Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Experiment 249
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Experiment 249 Bruh

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Seeing the man destroy the counter, Nicola looked endearingly to Judah. 'Raw power is always fun, look at him go! Come on, quick take down, keep things from escalating. The place is already broken, a little more damage would only hurt say, 11 civilians?' Nicola said, counting the crowd and sitting up, cross-legged on the table.

"Now." Judah said in a hushed tone, while slowly standing from the booth. As he did a light beamed through the window, encompassing him, Alexis and Nicola. Nicola dissolved into smoke and disappeared near instantly, while Alexis turned pure white and morphed her full body into wings seemingly made of light. Judah's hair turned white and grew an inch, as he stood now a full foot taller, his coat hardened and turned white, turning into a suit of glowing armor. His eye patch disappeared revealing two white eyes. The whole process took about 2 seconds.

"We have to get these people to safety. But first we ha-" He was saying to Alexis util the sound of liquid slapping the ground, followed by "Hey! Blue freak!" The angelic man looked to the sound and saw what looked like Nicola and some poor human fused together appeared. But it wasn't a demon, he didn't know what it was. Whatever it was lifted a large portion of the already trashed counter into the air and threw it at the alien. Acting on instinct, Judah brought his forearm up and dashed behind the alien, in front of the crowd. Fire erupted in front of him and a shield was left in it's place, he planned to protect the crowd at all costs. Getting the fight out of the building would have to wait.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Before Ryan was able to act, two other people joined in on the fight and seemed to be on his side. One of them was a man in a black suit. By how he looked, the young man thought that he couldn't possibly be a good guy, but his actions to him otherwise.

The Observer hardly had any time to react to the flying piece of counter, but he was lucky that he was fast enough to spin around and swing one of his legs forward, showing everyone the two barrels on each leg that acted as his feet. A bullet fired out from his foot just before the counter made contact with him, and it shattered into hundreds of pieces, many of them hitting the alien himself. Looking around once more, he noticed that a black suited man and a white armored man were both ready to face him as well. "Three opponents against me." He stated simply.

Crouching down, Ryan smashed one of his gauntlets onto the ground and released his control over the ice, allowing it to shatter into pieces. Standing back up, he formed a new gauntlet, but now had a blade going from his smallest finger down to his elbow. Using his ice, he created a small burst of ice from his feet and launched himself at the Observer, his bladed right handed gauntlet aiming straight for him.

The Observer saw this and had little time to move away, resulting in a cut that spread from his cheek to the side of his helmet. Because of the proximity, the alien grabbed Ryan and threw him with force into the wall near the entrance. He wanted the kitchen in perfect shape for when he was done fighting them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


It would appear she was attempting to spit an obscenity, but instead it came out flat and emotionless once more. She jumped up from the table at the commotion and ran for the alien that had moved through to what they called the 'back.' Every one of her footsteps shook the floor and left imprints that threatened permanent damage to the wooden surface. She dove through the barrier Judah had put up and when she did, the canvas that covered her body burned away instantaneously. Her body retained a slight orange hue from where she passed through the flames that heated her a bit, but it quickly left. Her body was similar to that of a human female, with breasts and a figure most feminine, but lacking in both nipples and 'lower equipment.' She purposely ran headlong into the large creature that had thrown the bit of counter at the alien. Her weight alone, much like that of a soda machine, could have at least shoved the large man aside.

Moving her arm fast she slit her arm with her sharp fingernails and in the same motion threw a blade into the sleeve of the white haired boy with abilities that were 'cold' on this planet as he was thrown against the door by the alien. Her head raised and her nose wrinkled, if you could call a twitch a wrinkle.

"Fools. It is clear he has no intentions of harming another. Yet so happily you... spring... into action. ...Humans... Are getting... hurt."

She started off with an inkling of bravado, but as she struggled to keep up with the humans used regional language she fumbled at the end.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by cerozer0
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cerozer0 Starboy

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


She spoke without hesitation as they walked into the pizzeria and awkwardly passed the tall, obviously not-human life form who was causing a ruckus by the counter. Taking a seat within one of the booths with Rumble, she buried her face behind the menu, trying not to cringe from the sight overpriced foodstuffs and the feeling of her skin literally crawling. Vi tried to keep herself distracted, only looking up when the furry alien took note of the strange creature as well. Violet turned and stared at the man(?) for a moment, taking note of the creature's different mannerisms and dialect before she returned her gaze to Rumble, shaking her head,

