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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SyrianHamster
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago


A Freeform Style Survivalist NRP

Technology: Industrialesque/Light Steampunk.
Writing Skill: If I repeatedly have trouble understanding what you're saying, we'll have problems.

The Story So Far…

This reading is optional, it gives flesh to as and why you are where you are.

Falling From the Sky

You don’t know how they got on, but they did. There was no telling how many of the refugees were already infected, but after two days in the sky – surely they’d of shown signs before now? Screams surge down the passageways. You open the door to your cabin, peer out and there one is; it was a man once, but now nothing more than a rabid animal. It snarls at you, lets fly that dreaded teeth-grinding shriek and runs forwards. Slamming the door, you throw every austere piece of furniture you can against it. Soon there is thudding from the other side, more and more hands press against the fracturing woodwork. There is nothing to defend yourself with, apart from a flimsy chair leg.

This is it, this is how you die. Torn to pieces by a pack of infected; or worse, made into one of them. Exhausted from the trials of this nightmare, you finally snap; you become cold and indifferent to your doom. Your crying loved ones mean nothing to you – you’ve failed them, but you can fail them no more. Looking out the porthole, you see other sky ships faced with the same dilemma. Some are listing wildly to one side; their decks covered in flames. Others are contested, as their crew and occupants fight a losing war against their former friends. Rifle smoke and explosions mottle the otherwise beautiful blue sky.

Something rocks the cabin violently; the sound of a deafening thunder bludgeons your hearing. You lose your footing and fall to the floor as everything seems to turn on its head. The last thing you remember, is your face being pressed against the glass of the porthole. You see a small scattering of islands dot the tranquil waters of the Irodian Sea – and they are rapidly increasing in size.

RP Summary

You play the leader of a group of refugees, who have crashed landed upon an uncharted island. Yours was not the only sky ship to have had the misfortune of succumbing to the plaguers, and you will find other groups there too.

Negotiating the harsh and unforgiving jungles, the cannibalistic natives, and sometimes other survivors, you must lead your people to a new life. Water, food, shelter – all things so important, and usually given to you out of a tap, are now non-existent. What of the plaguers? Perhaps they are all dead, killed in the crash or rounded up shortly after by the band of survivors you have gathered to your cause.

If not however, then you must prepare to prevent more than thirst, hunger and exposure.

This is a freeform RP, there are few mechanics, and fewer restrictions. This is not a competition of conquest, it is a story. There will be no children here doing all they can to “win” something. You are the leader of a group of survivors, trying to build a new life against adversity.

Advisories on Playstyle

A list of things that you will need to bear in mind when forging a future for your people:

    - Your people need water. You can’t drink sea water unless you boil it, so you’ll have to find a river or a lake. Even then, if the tribals or rival survivors poison your supply, you're in trouble. Unless you have the water purifying equipment you salvaged from the crash site (see survivor group sheet).

    - The island natives are mostly tribal cannibals, they will likely try to snuff you out. Defence against these hostile inhabitants should feature somewhere; but they do not cover the whole island, and are isolated to a few scattered communities.

    - Shelter. You need to build a settlement to house your peoples, or be left to the mercy of tropical rainstorms.

    - The wildlife is hostile. Finding food from the vegetation will be a deadly game of trial and error, unless you brought a nature scientist with his mobile lab equipment ( survivor group sheet). The beasts of the land will pray on your people; and some may have a surprising resilience to musket balls. Tread carefully.

    - If the plague re-emerges, ensure you have the means to quarantine, and if needs be, destroy the infected.

    - When filling out your Survivor Group Sheet, you will be asked to choose a maximum of three items salvaged from the crash site. The items you do not choose, are to be considered unavailable to your people on a significant scale. For example, if you chose ‘Guns’, you would have an abundance of weapons. If you didn’t, then a few of your group may have them, not enough to give you an edge. The rest would have to rely on crude weapons like branches, or flint axes etc.

    - There will be NPC survivors, scattered in the jungles, or awaiting to be the guests of honour at some tribal feast. There are no controls over this, if you find someone, that is your choice, but refrain from gathering thousands.

What We Know of the Island

Nothing really. Your peoples didn’t venture into the great unknown of the Irodian See. Of course, there were explorers and adventurers who did, and those that returned told of a great many islands littering the endless blue. Most were said to be uninhabited, but others housed small tribal cultures. You know little of these, and there were never any thorough investigations into them. Perhaps this is why the Government was evacuating in this direction? The plague couldn’t have made it out here, could it?

