Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Hmmm...well, this has peaked my interest. I shall work on a CS~

I do have a question though, what is your limitations on a Yokai? I admittedly don't know much about Japanese mythology on such things, and seeing as no one has made a Yokai character yet, I'd like to do something different.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

My limitation on yokai is that they need to look human, be able to hide any inhuman traits(moonbunnies use illusion magic to hide their ears and fluffy tails, for example), or be able to take human form.

I might consider accepting a yokai who looks wholly inhuman, but they need a pretty good excuse for why they can be part of a detective agency in the modern day, even a supernatural one.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Hrm...well, I'll come up with something, I always do. I'll have something soon enough.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ontos
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Ontos なんですか。

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

On a side note, edited my character to add a height.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ontos
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Ontos なんですか。

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Oh right. I read something about 'inability to keep anything down' for familiars. Can they eat, and do they need to?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

They don't have to eat, but many familiars enjoy eating.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ontos
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Ontos なんですか。

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Ah. I'm imagining a familiar wolfing down takoyaki like no tomorrow while a girl next to said familiar complains that said familiar never gets fat.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Pffffft. That could quite possibly happen, eh-heh.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze Figure of Hourai

Member Seen 10 hrs ago

Name: Ando Hanako

Age: 7

Appearance: Toshiko's cheery, slightly-younger-than-she-looks niece!

Personality: Perhaps in response to her aunt's complete lack of organisational capability, Hanako is remarkably fastidious when it comes to tidying things up--which has lead to her making vain attempts to sort Toshiko's office out before giving up because she can't read half of the papers that are lying around. She's a cheery and energetic girl, and likes to accompany her aunt when it comes to simply looking around places. She's definitely attached to her rather large collection of plushies... the ability to animate them certainly comes in handy.

Abilities: Hanako has the powerful affinity of Life, and a surprising amount of mana to back it up for one so young. What she doesn't have is the skill to utilise this to anything like its full extent. As such, her abilities are limited to being a first aid kit for the detective agency, and animating anything with the right body shape. Such animated constructs are surprisingly difficult to damage or destroy--and can be healed much like people--due to the concept of 'resilience' being tied rather deeply to living.

Weapons/Equipment: Nada.

Brief Backstory: Toshiko's older sister passed away when Hanako was just over a year old and, much to the second sister's confusion, the child was placed in her care. Thus, for most of Hanako's life, she's actually been living with the detective--and by this point has the neatest and brightest room in the place.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Ontos
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Ontos なんですか。

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Aww, that's cute.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Decided to go with a Homonculus, since I honestly couldn't find many Yokai that I thought would be interesting to play as.

Would it be possible for me to play as an Homonculus with an affinity for ice magic? Already have most of the character thought out, just need to finalize her abilities.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

It's possible to create homunculi with affinities, yes.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Name: Etsuko Kurosawa
Age: Stopped aging around her mid twenties. She stopped counting her real age years ago, but she's at least easily a hundred, probably more.
She has pale skin with an unnatural hair color, a dark purple color, and red eyes. She stands at about average height for a woman in her twenties,

Personality: Etsuko, or Suko, Et, E, Kuro, (honestly, she doesn't really care what you call her. If you call her some stupid name though, she's going to return the favor) Is a bit on the loud, obnoxious side. Sarcastic, lazy, somewhat violent, and is a Huge flirt and tease. She'll hit on just about anyone, though its usually just harmless talk and doesn't mean anything. She doesn't like working, and often complains about everything relating to her work and would rather spend her time sleeping, drinking (she has a bit of an alcohol problem). She will do almost anything to get out of work if she can. However, she has never backed down where it counts, and though she can be a bit rough, and doesn't know the meaning of the word 'sensitivity'. She has a natural dislike for humans, having a somewhat arrogant belief that she is somehow better than them. However, if there is one thing she fears more than anything it would be Failure, and disappointing those who expect things out of her.

Affinity: Cold
Created by a magi some time ago with the intent of creating a successor to his bloodline. She is...familiar with magic of the cold sort. Anywhere there is water, or other form of liquid, if she can touch it, she can usually freeze it. She could, in theory do much more with this ability. However, for some reason she has never fully been able to fully grasp the specifics of this affinity of hers, and as such it is practically useless in practical applications - though she never gets cold and can chill even a hot drink quickly, which is nice. Rainy days do wonders for her combat abilities though.

To make up for her lack of, arcane talents, she later learned martial arts. She is quite observant when she wants to be, and has exceptional hearing, reflexes, and perception. Though not too physically strong, she can easily out wit or out maneuver an opponent. Skilled at parkour.

Weapons/Equipment: A sharp dagger, a pouch full of smoke bombs, and few throwing knives.

Brief Back story: Etsuko was created by a Magi years ago who had previously lost his son to some disease. With no one else to inheret his bloodline, he sought to create his own heir. A homunculus. Things went well during the creation process. He had everything he needed. A soul, who, even if unwilling was going to be used in this process. The creation went well enough, and soon after Etsuko had been created. A homunculus who should have been a skilled mage with an affity for ice.

