Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rogue of Void

Rogue of Void

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Natsuki is accepted. I'll probably open up OC signups tomorrow or the day after. Hopefully, we'll have another CC signup or two by then.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CureMoonlight
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CureMoonlight Dark Cerberus

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Excellent news
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze Figure of Hourai

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Name: Fate Testarossa Harlaown

Age: 17

Appearance: She's the blonde one.

Powers and Abilities: In short, Fate is fast, flies, and generally better at melee than range. However, set as this is between the A's Epilogue and StrikerS, Perfect Sonic Form isn't finished, so she's stuck with the older, far more fragile and less potent version.

Brief desc.: An Artificial Mage--that is, she's basically a clone with the original's memories and more power (making her actual, chronological, age all of 12). She was tasked to find the Jewel Seeds by Precia, but... failed. Instead, she got blown up by Nanoha, tried by a court, and basically assigned to help with the potential end of the world, during which she got adopted. It's now eight years since that incident, and aside from an airport on another planet entirely getting set on fire, it's been pretty quiet.
Fate is, in general, somewhat reserved, and definitely protective of the people she cares about, worrying rather a lot about them. This might explain why she's effectively (though not legally) someone's adoptive parent already. Rather serious.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

Member Offline since relaunch

Name: Rei Hino (Hino Rei)

Age: 14 or 15

(also with info)
Power/Abilitys: As Sailor Mars she is able to control fire and has fire based attacks. She also uses demon dispelling techniques to deal with demonic foes which includes the use of talismans and other sacred methods.

Brief description: Rei Hino is a shrine maiden known as a Miko of a popular temple in Tokyo and uses her powers to dispell evil. She usually helps out at the shrine with her grandfather and has two pet crows Phebos and Demos. She was chosen by Luna to be Sailor Mars tho in reality she is the Mars Princess of the now destroyed Moon Kingdom.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dblade26
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Hoshino Mushuro otherwise known as Magical Ninja Brave Kumataro!

Age: 9

Gender: Male

Species: Ninja

Alignment: Good

Appearance: In his transformed state with a closeup on his bell collar transformation trinket

Powers and Abilities: Mushuro has martial arts skills at an adult level and physical capabilities at slightly superhuman levels thanks to constant training at his grandfather's dojo since the time he could walk. He also has training in stealth and ninjutsu, though he's not very good at either. Thanks to his ninjutsu-based magic he can channel elements into either attacks with his swords or a more powerful attack, though as he is young and inexperienced he needs to shout out the name of his technique and a short incantation before attacking, and in the case of the non-sword based moves, perform complex handsigns to focus his energy. It also requires the necessary elements to be on hand in large enough quantities to be usable. It should be noted that while his costume is materialized by his bell charm, Mushuro modified it from it's original appearance because, due to a training incident, he's under the mistaken belief that pandas are secretly ferocious and dangerous beasts feared by all.

Personality: Though in his civilian form Mushuro is a shy and cowardly crybaby, when he hides behind his costume he takes on the personality of the cool and sometimes hotblooded Magical Ninja Brave Kumataro! That is to say that at least behind the anonymity of his mask, Mushuro feels brave and confident like a hero, but outside of a fight he's a really nervous and confidence-lacking young kid. That said, he has almost no idea what's actually considered 'normal' in any sense, having trained and lived with his grandfather at their martial arts dojo for as long as he can remember. So while he is a nervous crybaby and will flail and panic in normal situations he goes into his ninja persona automatically in situations that are physically threatening, even if he later cries or freaks out about them.

Biography: Mushuro lives at his grandfather's dojo where he's been trained almost all his life in the ways of martial arts. He was never told his parents identities and lived as normal a life as was possible for a child whose daily routine consisted of learning as much about fighting and training as possible and regularly being expected to do things in the name of that training that most fully grown people wouldn't be expected to do, let alone small children.

Nevertheless, on his ninth birthday his grandfather gave him a small bell charm that used to belong to his mother saying that it would help him overcome his fears and become an even greater martial artist. Little did he know that the bell was actually an artifact of his mother, who was a member of an ancient ninja clan, tasked with protecting the world from evil. If Mushuro rings it two times and claps his hands together, he gains temporary access to his clan's ancient magic and ninjutsu techniques.

Now with the rise in evil organizations and monster attacks in the city, Mushuro finally has a reason to use his mother's odd little trinket, even though he knows virtually nothing about his family's past. Still, he's determined to fight for justice and hopefully someday, friendship!

just posted here in case OC acceptances start when I'm not around.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rogue of Void

Rogue of Void

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Everyone that is accepted has been added to the first page.

