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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by nonsequitur


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Finally, Kelsey thought as she entered her dorm. She'd been beginning to wonder if the police would ever finish. They'd asked about the explosion first, which she could truthfully say she knew nothing about. Their questions about the car door were a bit harder to dodge, and she'd simply denied seeing anything. The yelling guy had apparently run off after tearing the car door open, which complicated things slightly. After about half an hour, they'd let everyone leave. She'd stopped at the frat house on the way, and after a few minutes' argument she had her phone back. Her shoes were on the front yard, thankfully dry and free of suspicious-looking stains. After that was settled she returned to her dorm.

Arina wasn't back yet; probably being monitored after smoke inhalation or something. Still, she felt it was as good a time as any to test something she'd noticed earlier. When she'd been trying to put out the fire on the car, she'd felt something. Almost like a tug, or seeing something out of the corner of her eye. An awareness of something. And when she'd pulled on it... She wanted to see if she could duplicate that.

Right now her awareness was picking up a lot of those things. A thought, like how she moved her arm, and a dark blob rose up from every shadow in the room. Long tendrils snaked out from underneath the bed and closet: made sense, it was dark under there after all. Another, reaching out to the nearest object, and every blob and tendril pushed at the object casting the shadow they came from. The furniture stayed steady (and the closet doors opened), but some of the smaller items in the room toppled over. Oops.

Kelsey went to put them back, but an idea occurred to her. She tried visualizing the darkness righting them and the tendrils wrapped themselves around them and put them back in place.

Seeing that, Kelsey resisted the urge to grin. Part of her was overjoyed and wanted to dance around the room. That part was already imagining all the ways she could use this power, visions of dark tendrils reaching up from people's shadows and methods to make use of her own filling her mind. The rest of her suspected that part was the same one which had enjoyed her social status, when she could take advantage of it. Even found maneuvering through her friends' scheming fun, strange as that probably sounded to anyone else.

For a moment she wondered if she was hallucinating. People couldn't do these kinds of things. They just couldn't. It was more likely that she was seeing things.

Kelsey thought of the frosted-over car door.

Then again, maybe not.

She'd have to find that girl eventually, as well as the other people who were there. But first, checking up on her roommate sounded like a good idea.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DizzyIsabella
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DizzyIsabella She's a kind heart - but that mouth..

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Chulance
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Just another day in the life and times of a down on his luck SFPD officer. That’s what Bruce thought he was in for when he got up this morning. Really with everything that was going on his life, and how shitty it had gotten that’s all he asked for. Just regular days writing some speeding tickets, pulling over some drunk drivers, stop a few reckless drivers with something illegal in their car maybe even bust some minor criminal. He never expected to stumble onto anything big, he use to have dreams of moving up in the ranks of law enforcement, and making a name for himself. Join the FBI, make a difference in the world, be the modern day J Edgar Hoover. Only now he realized how foolish that was, and now he was nothing more than joke of his whole department. Ever since his mistake let one of the most notorious gun and cocaine runner’s to escape when he was in the palm of the SFPD’s hands.

It was a miracle he hadn’t lost his job, so he supposed he didn’t have much leg room for complaining. So after freshening up and starting off his day with a bowl of chicken flavored ramen noodles he hopped in his cruiser and was on his way to the station. Today he was in the driving seat, he had to give his partner credit he was sure if he’d been with anyone else they wouldn’t have let him near the wheel. Then again when your partner was Amy Wheeler there wasn’t much you could do to mess her up even him.

Amy was everything Bruce wasn’t, everything he aspired to be. She was respected by all of their colleague’s, one of the best officers on the first, had made numerous high profile arrests, and was currently on her way to being accepted into the FBI. Why she’d taken him on as a partner when the rest of the force wouldn’t was beyond him. Well he knew her reasoning she claimed that he reminded of her in her early days as a cop, and believe it or not she wasn’t hot stuff when she joined earlier. Bruce dismissed those thoughts and was sure she only took him on to make her character look even better. She was definitely going to be a great fed, while he was worried if he made one more mistake he wouldn’t have any way to get fed.

Well today things were different. There were several police on the scene, Bruce and Amy were among them. A Bomb squad & the fire department was on the scene as well and no doubt the FBI would get involved maybe even the Department of Homeland Security. This was serious business a multi car explosion, there were no deaths but there were injuries. Two siblings had been taken into custody as well as a junior who’d been smoking a cig nearby one of the vehicle’s before it exploded. She was in the worst condition out of anyone there, and was in the hospital with third degree burns being operated on right now.

This is fucking nuts..why would anyone target a campus parking lot Bruce just shook his head he’d been looking over the scene. He had been one of the cops who participated in the investigation and for some reason something didn’t sit right with him he felt like some people were holding back. He’d mentioned it to Amy but she merely attributed to the stress of the situation. Then he saw it two black cars pulling into the parking lot and sighed. Looks like the men in black are here to usher us rookies out. But I know something they don’t.

Bruce was thinking about some evidence he’d picked up on his own. The strangest thing about this whole incident was the door that had been ripped off it’s hinges. That could be attributed to a bunch of things steroids, adrenaline, some heavy drugs, but what didn’t make sense was how it was frozen solid. Multiple explosions, a frozen door ripped off it’s hinges, and the thing that didn’t settle with him unlike most of his colleague’s was this didn’t feel like terrorism. What was the motive, who was the culprit? He was getting tired of looking around the parking lot now closed off with yellow tape and sat back down in his police cruiser.

He took out his iphone 6 and went to his recent images. As they were pulling into the parking lot he noticed two people hurriedly rushing away and managed to snag a couple pictures. The quality was decent but he’d need to go somewhere else to get better facial recognition. These two..I have to find them..there the missing links in everything, if I tell Amy she’ll just knock it off to me being…me.Ever since he made his mistake any sort of evidence he brought to the table was instantly taken out of his hands, and transferred to someone the department deemed more capable. Enough was enough he’d woken up this morning ready to go through with the same routine that had consumed his life for the past six months. This was a sign, and he felt it. This was his time to step up and do something better, whatever happened in the parking lot something in his gut told him it wasn’t terrorists. This didn’t have to do with that, he figured his answer lied within the photo’s he had. He went to his contacts and made a call. “Hey remember that favor..you owed me..well I need it now I’m about to send you some pictures, and I’m going to need you to tell me who they are. “

“No problem Officer..I didn’t forget what you did a falcon girl never forgets her debts, send the pics in consider it done.” The girl on the other end was a girl of Italian descent who was painting her nails when her phone rung.

