Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Sotaro sat patiently as the two continued sparring. He did feel like he should move out of the way in case the kido man decided to miss and hit someone that wasn't his target. Yet the captain would then stop it ebfore it got too hetic, which would cause Sotaro to sit up and walk over to the captain as she finished by praising them. "If I may ask now captain. My question earlier is, if you had any experience with your zanpakuto ever not allowing you into their world. Mine has been closing it off to me recently, and I'm unsure to as why it does so."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Yakima stared at Taito in silence for a moment, writing down his name on the blank form for new recruits. "....oookay, Taito Akinawa He wrote down his name and his description, the only sound being the writing of his pen. He set it down and looked at Taito, eye to eye. He wanted to see this man's determination, and the easiest was by staring directly into their eyes. He looked back down, picking up the pen and writing some more down. "So why did you decide to join Squad 10, what are your goals and do you have a shikai? These were standard questions except for the last one. He wanted to see if anyone else had shikai besides Aya, but so far no luck.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Akira wandered the Squad 13 barracks nibbling on some candy he stole from someone earlier...yet the worrying thing is that this was his last bit of candy and so he had to savour it and make it last. Akira had just been strolling around however...not really having anything to do...it was pretty boring around here...he did wonder where and what the Captain was doing since she usually had candy for him...but still. Akira found himself outside which is when he stopped and looked up at the sky as he finished his last piece of candy, as he did...he gained somewhat of a saddened expression...it was hard to find candy that good around here
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


As Sai returned the Zanpakuto's to their rightful owners, she was interrupted by Sotaro asking the question that he was going to ask earlier. Turning to face Sotaro with a smile as always, Sai's face gained a thinking expression as she tapped her chin in thought over Sotaro's question. "Hmmm, well I believe I have a couple of times, but that was mainly due to my Zanpakuto trying to force me to do activities that I weren't fit for and thus locking me out because I didn't do what it wanted. I have encountered other Shinigami though within my Squad who've had such an issue, however the reason for it varies from person to person, you just need to find out what your Zanpakuto spirit's issue is, perhaps you should preform Jinzen to try and find out. Don't worry too much about Sotaro, when the time is right everything will simply fall into place" Sai gave Sotaro a warm smile before looking around, thinking that perhaps it was time to give this Shinigami something to else do in order to get him used to being within this Squad and fulfilling it's duties.

"Ahh!" She spotted none-other-than Akira, his pasty face and strikingly white hair quite hard to miss against the bland barrack walls. "Akira! You've hardly done anything today!" She stated as she walked closer to the male Shinigami, urging for Sotaro to follow. Once she had gotten closer to Akira, Sai stuffed her right hand into one of the pockets of her Haori, pulling out two pieces of wrapped candy before holding them out for Akira to take. Giving eye-contact, Sai continued to smile as she held out the offering. "Right so I need you to take Sotaro here to the Human World and show him what he'll be doing when posted there. Here's some candy for your troubles" She grinned at the pale Shinigami, knowing he'd do whatever she'd say whenever candy was involved.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Sotaro frowned slightly at it varying, which would mean something he is doing was upsetting to his own zanpakuto. Yet that's just it, no matter how many times he tried jinzen, he would never talk to him or allow him in. "I see, thank you for your input." Sotaro said as he tried not to fret over it as she motioned for him to follow her. As he did she walked up to this one male and held out candy to him, she then asked him to do something while dangling the candy in front of the guy almost bribe like. Was it a bribe? Sotaro blinked confusingly as he looked at Akira. If he was in this squad, wouldn't he have to accept whatever the captain asked? Well if the man accepted the bribe, he would show Sotaro what to do, which never hurt to know.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 21 hrs ago

The spar was over in that instant in that moment Masami had witnessed the captain's power. Effortlessly the kido was halted and canceled out with just the palm of her hand and thus received a scolding that reminded her of the times when her own father would scold her due to her recklessness. Like father like daughter, in an animal taking care of another species sort of way. It seemed like this woman had a permanent smile emoji imprinted on her face until it was pulled away for an expression to match a stern talking to. Not that she couldn't blame the captain scolding them; Zento and her had been out for each others necks like a shinigami on a hollow. She exchanged the bokken for her zanpukto and bowed to her new captain. "I shall do my best captain." The girl yawned loudly. "I need a nap." Masami walked over to a tree and sat down with her back against it and closed her eyes with her zanpukto on her lap.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago



As Akira looked up at the sky and finished his last piece of candy he pulled his mask back down over his face as he then heard his name called. This caused him to look at who had called his name only to notice it was the Captain...ah...the Captain. She was the whole reason he joined this Squad...he only became a Shinigami because of his powers so a choice of Squads was truly something he never put much thought into...in truth he joined because the Captains form was pleasing to the eye and it was interesting to Akira...not to say he was a pervert as that was far from it. He had no feelings like that towards anyone nor an desires...he simply just enjoyed looking at some people, some more than others...and then there was the other reason...she always gave him candy which was always good.

