason? Whichever way it may be, keeping their powers a secret is difficult enough. While trying to develop their powers, they have to keep up their regular life and avoid being detected by Witch Hunters, who have discovered a few witches careless enough to get caught. This is the story of the Gifted Ones. This is how it begins...
The storm rages on outside, the rain assaulting the window. Lightning cracks, startling the girl sleeping. She breathes deeply, glancing around nervously. She always hated storms, mostly due to the loud and constant noise. She glanced towards her light switch which suddenly flipped itself into the on position. She rolled out of bed groggily and proceeded to the bathroom. Shutting the door automatically behind her. After a few moments, a toilet flush echoed through the house. She never understood why everything seemed like it made so much more noise at night. She stood up, glancing at this side of the door. As she did, her whole body went cold. A crimson liquid, still fresh, dripped down the door. It was painted on in the form of a word. Just one word: Witch. She glanced around quickly, checking the shower and cabinets for an intruder. She gulped, slowly opening the door, ready with her magic. The girl peeks out, checking the hallway. She tiptoed to her room, the feeling of being watched washed over her body. As she backed up to the far corner of her room, she glanced around. No one was here, but they were in her house. She quickly began to unlock the window. As she finally unlocked it, and began to slide it up. Lightning illuminated the sky and then she saw him. His reflection on the window. He was unmasked, not that it mattered. Within a split second, she turned to confront him and instead she felt a cold sting hit her in the chest. It was a numb feeling, but she knew she was in pain. She slowly looked down and saw the knife in her chest. She looked up, as if asking why, before she collapsed to the ground. The man glanced around and picked up the body. The police would think she was just another teen runaway. That's what they would tell her school, her parents, and anyone who asked. The witches were going to burn.
  • No godmodding.

  • Keep it clean. Unless we're talking about violence.

  • Do not one hit anyone, in any circumstance, unless approved by the character owner.

  • Listen to Facelessrecon, aka me, I kind of know what I'm doing.

  • All talent choices must be approved.

  • You are not a master at anything, even if it is your talent.

  • OOC stays in the OOC. IC stays in the IC.

  • Characters cannot repeatedly miss days of school.

  • Character Sheets do not need to be 20 paragraphs long, but give us something to work with.

  • You can have up to two characters, preferably one witch and one regular/

  • Name:
    Age(15-18) :
    Regular or Witch:
    Talent (Only for Witch, pick one) :
    If you have any questions, concerns, insults, or compliments please feel free to message me at any time!
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by facelessrecon


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    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Solita
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    Solita Queen of Awkward

    Member Seen 2 yrs ago

    Alright! Took me a while, but I finished my character! Also, hurray for being first! Sort of!

    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by facelessrecon


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    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Soul


    Member Seen 9 yrs ago

    I'm guessing that the talent is the 'power'?
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by facelessrecon


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    Soul said
    I'm guessing that the talent is the 'power'?

    The Talent is the magic they specialize in, the kind that that comes easiest to them! :)
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Soul


    Member Seen 9 yrs ago

    Name: Artemis Demoria

    Age: 16

    Appearance: Artemis is a rather...'formal' looking male, with a naturally slanted nose, and a pale, angular face, though due to his age it's still losing some of it's original baby fat. His eyes are a bright, yet calmed black, seemingly taking in and analyzing everything. Art's hair is rather odd as well. A shade of peculiar white, lightly folding between his coal-like eyes and naturally rolling down his head and hiding his ears; a wonderful canvas of bone-white hair set into a natural 'slicked-back' hairstyle. He stands within the average height of a child his age, if not a tad smaller, his body-form both slender and fit from dieting and common exercise, more often then not the exercise ends up being jogging or swimming. Artemis's usual choice of clothing is light, casual, and yet oddly formal, preferring to feel the breeze, as they say.

    Personality: Art is rather...distant, once you actually meet him the first time. Easily dismissive of anyone other than people he find worth talking to or interacting with, and a rather mocking, sharp, and sarcastic person once forced to interact with someone loud or, in his eyes, annoying. He has no trouble making friends; his rather...soft, monotonic voice could be hypnotizing when enforced, and his seemingly regal, yet quiet appearance does little to run off any potential friends. No, what sets him apart from possible friendships is, as you guessed it, his actual personality. Naturally quiet and calm-headed, Artemis tends to think things through quickly and calculatingly, a tribute to his immensely tactical and intelligent mind frame. He could be seen as cold and brutally honest, due to him not pussy-footing over insults or wordings, but if you actually manage to befriend him then be prepared for an overly-protective guardian. Once with friends and not strangers, Artemis's personality subtly shifts; he becomes more...'chilled' instead of 'frigid', and could be a kind, warm-hearted gentleman, a lot more laidback then his previous posture, and a general treat to be around. When not among friends, and with strangers, Artemis tends to keep to himself, either reading a book or practicing magic that he otherwise didn't know, or certain skills that he is average with. When there's something to do, Art does it with the utmost efficiency and sharpness, though he could sometimes be lazy and mess something up if he believes it to be unworthy or a waste of time, which, most of the time, it ends up being. Despite his flaws and strengths, Artemis is a big 'softie' on the inside, liking companionship and friendship even if it seems as if he doesn't at times. Yet, if you anger him enough, which is unlikely, prepare yourself. Isn't afraid to speak up, and is often annoyed by shy, weak-willed boys and girls.