"I don't think he's a local." She glanced at Observer once more, shivering as she saw the growing anger in his gaze before continuing on, "he might just be confused. Nothing for us to worry abo-!" The sudden yelling and booming sound made her jump and scamper out of her seat. Screams of confusion and fear from the crowd only fueled her fighting spirit, and Vi couldn't help but lower down into a fluid fighting stance, eyes narrowing from beneath the shadowing hood. Others already seemed to be on the monster's case, though, as one half of the counter that had been destroyed was thrown in his general direction by a shadow-covered man. Her jaw dropped as another man approached, this time one bathed in holy light, and he seemed interested in keeping the crowd safe. Finally, a third male approached with gauntlets that appeared to be made of pure ice. The temperature of the entire building dropped as this white-haired one began to "power-up" as it seemed. A fight seemed imminent as the alien instantly began throwing one of the boys around, and Vi was ready to push the entire thing outside but froze when another person appeared.

This one was more feminine... Maybe. It seemed like another alien at least, but Vi had decided on using female pronouns for the time being, seeing as it did have curves. Her speech was eloquent, maybe a bit sloppy, but her points came across clear as day. It seemed like the tall alien was really only trying to order a pizza, nothing more. Perhaps he was new to the way of "lines" and "social interaction" but that should probably be expected! Violet glanced back to Rumble, shrugged slightly, and then finally approached the entire ordeal with raised hands, a sign of peace,

"Okay, lets, uh, lets all calm down." Her voice was light and somewhat calm, but the purple on her hands was shimmering with anxiety. Vi took a moment to pull the hood closer to her head once more before continuing, "while you may be angry, Mr. Tall Alien, it isn't right to just break things and throw people around willy-nilly!" Her voice became tenser, much like the one a scolding mother would use,

"Here's my... Idea: Take your reckless self outside and face all of us, TH- ugh," Crap, another accidental promise, as her mind would think, "where no one can get hurt. If you win, then you get your food. If we win, then you'll have to pay for your crimes. Deal?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WatermelonTango


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Things were escalating quickly. The tall one smashed the table. Several people among the pizza-goers leaped into action. Even Violet, the girl he had just met, leaped into the fray with a combat stance. He was briefly distracted with the thought of learning human martial arts before he snapped back to the present.

"Excellent idea Violet. Fear not, citizens!" Rumble called as he stood up on the table, "I shall defend you from this threat!" Rumble then pressed a button on his wrist. A large amount of clunking and clanging could be heard as his robot reassembled itself within the confines of the dumpster. Rumble then leaped off of the table and ran outside. Just one moment later Rumble and his mech skid into view outside of the building. He wore his suit in glorious fashion, pointed sunglasses and all. Unfortunately Venator Rex was too wide to fit through the door. And while he could probably bust his way in... he doubted the humans would appreciate the front of their establishment blown open. So he stood at the doorway for a moment in silence.

"Uh... so... I'll WAIT OUT HERE. FIEND." He anounced through the mech's speaker system. Then he walked out of the way of the door to patiently wait outside. In the most lame way possible.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ryan groaned in pain after hitting the wall, and his eyes widened after seeing a blade keeping his sleeved arm in place on the wall. He listened to what the near colorless woman had to say, and somewhat understood what she was getting at. The alien said that all he wanted to do was get food, but then he broke the counter and threatened two people. Some punishment had to be done.

The Observer heard the woman as well, but said or did nothing in responce to her. He was too busy studying her to find out what she was. She didn't appear human like the rest of them, with her colorless skin and metal blood. After a brief moment of thinking he decided that he didn't know her race.

Then another girl appeared, and she didn't seem normal either. She had a purpler hand, and she was doing her best to keep her face concealed. She did have several good points and a good agreement, but the armored alien shook his head and flicked his hand to allow a golden sword to take it's place. "Those are reasonable terms indeed, but I cannot accept them. I am needed to deliver food to her in the quickest time allowable, and in the even that I do not become victorious, then I will have failed her. I apologize, but this must be ended now for her sake."

His other hand then transformed into a golden gun and aimed it at the hooded woman, preparing a shot that would only knock her back. He then changed his mind on a whim and aimed at the ground in front of her, preparing a new bullet to use. He fired his literal hand gun at the ground and watched as the bullet exploded, hopefully blinding everyone in the area long enough for him to get food.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by boredbrain


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Malice looked at the shield, he thought it was pretty. Too pretty to be made by the filthy human hands that made him. He wanted to desperately touch the shield. However, seeing how the woman's clothes melted when she jumped it, he didn't find that to be a great idea.

Malice simply moved out of the way when the metal girl charged. "How rude." He hissed as she didn't even try to avoid him. 'They have enough nerve to call him the bad guy?' He thought to Riley.

