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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MistressCyanide
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MistressCyanide The Poison In Your Veins

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Ash: “Firstly, lets check out what we’ve got for travel and make sure we pool together what fuel we can for the trip out and back. We’re also going to need at least another two people to come with us...once we’ve got those sorted we can go over the map. If Dog can find it for us”

Kaylah just listened; there was nothing to add to what she said so she uttered nothing. Kaylah found herself following Ash to some farm vehicles. She watched as Ash went to the pick-up truck which was useful for carrying things, the tractor next to it would have been rather amusing to see being used to gather fuel, it almost sounded like something a video game would do to a player just to make the game longer to annoy them on some level. Her train of thought soon disappeared as she heard the young lady speak up.

Ash: “These guys were rather trusting...”

Kaylah: “How long were they on the farm for, I am sure no one here is that trusting just yet?”

It was a question with no real answer, Lloyd was under the weather so he could not answer it and she was sure none of others knew. It might have come up but it might of gone through one ear and out the other. Blue watched Ash open the door of the vehicle where she soon heard the sound of a key turning in the pick-up truck which was soon met with the sound of it running, it was good for them but it would get the attention of unwanted guest if they were nearby or close enough anyway. Ash soon popped out of the driver’s seat where she brought a question up.

Ash: “Want to give those tubes a test run? We need more fuel, could you see if any of these other vehicles have any in their tanks. The more the better”

Kaylah: “I suppose, I am sure the tractor over there is pretty useless in this type of world. It being too slow to get away and kind of hard to drive I guess I will ty that first.”

Without any time to waste the cosplayer/stripper walked over to the tractor where she checked it over. She checked if the keys were in it like the other vehicle but she did not see them. Kaylah soon touched the tractor which was painted blue for some reason; maybe the owner just liked that colour over green. The body was cold meaning no one had used it for a while though since they had been here there was no need to. She circles the vehicle several times before opening up the cap where the fuel pump would be inserted or a canister that had the tip that poured stuff out. The cap was a bit tough to open as it was a bit rusted but with a little effort she managed to open it. It made a sound of rust rubbing against two sheets of metal.

The first thing that happened when she did open it was being met with a horrible smell of fuel. It was really strong for some reason, she did not know too much about cars other than driving them. She did try and start to learn about engines and how they worked but the world kind of ended so she had to drop it. She wasted no time as she took one of the tubes and removed it from herself and slowly placed it in until it was in the tank itself. A med sized canister was near by making her reach out to pull it closer while she held the tube with her other hand. The sound of dragging could be heard on and off until it was next to her.

With the canister next to her she puts her mouth around the horse and begins to suck on it. The smell gave her a strange taste of the fuel and it was really unpleasant. Luckily no one was around to make some joke about it, like she needed something like that right now. She had watched movies and some TV where people used a hose and sucked on it to start the fuel flowing. Just like in those two mediums the fuel tried to run though she did several deep breathes to get it started. She had to be quick or she would be wasting what they had making her put the tube straight into the empty canister. For a moment nothing happened though soon the sound of something flowing could be heard and then the sound of liquid hitting the bottom of the canister followed.

She was not sure how much was in here but time would tell as she stood next to with her back against the tractor with her arms folded. Her eyes stayed fixed on the tube, she would keep a hold of it in a moment but she wanted to make sure the flow was working well. A minute passed and Blue put her one hand on the tube and the other on the canister itself to keep control of it and stop it just in case there was more in the tractor then she though. She did not want the flow to stop or she would have to start the process again which she could see happening though really this was the first time she had tried such a thing and movies and TV were usually not to realistic.

At this time she wondered how the other girl was doing; last thing she saw was her going to the front of the pick-up truck. She wondered if she should live the dog here or not as the fuel soon came to a stop. She had to repeat the process, not that she wanted it, and it just had to be done. It was a good way to check if the tank was empty or not, it would suck if it did. She removes the hose which had nothing coming out of it except the odd drip of fuel. Cleaning it a bit up with her free hand she repeats it once more though this time the taste was ever more real. She felt a little sick from it as well but that would pass quickly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FaithsRose
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FaithsRose Friendly Neighbourhood Beast

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

- Mercy -

Mercy's eyes narrowed momentarily at Chris's response to her question, barely preventing herself from huffing in annoyance, she didn't want to appear rude but such an answer was callous...regardless of the situation and she was hoping for a way to prevent such an event rather than dealing with it afterwards, by then it would be too late. She looked over at Dog wondering how he would take the hinted threat unwilling to speak before he did on the subject. She cast her eyes to the floor exhaling a sigh at Dog's words, Olivia didn't appear to be threatening but she wasn't harmless...Tamashii however. Well she was another matter, without Mercy around her she was a loose canon with very little regard for anyone else except herself...survival was priority, but she was also a fighter back her into a corner and she wouldn't hesitate regardless of who you were. Armed with this knowledge Mercy knew she had to keep Cat and Tamashii away from each other at all costs.

Mercy looked from Dog to Chris, biting her bottom lip as she listened to what was being said, she hadn't known Chris had been the first to attack though she could understand why she would have. "Perhaps going in guns blazing wasn't the...best way of doing things. But in defence of that, all everyone knows about Cat is how he treated that dog and that he's dangerous...It wasn't really obvious that he hadn't hurt Tony either" She stated in response to Dog's speech, folding her arms across her chest as she slowly brought her breathing back under control, her heartbeat steadying to a manageable speed the calmer she forced herself to be. "If this is going to work we need to communicate better..." She added, her voice grew in strength as she spoke. She hadn't meant to revert to a jelly like state in the attic, it had been years since something had caused her to react that way. Never again, it was supposed to never happen again She thought to herself before she retreated from the past and emersed herself in the present. It sounded like a case of crossed wires...though she couldn't at this moment have imagined it going any other way considering the first impression they had got from the twins on a whole. Ethics aside however the new information Dog gave her also had her eyeing Chris suspiciously as she checked her over for damage, she hadn't realized Cat had harmed her. "Injured? Where?" She asked standing upright and moving over to stand just in front of Chris grinding to a halt at a respectable distance, watching her expectantly as she awaited an answer.

As she was waiting Dog continued talking. What he said caused her to shift on the spot uncomfortably he was very openly giving up more information on his brother, it reminded her she barely knew anything about them...and yet she'd been so quick to judge them. She lifted a hand to her face tucking her hair behind her ear as she turned side on so she could glance in Dog's direction, mainly focusing her eyes on the floor as she absorbed the information offered to them. Peeking up at the smaller twin she found herself watching his expression as he spoke, the warm smile on his face clearly reflected the solid affection he felt for his elder brother even behind the sadness. Her arms defensively curled around her torso resting under her bust as Dog paused and glanced over at them, she dropped her gaze to his shoulder to avoid his eyes as she had done to avoid Cat's gaze. Avoiding a man's eye had been drilled firmly into her mannerisms during her younger years, even now when she felt threatened or anxious she would revert back to it as a defence mechanism to lower her threat level.

Guilt flooded through her as Dog's words reached her ears, she turned her gaze back at the floor feeling the emotion pass through into her facial expression. "...I can't see how you could have helped him more than you did...was it even possible to stop him from harming himself like that?" She murmured, reaching up to run a hand up the side of her neck and rest against it lifting her eyes to watch for Dog's reaction. Her conscience pushed her to suck up her fear and offer up her assistance despite the fact the idea made her heart figuratively jump against her ribcage. "I-I could bandage his arm...I'm not exactly threatening..." She offered after a few moments of silence stumbling over her words in her haste to say them, funny how courage seemed to surface once the threat had passed. Feeling more confident now her mind was set on it she visibly relaxed and a glimmer of a smile tugged at the corners of her mouth, if you knew her it was easy to tell the smile wasn't sincere she at least hoped she could pull it off in front of people she'd only just met. "I need to see to Lloyd first...but afterwards I could go back up there, I've got enough supplies to share" She told him.

As Dog suddenly treated them to a bright smile she raised a curious eyebrow at him, that smile turned out to be rather infectious, it caused her own smile to shyly slip back onto her face. She was surprised at how light Dog's tone was as he concluded his speech on his brother, a cornered stray cat...Does that mean if you feed him, he'll assume he is god and demand you pet and feed him regularly? She wondered unsure whether she was disturbed by her own thought processes or not. Before she could question Dog further he had bounded out of the room and down the stairs from what she could hear. "What an odd fellow..." She decided on saying, more to herself than anyone as she moved back over to the doorway catching his hurried footsteps funnel off into the kitchen. Dog's sudden mood shift had eased the tension within her quite nicely if only her moods shifted as quickly, she cast her gaze back to Chris for a moment before past her to the resting form of Tony. A sudden flush crossed her cheeks as an awkward sensation passed through her. "Oh! Right well...I-I should leave you two alone. I'll just be in Lloyd's room if you need me..." She spluttered out, looking confused by her own speech for a moment. Neither of them probably needed to know where she was...so why had she said that? She shrugged her shoulders slightly, the warm smile returning to her expression before she slid out of the room and made her way down to her own room, to grab her first aid kit from her bag whilst she was in there she grabbed her swiss army knife as well...the first aid kit didn't have scissors and she wasn't prepared to spend ages looking for a pair. Once she was kitted out, she knocked on Lloyd's door only entering when he told her she could, she left the door ajar through habit alone.

- Tamashii -

Tamashii tilted her head to the side thoughtfully at Kaylah’s question as she hopped out of the truck, she wasn’t sure whether the other woman wanted an answer or not but she decided to offer up something in response. “I get the feeling Lloyd has lived here since before the world went to pot, judging by the fact they left the keys in the ignition they were either very trusting or prepared, no chance of losing the suckers if they’re already in the truck” She shrugged before moving onto her second question.