Akira looked at the Captain as she spoke, however his eyes then followed her hand as it reached into her Haori and pulled out some candy which made him smile a little behind his mask...he quickly snatched the candy and unwrapped them before lifting his mask a little with his left hand and popping them into his mouth before pulling the mask back down. He then spoke with a muffled voice due to eating candy "As you wish Captain...I could always do with some more human world candy" Akira said as he then spun around "Well come on then Sotaro...let's go get some candy...and do some work..." Akira didn't really want to waste time...in truth he was expecting a lazy day but still. Akira began to walk off into the barracks and navigate his way around to find an exit out to the Streets of the Seireitei...now it was a case of finding the Senkimon...which was easy...being effectively mostly a machine his memory was incredible.

Akira walked through the streets of the Seireitei, making his way to the Senkimon...expecting Sotaro to follow without question. He expected him to and so he spoke without looking back at Sotaro "I noticed you have an interesting body...I wouldn't mind studying it at some point. Perhaps you will be more open to the idea than the Captain...she still wont let me study her but one day I will." Akira knew that Sotaro would likely take this in some creepy way but it was simply a fascination...it also helped him for other things...however when it came to the Captain it was a bit more than a fascination...it wasn't odd for his request to be turned down but never before had he had such a difficult time trying to actually study a body properly...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Well the bribe seemed to work wonderfully, Akira sucked it up in no time. It was impressive enough that Sotaro clapped at the speed of which he did it. Yet smiled nervously when Akira spoke, he may have mentioned work but he was certain they would be there for mostly candy. And so the next few minutes was Sotaro following Akira around like a lost puppy and while assuming they were lost would turn out false as Akira led them perfectly to the destination. Man either this guy was a genius or had a computer with maps built in his brain. It wasn't until they arrived that he was asked an odd question about studying his body.

Well most would find it odd, with Sotaro he grinned as he had the wrong idea. "Ah, I most certainly can. I'm always willing to help out others when it comes to something simple like this. The first part to getting a body like this, is rigorous exercise. I start my days by swinging my zanpakuto around in it's shikai form one thousand times. As for the captain, you would have to let me in on that. I want to know as well." Sotaro spoke, when these two had two different mindsets. Sotaro's wanting to know how she became so strong with such a fragile looking body.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kitsune
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Koyo watched the other sparring pair, their fight getting more heated by the moment but just as it would have reached its climax the pair were forced to end their fight as the captain commanded, her voice turning stern and serious. Though Koyo let her guard down around the happy go lucky women she should have guessed there was a reason Captain Yoshi held her rank, even if it was a little surprising. It was at this point that a rather pale Shinigami came into the area they had been sparring, taking the captains attention and Sotaro with it, though she did follow as well since she did not feel like lazing around like the other two calming down from their duel.

"Heheh. Such a loyal pup" Koyo commented on how the captain basically gave the pale shinigami called Akira a treat for his good deed, like a loyal doggy. However with her swaying back and forth and pony tail wagging Koyo also kind of fit the bill of the excited pup, and she had every reason to be given that now she had a squad to call her own! "Excuse me, Captain Yoshi? I was wondering, is there anything you needed me to do?" She gave Sotaro a task so she wondered if the captain had a task ready for them all.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago



Akira stood there looking at the Senkimon as Sotaro spoke, agreeing to Akira's odd request "That's good...But I could attain the very same body within minutes...all I need is time to study it. You could say that's one of my greater qualities..." As they walked closer to the Senkimon it opened, two hell butterflies appearing seemingly out of nowhere to escort them through the Senkimon to the human world. After a short walk they would arrive in the human world, standing in the sky above a busy city...instantly Akira began sniffing and then smiled "Found the target!" Akira then rushed down into action, heading into the city as he began running "Oh I got you..." Akira then ran around the corner and ran past a kid who did have a big bag of candy...Akira instead now had the candy and instantly leaped up onto a roof and sat down as he began to rummage around the bag to see what there was "I hit the jackpot!" Akira lifted his mask slightly and began ramming the candy into his mouth, filling his cheeks which caused them to puff out
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Sotaro chuckled at Akira's little brag of attaining his body within minutes. It was nice to dream but attaining a body like this took months of effort. You can't just see it and mold your body into it. "Thats the spirit!" Sotaro said encouraging him in getting this body within minutes. They would then be escorted through the Senkimon by hell butterflies. As they entered the human world, Akira said something about target and took off, this shocked Sotaro as he took off afterwards, yet when they got there what he saw shocked Sotaro. Akira robbed a child of candy, the child would cry from the loss while Sotaro would be stuffing his face. Sotaro shunpoed beside him while frowning. "Hey now, do you normally rob little children of their possessions? You can't just steal from children you know, you are suppose to protect these people. Not make them cry." Sotaro said, obviously not thrilled with what he had just seen within not even a minute here.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago



Akira still stuffing his face listened as Sotaro spoke, this made Akira roll his eyes before speaking with a full mouth "No...just that kid had the biggest bag of candy...it was going to happen and I am protecting these people...that's why we are here. Doesn't mean I can't get a bit of candy while I'm at it" as Akira continued to stuff candy into his mouth he ended up dropping one that rolled away from him, as he reached out to get it he saw a giant foot crush the candy causing his eyes to widen then narrow. Akira stood up and looked up at the quite large hollow that stood before him yet it's focus was set on Sotaro due to Akira giving off hardly any spiritual energy. Yet it's vision was stolen when Akira released his clear spiritual energy. Akira then raised his right arm a little as it began to transform into quite literally a hand cannon, Akira then rammed the cannon into the Hollows gut as he spoke "Hado #33 Sokatsui..." Due to this form the hado fired off at twice the strength blowing a hole so large in the hollow that it fell into two parts before disintegrating. Akira's right hand then went back to normal as he crouched down to look at the crushed candy and wiped his eyes with his left forearm "Poor candy...you didn't deserve this..." Akira said as he tore a bit of his sleeve off and laid it over the piece of crushed candy..."Rest in peace candy..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


"Thats no excuse for robbing a child of candy! If you want candy, then get some from the soul society! Don't take a child's who cant even see you!" Sotaro said, not thrilled with Akiras excuse. "Robbing is wrong no way about it." Yet as soon as he said that Akira dropped a piece of candy which was shattered by a hollow who seemed to have set its sights on him. Sotaro took this response by drawing his blade, until Akira raised his spiritual energy and then put a hand cannon into its gut...... then blew it in two. Sotaro stared at Akiras over reaction to the crushed candy and just stared at him with a dumb founded expression. "Was your hand a cannon just now? And funny how you are sad about this, I bet that child was sad when his entire bag suddenly went missing."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago



Akira stood up and placed the rest of his candy...into his body. Then spoke "Everyone knows Soul Society candy is terrible...I can't walk into a shop and just buy candy here either and that kid will get over it. Children are like that...they are upset for about 5 minutes before something new and exciting comes along and grabs their attention. To a child the world is a playground...so who better to take candy from?" Akira said as he looked at his right hand "I don't know...maybe it was. Oh well...let's go look for hollows" Akira didn't seem bothered by Sotaro's good guy thing, after all it was some candy...it's not like he stole something of incredible value...besides they were here for more important things than candy. Akira just wanted to get some out the way so he could focus on the mission...and so with that in mind Akira shunpoed from building to building in search of more hollow.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Sotaro sighed as he face palmed, this guy could just come to the human world in a body people can see, and buy the candy that way. "Still for the time until then. His heart will be broken." Sotaro spoke but nodded at finding hollows and set off with Akira. So as they shunpoed around, it took a while before finding a hollow in which Sotaro drew his zanpakuto and charged forward at the bat like hollow. He raised his sword above his head, and shunpoed above it as it swung its wing hitting at nothing. Sotaro would then slice his sword down its skull from the back and would watch its dissipate.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago



Akira stopped as they ran into another hollow however Sotaro quickly took the hollow out. Akira rubbed the back of his head as he looked around "Well this is basically it...I mean you kind of sit around and protect people from hollows. It's rare anything worse happens here...at least nothing ever has in my small time coming here. Just be careful though...some of these hollows aren't as weak as the ones we just encountered. Some of them are strong enough to give a seated Shinigami a challenge..." Akira continued to look around...not really using his abilities to their fullest...in truth he was feeling a little lazy and so decided to just sit down...it's not like he didn't have energy. Cause he did...just wanted to sit down and wait it out a bit...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LokiLeo789
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Member Seen 17 days ago

Zento Ray


Zento watched in feigned awe as the Captain caught his Hado. Although the power was significantly lowered, it was still an impressive feet. Zento immediately dispelled his other Hado, and straitened himself up. After such a battle, he knew that he would be filthy. "I enjoyed the fight tiger." He said nodding to his opponent respectfully. She did a good job fighting Zento, despite the mistakes she made. How can I be talking, I over used Kido, and I'm know tired. he though to himself as he wiped the sweat of his brow.