“Alright thanks Kelly.”
James was feeling good today, he was in his zone. Yesterday he’d had sex with one of the hottest freshmen girls on campus, and he was sure she was into him. I am the man! I know every guy’s gotta wish they were me. He could hardly focus on class today with what he was expecting to get after he got out. He reached into his pocket looking at the new pack of condoms he’d got, and smirked. If she thought I was good last night with the lifestyles on wait till she lets me in with the magnums on!! James put the condom up, sure last night his pipe game hadn’t been the best, but he didn’t have the best shield on hand and there was no way he was going to turn down sex. The way he saw it was you wouldn’t turn down some free steak if you didn’t have a fork you’d tear that shit apart with your hands, and then round 2 when you got back to your house grab the fork when you bust out the what’s left in the to go box.

He was walking as fast as he could without running, this girl was really one of the hottest he met. He decided against the elevator not wanting to waste any more time and within no time he was up the stairs.

Only to see Cynthia emerging from someone’s else’s room with a smile looking very satisfied before going into her room. James just froze in the hall way she hadn’t even seen him, and he gripped his fists. “What the fuck…..fucking slut!!!” James bit his tongue knowing he made too much noise and marched forward towards the door that she’d walked out of. This motherfucker’s gonna learn today. James practically kicked the door open storming in only to see one of the guys he ran into at the frat party yesterday in bed. Oh fuck this guy’s huge.

“Uhh…fuck..man..wrong room my bad..” James was fuming with anger, but there was no way he was gonna pick a fight he’d lose. Without waiting for a response he left the man’s room in hurry practically running back towards the entrance of the stairs and leaving. Maybe he was scared to take on the guy in a one on one fight but he knew one person who could help him deal with someone who disrespected the family name. I’m telling uncle Antonio to fuck that bitch up! Nobody fucks James Falcon’s BITCHES!!!!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aspidochelone
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Aspidochelone Ambassadork

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Honestly, the idea of actually finding his phone and calling his dealer seemed like such a hassle that Devon ended up heading back to the bowl he left on the floor. The television continued to blare, the report on the parking lot fire long since over. It was all just noise he couldn't turn off now. Sitting on the carpet in front of a chair, bowl in hand, the presence of the smoke was much more noticeable. He tried waving it out of his eyes but all it did was come back moments later. It clouded around his head mostly but there was a lot of it still lingering around his torso and arms. At least it didn't smell or make his eyes hurt.

Taking a blow from the pipe, Devon closed his eyes and leaned back against the chair. Head tipped back, his neck rested against the fuzzy edge of the seat. He wasn't high, not that he knew what that really meant, but it was a numb feeling in his head. Interesting recreational activity he supposed. The unique skunk odor he still wasn't fond of was back again, possibly the one thing he disliked about taking weed. The smell tickled his nose and he brought up a hand to swipe at it. Instead of warm flesh, all he got was a face full of smoke.

Snapping his eyes open, he stared at his arm. The fact that the tips of his fingers and his wrist was turning into smoke was obvious in his short sleeved shirt. Waving his arm frantically in front of his face, Devon gaped in horror. The smoke was just swishing around the air but his hand was turning into smoke. What was in that weed?! Fumbling for his phone, Devon got the slip of paper out with his dealer's number. His phone wasn't in his pants. He spotted it sitting on the table an arm's reach away and tried grabbing at it with his arm. It passed through the wood. What the fuck, what the fuck, he chanted to himself. Using his other arm, he hurriedly dialed the number.

He yelled into it, “What did you do to that weed?! My arm's turning into smoke!” Devon flailed his arm around as if it would do any good.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Chulance
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Charlie Mason only had one occupation besides being a student at the University of San Francisco, selling dope. College students were notorious for being short on money, and Charlie didn’t want to be among that group. The thing was however that dealing was great for his finances, but he wasn’t in it just to get paid. He was in it for the experience, the lifestyle, meeting people, unforgettable memories, and of course the thrill.

“here ya go man enjoy” Charlie accepted the money from a guy counted it out, and handed the man his marijuana. “Some good stuff man enjoy smoke it embrace it..let it reach the depths of your soul man.”

“Wow..man that’s like..deep..as fuck yoo..I fucks with you..” The man clearly blazed dapped up Charlie, and walked off, as Charlie smiled walking away and over to his friend who was smoking a cig sitting down on a bench.

“Johnson you were right, this shit’s great, man.” Charlie sat down on the bench as Johnson passed him a cig.

“I was telling you mate, no better business round here then the green. I mean there’s some dumb fucks moving some other shit, but guess what cops gonna take em out fast..if you think think business is booming now wait for tonight, wait for tonight everyone’s gonna want to get their smoke once their sauced up, that’s what I love bout this city.” Johnson just smiled as Charlie passed him the cig and he hit it again, life was good.
Floyd just smiled as he kissed Jordan again. This was definitely his best experience since coming to college, today was probably one of the best days of his life. Despite it’s horrific start in the parking lot things had went rather well. Finding out he had superhuman abilities as well as his roommate and there were others out there, managing to get his LSD shipped in without going to prison, finding a huge a dealer who could get him a lot of pills, fucking said dealer who happened to be hot, and scoring some free high quality MDMA from her which he considered the cherry on top of the ice cream that was the first Friday of college at the University of San Francisco.

“Woooow you’re an animal.” Jordan giggled while Floyd was just pulling up his shorts. He checked his pockets to make sure he still had his envelope full of blotter, and baggie full of scripts.

“Yeah you’re pretty wild too.” Floyd grinned as he made his way out the door. Going outside being exposed to the sunlight, everything was brighter, sounds were amplified. He’d experienced MDMA on a couple occasion’s, but now it felt even better. Mixing molly’s effects with the effects of his abilities produced a great effect, it seemed they synergized well. “Oh my god…” He felt more wonderful then ever and wondered how great it would be to trip.

Floyd felt like he loved everyone, and had an urge to call his mom to tell her how much he loved her. He took out his phone as he made his way down the stairs to the parking lot. He quickly went to his contact and began setting up a group text. Z’s on Deck!!! Already someone texted me back and then another text. I was about to respond to both when my phone was ringing and I saw it was Matt.

“Yo.” Floyd said cooly but happy someone picked up the phone.

“Man you got some bars on you man? White Sticks” Matt responded with curious enthusiasm.

“”Yeah man got more then a party pack whatcha need.”Floyd

“Shit..well if there $5 a pop I just wanna get like 10 for me and my buddy, hey man tho if your tryna make some money you should hit the fucking Attic! Those shits will go off, hella dude’s be wanting to get off the shits there, and those sorority bitches be popping pills like m&m’s.”

“Man word? Shit well if people be like that round that way I’ll stop by get my bands up, but yeah man just text me where you at I’ll swing thru.”

“Awesome man! OH and if you need someone to pregame with, me, & Tim are getting a 30 pack and probably gonna hit up my boy Chris who’s tryna pick up a bottle and a quarter.”

