Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slypheed
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Slypheed Idiotic and Degenerated

Member Seen 13 days ago

Vanessa looked at Dusk, the male who got everyone's attention to the church in the first place. Nodding to his arrival, and agreeing with the notion to not commit suicide. She looked back to Jason "Sadly enough though, I'm pretty sure he doesn't have a plan at all, other than to play five minute hero." She pointed to Arya "And she wished to play Martyr, so long as she can stay by his side." That's when she began to turn aggressive "Such a blind, pathetic love for a pathetic woman. I watched everything on that court day. Shortly after you came into the court room, you immediately joined his side, with no prior knowledge of who he was. You also became arrogant to who and what he is, the Templar tried informing you, but you ignored it, wanting him to have fair trial. You obviously have forgotten where he comes from, and the fear all races have of people like him." She turned to Jason "And you. First you wanted to save all the overworld races from your father, yet here you stand, ready to commit suicide for what?! FIVE PEOPLE!? DO YOU NOT REALIZE THAT SOME WILL HAVE TO FALL IN ORDER TO STOP YOUR FATHER!!? DO YOU REALLY BELIEVE SAVING FIVE PEOPLE IS BETTER THAN SAVING THOUSANDS, IF NOT, MILLIONS OF PEOPLE IF YOU KILL YOUR FATHER?!!!! KILLING YOUR FATHER WILL HELP THE KITSUNE FIND A CURE FOR THOSE INFECTED BY THE DARKNESS, AND THAT WILL SAVE THOUSANDS MORE!!!" Vanessa took a deep breath to calm herself "But if you wish to play 5 minute hero, then understand this, I will leave this realm and return the unit I once served in, and come back to kill off every over world race, just to smite your death. And as part of my return, I will tell your father how he has already won, how you died a pathetic death, and every possible entry point to the human's frontline city." She gave a rather chilling death glare to Jason, every single word she had said, she meant, with no plans to take any of them back. She then turned to Dusk, speaking more calmly, "You don't deserve to die with these morons, I suggest you help me tell the others to get away from here" She walked out of the church, the smoke coming from her skin slowly lessening once she left.

Vanessa appeared near the Kitsune, seeing the unknown figure ahead, but ignored it "We need to get out of here, Jason wishes to play five minute hero, and that girl wishes to be a martyr by his side. This will no doubt cause damage to the nearby area, I suggest we go through the town entrance we used to enter the town." She still seemed rather irritated "And I'll have you know, if Jason does go through with this five minute hero plan of his, I will leave this group and return to the unit I once served under." She paused "I will become an enemy, and I will not hold back. Do you understand?" She asked him, looking directly at him with a dead stare.

Sakura had decided that while Caroline kept the Cianid pinned, she'd bind him to the ground. She walked over, and placed a tag on him, which evaporated shortly after, and visible lines covered his body. "Now you won't be able to move while I decide on what I wish to do with you" She looked at Caroline once she was off the Cianid "Geez Caroline, you really need to be more careful." She walked over and began closing up the wound, Caroline obviously still in pain once the process was finished, but her physical form wouldn't be dieing today, so she was glad about that.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JessieTargaryen
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JessieTargaryen Celestial Queen-in-Waiting

Member Seen 6 mos ago

"Arya get bac- GET BACK NOW." Jason yells and gets up, backing up quickly, his eyes wide with fear as he watched the walls. "Those guys aren't even phased. I won't be able to do anything against them. The church is pressing its power in on me. Yet they are unfazed." Jason says and backs out of the church, his skin stopping with the smoke that it previously had, leaving behind small scars from the burning. He grabbed the nearest shar object and hurled it towards the Alter of church. Swearing many times in the ancient language at it. Cursing it for his pain, his failure to save Ansen, his failure to stop that cultist inside. He growled deeply at the church and turned away. "Arya get out of there if you intend to not get captured by the enemy." He orders before stalking to Vanessa. He glares at her, his anger very evident in his eyes as he looked at her. Although his anger was more at himself, as the boy blamed all failures, even those that couldn't have been stopped, on himself and took tht badly. She would know how brutally stubborn he was. "All innocent or good lives deserved to be saved. If I see loses as acceptable to achieve a goal then I will begin the slide to evil and be just like my father. Do NOT yell at me like that." He growls and moves off.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SnowAngel