“Probably, though I bet it’d be quite effective at squishing a lot of those things” She answered with a devious look to her face before she moved to the front of the car and announced what she was doing. If only people were as easy to work out as engines... She thought to herself, it seemed to be running properly but she wanted to check deeper. She jogged back round to the side of the vehicle and turned it off watching as the woman in blue, wincing at the hideous noise the fuel cap made as it opened. She wrinkled her nose at the noise as she reached into the cab and pulled out a sheet of dirty cloth, she needed something to wipe her hands on she tucked it halfway into her side pocket opposite her gun.

Just as she was making her way back round to the front of the car her ears were assaulted a second time by the horrible screech of Kaylah dragging the canisters along towards the truck, her face became a vision of agitation as she looked over at the other woman who hadn’t seemed phased by the sound she had created. “God give me patience...if you give me strength I’ll use it” She muttered to herself almost inaudibly as she was finally able to settle in front of the engine. Kaylah hadn’t really done anything wrong, Tamashii was just being a class A grump, because she could. What the women in blue was doing was vital if they wanted to be able to go anywhere and on some level Tamashii respected her for helping out without complaining at all. She couldn’t go by the statistics but Kaylah was the first women she had come across that wasn’t precious about getting dirty...that statistic did include her best friend, who had only really ‘accepted’ dirt after spending every day running from flesh eating abominations.

Tamashii was completely focused on what she was doing as she leant in under the bonnet, she had grease smeared across her cheek and her fingers were practically black by the time she had checked over all of the vitals. She may have been an older model but she was in pretty good shape, she picked up the bottom of her rag, wiping her dirty hands on it as she stepped back and peeked around the side of the truck to check on Kaylah. “How’s it going Blue?” She asked, her mood had improved a little after doing something relatively ‘normal’ she made her way round to the cab standing by the door as she awaited the other woman’s answer.

Once she got it she reached through the trucks open window and fired up the engine a second time before moving back to inspect the engine. “Perfect” She smiled to herself, the only thing that could have made this moment any better would have been an old radio... Remember where you are, you can’t relax here She instantly pulled the tension back into her shoulders and looked around cautiously as she slammed the truck’s hood back down and strode round to turn it off again. Her sharp hazel eyes rested on Kaylah as she cleaned the hose up and brought it to her lips again, she didn’t envy her the awful taste that must have invaded her mouth as she did that...though...with a heavy sigh Tamashii trudged over to the other woman. “How much have you got? I can do the rest if you like” She offered rigidly. “Perhaps you could go and find the others? We need one more person to come with us...Oh and if you see Dog make sure to send...’him’ to me” She asked, though ended up adding an instruction on the end she knew she could do it...but she wasn’t feeling particularly social. Yet again she was feeling rather anxious about being separated from everyone completely...she thought Mercy would have come to find her by now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by teapotshark
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Chris' eyed flickered between the two as the conversation hurried on. Everything she wanted to say lodged in her throat, only part out of choice. The urge to keep Mercy from going anywhere near the psycho in the attic grew stronger the more they talked, but she reminded herself it was not her place to tell Mercy what to do, however much she found herself caring. So she kept quiet and occupied herself with watching them. It was the least she could do to distract herself from the pain crippling her arm.

Her anger bubbled incessantly when Dog placed the heaviest of the blame on her. What did they expect her to do, when she walked in on her only family lying limp in a confirmed nutjob's arms? Of course Dog would defend him. Chris tried to decipher how Mercy felt about the whole situation from just her expression, but soon enough she spoke as well.

Briefly, Mercy seemed concerned with Chris' injury, but Chris did her best to hide her pain and held her arms as normally as possible. If anyone knew how useless her hand was, they might stop her from leaving. Still, Mercy changed her mind before she could assess the damage. Chris stepped forward to stop Mercy from leaving the room, from putting herself in the same attic as that madman, but the other woman moved too quickly.

Alone together again, Tony rose slowly into a sitting position on the bed. He murmured to draw his friend's attention before tapping her side lightly. She turned around, abandoning her act, and slipped to her knees in front of him. “I was so scared,” she mumbled to him, ducking her head to his lap. As rare as it was, seeing her like this made his chest tighten. He shuffled off the bed and knelt on the floor, wrapping his arms around her.

“It's okay,” he soothed, rubbing circles on her back the way her grandfather would when she was young and her parents kicked her out. “I'm okay, see. Perfectly healthy.” Chris returned the hug with one arm, leaving the other pressed loosely at her side. “You're hurt, Chris. Please let someone look at it?”

Quickly recovering, she shook her head. “We're leaving.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Dog listened to Mercy, nodding in soft understanding of her defense for Chris. The smaller twin knew very well that it wasn't a good first impression. She might of known Cat meant little harm but they didn't and he didn't exactly get a good impression on him. Though his reasoning was the dog tried to bite him, it was still considered inhumane for his punishment. But they also should understand how much loved ones were willing to protect their family. She was sure the raven haired girl understood that much. They both were doing it in their own way.

Before she left, she looked to Mercy as she hesitantly offered to bandage up Cat, while wondering if there was a way to stop it. The dirty blonde gave a sad smile in response to Cat's reaction, not yet willing to tell any darker stories. "You don't have to force yourself." is all she said with a much warmer smile before continuing down the stairs. She was a little surprised Mercy would offer such a thing. The blonde looked so scared up in that attic. Dog wasn't really worried for her safety too much, since Mercy truly didn't seem threatening. Course she wasn't sure how Cat would react to a offer of treatment to a unfamiliar person.

As she went to the kitchen, she saw that two of the women were missing. Blinking curiously as she wondered where they ran off.

Cat had made his way back in the attic and now was currently examining the contraption that boy was working on. Now though, there was a radio attached and a few old speakers, of course turned down to the lowest level. He felt calm again at least, and he wasn't sure why he was trying to figure this contraption out. Perhaps he was just bored and fiddling with technology was somewhat entertaining. Grabbing a few scraps a paper, it looked like a old book. A manual perhaps of different tools. His blue eyes scanning over the descriptions, he turned the knob on the radio. It buzzed and made a static sound. Clicking his tongue, he turned it again, briefly catching some garbled words before it disappeared again.

To be honest, he would be surprised if there was anyone who had communications. Plus they were on a farm, wasn't exactly the best place for a signal. Sitting back he held the piece of eyewear between his fingers, pondering why he had took them. Perhaps because he was too busy cooling down and didn't much feel like returning them to that tempered woman. Shrugging, he gave a yawn before leaning against a wall and closing his eyes to rest some more.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FaithsRose
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FaithsRose Friendly Neighbourhood Beast

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

- Mercy & Lloyd -

Mercy perched herself on the edge of Lloyd's bed once he gave her consent to, resting a small bowl of cool water on the side she reached over and pulled a thin strip of fabric out of it. She wrung it out before folding it and reaching over to sweep Lloyd's long fringe out of the way and laid the cool fabric on his moist forehead. "Are they the only symptoms?" She asked him softly, lines creased her forehead. "Fever, lethargy, aches and pains...they can be linked to quite a few things. Flu would be the worst...though it could just be a nasty cold brought on by stress perhaps?" She murmured with a small smile. "It'll pass then?" Lloyd asked uncertainly as he blinked up at her. "I'm sure it will" She assured him. "As long as you stay in bed, drink lots of fluids it should pass. I will need to monitor your temperature though, 39.2 is pretty high but as long as it stays that way you'll be ok" She answered him, leaning back to tuck everything back into her makeshift first aid kit.

"...what about the farm? I can't stay in bed when there are things to do" Lloyd mumbled, he hadn't felt completely comfortable with the idea of trusting a stranger. But he couldn't deny that it felt good having someone care for him, he wasn't accustomed to being alone...but everyone he knew and loved were gone. "You can't keep pushing yourself either. You'll have to trust us to look after the farm for you...I know its not ideal but its the best option for you at the moment" She remarked getting to her feet. "You're all staying?" He queried, uncertainty crossed his flushed face. Mercy lifted a hand up to rest on the side of her neck and chewed her lip as she thought over his question. "I...I don't know..." was her hesitant response "I can't speak for everyone else, but Ash and I aren't going anywhere soon" She quickly assured him, offering up a bright smile as the panic retreated from the young lad's eyes, he wasn't completely convinced that any of them were trustworthy but he couldn't ignore the fact the blonde woman had assisted in his rescue before, therefore he decided to have a little faith. With a small nod he relaxed back into his pillows and closed his eyes, enjoying the cool feel of the cloth against his heated flesh.

Mercy took that as a sign to leave, she silently made her way across his room and slid through the open door, closing it quietly behind her. As soon as it clicked into place she turned towards the staircase leading up to the attic and released a drawn out sigh as she felt anxiety claw its way into her stomach. Without moving she lifted a hand to her head and splayed her fingers across her forehead, briefly closing her eyes as she thought over what she had to do, to be honest she wasn't entirely convinced Cat would even accept her offer of assistance, then there was the worry of Tamashii finding out and rushing up to the attic...she opened her eyes and pushed away from Lloyd's door making her way down the corridor towards the stairs up to the attic, being sure to keep her eyes focused forward as she moved past Tony and Chris's room so as not to disturb them. Unless anyone felt the need to stop her along her way, she turned into her shared room and walked over to her backpack to retrieve something.

