Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fox of Spades
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Fox of Spades Evil Overlord

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Yep, there's a lot of time because this chapter probably won't end until mid-July ^^

Aside from that, it'll give us time to iron out the kinds if we find any. I hope the wait isn't too bothersome :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SillyGoy
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SillyGoy Goius Sillius

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Interested, but I'd rather read than participate.

EDIT: Scratch that. I'll try to whip up a character.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fox of Spades
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Fox of Spades Evil Overlord

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Thanks for the interest ^^, looking forward to the characters you guys come up with.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Enigma
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Enigma Mostly Harmless

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Name: Wakahisa Kei
Age: 17

Kei is a restless young man. Always ever so calm in mannerism and expression, he emits a presence of warm self-esteem and compassionate reliance. On the inside however, Kei is anything but calm. While he does have a well-established feeling of self-worth and a sense of caring for others, he feels a never ending restlessness in his heart. No matter where he is, how far he has traveled or how many places he has been to, every fiber of his being seems to tell him he hast to be somewhere else. To the outside observer it would seem he was a little distant from time to time, distracted even, gazing off into the sky or the sunset. In truth it is his silent longing for something he can't discern himself. There is no question and no answer, only the search for both, the never ending search that seems to have no purpose and no goal.

On a more daily basis, Kei is what seems to be a nice, if slightly odd guy. Absent minded and a little dorky in social situations, he is the kind of guy who looks reliable and who you’d like to spend some calm quality time with. His tendency to hang around without saying or doing much most of the time makes him an ideal companion for both very talkative people who like to fill someone with their words they need to get out, or very quiet, introvert or shy people who need someone to spend time with in relaxed silence. Either way, Kei seems like the kind of guy most people will like to hang around with, even if he has certain tendencies towards… weirdness. Paradoxically, he has very few close friends, as his fading presence usually leaves little more than a warm impression and a feeling of "he's a nice guy... but I can't quite grasp him". Giving off little facial expression, his visage is usually inhabited by a calm look and the most prominent visitor on his face is a lax smile sometimes accompanied by a slightly raised or furrowed brow. It is not, however, that Kei is without expression. It’s just that his face is not the one doing the expressing. If he is feeling talkative for instances, Kei has a very distinct tendency to babble. This does not mean that he’ll be any less deadpan, just that words are going to surge out of his mouth non-stop. On other occasions he might express what he is thinking or feeling in different, unique and mostly quite curious ways.

With a distinctively geeky streak, Kei is a fan of anything nerdy from computer games over cartoons and movies to obscure music bands. As such references to the things he likes will oftentimes escape his lips, to either the amusement or bemusement of his peers. Kei has been playing the drums since he was twelve years old and was part of the band club during high school. This, together with his sporadic visits of a drawing class, lead to him having a solid social circle he’d surround himself with. Yet Kei always felt out of place, like he couldn’t really grasp the people he’d gotten close to. Being a bit of a drifting soul, Kei would often hang around by himself in all kinds of places in and out of town. On his favorite spots he’d often sit down comfortably, put on his headphones and begin drawing sketches of whatever caught his interest in his surroundings. The fact that his drawing skills are nil does by no means keep him from doing so.

Kei is a child of chance. With a firm belief in the fact that “everything will work out somehow”, Kei will seldom take action to stir things his way, yet everything always somehow seems to fall in place in his favor.* He does not believe that there is anything supernatural such as ghosts, demons or a god, but he has a notion that something like fate has to exist.

Kei's headphones are his constant companions. Wearing them around his neck at any time, be it casual or business, they never seem to leave his side, though it remains a constant mystery if he ever actually listens to music on them, as no eye witness accounts can be made of him putting them over his ears. In truth, Kei simply doesn't listen to music whenever people are around, as he believes it to be rude. What he actually listens to with his earphones on the occasions he uses them is not music, but calm, relaxing sounds such as the splashing of waves on the beach with seagulls in the background, or the rippling noise of rain on different surfaces underplayed by distant thunder. Noises like these are the only things that seem to calm his inner restlessness a little, if only for a very short time.

