Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Zaegar faced the angry man with an unfazed and cool expression and silently listened to his rant and let himself be picked up by the collar. If this man thought his blazing dark eyes and shadows could scare him he was severely mistaken, this wasn't Zaegar's first experience with arrogant nobles and it wouldn't be the last. The dagger he had in his left hand suddenly gently pricked through the noble's shirt and against his skin, "Whatever game you want blue-blood, but make sure you know what you're playing for." he said with a cold, polite voice, his eyes emotionlessly staring back into Korrigans, "After all you nobles, you always get what you want don't you?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 9 days ago

Korrigan looked at the the man, then down at the blade against his chest. He could feel the cold prick of steel against his chest, and he couldn't lie, the fact that with on move this man could kill him. It thrilled him to no end, but he couldn't help but groan, as he took hold of his left hand and brought it up so the dagger was at Korrey's neck, the tip actually puncturing the skin a bit letting out a tiny stream of blood. He stared into the other man's eyes, a slightly psychotic grin on his face and a complete lack of fear in his red eyes. "Please. if you tell me I'm playing for my life, I'll tell you that you should come up with something more original and ask for something more important. Life only has worth to those with future, as since I have no future, my life has no worth. So, instead let's play for something a little more worthwhile. A no-holds barred duel between you and me, the only rule is that we don't kill each other. You win, I'll do anything in my power, which is a lot by the way, that you desire, I win and you travel with me for a few days and tell me about your life. You seem like an interesting guy, if a bit rude, but that's just the pot calling the kettle black." Korrigan removed the dagger from his neck and walked a few paces away, before turning back around to face his opponent, drawing Ragnarok and Apocalypse with a flourish before he took a stance. "So, are you in or out?" As he spoke Korrigan gave Shade a mental command to open up a shadow portal in Korrigan's shadow, which only slightly darkened as a result. When he had said no-holds barred, he meant it, but that also meant that his opponent could use your morph abilities if he so wished.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pirouette
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Pirouette Ghoul

Member Seen 2 days ago

While Milly waited for Sophia to respond and get to her feet, Korrigan, or Korrey, really opened up that trap of his and began spewing words upon words. She watched him with her mouth hanging open, as if she was a brainless zombie. He had managed to fit a lot of things in his hasty introduction. Mention of a bandit problem was a bit back-handed as sometimes groups of brigands would prey on the circus folk, who were easy prey in the night. It would take a bit, but the city's town watch could usually mobilize and take care of the problem. Those brigands were never *that* big of an issue to reach the Cheviot Family, but at least some people were spared? Milly just kind of shrugged when he mentioned it. There was no way she had met this guy previously, though. She definitely would have remembered someone as "red" as this guy."Uh... Milly is fine. I don't believe we have met." She said plainly before turning back to Sophia who was finally getting up. Sophia's sickly, bony arm snuck through and gripped Milly's arm. Milly though this girl could be blown away by this chilling morning wind, if not for Milly's help. "You and me both, Sophia..." She said with some tenderness in her tone and was about to say something else until that guy who through a rock from earlier began complaining. He was an idiot and Milly was prepared to have her guards just remove him until Korrey had to go and respond. - Mel stood close to Milly. Her chin was tilted upwards as if she was bragging about her partner's authority. When Neva apologized she gave him a slight grin and a nod. "It is quite alright, darling! I could barely keep my cool with such scoundrel disgracing my presence and I simply don't blame you. But I fear we haven't seen the last of that wretched beast." She, too, also turned to look at the Morph, noticing he was coming this way. Her posture and expression was easily that of displaying herself, with that of a sort of arrogance, as superior to the Morph, almost like looking down on it. - Milly sharply exhaled out of annoyance. "Great..." She said under her breath that even Sophia would have a hard time hearing. She turned around, but didn't break away from being Sophia's support. The two spat at each other and the situation quickly became a "I win, I lose" bargain for a fight. "Hey idiots! Nobody wants to see you two spill each other's blood here and I'm not missing breakfast just to watch you two slap each other about, trying to impress one another!" She rubbed her eyes and again muttered under her breath, "Boys..." She had half a mind to have Mel just Disable both of them but decided they can kill each other if they want. Just not here. "If you two are so interested in wasting your lives, go fight in one of the circuses at the edge of town. They might actually pay you for a good show." She turned to Sophia, who she still had a grip on her arm. "If you're fine with this we can go eat. I personally don't care if they kill each other, but it sounds like just some stupid "first blood" duel. Or... I could just stop them if you want. Your call, Sophia." It was probably a fair thing to do by leaving it in Sophia's hands. Even though Milly was pretty much the rule of law in this city, Sophia could have the word of law in the land so her rank trumped Milly's. Milly also believed that if anyone did not want to see these two fight, Sophia would be the girl to interject.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Aphelion
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Aphelion The / LION