- Tamashii -

Seeing that Kaylah hadn't finished what she was doing, Tamashii felt a little awkward for asking more of her. "Actually tell you what, whilst you finish up here, I'll go and see who I can find...I need to check up on Mercy anyhow" She stated, reaching into the truck she pulled the keys out of the ignition and pocketed them, nodding her head to Kaylah as if to encourage her to keep up the good work. She strode across the grass field between them and the farm house, being sure to keep her distance from the pond...she didn't trust its murky depths, anything could be hidden under there and unless someone was willing to jump in and search they'd never truly know if it was 'safe'.

She was paranoid but in fairness it was her paranoia that had kept Mercy and her safe for this long. She reached the farm house within a matter of minutes and jogged up the steps towards the kitchen, her eyes were constantly scanning the area around her as she moved, she even went as far as to carefully open the kitchen door, standing behind it she cautiously peeked around it catching sight of Dog on the far side, she pulled the door open and stepped inside. "Dog" the name came out sharper than she had intended but she carried on regardless. "Did you find that map?" She asked, moving over to the kitchen table she glanced around the kitchen in search of Olivia but the young girl wasn't there, not that she was overly concerned by this fact.

She folded her arms across her chest and tapped her fingers against her arm. "Oh...and we're going to need a few extra hands on this fuel run, are you in?" She quickly continued on before the 'guy' could even answer her first question, she would have preferred to leave both of the twins behind. But with Remy off securing the perimeter she didn't have much choice on the matter, those canisters were freaking heavy and they needed more muscle to lift them. "Just you though not your brother" She followed up in warning, she was going to be distracted enough keeping Mercy safe whilst they were out there, she couldn't have the added pressure of a psychopath watching their every move.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by teapotshark
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Chris dragged their backpack out from beneath the bed and began to check through it. Darting about the room, she collected all their weapons and dumped them at Tony’s feet by the time he managed to sit up. He rubbed the exhaustion from his eyes and swung his legs over the edge of the bed. “We don’t have to leave,” he told her, quiet. Bent over the backpack, Chris adjusted the strap of her rifle as if she hadn't heard him. So Tony pushed himself off the bed and walked on shaking legs towards her.

He gripped her upper arms, turning her to face him, and pinned her with a smile. “See? I’m fine. No one hurt me, I just went to sleep for a little bit,” he said, rubbing her arms. “Remember when we found a rat in the basement and I fainted? It happens all the time, just this time I was being hugged.” Albeit the hug came from a psychopath. At least he thought it was a hug, though he had not the faintest idea why Cat felt the need to wrap his arms around Tony. “I’m perfectly safe. We’re safer than we've been in weeks. But if we go outside that fence we won’t be safe any more.”

As the features of her face shifted and morphed, showing only what Tony knew as her lifelong friend, he knew his message had reached her. He felt her shoulders slump and her biceps relax, if only by a fraction, and pulled her into a hug. Reluctantly, she submitted to his logic, wrapping her arms around his waist and all but clinging to him. “I thought you were dead,” she muttered, voice steady as ever.

Tony shook his head just slightly. He pulled back, still smiling, almost apologetic. “I know. But I’m not, see, I’m alive.” He plucked the backpack off the bed and slipped it underneath again. The weapons she could keep; he knew they made her feel secure. His mind constructed a sound plan and his body followed through with the motions before he consciously realised what he was doing. Tony took Chris’ good hand – conscious of the way she avoided using the other – and led her out of the room, through the hall and to Mercy’s door.

He rapped on the door with his knuckles. “Miss Mercy, it’s Tony. I just wanted to thank you for your help today. If you’re not too busy later, would you mind taking a look at Christina’s hand?” Ignoring the frown on Chris’ face, and the way she shook her head to shut him up, Tony continued. “Only I think she’s trying to pretend it isn’t hurting.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Dog blinked a little as she scratched behind her head before jumping a bit as her name was called, instinctively turning and dropping to her knees, hands moving up to her flat chest in a submissive and a bit frozen in fear. Though her rusty colored eyes blinked as she recongized it was only Ash who had called her so sharply. For a moment, Dog though she sounded like one of her masters from five years ago. Even now, it was difficult to shake off years of teaching to follow orders and react like a pet dog.

Giving a sigh of relief, she stood on her feet, a gave a cheerful grin towards the woman. Opening her mouth to answer the question, she paused as Ash continued talking. Humming a little as she was asked to go outside on a run with Ash, but also leave her brother behind. Dog was a little surprised she would separate Dog, possibly the only one who can halt Cat's murderous antics, from Cat and leave him in the care of the more mild individuals. Though she was only a little worried, Cat would wander around without Dog here and do his own thing. But she doubted he would really hurt the others unless needed.

"Yeah, gotcha the map!" she chirped excitedly as she waved the map above her head eagerly before holding it out to the woman. "And sure! I'd love to go! We can have a grand adventure! And no worries! I'm plenty strong enough to carry things! I didn't grow this big for nothin!" Dog yipped happily like a eager pet ready to go on a walk before blinking as she thought a bit.

"Mhmm I should probably go talk to the others who will be staying. Give them a bit of kitty tips." she mused.

The tall man simply was moving a bunch of bottles near him, examining them and sorting the different bottles that looked like they had chemicals in them. Along with having a old tin bucket beside him. It wasn't the best, but it was enough to do what it is intended should it come to it. Good thing about being in a house is folks usually have these sorts of things in their homes, and scavengers were too dumb to realize their potential.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FaithsRose
Avatar of FaithsRose

FaithsRose Friendly Neighbourhood Beast

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

– Mercy –

In all honesty she hadn’t needed to stop by her room as she had everything she needed to tend to Cat’s wound, but with her wavering courage she wanted to retrieve something to reassure her. Liquid courage probably would have been the best option...possibly not the wisest She thought to herself as she rooted through the pocket on the front of her quiver, she pulled out a bundle of strings and a tub of wax placing them on the bedside cabinet next to her. She looked over at her bow frowning at the dirt covering the decorated surface, her mind happily retreated from its current train of thought. Really should take some time out to clean her...when was the last time she was waxed She thought, pulling a face as she realized what that had sounded like. ...bad choice of words She shook her head and continued rifling through her bag.

“Where is it...barely any stuff and I still can’t find what I’m looking for” She sighed, pulling out the strip of batteries and laying them on the floor beside her, before reaching back in and pulling out her small leather-bound journal. “Nope...” She leant back and placed it on the bed, hesitantly she allowed herself to lift open the front page and peer inside. She inhaled sharply and jumped to her feet as Tony rapped his knuckles against the door, she turned to look at him as he addressed her. Hastily closing the journal she scooped it back into her bag, before focusing on what he was saying trying very hard not to appear too flustered. “Oh...I didn’t really do anything but you’re welcome” She smiled at him though as she had done with Dog avoided his eye if she could, her concerned gaze switched to Chris as Tony mentioned that she may have injured her hand, her eyes focused on where their hands were joined for a moment before she shifted to get a clearer look at Chris’s other arm inspecting the way she held it.

“Erm...” She hummed as a thoughtful look crossed her face. She knew she’d said she would go to Cat but... “I can take a look at it now if you like before I go up to Cat...it shouldn’t take too long” She offered forcing herself to ignore the guilty feeling that settled in the pit of her stomach, she wasn’t skipping out of going to see him just delaying it a little. What added to the guilt was her concern for Chris outweighed her concern for Cat, it wasn’t something she was comfortable admitting she should have been equally concerned for the both of them...regardless of the questionable mentality of the latter. “Come on in” She invited the pair into the room, bending down to grab the first aid kit she had abandoned on the floor, she wasn’t sure whether she would have anything helpful in it but it was good to have close by. “What happened before I got up there?” She asked Chris, wondering just what she’d missed up in the attic she knew the other woman had been fine before going up there.

– Tamashii –

Dog blinked a little as she scratched behind her head before jumping a bit as her name was called, instinctively turning and dropping to her knees, hands moving up to her flat chest in a submissive and a bit frozen in fear. Though her rusty colored eyes blinked as she recognized it was only Ash who had called her so sharply. For a moment, Dog though she sounded like one of her masters from five years ago. Even now, it was difficult to shake off years of teaching to follow orders and react like a pet dog.

Tamashii was taken aback by Dog’s odd reaction to her sharp tone, she was beginning to see how Dog had got ‘his’ name. He kept showing characteristics best suited to a dog...she raised an eyebrow at him, adopting a somewhat curious look as she came to stand a little way in front of him. “Okay...” She murmured, unsure what to really say to that. She folded her arms across her chest and rolled her shoulders uncomfortably as Dog got to his feet and gave her a cheerful grin. What is it with all these smiley people? She thought to herself before she leapt into her speech regarding the fuel run.

The brown haired woman had little to no problems leaving the cheerful twins psychotic brother behind, mainly because she couldn’t afford to take him with them. Besides she would prefer to keep Mercy as far away from Cat as possible how could she do that and help collect fuel. She was pulled from her thoughts as Dog suddenly chirped at her and began to wave something over her head. “Really?” Tamashii leant forward eagerly her eyes lighting up as she tried to focus on the blurry shape the excited guy was waving about. She reached for it as soon as it was offered to her, instantly turning away from Dog she spread the map across the table, she grunted as she caught her hip on one of the chairs causing it’s legs to scrape noisily across the old tiled floor. “Bloody thing” She growled at the inanimate object before she began to scan over it with eager eyes.

