Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Savo
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Savo Time to go to Hell

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

-Eien : Kisaragi Academy-

As he tore his piece off, he took a look at the scrap he had just procured. He promised himself that this would hopefully work, but he felt like that it wouldn't work. His own desperationtion caused him to not think clearly, and had caused him to mentally believe such a thing as this would link them all together. A single torn piece of paper wasn't a string to hold all of them together, and he felt that performing the charm was futile... But, if it gave the others a sense of hope, why should he be down and or bring them down? He quietly shoved the piece into his student I.d. folder and left it there for safekeeping. As he did this, the floor began to vibrate violently, knocking a few students off balance. Eien almost tumbled backwards, but held his ground be for being smacked to the floor on accident by another student. He grit his teeth in anticipation, wondering when the quake would stop.

"(Ok, this day just went from bad to worse! Earthquakes, a friend leaving? Whats next, the floor breaking under us?)"

The earthquake finally stopped after a little bit, Eien groaning from the pain of falling onto his ass. He swiftly pushed himself up, and began dusting himself off. He then began to look around the classroom to everyone's state and well-being. Everyone looked unharmed for the most part, although a student fainted. He watched as Naomi tended to Mayuri to see if she was fine, and shook his head when she stepped over Yume to go help her. He quickly walked over and hoisted Yume onto his back, looking at Naomi to check up on how she was doing with Mayuri. He then turned his head to answer Yosuke, who was probably shooken up by the terrible quake.

"I'm good, however Yume is out cold, and probably some of us gained bruises... I don't think anything seriously bad happened though... I will have to admit that it was a strange turn of events. Mayuri, Naomi, you two alright?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Savo
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Savo Time to go to Hell

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

((Whee, accidental double post, gj RPG!))
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Delta44
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Delta44 Back In The Game. / Mostly.

Member Seen 8 mos ago

"Y-yeah, I'm fine, guys. I'm more concerned about Yume and Jinta, though..." She replied to both Naomi and Eien's questioning, getting to her feet and thanking Naomi in the process. Shirako also helped hoist up Yume alongside Eien, and Jinta just panted from the teachers desk, regaining his composure.

However, it seemed as though something didn't want them to rest, as it was only a few seconds before an even more menacing earthquake began to shake those from within the classroom. This one was beyond expectation and was much more powerful, causing pieces of the ceiling to fall like stalactites of a cave. If that wasn't bad enough, pieces of the floor, too, began to cave in. A sudden tear formed in the center of the room, almost ripping it in two, and nearly causing Shirako to lose his footing.

"Whoa! Everyone, get back!" Jinta ordered from the teachers desk, however it was already too late. The whole in the floor widened, with Shirako falling, dragging Yume and quite possibly Eien in with him. It was only a split second before the whole widened further to swallow up Naomi and Mayuri, who were soon followed by Yosuke, Jun, Jinta, and the rest of the class...

This was it...

...They were now in Heavenly Host...

The first thing the students of Kisaragi Academy would notice after regaining consciousness was a simple one: they sure as hell weren't in Kisaragi Academy anymore. The floorboards that'd previously been beneath their feet were replaced with rickety, old, and, in some places, broken flooring with dark holes that made determining the distance below extremely difficult. The ceiling was unusually high, giving rooms a feeling of wide open space, and desks and chairs that were far smaller than those at Kisaragi lay scattered within the rooms the many students woke up in. Everything was musty and dark, with an upsetting gloomy feeling wafting through the air almost as consistent as the dust from the abandoned school building...

Wherever they were, this wasn't a good place to be...
OOC:(Character Pairing)
1.Naomi & Yosuke
2.Eien & Mayuri
3.Shirako & Kohaku
4.Jun & Jinta
5.Henry & ???

You guys can post how you wake up and such, though if you wish I can write out a couple scenarios I had in mind for the character pairings :P (don't worry, there's no insta-killing like with Mayu and Seiko; I'm not mean). Anyways, let the games begin!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TrixyTrix
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TrixyTrix -Back After Several Years-

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Kohaku slowly opened her eyes. Her body was aching all over while she tried to get up. She noticed in her right hand was the slip of paper which was from the 'Sachiko Ever After' ritual. One moment she was in the classroom with everybody and the next thing she knew was an earthquake had occurred...and she fell as the floor beneath had crumbled. She had saw everybody else fell as well. Kohaku looked at her surroundings and found herself in a classroom...or what used to be a classroom. The furniture were badly damaged and there were many holes in the floor. Not to the mention, the room was not well-lit. The only thing that allowed Kohaku to see at all was light coming from the windows. The girl tried to open them but they were shut tight.

