Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zeroes


Banned Seen 4 yrs ago

Some rules to follow:

-Stay under the realm of what Padawans are, no god-modding basically. Also, no dark side prone characters, no PCs will be dark side.
-I will probably control most npcs because most are universal, but if you have a npc that is personal to you and you would like to use him/her, go ahead.
-Rule of Thumb= Don't go crazy, Think "Would anybody be pissed ooc by this?"

If I missed anything that might be added, feel free to point it out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Platinum Cobra
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Name: Meh-Zin

Gender: Male

Race: Dathmirian Zabrak

Age: 17


Personality: Smart, Funny, thinks out of the box, can be your best friend if you get along or your worst enemy if you mistreat him or someone he cares about.

Back story/History: Being born on Dathmirian he was surrounded by a lot of dark power, he was once told by a witch his family knew that he would one day turn to the dark side. He refused and tries hard every day to make sure he doesn't follow that path though how he didn't turn to the Sith side is still a small mystery though somehow he managed to survive the darkness and not turn even with his father abusing him as a child which made him worrisome of everyone and not know how to trust people at first. He still carries the scar's of his father's beatings. The scar's look like dark scratches across his back.

Strengths: Light saber (flow's easily and seems like he was born to wield one), physically strong and fast

Weaknesses: Force (like isn't the strongest with it but can still do the basic's), doesn't think before he act's, impulsive

Abilities/Skills: Force push, Force jump, Mind control (These are not the droids your looking for type of thing), Can predict the future (just like a day in advance nothing really out there the most would probably be a day). Skilled with a light saber though can always improve though seems that is all he can think about so can usually be found in the training.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sep
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I'll wait for an OOC thread.

But expressing interest as I've seen Jedi Academy RPs all over the place but never joined one and decided why not?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zeroes


Banned Seen 4 yrs ago

@Platinum: Being 19 would me he would be a jedi knight in a few years and would be pretty trained in comparison to most, change it please. Also, give some backstory, don't have to be in depth, just need an idea, especially since he's from Dathomir with all of the witches and whatnot. Other than that, it looks fine, could be more in depth though. Fix those and you'll be good to go.

Yeah, I screwed up the age range, you can leave that blank for a while before I do some more research. Help and insight is appreciated.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Roxx


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knighthawk said
About jawas: In the NJO no one was turned away in an effort to breed acceptance and understanding as well as keep those from being ignored to turn to the dark side, everyone brings a new point of view to the fold.

This would make for a difficult character because, if I'm not mistaken, Jawas do not speak Basic. Furthermore, I'm not sure if you'd really see a Jawa as a Jedi anyways because, if you think about it, who would find this Jawa and why would they agree to becoming a Jedi? Even less likely is the Jawa choosing, by themselves, to become a Jedi.

The question isn't about whether the Jedi would turn the Jawa away- No, it's more about where did this Jawa even come from?

Zeroes said
-Rule of Thumb= Don't go crazy, Think "Would anybody be pissed ooc by this?"If I missed anything that might be added, feel free to point it out.

Lol. I will get a cs up soon.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Platinum Cobra
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Alright, I fixed it and added a little more detail, hopefully it is alright though let me know if now :)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheUnknowable
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Roxx said
This would make for a difficult character because, if I'm not mistaken, Jawas do not speak Basic. Furthermore, I'm not sure if you'd really see a Jawa as a Jedi anyways because, if you think about it, who would find this Jawa and why would they agree to becoming a Jedi? Even less likely is the Jawa choosing, by themselves, to become a Jedi. The question isn't about whether the Jedi would turn the Jawa away- No, it's more about where did this Jawa even come from?

Wookies can't speak basic either, but Chewbacca's nephew was accepted for training. As for them finding a Jawa that was force sensitive, if I was writing it, I'd say Luke went back to Tatooine and one tried to sell him a droid, steal his speeder, or something. He eventually finds out that the Jawa's been using the force to trick people into buying his stuff or something.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Roxx


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TheUnknowable said
Wookies can't speak basic either, but Chewbacca's nephew was accepted for training.