Back story:
Kei, as his name already implies, is a child of Japan. His family owns a little house in the vast sea of urban Tokyo and Kei has spent his childhood years there. Growing up in a calm neighborhood, Kei’s life has been anything but exciting so far. The neighborhood he lives in is decent, if a little on the low income side, but his parents always made do. His father has a middle management desk job and his mother is a housewife. During his high school years Kei found one or two friends, whom he grew close with, but even they failed to truly grasp the otherworldly presence that is Kei. Kei used to be bullied when he was younger - mostly by people he talked to about his inner restlessness and his search for something he couldn't name. As children are when they can't understand another child, they picked on him for saying weird things and ostracized him. This is probably the reason for Kei’s slightly distant attitude. Some particularly hurtful events left him with a few emotional scars that add to his tendency of not making close friends and creates a reflexive barrier between him and other people that is difficult to breach.
Knowing about their sons indiscernible yet very real constant drive to be somewhere else, Kei’s parents always found the money to travel far and wide across the country, though they could never afford going abroad. No matter how much of Japan he saw however, the discontent in Kei’s heart never vanished, and so he hoped he would find what he was looking for if he set foot in that mysterious train.

What did you wish for?:
“I’d wish I had a wish”
All his life Kei has been looking for something, but he could never put his finger on what it was. He would always be searching, never finding. The train showed Kei a glimpse of what it was he was looking for in the form of a golden feathered bird.


Might as well give ya all the list I jotted down when the image of Kei started forming in my mind
- Restless. Searching for something he can’t name
- Child of chance. Always relies on his luck. Mostly successfully
- Heads in the clouds
- Calm. Prone to sudden bursts of emotions
- Nice and smiles. Watch out for his frown
- Just a bit odd at times
- Sociable. Likes people, even if they don’t like him
- Tends to babble. Mostly to himself. Refer to: Just a bit odd at times
- Loading screen. Sluggish by choice. Not slow witted though
- Geeky. Frequent cultural references. Refer to: Just a bit odd at times
- Inner World. Lots going on in there, little is reflected
- Did I mention he might act a little… curious from time to time?

*[Note about the chance part: I’m not planning on godmoding him through “luck” or having him be a motionless jerk who waits for things to fall in place for him. I just thought it might make for some fun opportunities of him being a lucky bastard sometimes/somewhere in the RP =3]
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fox of Spades
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Fox of Spades Evil Overlord

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Hey Enigma :D Kei looks like a pretty cool guy so far, and I don't see anything wrong with your CS.

You're pretty early though xD so you'll have to play the waiting game for a bit. I hope you don't mind too much :P! I'll list down the people who have expressed their interest so far.

Enigma - CS submitted
The RC Master
Altered Tundra - CS submitted
Liriia - CS submitted

After everyone has sent in a sheet, my co-gms and I will be looking through them and picking the ones we think will fit best in the RP :D! At earliest, they'll be able to join in by around mid or late July, but I'd like to have the sheets submitted sometime around the 10th-12th so we'll have time to evaluate. Does this sound cool? Oh and once again, sorry that the waiting period is a tad lengthy ^^
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by cerozer0
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cerozer0 Starboy

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

While I do have some things going on in my life right I can't help but feel captivated by this unique game. Could I possibly whip up a CS as well?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fox of Spades
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Fox of Spades Evil Overlord

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Hey Liriia, go ahead :D! Thanks for the interest.

As long as you get a CS up before the 12th it should be fine. In fact, if anyone else wants to whip up a CS go ahead. Though we do have quite a handful of people so after the 12th submissions will be closed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by cerozer0
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cerozer0 Starboy

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Might be a bit sloppy but any mistakes will be fixed over the course of the next few days.

Lucy Delaney


Lucy is a looker, that's for sure. A woman of full Irish decent, she is well known for her long red hair that almost seems to red to be true, and the children at her work are often seen tying it into braids during down time. Her face is round and full, making her look almost like a teenager, and her skin is pale and easily burnt. Green eyes, narrow and normally outlined with makeup, are set on either side of an attractive nose, and her lips are large and lush. Despite her age, Lucy hasn't really grown in the bust department or height, and is rather scrawny and weak all around, resembling the body of a younger girl. She's only about five-foot-four and weighs a bit over one hundred and twenty-five pounds. Because of her thin appearance, Lucy is constantly trying to appear her age, and used plenty of makeup and outfits to reach her goal.

In terms of fashion, Lucy goes all out. While out of the town she tries her best to appear grown-up, often wearing official looking dresses and heels even when she's just grocery shopping. However, during school, she dresses much more comfortably. Jeans, sweats, sweaters, anything that can stand up to twenty-three first-graders is dawned during this time. Her hair is often up in some way (when not getting plucked out by children), as it does get rather troublesome to handle.