“Shit shit if yall going to the Attic that’s a definite move, I’ll hit up some people’s too see bout this move, I’ll talk bout it when we get there man.” Floyd hung up and felt like nothing could go wrong. He had a move for tonight, a place to pregame, a potential ride to the club, and lots of drugs to sell. He still wanted to stash the sheet and at least half of the pills at his room. He was responding to the texts he got sent when his phone was going off and he didn’t recognize the ring tone. He picked up anyway, but he wasn’t ready for what happened next. The guy from yesterday yelling in his ear about how the weed was laced.

“Man look bruh I know you not used to smoking so I’ll let this slide ain’t shit laced it’s.wait…you said what…” He froze as Devon began describing how his body was turning to smoke. Ordinarily he’d think this man had lost his fucking mind, talking about turning to smoke. This conversation would be perfect for a D.A.R.E video trying to persuade some middle schoolers to never try drugs. However he discovered him, his room mate, and another girl had super powers straight out of an X Men movie who’s to say this guy couldn’t be one of them. “Man shit! Calm the fuck down man! Where you at! Fuck” He tried to make Devon think he was concerned about him and his condition. He was but he knew he wasn’t dying, if what he was describing was real than it had nothing to do with the drugs but with his genes. He’d put Matt on hold, he had plenty of time to deliver his drugs, he didn’t have enough time to find more people who could be the next step in evolution. He was so consumed with the conversation and the thought that somewhere on campus someone was turning to smoke that he wasn’t even watching where he was going.
Kelly was already on the move to getting the information she wanted. After stopping by her uncle’s place she had all that she needed. Well half of what she needed, the other half she’d get as soon as she got inside the house. She parked her car in the driveway, and turned off her music before taking her keys out the ignition. She’d already called one of her sisters for a meeting, and was hoping they’d be ready.

“If these bitches…aren’t there by the time I get inside.” Kelly muttered to herself as she put her keys in her purse and went to the front of the Kappa Kappa Gamma house. She marched inside to see her sisters there and had gotten the pledge’s.

“Britney these are all the fucking pledge’s” Kelly cursed at her blonde haired friend. She’d met her freshmen year, and they’d been friends the whole year. They both had a lot in common, rich family, doing lots of boys and drugs, and loving money. The perfect formula for any of Kelly’s friendship, and Britney just grinned.

“That’s all that could come right now, don’t worry if the rest don’t show up well make those bitches life’s hell!”

“Good alright pledgies listen up!”

“Yes Big Sister!” The pledge’s spoke up and Kelly smirked. The power was definitely getting to her head, being in the charge of the sorority. She had some papers in her hand and handed the stack to one of the pledge’s. “Pass em dumb slut! Listen up see the guys on the picture and the names under em. “ She barked the order at the girl who looked like she’d talk back but then just did as instructed passing the paper to her pledge sisters.

“Alright bitches you wanna get in our good standing then get ready to spread your legs, gets on your knees, and swallow some ice cream for those two. There freshmen just like you, find out everything you can about them, you’re all pretty enough to get them talking, get em to buy you some drinks, maybe score you some pot or blow, get them to like you, give em some bomb ass pussy, get them to spill all there secrets ladies. “

“Umm..excuse me..but what do these two guys..have to do with anything..like…oh my gosh..this is so like slutty..I” SLAP

“WHO the fuck are you talking too, if you wanna join you better watch your mouth!” Britney got in the pledge’s face after slapping her as hard as she could. The other girl recoiled in pain with some tears starting to form in her eyes as Kelly just rolled her eyes.

“Look whoever gets the most from these two gets a guaranteed bid, maybe even some special treatment, come on get to it!! OH and remember the Attic tonight, pregame at the house, free drinks, blow, weed, and whatever pills we have left, enjoy it while it lasts because soon it’ll be time to go through hell!” Oh this is gonna be so easy, by the time these girls are done I’ll have a whole portfolio for him and I can get him to make those pictures go away for good.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Mike stared at his pants for about a minute before looking around to see if anything else in the room was bugging out. Am I that high? Damn, I’m never doing this shit again. Just plain old green from now on. Mike thought as he stepped off of his bed and quickly reached for his pants. The pants shot up into his hand, startling him again. He managed to grab them tight this time. Mike was never one to be scared of things, but he’d watched too many exorcism and ghost movies to not be freaked out by something that literally always happened in every single one of them. Maybe it’s me? He thought as he set his pants on his bed and looked over his hands. It wasn’t that absurd considering the mind reading and the shit Floyd was able to do.

“Hmm…” Mike pulled his phone from his pocket and then tossed his pants across the room. The pants flopped across to Floyd’s side of the room. He then reached his free hand out. “Come ‘ere!” He said one of Trey Songz favorite lines. The pants slid across `the floor before flying up into his hands. “Shit…” He said before chuckling. “This is awesome.” He said with a smirk. “Telepathy and telekinesis… Can this get any better?”

Moments later, Mike was in his black Honda Civic, driving to the radio station. In his car, he had T.G.I.F. by Kid Cudi playing. Though the song wasn’t about Friday, it was a perfect song for how he felt. He bopped his head to the music happily before seeing a girl walking down the sidewalk with what looked like a blanket covering her. Mike raised an eyebrow as he eased on the breaks and lowered his window. As he pulled over beside her, he turned down his music. It was obvious he wanted to talk to her.

“Hey!” He tried to get her attention. “Need a ride?” Mike offered with a concerned look on his face. Mike had always been one those Good Samaritan types, but he was also curious about her appearance. He thought he recognized her too. “It’s way better than walking in that.” Mike insisted before focusing a bit. He looked like he was trying to size her up, but he was really trying to see what she was thinking.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Miriam's day started out fairly dull. She prepared for school, got there early and helped out some of the teachers. Nothing much really. Well, up until she passed by the football field. "Argh!" cried one of the players, clenching his head and preventing more cries of pain from escaping his lips . . . oh my, was that a broken shin -

"Gyaaah!" Miriam cried in pain and dropped to her knees, clutching her shin. A fiery sharp pain shot through the bone, and its intensity very nearly drove Miriam to tears. "Wh-what the-?" she winced in pain again. Then it was gone. Just as suddenly as the pain arrived, it also disappeared. Slowly, the girl got to her feet. Taking deep shaky breaths, Miriam examined her shin. There's nothing wrong with it . . . she thought. Indeed the limb was completely fine. Now she was a bit worried. Maybe there was something wrong with the inside? She'd have to check this later.

Miriam's day may have started normal, but from that point on, it began to get progressively weirder . . . and painful. Being a nursing student meant being constantly being surrounded by the sick and in need. Usually, she was happy to be around and help, but now the day was turning out to be a nightmare. She would constantly be hit by sharp pangs of pain, or she would sometimes suddenly feel dizzy, and she collapsed once even. That last one had her instructor send her home early, which is why she was on her way to the parking lot.