Riley didn't say anything.

"Talk to me, Riley."

Riley did not answer.

"Fine th-" Suddenly a girl with purple hands began to plead the man outside. "What an idiot." Malice hissed at her. "He could have accepted Riley's pizza! You think he's going to listen now? No. The only thing that will get through to him is a fist in his face." Malice looked back over to the blue alien. Then another furry little squirrel thing landed outside and babbled on. Malice didn't even care, instead he wondered what the weight of that machine he was riding on was. Malice didn't get a chance to ask as he was suddenly blinded.

Malice hissed and tried to see, but couldn't. He leaned down and found the last piece of the counter, he spun and threw it, it flew right past the alien and smashed into the pizza oven.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Experiment 249
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Experiment 249 Bruh

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Judah watched as more and more teenagers jumped into the fight and took quite the interest in the hooded one. She had the right idea. As soon as he had the chance he planned to get up and maybe drag the the big guy out. Only problem was in the angel form he wasn't strong enough to just push him, and he didn't have enough room to get the speed needed for it. "Hooded girl, I concur. Let us take this fight outdoors!" He shouted, full of determination.

He lowered the shield and ran towards the alien only to be blinded and slip into the kitchen, landing in a the rubble of a pizza oven when he saw it. The last slice. He picked it up and tossed it to the hooded girl. "Take it and run!" He said, while under his breath he gave the slice a prayer that would hold the pizza together in it's flight.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

While he was turning around, he barely missed the piece of counter that had flown next to his head. The Observer watched as it hit the Pizza oven, and he glared coldly at the black armored man who had thrown it. He said nothing as he turned back around and walked to the kitchen. "Now I am forced to steal the pizza because he destroyed the main oven. She will not be pleased." He said, lacking any emotion whatsoever.

One of the humans that were getting involved in this slipped passed him and landed in the rubble of the pizza oven. He didn't have time to worry about him, and instead looked around for any pizzas that were laying around that had yet to be given out. Much to his disliking, there wasn't any pizza left. He quickly turned to the boy that was in the rubble and watched him toss the slice of pizza to the hooded girl that tried to negotiate with him earlier. His eyes widened and he glared at her coldly as he walked over to her, knowing well that what she had in her hands was the last lice of untouched pizza. He needed it, and as of now he couldn't care who got killed in the process.

During this, Ryan was forced to break one of his gloves to get the metal blade out of his sleeve. He put his bare hand on the blade and began to generate ice. Hopefully he would be able to shatter it and escape, but he knew that it wasn't all that likely to happen soon. He gave up quickly and gripped it tightly, hoping to rip it out og the wall he was stuck to. With enough force, he was able to dislodge it, and rejoin the fight.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by boredbrain


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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Quickly, the colorless girl leaped in front of the hooded one and sliced her other arm open simultaneously. She waved her arms in front of her and from the slices a myriad of different sized blades materialized. All of them were the same mercury color and sharpness, reflecting the world around them on their surface as the were sent straight for the armored alien. Many of these blades continuously materialized and shot off a bit slower than a semi-automatic rifle would fire bullets. Each of the knives making a respecting 'clang!' against the metal of the armor of their foe.

Her head turned to the side and she looked at the girl behind her. "It is time we move this out. Go." She turned her head back towards the alien and slowly backing up, allowing enough room for the hooded girl behind her to leave if she so wished and slowing down the now angry alien from coming further and doing damage to the people.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by cerozer0
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cerozer0 Starboy

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Violet frowned at his response, and at the sight of the gun she took a step back, lifting her arms in an attempt to shield herself from the oncoming bullet. However, instead of feeling force against her arms or stomach, she felt it around her feet, and was instantly blinded and knocked off balance by the attack. In what felt like a few seconds she rose again, blinking black dots from her eyes as many of the teenagers around her began to run and shift, and her attention caught one in particular, the holy-light boy. He had dove for the pizza oven, which had been smashed to bits by the dark-one who called her an idiot, and then something was thrown in her direction. By instinct she reached out and caught it, not even realizing what it was until she felt the crust on her fingertips.

"Take it and run!"