It did not take long for Kohaku to realize something was amiss and she was probably not in her school anymore. That would be the logical conclusion. Whatever the case, Kohaku knew she needed to find her classmates. She inserted her ritual paper into her student card case. Before she was about to head out, she noticed there was somebody else lying in the room. She quickly went over to the person to see it was her friend, Shirako Takamoto. She quickly tried to wake him up by shaking him...very hard.
"Takamoto-kun. Wake up!!!"
She then proceeded to continuously slap his face.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Delta44
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Delta44 Back In The Game. / Mostly.

Member Seen 8 mos ago

TrixyTrix said
Kohaku slowly opened her eyes. Her body was aching all over while she tried to get up. She noticed in her right hand was the slip of paper which was from the 'Sachiko Ever After' ritual. One moment she was in the classroom with everybody and the next thing she knew was an earthquake had occurred...and she fell as the floor beneath had crumbled. She had saw everybody else fell as well. Kohaku looked at her surroundings and found herself in a classroom...or what used to be a classroom. The furniture were badly damaged and there were many holes in the floor. Not to the mention, the room was not well-lit. The only thing that allowed Kohaku to see at all was light coming from the windows. The girl tried to open them but they were shut tight. It did not take long for Kohaku to realize something was amiss and she was probably not in her school anymore. That would be the logical conclusion. Whatever the case, Kohaku knew she needed to find her classmates. She inserted her ritual paper into her student card case. Before she was about to head out, she noticed there was somebody else lying in the room. She quickly went over to the person to see it was her friend, Shirako Takamoto. She quickly tried to wake him up by shaking him...very hard."Takamoto-kun. Wake up!!!"She then proceeded to continuously slap his face.

Shirako's head bobbed slightly, inching ever so slowly forward, before touching the ground once more only to repeat this simple cycle. Covering his ears was a set of headphones, which, as Tohko could easily decipher, were blasting incredibly loud techno beats into his ears, blocking out all outside noise. However, this didn't stop him from the shaking and light slapping of the face, as Shirako soon began to open his eyes, squinting to make out Tohko's face in the dim light.

"Whoa... Minami-San..." His voice was faint; eyes distant, as though he'd just woken up from a deep sleep. "Yo... It's dark in here...where are we?" He asked, rubbing his head as he propped himself up on his left arm, staring at Tohko with confusion. He even removed his headphones and paused the track playing!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Savo
Avatar of Savo

Savo Time to go to Hell

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

-Eien : Kisaragi Academy-

Eien smiled a bit after hearing the news, and decided to tend to an unconscious Yume. He took a look around the class to see how the other students fared, and was rather mirthful that they didn't receive further harm. As he sighed, comforted that the current situation didn't turn into something more horrid. As he prepared to lay Yume down on a desk with the help of another student, something expected threw him off his guard. The ground began shaking more violently than usual.

The boy did his best to keep his footing, and stumbled a bit due to the menacing quake. How uneventful for such a repeat of the last misfortune would be so much more horrid. As he struggled to keep his footing, a piece of the ceiling had landed mere centimeters from his head. He flinched, and tumbled on backwards a bit, rather piqued that they might not make it out of this massive earthquake alive. He thought about the other students, about their fates, and if this would be their burial place.

What transpired next was almost considered wayward for Eien.

He heard Jinta scream for everyone to get back. Eien swiftly turned his head back to see what the commotion was about, and began regretting his decision on that. His eyes widened in surprise, and in a drastic measure tried to drag Yume from the void which tried to drag them in. His attempts at saving Yume were futile as he lost his grip on the girl and watched as she was dragged down into the darkness. Eien did his best to get away, but lost his balance, and slipped backwards into the hole which had consumed his friends. In a desperate measure, he quickly clinged onto a part of the floor which lead to the all-consuming-maw, and tried to pull himself up. As he was just about there, the floor which had held his hand broke from over him, and his eyes widened in horror as he was dragged into the abyss.

As he fell, his life began flashing in front of his eyes. The memories that had taken place began flooding through him all at once, obscuring his view of reality. Eien could only watched as the memories suddenly slowed down, leading him to a picture of the whole class. Suddenly, he snapped back to reality, and began shouting out their names, in a desperate attempt to try and survive... Despite the fact that there was nothing they could do to control the strings of fate.

"Mayuri, Naomi! Yosuke, Jinta, Jun, someone help us!"

It wasn't long before his eyes stared in terror at what he was seeing. He watched as Mayuri and Naomi were swallowed by the hole themselves, along with the rest of the student body. Was this their fate, to succumb to being consumed by the darkness below? Just as the floors, their destinies had begun to crumble around them, which must of shook their very foundations. Just before he was fully enveloped in the darkness, he let out one last piercing cry to the student body.

"Guys, please don't die, promise me!"

