Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lilacs


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

This roleplay is currently ACCEPTING

Interest Check | Character Bin

Summer camp! A wonderful experience that many children in America partake in. Here, it's possible to find lifelong friends, everlasting memories and experience nature like never before. Summer camp is a place where people can get away from their daily problems and simply have fun! You can become a different person at camp, after all, most people don't know the previous you.

So you come to camp, whether you are returning or a newcomer, it doesn't matter! Some of you are excited, and maybe some of you are dreading this. Whatever the case, there's some sort of anticipation building up within you about spending the next few weeks here. What's not to look forward to? There are all of the delicious meals, roasting marshmallows in the campfire, the sleepover-esque nights, the crystalline lake, making new friends...

At least, that's what was supposed to happen.

Every summer camp has their own horror story. Maybe it's something people whisper to each other in their cabins, trying to spook each other before going to sleep, maybe it's something that everyone squeals over the campfire chats. Whatever the case, it's all usually just a thrilling story to be scared over, nothing too major. Our camp has those stories too. Supposedly, they found a body underneath one of the cabins, and you can still hear it crying. What about that story about the door that keeps opening, no matter how many times you shut it? Of course, everyone just nervously laughs it off, it's only a story.

What are you going to do when you're within that horror story? You're in the middle of nowhere, there's no place to run. When the fun summer camp experience goes awry, you'll become part of the horror story retold by generations to strike fear in people's hearts.

  • All Guild rules apply, of course
  • Swearing is allowed, but please keep it in moderation.
  • This is high casual roleplay. At the bare minimum, please post two paragraphs. Much more is preferred! That being said, quality over quantity, don’t add random things just to add length.
  • Please use proper grammar! I'm not a grammar nazi, but I do like to be able to read things without being bothered by the grammar. You don't have to make things perfect, and you don't have to obsessively proof read, but try your best!
  • Don’t create a Mary Sue or a Marty Stu. Nobody is perfect, people must have flaws.
  • Use common sense and courtesy! We’re all friends here. Be polite, and no fights in the OOC. Don't put anything here that you wouldn't want your grandmother to see.
  • Listen to what the GM says! I am your benevolent goddess… In this roleplay, at least.
  • As of right now, there is a character limit of three characters. This may be subject to change.
  • Let me know if you can’t post for a while, or if you’re dropping, or anything of that nature. I won’t bite your head off, I promise.
  • You have to post in the OOC at least once in a while. It's no fun to roleplay with someone you barely know. Even if it's just to say "I'm ALIIIIVE", post in the OOC.
  • Have fun! This is a requirement. Seriously, why roleplay if you’re not having fun?

Character Information
For your character sheet, please be detailed! Especially in the personality section, don’t just list off adjectives. Go into detail. Also, it would be much appreciated if you could underline, bolden, or do something to the CS skeleton to make it easier to read. You can add more to the CS skeleton if you’d like, but be sure to have the ones listed here!

If you think that your character could be the murderer, please PM me and I will consider it!

Once your character has been accepted, post it to the Character Bin. The character bin is not a place to apply for this roleplay, it is a place for accepted characters ONLY.

Camp Information
Welcome to Camp Duskend! We're so glad you're here. If you would please take a moment to get to know the camp, that would be most lovely!

If you have any ideas or contributions, please don't hesitate to let me know!

This OOC is still a WIP! More information will be added over time, so check back!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lilacs


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lilacs


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by czechmate46
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name: Roberta "Bobby" Krasinski

Age: 16

Gender: female

Appearance: On the tall side (5'7) and average build and weight. Heart shaped face with teal eyes, thick brows, nose on the larger side, average lips, chestnut hair with thick bangs. Thick glasses and some scars from various accidents below her left eye. Pretty much like the picture except younger looking, teal eyes, and with glasses.

Number of times at this camp: zero. This is the first time.

Personality: People could consider her a nerd but she doesnt really like any of the typical nerdy stuff (star wars, lord of the rings. Etc). While other 16 year old girls are interested in boys, shopping, losing their virginity, and makeup, Bobby is immersed in politics, history, literature, and music. Because of this she tends to keep to herself and is introverted. She doesn't initiate conversation and will do anything to get out of social situations. She has no actual friends, just mere aquaintences and despises having to meet new people. Basically summer camp is the last place she wants to be. She often comes off cold and, because she doesn't talk much, assumptions are made about her and she is portrayed by others as someone she is not.