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Arya eventually stood up. "Ansen... I'm sorry..." She walked out of the church. She looked around looking for Vanessa. Once she found her talking to the kitsune, Arya walked over to her, fire burning in her eyes. "You. Why are you even here? For Jason? Do you even care about what's happening to the world?! As soon as someone makes a decision that you don't agree with you just change sides? How long will you stay indecisive? Make up your mind!"
The princess turned on her heel and saw a furious Jason walking off. She ran after him, not caring what Vanessa thought about her.
"Jason.." She gently placed her hand on his shoulder, knowing that in this state he was unpredictable.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cartwright


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

With all that was happening it wasn't hard for those inside the church to realize that the ones outside had failed to deal with the Circle. There, the hooded one who walked into the church shouted across the church, his voice echoing the building. "Stop then! We can not fail again!" With that being said he raised his hands and knelt down as he placed them on the ground, causing a pulse of darkness to jump through the building like it had done when Ansen touched the door. To those within proximity they felt a very bad shock, but that wasn't the worst of it as the man started forming a magical shield around himself and the one who was chanting something. They were really bent on trying to keep that bubble running as long as possible.

Outside, the pulse went across the town, not bringing it's electric shock with it as wails of the dead villagers and guardsmen sounded the area. Within minutes, arms were shooting up from the ground and half dead humans were rising up. Those who died during the darkness initial raid were now coming back to life, under the dark's spell.

The Cianid squirmed and snarled as he was pinned down until he came to realization that his efforts were futile, especially after Sakura placed some binding on him. He relaxed and glared up at the two, not saying a word. With the mood of combat being tossed aside, one could easily observe how he was.. 'Different' from Ansen. Like Ansen he wore a uniform and had the skills, but he also had some strange pattern imprinted in his fur like the other guards had in their skin, the pattern slowly consuming their whole body in a black color. It was obviously the presence of the darkness that haunted the man they captured, and it sure did it's job. He was like an emotionless pawn, but the question was: Who could be controlling him?

Feress glanced down at Elaine and slowly lowered his guard when the man seemed to no longer have a threatening presence, but his sense of caution immediately returned when the pulse left the building and shot past the group, the Kitsune carefully twirling around as the wails sounded. It took him a moment to realize what was happening, and when he came to his senses his eyes widened and he shouted over to the others. "They're calling forth the dead! The numbers will soon be against us!" And that was when everything started coming from the ground, some of them wielding rusty blades and tools that can be alternatives to a weapon. Feress was quick to react, though, as he did a wave with his staff then swung it across the open field before him. As the weapon was waved, a trail of blue followed the tip, it was when the kitsune made a form of a flash, did it turn out to be a lethal form of energy, the trail turning into a blade that shot out and sliced through many of those getting up near him. He quickly recovered due to the fact it wasn't a costly spell, but he was evidently effected by his attack. "Get ready for a fight!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JessieTargaryen
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JessieTargaryen Celestial Queen-in-Waiting

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Jason saw the pulse of Darkness as it raced towards them, feeling Arya's hand on his shoukder at he same time. Reacting quickly he turned and yanked the girl behind him. Driving his sword into the ground in an effort to break the flow with his own power. But he failed, anf took the brunt of the charge, which ripped into him, and he asorbed the impact. Shielding Arya from any damage, alhough because of his past experience the shock was a more potent one to his body. He yelled out in pain, and his eyes rolled backwards in his head as he fell to his knees, then to the ground. Where he laid there, struggling to get up and groaning with each attempt as he fell back to the ground with tears in his eyes.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SnowAngel