He was then swallowed up by the void, unknown of where his next destination was. As he was eaten, he held his hand upshot his body in an attempt to reach out to them. As he did so, his vision began to fade, and then he was fully surrounded by the shade of darkness.
-Eien : ???-

As Eien came back to his senses, he felt something hard and splintery on his hands. He slowly pushed himself up, shaking his head to bring himself back to the reality bestowed upon him. As he turned his head upwards, he looked around the classroom with a sense of dread filling his own well-being. The place looked musty and just about ready to fall apart if something were to disturb the area around it. The desks were strangely arranged and the ceiling was face up higher than the ceiling of Kisaragi. As he continued scanning he noticed a few holes in the floor, and began to ponder on how old the place was, and more importantly where they were. As he thought, he caught sight of an unconscious Mayuri laying a few feet away from him. He quickly rushed over to her aid, barely managing to keep himself from tripping due to how groggy he felt.

As he swiftly made his way over to Mayuri, he brought himself to his knees, and elevated Mayuri a few inches away from the ground. After he did this, he felt her arms to check her pulse be for going back to his cure mission of waking the girl from her slumber.

"Hey Mayuri, you alright? Please wake up..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kafka Komedy
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Kafka Komedy Bearer of The Curse

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Yosuke gasped as the floor was ripped out from under him, and the floor shook with an amazing intensity. He was already off balance since the first earthquake, so he fell in relatively easy. His only thought as he fell to a fate worse than death was Damnit Yosuke..

A musty, mildew like smell filled the air as Yosuke stirred. The floor creaked more than usual as he pulled himself up a little, still sitting on the corroded floorboards. The classroom looked, familiar, yet off. The desks were smaller, and disheveled, and the ceiling was much higher than usual. This place is giving me anxiety. Yosuke thought to himself as he got completely off the floor. He gave the room another look over from his now much more encompassing view, and noticed Naomi, passed out on the floor. He smiled to himself as he walked over to her. I may be trapped in Hell, or where ever this place is, but at least I have Her here to suffer with me.. Although he'd probably never admit it to anyone's face unless they black mailed him or something, Naomi was his favorite out of the group of friends he had acquired over the year. He may have even had or still does have some sort of romantic inclination toward her, though you'd need to threaten him with a knife to get info like that.

Yosuke walked over to Naomi, crouched down next to her, and poked her stomach repeatedly. "Hey, wake up sleepy head, we both finally got sent to Hell for our sins."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Spriggs27 Most likely a Synth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Naomi was slightly relieved to hear that Mayuri was okay and unharmed by the earth quake, she looked over to Yume," I don't even have words for a person that faints during a quake, all that did for me was make my side hurt a little" Naomi reveled. Naomi cursed as loud as she could when the floor was brought out from under then she witnessed her friends fall into the hole and while she was falling, in the back of her head she felt that everything that was happening," A BUNCH OF BULL SHIT !!" When she hit the ground she passed out from the pain.

When she awoken, it was to the sight of her asshole classmate, that she wanted to gut the most, when he revealed they were in hell, she got up brushing her self off, she held her side and groaned in pain, then stood oddly leaning to the right trying to take weight off her left leg ," That didn't do neither my leg or side any good." She spoke to herself. Naomi looked at Yosuke with her glare as usual," If this is hell why are you here ? I know why I'm here." She exclaimed to him. she looked around the room." Looks like god likes those who are pathetic pieces of human dog shit. Now come here so I can use you like a crutch." Naomi spoke in a cold tone.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Delta44
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Delta44 Back In The Game. / Mostly.

Member Seen 8 mos ago

As Jun began to wake from unconsciousness, she was flooded with the memories of falling and her friends screaming all around her as the flooring in Kisaragi caved in. After that, everything went dark, and her memory was completely blank. As she was waking up now, she could see that she was in an extremely dark and musty-looking classroom, with broken floorboards and an extremely tall ceiling, which she was currently facing. Based on her surroundings, it wasn't hard to evaluate that this was a classroom. More specifically, a science room. It held many beakers, test tubes, and other such items on the nearby desks across from her, which were filled with unidentifiable liquids which were impossible to determine due to the lack of light...

Jun herself was laying atop one such table, stretched out and tied down to it with a highly resistant rope that, despite all the struggle in the world, seemed like it just wouldn't budge. There was no sign of her friends anywhere in the room, or, aside from the science equipment, that anybody had even been here in a long time. If she were to listen closely, she could hear a very distant scraping sound, like metal against wood, somewhere in the presumable hall outside the classroom. The scraping was somewhat rhythmic, keeping up a steady pace as it drew nearer and nearer to the classroom.

Whatever it was, it didn't sound right...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Delta44
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Delta44 Back In The Game. / Mostly.