Lucy is a in love with the idea of love. Having something to cherish and hold, to care for and to grow up with. She is so infatuated with the idea that she doesn't realize that most of her dates are either scumbags or assholes (or both). Cheaters have broken her heart, beaten her, and continued to remind her that love is just a stupid fantasy of her's. An idea that can never be. So, Lucy decided that she would live in the past, linger on the moments that were good and warm, but instead of finding the sweet moments all she is left with is the bad ones. Images of being broken and beaten and left behind are played over and over within her head each and every day, and because of this she is rather somber and quiet. She's lost trust in people and herself, and has trouble making friends because of this.

Despite her cynical nature, Lucy is surprisingly empathetic and finds joy in being able to help out someone else with problems. She can relate (or at least pretend to relate) to other people's woes and tries her best to solve them with simple, pain free measures. Lucy is extremely motherly to anyone who needs comfort and tries her best to keep their spirits up whenever she can. This trait was gained by working with children, who are quick to cry but easily can be made better with small means. Being a teacher also means that Lucy is rather smart. What she lacks in body she makes up for with mind, and it shines through especially well in Literature and English.

Lucy, while she is a rather sad being, isn't an enemy of humor. In fact, she loves cracking small jokes and puns here and there to keep the atmosphere light. She especially enjoys historical or literature-related puns. Other then humor, Lucy finds enjoyment in calm, quiet moments, and loves to relax while reading rather wordy books or watching some TV. She is not easily annoyed by people teasing her, and can actually retort their teasings by pretending to flirt with whoever decided to bother her and then leaving them with perhaps a minor erection or an anxious mind. She is also surprisingly stubborn, and if one were challenge or actually bother her Lucy will not back down, even if the odds are against her. Absolutely detests all kinds of bugs and has a massive fear of spiders.

When drunk (and she is almost always drunk when not working) she is loud and has very obvious mood swings, going from sweet to absolutely devious in just one second. Her flirtatious nature shows in an intoxicated state, and Lucy isn't afraid to shed a few layers during this time. Surprisingly, she is much more secretive when drunk and barely reveals anything about herself. The day after Lucy normally remembers nothing of what she did, though always has a feeling of dread.

Back story:
"Let's date!"

Tenth grade, sixteen year old Lucy Delaney stands in front of a tall, attractive junior, face flushed a deep red as this boy confesses his heart to her in only two words. She awe-stricken, but feels the same way. They date, it's glorious, fun, she actually believed in this boy's love for her and felt truly happy with him. Six months later, Lucy is now a junior, and this boy is a senior. She is still very in love. She finds him with another girl, another senior, and they are sharing a passionate kiss. A kiss that both were familiar with. Lucy had been used to help this boy get back at his old love, a toy to be played around with to cause jealousy. She broke it off instantly, and Lucy cried.

"Happy birthday, Lucy!"

A few months later, on Lucy's seventeenth birthday, her mother and father enter their daughter's neat room with a small bundle of fur in their hands. A black head pops up, small and cute, and tiny ears flick as a pink nose sniffs at the air. It's a cat, a cute black kitten, and Lucy instantly became attached to it, caring for it like she would a child. The family decided on the name Dee, and eventually Lucy began to get over the whole dating phase. That was, until another boy approached her. He was a sophomore, cute and tidy, and he confessed his love for her after school one day. She couldn't say no. Skip forward three months, and Lucy discovered that he was only using her as an object, something to shove in people's faces to prove that he was cool enough to get a girlfriend. She broke it off with him on their four month anniversary, and she cried.

Skip forward to the summer before Lucy's senior year. Mrs. Delaney hasn't been home for a few months, not after she collapsed in the kitchen from abdominal pain. Lucy is not allowed to know the details, she "wasn't ready to know", as her father said. Instead, she was told to stay home alone and hang out with Dee, to not worry, to not fear. Lucy found comfort in sleeping around, and despite knowing that it will ruin her status in school she just didn't care. She dated unknown guys and experienced more and more heartbreak, more and more pillow talk, and less answers. Until, on June twenty-eight, at eleven-o-three in the morning, on the second floor of the Meadow City Hospital, Mrs. Delancy passed on. She had been diagnosed with Pancreatic Cancer only a month before and they had been too late to catch it. Lucy's father explained everything, and she cried.