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"Jason" Arya cried out in shock of what just happened. He struggled to get up but he wasn't able to. The girl carefully dragged him to the nearest wall and let him lean against it. Tears were welling up in her eyes. "I'm sorry for beeing such a nuisance..." She some hair that was in his face behind his ear so she could look at him. Then she noticed a plant with dark blue berries near the door of the house. She picked it up and immediatly recognised it. In the years she lived with the elfes she was tought how to use herbs effectively. "Sambucus..." She whispered to herself, pulled the berries from the plant and held it against Jason's lips. "Eat this. It reduces pain and heals wounds rapidly."

In the distance there were sound of weapons clashing into each other and cries of pain. Next to them the ground burst open and an undead human rose from the ground. Arya shrieked and quickly threw a dagger through it's head before retrieving it again. Soon after they were surrounded by walking corpses. The princess took her bow and started shooting the corpses down hitting all of them in the head, but there were to much, before she knew it the creatures had closed in on them, and Arya had run out of arrows. She putted her bow back and drew her blades. Preparing for the worst.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Slypheed
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Slypheed Idiotic and Degenerated

Member Seen 13 days ago

Vanessa groaned when both Jason and Arya tried getting even further under her skin. But when the dark pulse flew across the battlefield, she could only guess as to what Jason had done, and the distant cry and shriek only confirmed her thoughts. She had defended herself, since there was a plentiful amount of blood nearby to allow her to make a shield of crystallized blood, which absorbed the impact. Once she got near where Arya was defending she only sighed. Jason on the ground in pain and the princess attempting to hold of a horde. She was a Huntress, not a battle maid. Vanessa paused and rubbed her forhead "What a headache today has been" then walked up behind the horde, using blade like tentacles of blood to clear a path for herself "A few things. A, I'm not indecisive, I have sworn loyalty to him, and if he dies, so does my loyalty, he understands that but I feel that I need to remind him every time. B, you'd be more useful tending to him than fighting, I'll make sure none get through, we need him to be at least be on his feet. Because there's no grantee these undead are not a distraction, and I'd hate to stick around to find out if they are or not." She spun on her heels and began taking out those that stepped too close. "Oh, and if couldn't tell, I hate it when he makes stupid decisions"

"Seems like things are going south fast." Sakura said as she quickly threw up a shield around herself and Caroline, and once she put the shield down, they only found themselves in the middle of a mass resurrection "Things just became interesting, but I fear this will be a battle that we have to lose" Sakura turned towards the Kitsune's general direction "We can't win this, we have to get out of here!" She yelled before turning to take out a few brave undead that charged her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by deadpixel101
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deadpixel101 Still Around

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Dusk watched as his thrown blade as ignored and in it's place a black pearl of sorts was put up, a barrier keeping out any other attempted attacks. "Bugger." Putting his arms down Dusk looked as the one known as Vanessa simply walked away, yelling some banter between her and Jason, something about how he had a duty or some sort. "Right..." He replied to her side-given comment directed at him, he looked to the princess and the demon, tears were in her eyes and smoke was wafting off his body. Children, so many children on his journey Just as he was to try and call out to the two, a black pulse of energy echoed from the church, cascading over the land and bringing about the a staccato of undead, their arms cropping up and blooming into terrible and vile new enemies. "And bugger." Dusk commented, his mask shifting once more to a face of utter annoyance, a red paint scrawled upon it's sleek white surface. "Time to leave little ones." He 'spat' over to the girl ad boy slumped against the wall. Dusk gave one more glance towards the bubble of darkness that had been created earlier. "Next time you son of a bitch...." A nearly silent promise and Dusk left, exiting the church to come near the others side, "Anses is still missing I presume." He asked coldly to Feress as he came near. He was the only one to have been with him at the time, and he knew they were supposed to be leaving. But he didn't want to go. He felt it was his duty to at least try finding the Cianad, it felt only fair. A glance around the area, the darkened people who were now an army for the damned returned a cold and hungry stare. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few..."I suggest sicking close." Raising his weapons once more he trained them on the nearest few shamblers. He gave a look behind his shoulder, looking for the two bodies still in the church. They needed to get the hell out of there.