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Savo said
-Eien : Kisaragi Academy-Eien smiled a bit after hearing the news, and decided to tend to an unconscious Yume. He took a look around the class to see how the other students fared, and was rather mirthful that they didn't receive further harm. As he sighed, comforted that the current situation didn't turn into something more horrid. As he prepared to lay Yume down o a desk with the help of another student, something expected threw him off his guard. The ground began shaking moar violently than usual.The boy did his best to keep his footing, and stumbled a bit due to the menacing quake. How uneventful for such a repeat of the last misfortune would be so much more horrid. As he struggled to keep his footing, a piece of the ceiling had landed mere centimeters from his head. He flinched, and tumbled on backwards a bit, rather piqued that they might not make it out of this massive earthquake alive. He thought about the other students, about their fates, and if this would be their burial place.What transpired next was almost considered wayward for Eien.He heard Jinata scream for everyone to get back. Eien swiftly turned his head back to see what the commotion was about, and began regretting his decision on that. His eyes widened in surprise, and in a drastic measure tried to drag Yume from the void which tried to drag them in. His attempts at saving Yume were futile as he lost his grip on the girl and watched as she was dragged down into the darkness. Eien did his best to get away, but lost his balance, and slipped backwards into the hole which had consumed his friends. In a desperate measure, he quickly clinged onto a part of the floor which lead to the all-consuming-maw, and tried to pull himself up. As he was just about there, the floor which had held his hand broke from over him, and his eyes widened in horror as he was dragged into the abyss.As he fell, his life began flashing in front of his eyes. The memories that had taken place began flooding through him all at once, obscuring his view of reality. Eien could only watched as the memories suddenly slowed down, leading him to a picture of the whole class. Suddenly, he snapped back to reality, and began shouting out their names, in a desperate attempt to try and survive... Despite the fact that there was nothing they could do to control the strings of fate."Mayuri, Naomi! Yosuke, Jinata, Jun, someone help us!"It wasn't long before his eyes stared in terror at what he was seeing. He watched as Mayuri and Naomi we r swallowed by the hole themselves, along with the rest of the student body. Was this their fate, to succumb to being consumed by the darkness below? Just as the floors, their destinies had begun to crumble around them, which must of shook their very foundations. Just before he was fully enveloped in the darkness, he let out one last piercing cry to the student body."Guys, please don't die, promise me!"He was then swallowed up by the void, unknown of where his next destination was. As he was eaten, he held his hand upshot his body in an attempt to reach out to them. As he did so, his vision began to fade, and then he was fully surrounded by the shade of darkness.-Eien : ???-As Eien came back to his senses, he felt something hard and splintery on his hands. He slowly pushed himself up, shaking his head to bring himself back to the reality bestowed upon him. As he turned his head upwards, he looked around the classroom with a sense of dread filling his own well-being. The place looked musty and just about ready to fall apart if something were to disturb the area around it. The desks were strangely arranged and the ceiling was face up higher than the ceiling of Kisaragi. As he continued scanning he noticed a few holes in the floor, and began to ponder on how old the place was, and more importantly where they were. As he thought, he caught sight of an unconscious Mayuri laying a few feet away from him. He quickly rushed over to her aid, barely managing to keep himself from tripping due to how groggy he felt.As he swiftly made his way over to Mayuri, he brought himself to his knees, and elevated Mayuri a few inches away from the ground. After he did this, he felt her arms to check her pulse be for going back to his cure mission of waking the girl from her slumber."Hey Mayuri, you alright? Please wake up..."

Her pulse was strong, and her breathing steady, however Eien would easily be able to notice the blood that had formed from the back of her head. Further investigation would reveal that she had a sizeable cut to the back of the head which was pouring out blood at a steady rate. If it weren't patched up in some time, it may prove troublesome, though for now she appeared fine. After a few attempts of trying to get Mayuri to wake with no initial response, Mayuri finally began to show signs of waking and stirred, just before her eyes opened, revealing the Indigo irises within.

"E-Eien...?" She asked as she woke, tilting her head to look at her surroundings. "Wh-where...are we?" Her voice sounded incredibly tired and her eyes looked fatigued, as though she'd just awoken from the deepest of sleeps. Her body even showed signs of visible struggle to move, though after a few attempts she was able to regain full physical strength. "This place...does not look like Kisaragi Academy..." She stated, looking all around the classroom and seemingly inspecting very little detail. "Our friends aren't here either..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BytheSpleen
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BytheSpleen ...but no cigar.

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Jun frantically looks around for a sharp object as she begins to flail around in her struggle to break free, all the while letting a flurry of curses in her panic. She tries to pull in wrist closer to see if she could bite her bonds, and failing that, attempt to try and rub the rope off the dull edge of the table.