    Regular or Witch: Witch

    Talent: Artemis is a prodigy when it comes to arts relying on the usage of the ice, water, and snow, along with it's components.

    History: His history isn't something exceedingly great. Artemis grew up in a rich, noble, and overall ancient family, living in solitude for most of his life. His parents were never there, and the only people to keep him company was a lot of maids and butlers. Of course, they were not hired to be a babysitter, so love and acknowledgement wasn't, and still isn't, something he was/is used to. This caused Artemis to put on a stoic and cold font, yet no one looked past his mask, and this only enforced the mask to meld into actual reality. He threw himself into studying, and utilized the maids and butlers to teach him privately whenever they were not busy cleaning or lounging around. Eventually, at the age of 7, while studying for a test, Artemis learned of something amazing; he had magical prowess! It starated when he froze a glass of tea, and it was further proven when he actually floated when going for a daily jog. This relevation only cemented his fears, and through sheer fear of being found out, he ran away from home at the age of 9, being sent to an orphanage only a week later. There, in the safety of his own room, did he practice his magical powers where no one would find him, becoming well-versed in the cold, frigid, yet soothing power of his element. He learned to contort ice into various shapes, pull water out of thin air to use as whips, and to even levitate and give himself a permanent boost of both agility and speed by blessing his legs and body with the swiftness of the Wind. Eventually, he was found out when drifting through a nearby forest park by Ms. Galeyard. The needed acknowledgement helped the young boy, turning him into whom he is today.

    Extra: N/A
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by facelessrecon


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    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Soul


    Member Seen 9 yrs ago


    Excuse me for asking, but where will the 'regulars' come into play on this? If our characters are hellbent on keeping their powers secret, that is.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by facelessrecon


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    Soul said
    Awesome.Excuse me for asking, but where will the 'regulars' come into play on this? If our characters are hellbent on keeping their powers secret, that is.

    One, they will serve as a story advancer when in the school setting.
    But most importantly, just because you want to keep something a secret, doesn't mean you always can... especially in High School. Which also provides a link for the witch hunters (who I may allow to be roleplayable [if that's a word?]). They are pretty much there so that it's not all just magic, to show that these people really are living in a normal world. I don't know if that makes any sense, but I wanted there to be a human aspect to this, to show that even those these guys have unlimited potential, they have to put up with the same crap we all did. I probably sound like I'm on drugs. .-.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Soul


    Member Seen 9 yrs ago

    No, I completely understand. I just didn't want them to end up being cannon fodder or something.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by facelessrecon


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    Soul said
    No, I completely understand. I just didn't want them to end up being cannon fodder or something.


    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CLIW
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    CLIW ( ರ Ĺ̯ ರೃ )

    Member Seen 3 yrs ago

    Name: Phillip Garret
    Age: 16
    Appearance: Very slim with tiny muscles and big glasses. He has a specific designated color that he wears for every day of the week. He's very pale, with light brown hair and blue eyes. He's pretty ordinary-looking, if you can get past the occasional weird random gestures he does.
    Personality: Phillip is a high-functioning autistic, which explains the colors and the gestures. He is terrible at interacting with people, and he really doesn't like being touched. People would need to get express permission (mostly written) to hug him, although the only ones to have signed on so far are his parents and his younger sister. He really doesn't care about offending people, which is good, because he thinks out loud. Many of his teachers don't like him because he's always questioning their teaching- "What do you mean we can't chew gum? That increases the flow of blood to the brain which makes us think better, are you trying to wreck us sir, are you trying to wreck our grades?" He likes cats a lot, too. Schedule changes? Nope nope nope.
    Regular or Witch: Regular
    History: His entire life has been a history of everyone around him trying to cope with his odd quirks. His parents of course are used to it, because being asked to mark the exact amount of calories in your son's lunch eventually gets in your head.

    Name: Tracy Neil
    Age: 17
    Appearance: Frizzy red hair that she attempts to tame with a ponytail, dark green eyes and tannish skin with freckles. She has a nasty-looking scar on her right hand from getting it smashed in a car door when she was little, and limited dexterity in that hand. Needless to say she's a lefty.
    Personality: Caring, protective, only opens up to a few people, confident. She's also pretty humorous and will happily go along with any mean-intentioned "ginger" jokes made in her vicinity. She watches out for Phillip quite a bit to keep him out of trouble. She is currently trying to go through the process of getting permission to hug him, but he's the last person to tell she's a witch, because he'd be quite loud in his reply.
    Regular or Witch: Witch
    Talent: Illusion casting?
    History: Not very out of the ordinary. Unless being a witch is hereditary, her parents don't know she is one, and she was raised normally. She discovered her talent (obviously I'll edit this out if not approved) when a large dog began chasing her little pre-teen self while barking ferociously, and not aware that the poor thing only wanted to play she caused it to hallucinate and curl up on the ground whimpering while she ran home.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by facelessrecon