I'll concede on the second part but i think you missed my point on this part. It's not that Jedi have to know/have the ability to speak basic- it's that we're playing a game where interaction is important. Being that Jawas do not know basic, you might find yourself having a hard time in the game. Most people have never even seen Jawas, never mind understanding their language so youd be down to, maybe, signing and gestures in order to communicate with us.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by knighthawk
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Lowbacca (same nephew to chewbacca) carried a translator droid around that was proficent in over six forms of communication. I'm sure a single language translator would not be impossible to aquire or manufacture.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zeroes


Banned Seen 4 yrs ago

@Anybody related to the Jawa discussion: No Jawas. 1. Too difficult to incorporate 2. Too far-fetched. 3. Nobody would want to rp with a Jawa.

@TheunKnowable: You have to rework it quite a bit, everything up to the appearance is fine (age range is still being thought through). But after that it gets a bit screwy, Anakin Sky- I mean Mott Faze's history is a bit weird and needs to be reworked, stay away from main characters as much as possible due to god-modding and consistency issues. So that means no personally trained by Luke WinWalker. Your personality needs to be more in-depth and strengths/weaknesses need to be expanded. If you clean it up that would also be great, formatting and the like.

@Platinum: Similar issues with Know, you have re-format and elaborate on some parts, personality, strengths, and weaknesses. Remember to expand into your backstory as the rp goes on.

Everyone, somethings I have noticed about the two cs so far is the amount written. Please write at least more than a couple of sentences for personality, backstory, etc. Also, keep your cs neat, Add bold to your headings and subheadings, add spaces between sections, stuff like that. Also, on the topic of age, every race is different, so find an age you feel is mature enough to be a padawan but not so old as to become a knight. For example, races with human like cycles will range from 13-20s range while longer lifespan races will have 30-50 years (just an example). Get those cs' out as soon as you can!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CorruptedShadow
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Interested. I'mma just use a character from another Star Wars Rp I'm in, if ya' don't mind. Shame Revan isn't joining us, he seemed pretty intellectual on the expanded universe. Sorry for not having that much history/background though, I had to cut a lot of stuff out from it.
Name: Kelim'tel --<Last Name Classified>-- --<Please Seek Authorization From Jedi Council>--

Gender: Male

Race: Human


Personality: Full of heart, a brave soul, and a strong will, Kelim'tel has what it takes to be what most Jedi strive to become. His virtues have gotten him into a good standing with the Jedi Order. Unfortunately, he seems to have few problems with the Jedi Code, more specifically, the peaceful way of the Jedi. His anger towards the Sith have gotten him into trouble with his emotions and do so regularly, when it is relevant. This has caused the Council to keep an eye on him, causing much distrust towards other Jedi and Masters. Currently, he is trying to keep calm over Sith interaction...

Backstory/History: Kelim'tel was born on Dromund Kaas, as the son of a prominent Sith Lord. However, during an undocumented raid on the planet, a Jedi took him after feeling the force within the young child, rather than leaving him to grow up as a wielder of the Dark Side. When he was old enough, the Jedi Council informed him that he was born on Coruscant and that his parents were killed by the Black Sun. In his anguish, he searched the Lower City to find his adopted family, only to be in vain. It was during his moments of suffering that he found a group of Black Sun Thugs returning to their Headquarters.

With his anger boiling, he followed them back to their hideout and sabotaged the area whenever he could. He spent days hiding, striking, then running and repeating the process before he was found. He was severely beaten and was nearly killed, if he had not been able to hold himself out against the thugs with a vibroblade,long enough for the same Jedi to appear again and save him. He was scolded and punished for his actions, but commended for his fighting prowess. He continued training as a Youngling in the Jedi Temple of Coruscant, until he was ready to become a Padawan.

Strengths: Brave, Loyal, and well acquainted with a Lightsaber/Blaster Pistol.

Weaknesses: Angered quickly by Sith taunting and a desire to learn about his true parents.