She sighed, a bit tired and disappointed. She hadn't been able to do much today. Still, what was happening to her was strange, and she had a sneaking suspicion on exactly what triggered these weird bouts of pain. She hoped she was wrong, because otherwise it made no sense. Well, less sense than what was already happening. Miriam sighed; This day couldn't possibly get any worse.

Then the parking lot exploded.

Several people began panicking and running in different directions, spreading the chaos. Crap, crap, crap, thought Miriam What is goi- Her thoughts were cut off and every sensation in her body was replaced with the feeling of fire licking her skin, burning it to ashes. She tried to cry out in pain, but her voice choked and breathing became difficult; it felt like someone had shoved down a fistful of smoke down her mouth. Then it was over. Miriam was on her knees and panting heavily. She shivered uncontrollably before getting up on week legs. All around her, people were on the ground and in pain.

Her martyrs instinct kicked in and she ran to the closest person to her. Not bothering to ask if he was okay, Miriam quickly turned him aside to inspect his condition. He was badly burned around the nose and mouth, and though he was breathing, it appeared he was struggling with it. Obvious signs of smoke inhalation. Miriam's head was dizzy. She was supposed to do something in this situation, but her mind was in a daze because of so many things happening at once. CPR! she thought, I'll just preform CPR until help arrives! - it was the best she could think of right now.

Miriam opened the buttons on the mans shirt and just as her hands touched his chest in attempt to pump his chest, she felt something like a jolt of electricity spike through her. She felt her breathing get worse, and several parts of her body corroded and looked burnt. At first, she thought it was a phenomena like earlier, but the feeling of pain did not go away even after a few moments, also, the parts of her body that felt injured actually looked injured now.

What is go . . . ing . . . on . . . ? were her final thoughts before blacking out.
[A Few Hours Later]

"It's really quite amazing, almost a miracle even," said the doctor. "I've never seen anyone recover so fast."

Miriam was beside her uncle and checking out of the hospital. She'd been driven to the hospital few hours a go by an ambulance that apparently found her in critical condition, but by the time they reached the ER, her vital signs were stable and there were only minor burns on her. After brief stay visit in the hospital, and she was completely healed.

Her uncle chuckled. "Well, we should count our graces that nothing serious happened to her" - Miriam seriously wanted to object to that - "and just be glad to have her back." After some light chit-chat with the doctor, the two were driving home. Miriam contemplated on the way whether or not she should tell her uncle about the weird occurrences that happened to her earlier. Her thoughts where interrupted when her cellphone began ringing.


"Miriam! God, I'm so glad I could reach you! I thought you got caught in the explosion a few hours ago!" Well she's not wrong . . . Miriam mentally shook her head, before replying. "Don't worry, I'm fine. So is there anything you need?"

"Well . . . I don't want to make it sound like I'm just calling you for a favor, especially after I just expressed how worried I was, but I do need some help."

"Don't worry, I'll be glad to help, so what do you need?"

"I need a few materials, plus, I don't have a few notes from last week." Miriam nodded and committed those items to memory, before asking her uncle to drop her off at a nearby mall. Her uncle raised a brow. "Are you sure? Don't you have to take a rest? You just got out of the hospital."

"I'll be fine," said Miriam. Her uncle dropped her off. Miriam spent an hour in the mall, got the supplies needed, and headed back to the college dorms. Dialing a number on her cellphone, Miriam called her friend. "Hello, Cynthia? I have those things you needed . . ."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wintergrey
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Wintergrey Lunatik

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


The sound of each footstep seemed to resound around her as she walked towards her apartment.The events of the morning were still troubling her and she couldn't seem to stop thinking about them. Not paying any attention, Astrid was very surprised when a young man in a large black car pulled up next to her. He asked if she wanted a ride, and had a concerned look about his face. She turned to him with a blank look on her face, confused by this random guy's generosity. Quickly her brain caught up with the situation and she thought to herself, What the hell do I look like, a prostitute?

She looked down at herself and immediately realized that she looked exactly like that. She wasn't wearing a shirt any more and her jeans were so in tatters that she were barely providing any cover. Her nose wrinkled in disgust, both at the boy's attempt to pick her up and at her obviously uncomfortable situation. Shaking her head in answer to the young man's questions, Astrid turned to continue walking on her way. As she turned she caught sight of the sun reflecting off the hood of the car. Instantly she froze, images flashing through her mind. Bright flames, flashes, explosions, screaming, smoke, the feeling of choking to death. All these memories flashed through her mind in a series of fast terrifying images. "On.. on s-second thought, I'll take you up on that ride." She yanked open the door a little more forcefully than needed and quickly moved into the seat, so as to prevent the man from seeing any part of her exposed. As she seated herself she wrapped the blanket tightly around her shoulders and stared out the window, ready to just be home.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Mike almost smirked upon hearing Astrid’s thoughts. He could already tell that she wasn’t like many of the girls he’s run into. Her personality could only be described as sharp to him. He didn’t think in the smart way, but in the “don’t mess with this chick or you’re in for a rude awakening” way. That’s probably why he wasn’t too surprised when she declined his offer. Her rolled up the window and got ready to drive off, but he saw her stop in her tracks. Mike raised a brow as he wondered what she could be thinking. Then he realized Why wonder, when I can find out? He focused on her, before flinching back in his seat.

Her thoughts were different. Instead of a sound or dialogue this time, there were images that flashed violently through her mind. The images of the flames and explosion reminded him of what went on this morning, which made him look her over again. Was she there? He tried to make sense of them, but they appeared too fast and wild for him. If anything, it was bringing back his headache from earlier today. He’d need to smoke again.

If her thoughts hadn’t stopped him, he would have driven off, but they conveniently stopped him long enough for the female to change her mind and hop in the passenger’s seat. Mike looked at Astrid, who chose to look towards the window. He’d seen something like this before. It happened to a lot of guys that had seen combat back in his unit when he served for the United States Army. Post traumatic stress disorder came in many ugly forms, and Mike hated how nasty it could change a person. This wasn’t making any sense though. She looked like she took the explosion head on, but it’s only her clothes that look in bad shape.