Skip forward two years, Lucy is in college now, living in a small apartment with Dee. She was okay, her past was behind her, and her future ahead. School was going well, and she was living decently. Then, one day, while going out with her friends, she saw him. Blonde, tall, handsome. Alone. Something made her approach him, something made them converse. They shared numbers and eventually became friends, close as two platonic college students could be, and then suddenly, they were dating. Lucy barely knew anything about this man, besides the fact that he was a singer in a band and he really loved beer. The two eventually moved in together, and for once, Lucy felt as though she could actually trust this man.

One year passes, and Lucy is finally able to start working as an assistant teacher. Her boyfriend's band, however, wasn't doing as hot. He came home drunk everyday, became a bit more irritable and secretive, and this only grew until finally Lucy announced her worries. In a sudden drunken rage he rose and began shouting, screaming that she should stay out of his business. She yelled back, saying he wasn't helping at all with the house, saying that getting drunk so much wasn't good for his health. The fight became loud, until the man finally began taking to acts of violence. He tore pictures from the wall, flipped tables, kicked chairs, and screamed at her while doing it all. He called her clingy, annoying, worthless, stupid, and Lucy could only watch with trembling shoulders and slowly growing rage. The fight continued until neither could keep up, and just as the sun began to rise the man left. Lucy was alone. She didn't cry. Instead, she went to sleep.

The morning after, Lucy woke up to a larger disaster then before. Her boyfriend had returned a few hours after, it was obviously because the door was now open and the room was even messier, but not to pick up his things or clean up and make up. No, he returned to bash in Dee's head. The cat was still and bloody, dead. No boyfriend in sight.

Lucy sobbed.

One week later, Lucy had moved. She finished up college and began work. The kids brought her happiness during the day, but every night she returned to an empty apartment. Memories of her past began to appear as nightmares, and to quell these horrid sights she began to date again, but only managed to find cheaters and assholes to sleep around with. So, Lucy was alone.

- Has rotten luck in love
- Teacher of elementary students
- Loves kids
- Big drinker
- Hates sweet things
- Used to play guitar
- Hates cats
- Loves to read (especially romance and adventure novels)

What did you wish for?:
"I wish for someone who will love and cherish me."
She openly wishes for love, but honestly just wants to forget about her past, mostly because she can just remember all the bad times that happened long ago. When she approached the train Lucy saw someone familiar, an older woman with hair as red as her's, and she didn't hesitate to step aboard...

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Girlie Go Boom
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Girlie Go Boom Hey~hey~!!

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Urmuhgurds. That train.

I. See. Bunnies.


Lurvs it with capital LURVS<3!!!! I wanna be that giant space bunny, k? But if that spot is taken then I'll be one of the bunnies bouncing around with the other little bunnies looking for doughnuts on the train. BUT! This bunny will be the bunny with eyes. Cuz yeah... MEEEE!!! Stares. Yush. Staring right now. At you. Staring... huhuhu...

Hiiiiiiiiii~~!! Bunnita!!! Me! Interested! K, so this bunny went over the infosite... hrms... mebbe I'll be a soldiery-like bunny... with guns. GUN-BUNNY!!!! ME! xDDDD

K, all sillies aside now. I'mma go over the charries on yer infosite then like I'mma start reading IC now! NOWS!!! ;D

~Edz~ Hrmmmmms... K, so like yeah... dunno if I should join. I see a RPer there that tried to drown me in their cup of cocoa... ;P xDDDD
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Name: Mia Morlov
Age: 15


Mia. Contrary to her persona, is of pretty average height and weight. Her size allows for agile movements, so that’s a plus for her. She only comes in at sixty-five inches or five foot and five inches. Her weight is usually around the 115lbs mark. Sometimes she will look heavier due to the size of her boobs. She does seem to have above average-sized boobs, especially for her age and size. Oh well, she doesn’t really complain. Her hair comes to around shoulder length, so that’s something to note. It’s blonde in color. Her eyes come at a very sparkling blue color. Like, think the color of the ocean.

Mia’s fashion style usually changes with the season, but she likes to feel comfortable. She usually wears sun dresses to feel comfortable. She feels that it helps her move better and it just is a preferred style. Almost always she chooses a pure white dress that is about mid-thigh length and is spaghetti strap style. It’s a one piece dress and is easily able to slip on/off. She wears elegant white shoes to go with the dress. Fiona wears a hair accessory that pulls part of her hair back and has a tassel-like string that hangs to the left side of her head. She wears a cross-shaped pendent around her neck.