What caused her to do that was beyond the minds of your average high-schooler, mind you.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LenKagamine


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Slowly, Kiku opened his eyes, but it seemed like he still had his eyes closed due to the darkness. He tried to sit up and felt his a throbbing pain in his head "Ow..!" he yelped surprise. Kiku then remembered what happened, "We all fell?" Gradually, his vision became better. His eyes were getting used to the dark. Looking around, he saw broken desks, walls and floor. It seemed like an abandoned classroom, better yet, a school. "Where am I? Is this beneath our school?" he wondered while standing up. As he did so, the floor creaked quite loudly. The floor seemed like it would collapse the moment he made another move. He only hoped it wouldn't.

Then he remembered his friends, "Naomi? Yosuke? Mayuri?" he called out to them, but his voice only echoed. The place seemed really empty, almost as if he's alone. 'Or maybe I am alone...' he suddenly thought. Unfortunately, they did all fall below the classroom, at least that's what he saw. "Then the others are around here somewhere.. I hope they're alright." He then thought of walking around, maybe there's something here that could give him a clue about where he is. Finding the others would be really nice as well, if they are actually here that is.

As he wandered around, he almost stepped into a hole "Woah. That was close." this made him feel the need to get out of the room, the floor might give out any minute. Walking a bit more, a silhouette on the floor appeared. He ran quickly towards it and saw that it was Yume. "Yume? Yume?! Wake up!" he shook him gently and even check her pulse. 'There's a pulse! She's definitely alive...!' he was relieved to see that she was alright.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Savo
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Savo Time to go to Hell

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

-Eien : ???-

"(Oh shit... I need to find a place to get that checked out... I wonder if there's an infirmary or any supplies to stop the blood loss in this creepy old place... All I just need to do is clean up the would and wrap up the back of her head or something with bandages I think... Ok, so these are my main priorities - finding out where we are and finding things to patch up that wound.)"

Eien anxiously awaited her awakening, nervously contemplated if she would wake up at all. To stop some of the blood loss, he put one of his hands behind her head. This would have to do for now until the girl awoke from her slumber. He was frowning, with a rather worrisome look on his face as he patiently sat there holding her, waiting for her to emerge from her slumber. After a while, his facial expression began to lighten up, as the girl began showing signs of consciousness. He gave a brief sigh of joy, and wanted to hug her, knowing that she was still with him. He did, however restrain himself, and instead gave her a smile to show how glad he was to see her alive and well.

"Thank god, you're still with me..."

As he spoke, the girl quizzed him on where they were, wondering about where they were. He only knew that they were in an old school which seemed to be deprived of any soul other than the two, and this place feel dreary, with its creaky wooden floors and the sabled looking outside made the windows seem like the place had a sense of dread. He got shivers down his spine just thinking about the malignant place they were jailed in. He began adding onto bis priorities as the girl spoke, mentioning their friends, and such. His friends... It was rather peculiar to him that they were the only two here. Didn't he see everyone fall into the same depths of despair? Yeah, he was sure of it.

"I'm sure this isn't Kisaragi Academy anymore... I mean, we did fall into a rather dark abyss which is rather strange... I'm pretty sure if a hole opened up through the floor, we would of just fallen to the first floor... Or we would see the first floor classroom at least... All I know is that something supernatural is going on, and we need to find out where we are and how to escape. We should check this room for clues before trying to leave... Maybe there's a newspaper clipping or something that can explain to us where our current location is... After that, we head to the infirmary and find supplies to patch up that wound you have on the back of your head. That's our current tasks at hand I believe. I'll explain the rest later, but for now, lets look for some clues that we can use to get an idea of the situation we are in... Can you stand up at least?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PokimKyOshi
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

Yume's sight slightly regained and for some reason, could see herself falling in a deep dark abyss. Her body felt heavy and hot, like she was a meteor shower on fire. She looked up and saw the image of the classroom ceiling and slowly one by one, she saw more figures being eaten alive by the dark hole as it kept on expanding and realized that they were her friends, who she was with inside the classroom. She heard their wails and cries for help. Other than that, one screamed out boldly;

"Guys, please don't die, promise me!"

She didn't need to familiarize the voice because she very well knew this came from Eien. Yume tried to reach out her hands towards them and speak up, but her heavy arm and her unconsciousness clouded her once again as she shut her eyes and let her body strike wherever it'll land.
"..-me? Yume?! Wake up!"
Yume heard her name being repeatedly called out with panic as she regained strength and slowly opened her eyes to see Kiku's figure and hearing him inhaling and exhaling intensely.
"Ki...ku...?" She called out in a weak voice.

She couldn't completely make Kiku out. It was too dark to see and there was only little amount of light, but she knew it was him through his voice.
Among the tiny rays of light, the place didn't seems all familiar to her. The floor boards were cracked, tables and chairs scattered all around the room and a bare chalk board.
Aside the dark atmosphere, Yume knew they were in a classroom, but not the classroom she was in. And this place was DEFINITELY not her school.
What's worse, everyone was missing aside from Kiku.