“By the way, I’m Mike. You okay? What happened to you? How did you not get burned…? I mean… Shit, never mind.” Mike asked softly in order to be sensitive about what was going on, but he messed up by saying the glimpses of what he saw in her mind. He lowered his music down to the point where it might as well be off and finally took his foot off the brake to let his vehicle roll slowly down the street. “And where am I headed? Alexander Hall?” Alexander Hall was the closest dorms in the direction she had been walking. He was also trying to take her mind off of what he had just said.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Wintergrey
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Wintergrey Lunatik

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

_**Astrid**_ Astrid flinched as the man next to her spoke. So lost in the bafflement of her mind, she had forgotten about him only moments after getting in the car. She wondered what was happening to her, her mind. Was... was she loosing it? Maybe she had finally hit the breaking point and her mind had just snapped. It would certainly explain what had happened at the explosion. How else could she reason with the fact that she was still alive? "Astrid," she mumbled under her breath. "My names Astrid. I... I don't know what happened to me..." her voice came out slowly as she struggled to comprehend it herself. Letting out a sigh of frustration she raised her hands to either side of her temples and softly groaned. She had a throbbing headache from the day's activities. She exhaled in relief as he turned down the terrible music and nodded when he mentioned Alexander Hall. She wasn't sure what he had asked about it, but home sounded so good to her, she couldn't wait to be there. Under her hands her head burned hotly, as if she had a 104 fever. Her hands were shaking from the pressure on her temple. Sweat congealed around her hair line on the right side of her face. Trembling Astrid outstretched a hand from her body and saw shimmering of the air heating up around her hand. Stifling a yell of surprise, she quickly rolled down the window and stuck her hand out. It helped momentarily, before the heat surged once more even worse than before. She croaked out to Mike, "Pull over the car. Now." The spit in her mouth and throat had all dried up causing the words to have to tear themselves out of her throat. Before he had a chance to react she stuck her head out the window, and the wind beat across hair that was now slick to her head. She groaned watching the sweat drip down over her eyes and evaporate before it left her face. What the fuck was happening to her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 2 days ago

After catching Astrid’s nod, Mike returned one with a smirk. “Living large.” He commented as he knew Alexander Hall was one of the nicer places to stay. [i]At least she had somewhere nice to go home to.[/i] Mike raised an eyebrow at her sigh and groan. He glanced at Astrid putting her hands to her head. [i]Killer headache too. Man, I don’t miss that at all.[/i] Mike was glad to be high off of the dab Floyd had offered him, but also felt for Astrid . Well this is before the weird stuff started happening. It started with the temperature in the vehicle. Mike gradually felt himself getting warming, but it wasn’t something he was worried about. He figured he probably had the fan on a bit too high. Mike turned the knob to the left to minimize the output. “Huh?” Mike let out as he heard something from Astrid, but couldn’t make sense of it. Then she rolled the window down. [i]Maybe it really is hot…[/i] Mike turned the knob for temperature all the way to the left. He figured he was helping, but then he faintly heard her tell him to pull over. “Uh…” Mike looked to his passenger and quickly pulled into the parking garage that was besides Alexander Hall. Not only did he get the girl out of the sun, but he could stop without significantly holding up traffic. He parked on the second level in the first open spot he saw. “Fuck!” Unfortunately, Mike was too late as he saw Astrid with her head out the window. [i]How long has she been doing that?![/i] He thought as he opened up his door and jogged around the backside of his car to the passenger side. Mike didn’t even bother taking the key out the ignition. He thought she had been throwing up at first, but she was just sweating… a lot. His face crinkled in a tinge of disgust before quickly shaking it off. “Astrid! Hey what’s going on?!” Mike asked in panic. He went to place the back of his hand against her forehead, but jerked back at how hot her skin was. “Shit… I… I gotta call 911.” Mike said as he grabbed his cell phone and dialed. “Are you kidding me?!” He yelled as he looked down at his phone that had no reception in the parking garage. He looked to Astrid again who was still surprisingly conscious.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wintergrey
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Wintergrey Lunatik

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

**_Astrid_** Astrid threw open the door of the car, forgetting to shut it due to the radiating heat coming from her body. Like in an oven, the air began to heat up surrounding her. It shimmered as if reached a critical point. Her face was burning up, red streaks spread throughout her entire body, leaving her more red then her usual pale milky white. Getting out of the car, she tried to stand up, only for her feet to give out from under her. She collapsed to her knees breathing hard, as she had just finished running a marathon. The blanket caught itself on the door as she fell down, though it did not seem to help the heat that absorbed her. All that she could croak out was, "Run." Lifting her eyes she set them on the elevator, with a dead set determination began to crawl forward. She kept telling herself she would make it, she had to make it. One arm forward, pull, through the other arm, pull. Slowly she inched closer, body radiated with pain. By the time she had made it to the metal box there was a bubble of heat surrounding her. Its epicenter seemed to come from her core spreading out enough to encompass her entire body. Rolling into the elevator she quickly clicked the button for her floor and sat against the side of the box. Beneath her feet the plastic floor was melting, bubbling with heat. She watched with half closed eyes as the door closed trapping her with this mysterious power. Reaching the her floor the elevator came to a shuttering stop. As the doors moved open they screeched and creaked with the sound of a broken machine. Flames encased the entire inside of the box,shooting up and crackling loudly, the control panel melted to a point of unusability. From out of the flames a leg stepped, no longer covered by pants. Then another leg, followed by the rest of the body of the young woman, Astrid. Now completely burned though her entire outfit of clothes she stepped in front of the flaming box, back straight with an air of certainty. No longer was she sweating, breathing hard, or skin feverishly hot. In fact she seemed cool to the touch, her hair perfectly in order, skin it's usual pale white. The flames burned around her feet, trying to find a fuel source, but finding none. Flipping her hair confidently she began to stride down the corridor towards her room. As she walked the flames found a source of life and exploded outward, engulfing her body. Without flinching a single inch, Astrid continued walking till she reached her door. Opening it with ease she stepped inside, just in time to miss the sprinklers in the building kick on.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Mike could only stare in shock as Astrid crawled with steam erupting from her body. He had never seen anything like this in his life and was quick to take her plea seriously. He didn't quite run, but instead backed away as he watched her enter the elevator. "What the fuck..." Mike said as he found himself backed up against his own car. So many questions filled his head as he watched the elevator door shut. He honestly didn't know what to do. _I could follow her and possibly get... Wait! The fire... the car... Everything in her thoughts. She told me to run? Floyd and I having weird powers... Damn, I think I need to get transferred..._ Mike shook his head before getting into his car so he could get as far away as he could. _Astrid._ He put the name to memory as he tried to put himself back into the world he thought was normal. Mike could only sit in the parking lot of the radio station and look at his passenger seat. He was sure it was still warm which was proof of what he had saw moments ago. He couldn't help but wonder if Astrid hurt anyone or destroyed anything. Then again, part of him didn't want to know at all. That part of him had him speeding out of the garage with his music blasting. "Okay Mike... Just chill out, do your show, go home, nap... and then everything will start going good." Mike calmed himself before exiting his car. _Floyd's gonna want to hear this... And fuck, I gotta make call to the college newspaper... great._
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shin Ghost Note
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Shin Ghost Note I CHOOSE ME, I'M SORRY