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Sophia Skyheart & Neva (interaction with Milly, Korrigan, and Zaegar)
Sophia's smile turned into a frown as she watched the two men fluff themselves up like birds, ready to impress their opponent no matter what the cost. When Milly asked her decision, she was taken aback on the matter. Not used to this kind of power, not over people she considered potential friends rather than servants, she took a moment to think it through. 'Korrey is too important for this duel to possibly cost him more than just a first blood... The entire dynamic of the upcoming future of our military could change drastically with somebody else in charge of House Umbraisis. But when have I seen him lose? Then again...' Sophia's blue eyes gave Zaegar a thorough examining, top to bottom, and then bottom to top. He seemed... older than herself, but some how he gave her an odd chill, as if he had something to hide. Perhaps that was just her imaginings? Probably so. 'All I want to do is sit by a cozy fire...' She gave a sigh. Maybe Korrey's proclamation of giving this vagrant whatever he desired, within Korrey's power, would be enough to make Zaegar uphold his honor? It was always good to back situations like that up with some power, some raw, undeniable power. Her eyes shifted to the legendary pokemon in their company. 'Meloetta... Probably not in her taste to go in with brawn and bruise some trouble makers... No doubt she could, but I wouldn't want to force her hand into something ungainly...' Her eyes shifted from the elegant and prim Mel, to her own pokemon, Neva, primal and imperious in his own nature. 'Neva's in trouble already! He may just rip that poor Zaegar apart this time if something funny were to happen... I can't control him yet.' She seemed to deflate visibly as her eyes skipped over Neva and on to Shade. 'Reliable, solid, a little fussy... but I think that he may just do the trick... Powerful enough to stop anything from happening to Korrey, but refined enough to leave Zaegar alive... I hope.' She gave Milly a look that said “men will be men”. “I will not allow Korrey to duel you Zaegar, not in these lands, not without a referee. He may not look it, but he is an integral part of House Umbraisis.” She shot Korrey an apologetic look before continuing, “If he were to be harmed or perish in my lands, I believe my family would be held largely responsible, and to an extent, Milly's, as Nouvelle is in her family's care. Korrey, please remember your position while you are here, you are Milly's guest, and by extension, mine. I will referee for you, with Shade as my enforcer – is that okay with you Shade? – I can preside over the match after I'm in more... suitable condition.” She took a glance down at her ruined pant leg, and her stained jacket elbow as if to indicate the issues at hand. “I just need but a few moments in a clothing store. I'm sorry for the delay, Milly, but Korrey will do what he pleases... I just hope you'll take my compromise, Korrey.” She gave him a look, as if to say “pretty please”. “Neva can make the arena outside of town, where you wont destroy people's livelihoods in the clash.” Despite her logical reasoning and somewhat strong voice, she shook like a leaf. Her nerves were shot, she hadn't really ever faced the dangers of other nobles in her lands and what the implications could be. The amount of potential danger of Korrigan Umbraisis being allowed to wander alone through Skyheart territory could be lethal for her family's political agenda, especially when she knew that he had a voracious appetite for battles and duels. She would have to enact her power on the first day of being out in the real world, despite her parent's warning for secrecy. She ran a hand over her silky silvery blonde hair subconsciously trying to ease her nerves as she glanced around the square. “Um... Milly, do you know where I could find a seamstress' shop, or a tailor? I'm afraid we didn't pack spare clothing for me, it would have weighed Neva down too much.” She gave Milly a sheepish grin and a shrug.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Zaegar watched Korrey warily, "Sounds fine to me princess, should be a tailor next to the shop I stol-, got my pie from." he said barely catching himself, "Now hows about we go outside and start this duel you're oh so eager for eh lifeless?" he said, it might be a stupid plan and he wasn't sure what he wanted from the noble even if he won, but it would be fun to hold over his head and could be a real lifesaver sometime.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raijinslayer
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Raijinslayer .

Member Seen 9 days ago

Korrey sheathed his blades somewhat reluctantly,really wanting to fight but he respected Sophia's authority and valued her friendship. He didn't think this fight was worth possibly damaging that, especially as he had few friends as it is. "Sorry, but we'll have to wait until Sophia's had her wardrobe change, so that she can referee the match. I'm sure you can wait a few minutes for that, right, uh, what's your name anyway?" While Korrey was trying to figure out the name of the Morph, Shade turned to Sophia, giving her a low bow in appreciation. Thank you so much Sophia, You've at least post-poned the fight so that they can talk their differences out and Korrigan has less of a chance of being killed. Though I do suggest you hurrey, as I'm not sure how long Korrigan is willing to wait
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Zaeger relaxed, "The names Zaeger, i suppose it'd be polite to ask yours, so what is it lifeless?" he asked wondering how the fight would turn out, his foe appeared to be skilled in the use of twin swords and most likly his pokemon would help him as well, if that happened Zaeger would need to use his morph powers to have any hope of securing a win.
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