Lowering her blade as Feress did his staff, Elaine looked at the oncoming body, they seemed shorter, less...intimidating, than she first thought. Halfway through putting her modest blade away an echoing cold ran through the land. Plumes of rotting and cursed flesh rose and came back to life horribly, their twisted bodies a shadow of what they should still be, but where not. "U-uhm...Mr..." She looked to the kitsune for some sort of guidance, and was shown it when he cast a beautiful spell. Destroying a few nearby farmers with a little dazzle of ethereal blades. Elaine paled, the idea of fighting these many enemies...these many who used to be, normal people. She tried to ignore her stomach and it's somersaults, her two small hands wrapped around the small dagger handle. She would try her hardest, she wouldn't fall behind, she would be helpful. Not a nuisance. She looked once more to the faces of the party. They were all a lot more distraught than before. The smiles and offers of protection and carrying didn't really show right now. Some were in pan, some where afraid, she was't sure which half she fell into.

Alexandira felt something, some large radiating terribleness. A black circle growing to encompass the near area. Odd sounds of earth breaking, snarls and creaking melted through the wood of the church. Swiping through a cultist she found herself outside, having phased through a wall. Bodies were raising, things that should have been buried where now clawing their ways onto the battlefield, dotting what used to be a town with what used to be it's denizens. "...I know how you feel." Silencing the pained moan of a nearby by cursed she looked sharply to the building once more. She had some words to part with those inside. Anyone who was still in the main room, the one with the chanting and the crying, would see it's back wall become scarce. A new doorway being made by a spray of flying blades and bodies. Alexandria flew in, a rage filled air about her. She hated those who disrespected the dead. She looked to the barrier, and how it had deflected her projectiles. It wasn't going to move easily...Searching the room further for more enemies, she instead found a boy and a girl, huddled against a wall. An odd cloaked figure, not alike to the cultists, had just walked out. "Boy." She said across the way as she recognized that one who had made the dark armor. "It's rude to smoke in church." Her weapons came about her, forming a nest of blades around her. "This won't end well, leaving is for the wise." She gave a long curt stare to the shield. "Staying is for the damned."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cartwright


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Feress glanced over at Sakura upon hearing her suggest retreat and paused a split second to think, that was when he heard Elaine's voice and gave her a glance as well. He took in her image that displayed her fear and turned his head back to the undead, a growl escaping him as he brought the base of his staff to the ground and held it firmly. "Stay close you two." He muttered as he closed his eyes shut and allowed the staff to glow a bright mixture of gold and white. When it was almost bright enough to be compared to the sun, the small fox thing brought out the top end and ran around the small group in a circle, dragging it behind them to draw a border around them. It left behind a glowing line and the horde was approaching, but as soon as one of them touched the line he disintegrated into nothingness as if there was an invisible wall that temporarily protected the trio of small individuals. The kitsune quickly waved the others over, if they were huddled close together they could fit in. "What about Ansen?! Did anyone find him?!" He called out, gripping his staff tightly as he slowly spent his energy to keep up the protection. There was one undead that was approaching from his blind side, and it reached in despite it's state of slowly being torn apart, the hand reaching for the kitsune. There were only three people able to stop the grab; the two children and the swordsman. "If we leave that old hound is doomed! What do you guys wanna do?!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BingTheWing
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BingTheWing menace to society