Her heart started to rapidly beat with fear as she moved closer to Kiku. The rate of their intense breathing were practically the same.
"Kiku.... w-where are we? What happened? H-How..."
Yume's body shivered along with the way she spoke. She was glad that she had someone with her to be accompanied with.
Trembling with fear, Yume unknowingly clasped onto Kiku, trying to hold back her tears. .
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LenKagamine


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Yume slowly opened her eyes, and she seemed to be trembling in fear. "Y-Yume? It's alri-" all of a sudden, Yume held him tight and from the looks of it, she's trying not to cry. Kiku patted her head and said, "It's alright Yume. If you want to cry you can do so if it's gonna make you feel somehow better. And don't be scared, I'm here with you!" then smiled at her to show that it is fine. Letting out your emotions can be helpful in making one feel calmer and better. He knows how scary this would be for someone like her. Though, Kiku has been pretty scared since he woke up as well. How couldn't anyone be scared? They're in an unknown place. He only managed to keep his sanity by thinking of his friends and of the good things.

Looking around, this doesn't really look like their classroom. It was similar, but it really isn't theirs. 'How did we get here?' They fell from their room, 'And this was underneath it?' Kiku still can't believe what's happening. He has so many questions but no answers. "Don't worry, we'll find the others soon enough." he tried to assure her as she must be worried about the others as well.

Sighing, he stood up and held out a hand to Yume, thinking that she might have calmed down a bit now, "Well, for now I guess we should look around, if you're able to stand up that is." She might have been injured due to the fall, though he hoped that wasn't the case. It might have just been like him with a little headache or something similar. Kiku isn't exactly sure what to do right now, but finding everyone else is top priority for now. 'Getting into safety will come later, and it will be with the others.' he thought.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kafka Komedy
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Kafka Komedy Bearer of The Curse

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Yosuke smiled to himself as he got up and stopped poking Naomi. He loved how he got all up in his face and insulted him. She stood up to him and his douchebaggery, and spit more acid than he ever could. He admired her so much, but was surprised when she questioned his admission to hell. "Well, I don't believe God should be worshiped, all he did was whip up a buncha tools who hate each other. Also I'm an asshole, so I don't think he'd let me into the great playground in the sky." Yosuke said, as he obliged her command to allow her his support as a crutch. He slid under her arm and put his arm around her, grinning like a tool. "How romantic, eh?" Yosuke joked, wriggling his eyebrows "By the way, sorry if I hurt your side when I elbowed you, just wanted a gently nudge. Just don't know my own amazing strength sometimes." He apologized. "So, where we going, commander? That door over there looks like our best bet." He said, pointing to an exit to their left.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Delta44
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Delta44 Back In The Game. / Mostly.

Member Seen 8 mos ago

BytheSpleen said
Jun frantically looks around for a sharp object as she begins to flail around in her struggle to break free, all the while letting a flurry of curses in her panic. She tries to pull in wrist closer to see if she could bite her bonds, and failing that, attempt to try and rub the rope off the dull edge of the table.What caused her to do that was beyond the minds of your average high-schooler, mind you.

However, no matter how hard she tried, the ropes just wouldn't budge, as though they were made of metal or were a part of the desk itself or something. The scraping drew nearer and nearer, before stopping right outside the entranceway to the science room...

The door swung open with incredible force, and there, standing in the doorway, was what could only be described as a monstrosity. A man, who towered even over Jun, with zombie-like features, bloodied, pale skin, and a large metal pipe that seemed to be the cause of the scraping sounds, stepped into the science room. He didn't seem to take much notice of Jun, despite her panic and obvious positioning atop a bench, and just continued to walk inside...

...dragging someone else in with him...

The man groaned as he lifted the poor girl that he'd been dragging, not so much out of struggle but rather because of some kind of instinctual moaning. As with his body, he sounded just like a zombie, with a monotone that could almost be described as inhumane. Jun could now also hear the faint whimpering of the girl that the zombie-man had dragged along as he prepped her up onto the table, clamping her down with metal chains...

...and letting the blood pour from her head onto the cold, dry, floor below...

The girls head had been quite visibly smashed in on the right side (the side facing Jun), where a large dent had caved in practically half the poor girls face. Her eye had become nothing but a white-grey mush that blended with the blood that pooled from various body wounds. Loose pieces of grey matter could also be seen, to Jun's horror. And yet, this young girl was still alive...

"Uuuuuuaaaaaaaagggggggghhhhhh..." The man moaned as he lifted up the metal pipe. It rose well above his head, only falling short of the ceiling by a matter of inches, as the girls whimpers turned into screams.