History: Bobby was raised in a high-middle class home with a mother and a father who were both high achieving careers people (professor and doctor). Everything in their house was kept perfect- not a single thing out of place. Bobby was given strict rules for her grades and, at the age of 10, was sent to a private school for gifted students. She spent her years mostly alone, yet content. Seeing that their daughter had no friends and appeared to be a loner, Bobby's parents began pressuring her to make friends. After failing to do so for many years, her parents finally gave her an ultimatum: go to summer camp to make friends or be sent back to public school. Bobby chose the first option as she figured she could tolerate some social action for a month or two.

Why She's at the camp: Parents gave her ultimatum
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GreenGrenade
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Member Seen 1 day ago

May I reserve a spot? Life has me unable to post until tomorrow, if not the weekend.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ayzrules
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ayzrules CEO of staying up all night

Member Seen 16 days ago

wait wheres the charrie bin thing lol

camper cs

NAME: Ella Elaized
AGE: (Ages 12-18) 14
GENDER: female

APPEARANCE: Ella has caramel-colored hair that falls in a curtain halfway down her back. It is naturally just a tad frizzy, but Ella likes it straight and smooth so she straightens it every morning. Ella is fairly pale, with a small smattering of freckles dotting her face. She has thin, pale pink lips and clear, spring green eyes. She tends to wear her hair simply, either down or in a high ponytail-occasionally in a braid running down her back. Ella is an average weight and height, the only thing even remotely special about her body being her slim hands and feet and her rather long neck. She has a smallish nose and large eyes.

((may add pic later))

# OF TIMES AT CAMP: two-she's been going since she was 12

Personality: Ella is fairly timid around strangers, but very outgoing amongst her friends, particularly the ones she knows very well. At first glance, Ella appears to be a shy, quiet type of girl who keeps her head down and minds her own business. However, once you get to know her, she transforms into a talkative and mischievous person who loves to party and have a good time. Ella is very optimistic and can always find a silver lining to even the darkest of storm clouds.

Along with this, she is also just a little more superstitious than your average teenager. Her friends are fond of lightly teasing her about this, but Ella actually takes old sayings like "step on a crack, break your mother's back" seriously, though she tries not to let it show. Some call her gullible, some call her paranoid, but Ella knows that she's just plain superstitious. She tries to hide it, to get over her childish fears. She does, she really really does. But she just can't, so she plasters a smile to her face and laughs off every creepy ghost story she's heard as "just a story" and gets on with her life, all the while feeling a tingling down her spine...

History: Ella grew up in Florida, land of balmy summers and mild winters. She enjoyed the close proximity of Florida's plentiful beaches and

Why are you at this camp?: Ella just wants to enjoy her summer, and despite the ghost stories and rumors that surround the camp, she is rather attached to it and plans to keep attending until she goes to college

Miscellaneous: pm me if you want our charries to be friends
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Irisity
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Can I reserve a spot? Currently can't get a cs up
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Irisity
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Callie "Rover" Anderson

Age: (Ages 12-18) 17

Gender: Female

Appearance: (A written portion is required. It would be lovely if you had a picture as well! If you use a picture, please use a photograph of a real person.) Rover has defined cheekbones and dull blue eyes. Her straight brown hair reaches past her chest and is usually down. She has a (sort of) blunt turned-up nose and smallish lips. She generally wears tank tops and shorts because she gets hot easily.

Number of times at this camp: 4th time. Been coming since she was 13

Personality: Rover is a stark figure among the common crowd. She has some self esteem issues despite being told that she is beautiful. Rover really tries her best to get along with everyone but some of the newbies she just wants to slap for their ignorance and idiocy. She makes friends easily but enemies just as well. She's a bit passive-aggressive when it comes to arguments. When she turns 18, she plans to sign up as a counselor and hope that the officials let her in after they pardon her offenses from the past (she picked a few fights). She doesn't like to talk about her parents.