Hearing Dog happily yip away she turned to give her another curious look though her expression was laced with suspicion. Really...an adventure? Are you on the same planet as me? She shook her head and rolled her eyes as she turned her head back to the map, she didn’t do it maliciously more like a pet owner would if their animal did something cutely annoying. “Adventure...right” She murmured, running her finger across the map she lifted her other hand and ran her fingers into her hair pulling it out of her face. “Good to hear, we need someone strong to help us lift those canisters” She told Dog, glancing at him for a moment before she stood back up and patted her pockets down, turning around she opened a couple of draws behind them. “Have you got good eyes as well? You are aware of what’s out there aren’t you?” She asked testingly, she knew the cheerful guy had to have known about the flesh eating walking corpses out there but his cheerful mood made her want to jab at him.

“So much useless junk in here...” She muttered, before a smirk crossed her face and she held up a red marker showing Dog. “Bingo” She turned back to the map and quickly circled an area on the map. Looking up at the tall twin beside her she frowned at what he had said. “Give them Kitty tips, does that include stay or leave alone? Always applied to the strays back home” She snorted, the smirk on her face suggesting the dig had been deliberate. She folded her arms and waited for Dog’s response before she continued on. “You can come with me, I need to go see who else is coming with us anyway and get Mercy. The sooner we can get going the better” She explained relaxing her arms and moving over to the door whether Dog followed her or not, she made a beeline for the stairs and began to climb them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Dog was much too excited to be too attentive to the woman's body language of mild annoyance by his actions, after all he would get to go outside and explore after being cooped up in this house for the last two days. Being a little stir crazy, a nice little time outside would do some good. Plus maybe he could find tasty can food... Mhmm food!

Snapping out of his thoughts to glance toward the smaller person near him as she questioned him about his knowledge of what was outside. Smile never faltering, he hummed as his rusty colored eyes flickered away thoughtfully as he rummaged his brain for all he knew.

"Weeeeeell let's see. Dangerous things include other people who could be bloodthirsty killers, people mentally broken from the world ending, people who want to eat each other's face for meat thinking they can survive off that, people who want to rape people for enjoyment/think that's the best way to bring up their numbers/or to simply teach someone a lesson, or people who want to force other people into servitude for their own little gang. Other matters include wild animals, natural disasters, poison, oh and the newest danger of the world, ZomZoms who want to nomnom on our brains. There can be ZomZom people or ZomZom animals... Hopefully not ZomZom Mosquitos.. That would suck. Oooooh but a ZomZom lion or bear might be epic!" Dog yipped on with a smile, listing all the things he could come up with, mostly things Cat warned about with a mixture of his own imagination. Despite all the things he listed, the tall boy didn't seem fazed and his happy go lucky attitude unwavering.

"Oh, and good things are possible food, and pretty girls covered in dirt and mud like us!" he laughed a little with a playful smile before seeming to perk up at the word 'Bingo' and looked curiously at the map.

He didn't really understand why this spot was good, but he knew 'Bingo' meant something good or jackpot and the circle indicated their intended target so he stayed cheerful and excited all the same. At the mention of the tips, Dog chuckled in response, not seeming to notice the deliberate dig.

"Nah I already tipped them they should probably just leave him be. But I should give them tips on things that keeps him pretty calm. Like milk or catnip tea. He really likes milk, dunno why since the stuff tastes funny, and catnip tea chills him out. Since he'll probably wander around." Dog answered as he hummed as he thought of things Cat seemed to like, that at least deterred his mind from thinking too harshly.

At the offer, Dog gave a hearty cheer, pulling the dark red scarf around his neck a little before eagerly following Ash. "Yay!" he cheered softly as he followed her up the stairs. Jogging along until he spotted Tony and Chris standing by the door that belonged to Mercy's room. The tall boy gave a happy wave as he called out to them.

"Hey everyone! Ash wants to go on a fuel run adventure. Any of you wanna come?" he asked cheerfully.

After sorting through everything, the tall man stretched, setting his organized bottles and bucket aside before briefly looking out the window. Scanning for any sort of threat he should worry about. Finding none, he gave a brief grunt before lying down on his stomach, his arms folded under his head which rested on top of them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rarity
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Time Skip - Remy, Rena, Ash, Kaylah and Dog going on a Fuel Run

For some reason Remy had been put in control of the map. He looked down at it and looked over at Rena who had volunteered to drive the pickup truck they were taking. "Take a left up there," he told her. "Keep your eyes open, Rena. I don't like how quiet it has been so far. The sound of our vehicles should have alerted some by now." He looked in the review mirror at Ash. "Are the others doing okay?" he asked her. Behind them and trying to follow closely were Kaylah and Dog driving the vehicle that carried the huge fuel canisters. It was Ash's job to keep a eye on them and behind them for any signs of trouble. Remy was the navigator and Rena of course was the driver.

He turned his attention back on the map. "We should be there soon," he said, a sound of relief in his voice. Remy ran a hand through his wavy brunette hair, sighing softly. "Brace yourselves," he told the two girls. "I do not have a very good feeling." He could not really explain why he felt like something bad was going to happen, but figured it was instinct from living in the undead world for so long.

"Look there!" Rena said a little too loudly. Remy winced even though they were inside the truck and nothing on the outside would have been able to hear the ballerina, it still made him nervous when people were loud. Loudness attracted the undead. "The gas station. Boy, it's a big one. There are several cars there that look untouched as well." Rena grinned, bouncing up and down in her seat like a little kid on Christmas morning.

"Stop," Remy instructed. "We don't know what the condition of this town is," he said, looking toward the gas station and the sizable town in front of it. It was a lot bigger than the farm town they had come from. Why hadn't anyone hit the gas station yet? It should be ransacked. Surely the town had some survivors or people passing through like them. It was not able to think this was just luck. It looked too good to be true.

"Ash, signal for the others to stay put while you and I scout ahead," he suggested, slowly unlocking his door and stepping out of the truck. He held his machete firmly in one hand and patted his vest, as if to double check he still had his guns and ammo.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FaithsRose
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FaithsRose Friendly Neighbourhood Beast

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

– Farmhouse -

– Mercy –

It had been a while since the others had set out on the fuel run, after treating Chris’s hand her and Tony had retreated back to their room. Mercy hadn’t wanted to disturb them further so she’d made herself busy firstly she hadn’t realized she had used the last of her bandages on her arm earlier that day. It meant she had to search the house top to bottom, well she hadn’t dared to venture into the attic without knowing she had everything she needed.

She knew Olivia was still around though she hadn’t seen her for a while she wasn’t too worried, she had seen first hand how effectively the young girl could look out for herself...though she was planning on seeking her out just as soon as she had tended to Cat’s injury. In the end she had found an old cotton bed sheet tucked under the stairs, she felt a little bad ripping it to shreds without asking Lloyd's permission first but she hadn’t the heart to disturb him whilst he was resting and at the end of the day needs must. “That ought to do it...right” She told herself taking a deep breath as she neatly stacked a few bundles of bandages back under the stairs, keeping just the one firmly within her grasp.

“You can do this, it’s the least you can do or them” She murmured as she ascended the stairs up to the second level, she passed by Chris and Tony’s closed door stopping off by her shared room she hastily dropped the makeshift bandages into the box before picking it up and moving over to the stairs leading up to the attic. It had been a good hour since the incident so she wasn’t sure how cat was going to react to her late offer. As she climbed the stairs her heart beat quickened to an uncomfortable pace, she kept her breathing even and somehow kept putting one foot in front of the other until her hand was on the handle of the door leading into the attic. Breathe, don’t threaten him, remember what Dog said She told herself before taking yet another deep breath she rapped her knuckles on the door before reaching for the handle and opening it just enough that she could peek around it.

“Cat...?” She called, her voice came out far softer and quieter than she intended it too. “S-sorry to bother you but...” She started off edging further into the room, her eyes mostly focused on the floor though she occasionally lifted her gaze to peer around the attic in search of the larger twin though she was careful not to lift them high enough that he could catch her eye should he look at her. “I thought...maybe I could offer you my assistance with your arm” She finally blurted out, relaxing her shoulders she pulled her breathing under control and waited for his response to her presence and offer, she still had the first aid kit gripped tightly in her right hand.

–Fuel Run-

– Tamashii –

After Tamashii glanced briefly at Remy as he spoke to Rena, she was laid across the back seat with her back pressed up against the side of one of the back doors, her arms were tightly crossed over her chest. She’d left the farmhouse in a fairly bad mood after Mercy had point blank refused to accompany them, it had meant leaving her behind with Cat. Tamashii was still seething over the decision but she of all people knew once Mercy made up her mind trying to change it was a futile endeavour. As Remy looked in the rear-view mirror she caught his eye for a second before averting her gaze and chewing her lip as a frown etched its way onto her face. She glanced out of the back of the truck to check that Dog and Kaylah were still following behind them before she gave a curt nod knowing Remy’s eyes were still focused on her as he was no doubt waiting for an answer.

Her emerald eyes travelled back towards him as he spoke again, though she dropped her gaze to the map in his hand. She’d been so angry with Mercy’s stubbornness she had forgotten to tell her about the map...and the place she’d chosen as a rendezvous should anything happen, the thought caused her to shift in her seat. She was pulled from her thoughts at what Remy said, exhaling she sat up and shuffled to the center of the back seat checking over her shoulder to make sure the other two were close by. “Hmm, are your bad feelings often well placed?” She asked him, scanning their surroundings as they whizzed along the road, she jumped as Rena’s voice suddenly filled the cab her hand instantly dropped down to rest on the handle of her hand gun as she looked in the direction Rena was. She drew in a sharp breath through clenched teeth as Rena finished speaking and bounced up and down in her seat, she was about to snap something at the girl when Remy beat her too it...which was a good thing really, at least he was nice to her.