"No... No, please! NO! NOOOOO-!"

Her words just became agonising cries after that, as the huge man swung down with impossible force, cleaving both the girl's legs in two and even leaving a dent in the table! Bones were crushed as he made slow progression on her body, destroying her arms, legs, and chest, all the while with the girl screaming in absolute pain and terror. No doubt if her face weren't so best up Jun would be able to see tears...

The screams seemed to echo on forever, however with one final crushing blow, the girls head was nothing short of obliterated, sending chunks of flesh flying, even with a couple pieces landing on Jun. Her entire body had been pulverised -- essentially a melted human marshmallow -- soaking the desk and floor beneath in blood and gore. The sight was sickly - absolutely horrifying - though the worst was yet to come...

...as Jun saw the man had turned his attention to her, now...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Delta44
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Delta44 Back In The Game. / Mostly.

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Savo said
-Eien : ???-"(Oh shit... I need to find a place to get that checked out... I wonder if there's and infirmary or any supplies to stop the blood loss in this creepy old place... All I just need to do is clean up the would and wrap up the back of her head or something with bandages I think... Ok, so these are my main priorities - finding out where we are and finding things to patch up that wound.)"Eien anxiously awaited her awakening, nervously contemplated if she would wake up at all. To stop some of the blood loss, he put one of his hands behind her head. This would have to do for now until the girl awoke from her slumber. He was frowning, with a rather worrisome look on his face as he patiently sat there holding her, waiting for her to emerge from her slumber. After a while, his facial expression began to lighten up, as the girl began showing signs of consciousness. He gave a brief sigh of joy, and wanted to hug her, knowing that she was still with him. He did, however restrain himself, and instead gave her a smile to show how glad he was to see her alive and well."Thank god, you're with me..."As he spoke, the girl quizzed him on where they were, wondering about where they were. He only knew that they were in an old school which seemed to be deprived of any soul other than the two, and this place feel dreary, with its creaky wooden floors and the sabled looking outside made the windows seem like the place had a sense of dread. He got shivers down his spine just thinking about the malignant place they were jailed in. He began adding onto bis priorities as the girl spoke, mentioning their friends, and such. His friends... It was rather peculiar to him that they were the only two here. Didn't he see everyone fall into the same depths of despair? Yeah, he was sure of it."I'm sure this isn't Kisaragi Academy anymore... I mean, we did fall into a rather dark abyss which is rather strange... I'm pretty sure if a hole opened up through the floor, we would of just fallen to the first floor... Or we would see the first floor classroom at least... All I know is that something supernatural is going on, and we need to find out where we are and how to escape. We should check this room for clues before trying to leave... Maybe there's a newspaper clipping or something that can explain to us where our current location is... After that, we head to the infirmary and or find supplies to patch up that wound you have on the back of your head. Thats our current tasks at hand I believe. I'll explain the rest later, but for now, lets look for some clues that we can use to get an idea of the situation we are in... Can you stand up at least?"

"Y-yeah, I'm fine..." Replied Mayuri, who proceeded to stand with seemingly little effort. "Hmm... Perhaps I can...use my necktie as a bandage?" She thought allowed, staring down at the small bow that was attached to her dress. No sooner had the thought left her mouth that she had untied the best little bow and began wrapping it around the head wound, helping to stop the bleeding. "There! That should help somewhat, at least until we reach some sort of medical facility..."

As Eien and Mayuri searched the classroom, they found that it wasn't all that special (aside from it being in complete disarray and a few 'odd things' about it). As Eien had somewhat suspected, a small note lay beside the apparent entranceway to the classroom, and was revealed to be a part of a school newspaper titled "Heavenly Post". Further investigation would reveal that it read as follows:

"[Heavenly Post]
'Breaking News: Serial Kidnapping Ends In Murder'
The good name of Heavenly Host Elementary School has been stained in blood today as horrific details on the recent wave of disappearances are revealed. Over the past month, numerous children have gone missing within the town, and authorities quickly turned to kidnapping as the most likely explanation. Now investigators have located the whereabouts of these children, and their findings are far worse than anyone could've anticipated. The bodies of the absconded youths were discovered within the Heavenly Host Elementary School building on September 18th, 1973 at around 7:00 PM. Authorities further revealed that a male instructor from the school was found with them, alive but near-catatonic, holding a pair of bloodied scissors. Each of the corpses appeared to have had its tongue sev__ed and remove_________________ique mutilations far too grot___________________g to describe."