History: Rover first got her nick name from the fact that she played Animal Crossing so much as a kid (there's a character named Rover in the game). She was brought up to be kind and helpful to others, but some people just needed a hard slap in the face. Her dad died when she was eleven and she sadly went into depression. Her mother did her best to make her daughter happy, but even the pills didn't work. But when Rover's mom got remarried to a man named Kyle when she was twelve, she was outraged. She accused her mother of replacing her dad, screaming that she didn't care about him. Instead of trying to explain to her daughter that she really loved this new man as much as she loved her late husband, and still loved him too, she sent her daughter off to summer camp. Rover never forgave her mother even if the camp helped her get over her depression.

Why are you at this camp?: After Rover's first year, she climbed her way out of depression from all the happy times and friends she made, but when she went back home to her mother wanting her to call Kyle "Dad", she sunk back into the deep dark hole once again. She begged her mom to send her back and she did. The camp is her only safe haven and the only place that makes her happy anymore.


Please pm me (or I'll pm you) if you think your character could be friends with mine
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vulpes


Member Offline since relaunch

Can I have a reserve too? I have lot to write right now, but I should be able to make it today or tomorrow.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GreenGrenade
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Here he is:

Name: Andy Hughes

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Appearance: Andy has always been complimented on his appearance for the majority of his life, to the point that it's been getting annoying. He has a defined and firm jawline, short brown hair and almost grey eyes. His body is well-toned, thanks to the years he's spent training in MMA.

Number of times at this camp: This is Andy's first time at Camp Duskend, and it's fair to say that he's pretty darn excited.

Personality: Andy's a very social creature. He'll try to befriend anyone and everyone, and generally enjoys anyone's company, as long as they aren't complete assholes. He's very empathic, almost always understanding how a person feels, though not necessarily why. Goofball is his middle name, as he greatly enjoys having a good joke, and is caught messing around frequently. Note that this doesn't make him a troublemaker; while he occasionally stirs things up, it's rarely on purpose, and he always makes sure that no one gets hurt.

While he's a goofball at heart, Andy also has a very mature and sensible side. He hates seeing people suffering, be it mentally or physically, trying his hardest to help them out. His sense of justice is strong, often exploding in anger when witnessing an injustice. Even though it isn't his job, Andy feels a responsibility to help others in need, often putting others' needs in front of his, not caring for the effects it has on him.

He also has secrets; within him he keeps the reasons for his best friend's suicide, and he often mulls over them, letting the knowledge slowly eat him up.

History: Andy was born in the city of Brisbane, Australia. He'd spent the first fifteen years of his life there, making friends, attending school, y'know, the usual things a teen would do. At the age of eight, he took up training in mixed martial arts, and has kept on doing so ever since. He'd won a number of tournaments, though he never bragged about doing so, and this earned him the respect of many, both in and out of school. Life was good; nothing thus far had gone wrong, and Andy had no worries. This all changed, however, with one fateful text message from his best friend and former girlfriend, Stephanie Shelton.

Andy, help me. Please help.

Rushing to their hideout in the bush, Andy arrived half an hour after receiving the text... Half an hour too late. What he saw changed him forever. In front of him hung his best friend from a single rope tied around her neck, attached to a thick tree branch overhead. Below her was a note, stating her reasons for committing suicide and saying her single goodbye: to Andy.

Weeks after the funeral, Andy's parents decided to move from the country. They were doing their son no good staying there; all that was left were reminders of what had happened. And so, off to America they went, leaving friends, family and memories behind.

Why are you at this camp?: Andy's parents thought that after moving to America, Andy's mood would change. If anything, however, it had worsened, and they knew not what to do. Thinking on it for a while, they found the perfect solution: Summer camp. Andy had always enjoyed camping and the outdoors, and with the coming summer, his parents decided to send him off to Camp Duskend.

Miscellaneous: Andy finds comfort in listening to My Chemical Romance, the band which Stephanie had frequently pestered him about.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by DaDrummer676
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

EDIT: Delete this post
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Irisity
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Where the hell is Miz and everyone from the interest check ;-;
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lilacs


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Irisity said
Where the hell is Miz and everyone from the interest check ;-;

I'm here, I was just busy the last couple of days. As for everyone else, no clue!

Okay, I'm going to go ahead and take a little more time to scrutinize everyone's characters. I unfortunately have high standards for character sheets, so I apologize ahead of time.