Abilities/Skills: Lightsaber Combat - Kelim'tel's use of the lightsaber is extremely well for a Padawan. His current forms learned are Shii-Cho, Soresu, and Ataru.

Blaster Pistol - Kelim'tel's skill with a blaster pistol is shadowed by his use of the lightsaber, but he has been known to use a blaster pistol rather than the Force.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Roxx


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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheUnknowable
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Zeroes said
@TheunKnowable: You have to rework it quite a bit, everything up to the appearance is fine (age range is still being thought through). But after that it gets a bit screwy, Anakin Sky- I mean Mott Faze's history is a bit weird and needs to be reworked, stay away from main characters as much as possible due to god-modding and consistency issues. So that means no personally trained by Luke WinWalker. Your personality needs to be more in-depth and strengths/weaknesses need to be expanded. If you clean it up that would also be great, formatting and the like.

Wasn't personally trained, just found and transported to the Yavin moon. Other than that, do you want me to cut out the possible connection to Kenobi? I figured that was plausible, as he was there for 19 years. He's forbidden from forming connections, not sworn to celibacy.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zeroes


Banned Seen 4 yrs ago

I didn't think we would have this problem but we do. You guys can't all be human Jedi who are adept at light saber combat. You guys need to diversify. Right now, all characters save for Platinum's, are Human who are better at light saber combat than force use. If you guys might have another race you can use, changing will help diversify the rp. This applies to all humans, most

@Corrupted: Your history is not made for new jedi order and this sith lord thing is not good. And your abilities and strengths/weaknesses need to be expanded upon.

@ Roxx: Thank for diversifying and cyborg should be fine. I don't see a problem with your cs thus far. Your personality is similar to Corrupted but that should be fine.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zeroes


Banned Seen 4 yrs ago

@know: It's not on the Yavin moon, it's going to be on Corusant. And the Luke thing should be fine, but it's better if it isn't Luke. Also, it isn't plausible since Obi-Wan is, well Obi-Wan and I don't think he's going to sleep with a prostitute. He's also a major character and the consistency is off.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheUnknowable
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Zeroes said
@know: It's not on the Yavin moon, it's going to be on Corusant. And the Luke thing should be fine, but it's better if it isn't Luke. Also, it isn't plausible since Obi-Wan is, well Obi-Wan and I don't think he's going to sleep with a prostitute. He's also a major character and the consistency is off.

He was far more "worldly" than most jedi. He drank and went to nightclubs, fitting in well enough for someone to offer him "death sticks", and was good friends with a man that owned a diner.
I'll change it though.

Twilek from nar shadaa?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by I am the Black Wizards
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Working on an adolescent Devaronian with weak lightsaber skills and not much mastery of the force.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Roxx


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Question- cyborgs are less proficient in the force, no?

EDIT: I believe I read somewhere that Darth Vader lost a lot of his control over the force once he became a cyborg... and Grievous wasn't force sensitive at all. Though, I also read somewhere that it might be theoretically possible for a droid to become force sensitive... so idk. Thoughts?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by reem
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Roxx said
Question- cyborgs are less proficient in the force, no?EDIT: I believe I read somewhere that Darth Vader lost a lot of his control over the force once he became a cyborg... and Grievous wasn't force sensitive at all. Though, I also read somewhere that it might be theoretically possible for a droid to become force sensitive... so idk. Thoughts?

Droids do have force signatures its just hard for Jedi to sense it, most Jedi sense the living force, they feel creatures and others from their own signatures.

Because Droids have no midichlorians and no living body parts they are different, I don't think a droid could be force sensitive unless it was an HRD or android with enough midichlorians to match a powerful Jedi.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Roxx


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reem said
Droids do have force signatures its just hard for Jedi to sense it, most Jedi sense the living force, they feel creatures and others from their own signatures. Because Droids have no midichlorians and no living body parts they are different, I don't think a droid could be force sensitive unless it was an HRD or android with enough midichlorians to match a powerful Jedi.

So about cyborgs, do you think they have reduced control of the force?
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