To say that Mia is weird would be an understatement. Sometimes when people interact with her, they would think she is off her rockers. That’s only because she is so ditzy and such an airhead that she would appear to be “not all there”. It’s not like she chose to be this way. She’s just like that cause that is who she is. Mia is your classic blonde with almost every stereotype that follows. She acts dumb, clumsy, well you know the stereotypes. She often zones out too. It takes her a while to get back into the groove of things and this will often be the cause for concern of her friends or anyone around her. Just keep that in mind.

On the other side of things, Mia is very sweet and if you can get past her ditziness, then you’ll see a girl who is just very nervous and her ditziness is a defensive mechanism to just not allow those inside. On the inside, as stated, she is sweet. She’s very protective of her friends and anyone who shows the same attitude towards her, she will protect them with her life to the best of her abilities. She carries a deep burden from her childhood and that has taught her that the most important thing in life is protecting those you love and doing anything you can to do exactly that.

One of Mia’s biggest passions in life is Talk Radio and one day she wants to have her own where people will listen to her talk. It’s not that she likes the sound of voice or anything like that, but she just wants to know that, somewhere out there, her voice is making someone happy. She has this wild fantasy that she could make anyone happy by just talking to them. This comes with her wish of making people smile and never see them hurt like she has hurt. It’s probably a bit corny, but it’s just how she feels.

When meeting new faces, Mia can just accept them instantly. However, how she gets to that point in the first minute of meeting them is the hardest part. She tends to run her mouth past the point of being normal. If someone just says “hi” to her, she’ll just go on and on about the way they said it or something alone those lines. She has a motor mouth, is what she has. Never knowing when to shut up until someone tells her to. Even then, it’s sometimes hard to even get a word in when she’s talking. So yeah, there’s that.

Another thing to know about Mia is that she is inadvertently flirtatious. She is like this because she will, not knowing it would be flirting, complement people and even more so, she would bounce a lot, which would cause her boobs bounce a bit. As we all know, boys are attracted to bouncing boobies. It’s been like that since the start of time. Mia has no idea that she sets off so many hormones just by doing that and thus why she keeps on doing it.

Mia was born into a widely-diverse family. Her mom carries Cambodian and French ancestry, while her Dad carries Scottish and Russian ancestry. Yeah, that’s quite the heritage that Mia has. Though, with all that being true, it seems that she somehow retains a Russian look, though her hair color stems from her Scottish and French background. That’s a bit weird to some. Still, with all of that in mind, Mia grew up in Russia. Her father owns a carpet-making company in Moscow and her mother runs a daycare center. Surprisingly, she didn’t get interested in either of those fields. Mia became interested in talk radio after hearing some dude talk on the radio and that’s where she became fascinated with it.

It does seem that she has had a fairly normal childhood, right? Well, up until her tenth birthday, that was the case, but one long night all of that changed. It started with the kidnapping of her older brother, Oleg. He went missing around 9pm of that night. The police looked and looked, but no one ever found him. Even after several weeks with the help of the United States of America’s FBI, there was no luck. It forced the FBI and the local police to stop looking. That’s what really made Mia go through such pain and hide herself in a façade of her now ditziness.

As she began to enter teen hood, Mia began to slowly come out of her shell. It wouldn’t be until she was around fifteen years old where she fully came out of that shell. By then, she had maintained an above average GPA at her high school. It was around this time that she began to hear her friends talk about this train that would come at midnight. It was rumored to have made any wishes come true. Of course, Mia was instantly intrigued in this rumor, but she had her doubts. She wanted them to be true, but what if this was some prank that some college kids were playing on middle and high schoolers? This made Mia want to check it out. She didn’t want to just go on blind faith, but maybe that’s all she had at this point. Whichever the case, she went searching for that mysterious train of rumor.

Mia has a lot of wishes of little things that she would love to have, but always on the top of the list is to have her brother back safe and sound. She just wants her brother..

-Ditzy as fuck
-Sometimes has the tendency to talk and talk and talk and talk…
-Very friendly once you get past all of that on the surface
-Will protect her friends and anyone else dear to her.
-Loves Talk Radio
-Loves music
-Can seem out of it
-thinks the color pink is the best of all colors
-Likes to spin around in her white dress
-Loves herself some croissants and espresso coffee
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fox of Spades
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Fox of Spades Evil Overlord

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Liriia: I'm a little hesitant about Yuuko, but I do like Lucy. There are a lot of talking cats in Nowhere xD haha, even one of the guides is a cat.

Bunnita: Thanks for the interest ^^ but we're only looking for humans.

OwO and drown you in a cup of cocoa? Wow, so far everyone is really nice :) but okay and best of luck with your RP endeavors then ^^!