The weather is tropical, and random. One day it rains, the next the sun is scolding you from afar. This’ll make growing traditional crops a challenge, but some of the more adaptable species will no doubt find a way to prosper.

The island is covered in a thick mass of jungle. There are no discernable pathways or roads; but you have noticed tracks here and there. This confirms your deepest fears – you are not alone. How will the locals see you? Primitive in their culture, they may perceive you as demons in need of some exorcising.

What of the beasts that inhabit the area? You’ve not seen much so far, just some strange looking rodents scuttling around in the shrub. But there are sounds, deep in the jungle, that are made by no animal you’ve ever bore witness to. Keep the children under close guard, who knows what evil lurks in the shadows of every bush and tree? Waiting, watching. Hungering.

Smoke columns can be seen rising from elsewhere across the island. More downed sky ships! Other survivors must have made it, surely? Maybe they’re working their way towards you as we speak? Though maybe someone, or something else is instead? Best get your guys and gals together, set watches, prepare and survive.

Survivor Group Sheet

Crash Site: (Choose area number/see map)

Items Salvaged from Crash Site: (CHOOSE THREE OF THE FOLLOWING.)

    - Water Purifying Equipment | Can be used to make sea water drinkable, or to cleanse poisoned water from rivers or lakes.

    - Medical Supplies | Can be used to prevent your peoples from succumbing to tropical diseases, food poisoning and other ailments.

    - Guns | Crates of muskets, with gunpowder and balls. Use them to destroy your enemies, but be warned – the humid weather can play havoc with their mechanisms. Do not use in rain.

    - Seeds | A variety of seeds used by farmers back in your homeland. Some may not grow in this climate, but others will. Use them to fast track your safe and renewable food program!

    - Carpentry Supplies | Will help you build bigger and better structures and/or defences.

    - Religious Texts | The Holy Books you devoted your life too, once upon a time. Perhaps the tribals can be made to see the “true powers that be”?

    - Steam-Powered Generator | A simple but powerful steam generator, requiring only water, wood and fire to harness electricity.

    - Expert Fisherman | You find an expert fisherman amongst the wreck; with his trusty rod and nets, he will teach you all to live off the sea.

    - Wildlife Professor | Don’t eat those berries, you’ll bleed out your eyes! Will grant you a better insight on the trustworthiness of the local food supplies.

    - Linguistics Professor | One of your group is a professor in the world’s languages, both dead and alive. He may be able to communicate with the locals, if they let him, that is.

    - Specialised Outdoor Clothing | Tough, but made from lightweight fibres, these overalls will deter the strongest heat, and keep out the fiercest rain. A technological marvel of our time, and look, there’s a whole compartment full of them!

    - Chemical Protective Suits | During the outbreak of the plague, doctors and surgeons used these to protect themselves from the bodily fluids of the infected. They cover the body from head to toe in hardened but flexible rubber. Can become very uncomfortable in heat.

    - Experimental Plague Vaccine | Before your homeland was overrun by the plaguers, scientists were close to developing a vaccine against infection. You find two boxes full in the wreck, but will it work?

    - Broken Life Carrier | Amongst the wreck, you find a smaller sky ship big enough to fit twenty people. Perhaps if you get it operational, you could scour the island without threat of attack – or escape it all together in the event of a crisis. Requires steam-powered generator, water purifying equipment and carpentry tools to repair.

    - Large Non-perishable Food Stockpile | Pallets stacked high with tins of preserved meats and vegetables, enough to feed a thousand people for a year. Why catch that weird looking half-cat half-rat creature over there behind the bushes, when you could crack open a can of corned beef?

    - Ballistic Armour | Boxes full of leathery jackets, designed to withstand musket shot and cannon shrapnel. Not very effective against close-combat weapons, but you never know if your countrymen from across the way will bring their guns to a knife fight.

    - Beast Handlers | Some of those in your group are trained animal handlers, who either worked for the military or the law enforcement before the evacuation. With their skills, you could put to better use your domestic animals – if you have any. They may also be able to provide some educated insight on the island’s native animal kingdom.