“Something isn’t right...” She muttered under her breath sliding over to the door on her left she checked her corners before pushing it open, glancing back at Remy she nodded to him and got out of the truck, closing the door as quietly as she could she flagged the others down walking over to their truck once she had their attention she made a motion for them to roll down a window or hop out to talk to her, providing they did one or the other she spoke to them. “Remy and I are going to check it out, get one of those things off and stay alert. If anything goes down, get in the truck and get out of here back to the farm...I’ll whistle if the coast is clear for you to come in with those canisters. You got that?” She instructed most likely coming across as incredibly bossy, but she needed a clear plan in her head and she figured it’d go a lot smoother if she shared it with them rather than just expecting them to do it.

If however they didn’t she made a hand gesture that could be translated to stay before slowly saying ‘wait for my signal’ Once that was cleared up she moved over to Remy looking at Rena she contemplated asking the girl to surrender the keys to the truck...she didn’t expect the girl to stay in the truck and being the paranoid survivalist she felt very uncomfortable with the idea of Rena being in charge of their get away vehicle. “Lets do this...the sooner we can get out of here the better” She muttered to Remy before passing by him, her eyes already scanning their surroundings as she walked across the tarmac she stopped a little way in and looked back at Remy. “You take point, I’ll watch your back” She suggested, shifting uncomfortably
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Farm House || Attic
Characters Interacted: Mercy

Cat had continued to sleep by the window on his stomach, until his cold blue eyes snapped open at the sound of quiet footsteps that came from the stairs leading to the attic. Noise has been uttered in a soft constant pattern for sometime now, roaming around the house. Some were the people leaving, though they had been gone for sometime. Some were the ones left behind, and by what he saw out the window only left four others beside himself.

Rolling over and sitting up, he leaned his left shoulder against the window frame, the shadows cloaking his body but spared half of his face when he stared toward the door. Listening intently, he waited for the visitor to get closer, whom politely knocked on the door before soon opening it. A feminine voice called his name, and he instantly recognized it as that blonde woman. He was a little surprised to see she had returned up here. Watching her just a hour ago, she had been scared, their was little denying the fear he witnessed from her. Though, it was not surprising. What peeked some thought from his mind was her timid was to males in general. If it was just him, he could understand, though he saw her avoid eye contact with Dog as well.

His twin was tall, not as tall as him, but she towered over the females here, and even some of the males. Yet Dog was not very intimidating due to her eager to please happy attitude.

Whatever the case, he didn't much care for the reasons other than her purpose in braving the return to the attic.

Blue eyes never leaving the peeked open door, he watched as she slowly entered, only occasionally glancing around for him. In comparison, he hardly blinked as he watched her, almost guaranteed that they would make eye contact every time she looked up toward him. The blue eye within the sunlight glistening as he watched her and listened to her reasoning. At first she apologized for disturbing him before saying she was offering to treat his self inflicted injury.

Eyes narrowing in mild suspicion as he watched her, he didn't say anything as he just watched and thought for a moment. It was normal to be cautious, he wasn't exactly the most liked person and it was always possible for someone to take advantage in being so close to someone with the excuse for treatment. Yet Cat doubted this girl had the guts to try anything, she could barely make eye contact. So slicing his throat or poisoning him may be beyond this girl's thought process.

Raw instinct and thoughts concurred he felt no threat from her, so after a pause he shifted in his place before removing his coat then shirt. Leaving his upper body bare minus his gloves and the silver necklace. He had cut his upper arm, so it would be easier to treat without the annoyance of clothing. His body was a total mess. So many scars littered his body, that there were barely any untouched skin. His throat had a few cut marks on the left side and front, and the more hideous obvious scars were the giant X scar on his chest. The middle being where his heart should be, and he ends going from shoulder to above the hip. As well as the unseen ones on his back, his entire back covered in a very old burn scar with a bunch of long lashing scars over them. It was hard to tell if those were from whips or sharp blades. It seemed really only his face was left untouched. His left shoulder held a clearly cut in numbered scar, as if it was a brand with the numbers 666.

Setting the clothes aside, he sat cross legged as he lifted his injured arm, the wound still mildly bleeding.

"....Alright." Cat's cold emotionless voice whipped out clearly, giving the girl the okay to treat him if she so wished. Though his eyes would watch her every step of the time. Be it out of caution or curiosity. After all, risking such a fear to treat the source of the fear was mildly interesting and he didn't quite understand such logic. Dog did it because they were kin and their only source of family, but this girl held no such obligation.

Fuel Run || Truck
Characters Interacted: Ash, Kaylah

Dog hummed softly as he rode in the car, having the intense urge to open the window and sticking his head out of it to feel the wind in his face. It was so odd riding shotgun in a vehicle, and was pretty cool. It wasn't a often occurrence for him so this felt like a special treat. His driving was a little spastic, considering he doesn't really drive and when he did it usually led in a chase which led into crashing and things. Another thing Cat had the advantage of.

So it was Kaylah who took the wheel and followed the rest of the group. All the while Dog was pretty much talking non-stop in such a fast and excited manner, it was highly difficult to keep up since his speed slurred his words a bit. While he occasionally did a wave to the truck in front of them, unsure if they could actually see him or not. When they finally stopped near a gas station, Dog cheered before pretty much leaping out of the car without a second thought. Spinning in a circle and stretching his arms in the air.

Looking to see Remy and Rena get oh and slightly move ahead while Ash moved over to Dog and Kaylah, Dog gave a eager smile, though contained any excited loud words he wanted to say.

Listening to her instructions as best he could, Dog nodded repeatedly before doing a salute. It was obvious Dog was used to being ordered around, maybe even required it to stay out of trouble. The dirty blonde then went to the back of the truck and picked up one of the canisters with ease and set it down on the ground before pretty much pacing between two feet in anticipation. Waiting for the okay.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MistressCyanide
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MistressCyanide The Poison In Your Veins

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

//Fuel Run//

Kaylah still being the mess she was due to the fuel gathering back at the farm she did not clean up before taking the drivers sit with her passenger Dog. The steering wheel quickly becoming dirty, the fuel and collected dust particles in the air at the time of syphoning fuel decided to stick around. What she felt on her fingers was strange as it had elements of thin and thick textures though it was not something that bothered her it would most likely make a clean freak snap. She made sure to stay close to the vehicle in front of her so the people in front knew where they were at all times. The ride would have been silent if it was not for Dog’s humming which did not bother the woman in blue. The radio was out of the question unless they were going at high speeds so they could outrun the infected that heard it.

The tubes she had cut early were still around her, each one on top of each other. Her one stood out as it had changed colour and the smell was also a dead giveaway. The tubes themselves hung around her right shoulder and went across her body in a diagonal fashion as the tube were just long enough for it to do so. Kaylah’s eyes would roam to the air freshener hanging on the mirror time to time though not long enough to distract her. She could smell a mixture of fuel which came from her and the smell of oak from the tree shaped freshener. The humming stopped and the sound of Dog talking fast took over, this kept Kaylah alert though she could not really make out some of the things they said.

When the group had come to a stop the first thing Blue noticed was Dog leaping out of the vehicle like a child who had finally arrived at a theme park, movie theatre or some other place a kid would love to go. The sound of something sticky being removed from the wheel was soon heard. Her hands were a little bad but it could be cleaned off just like how the car itself could be cleaned. Kaylah soon got out of the vehicle where she soon saw Dog next to her once more. It seemed they had to get one of the canisters ready just in case it was clear from what she was told. Lucky for her Dog was better build to do something like this though this did not mean she would not help as it would make things move quicker than normal.

As she watched Ash move away to do a sweep of the area with Remy, her attention turned to Dog who seemed to be getting a canister at that moment. Getting the canisters was an easy job when they were empty but would become a pain in the ass when they were full or even half full. Kaylah soon looked to the left and then the right to see if anything was about, rather quite places usually had more to it. That Transformers line ‘More than meets the eye’ came to mind at this point. Her eyes scanned over everything she could see but it was still not enough to just see but listen as well. The infected made various noises such as moans or hearing them drag their feet as they moved.

By this point Kaylah went to fetch a canister as well, it was smaller but something was better than nothing. It was manageable at that moment but that would change soon enough. She soon found herself placing the container down where a light sound was heard, it was not loud enough to alert anything. Kaylah had her gun on her and she quickly took it out just encase she needed it. The desert eagle was loud but it would remove a walking dead’s limb and blow the head of the infected clear off. She soon checks the gun over for a moment to see its condition and see how many bullets she had at this time.

Kaylah: “Let’s see…… the mag is half full so I have x bullets, if I don’t miss I can take a few down. I may need a gun run soon, I am sure a gun store will turn up soon. The sights look normal, I think a little cleaning maybe in order.”

She soon looks at her one free hand.

Kaylah: “I think it will be fine.”

She seemed to be talking to herself at this point though since her pet was not here she had no one to direct it too even with Dog a few steps away. Bruiser would have been good at drawing the infected out or locating where one was. Blue had a little anxiety since her pet was not present, she had been around her for ages since the end of the world and her pet not being here caused some to surface.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rarity
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

-Remy-Fuel Run-

"Often yes," Remy answered grimly. "At least since the outbreak, whenever I would get a bad feeling, something usually happened. I guess it is instinct from being a cop." Though I was only a rookie... Remy shook his head, trying not to think of his past before the outbreak. If he started to do that, he would think about his family, his friends and coworkers and what had become of them. What he had to do to most of them. He shook his head again and stated to slowly walk toward the gas station. He hoped Rena and the others would be okay back at the trucks, but right now he and Ash had a job to do."

". . . you take point, I'll watch your back . . ."