OCs are now open and Hoshino is accepted. That leaves 4 more slots left for OCs.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Guy of Z
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Guy of Z

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Original Character Signup

Name: Skullgirl

Age: 117

Gender: Female

Species: Zombie

Alignment: Neutral


Powers and Abilities:
Possesses an automatic gun and endowed with mystic senses instinctively detect those related to her murderers trail, be they of good intention or evil. Her abilities also give her the power to spread a viruslike curse obedient to her will. Her eyes are its eyes, her mind its eyes. However it cannot posses those with outstanding amounts of willpower or someone with their own forms of mystics.
Her undead physiology makes her practically immortal and unaging but not indestructible as something like cellular destruction or other forms of Hax. But her durability is that above a normal humans that she is impervious to small arms fire and explosives at building levels.

Personality: After being revived by her masters Skullgirl has remembered little about the background of her death, what caused it or who. She hopes to uncover her memories and understand herself, and finally avenger her demise on the one who destroyed her life. Despite being dead she still possess hobby's that could be seen as childish, somewhat of a mood whiplash for a emissary of the dead. After her resurrection she became infatuated with superheroes and magical girls to the point her outfit composites both genres. After viewing Kanade's and Tsubasa's concert she became interested in music as well, and is disappointed by her inability to speak entirely aside from groans and grunts. Despite these interests she is merciless to her enemies and those affiliated with the Cult willingly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 18 hrs ago

I know that this is a MG RP, but would Kamen Rider Eternal be okay? Or at least a magical boy with powers like Eternal?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Laughing Matter
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Laughing Matter Demon Knight

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Original Character Signup

Name: Elaria Thalaris

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Species: Human

Alignment: Anti-hero, she doesn't actually care about ruling the world, for one thing

Appearance: Long flowing dark blue hair, green eyes, pale skin, and slender build. Elaria's hair changes into a red color in her magical girl form.

Powers and Abilities:

Transformation: Using the black jewel, Elaria changes herself into a magical girl wearing rather frilly black clothing, which seems to be a mixture of an elaborate dress and a necromancer's robe. Her upper torso is covered by a stylized black chestplate which resembles a human ribcage while she wears a large dark blue ribbon on her waist. She also has feathery frills on her shoulders and gauntlets decorated with human bones. If this description kind of sucks (I'd be willing to admit I'm not the best at describing things), just think of a mixture between this and Cure Moonlight's getup. In this form, she gets the typical physical enhancements like super strength, speed, reflexes, durability and so on.

Re-animating and controlling the (un)dead: A basic necromancer ability. Elaria can raise and control corpses like puppets, if there are any nearby. As for the bodies of people with supernatural abilities, their powers can also be used (aside from things like healing magic, that is), though they may not be as effective as when they were alive. The theorized reason for a necromancer's ability to utilize these powers is that the necromancer still senses the faint bond between the empty body and its former owner's spirit, then uses it to partially tap into knowledge the deceased possessed in life.

Soul manipulation: Elaria can call forth spirits from the Realm of Lost Souls, a place where the departed are still anchored by what they perceive as unsettled issues. These spirits occasionally wander into the material world, making it even easier for necromancers to take hold of them. She can also tear out souls from undead or artificial constructs, but not from "naturally living" beings. Elaria is capable of implanting souls into empty vessels as well.

Spiritual Destruction: Elaria breaks off a small fragment of her soul, manifesting it as a tiny amethyst colored flame on the palm of her hand. She then draws spirits towards it, feeding the fire and expanding it. Elaria can either wreathe her hand in this flame for close combat purposes or fire it off as a ranged attack. This attack burns both the enemy's body and soul simultaneously.

Personality: Polite and courteous to most everyone she meets, but is overall detached from everyone around her. Elaria sees people in general as either tools or liabilities. However, she also shows an almost childlike curiosity about her powers. She yearns to push them to their limits and experiments with them gleefully. The numerous corpses in her abode's depths, mostly consisting of various undesirables that won't be missed, can attest to that fact.

Biography: For several generations, the Thalaris family has been the strongest clan of necromancers. They commanded dreadful sorcery that decayed swathes of men in an instant and raised thousands of undead. Legions of souls were bound to their will, powering their abominable weapons. However, the constant wars against their rivals began to wear down their resources as time went on. Durandal and Marielle, the current generation Thalaris, decide on a desperate course of action. They crafted a black jewel which drew in and absorbed the spirits of their predecessors, giving it unimaginable power. The jewel represented the total sum of Thalaris power and knowledge. However, neither Durandal nor Marielle were compatible with the jewel, so they resort to implanting it within their daughter, Elaria.

Elaria was trained by her parents at an early age, forging her as a weapon against their enemies. Little by little, she drew on the black jewel's power. She inflicted devastating losses on her foes, but still, it wasn't enough. The Thalaris were fighting a losing battle, and Durandal and Marielle couldn't allow Elaria to be captured. They opted to shunt their manor and their daughter through a dimensional gate in the hopes that she escapes the grasp of their foes. Elaria, fifteen years of age at that time, ends up in a world that some call Earth. She promises she will return, with the power necessary to crush her family's enemies.

