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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Freeshooter92
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Waiting for Lucius... Always waiting for Lucius...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Freeshooter92 said
Waiting for Lucius... Always waiting for Lucius...

I'm working my way to your CS slowly, Free, promise.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Leon5431 said
UserName: Leon5431

Character name: Deven Zoria

Age: 28

Mageblood type: Lux

Favoured Magic Class: Pyromancy

Race: Naersan Human

Appearance: Deven has a toned build, he has messy brown hair that comes down about half over his, forehead, ears and continues to get a little longer in the back covering half of the back of his neck along with this he has dark blue eyes. He stands a taller than most Naersan’s at near 5’ 10’’. He tries to keep his facial hair to a clean shave or at most a little stubble.

Short Bio: Deven was born and grew up in a small village within a military family. His father served in the Eanian military for sometime, he was a skilled smith and an even better fighter specializing in swordsmanship. His mother was a Lux blooded Pyromancer, together his mother and father worked the villages forge and made a decent living being the villages only supplier of weapons, tools and other appliances. Deven was a only child but was never bored or alone, he was adventures, finding the most entertainment in forests around the city or within the city itself. He caused trouble throughout the village but nothing that got him more then a annoyed glare from his parents, some might have say they were to lax on him but he was a good kid all the more. Almost instantly he took a liking to the local healers daughter, Jenna. The two became inseparable, they were always together no matter what, each shared the same adventures spirit and mischievous intent. Through their younger years they played about the village becoming known by every member of the village for their games.

But as they grew older their lives changed. Jenna was discovered to posses Lux blood like her father and began to receive training from her father in the ways of the magical healing arts. Deven on the other hand began to receive training from his father in swordsmanship and smithing. Though their new training took a large amount of their time they still remained closer than ever, spending the majority of their free time with one another. They never lost their adventurous spirits but grew out of their mischievous ways, the majority of their time with one another was spent in the forests around town. Eventually as he reached adulthood he bought his own house in the village but continued to work for his father at the forge. It was another few years until trouble began to rise in the village. Deven was at the age of 24 and Jenna, only a few months behind him, was still at the age of 23 when one of the inhabitants of the town was found brutally murdered in the forests around town. The town reacted as so increasing the ranks of their local militia, Deven's father having experience in the military was one of the first to be requested and the first to join. A band of ten of the villages people formed the new militia. Deven's mom electing to not join the fight but rather protect their home and family in her own ways. Things fell quiet for a time until another murder was reported this one almost the same as the last but a little different. This time there was a survivor who reported that they were attacked by some sort of monster.

The town's militia led by Deven's father set out to hunt this beast down and bring back its head. They scouted the surrounding forest for several days before the beats tracks were found. The band of ten militia towns folk followed these tracks deeper into the forest to a cave that was almost completely hidden from view. There they found that this was no wild beast, but much rather a weak demon summoned by a Demonmancer seeking to expand his powers. The weak lesser demon fell to the militia and the Demonmancer would have too if it had not been for one spell that was out of the mage's control. The spell depleted what was left of the Demonmancer's mage blood killing him and bringing forth a demon much stronger then the last, this one completely free to do as it pleased. The demon turned on the militia and made short work of several of its members. The remaining militia was forced to retreat. But the Demon pursued, following the militia through the forest to the village. There the demon began to wreak havoc across the town, people were killed left and right in the chaos and fear that the demon inspired. Deven's father, in a valiant act to end the demon charged forward and distracted the demon long enough for many to escape. But the act came at a price. Deven's father was killed then and there at the hands of the demon, Deven watched as the Demon slew his father. What followed after was pure rage that came forth in a burst of power scorching the demon's skin. At this point Deven's Lux blood was discovered. With the combined effort of Deven's mother, Deven, Jenna, Jenna's mother and father and many other villagers who were skilled in fighting, the demon was slain. But the town was never the same, many had died that day and no one was sure they would ever recover.