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

_Lupe Ellie Bellemonte_ [Zhu - Cocaine Model](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ThUtI7LB17Y) --- Hehahaha... that was one hell of a party last night, wasn't it? Aw. shit, where the hell was she? Lupe raised her upper body by placing her hands on the floor underneath her - she felt carpet. Carpet is nice. That lets her know that she's not in some alleyway getting gangraped by some crackhead. A headache pounding in her head had reminded her of last night. Hangover. Great. Thankfully, she didn't drink _too_ much, since she knows that she has school, and while she may hate it, responsibilities. Right now those responsibilities are figuring out where in heaven's name she is. Alright, it's a little dark. A small room... oh God, she better not have ended up in a SAW movie. The lights beaming through the windows had let in enough for Lupe to see. And she saw that she was in somebody's dorm room. There was a bed right behind her, and somebody in it. Well, Lupe wouldn't find anything out by sitting around looking scared and confused, will she? Lupe jumped up to her feet in a hop, and looked at the person in her bed... Oh! It's Sandy! A friend of Lupe's. That means that she's in the college, probably in Sandy's room. She didn't know how the hell she got here - and honestly, did it matter? She was partying, every day, all day! So it didn't matter where she ended up long as she wasn't in a ditch. "Thanks, Sandy." Lupe quietly thanked her friend for the good times before moving on. First and foremost! Lupe outstretched one leg, and placed it towards the window, she opened the blinds. She could be showing the world that she's naked, or covered in vomit, but the chances of someone seeing her, out of all these rooms, were slim. Lupe quickly looked down, and saw that she was wearing a white hoodie, with a white T-shirt with pronounced blue headphones, and dark-blue jeans. She reeked of dried alcohol, so that meant that she _had_ spilled something on her. But whatever. All she needed to do was head home, take a shower, and get a change of clothes - Crap, her family probably has no idea where she is. But honestly, she was pretty distant from her family ever since the incident.... But there's not much to talk about, really! Happy thoughts. Such as the next party. Seeing that she was presentable, - other than the strong aroma of alcohol, which is - Lupe bid her friend farewell and walked out the door and into the hallway. She didn't know where the hell to head next other than back to her house. Actually, what time is it? Lupe pulled out her iPhone and starred at it for a second... holy fuck what is that? Something had really caught her eye. Hell popping out of a goddamn elevator shaft. Lupe's eyes widened and her heart started racing. Shit, shit, shit. She was about to haul ass, she could feel the heat from over here! But this whole thing took a turn for the weird when some pale-ass white girl came out of the fire like it was nothing. Ashes and burnt clothes fell off of her being, and... she was ass naked now. Okay, maybe it was time for Lupe to turn away from her party-girl lifestyle. Become a nun. Adopt a puppy. Because this shit, this shit right here, is unreal. Someone must have slipped something into her drink last night and... ... The sprinklers made Lupe shout "Fuuuuuuuuck!" as she covered her head and hoped to keep her iPhone from getting wet. Today was going to be the start of something awful, she just knew it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by nonsequitur


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

The first thing Kelsey noticed when she stepped out of her dorm was the inferno which had apparently engulfed the elevator while she was exploring her power; even from here, the heat was noticeable. The next thing that caught her attention was the blonde girl striding confidently down the hallway like she was utterly unconcerned with the raging fire behind her. As Kelsey watched, the flames exploded outwards towards the girl, but her stride remained unbroken as she reached a door, opened it and went in, closing it behind her. Right at that moment, the sprinklers turned on. "*Shit!*" Kelsey yelled, bringing her arms up to her head in a futile attempt to shield herself. Another shout came from further down the hallway; it looked like she wasn't the only one caught off-guard. Kelsey glared at the spot where the girl had entered her room. Sauntering away from a fiery explosion in a building completely unharmed and unsoaked by the sprinklers? *When did I end up in an action movie?* This was the second time a fire had happened today, after all. That had to be some kind of statistical fluke... A thought occurred to her. How much of the fire could she put out this time? Kelsey pushed at every shadow she could sense and they flowed down the hallway, her own among them. They blanketed the fires she could see from where she was and retreated after a few seconds, leaving several isolated fires which were quickly being put out by the sprinklers.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ThatsWhatSheSaid
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