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    Accepted! I'll add you to te list when I get home!
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CLIW
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    CLIW ( ರ Ĺ̯ ರೃ )

    Member Seen 3 yrs ago

    Thank you!
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Solita
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    Solita Queen of Awkward

    Member Seen 2 yrs ago

    Oh hey, Soul! That's two RP's we'll have together now!
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Amestris


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    Name: Lilith Ayers

    Age (15-18): 15

    Appearance: Lilith is 5”7’, with black hair that she bleached at the ends, turning it into a honey-gold color. Her right eye is sapphire, and she’s blind in her left eye, making it a washed-out blue jean shade. She has olive-toned skin that looks a bit off, since she hates the sun and avoids it as often as possible. Lilith’s slim, and isn’t really picky about clothes, though she would never wear anything pastel, or a dress. Normally she just puts on a black and neon shirt with jeans and a hoodie, nothing really special, and she will only wear sneakers, unless it’s summer. She always has these electric-blue headphones on, because her ears were very sensitive to start with, and after she went blind in one eye, her hearing sharpened.

    Personality: Lilith is very rebellious, though she only shows it in ways she can’t get in trouble for. She has trouble socializing with people, not because she’s shy; it’s just that she finds people rather dull and stupid. She’s more street-smart than book-smart, though she still manages to get good grades (Devil knows how). Lilith likes manipulating people, mainly because its fun and the idiots don’t know what they’re actually doing. Others might call her emotionless, but she just prefers to express herself in different ways. Even if she’s half-blind, don’t sneak up on her, especially on her free time. She’s probably drawing or plotting your demise. She hates it when people call her Lili.

    Regular or Witch: Witch

    Talent (Only for Witch, pick one): Umbrakinesis (Shadow Manipulation) and some other closely linked magic in the same type. (You know, shadows… death…yeah. But she can’t kill with a touch or anything. That’s godmodding.)

    History: Lilith was raised as a Witch Hunter. Her parents were famous ones, and they always dreamed that she would be the same. Unfortunately for them, she turned out to be a witch at the age of ten, and they kicked her out. That was the one time her rebelliousness got her in trouble. Ms. Galeyard found her when she was beating up some teenagers who tried to sell her crack, after she told to f*** off and managed to stab someone’s shoulder with a shadow-blade she conjured.

    Extra: She likes heavy metal and screamo, mainly because she can turn it down until it’s at a volume she can take, and it still sounds ‘loud’. It makes her feel more normal.
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Venom
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    Member Seen 7 yrs ago

    Is this still open?
    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by facelessrecon


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    Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by facelessrecon


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    Amestris said
    Name: Lilith AyersAge (15-18): 15Appearance: Lilith is 5”7’, with black hair that she bleached at the ends, turning it into a honey-gold color. Her right eye is sapphire, and she’s blind in her left eye, making it a washed-out blue jean shade. She has olive-toned skin that looks a bit off, since she hates the sun and avoids it as often as possible. Lilith’s slim, and isn’t really picky about clothes, though she would never wear anything pastel, or a dress. Normally she just puts on a black and neon shirt with jeans and a hoodie, nothing really special, and she will only wear sneakers, unless it’s summer. She always has these electric-blue headphones on, because her ears were very sensitive to start with, and after she went blind in one eye, her hearing sharpened. Personality: Lilith is very rebellious, though she only shows it in ways she can’t get in trouble for. She has trouble socializing with people, not because she’s shy; it’s just that she finds people rather dull and stupid. She’s more street-smart than book-smart, though she still manages to get good grades (Devil knows how). Lilith likes manipulating people, mainly because its fun and the idiots don’t know what they’re actually doing. Others might call her emotionless, but she just prefers to express herself in different ways. Even if she’s half-blind, don’t sneak up on her, especially on her free time. She’s probably drawing or plotting your demise. She hates it when people call her Lili.Regular or Witch: WitchTalent (Only for Witch, pick one): Umbrakinesis (Shadow Manipulation) and some other closely linked magic in the same type. (You know, shadows… death…yeah. But she can’t kill with a touch or anything. That’s godmodding.)History: Lilith was raised as a Witch Hunter. Her parents were famous ones, and they always dreamed that she would be the same. Unfortunately for them, she turned out to be a witch at the age of ten, and they kicked her out. That was the one time her rebelliousness got her in trouble. Ms. Galeyard found her when she was beating up some teenagers who tried to sell her crack, after she told to f*** off and managed to stab someone’s shoulder with a shadow-blade she conjured.Extra: She likes heavy metal and screamo, mainly because she can turn it down until it’s at a volume she can take, and it still sounds ‘loud’. It makes her feel more normal.

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