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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kaga
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Kaga just passing through

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

“Oh, come on now! You can’t just challenge me to a meme war and then not follow up on it!” GM shouted back, almost sounding disappointed that he wouldn’t be able to engage in the type of fight that he wanted. But then, a tsunami of milk came crashing down, and GM’s face was full of confusion for a brief moment before he stepped to the side, dodging Callum himself at least before simply crouching down and bracing for impact, letting the wave crash over him as GM’s feet remained glued to the ground. After the wave had passed, GM’s eyes blinked open again, and he shook his wet body slightly before turning back towards Callum. “Heh… heheh… MK used Surf.” he chuckled slightly to himself, before licking some of the milk off of one of his paws. “It’s not very effective…” he grinned. “Now then, those questions of yours, let’s see…” he paused to think about what Callum had asked, though the sing-songy tone in his voice made it ambiguous whether or not he planned to answer any of them seriously. “Hmm… how did I bring you here? Man, that’s tough to explain, I wouldn’t expect that a simple mind like yours — one that can’t see the threads that make up the fabric of the universe — would be able to understand it.” he answered. “Unless… haha, am I from the future?” he echoed. “HAH! Yes, you got me, I’m secretly a Time Lord. I regenerated into a dog.” he laughed, crouching down on his forelegs with his butt and wagging tail in the air in that playful pose that dogs tend to make.

Then, Callum’s final question really sank into his mind. “Wait…” his speech slowed, and his playful expression faded. “What do you mean ‘am I real’?” he growled, standing up properly as he glared at Callum. “Why would you think I’m not real?!” he snapped, racing towards Callum and pinning him down at lightening speeds. “Is this real enough for you?!” he roared, showing off his sharp canine teeth as he glared down at Callum in anger.


The bugrat reacted with shock as Gwazi suddenly pushed him away, and it shrieked in pain as the sword dug into its underbelly. At the same time, a shot of flame came from Rae, and the creature tried to cover its face with its wings, which only served to singe and practically melt all the wings on the left side of its body. “What are you things?!” the creature hissed. They certainly weren’t mere humans. That much was for sure. Instead of sticking around for an answer, though, the thing decided to retreat, scurrying away, out of their small chamber as it dashed out into the hallway.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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"That teaches you to mess with us!" Books called after the creature. She was still shooting pebbles at it but her eyes were open and sparkling mischievously. She stepped out of the room just to watch the thing run away. She was laughing, she found it funny that they took scared the monster into running away.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gwazi Magnum
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Gwazi Magnum

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

As the ratbug began to run away Gwazi pulled his sword back out quickly as to not lose it to being lodged into the creature. Looking at it the sword was covered in ratbug blood "Nasty..." he thought to himself before grabbed a cloth to start cleaning off his sword with. He wasn't even sure if stuff like having to maintaining your weapon even existed in such a fantasy world, but it was always safer not to take that chance and run into battle with a dull blade. As he sat down and cleaned his blade though he was curious about how the rat seemed to compare him to the girls, so he looked up at them and asked "If you don't mind me asking, what exactly was that... ratbug, trying to do?".
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Animelover_princess
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Animelover_princess Resident Astronaut

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Rae dropped down onto the bed "thanks for the help"
she rubbed at her eyes "i have no idea what that thing was or why it showed up, or what it wanted" she looked over at Books "but it's probably safe to assume it would've had no qualms with killing us, or the very least hurting us, so thank you, truly, i'm exhausted and i don't know if me and Books could have dealt with it on our own" she looked him over "by the way, who are you?"

she stood up again and crossed to the girl "are you alright? it didn't hurt you or anything right?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gwazi Magnum
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Gwazi Magnum

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Judging by her response the ratbug was doing exactly what it looked like, trying to harm or kill the girls. Once one of the girls thanked him for his help he simply nodded and said "You're welcome". But then as he was on his last wipe of cleaning the blood off his blade she asked who he was. So he stood up, putting his sword back in it's holster and said "I am Gwazi Magnum". He was somewhat reluctant to give more info, seeing as he had no idea what their intentions were. But considering they just got him out of the tight spot he was in with that rat bug, combined with the fact if you want people to trust you, you need to be honest. He decided to elaborate further and continue with saying "I'm just wandering by, so I happened to be sleeping nearby when that... ratbug thing showed up".
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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"I'm okay Rae." Books said looking at Rae. She then turned to look at Gwazi. "It's nice to meet you! Thank you for all your help. We really would've died." She said looking at him with her wide blue eyes.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Animelover_princess
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Animelover_princess Resident Astronaut