Remy glanced behind him at the woman and nodded. He held his machete tightly in his hands and looked all around them, trying to find what was making him feel so unsettled. He did not see any undead, which was great, but also very odd not to see any so close to the main city. He looked at the gas station and his bad feeling came back. The place was too clean, too perfect. It did not look like even one person had ransacked it. There were parked cars everywhere, but no people, dead or alive.

At least no people that he could see.

He ducked behind a parked car and waved Ash down next to him.

"No dead, and no people either that we can see... but do you notice how preserved the place looks?" He glanced over at her and his eyes widened. He put a finger to his lips and then pointed.

"I take that back... look, closer to the entrance of the city..." There were at least 5 undead just stumbling around, but they looked like the slow kind and had not noticed the survivors. Luckily, Remy and the others were still too far away from them and they knew to be quiet.

"So there are undead as should be expected near a city, but how can this gas station still look so maintained?" He glanced back at Ash, confusion in his eyes.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FaithsRose
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FaithsRose Friendly Neighbourhood Beast

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

– Farmhouse -

– Mercy –

Mercy felt a chill run the length of her spine as she accidentally caught Cat's eye more than once when she looked towards him, she couldn't help but curse him for the way he was sitting shrouded in shadows with just half his face on show. It made him appear twice as menacing as before and caused her heart to pick up the pace, propelling her blood faster through her veins and causing an uncomfortable ache to surface within her chest. She had glanced at him to monitor his reaction to her offer at the wrong time, seeing him narrow his eyes and easily reading the suspicion behind them she turned her head slightly off to the side lifting her free hand she wrapped her fingers around her wrist and nervously rubbed at her inked skin.

She physically flinched as he begun to move without giving her a vocal answer she wasn't exactly sure what to expect, she simply stayed where she was watching him out of the corner of her eye and carefully maintaining an acceptable level of submission. Although she didn't know Cat, she was fairly confident in her ability to appear defenceless and meek of which Dog had in a roundabout way mentioned was the safest way to appear to his brother. As Cat de-robed she found her eyes drawn to the many scars adorning his skin, no doubt each one had some form of story behind it not that the blonde was going to ask about them...she didn't want to risk angering the dark haired man especially when his twin wasn't there to calm him down. Her eyes lingered on the numbers carved into his left shoulder, the number of beast.

Although she couldn't really recall the significance of the numbers she knew what it was and that it was often said to be something to do with the devil himself. Are you the devil though? Or just a victim of his? Mercy shifted from one foot to the other as her thoughts jumbled together in a nervous cluster at the front of her mind. She watched him sit down on the floor cross legged and lifted his injured arm she took the gesture as a silent answer to her question which led her to take a hesitant step towards him as if to test out her theory.

She froze as his cold voice split the silence between them, his voice caused her heart to jump against her rib cage violently as tendrils of fear slithered through her ribs. "O-Ok" She stuttered out keeping her gaze downcast she moved over to him without another moments hesitation and lowered herself onto her knees in front of him, placing her first aid kit down on the ground she flicked the lid open before reaching out for his arm. sliding her fingers onto his scarred skin she attempted to move his arm so she could see his wound clearly. She was aware of his eyes on her as she sat there but she didn't seem particularly bothered by it now she had something to concentrate on, however she licked at her lower lip nervously. With a soft hum she reached down to grab a sealed package from her first aid kit leaving one of her hands resting on his arm, she brought the packet up to her mouth and gripped the wrapper between her teeth in order to tear it open and remove the wipe from inside of it.

“This is going to sting” She warned him lifting her eyes to his cheek as she spoke unwilling to catch his eye. She was aware he had probably endured things far more unpleasant than the slight sting on an antiseptic wipe but she didn’t want to surprise him in anyway. After verbally warning she brought the fabric down towards the cuts on his arm and ran it over each the lacerations in turn carefully clearing away the blood and any unsavory substances that may have been there. “...have you and Dog been alone since the beginning of this?” Mercy asked him as she tended to his arm, she spoke quietly but her voice didn’t quiver despite the fear that was causing her heart to beat at an uncomfortable speed. She didn’t think Cat was one for chit chat but she figured there was little harm in trying to engage him in some form of conversation.

She sat back on her heels once his arm was clean placing the used wipe to the side she pulled out another sealed packet, a roll of make shift bandages and a few sterilized gauze’s listening out for an answer to her question. “A few stitches would help these heal faster...did you want me to do that?” She queried him rather than simply getting on with it, though she was already fishing out the hooked needle from one of the packets in front of her she had no intention of continuing without his permission. As she awaited his answer she felt her eyes lift curiously to inspect a few of the scars on his torso, her curious nature caused her to wonder where and how he had acquired each one...the fearful side of her was under the impression the less she knew the better.

–Fuel Run-

– Tamashii –

Although Tamashii didn’t say anything about Remy’s answer to her question, she did think privately over what he had said. Hmm, so that vest isn’t just for show she couldn’t help but feel the cold sting of jealousy at his words. The apocalypse had prevented her from gaining such a title, she shoved the selfish thought to the back of her mind however and decided she may have to ask him about his past before they parted ways.

Tamashii raised her eyebrow at Dog as he greeted her with an overly eager smile, she felt obliged to frown in reply to it, though she continued on with her instruction. She found her facial expression out however as Dog simply saluted her and did exactly as she had asked without hesitation, it was oddly satisfying not having to repeat herself or meet resistance. She felt her mouth twitch up into a small smile; her thought trail suggested she had spent far too long solely in a certain blonde’s company.

Whilst Remy took point in front she stayed behind him keeping a keen eye on their surroundings, every so often she ducked down to check underneath the cars. By the time Remy broke away from her and ducked behind a parked car she had come to the same conclusion as him, everything was clean even the inside of the cars bore no mark of the apocalypse. She caught Remy’s quick movement out of the corner of her eye and instantly slunk down to crouch beside him, inspecting his facial expression before she cast a suspicious glance around them. “Yes...I have-” She answered his question before cutting herself off as he placed a finger against his lips and pointed towards the city’s entrance.

Her eyes grazed over the shambling corpses aimlessly stumbling across the tarmac, they seemed blissfully unaware of the groups presence at this moment. “They haven’t noticed us if we stay quiet we can get by without disturbing them” She pointed out, running a hand into her hair she pushed it away from her face and edged to the end of the car they perched behind, reaching up she flicked the petrol cap open and clicked her tongue in annoyance finding the lid beneath it had already been removed. “I get the feeling a lot of these ‘untouched’ cars might be empty already...” She murmured to Remy moving back over to his side. “We might get lucky though” She added peeking back around at the small gathering of undead by the city entrance.

“Remy” Tamashii sighed as he glanced back at her in confusion; she struggled to prevent herself from replying rashly to his genuine question. She bit her tongue as she studied the undead floating around the entrance to the city, her mind already trying to piece together the broken puzzle in front of them. “There is only one reason this station is so well maintained” She looked at him briefly trying to figure out whether he knew what she meant or not.

Regardless of whether he did or not she stood back up and lifted her hands to her mouth releasing a low toned bird whistle as a signal for Kaylah and Dog to start their search for fuel. Remy and herself hadn’t ventured too far away it was too far too safely converse with the pair of them. She lifted her hand and waved it in a downward motion trying to signal for them to act quietly though the downward motion could have easily been mistaken for a signal to stay low either way she hoped it was enough for them to proceed with caution. Once she was confident they had seen her she sunk back down beside Remy and spoke again.

“It’s a trap and the sooner we figure it out the sooner we can get out of it” She told him, her eyes sweeping across the landscape in front of them, she moved closer to Remy lifting a hand and gently rested it against his upper arm. “Look, I’m going to grab a hose pipe off of Kaylah and quickly sweep through the rest of these vehicles. I need you to watch that opening like a hawk, I get the feeling the undead are not part of this plan...they should create enough of a distraction that we can get away should we need to” She told him, waiting for his response be it positive or negative, either way she had a very determined look on her face that suggested she wouldn’t be swayed from her current course of action.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Farm House || Attic
Characters Interacted: Mercy

Watching the woman fearfully draw closer to eventually kneel beside him to examine him, he could practically sense the fear dripping from her body. A slight tremble to it every time they made eye contact or when he spoke. Still quite curious, considering the obvious fear, he was somewhat impressed she was willing to get so close to him. Her neck was bare, and he could see fingers coil around the slender flesh and snapping it like a twig. He could, but he made no move to. Cat was unsure if she was being brave, a coward, idiotic, or kind. Perhaps a little bit of everything.

As she tended to his injury, he didn't even flinch as stinging pain electrified from his arm and coursed through his body. Pain was a normal daily thing, and it kept his mind at a somewhat calm ease when no other solution was available. Though Dog seems to struggle with pain, a aspect he's somewhat disappointed in with his sibling. She needed to learn to deal with pain sooner rather than later after all. Though he supposed she handled his smacks well, she still cried and whined over every cut.

Blue eyes glancing toward the blonde woman at the question, he blinked slowly at her clear vocaled question, seeming somewhat approving her ability to somewhat hide her fear. A good quality to have when surviving.

"Always." Cat stated in a blunt but calm honest manner.

His voice didn't indicate any emotion toward the aspect, despite his words meaning the two of them had been alone for all their lives. Now this girl probably wouldn't understand the very real truth through that word, since most normals couldn't imagine such a lifestyle, but he still gave the truth all the same. It seemed she was trying to converse, though Cat wasn't all that chatty and he never usually had long answers unless required. At her question of stitches, he simply gave nod in reply.

"Do as you will." Cat replied, confirming his okay to continue. The tall man didn't really care if she wanted to stop or use her supply and skill to treat him, though he still found her actions slightly odd.