    - Surgical Tools | Medicine wont cure a broken leg, or remove a bullet from someone's rib cage. You find a stash of surgical utensils in the sky ship's sick bay, along with some sterilising liquids. Even without proper training in their use, anyone would prefer to use them to cut open someone else over a sharpened rock any day!

    - Cannons | Your sky ship's armaments are intact, and so you salvage them. Big and clunky, they require ten strong men to haul, and wont be of much help in an offensive battle. However, they'd make a wonderful part of your peoples' defences, or an Ace up your sleeve in certain combat scenarios.

    - Military-Grade Tents | Compact, easily pitched and easily repackaged. These tents are used by an army on the move, and offer their occupants basic protection from the elements. You find a stock of them in the cargo hold - enough to set up an entire village. Be warned though, canvas is of little protection against the sharp claws of a predator!

    - Oil Lanterns | You find a box of oil lanterns, with a plentiful supply of oil. Common in your homeland, they can provide a powerful and easily deployable light source during the evening hours. Be careful of the highly flammable oil that powers them, though!

    - Cooking Supplies and Utensils | Not looking forward to having to gut that fish with your fingers? Why worry, when you have a whole selection of cooking knives, saucepans, spices and frying pans? Not to mention these would make excellent makeshift weapons!

Leader’s Name:

Leader’s Age:

Leader’s Appearance:

Leader’s Former Occupation:

Leader’s Mentality: Is he/she ruthless leader? Perhaps he’s/she’s democratic? Maybe the kind of guy/gal who does what has to be done? Or does he/she try, despite the obvious draw backs, to build a better world no matter the mounting sea of human limitations that confront him/her?

Amount of Survivors at Start: Between 50 and 300.

Survivor Group Type: Are your peoples from the military? Are they a mismatch of refugees? Medical personnel? The wealthy Elite? The sky ship’s crew? Who are they? WHY WONT YOU TELL ME?

Post your Survivor Group Sheets here, in the OOC. I'll permalink them in this post, so people can fast track to them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SyrianHamster
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Survivor Group Sheet

Crash Site: 3

Items Salvaged from Crash Site:

    - Surgical Tools | Medicine wont cure a broken leg, or remove a bullet from someone's rib cage. You find a stash of surgical utensils in the sky ship's sick bay, along with some sterilising liquids. Even without proper training in their use, anyone would prefer to use them to cut open someone else over a sharpened rock any day!

    - Medical Supplies | Can be used to prevent your peoples from succumbing to tropical diseases, food poisoning and other ailments.

    - Experimental Plague Vaccine | Before your homeland was overrun by the plaguers, scientists were close to developing a vaccine against infection. You find two boxes full in the wreck, but will it work?

Leader’s Name: Dr. Kyle Jackson

Leader’s Age: 31

Leader’s Appearance: Short and scrawny, with a long black ponytail and think framed glasses. He usually wears his knee-length white lab coat. His face is pot marked and pointy – as if all of his features were being drawn to one singular point. Small beady dark eyes complete his cliché appearance as a scientist.

Leader’s Former Occupation: Head Medical Officer, Vanguard Research Initiative. Promoted one week prior to the City’s evacuation, after his predecessor was killed by a plague specimen.

Leader’s Mentality: Dr. Kyle Jackson is a man of a science and maths. He sees things from a purely logical perspective, and will not shy away from sacrificing the few for the better of the many. On the plus side, he is a utilitarian, and sees women essential to the survival effort – beyond their child bearing capacity – and will put them to work like everyone else. No one is off limits for promotions or high responsibility tasks, as long as they can prove they are capable. He pays no heed to skin colour, sexuality, gender or religious beliefs. If you are good at what you do, that is good enough for him.

Kyle will always do what he can to avoid violence, preferring instead to further man’s fight against disease and illness. However, if pushed, he will reluctantly turn his great scientific mind to utilising his medical supplies to deadly effect.

Amount of Survivors at Start: 150

Survivor Group Type: Dr. Kyle’s group are all that remains of the government’s final efforts to quell the plague. Locked in an underground bunker, they worked tirelessly to create a vaccine against the one disease that no medical miracle could overcome. As the City finally fell, they were quickly evacuated and ushered onto one of the waiting Sky Ships – a Sky Ship that decided to let on the refugees.