In the years to come Deven tried to cope with the loss of his father, he turned to Jenna to help him in his emotional struggle. She did everything in her power to help him come to terms with what happened, with enough time he did, but he was never really the same old Deven. Many of the towns inhabitants had moved on from the city to greener pastures leaving only a few people left to rebuild. But for Deven and Jenna, their time in this town had come to an end. With some push from their respective mage blooded parents and two years of preparing the two were sent off to the college to begin their training in the ways of magic.

Good Attributes: Deven is a skilled swordsman and a decent smith, though he can not claim to have near the skill of his father. Deven is adventurous, courageous and willing to do anything to protect the ones he cares about, he is caring and compassionate and deathly loyal to those close to him. From years in the forest's of his old home he has grown very skilled at swinging from tree to tree in forests making him a skilled climber.

Bad Attributes: Deven can be a recluse about his true emotions, the only people he will openly speaking about his true feelings with are the ones he truly trusts. He has a way of getting himself into trouble and can be a little over protective of the people he cares about. Deven has a deep rooted hate for demons and their kin for what they did to his father, he will only find it hard to trust someone that summons demons but will now hate them as he does their summons.

Secret Word: Faded

Rather good, and also change Faded into Rebirth please for both sheets. Deven has my approval but one thing you should know, the current Head Master is Khan, my demonomancer with a long history of regret and suffering, so would this change their desire to be taught in the College or merely just towards Khan and any demonomancer in general?

Leon5431 said

UserName: Leon5431

Character name: Jenna Lamentia

Age: 27

Mageblood type: Lux

Favoured Magic Class: Vitamancy

Previous Magic training: Only received training from her father in the ways of healing, she can not do much in terms of major wounds but she can heal minor wounds and scratches.

Race: Naersan Human

Appearance: Jenna has long dark brown hair that comes down a little past her shoulders she has brown eyes and a slender build, but she is toned from her time exercising in the forests. She stands a little taller than the average Naersan at around 5' 8''.

Short Bio: Jenna was born in a small town under the control of Eania. Her father was the local Lux blooded healer, while her mother was a skilled archer and was a hunter for many years before settling down and raising a family. Her father being the only healer in town made it so they did quiet well for themselves, making a good life for their family. In her early childhood Jenna took a very strong liking to the village smith's son, Deven. He became her best friend and her his, they would do anything together and would spend everyday with each other staying together until the latest possible time. The two were kindred spirits, they were both outgoing and shared the same humor. They got along better then most of the closest friends. Their parents were close friends as well, her father and his mother were both Lux blood mages, though studying different schools of their blood. While his father and her mother were more or less average citizens with a skill in combat.

It wasn't till her early teenage years that she learned of her Lux blood. When she did she began training with her father in the ways of healing and also he mother in the ways of archery and tracking. Her fathers teachings were almost always cut short by another person needing healing because of this she was not able to learn as much as she would at a mage school. She only learned how to heal lesser wounds, which came in handy with a friend like Deven who would always find new imaginative ways to hurt himself. With his beginning of training in swordsmanship and smithing, bruises and burns became a common practice for her to heal. Though he would have survived perfectly fine without her healing it was still a good way for her to learn and to spend time with her best friend. Their time would be spent mostly in the forest outside of town were Deven practiced jumping from tree to tree, in the early days almost always resulting in him landing face first on the ground. This gave Jenna plenty to heal and a good source of constant training no matter how meager the training was.

When Jenna hit adult hood she bought a house next to Deven but remained practicing and working at the family business. When the first attack was reported she did not think anything on it, animal attacks happened often but it was rare for a man to be killed by one, yet still she did not think much about it. It was only after second attack that she truly begin to grow worried, she helped her father heal the man that was hurt in the attack and heard all of his stories before they could bummed down. These stories and the threat of attack set Jenna on edge, but of course when she was struggling Deven was always there to help. When his father set of to hunt down the beast he was left manning the forge, she decided to pay him a visit and ended up staying there until the demon came and attacked the town. After the attack she couldn't find Deven anywhere, she had heard the news of his father and of his newly discovered mage blood, eventually she found him in the forest around the city in one of their favorite childhood places. She tried to bring him to terms with what happened and with enough talking and effort he finally came to terms. Both her parents had survived the attack and they were very sympathetic to Deven and his mom, they did everything they could to help them but sometimes time to heal is all the only thing that could help.