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The church vibrated with the brutal breaking of the church's wooden portals and the simultaneous sound of a dwarf's savage war cry. Various runes of different shapes and sizes were swirling around the hooded dwarf, who had just brandished a humongous warhammer and had begun swinging it in a frenzy. The dwarf soon found a tottering old undead, the poor zombie barely able to stand. A dark and final day it was for that undead minion, for the dwarf then proceeded to smite his rotting head off with amazing strength. "BLOODY BLACK SKULLS!" was heard numerous times in the church and outside graveyard.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JessieTargaryen
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JessieTargaryen Celestial Queen-in-Waiting

Member Seen 6 mos ago

With a groan, Jason pushed himself up, using his sword as a crutch as he shakily stood. His red eyes seemed to glow with a new intensity, as anger filled Jason's blood. A look in his eyes that only Vanessa would know."I for one, am not standing by while they turn Ansen against us. My bet is that Ansen is in that field. I'm going in there to kill those holding it up. If you hold it out here, I will probably need your help when the field comes down." He says to Feress in the group. Then turns to Vanessa. "You stay out here until the church comes down, I'm not having my best friend die on my watch. When the church is down it will destroy the holy magic. When the church is down, come join me. I will need another demon. Ensure Arya isn't hurt." Jason says and then walks towards the church, the cobblestones and gravestones from around the area began ripping themselves up and hurling themselves through the wooden walls, destroying the alter and bringing the building down. Jason advanced on the bubble ready to kill
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SnowAngel


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"Wait.. what?" Arya looked at Jason as he walked towards the church. "You just got hit badly by a darke pulse. You can't put yourself in danger once again!" She walked towards him but along the way felt someone grip her wrist, stopping her from going any further. "Let go of me I can't let him go in there alone."

She felt herself beeing pulled closes to someones chest. "It's too dangerous, I won't let you die for him." She looked up right into the blue orbs of her best friend, Lyari. "Trust me, demons don't die that easily."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by deadpixel101
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deadpixel101 Still Around

Member Seen 15 days ago

Dusk kept a weapon trained on a different enemy at all times, he had sidled up near Feress and was ready to defend him and the small ones if anything got a little too close for comfort. He trusted the barrier, as he had just seen it work wonders, but he found comfort in steel. "Perhaps those who cannot fight at full capacity should leave. It would be safer for everyone." Dusk didn't want to offend anyone, some were hurt and others would focus on protecting each other instead of themselves, and while noble and endearing, may end to an early sacrifice. "I feel inclined to find the man, i'm not leaving if others are willing to stay and fight as well." His mask was an odd swath of blacks and red, a split painting of determination worry and anger. This was getting annoying, he didn't like the idea of losing anyone so early. "Either way let's move fast now!" He raised his voice just as the old church groaned and fell. He shook his head at the dust and planks raining about. "He better not have still been in there..." he murmured. If Jason had just taken their friend along with the building, he was going to have a few stern arrows for him. "Reckless." He finished as he looked back to the kitsune. They needed to act.

Elaine watched in obvious dismay as everything went crazy. People panicked and fighting, moving about to better their positions, as people and as a group. She clenched her meager blade and shifted from side to side, fearing the need to use it on the poor souls who had risen from the earth. She was horrified. Bodies falling apart were coming near them, threatening a brutal end. She looked to Feress for some sort of guidance once more, and again he was taking action. Creating a sunny barrier, a golden egg to protect her, himself and any others near enough to enter. Just as two enemies got close, they were gone, wiped away by whatever might the barrier held. She was about to ask the kitsune just what she should do, other than obviously staying close, but the world shut her moth, a small man, the figure she had watched before and all but forgotten, charge into the scene, screaming and making the hectic situation a bit less sensible. Just as he disappeared into the building, the demon, Jason, brought the whole thing down. Elaine yelped. Was he okay? She didn't know f he was inside or out when that had happened, all the other noise had driven his voice away from her.