Vi stared at the piece of pizza, then glanced up at the alien, feeling sweat form on her brow. He looked mad, very mad. Violet shook her head and slowly took a step back, but at the sight of the crowd that was attempting to file out of the building she felt her confidence build up again. Before either of them could make a move, though, the colorless girl-alien jumped in front of her, blades forming from her cut skin. After receiving another instruction to run, Violet nodded and turned towards the exit, breaking into a quick jog. After revving up her engines, she crouched, but instead of stopping her body continued on as if she were sliding on her ice. Her feet left behind a trail of purple that faded into wisps of black and lavender after a few seconds, and once she was up to a suitable speed she stood again and kicked herself forward, as if she were ice-skating. The hood flew off with her gained velocity, but it didn't really matter now, because instead of feeling fear and anxiety she felt grace. Complete and utter serenity. The purple on her face swirled gently, and her eyes glowed a pale purple as she ducked to get passed the crowd and exit the building.

Another crowd was waiting outside, most curious about the commotion happening inside, but Vi was only focused on Rumble and his mech. A robot would probably be faster than her little skating ability, though she wasn't sure if she would be able to fit in the cockpit with the little fuzzy alien. Perhaps she could just hang onto the back, yeah, that'll probably work...

"Rumble!" Violet skated up, the glow in her eyes fading as she stopped sliding and froze just in front of the mech. She held up the pizza, which seemed pretty good despite being held in her near-toxic hands, "we need to get as far away from civilians as possible. You look fast, can you take me to... A park maybe?" Black haired filled her vision momentarily, but she swept it aside and simply stared at the blue alien with serious, semi-glowing eyes.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WatermelonTango


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Rumble saw all of the commotion within the pizza shop and grumbled. He wanted to be involved, but property damage without reason was not the hero's way. If he wanted to he could fire a barrage of missiles through the wall, or burrow through it with his drill. Heck, he could melt the glass with his flamethrower. But none of those things would earn him any favors here. Suddenly a bright light flashed from within the building. He smugly adjusted his sunglasses with a cheeky grin on his face. These glasses might look impractical, but they do offer eye protection. Totally worth the scratch.

Suddenly Violet stormed out of the front door with a pizza slice in hand. So that's what it looked like... His thought was interrupted with the intense stare of the blue man inside and Violet's request to be taken to a park. He was the speediest thing on hydraulics! He'd be there in no time!
"All passengers please keep their hands and feet inside of the robot at all times." Rumble said as he held out his robotic arms to be used as stepping stones. When Vi was safely on top he engaged the speaker system once again.
"Hey rusty thighs! I bet your armor is made of an alloy consisting primarily of copper and magnesium! That's aluminum, you discarded soda can!"
With his taunt aside, he turned his mech around, shook his metallic backside mockingly, then ran off. Rumble opened his robotic's computer system and engaged the gps. He tracked down the nearest park in the city and marked his route before turning his attention back to where he was going. This was where things became fun!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The Observer hardly took notice of the incoming blades until it was far to late, and several of them had made contact with his black suit and blue armor. He didn't react to the blades entering his skin, however, and simply held his left hand out in front of it. The hand then transformed into a golden sword, with a similar sort of design to the golden gun that was his other hand. He continued to walk after the girl, intending on retrieving the slice of pizza.

His pace quickened as the strange girl ran away from him. He didn't break out of his walk, but he was going faster than he was previously. The girl had the last slice of pizza, and he wasn't going to return to her until he retrieved it. His thoughts were interrupted as a mech that carried the girl called out to him. The mech was smaller than the alien, but he was unnaturally tall, even for his own species. He stopped in his tracks and tilted his head, briefly thinking about the taunt that was thrown at him. He didn't fully process it as a taunt, and decided to respond as he suddenly took off in a burst of speed.

"Despite what you seem to believe, my armor is actually created by using a titanium and carbon mixture, all of of which I obtained here and designed after the armor in my home planet." He said monotonously as he chased after the mech, hoping that the misunderstanding about his armor was cleared up now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by boredbrain


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Malice glared at the man. He wanted nothing more than to dash forward and deck him in the face. Sadly, everyone else in the pizza place jumped in first. This annoyed Malice, what were they doing stepping in on his fight? "This is mine!" He roared, but he knew it would fall on death ears, after all, they all seemed to want to hit the blue man on their own.

'Malice, just let them handle it.'

"You're pathetic Riley, this is my fight." Malice growled.

'Your fight? No, this is the city's problem. We tried being a hero, Okay? We tried, but there's too much.'

Malice roared as the blue man left. He dashed after the blue man, if malice would catch him in time, He would attempt to throw him back into the store. However, if Malice could not catch him in time, he would just chase him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Experiment 249
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Experiment 249 Bruh

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Judah sat in the rubble of the pizza oven, not moving or anything. he was having an internal conflict but you couldn't tell. on the outside he wasn't moving, as he and Alexis had to act as one, and they currently were in an argument over whether it was right to bless the pizza, or hand it to the Alien and end the conflict all together. 'Alexis, if we gave it to him, then he would be free to do this elsewhere!' Judah thought to Alexis. He was siding on the 'Stop him before he does it again' while his partner was on the 'If he had the pizza he wouldn't have gotten as far as he did.' side of things.