90% of those comprising his group at the start of this RP, are scientists, doctors, surgeons, researchers and nurses. The rest are a motley gathering of refugees that survived the crash.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ShinySurskit


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Survivor Group Sheet

Crash Site: (Choose area number/see map) Site #28.

Items Salvaged from Crash Site:
- Carpentry Supplies
- Seeds
- Water Purifying Equipment

Leader’s Name: Edwin Berigan.

Leader’s Age: Thirty-four.

Leader’s Appearance: Edwin Berigan is an adult male of age thirty-four, and weighs 212 lbs. He is large, standing tall at 6' 00" exact and has a strong and wide build. His muscles are very well developed, due to his training and his former occupation as a construction worker/architect. His face is tough with a bald head on top and no sideburns, and his dark-tanned skin shrinks to a calm tan during the winter months, showing his clear English ancestry. He has proud brown eyes and his dark eyebrows are thick and well separated, increasing the definition of the lines that streak across his shiny forehead. He sports a moderate-sized dark-brown beard and his lips part naturally, only to widen when he uses his half-deep voice to express orders or just communicate in general. His chest is wide, with strong muscles slightly visible under his clothes or construction vests, and his heavily built arms fall to the side of his thighs when he is at rest. His abdominal muscles are not perfectly defined, and has a faint scar across the lower-right two muscles, constantly reminding him of a time where he fell off of a ladder carrying a stack of lumber. His lower body is slightly less muscular than his upper body, with his quadriceps and hamstrings being thick and his calves only slightly rounded. His feet are large, a size 10 1/2 (American), and are heavily callused like his strong hands. His hands are typically tracked with dirt and grime, and his grip is fairly strong. His favourite colour is a mixture of both yellow and orange, and typically wears apparel related to those hues. He has a long stride, and typically walks with confidence.

Leader’s Former Occupation: Before the plague had struck, Edwin had been a full-time construction worker and part-time architect. He enjoys building and carrying stuff, and is not even slightly satisfied until the job is done to perfection. He rarely procrastinates but can be lazy at times, depending on his mood. Since he has a strong history of construction, being in the industry for more than ten years and introduced into the crafts when he was a child, he possesses a strong knowledge on masonry, construction, and foundational building. His craftsmanship and resourcefulness is outstanding, but he typically uses whatever he has available to him, and then some.

Leader’s Mentality: Edwin believes in fair trade and the ability to act resourceful. He never gives more than necessary, unless intimidated or persuaded, and likes an equal system of wealth. He is the leader who expects you to work for your pay, no exceptions. If you slack, you lack. Edwin believes in trying to allow his people to be free, with a somewhat democratic vote system for the adult males (not females or children; I am not sexist, just defining the leader) and his people follow the idea of socialism. People under his command are not the happiest people, but they are not miserable. They have some freedoms, but they are expected to get their work done on time and on target, with the emphasis on food and material production. Children are not allowed to vote until they reach the age of majority of sixteen, and women are forbidden to work at all. Edwin's colony follows a typical viewpoint of the genders, where men do most of the work and women do the farming, cooking, and housekeeping. His people have a high degree of respect for him, but some have been disappointed with laws he has passed.

Amount of Survivors at Start: Edwin managed to convince two hundred and seventy eight people to come to the "Brave New World" with him, and they have bonded successfully so far. Promises of prosperity are hopeful.

Survivor Group Type: On the ship were about one hundred and forty-three men and one hundred and thirty-five women. Most of the men were farmers, blacksmiths, and masons, however there are several groups of educational professors and engineers. About a third of the women on board were Edwin's images of house-women, tending to the cooking and cleaning while the men were away. An eighth of the women were educated in blacksmithing, another eight in construction, and the rest were farmers, professors, and nurses.