So, the Magi went about trying to teach her various spells. It was clear though, that something in the creation process had gone wrong. While she did have some affity for magic, she could hardly cast the most basic spells without failing in some manner. As such, she always ended up disappointing him in some way or another, until eventually he gave up. He sent her away, ranting something about her being a failure, flawed, and a disappointment.

For a time, she traveled, though she never stayed in one place for to long, lest someone find out what she was. It was in these travels she met one of the only humans she would ever call friend, and the one who taught her martial arts. And where she picked up her alcohol problem. Travelling with him, she would say even today was the best years she had lived, though she doesn't like to talk about it since it brings up some, rather, unpleasant memories of when they had to part ways.

today, she really doesn't do anything and generally just lays low, not wanting anything to do with the world. Unless alcohol is involved. Money is easy enough to get if your moral compass is less than stellar as well.

Welp, I think thats everything. Anything needs to be changed, just ask~

Just a question though, do Homunculi need food/water?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Homunculi need food and water, they're much more human then even the most human of familiars.

Anyway, um, I'll look over the bio better soon.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Alrighty, just wanted to know for informational purposes and RP stuff.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Blondie
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Name: Hirako "koh" Nara

Age: 219

Appearance: a small black house cat.

Personality: As a cat, Hirako is a lounging, quiet, moody creature. As the bakaneko Yokai that he truly is, he is a calculating, strategic, serious individual. Before his injury that has since locked away most of his magical latency and trapped him in this form, Hirako was a serious and often cold individual. Though he was always good natured and friendly, his growth as a yokai had lead him into the capable person he is today. The only issue his injury provides is that he is often susceptible to the whims of his cat form, and can't resist sleeping in sun beams. Like cats, he is very temperamental, not tolerating tomfoolery and once he likes you, likes you for life.

Abilities: Koh is able to use his yokai abilities to invoke a light trance-like quality in people. Using his yokai Kitsune eyes, Koh can cause anyone enrapt in his gaze to slow breathe, and focus solely on his suggestion. Though it is important to note he is not able to cause suggestion with this ability, or force anyone to do anything. This tool is utilized by the agency as an investigation tactic - used on a victim or a witness, this ability can cause them to view the events crystal clear to clear up the Haziness of their memory. Any other abilities Koh's yokai heritage had granted him have long since been lost, save for his cat form allows him to be the perfect spy. For communication, Koh can transmit his voice in others heads, though not from a distance.

Weapons/Equipment: cat claws.

Brief Backstory: originally a talented yokai hired to protect a magic shrine, one fateful night Hirako's clan was attacked by thieves and rogues. Though his family was massacred and the temple raided, Hirako escaped alive but far from unscathed. Cursed by a hooded magi, Hirako was stripped of his magical latency and pushed to the brink of death. With no alternative, Koh's magical blood reverted himself to the form of a cat, stripping away his identity. Though he escaped, he spent years with no real ability to function, a starved stray in the alleyways. Decades passed, and slowly Koh's rationality returned. It's not that he was an amnesiac, but that as a cat, he lacked the cognitive ability to recognize himself as yokai. He realized he had lost nearly all of his power. One night, after a particularly vicious lashing from some neighborhood children, Hirako had been rescued by Ando. Presumably recognizing his magical resonance, she adopted him as a house-pet. As his magical strength grew, he was able to become an asset to the agency, finding purpose in his life yet again. Though he's never shared the entirety of his passed with Ando, he holds her in the highest regard (and she respects that his past is his alone.)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ERode
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ERode Odd One Out

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

What an interesting mix of young and old peeps...