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Rae took a deep breath and nodded to Books "good" then she turned back to Gwazi "Thank you, really, I'm Rae, and this is Books" she smiled at Books Innocent wide-eyed expression, then she looked at the door way "that thing that ... well ratbug, as you called it, it said you seemed more like us are you ... are you a roleplayer?" she looked around at the room "the people here think we're spirits ... maybe we are, maybe our spirits got brought here and our bodies were left behind, i don't know, what do you guys think?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gwazi Magnum
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Gwazi Magnum

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Both of them seemed to be thankful for his help, even though it was more like they saved him than it was the other way around. Before he could really reply though one of them asked if he was a roleplayer, which normally we'd respond to cautiously. But in the same sentence she had basically given away their identities as roleplayers, which washed away most concern that they'd be Roleplayer-Hunting NPCs. So Gwazi nodded in response and said "Yes, I'm a roleplayer. And judging by how you worded that question I assume you're both roleplayers too?". But then rewinding a second he commented "Also, you more saved me from that Ratbug than the other way around. But thanks anyways".
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Neobullseye


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Well, that was certainly a step in the wrong direction; this thing looked even creepier than the previous thing, not looking even remotely human at this point. Maybe GM is secretly a lizardman too? If nothing else, it would explain his unquenshable bloodlust and obsession with lizard-like monsters... Maybe I should see if he has a forked tongue? Nah, that wouldn't work; if he can reshape accoding to his will, deforkig his tongue should be easy as pie. Hmmm, pie...
Also... Focusing back on the screen in front of him, Leon noticed that there were some very obvious similarities to the humizard, to the point that the same base thingie might have been used for the both of them. And if that's the case... What would said base thingie look like? And more importantly, would there be a way to find out? Maybe there was some kand of humanoidishness slider somewhere, that Leon could use to find out what the human underneath looked like? Sure, it might be unlikely, but there's nothing a bit of random poking around couldn't fi-wait! Not just yet Not wanting to repeat his earlier mistake, Leon decided to make a backup save first this time, then find out what each slider does in his search for whatever slided controlled how human-like the creature looked like. Now, let's see. If the muscle slider was there, the length slider there and the fattyness slider over here... Maybe this one? Or this one?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kaga
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Kaga just passing through

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The many sliders that Leon found all controlled rather typical things; height, muscle build, arm length, neck length, claw length… Though some touched on rather minute things like claw curvature, tail flexibility, and even nostril size. A few sliders even controlled the brightness and saturation levels for his skin color. One slider, though, controlled how far out the creature’s snout extended from his face. Making his snout flatter made him look a bit more human, but that was the only detail that noticeably impacted how human the creature looked. There was no “human-ish” slider. After all, what do you think this is? Some user-friendly video game? No, this is sophisticated Adobe-esque software. If you want something like that done, you’ll have to play with a dozen different settings to get it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Yes we are. And I did nothing to help fight that thing. I just shot pebbles at it." Books said staring down at her feet. Some of her blonde hair fell to hide her face.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rithas
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Rithas Professional Screamer

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Callum paused as he listened to the GM. "Fabrics of the universe....right" He did't really know what he meant by that, which was probably the point. There was nothing to prepare him for the speed of the GM catching him the ground. Callum flinched as the GM roared at him, a brief second before Callum started to laugh manically.
"Sorry....sorry....Fabrics of the universe, your trying to tell me this has something to do with the fabrics of the universe? You can see the fricking FABRICS OF THE UNIVERSE and the thing you do is stick people in to a roleplaying site. Even if you made some new world's or whatever. You need to think about your life"

Callum took in a deep breath of air, "Also your breath smells...and...You know that move Bounce in pokemon? I think rapidash can use it. It doesn't make sense, so just the pokemon just suddenly bounce extremely high in the air, I mean?...sheesh, they would just end up as smush....weird am I right? Heh....yeah....oh, and um...teleport"

Suddenly the two of them found themselves absurdly in the air. And like a cartoon, they seemed to both stand in the air for a while. "I immediately regret this decision" Callum sighed before screaming at the top of his lungs as they both began to plummet.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kaga
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Kaga just passing through

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

“Hey! Hey! Hey guys!” a female voice called down from further down the hallway as what appeared to be one of the tribal women appeared in the doorway of the girls’ little chamber, clearly having just ran over there as the woman’s exhausted panting would suggest. “Holy shit guys… we got a… we… there’s a… hold on….” she paused to catch her breath, leaning on the edge of the chamber’s opening. The woman may have appeared to be a tribe member, though her black, leather-esque clothing didn’t perfectly match the skins that the other women wore, though it was a close approximation in terms of design. Additionally, her long black hair hung behind her in a braided ponytail, though it seemed most women in the area had their hair cut shorter.