This looks like a really fun role-play, and I'd like to take part in it! Good job on the idea! :D
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Work_U_Dumb


Banned Seen 9 yrs ago

Crash Site: 21

Items Salvaged from Crash Site: Water Purifying Equipment, Guns, Large Non-perishable Food Stockpile

Leader’s Name: Archie Pemberton

Leader’s Age: 27

Leader’s Appearance: Click Me

Leader’s Former Occupation: General

Leader’s Mentality: He is a nice ruler but will do what he sees as right for his kingdom. That means if someone must die they will die

Amount of Survivors at Start: 125

Survivor Group Type: They are a group in the military.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Skylar
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Crash Site: 18

Items Salvaged from Crash Site:
- Guns | Crates of muskets, with gunpowder and balls. Use them to destroy your enemies, but be warned – the humid weather can play havoc with their mechanisms. Do not use in rain.
-Large Non-perishable Food Stockpile | Pallets stacked high with tins of preserved meats and vegetables, enough to feed a thousand people for a year. Why catch that weird looking half-cat half-rat creature over there behind the bushes, when you could crack open a can of corned beef?
-Specialized Outdoor Clothing | Tough, but made from lightweight fibres, these overalls will deter the strongest heat, and keep out the fiercest rain. A technological marvel of our time, and look, there’s a whole compartment full of them!

Leader’s Name: Victor Hawthorne

Leader’s Age: 39

Leader’s Appearance: Here

Leader’s Former Occupation: Criminal Gang Leader

Leader’s Mentality: "Never let a sense of morals stop you from doing whats right!" Is his motto, and one he ruthlessly abides. He is firmly the leader of his clan of survivors, and is willing to perform unpleasant actions himself if that is what it would take to survive. He favors aggression and absolute commitment to a task once started, and is not the type to let other dictate his fate.

Amount of Survivors at Start: 250

Survivor Group Type: Majority of survivors are lower-class refugees, predominantly laborers, factory workers, farmers, and unskilled craftsmen. 60 are military deserters or former airship crew fallen in with Hawthorne.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Hyperdrive
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Hyperdrive Not Possible

Member Seen 3 mos ago


Crash Site: 54

Items Salvaged from Crash Site:

  • Specialised Outdoor Clothing | Tough, but made from lightweight fibres, these overalls will deter the strongest heat, and keep out the fiercest rain. A technological marvel of our time, and look, there’s a whole compartment full of them!

  • Large Non-perishable Food Stockpile | Pallets stacked high with tins of preserved meats and vegetables, enough to feed a thousand people for a year. Why catch that weird looking half-cat half-rat creature over there behind the bushes, when you could crack open a can of corned beef?

  • Cannons | Your sky ship's armaments are intact, and so you salvage them. Big and clunky, they require ten strong men to haul, and wont be of much help in an offensive battle. However, they'd make a wonderful part of your peoples' defences, or an Ace up your sleeve in certain combat scenarios.

Leader’s Name: Salvatore "Sal" Ducasse

Leader’s Age: 32

Leader’s Appearance: "Sal"

Leader’s Former Occupation: Before the Plague, Sal was listed on the army and had the rank of Colonel. When the Plague began to spread, actions done by the government he was fighting for, forced him to leave and establish a group dedicated on defeating the Plaguers for a price. The mercenary group was known as "The Purifiers" and was composed of former military men that shared Sal's vision of doing what they do best, without being ordered to massacre innocent lives.

Leader’s Mentality: Sal enforces a mix of democratic and meritocratic rule over the group of survivors he's leading.

Amount of Survivors at Start: 206, 100 belonging to the Purifiers, 35 middle-rich class civilians (doctors, teachers, artisans and business people), 25 low class civilians (factory workers, whalers, laborers, and street cleaners) 45 former sky ship crew, and Salvatore Ducasse.

Survivor Group Type: A militarized group of survivors aiming to establish a new settlement.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by So Boerd

So Boerd

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Leader’s Name: Colonel Joachim Hessler

Leader’s Age: 41

Crash Site:23

Leader’s Appearance: Every feature of his almost too angular face is striking. His eyes are a very bright, piercing blue. His jaw is very square, and his nose prominent. He is imposing in stature and demeanor, standing at 6'4".

Leader’s Former Occupation: Take a wild guess :p

Leader’s Mentality: Hessler is taking this situation more or less in stride. He seeks to create a civilian government on the island but until such time as a legitimate government is established, he considers the island under martial law and will do all that is necessary to restore order.

Amount of Survivors at Start: 300

Survivor Group Type: The core of his group are professional soldiers, around two thirds. The other half are their families and miscellaneous survivors who found the order and security alluring. All are given military ranks and are subject to military justice.