A pair of bright blue eyes abruptly shoot open. Simultaneously a full statement escaped the sophomore’s dry lips as her head rose up from her desk. “…oh my head…” Although her head was throbbing in agony she shook it in an attempt to wake herself up as she found her fellow colleagues staring with eyes wide. She noted one of the freshman’s hand out stretched towards her shoulder. [I]This must be the idiot who decided to interrupt my beauty sleep...idiot.[/I] “Get your goddamn hand away from me…” Nicole slapped the young boy’s arm away as she stood up from her seat. It wasn’t until she had straightened herself out did she realize that she was still wearing the short blue dress she had slipped into for last night’s party. [I]Must've snapped up something juicy.[/I] Her eyes trailed down towards the memory card that was sticking out the side of her laptop. [I]Who's waking up with regrets this morning?[/I] Her head instantly began to throb as she tried to recall the events of last night. [I]Definitely me...what happened to the two drink maximum, Nicole.[/I] As usual if she wasn't arguing with someone she was arguing with herself. However, her train of thought was cut short when she noticed that her colleagues were still staring at her. Nicole arched her eyebrow, [I]What the hell are they staring at? It's not like I've never worn the same thing twice...did I do something last night?[/I] As she tried to get her gaze level with their eye line she realized that most of them appear to be looking at her forehead. "Is there something on my face?" The freshman who's hand she had slapped away minutes early slowly raised his hand back up to her head. His hand shook nervously whilst he extended his index finger towards her forehead. "Umm...you got...a...you got a..." Nicole rolled her eyes. [I]Weak.[/I] She didn't have time nor the patience to wait around for mister stutter to finish his sentences and so she reached up herself to find out what had them all looking like stunned mullets. Her face kind of scrunched together as her fingers brushed along something sticky and hard. [I]What the...[/I] She grabbed hold of the strange object that appeared to be almost glued to her before pulling at it. After a few tugs she finally got it unstuck. As she brought the object down to her gaze she couldn't help but smirk as she stared at the strawberry lollipop lying in her palm. She must've got the munchies last night when she stumbled in here and hit up her secret stash of candy, which would explain the dark brown fingerprints all over her notepad. [I]Chocolate...[/I] Feeling her stomach grumble for a split second Nicole consider about sticking the lollipop back in her mouth and finishing it off but she quickly brushed the idea off realizing how disgusting it actually was. She tossed the candy in the bin before returning her attention back to her coworkers. "Don't you guys have some reporting to do and stories to write?" Although she was asking a question it sounded more like an order. "Actually yes we do there was an explosion in the car park." One of the writers commented. "WHAT?" "There was..." "WHY THE HELL ARE YOU ALL JUST STANDING AROUND? GRAB YOUR FUCKING CAMERAS, RECORDERS AND NOTEPADS AND GET YOUR ASS TO THE PARKING LOT NOW!" Whilst Nicole roared in outrage and barked orders at her colleagues the lights began to flicker. However, once she stopped talking and sorted of calmed down they stopped. Her colleagues were far too busy running around to notice anything. Although Nicole saw the lights play up she just brushed it off thinking it was just some fluctuation with the power. "Bloody hell I'm surrounded by morons." She rolled her eyes before proceeding towards the mini fridge that was situated in the corner of the room. She opened the door and grabbed out a can of Redbull. [I]Nothing like a little caffeine to kick start your day...well maybe some...[/I] The corners of her lips arched up into a mischief smile as she pulled out a packet of mints from her handbag. She flicked the lid open and emptied the content into her palms. "Three.." She muttered staring at three orange capsule-shape pills which definitely weren't mints. Nicole popped one in her mouth washing it down with the Redbull before putting the remaining two back in the tin. [I]Better hit up that Floyd kid, that way I can check how my fake ID is coming along.[/I] She smirked as she slumped herself back down in her chair. And then her phone rang. Mike was calling her about the latest scoops for the radio show. He had called two editors before her when he had been back in his room, but they didn’t pick up their phones. Mike was just hoping this third editor known as Nicole Bishop would be able to help him. This was basically his last hope. He didn’t mind going into the station dry, but he would hate if something went on and he didn’t cover it. He just paced outside the radio station doors. He’d be on in about fifteen minutes. [i]Pick up.[/i] Nicole scrambled through all the books, photographs and papers scattered across her desk in search of her phone. She could hear it but there seemed to be too much crap on her desk to see it. [I]So much for being organised...[/I] Just as her voicemail was about come on she managed to find it and hastily answered. "Hello?" A sigh of relief escaped Mike as he heard Nicole’s voice on the line. It was time to get to business. A smile spread across his lips before he spoke. “Hey this is Mike Hayes, the radio host guy that called on Monday and Wednesday. I don’t think I spoke to you before, but I wanted to know a little bit of the latest scoops in the past two days for my show. Is that okay?” He asked. [I]This guy.[/I] Nicole remembered hearing her fellow editors mention something about someone repeatedly calling for insight and gossip. "Am I hearing you correctly you are calling to get the LATEST scoop from ME for YOUR show? Hmm...do you hear anything wrong with that sentence because I sure do." She took a sip from her Redbull. "Excuse the language by why the fuck would I hand over OUR hard earned material...which we have spent hours...DAYS gathering...and you want me just to hand it to you on a silver platter. Get the fuck out!...This ain't no hobby mate...if we don't print enough papers I ain't getting any brownie points....brownie points are vital to me...Unlike you if I don't have enough credits at the end of the term I'm getting shipped back home. Are you gonna give me extra credit? NO because you’re not authorized. So unless you got something beneficially and really worthwhile for me, it’s see you later Mr. Hayes." [I]Who the hell does he think I am? I didn't get charged for trespassing just so some amateur can steal my thunder.[/I] Mike winced at Nicole’s answer, but he was prepared for something like this. He always thought of himself as a people person. He took a breath before speaking. “Just hold up a sec Ms. Bishop. I know that’s how you’re seeing it right now, but look at this whole thing in my perspective. I’m thinking about both of us. You see I give credit to everyone I get my information from on the show, which includes your paper. Think of it as a second channel to get your stories out, but more of like a movie trailer to the actual story that will be in the paper.” Mike paused for dramatic effect. “It’s a cycle. You share info with me that I use in my show. More people listen to my show because I speak a little about the recent drama. I tell them where they can find the FULL story in juicy detail, which is your paper. You get people picking up your paper to get the whole story, and I get more people listening to my station in order to find out what’s up in the first place. We both walk away feeling pretty nice… but if you don’t like the whole idea, I guess I could do some snooping of my own and just air everything out before the paper gets released, right?” Mike said with a smirk. He wouldn’t really play dirty like that. He was one guy versus an office of others. He’d never have the time, but she didn’t know that. Besides, why turn down the agreement? Nicole couldn't help but notice that every time she cursed and raised her voice the lights flickered. She frowned as she stared at the ceiling lights that where now flickering rather rapidly. With one ear still on her phone listening to Michael proposition she began to snap her fingers at her colleague Tom who was vigorously typing away on his computer. Realising she wasn't gonna get his attention she gentle placed her hand over the speaker on her phone so that Michael couldn't hear. "OI!" She yelled. His head instantly lifted up. "Yeah..." Nicole spoke into the phone to show Michael she was still listening even though most of her focus was now on the lights. 'What's wrong with the lights?' Nicole mouthed to Tim who looked up to the ceiling. "I don't know." Nicole rolled her eyes before mocking repeating his response "I don't know...fix it!" She shook her head and then returned her full attention back to Michael as he finished off. "Hmm...I guess you make a good point." She lied. He did have a few good points but at the end of the day he would still be the one airing the news first not her which she didn't like. She wanted to be the first, top dog. Gossip Queen. "Let me just grab my notes...um" Nicole shuffled some papers around as she pretended to look for these so called notes. "So...number one there was an explosion in the car park." She decided to start off with that one because unless you knocked yourself out last night like she did you would've heard about this one. "A freshman was arrested for streaking on the baseball field and a teacher was arrested for possession of a large amount of cocaine." She made up the last story to test him and see whether he would actually hold up his end of the bargain. "That's it for today... Do you need anything else from me?” Mike grimaced and shook his head as he took in the info. She basically gave him shit. No names? Nothing more than just “an explosion in the car park”? [i]No wonder no one reads newspapers anymore… well besides old people and crossword puzzle addicts.[/i] Mike would be civil to this woman however. He didn’t need the newspaper, but they could potentially give him some good stuff. Maybe next time someone else would pick up from his phone call first. Or maybe he could get someone from the inside… “Nah, that’s good enough to add a little more spice to my show. Oh and by the way, feel free to tune in. You might learn a thing or two… literally, for your paper.” He chuckled. “Anyway, bye.” He hung up and took a deep breath. “Man… I already need a break.” He said before entering the studio. "Yeah yeah," she muttered to the comment about her tuning into his show. There was no way in hell she was going to sit around and listen to amateur hour. She had more important things to do like clean herself up, and of course following up on some new leads. Nicole smirked. "See you later." She immediately rose to her feet when she hung up her phone. "TOM! Leave the lights for now because I have a far more important job for you...sit." She signalled him to take a seat back in his own chair before placing a pen, some paper and a small radio in front of him. "Tom, your job for the next um...half and hour or so is to write down everything our friend Michael Hayes says about us...actually scratch that, just write down everything and anything he says, okay?" Nicole turned the radio on and switched it to channel 1.02. Tom nodded his head in agreement. "Good...I should be back by the time the show is over but if not, just leave your notes on my desks." And with that Nicole grabbed her belongings and exited the office.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 2 days ago