Though her best friend never really went back to how he once was he was still Deven and they were still inseparable. They remained in the town for sometime, even with the majority of the inhabitants leaving not having the strength or will to rebuild what they lost. But their families were strong they toughed it out till the end and were some of the last to leave. But both Deven and Jenna had a different future, with a major push from their mage blooded parents the two elected to go to the mage's blood college and begin to study the ways of their mage blood. Still as close if not closer then ever before, the two set out to begin their new lives as mages.

Good Attributes: Jenna received minor training with healing magic from her father and received some training with archery and tracking from her mother, though she focused her time on healing rather then archery. Jenna is loving, kind, compassionate caring and trustworthy. She wants nothing more then to keep the people she is close to happy and safe, she is willing to do a lot to help those she cares about.

Bad Attributes: Jenna can act a little naive when it comes to certain things, shares Deven's deep rooted hate for Demons. She cannot be comfortable when near a demonmancer for she knows what they are capable of and she does not trust them for a second.

Secret Word: Faded

Can you add at least one to two more Bad Attributes please? And once you make the changes, I see nothing wrong with these two.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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ArchangelUriel said
...yes, might goodness fallen, what ever you command of me.

An intelligent Servant. This pleases me.

Lucius Cypher said
Tch. And this is all that the slave to the light can bring? A mere mortal's who's faith wavers at the sight of the Fallen? Do you not even believe in the one whom you call ""? THIS IS WHY HE IS INFERIOR! HE CANNOT EVEN PUT FAITH INTO HIS OWN FOLLOWERS!

SILENCE! I have faith in my followers to do the intelligent thing! SUCH AS NOT PISSING OFF THE GODDESS WHO CAN KILL THE BOTH OF US WITH AN RAISED EYEBROW!

You did good Uriel.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lucius Cypher
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What is this? WEAKNESS!? How can you call yourself a god when you can bleed like any other mortal!? IT IS BECAUSE YOU ARE NOT!

What of bravery, of honor? Of determination to fight for what one believes in? You have allowed fear to control your actions, and you say that it was I do went to such measures! You indeed are nothing more than a servant, the dog of a force uncontrolled. You have become nothing more than a beast who gets tamed through beatings.

A life on your knees is not living on your feet. She has yet to even begin to combat us, and you have already cowered before her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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Lucius Cypher said
What is this? WEAKNESS!? How can you call yourself a god when you can bleed like any other mortal!? IT IS BECAUSE YOU ARE NOT!What of bravery, of honor? Of determination to fight for what one believes in? You have allowed fear to control your actions, and you say that it was I do went to such measures! You are nothing more than a servant, the dog of a force uncontrolled. You have become nothing more than a beast who gets tamed through beatings.A life on your knees is not living on your feet. She has yet to even begin to combat us, and you have already cowered before her.

Gods can kill each other as easily as mortals can. Pick and choose your battles, Dark One. She is not evil. Neither is she good. She is the balance that prevents us from destroying the world. AND STRONGER THAN THE BOTH OF US. I am not ruled by fear, but by prudence. What could be gained from fighting you? Freeing the land of the yoke of darkness. Saving your followers from your whispered lies. Purifying darkness. What can I gain from fighting her? A final sense of triumph as the universe is destroyed? You mistake me. I do not cower because I fear her(though that is indeed a part of it) I cower because if I did not, death would sweep and claim the land. All that we had fought over, would turn into nothingness. No Dark. No Light. Just, the Void.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Lucius Cypher said
What is this? WEAKNESS!? How can you call yourself a god when you can bleed like any other mortal!? IT IS BECAUSE YOU ARE NOT!What of bravery, of honor? Of determination to fight for what one believes in? You have allowed fear to control your actions, and you say that it was I do went to such measures! You indeed are nothing more than a servant, the dog of a force uncontrolled. You have become nothing more than a beast who gets tamed through beatings.A life on your knees is not living on your feet. She has yet to even begin to combat us, and you have already cowered before her.