Items: Guns, carpentry supplies, specialized outdoor clothing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ShinySurskit


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Are we allowed playing two separate nations? Or would we be allowed to play another that "crashed later and is less advanced but starts with more stuff to balance it" if and when it is defeated? Or would we just be eliminated if and when our colony is defeated?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grothnor


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Crash Site: 42

Items Salvaged from Crash Site:

- Carpentry Supplies

- Steam-Powered Generator

- Broken Life Carrier

Leader’s Name: Raymond Skalter

Leader’s Age: 33

Leader’s Appearance:

Leader’s Former Occupation: Engineer's Union Chief

Leader’s Mentality: Raymond never wanted to be a Union Chief, but his friends needed him, so he chose to take a leadership role before the plague struck in force. The plague took his family when his wife hid the fact that she was infected; she killed their children and almost killed him too, so he takes the plague very seriously. He prefers to rely on the expert opinions of others before making decisions, and will leave things to those who know how to get them done.

Amount of Survivors at Start: 243

Survivor Group Type: About 15% are engineers, 25% are construction laborers and the remaining 60% are miscellaneous refugees.
Why is water purification equipment needed to rebuild the broken life carrier? I mean, you could just use any old water to run the steam generator, right? Unless I'm getting this all wrong.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SyrianHamster
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

ShinySurskit said
Are we allowed playing two separate nations? Or would we be allowed to play another that "crashed later and is less advanced but starts with more stuff to balance it" if and when it is defeated? Or would we just be eliminated if and when our colony is defeated?

Undecided. I don't want to see this RP spiral into a 'game', where someone tries to 'win'.

At the moment, I'm considering having a second island, where survivors that are eliminated, can come back on.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sovi3t

Sovi3t Obamacare

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Survivor Group Sheet

Crash Site: 18

Items Salvaged from Crash Site: (CHOOSE THREE OF THE FOLLOWING.)

- Seeds | A variety of seeds used by farmers back in your homeland. Some may not grow in this climate, but others will. Use them to fast track your safe and renewable food program!

- Carpentry Supplies | Will help you build bigger and better structures and/or defences.

- Expert Fisherman | You find an expert fisherman amongst the wreck; with his trusty rod and nets, he will teach you all to live off the sea.

Leader’s Name: Joseph Thompson

Leader’s Age: 28

Leader’s Former Occupation: Owner of a Fishing Company

Leader’s Mentality: Joseph more or less tends to be a “hard truth” kind of person, and focuses on the true reality of things. He often prefers to lead his survivors by telling them to work hard and buckle down for the “long ride”. With a lot of farmers and Fishermen, not to mention carpenters. He has managed to create simple defensives and a safe haven. While people work to help each other out and take care of one and other.

Amount of Survivors at Start: 263

Survivor Group Type:
- Fishermen – 25%
- Farmers –25%
- Carpenters – 20%
- Misc. Families and Children – 30%
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SyrianHamster
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Sovi3t said
Crash Site: 18

Already claimed buddy, could you please choose another? There's a huge selection.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Skylar
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Hey, I'm all for having a neighbor close at hand! Might be fun to have two groups splinter off of the same crash!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SyrianHamster
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Skylar said
Hey, I'm all for having a neighbor close at hand! Might be fun to have two groups splinter off of the same crash!

I'm happy for that to be the case, if both parties agree.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raptorman
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Banned Seen 8 yrs ago

I do have a spot correct? I just haven't finished an ooc sheet yet.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sovi3t

Sovi3t Obamacare

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Yea, sure

Pretty good trade agreements could happen from both of our groups
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SyrianHamster
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Raptorman said
I do have a spot correct? I just haven't finished an ooc sheet yet.

Of course. Take your time. Although I'll have to close the RP soon, getting pretty crowded up in here.

We have a nice item spread though, so far so good.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ShinySurskit


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I wouldn't mind alliance-ing with another colony, but it all depends on how the IC plays out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Work_U_Dumb


Banned Seen 9 yrs ago

Was i excepted.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SyrianHamster
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Work_U_Dumb said
Was i excepted.

Excepted... if I was in a bad mood, I'd beat you over the head with an Oxford dictionary. As it happens, my life is okay at the moment, just sailing along quite nicely.

If you look below the map, you'll see an "accepted players" hider. You will find your name listed there, alongside a link to your survivor sheet and the colour designating your place on the map.

The map hasn't been updated yet. It's ready to go up, but I thought I'd better leave it a bit to save from having to keep updating it. Let everyone throw their cards down etc, ya know?
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