The manor is, conveniently enough, magically projecting an image of a modest and unnoticeable house. It is from there that Elaria spent most of her time observing her new environment and sends various agents (mostly undead birds, but one wouldn't be able to tell the difference between them and living ones, at least in a distance) to scout the area. She goes out herself too from time to time and interacts with others, but is overall known as a recluse. After three years have passed, Elaria manages to acclimate herself well enough to live everyday life while her necromantic activities go unnoticed. With the recent rise of magical activity, she can now finally begin her plans of gathering allies and power for her goal.

If there's anything I have to fix, tell me
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CureMoonlight
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CureMoonlight Dark Cerberus

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Original Character Signup

Name: Gerald Ornstein aka "Tyrann"

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Species: Soulless human

Alignment: Neutral/Anti Hero

Appearance: Gerald base

Gerald Transformed

Powers and Abilities: Gerald's main abilities lie in his sword, Kriemhild. The sword itself exhibits the ability of becoming much sharper when a target gerald perceives as "Evil" is attacked. Due to Gerald's skill with a sword, when he takes a fight seriously it exhibits the ability to launch shockwaves of wind due to the strength of his slashes, as well as the skill with which he wields the sword. The final ability Kriemhild exhibits is one of "sealing" the targets Gerald finishes off with his signature move into its blade. For every foe Gerald seals, the power and sharpness of the blade increases permanently, but only at the cost of further eroding Gerald's mental state.

Personality: When Gerald is untransformed, he displays an outwardly nice facade. He will smile when he needs to, cry when he needs to, and get angry when it's expected of him. All in all, the appearance he projects does nothing to hint at his true nature. As Tyrann, Gerald's true personality manifests itself. He takes pride in crushing those he sees as weak, establishing his "Justice" over them. Deeply bitter and sadistic, Gerald wishes nothing more than to see the optimism in an opponent's eyes fade away as he slowly but surely strangles the life out of them with his superior abilities. That being said, Gerald despises those he sees as weak, preferring nothing less than fighting strong opponents and matching his skill with theirs.

Biography: The son of a prison warden, Gerald Ornstein's childhood wasn't exactly the most normal one by any means. His father always taught him to do what he thought was right, and to never let anyone but himself dictate his actions. That all changed when a Riot broke out at the prison, and Gerald's father was killed in the ensuing chaos. This event managed to leave a deep wound within the boy, who became obsessed with the idea of "Justice". He believed he could change the world for the better if he could only get rid of the evil people who were dragging it down to the level it was currently at. The answer came in the form of a creature calling itself Philemon, who offered him the power he desired in exchange for one measly thing: Gerald's own soul. There was no need to question the bargain, and the transaction was made. Gerald dedicated himself to pursuing the Justice he had desired for so long, punishing criminals and other lowlives with impunity. But what truly set the stage for his current situation was Philemon turning on him, outing him as a murderer to the humans, who soon began a manhunt for the criminal known as "Tyrann". Justice....there was no such thing, not anymore. The only thing in Gerald's mind now was retribution, to inflict what he had suffered onto Philemon and watch as his life was extinguished before his eyes. For that reason he has been on the run for the past couple of years, reducing his activites to a minimum so as not to attract suspicion. However, he can't stay hidden for long, as there's a new battle on the horizon...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze Figure of Hourai

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Spiritual Destruction: Elaria breaks off a small fragment of her soul, manifesting it as a tiny amethyst colored flame on the palm of her hand. She then draws spirits towards it, feeding the fire and expanding it. Elaria can either wreathe her hand in this flame for close combat purposes or fire it off as a ranged attack. This attack burns both the enemy's body and soul simultaneously.

How is that even the slightest bit a heroic power? : |
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CureMoonlight
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CureMoonlight Dark Cerberus

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

10/10 heroism.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rogue of Void

Rogue of Void

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I believe I will have to go over these profiles tomorrow. There are a few things I need to address and am far too tired right now to properly articulate them.

Oh, I missed the Kamen Rider post. No, no Kamen Riders, that's a whole different genre. As for a character with similar powers, that really depends on what those powers are.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze Figure of Hourai

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Rogue of Void said
I believe I will have to go over these profiles tomorrow. There are a few things I need to address and am far too tired right now to properly articulate them.Oh, I missed the Kamen Rider post. No, no Kamen Riders, that's a whole different genre. As for a character with similar powers, that really depends on what those powers are.