Alexandria felt some odd rumbling, she was bout to attempt an assault on the barrier, when the entire scene fell. Collapsing in on her the roof and walls shattered with bodies being flung into it. Her swords being dragged down with the debris she watched as things fell around and through her. She sighed with great annoyance. This was bullsh*t.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cartwright


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Feress looked around to observe how the others were reacting while his barrier did it's job. He could see some looking towards him for guidance or the call to retreat, and he could see others jumping head first into battle. They were missing a comrade, Ansen, but is it worth endangering everyone to try and get him back? That thought caused an involuntary growl to escape him and he quickly began thinking over all of his options. Fortunately, this barrier he made was very small, so it didn't take much from him, he could hold this up for a couple hours before he had to break it and re-make it or fight the undead while running, but the others who weren't in the barrier were in danger. In the end, though it was Jason's actions that made him make his decision knowing there were some who wouldn't cooperate if he declared a retreat. "We can't run! Try to hold your ground and do what is necessary to stay safe!" He shouted as he gave Sakura and Dusk a glance. There was something else out there tearing through the undead, he could hear the shouting, but it was unknown if that was a good thing or a bad thing. If that demon can't handle those bastards then I will deal with them with the greatest fire I am conjure.

With the church pretty much destroyed that left the shield and the evil bubble sitting in the middle of the rubble. The shield was still up but a few minutes later, for some reason it died down, and the reason was clear. The one who had the shield going fell forward with a cry of pain, a familiar Cianid following behind him as a blade was plunged into the hooded man, the killer immediately collapsing after stumbling a few steps forward with the man. It was Ansen, and he was covered up to his waist with some darkish material that was almost like slime. (eww) He couldn't move much more after that, the wolfish swordsman lying on the rocks and dirt with his blood already staining the ground under him, he was obviously in critical condition. With the shield gone and there being only one cultist left that left an opening to end it all, but the orb was still up and when the Cianid had broken away whips and tentacles shot out from the orb, grabbing anything inside the church that wasn't tainted with darkness, even the Cianid who had broken the shield. It was quickly dragging him back into the orb, leaving only a trail of blood that smeared the floor behind.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by JessieTargaryen
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JessieTargaryen Celestial Queen-in-Waiting

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Jason growled a deep and demonic growl, one that was straight out of the sterotypical demon. As the tentacles shot out to grab things in the church, Jason tried to stab into one, but it retreated back to the orb much to fast. The half demon heard the sound of claws against his armor as an undead minion attacked him, the boy spun quickly, his reflexes as good as any soldier who was worth anything, and he grabbed the undead's throat. Lifting it up before snapping the neck of the Enemy fast enough that it caused the head to do a 180 degree spin. Then the boy turned on the remaining cultist, he reached out towards the cultist before closing his hand into a fist and yanking it back towards him. The cultist soon found himself airborne, and flying directly towards Jason's raised sword.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SnowAngel


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Arya pulled herself out off Lyari's embrace when she saw the church falling down. Jason was out there! Lyari managed to grab her by her wist just in time to prevent her from running away. "I won't let you go." he said. "But Jason might be in danger!" "And you think you can save him? You know you're to weak. You'll only get yourself killed. " Arya looked down in defeat and then faced Vanessa." Vanessa... You sworn loyalty towards him. Please... Go help him.. " Arya hated to ask this of Vanessa. She was trying her best not to cry.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Cartwright


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

With all that was happening the dark sphere with many tentacles still dragged those who were not infected and within the area of the church. Eventually with no aid the Cianid was sliding down what used to be the aisle, his blood still smearing on the floor before his and reached out and grabbed a crushed bench, causing the thing that held his leg to have difficulty dragging him. It eventually stopped tugging on the guardian and started sending some sort of pulse through the tentacle and into the man's body. IT wasn't known what it was exactly doing, but it obviously wasn't good. Fortunately with the final cultist out of the way, there was nobody holding up the orb's power, and it was slowly diminishing, but it was still a threat to reckon with.

((no Feress post due to the fact there isn't necessarily anyone interacting near him. I will post him if the RP miraculously continues))
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