'But now he's out there, chasing a bunch of kids and a hamster! Don't you care that now instead of putting a pizza shop in danger the city is in danger?' She argued. Judah's body sat still, eyes gazing into nothingness. All of a sudden his head gazed up and the looked out the door, watching as the restaurant emptied, save for the few curious patrons who were gazing at the angelic boy who sat motionless. The slice of pizza was barely visible.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The Observer continued to chase the mechanical being that was carrying the girl with the last slice of pizza. It was unfortunate that he had to go through such measures to get one small portion of food, but it was what had to be done. He believed that the mech was somewhat reminiscent to the sort of technology that he had encountered when he was among the stars, but he couldn't place it. He found it quite odd that he wasn't the only extra terrestrial in Jump City. He had been on the planet for a while, and he had heard of the woman by the name of 'Starfire', but no others that weren't of the planet.

Most to all of the people that were in pizza place were all gone now, accept for Ryan and a few others. The young cryomancer had taken notice that the boy who threw a slice of pizza hadn't moved from his spot in the rubble, and decided to check if the white armored man was okay or not. "Uh, hello? We've still got a problem with that blue guy, and it doesn't look like the Teen Titans are showing up, maybe taking on someone else at the moment. I'm pretty sure that none of us know how to deal with that alien guy, so any help is welcomed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by cerozer0
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cerozer0 Starboy

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Violet took no time climbing up the arm of the robot, and once she was safely aboard and Rumble was done insulting the blue alien who literally out-sized him by many feet they bolted off down the street. She held on tightly with one hand while the other made sure that the pizza didn't fly off. Rumble's mech was fast, definitely faster than her, but glancing behind she felt her draw drop at the sight of the alien hot on their trail. He was speaking, probably a retort to Rumble's insult, but Vi was too focused on the fact that this guy was nearly on top of them already. She glanced about, hoping to find some solution, and then finally settled her sights on the black being just passed the alien, who seemed to be mostly focused on beating the blue guy into next week. He was far away though, and the alien was becoming a threat. She glanced back and stared down at her hand, eyes twitching, and then with slow, steady movements she turned her whole body around. Her teeth clamped down gently upon the crust of the pizza, and she slowly rose her now free hand.

'Focus, breath. Calm down, calm. Calm...'

Her eyes closed, and then slowly opened, gleaming a bright lavender. Her risen hand clenched, and then a faint, glittering orb appeared around the fist, slowly growing in size and color the more it remained. Over time, the orb eventually turned into a spike, which was dripping as if it were wet. When Vi was finally pleased with the spike's appearance she pulled her hand back, aimed at the street in front of the alien, and then threw it with all her might. The projectile escaped her grasp and bolted down right in front of Observer, bursting in an explosion of asphalt and taint as it slammed into the street. Violet whooped with excitement for how well controlled the attack had been, fist bumping the air, but her excitement quickly faded when she felt her arm shutter and sizzle. She turned her attention to the taint on her arm, which was shaking and glowing as if it were sentient and angry. She slowly lowered her arm and turned back around, biting her lip as she fought to calm down and cool off the taint on her arm, which honestly felt like it was burning her down to the marrow.

"How much farther?" Violet cried out around the pizza in her teeth, glancing down at Rumble with curious, frantic eyes.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"It is folly..... to allow responsibility to fall unto others..."

The colorless alien extended both her palms to the men as she approached them. One, the Otherworld Anchor that she had met first and the other the white hair boy she had shirked a blade into. She stopped just in front of them, her pale eyes with dark 'whites' shifting between the two of them.

"I for one do not plan to allow the others to come to harm. Join me in aiding.... others in their trials." She looked at the two of them, expecting them to grab either of her hands. Her emotions still did not shine. She knew what could be at stake.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ryan turned to face the girl that had earlier thrown a blade of some sort into his sleeve. She was right, and he didn't want anyone to get hurt during the fight. The Cryomancer knelt to the ground and smashed his left gauntlet, leaving his hand bare so that he could grab her hand. Although hesitant, Rayn took one of the colorless girls hands, hoping that his unnatural body temperature wouldn't startle her all too much. He nodded to her with a serious face, but was inwardly curious about why she seemed to want for them to take her hands. "We should get going then. That robot thing looked like it took off pretty fast, and I can only guess that the alien was just as fast."
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