Tundra: Sakiko is pretty cool and I don't see any problems so far. Though at this point, I'd prefer if people stopped sending in characters with Japanese ancestry. I mean, it's totally cool, but so far three of the applicants have sent in a Japanese character ^^ so let's avoid it for now.

Nightbringer: PM sent :D those questions are pretty relevant, so I'll post it here for the others to see as well.

Nightbringer said I assume my character would be a "Lost Soul", but the idea is that he/she would have arrived in Nowhere at the same time as all the established characters, am I right? How much knowledge of the land is he/she expected to have?

Yup, your character, like the others would hop into the train at midnight. The train is pretty huge and crowded so it's very possible he didn't run into any of the others. As soon as the train stopped, the Lost Souls began pouring into the busy station and a guide came to pick them up. Our excuse for bringing in new people, goes something like this.

In the busy station, the guide does not manage to find your character and instead you go live with one of the Nobodies.

Ace is an example of this :D she hopped in during the second chapter so instead of staying at the castle she stayed with a ditzy nobody named Stephen. Inadi is another example. He stayed with a grizzly bear who baked named Mr. Cuddles.

The characters who get accepted will have stayed with a bunch of dragon riders in Aven. We're currently having a dark-ish chapter where we need to rescue the riders from the witch :D at the finale when we do that, your characters will also be saved. It turns out since you guys were living with the riders, the witch decided to take you as well.

The knowledge your character would have would be limited to where you had to stay.

Inadi was stuck in Mr. Cuddle's bakery and helped him out as a assistance so he doesn't know much about other places beside Nowhere's square. The current Lost Souls though have been from Siren lake to the Shakespearean Star Fisher so they've seen quite a lot :D!

Since you guys will have stayed with a bunch of dragon riders, your knowledge on the land will pretty much be limited to Aven.

Aven is a medieval city surrounded by high walls. In the nearby caves and mountains live their dragons, but recently the dragons have been going crazy due to the witches tampering. They've attacked the citizens of Sol and sparked up a war between the two cities. Aven is very MMORPG-ish in feel ^^ there are warriors and mages and things like that. Sol is pretty similar as well :D
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Fox of Spades said
Tundra: Sakiko is pretty cool and I don't see any problems so far. Though at this point, I'd prefer if people stopped sending in characters with Japanese ancestry. I mean, it's totally cool, but so far three of the applicants have sent in a Japanese character ^^ so let's avoid it for now.

If you'd prefer, I could switch her out for a non-japanese character. Or re-work her in a way that she's not from Japanese ancestry. It would only be a matter of switching out her name.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fox of Spades
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Fox of Spades Evil Overlord

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Alright, that sounds cool ^w^)/! Thanks a lot Tundra, the effort is appreciated :D
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Okay, changed her name and her ancestry. Sorry about making her Japanese. I have a tendency to make Japanese characters. xD
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fox of Spades
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Fox of Spades Evil Overlord

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Thanks a ton, Tundra :D!

And I'm not against Japanese characters, it's just that the two people ahead of you sent in people with Japanese ancestry, and diversity is nice, so thanks a ton :D
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Yeah, I can definitely understand that. A little diversity really makes all the difference, but cool. I guess now the waiting game is what I must play. xD *stares at calender sternly*
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Girlie Go Boom
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Girlie Go Boom Hey~hey~!!

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Fox of Spades said
Bunnita: Thanks for the interest ^^ but we're only looking for humans.

OwO and drown you in a cut of cocoa, wow. So far everyone is really nice :) but okay and best of luck with your RP endeavors then ^^!

Urmmms... k. I would've played a human charrie... but I gets it. Thanks ya. ^-^!

Soooo... please tell AkiBlue that Bunnita says ~BOING!!!~ k? And tell 'em to watch out for bunnies in their cocoa xDDD Nevermind. Good lucks to ya too!!!! :] ~Later~~!!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fox of Spades
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Fox of Spades Evil Overlord

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

*Joins in on this waiting game* xD

Sure, Bunnita, I'll make sure she gets the message. Wouldn't want people accidentally drinking bunnies D: that'd be pretty tragic.

Hmm, are any of you guys into stop motion animation? :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

I don't know much about it, so I can't say that I'm a fan of it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fox of Spades
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Fox of Spades Evil Overlord

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Stuff like Coraline and The Nightmare Before Christmas <3

Recently, I saw something called Mary and Max ;A; it was pretty depressing, so if any of you are into stop motion, I defo recommend it.

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