"Rather eerie article..." Mayuri remarked, shivering ever so slightly at the ominous message. With a sigh, she continued about the room, walking over to a peculiar cupboard just to the right of the teachers desk. Aside from this cupboard, there was nothing even remotely noticeable in the room, at least as far as Eien could tell.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PokimKyOshi
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Member Seen 8 mos ago

She took a few deep breaths to calm and to deprive herself from crying, even if Kiku insisted. Although she as well did agree that crying would relieve her more, she chose not to. She felt better after a few moments along with Kiku's comfort. "Don't worry, we'll find the others soon enough."
Yume slowly nodded her head and bit her lips. She too wished to see the others. The sudden urge to cry came again as she thought of them.

Are they alright? Are they around here too? Was anyone hurt?

Questions which are unable to be answered swarmed her head. All she could rely on at the moment is hope and her teamwork with Kiku to look for the others.

"Well, for now I guess we should look around, if you're able to stand up that is."
Look around. Yes. The first step, but at the same time, Yume was too scared to stand and leave to anywhere, but she knew she had to find them as soon as she and Kiku could. There couldn't be any choice left. She had to go.
With this decision, she weakly took Kiku's hand and stood up.
The hallway didn't seem all too dark with the lights that kept on flickering after each and every minute, but it was the same state as the classroom. Floorboard cracked and this time, Yume could see big holes just across the hall.

She carefully stepped outside the classroom door to look for something useful, and saw one.
Just beside the door of the classroom, a flyer all scratched and blotted with dried ink was nailed there. Yume went closer to see what it was.

Heavenly Host Daily News-.
'Breaking News: Serial Kidnapping Ends In Murder'
The good name of Heavenly Host Elementary School has been stained in blood today as horrific details on the recent wave of disappearances are revealed. Over the past month, numerous children have gone missing within the town, and authorities quickly turned to kidnapping as the most likely explanation. Now investigators have located the whereabouts of these children, and their findings are far worse than anyone could've anticipated. The bodies of the absconded youths were discovered within the Heavenly Host Elementary School building on September 18th, 1973 at around 7:00 PM. Authorities further revealed that a male instructor from the school was found with them, alive but near-catatonic, holding a pair of bloodied scissors. Each of the corpses appeared to have had its tongue sev__ed and remove_________________ique mutilations far too grot___________________g to describe."

The rest of the article was torn off.

"Heavenly.... Host...?
Yume recalled the story said inside her classroom and gave big gasp, covering her mouth with the back of her hand.
"K-K-K-Kik-Kiku...L-Look...." She pointed at the flyer with a trembling arm.
"What happened...? Why are we here...?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LenKagamine


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Yume took his hand and stood up, 'Seems like she's better now,' he thought with a smile, glad that she's somehow better now. Worry was still evident on her face, but she looked a bit calmer now. After helping her up, he opened the door and both of them looked outside the classroom.

With the flickering lights and broken things on the hallway, it was clear they are really in an abandoned place, "Is anyone even here...?" he expressed his thoughts unconsciously, "Ah! Sorry. It just seemed pretty deserted..." though Yumi's attention was somewhere else. Good thing she was since he didn't want to scare her. Leaving her to what she wanted to look at, he stepped outside and surveyed the area. Kiku was looking for anything to help them know where they are. Clues. Information. 'That's right!' he remembered about the announcement boards. Now he has something to keep an eye out for. He was about to tell Yumi about what he thought, but all of a sudden she called her, fear in her voice.

Kiku approached her, "W-What is it?" Yumi had him look at what she had been looking at. A paper. "Heavenly Host Daily News...?" he continued to read the rest of what was written. However, the latter part of the article was torn off and whatever left was hard to read. Heavenly Host, if he remembered correctly, it was... "N-No way!" The school that was in the story had long since been demolished, moreover their current school was built on the same spot. Now why would they be there? What was written on the paper was too much to handle for someone too. Even if some of the words were cut off, it was a bit easy to distinguish, and it made things worse. Kiku felt what Yumi was exactly feeling right now. Fear. His vision started to blacken, 'N-No...! Not now! Think!' He started feeling dizzy. 'Calm down... Calm down...' Kiku repeated in his mind.

Slowly, he breathed out and felt calmer. Kiku gets spooked pretty quick and the next thing after that comes fast. To reassure himself, he thought it couldn't be real, he knew it couldn't be. Besides, "Look, the date over here," he called Yumi and pointed at the date, September 18th, 1973. It was a lot of years ago. "See? We couldn't be in that school. This paper is really old." Kiku assured her along with a smile. Though, where are they exactly? Did they perhaps hallucinate only and fainted? Group hallucination can happen after all. 'Then people brought us somewhere scary and made it look like Heavenly Host?' It was too surreal, what he's thinking of that is. If it was a joke for Halloween, it's too well thought of. 'Huh... Nothing good comes in mind if I just stood here and imagined things.' He tapped Yumi, "So it's still and will be alright. Let's go?"
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