I expected this...if he add agreed, then I might be more then a little nervous. And why fight you when I would end up risk blasting you into oblivion?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

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Lucius Cypher said
What is this? WEAKNESS!? How can you call yourself a god when you can bleed like any other mortal!? IT IS BECAUSE YOU ARE NOT!What of bravery, of honor? Of determination to fight for what one believes in? You have allowed fear to control your actions, and you say that it was I do went to such measures! You indeed are nothing more than a servant, the dog of a force uncontrolled. You have become nothing more than a beast who gets tamed through beatings.A life on your knees is not living on your feet. She has yet to even begin to combat us, and you have already cowered before her.

Rtron said
Gods can kill each other as easily as mortals can. Pick and choose your battles, Dark One. She is not evil. Neither is she good. She is the balance that prevents us from destroying the world. AND STRONGER THAN THE BOTH OF US. I am not ruled by fear, but by prudence. What could be gained from fighting you? Freeing the land of the yoke of darkness. Saving your followers from your whispered lies. Purifying darkness. What can I gain from fighting her? A final sense of triumph as the universe is destroyed? You mistake me. I do not cower because I fear her(though that is indeed a part of it) I cower because if I did not, death would sweep and claim the land. All that we had fought over, would turn into nothingness. No Dark. No Light. Just, the Void.

Fallenreaper said
I expected this...if he add agreed, then I might be more then a little nervous. And why fight you when I would end up risk blasting you into oblivion?

Dish is getting good.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Frettzo
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Guys! I've just opened my art thread :)


Damn you, Irish Tree, your avatar pushed me towards that pic!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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Frettzo said
Guys! I've just opened my art thread :) http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/10950/posts/oocDamn you, Irish Tree, your avatar pushed me towards that pic!

Glad to be of help.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ArchangelUriel


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Rtron said
An intelligent Servant. This pleases me.SILENCE! I have faith in my followers to do the intelligent thing! SUCH AS NOT PISSING OFF THE GODDESS WHO CAN KILL THE BOTH OF US WITH AN RAISED EYEBROW!You did good Uriel.

Thanks boss. I was just trying to make sure I wasn't smitten on the spot, but it's nice to know I didn't offend my master with the potential blasphemy.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ArchangelUriel


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Fallenreaper said
I expected this...if he add agreed, then I might be more then a little nervous. And why fight you when I would end up risk blasting you into oblivion?

True story, bro.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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Uriel, there's a post for you! :p Here
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ArchangelUriel


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Yes, I'll,be posting in the morning.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Fallenreaper
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ArchangelUriel said
Yes, I'll,be posting in the morning.

Just wanted to make sure you knew.


Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Toxic Diamond
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So, my friend is a marine biologist and he was talking about whales, I wasn't paying attention because I was reading the RPGuild and all I heard was whale. I just yell "IT'S NOT AS COOL AS THE MANWHALE THOUGH!"
Before realizing that they had no idea what I meant. They just stared at me before my friend Ryan tried to ask what I meant I just raised my hand and said "SILENCE" Before walking out of the café.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Frettzo
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

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Toxic Diamond said
So, my friend is a marine biologist and he was talking about whales, I wasn't paying attention because I was reading the RPGuild and all I heard was whale. I just yell "IT'S NOT AS COOL AS THE MANWHALE THOUGH!"Before realizing that they had no idea what I meant. They just stared at me before my friend Ryan tried to ask what I meant I just raised my hand and said "SILENCE" Before walking out of the café.

Soon the great and mighty Manwhale shall RISE! AND HE SHALL BRING IN HIS WAKE: GREG!

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Toxic Diamond
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The Irish Tree said
Soon the great and mighty Manwhale shall RISE! AND HE SHALL BRING IN HIS WAKE: GREG!HAIL TO GREG, CRAB OF CUDDLES!

All hail the Manwhale!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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If the Manwhale enters this world, it will be devoured.

It's been a while since I've had good roasted manwhale...
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