Cat was silent for a little bit, before his cold blue eyes examined what he could see of her face. "Reason." he started to get her attention. "What is your reason for surviving?" he asked in the same calm neutral tone.

The black haired man watching her as he caught her curious gaze looking over his torso, more or less his deep scars. It was normal to be curious of such things, as they tell a unknown story and is the physical result of that story. Although, he doubted these scars stories would amuse someone like this girl. Perhaps in a way it would. It could be similar in the reason people enjoy reading mystery or horror books. Either way, he didn't really mind sharing stories to satisfy curiousity, it didn't much matter to him unlike Dog but Mercy was most likely too fearful to ask such personal questions.

Fuel Run || Truck
Characters Interacted: Kaylah,

As the others left and they were left behind, Dog rocked on his heels as his rusty brown eyes scanned the area while watching the cautious retreating forms. He didn't see anything, but he did hold a sense of uneasiness. It was odd when things were this quiet, after all since when was a zombie apocalypse quiet? Still he stood there and kept guard over the trucks before glancing toward the blue dressed woman as she spoke about bullets. Though seemed to be speaking to herself about it rather than Dog.

The gun in her hands caught Dog's attention and shifted a little closer to the woman with the same friendly energetic smile he's had since he joined the group. "That's a nice Desert Eagle you have." he said quietly in order to not draw attention, but was too hyperactive to just keep completely silent. It was boring standing around doing nothing other than scanning the area for danger after all.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MistressCyanide
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MistressCyanide The Poison In Your Veins

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

//Fuel Run//
Dog: "That's a nice Desert Eagle you have."

Kaylah: “Yes it is a nice one, problem is finding bullets for it when there is no gun shop is about. The fact they are nosey makes them less popular for this type of environment, most want a quiet and clean kill. The rest want to go all out noisy. In fact I had met a survivor at one time who was like that annnndddddd……………”

The woman in blue had stopped talking as she heard a low toned bird whistle coming from Ash, a signal meant they should start looking for fuel. The cosplaying woman grabbed the canister next to her and got ready to haul it to the nearest thing with fuel in it. For a moment the sound of something of being dragged could be heard though only very faintly. As quickly as the sound started it was finished as she carried it to a car close by. Hopefully something was in the tank, the blue four door family car seemed to have been abounded and in a rush as well. The keys were still in the car but it was in the off position showing they at least turned it off before fleeing.

Kaylah: “I wonder what made them run? Well hopefully it has something in the tank or this is a waste of time.”

The back sit had a jumper on it, also a map and a wooden box was there, Kaylah would look in the box in a moment and various things such as a flash light and batteries could be seen. The front had the glove box open like someone took something out in a rush as some items were sticking out of it. A pair of gloves was dangling out of it and on top of that there seemed to be some empty shells for a shotgun. She could test the car but that would alert any infected or worst, humans who were crazy or bent on surviving in any way possible. The woman in blue soon moved to the cap where the fuel pump would go and opened it up. Grabbing the tube she used earlier she began to start the same process as before.

She at this point gave Dog a signal to come over so they could get their own tube for collecting fuel. Hopefully Ash would grab one soon to speed this process up, Kaylah felt a little uneasy at this time. Her gun was tucked in-between her thigh, it was ready to blow someone a way if it was needed. Her modded hockey stick needed work so she did not bring it. She did bring one of the tools from the shed though; it was one of the sickles not being used. With a deep breath she began to suck on the tube to start it flowing like she did at the farm. Her ears alert and were ready to pick up on anything that caught her attention. The undead in the distance did not bother her as they seemed to be unaware of their existences at the moment.

The fuel soon started to flow and she pointed the tube into the canister so it could start to fill up. When Dog took the tube they needed she began to look through the car, the wooden box catching her attention. One hand was still on the tube and the other rummaging through the car with limited reach. Her fingers barely touching the wooden box she wanted to look in, she wanted to make sure the fuel would stay in the canister so she did not let it go. After rocking the wooden box a few times with the tip of her fingers she somehow managed to make it come closer to her making it easier for her to pull it closer.

Kaylah soon shoved the tube further into the canister so it would not fall out before turning her attention to the wooden box. What was in it, she wondered to herself. The box was made of oak and it was rather heavy for something of its size. In fact she wondered how she managed to pull it closer to her using her fingers with the weight she felt. There was a design on it though it was unknown to her what it was or meant and it seemed it was not locked either. She soon spoke to herself though kept her ears on alert like she already did.

Kaylah: “Could it be something important?”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FaithsRose
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FaithsRose Friendly Neighbourhood Beast

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

– Farmhouse - – Mercy – It was definitely a good thing that Mercy had no idea what was going through Cat’s mind or her heart may have given out due to fear. Though she hadn’t been very good at hiding her fear upon entering the room she had managed to gain a little more self control since she had started tending to his injuries, though she wasn’t very good at hiding her emotions. So it was easy to see that she felt uneasy when he didn’t even flinch as she cleaned up the wound, she had been around people with a high pain tolerance before but Cat didn’t even appear to register feeling any pain at all. Mercy cast her gaze down to the floor for a moment as Cat answered her question, she thought over his answer for a few minutes before her brain offered up two probable meaning behind the single word he had used. A) They had been alone since the beginning of this nightmare or B) They had simply always been alone...for some reason she was leaning more towards the b option, mainly because of the story of scars spread across his body. Scars held history whether a person wanted them to or not, most scars had a story behind them, a reason or even a lesson sometimes all three. And although it was easier pretending that people like Cat and Dog didn’t exist, Mercy hadn’t been completely blind to it like most people were...not that she could even begin to imagine what his or Dog’s lives must have been like. As Mercy thought over it she tried to keep herself from expressing her sympathy, after all what use was her sympathy to him anyway, he of all people probably wouldn’t give a rats butt about it...however...foolish as it may have been it wasn’t her not to react in some way “Sorry to hear that...” She murmured uncertainly “Did you not come across any other survivors?” she didn’t want to pry too far into Cat’s history, despite how curious she was so she deliberately angled her question so that it could be taken whatever way Cat wanted. She was grateful when he gave her the go ahead to stitch him up, he seemed like an incredibly hardy person but even so an open wound in this new world was just asking for trouble. She reached down and swiftly went about threading a hooked needle with a line of thread. She fished her swiss army knife out of her pocket, flicking up a small pair of scissors to snip the thread before sliding it into her back pocket. Reaching up she scooped a blonde tendril of hair behind her ear before hovering back over Cat’s arm a look of concentration dominating her expression as she manipulated the wound before she began to stitch it together, creating small and neat stitches as she went. The mechanical repetition of her actions seemed to bring a natural calm to her body as she released some of the tension in her shoulders, allowing her heartbeat to even out with the fluidity of her movements. However as his prying eyes lingered on her face her heart begun to beat faster again as her nerves flared back up. She tried to bury it and concentrate though she inhaled sharply as he spoke, her eyes flickered away from her work briefly as she thought over his question, it was a surprisingly deep question. Or it felt that way to her...she continued stitching as she thought, she didn’t want to keep him waiting but she was struggling to find a viable answer. “My reason for surviving...” she repeated a frown crept across her guarded expression “Is rather simple...though I’m not sure you’ll agree with it...” She drew the needle away from the wound gently tugging the thread into a neat stitch with her other hand before lowering the needle back towards his skin. “For now, I survive because I am needed” She cautiously answered him, her body language changed almost instantly, she subtly leant a little further back and almost braced herself against his reaction for a few moments before continuing on with her actions. She retracted her hands as she finished stitching him up and tied off the loose end, placing the needle on the floor in clear view she used the dried antiseptic wipe to rid the area around his wound of any excess blood that may have leaked out whilst she had been stitching it closed. Once it was clean she wiped her fingertips with it as well, trying not to think about the list of hygiene protocols she had just broken. She was going to need to go in search of something to sterilize the needle and her hands once she was done here. Gloves were protocol but she hadn’t had any at hand so she’d had to do without, as she wiped her hands she dropped her eyes to the floor and cleared her throat before asking the cold man another question. “What is...your reason for surviving?” She asked despite her pause her voice didn’t quiver as it had done before, though she still refused to lift her gaze to his face instead she was reaching for a sheet of gauze and the bandages she had collected. Reaching into the first aid kit she pulled out a tube of savlon and smeared a glob on one side of the dressing. “Should help this heal faster” She murmured before reaching up and attempting to cover the treated wound with the dressing with one of her hands. Provided that Cat allowed her to do so she held the rolled up bandages with her other hand until she was able to begin wrapping them around his arm. Despite her previous attempts to leash her curiosity Mercy’s eyes wandered to Cat’s scarred torso as she finished either binding his arm or placing the unused bandages on the floor. Though she appreciated beauty in both genders she wasn’t so much admiring his physique or rather what was visible of it, she appeared to be attempting to imagine what . She had shuffled closer to his injured arm whilst she had been stitching so she could only really study his chest rather than his back, she seemed particularly puzzled by the x across his heart with its long edges that seemed to stretch across his body. She nervously gripped her left wrist with her right hand, running her thumb across the inked skin on the inside of her wrist as she summoned the courage to ask him about the peculiar scar. Curiosity killed the cat had been her father’s favorite saying. “There you go...I can take those out at a later time. It was a pretty clean cut so I doubt it’ll become infected if you-” Having started her speech in a strong manner, she seemed to remember herself about halfway through and cut herself off before she could issue instructions. In an attempt to distract him from her unfinished sentence she nervously begun to place things back into her first aid kit with one hand carefully keeping the needle and used wipe separated from the rest “H-how did you get this?” she asked after a moment, lifting her free hand she kept it close to her own body but her index finger was pointing at the x shaped scar on his chest. Her heartbeat had increased to an uncomfortable level but she had deliberately delayed asking him such a question until she had finished treating him. That way she hoped that if he didn’t want to answer it, he would simply ignore her and go about his business...she only hoped the questioning wouldn’t anger him, she didn’t have a plan of action to fall back on if it did. –Fuel Run- – Tamashii – Having given the whistle to signal the other two Tamashii had turned her attention to Remy once more, though she visibly grimaced as the short lived sound of metal grating against tarmac reached her ears. It hadn’t been very loud at all but it had sounded loud to her, Tamashii’s hearing was fairly sensitive especially when she herself was on high alert. She cast a glance over her shoulder in search of the cause of the sound though only noticed that both Dog and Kaylah were no longer in her sights unless she stood up. Once she’d finished talking to Remy she quietly backed away from the car they had crouched behind and made her way back towards Dog and Kaylah. She only stayed low for a few moments before she figured she wouldn’t be noticed by the infected anymore, to be honest she wasn’t entirely sure how well those things could even see. She’d often questioned which sense the infected relied on to hunt the living out, from a distance touch was impossible and taste seemed a little far fetched...unless they could taste the scent of human flesh or something. The thought caused a shudder to run the length of her spine as she came towards Kaylah who seemed to have shoved her arm into the back of the car she was collecting fuel from. Tamashii’s thoughts wandered away from their previous occupation and turned back to the situation at hand, wondering whether she should mention her concerns about the area they were in or to keep them to herself. Tamashii came to a standstill next to Kaylah, a thoughtful look occupied her expression as if she were in silent debate with herself. Her eyes travelled from Kaylah to rest on Dog briefly before she looked back over at the trucks where Rena was sat waiting. She opened her mouth to say something when Kaylah’s voice cut her off, she glanced at the women in blue curiously though she didn’t think the question had been aimed at her she used it as an excuse to make her presence known. “I should think you would have to open it to know that” She answered quietly, she had approached the other woman from the side so that she could have seen her. She hadn’t wanted to sneak up on the pair, especially as she knew Kaylah had a gun. “What is it you’re looking at anyway?” She asked Kaylah curiously, she couldn’t even see what the other woman was talking about. She gave her an ample amount of time to reply to her question or shrug it off before she glanced at Dog. Providing that Dog had made his way over to Kaylah, Tamashii addressed both of them when she spoke. “This place looks clean...I mean really clean. There are a few infected over by the entrance to the city but apart from that, there is nothing or rather nobody about” Her voice was steady but her disbelief was apparent in the tone of her voice. “Don’t know about you guys but it feels wrong...all these cars just left here like this. I’m thinking about checking out that building if either of you wanted to join me, I’m doubtful there will be anything there but...” She trailed off shrugging her tensed shoulders. “Remy’s keeping an eye on the infected in case they come any closer” She informed them before breaching a subject she didn’t often “What do you two think about this place?” She asked, finding herself generally curious about their perceptions though she outwardly appeared indifferent. She folded her arms across her chest and turned her back towards the car Kaylah was rooting through. Though her eyes were constantly scanning the area around them searching for tell tale signs of danger, she seemed to be trusting Remy to warn them of any danger should there be any.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Silver Fox
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Silver Fox Kitsune