“Listen,” she spoke up once she finished breathing, looking towards Books and Rae. “Are you aware, that there’s, like, this big monster thing, out there,” she rambled, pointing vaguely down the hallway. “And I’m not totally sure if it’s supposed to be here, and-” she cut herself off as her eyes landed on Gwazi. “…Oh, well hi there.” she said to him. Then, she narrowed her eyes, looking at him more closely. “…Must’ve been easier to sneak in here than I thought.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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"Please don't hurt him ma'am. He helped us. That creature attacked us. We thought it was going to leave." Books said putting on her best innocent act. Her blue eyes were wide with pretend fear.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Animelover_princess
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Animelover_princess Resident Astronaut

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Rae looked up at the woman "did it hurt anyone? we fought it off and it ran, we weren't sure where it was going, i take full responsibility if it does"
abotu a second after the words were out of her mouth her mind screamed at her 'it's a friggin monster! of course it's gonna hurt someone, if you take responsibility then they might hang you for someone's death or something!" she tried her best to ignore it and gestured to Gwazi "and he really did help, don't hurt him"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gwazi Magnum
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Gwazi Magnum

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

When one of the girls played down her actions as simply 'throwing rocks' he chuckled for a sec and said "Yea, and I just poked it with a stick". But then one of what seemed to be an Amazon women arrived to the scene, she didn't look quite like the other ones Gwazi has seen but he didn't have much time to think on that cause she seemed to mean harm... he thought? It sounded more 'How'd you get in?' than anything, but the other two seemed to instantly jump to his defense like he was going to be attacked. Either they were jumpy, or there was some sort of hostile clue the woman gave off that Gwazi missed. Regardless, it was best not to risk this situation becoming a tense stand-off. He calmly dropped his sword onto the ground, calmly put his hands in the air and said "I was just stopping by the town for supplies. But then while sleeping out here I could hear some monster attacking these girls, so I came to help. That's all".
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kaga
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Kaga just passing through

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The woman seemed rather confused by the two girls’ responses, as if not expecting them to be so quick to defend Gwazi. “Whaa…?” she tilted her head slightly. “What’s up with you two?” she asked. “I don’t care that he’s here — s’not like I’m gonna alert the authorities or anything — but, like, since it seems like men aren’t allowed in unless invited or whatever, I’m just kind of amazed he was able to sneak in without having to pull something like-” she then stopped abruptly, and, looking down at herself and then at the girls, her brain finally made a crucial connection that it had somehow earlier missed. “Ohhhhh I see what’s going on here!” she laughed. “Ahahahah, you guys don’t recognize me, do you?” she chirped. “It’s me; Muse!” she grinned and waved at the two of them.

“Seems like this was the only way to easily navigate the place…” she explained, looking down at her new body again. “Oh! And since you’re here, I need a female opinion,” she spoke up to the girls. “Do these look like a decent size to you?” she asked, scooping up her own breasts in her hands. “It’s hard to tell when making a body like this; I mean, I don’t want to make them too big, because that’s just showing off. But then, at the same time, I don’t want to be too modest, either, and make myself flat — that probably just makes me look like I have self-esteem problems or something….” she rambled, looking down at her C cup.

“Ah! Focus, Muse, focus!” She told herself, snapping back to the situation at hand. “You there!” she quickly turned back to Gwazi. “You said you were just stopping here for supplies…” she echoed his words, thinking them over carefully. “But that… seems weird. I mean, they don’t seem like they’re particularly fond of visitors. Is it really that easy to get in?” she asked. “Actually, wait a minute,” she spoke up again before Gwazi could answer. “Thinking about it now, I really don’t remember how I got here…” she turned to the girls again. “How did we get here?”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by booksmusicanime
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Books quickly covered her eyes with her hands. "Muse seriously? Don't make me freak out! Plus don't even do that again! I mean like ever." She said slowly removing her hands from her eyes. "Some of the Amazon women helped us bring you down here when you partially changed into a human lizard hybrid." She explained quickly before a thought popped into her head. "Wait is that beast thing actually attacking people or no?" She asked her eyes wide with worry for the people who had taken them in, if even for a night.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Animelover_princess
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Animelover_princess Resident Astronaut

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Rae relaxed and sat back down on the bed with a smile when he said he was Muse. she had to laugh at his question , and especially Books' reaction. "how are you feeling Muse? the chemical or poison or whatever that they hit you with knocked you clean out," she rubbed slightly at her eyes "this is all so weird, where did the monster go?" is it just like out in the squares? has it actually hurt anyone?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gwazi Magnum
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Gwazi Magnum

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Gwazi just stood there with a puzzled look on his face. 'Did... she just play with and ask the others about her boobs? Like she could change them on a whim?' he thought to himself. Well, this was the world of RP's after all where many smutty, mature and fandom RP's made their home. He wasn't really in the right world to be questioning these sort of things anymore, this place wasn't home. It did seem clear though that the two girls seemed to know the amazon, so he simply stayed quiet and let them talk. The amazon did seem to ask him a question, but then got distracted instantly with another towards the girls... so he remained quiet.
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