Hm, I guess I'll join this. Gotta think of a character first....for confirmation, Homunculus can use spells, but can youkai also use spells/have affinities?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Rune_Alchemist said
Name: Etsuko Kurosawa
Age: Stopped aging around her mid twenties. She stopped counting her real age years ago, but she's at least easily a hundred, probably more.
Appearance: She has pale skin with an unnatural hair color, a dark purple color, and red eyes. She stands at about average height for a woman in her twenties,
Personality: Etsuko, or Suko, Et, E, Kuro, (honestly, she doesn't really care what you call her. If you call her some stupid name though, she's going to return the favor) Is a bit on the loud, obnoxious side. Sarcastic, lazy, somewhat violent, and is a flirt and tease. She'll hit on just about anyone, though its usually just harmless talk and doesn't mean anything. She doesn't like working, and often complains about everything relating to her work and would rather spend her time sleeping, drinking (she has a bit of an alcohol problem). She will do almost anything to get out of work if she can. However, she has never backed down where it counts, and though she can be a bit rough, and doesn't know the meaning of the word 'sensitivity'. She has a natural dislike for humans, having a somewhat arrogant belief that she is somehow better than them. However, if there is one thing she fears more than anything it would be Failure, and disappointing those who expect things out of her.
Abilities: Affinity: Cold Created by a magi some time ago with the intent of creating a successor to his bloodline. She is...familiar with magic of the cold sort. Anywhere there is water, or other form of liquid, if she can touch it, she can usually freeze it. She could, in theory do much more with this ability. However, for some reason she has never fully been able to fully grasp the specifics of this affinity of hers, and as such it is practically useless in practical applications - though she never gets cold and can chill even a hot drink quickly, which is nice. Rainy days do wonders for her combat abilities though.To make up for her lack of, arcane talents, she later learned martial arts. She is quite observant when she wants to be, and has exceptional hearing, reflexes, and perception. Though not too physically strong, she can easily out wit or out maneuver an opponent. Skilled at parkour.
Weapons/Equipment: A sharp dagger, a pouch full of smoke bombs, and few throwing knives.Brief Back story: Etsuko was created by a Magi years ago who had previously lost his son to some disease. With no one else to inheret his bloodline, he sought to create his own heir. A homunculus. Things went well during the creation process. He had everything he needed. A soul, who, even if unwilling was going to be used in this process. The creation went well enough, and soon after Etsuko had been created. A homunculus who should have been a skilled mage with an affity for ice.So, the Magi went about trying to teach her various spells. It was clear though, that something in the creation process had gone wrong. While she did have some affity for magic, she could hardly cast the most basic spells without failing in some manner. As such, she always ended up disappointing him in some way or another, until eventually he gave up. He sent her away, ranting something about her being a failure, flawed, and a disappointment.For a time, she traveled, though she never stayed in one place for to long, lest someone find out what she was. It was in these travels she met one of the only humans she would ever call friend, and the one who taught her martial arts. And where she picked up her alcohol problem. Travelling with him, she would say even today was the best years she had lived, though she doesn't like to talk about it since it brings up some, rather, unpleasant memories of when they had to part ways.today, she really doesn't do anything and generally just lays low, not wanting anything to do with the world. Unless alcohol is involved. Money is easy enough to get if your moral compass is less than stellar as well.

Welp, I think thats everything.

Anything needs to be changed, just ask~

Just a question though, do Homunculi need food/water?

Hmm... freezing water still needs a spell, just a really short one since it's basic. Otherwise, I think she's okay.

Blondie said
Name: Hirako "koh" Nara
Age: 219
Appearance: a small black house cat.
Personality: As a cat, Hirako is a lounging, quiet, moody creature. As the Kitsune Yokai that he truly is, he is a calculating, strategic, serious individual. Before his injury that has since locked away most of his magical latency and trapped him in this form, Hirako was a serious and often cold individual. Though he was always good natured and friendly, his growth as a yokai had lead him into the capable person he is today. The only issue his injury provides is that he is often susceptible to the whims of his cat form, and can't resist sleeping in sun beams. Like cats, he is very temperamental, not tolerating tomfoolery and once he likes you, likes you for life.
Abilities: Koh is able to use his yokai abilities to invoke a light trance-like quality in people. Using his yokai Kitsune eyes, Koh can cause anyone enrapt in his gaze to slow breathe, and focus solely on his suggestion. Though it is important to note he is not able to cause suggestion with this ability, or force anyone to do anything. This tool is utilized by the agency as an investigation tactic - used on a victim or a witness, this ability can cause them to view the events crystal clear to clear up the Haziness of their memory. Any other abilities Koh's yokai heritage had granted him have long since been lost, save for his cat form allows him to be the perfect spy. For communication, Koh can transmit his voice in others heads, though not from a distance.
Weapons/Equipment: cat claws.
Brief Backstory: originally a talented yokai hired to protect a magic shrine, one fateful night Hirako's clan was attacked by thieves and rogues. Though his family was massacred and the temple raided, Hirako escaped alive but far from unscathed. Cursed by a hooded magi, Hirako was stripped of his magical latency and pushed to the brink of death. With no alternative, Koh's magical blood reverted himself to the form of a cat, stripping away his identity. Though he escaped, he spent years with no real ability to function, a starved stray in the alleyways. Decades passed, and slowly Koh's rationality returned. It's not that he was an amnesiac, but that as a cat, he lacked the cognitive ability to recognize himself as yokai. He realized he had lost nearly all of his power. One night, after a particularly vicious lashing from some neighborhood children, Hirako had been rescued by Ando. Presumably recognizing his magical resonance, she adopted him as a house-pet. As his magical strength grew, he was able to become an asset to the agency, finding purpose in his life yet again. Though he's never shared the entirety of his passed with Ando, he holds her in the highest regard (and she respects that his past is his alone.)

While he once again looks mostly fine, I have to say I'm not sure why he's a kitsune now, eh-heh. Wouldn't that make more sense for a fox?

ERode said
What an interesting mix of young and old peeps...

Hm, I guess I'll join this. Gotta think of a character first....for confirmation, Homunculus can use spells, but can youkai also use spells/have affinities?

Youkai can also use spells and have affinities. Given that their nature as creatures from Japanese mythology, they're pretty much always going to be onmyouji if they use magic.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ERode
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ERode Odd One Out

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Hm, I wonder, why are there youkai (monsters from eastern myth) but the only choice for western monsters are vampires?
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