"OH YEAH! What's up SF, this is your bearer of bad news,your deliverer of the good stuff, the voice of the current events in the area, standing tall, looking good, oughta be in Hollywood, your host of Power 102: The Scoop!, Mike Hayes!" Mike said with excitement. His voice boomed through car radios and laptops across campus. _So far so good._ "Alright now I know what everyone's waiting gor me to discuss. The big bang today, and no science majors, I don't mean that thing that started the universe. I'm not talking about what happened between me and one of the vixens on campus either. I'm talking about the car explosion that shook the parking lot outside of a frat house this morning." "I was in the middle of this thing, watching some crazy people try to pry a car door open. I'm all for being a hero, but being my own hero first... comes first if you hey what I mean." Mike chuckled. "My friend was out there, trying to be the Dark Night. And I don't mean Batman. You ever see Floyd Banker? This dude look like a tar monster and a shadow had a baby and had it out in the sun every day! Now going back to the story. The police are trying to rule out a terrorist attack, and I'm with them. What terrorists attack a frat house in the morning and fail? The whole fraternity is inside the house hungover to the point that they can't even move. There's not much being said about the whole thing, but there isn't much to go off of either. Guess god didn't want you driving." "Now for the scoop given to me by the lovely Nicole Bishop. She's a real sweetheart over there at the newspaper office. And if you think I have great stories, she has the juicy details in the paper. Apparently a freshman got a little too drunk last night and decided to go streaking on the campus baseball field. This dude made sure to shut the lights on for all to see. My friend told me that this guy only made it to third base before campus security got to him. No homeruns for the poor guy... Oh and og anyone knows who he is, just hit my Twitter page twitter.com/scoopoholic. The other story is a good one that I don't know too much about, but a professor was caught with some drugs, and it wasn't the green. Find out in the... Damn what's the name of the newspaper? Well, you know where to find it." "Alright I got some good news for all my physics majors out there... You know the lovely Dr. Danielson. You know, the female devil of professors. She was found this morning, in a coma. Like she's out. Gone for the season. That means everyone's passing haha! I really hope she's alright, but a lot of students got lucky with this." _Man what if I was able to talk about my powers. In my perfect world, that would be amazing. Right now, no one would believe it..._ "Now who's going to the Attic tonight? If I was asking this in person, I would expect every single man to say yes. You know why? Kappa Kappa Gamma is about to be there. Not a few, or a dozen, I'm talking about all these beautiful women in one club. And in know some of the gay guys are saying 'why would I say yes?' Well let me put it like this. Those girls are gonna be there, so a lot of guys are gonna be there point blank. A lot of... guys. You get it now don't you? I'll be out there too, letting you in. Just make sure you try to get on the list. Hit me up on Twitter, Facebook, or just text me your name and get in before 9pm for free. If not, you know the deal. 10 for men, and 5 for ladies. Feel free to say what's up, but don't slow the line down..." Mike continued to talk and play some music in between. He could talk forever, but with his headache coming back, he stopped the show after 45 minutes. It was 15 minutes before his end time, but he needed to get out of there before he started blabbing about reading minds. Despite the headache, he felt great and nearly forgot about the whole thing with Astrid. As he drove by Alexander Hall, he noticed a fire engine leaving the scene. There was a police cruiser still parked beside the dorm. Mike sighed wondering how bad things might have gotten, but drove on. Like he thought before, it wasn't his business... but what if it was?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Wintergrey
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Wintergrey Lunatik

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

**_Astrid_** Astrid stood for a minute in the doorway. She was still trying to compute what had just happened in her mind, but whatever boost it had given her had released all the built up stress she had accumulated since that morning. No longer was she worried about the explosions, how she survived, or even the fact that she had just walked down the hallway naked. She was so focused its like her mind was in hyper drive. Her higher mind quickly came to the conclusion that these events, these somehow random explosions, weren't random. They were linked. To her. Grinning to herself at the thought she stepped forward into the apartment and headed towards her room. The apartment was set up with a hallway connecting to a lounging room slash kitchen and two single rooms on either side of the hallway. Nicole lived in the room on the right, while Astrid had claimed the left room. Left was right and right was wrong as they said. Sliding into her room quietly she put some new clothes on. Hopefully whatever was wrong with her wouldn't burn them off for a little while. This power? It was a little out of hand, and Astrid was determined to get her hand wrapped around it's throat and show it who was boss. Explosions are not a good thing to wake up to every morning. Striding back down the hall with a pair of ripped up jeans and a black tang top, she immediately stopped at the fridge. She was starving. Like the hadn't eaten in the passed week or two. Yanking it open quickly, glared inside, and began scooping things into her arms. Bread, salami, a banana, yogurt, left over steak, some chicken nuggets. She piled everything on the counter and began scooping it into her mouth. "Dear lord, i'm so fucking hungry." she murmured to herself around the food in her mouth. Picking up her phone she selected a number on her phone and called it up. It rang once then twice and Astrid began to tap her foot with impatience. "Fuck, come on Nicole pick up the goddamn phone."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 2 days ago

A quick beep sounded from Mike's car as he pressed the lock button on his car key twice. He was now seated on a bench right by the parking lot of McRae Hall, his dorm. All he was doing was taking a quick breather. So much had happened and he was only halfway through his day. The hangover, the car explosion, the throbbing headache, accepting that he has superpowers, being way too high, having a good time with the girl across the hall, Astrid melting away, and... _"I wish someone would just be happy about me going away to do something for myself."_ The thoughts of a female echoed as she passed by Mike. He looked up at her upset face. _"Tonight's my chance to talk to Kelly Falcon! If not, I'm getting one of the other sorority girls."_ A guys thoughts were heard this time. _"Cute shoes!"_ _"College sucks..."_ _"What's your name sweetheart?"_ _"And here we go!"_ _"Oops!"_ _"Ew!"_ _"What a bitch."_ Mike raised an eyebrow at all the thoughts flying in out of nowhere. He figured all the noise traffic would make him want to hold his head in pain and cry, but it was no different from being at a sporting event. Some thoughts were just louder than others. _Maybe the stronger and closer thoughts are louder._ Mike thought to himself before setting his eyes on a guy walking by. He strolled past Mike with thoughts of what he would do tonight. _Sorry buddy..._ Mike thought before reaching out towards the back of the guy's leg before snatching at it which caused the guy's leg to pull back. Mike's eyes widened as the guy tripped and stumbled across the sidewalk and look back. "What the fuck?" The guy questioned before walking away. Mike chuckled to himself. He had gotten a pretty cool gift. He kept his smile up as he tapped his hand on his lap, making an ant crush under invisible force. He narrowed his eyes. _If only I had fhis when I was deployed in Afghanistan._ Mike finally stood up from the bench and walked over to the dorm entrance. It was time to share with Floyd, but something interesting caught his eye in the parking lot.
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