Um... I think Eternal is a ridiculously powerful counterpart to Double, but seeing as he's in a movie I haven't yet gotten to, I have no damn clue. >_>;

And anything that is basically Eternal would be rife with spoilers. : (
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 18 hrs ago

Okay. I'll just give him Kamen Rider Eternal themed powers

Name: Terra

Age: 14?

Gender: Male

Species: Human?

Alignment: Hero?


Powers and Abilities: Terra has control over the 26 Gaia Memories; magical items that contain the memories of the very earth itself. Each one grants a different power. He is also capable of safely inserting and removing a Memory from someone. When safely inserted into someone, they gain the power of that Memory and it's letter will appear on their forehead. While Terra can store all 26 Memories in his body at once, he can't use their power unless they're inserted into his forehead

A: Missing

B: Missing


D: Missing


F: Missing

G: Missing


I: Missing

J: Missing

K: Missing

L: Missing

M: Missing

N: Missing

O: Missing

P: Missing

Q: Missing

R: Missing

S: Missing

T: Missing

U: Missing

V: Missing

W: Missing

X: Missing

Y: Missing

Z: Missing

Personality: Only having fragments of his memories, Terra is very unsure of himself. He can't tell if his current personality is his real one, or one just constructed after the loss of his memories. He is a very sweet boy who doesn't like to fight, but who also realizes that sometimes he has to. What he really wants is to just get back his memories and find somewhere where he can just live out the rest of his life in peace. However, he's also afraid of regaining his memories. He's worried that he'll remember something bad, something that could change him

Biography: Sometime in the past, Terra lost almost all of his Gaia Memories, and with them, his actual memories. He remembers very little about himself. What he does know is this; his name is Terra. He spent some time living in some kind of lab. He remembers being tested for something, but without the proper context, it's hard to tell what for. He remembers the lab on fire, people dying in the fierce blaze. He doesn't know how he escaped, only that his next memory is lying on his back in a grassy field, the smell of burning flesh in the air. His last memory is of his Gaia Memories being ripped from his chest by some shadowy figure. As broken as his memories are, he knows he can regain them by getting back his Gaia Memories

If this CS passes inspection, I'll work on the 'complete' version and PM it to you. As he get more of his Gaia Memories back, he'll begin to remember more about himself. I'll also keep this CS updated.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rin
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Member Seen 34 min ago

...And now I'm concerned my OC villain ideas are too heroic to be pitched against some of those and not come off as the hero.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rogue of Void

Rogue of Void

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I will address those issues tomorrow. Please try not to start any arguments over it in the mean time. I am aware of the uh... problems with some of these sign ups.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rin
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Member Seen 34 min ago

I guess I'll just go back to working on them, then. Sorry, ahah. ^^;
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rogue of Void

Rogue of Void

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Okay, I did a lot of thinking on these profiles. I apologize in advance if I sound a bit critical of them, but there were some problems that cropped up that I personally feel would be a detriment to the RP.

@Guy of Z: I'm gonna have to say no to the zombie for several reasons. The first reason is pretty personal, Zombies bother me a lot on a psychological level. They give me panic attacks, etc, etc. I'm not sure if I could be comfortable RPing knowing your character is a zombie. Now besides that one personal reason, I fail to see how your character can have meaningful interactions if they lack the ability to communicate. And assuming I read her power right, being able to spread a virus that controls others is a big no no for me. That just doesn't work in a RP with multiple players unless you had the consent of every one of them to use that power. My final reason is, this character does not seem like a magical girl at all. It's a zombie wearing a costume. This character is more like something you'd find in a comic book than a magical girl anime/manga.

@Laughing Matter: For the reasons I say no to a zombie, I'm not sure if I would be comfortable with a necromancer. But I don't exactly want to say no for that reason. If you limit to dead animals, I would probably have less of a problem with it. I also feel like being able to control undead humans, especially if they can still use their powers, would be a bit game breaking as there is no mentioned limit on how many she can control at a time. She's pending until we can work some things out.

@CureMoonlight: I'm going to have to say no to him as well. Like the zombie, there is nothing that defines this character as something that you'd find in a magical girl anime. The only thing is that he uses a sword to transform and if that was the only requirement then you'd be able to call He-man a magical boy. As it stands, this character is a magical warrior, better suited for a urban fantasy setting than a magical girl RP. As for his sword itself, the fact that it can seal others bothers me, especially with this character's skewed personality potentially targeting PCs.

@Card Captor: Clarify what it means and what happens when a memory is inserted or removed? Also, currently your character suffers from a similar problem as the rejected sign ups. There's nothing that defines this character as one from a magical girl setting. I suggest doing a bit more on that front.

Phew okay, I apologize again. I really didn't want to have to tell people no, but some of these characters just don't work with what I envisioned for this RP. Feel free to try again with new characters or revisions to the old ones.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 18 hrs ago

What if each Gaia Memory gave him a different outfit, would that be better?
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