And for everyone asking to reserve a character place thing... Um, go ahead? I mean, this roleplay is pretty much out in the open, and nobody's going to necessarily miss out on this RP because many people sign up--I'm used to larger roleplays anyway. So just post a character whenever it's finished.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Engel
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Engel Wonderland Psychotic Wonderland Perfection

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Lily Brooks
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Appearance: Lily is of medium height, with long blonde hair which she's partly dyed pink. She has grey eyes. She almost always wears a light grey beanie on her head, except when asleep or showering. Lily prefers baggy clothes, and would be kind of unwilling to wear anything too feminine or revealing.

Number of times at this camp: 2nd time. She was at the camp when she was 15 too.

Personality: Lily is open-minded, creative and intuitive, often found with a sketchbook in hand as she enjoys drawing anything that catches her eye, be it interesting, pretty or gross. She can be quick to jump to conclusions which may not be accurate that often. She sometimes gets lost in the moment, forgetting what she should be doing, that she hasn't eaten or slept in a while, especially when drawing.

Lily keeps her belongings organized, hates being alone for extended periods of times and can be a bit wild. She is a cocky extrovert who likes being the centre of attention, but can still be rather reserved when asked about her life or true feelings. When it comes to her behaviour concercing her deeper friendships she is a trustworthy and gracious person, disliking people who might be mean to her friends. She is bad at handling criticism, particularly when it comes to her drawing skills.

History: Lily was born and raised in Los Angeles. Despite being a big city girl, she never had much against small towns, nature or the people who were from those parts. Her parents raised her to be open-minded towards other people's culture and lifestyles. It certainly helped that her favourite uncle, the person who always babysst and took care of Lily when her parents couldn't, was a flamboyant gay man in his fourties. He was Lily's role model for many years as she grew up, and she still thinks of him as such. He taught Lily how to draw, dress up and put on make-up. He brought her to her first nightclub, which incidentely was also her first gay club. She wasn't much more than a teenager, but her parents were out of town and her uncle was forced to fill in for someone who worked at the club. He didn't want to leave her alone.

Unfortunately, not everyone is open-minded and tolerating of others. Her uncle was beaten to within an inch of his life and ended up in a wheelchair, barely able to take care of himself. The reason they did it was because of the way he dressed. Lily visits her uncle a lot, but ever since that happened she doesn't much care for dressing up or looking nice for others. She's developed a resentment for macho men and christians after her uncle's beating too. Lily would like to remain open-minded to everyone, but it's proven hard with all the hatred in the world.

Her parents sent her to Camp Duskend for the first time the summer after her uncle ended up in a wheelchair, hoping to show Lily a different kind of environment. An environment she may never have come in contact with normally. Lily had only gone to tropical places on vacation before when leaving Los Angeles for more than a few days, but now she got to spend a whole summer at a camp. Her mood had improved once she returned back home, and she'd made new friends at the camp.

Why are you at this camp?: Lily didn't actually want to go this summer, nor did she plan it. She very much enjoyed her first summer at the camp though. Her parents forced her to go as a kind of punishment after one too many incidents. The first time she'd been at the camp she'd come back optimistic and happy, so they hoped the camp would have a positive influence on her again. Lily had planned on spending the summer with her friends from school, but her parents both agreed they were a bad influence on their daughter who had once been an innocent girl. Lily disagrees, but after the secret house party which took a week to clean up, a ruined family dinner and being arrested after skinny dipping in the public pool with a girlfriend she's understandably having a difficult time convincing her parents of anything.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vulpes


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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Whirlwind
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Whirlwind Barefoot Hippie Momma

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Decided not to join. Good luck all!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Feigling


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

I know what you said about reserving spots, but I just want to make it clear I am joining.
EDIT: Never mind. Not joining after all
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GreenGrenade
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Member Seen 1 day ago

Hey guys, just a heads up if I happen to get accepted and this starts up by next week. From Monday the 8th I'll be away for five days on a hiking camp with my school. We'll be completely out of touch from any technology, so I won't be able to post at all. So if this does start up during that time, just know that I'm away and not purposefully ignoring the RP.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Irisity
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

What're we gonna do if Miz doesn't come back
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lilacs


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Irisity said
What're we gonna do if Miz doesn't come back

I'm here :P

Sorry, I've just been really busy with school stuff.
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