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Cat Farm House || Attic Characters Interacted: Mercy
Cat silently sat there as the girl continued on with the work, listening as Mercy cautiously asked a question about meeting other survivors. Though it was a answer she probably did not want to hear. After all, there were plenty of survivors at the beginning, until the numbers rapidly died down. Quite gruesome stories, yet amusing to the tall man as he accounted for how easily humanity turned on one another during the chaos. "There were many. Many were eaten by zombies, those who managed to live long enough grew insane and temperamental. Most either shot on sight or tried to trick other survivors. It ended in their deaths." Cat answered, his blue eyes remaining the same calm as he slightly pondered on it. How many did he kill when this chaos hit? He knew their flesh made useful distractions for the undead. As long as their head was crushed first so they didn't turn. As his question was answered, he looked to the girl again. It seemed like a foolish reason, but it was a reason none the less, so he supposed he couldn't complain too much on the matter. "What if you're no longer needed, and everyone in this group dies but you?" he asked bluntly, seeming unfazed by that possibility. As his own reason was questioned, his answer came swift and almost instant. "My reason is to find that reason." he said before looking at his arm as she stitched it up. Once she finished her work, he slightly flexed his arm, watching her expression as she continued to be a bit nervous. But he noted her curious gaze over his deep scars. Soon, even gaining enough confidence on one of the largest one. The X over his heart that stretched over his body. This answer didn't come quite as fast as the others, seeming to have to actually think about it. But he felt no anger over it, nor anything really. "Punishment." he started. "Owners do not like their strays showing favor to others who bother to care. Animals are supposed to be soulless, so this is a reminder of what I am and what I lack." he answered, pondering if she would understand. Flexing his arm in examination, but not enough to do too much damage to the stitches, his blue eyes looked to her for moment before giving a gruff 'thank you' since his twin would just nag him later to do so. ---
Dog Fuel Run || Truck Characters Interacted: Ash,
Dog nodded in agreement before blinking at the sound of a whistle before picking up a fuel can and following after Kaylah to start getting fuel. As the girl found a blue car, and started to drain whatever fuel was leftover in the tank. The dirty blonde eagerly grabbed their own tube to start collecting while Kaylah rummaged around in the car. As she pulled out a wooden box, Dog curiously tilted his head, his rusty colored eyes staring at it before shrugging. As Ash came up and answered the curious question before asking what they were looking at, Dog shrugged but smiled. "Some sort of wooden box that was in the car here." Dog replied before frowning as the woman explained what she found. Thinking deeply on the subject, he tried thinking about how his brother would also think of this before Dog nodded slowly. Not really liking how oddly clean this place was. It was almost as bad as finding a place full of fresh blood. "Maybe this is some sort of Safe Zone for a group that lives around here? Or a trap?" Dog said softly with soft concern.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MistressCyanide
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MistressCyanide The Poison In Your Veins

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Tamashii: “I should think you would have to open it to know that” Kaylah: “I know but I don’t know if what is in here is a good thing or a bad thing. I also don’t know if it is rigged to make a noise or something so I may just do it later.” Tamashii: “What is it you’re looking at anyway?” Kaylah: “I am not sure at the moment but this box has a design on it, something I have not seen before and so I wonder if this belongs to a survivor or not. Maybe they thought it was a good place to hide it or maybe I am just over thinking things.” Tamashii: “This place looks clean...I mean really clean. There are a few infected over by the entrance to the city but apart from that, there is nothing or rather nobody about” Kaylah thought to herself and that did not sound right, a place which was to clean in an undead world was wrong for all sorts of reasons. Her brain soon started making all sorts of events that could happen at this time making her mind go straight to one of her fears which was being hurt in some physical way. It kind of started to show that she was nervous now, she felt a panic attack coming on though she would try and control it. Normally she would fail in this task but they were doing something rather important at the moment. Panic attacks were the worst and even worse when she had something important to do. Tamashii: “Don’t know about you guys but it feels wrong...all these cars just left here like this. I’m thinking about checking out that building if either of you wanted to join me, I’m doubtful there will be anything there but...” The woman in blues train of thought was soon derailed after Ash brought something else up making the cosplayer/stripper think for a moment. Clearly Dog would be better in that situation then herself. Since Dog had a brother like Cat she was clearly more qualified to do that task then she was. The panic attack slowly creeping upon the Kaylah kept popping up as she thought to herself though she tried hard not to let it take over, as she soon thought about what would happen if she was left alone to get the fuel. She concluded that it would take longer, but the the building close by would be cleared a lot quicker. Maybe supplies would be in there unless it was a tap of some kind. If it was a trap supplies or something of value would be in there to trap those who went for it. Tamashii: “What do you two think about this place?” Dog: "Maybe this is some sort of Safe Zone for a group that lives around here? Or a trap?" Kaylah soon heard Ash bring up a question and heard Dog answer it. She did not think of it as a safe zone, then again it was as Dog said a safe zone for whoever was here living here. He panic attack soon started to creep one step forward making her put the box down for a moment to rub her right arm. Why she did it she did not know but she found herself rubbing her arm slowly up and down. It being a trap was most likely and she hated the idea it was one but in reality it was probably one due to how quite it was. Kaylah thought to herself 'Calm down, nothing can go wrong. If I crack now I let down the team and we can't have that now.' Her breathing pattern soon became slightly more erratic making her say something though by now was probably known she had a panic attack coming. Kaylah: "This place..... This place is wrong on so many levels and I think we should investigate this place before deciding to go in or move on. We could be trapped right now..... Oh god don't let that happen (erratic breathing becomes more erratic). Take Dog and do something while I get the fuel, I am sure I can...... manage them on my own. I don't want any surprises you know and I am sure I will be able to defend myself. We need to gather as much as possible or we could be screwed. So very screwed." Her words had soon stopped as all sorts of problems began to emerge. She felt that if she did this the team would be OK and so she was very insistent that Ash took Dog with her to check the place out. Kaylah had her gun and if it came to it would either hide under one of the cars or make her way towards the truck where Rena was. She did not waste any time as she went to start another process to get fuel from another car, this one being yellow and it looked imported so she needed to smell the type of fuel it took. The smell was strong and luckily it was what they needed. She hoped by this point they had gone off to do what Ash said earlier. Kaylah: "........" Her eyes soon staring at the wooden box once more as her ears listened to the world around her. Clearly she made her mind up.
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