A small grin formed on his face as the Captain complemented, and scolded them. Despite the scolding, Zento still took pride in such praise. They were officially "unseated" members, which was a bit of an oxymoron in Zento's opinion. "Thank you, I don't deserve such praise." He said, bowing a little in respect to his new Captain. Zento swapped out his bokken for his Zanpakuto, it's familiar weight comforting Zento. Unfortunately, Kazuma was a bit to familiar, in anger she shocked him once again, most likely to tell him that his battle was unsatisfactory. "Damn cat!" Zento yelled angrily.

Zento glanced at the tiger, who had now used her free time to sleep. He did not blame her, a fight like that took a lot out of people. He glanced back at the Captain and noticed another girl speaking with her. Zento walked over to there location and caught the last part of that sentence. "Need me to do.." That's what he heard. In all reality, Zento needed something to do to, "Likewise." hour said despondently, basically saying he had the same idea.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Sitting down with Akira, he gave him advice on what the hollows might be like which he nodded too. Its was helpful to know that some may be too much for him. "So in that case, would I call for reinforcements and hold it off? Or would I try my best to defeat it?" Sotaro asked the man, as his superior these were probably normally asked questions, but he still needed to know. Granted with Akira, the answer may be different. He could very well hold them off, considering his arm was a cannon. And his rage seemed to come out under candy being crushed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


'Such a good little Shinigami he is' Sai thought as she idly watched Akira immediately take on her task, leading the tall Sotaro out of the area. Turning around, Sai was met with questions on what to do by two of the other new members of the Squad.

She tapped her chin in thought, feeling a slight sense of Deja-vu from having preformed this action multiple times today. "Hmm, well first I'd like for you both to rest up and recover the energy you lost during your spar, especially you Zento. After you both have done so, report to the Senkimon and you'll be escorted to your post within the Human World. I'll let my seated member Mayoto know that you two will be taking over his post together. Now, your duty as a member of Squad Thirteen is to protect the Human World from any Hollows within the vicinity of your post. If you see another member in need of help, you help them without hesitation but keep watch of your area. If anything critically bad happens, return here immediately and inform me, do not try to engaging in combat any enemy that appears too strong. If you manage to inform me without a scratch, you'll both personally join me and we'll use the situation as a part of your training. Is that understood?" Sai's smile truly never faltered, if anything Sai was rather excited to be sending the two out on their first assignment already. 'This generation sure is eager to get to work!' "You'll be watching the post for four hours, then a replacement will be sent out and will take over your post for the rest of the night. This is just for the start of your assignments, as you both grow more skilled and powerful, you'll be able to keep guard for longer, take on stronger enemies and take solo posts. Until then, Zento, Koyo-shi, work together and be careful" Sai waited patiently for any questions or for the two to accept the assignment.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by samreaper
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samreaper Laughing Imp

Member Seen 20 hrs ago


Taito tensed up, feeling uncomfortable from that staring gaze of his and stared back nervously. He had no idea what the man was looking for in a recruit or what kind of qualities that were needed to become a member of squad 10. The silent tension broken by the captain's questions and was thankful that he spoke, though wasn't sure how to answer at first.

His body fidgeted in the chair somewhat; afraid that all his work might very well end here if he failed to be accepted.'M-My goals?'Clasping his hands tightly on his lap with beads of sweat forming while his face grew pale. Exhaling slowly with that faint whistling and opened his mouth, but instead a blast of vomit blasted out in place of words which flew right into Yakima's face as Taito covered his mouth to stop the stream of puke that he had been holding in since popping his nose back into place.

*oh god..oh god oh god! why me!!!!!* Lowering his head in shame and utter embarrassment. Of all things and he had to go and lose it now of all times. He wanted nothing more than to bury himself into the ground and just live in a hole after this. Gulping down the last bit while wiping off his mouth and coughed.'I...I do have shikai.'Stammering out his words, though felt it pointless since there was no way he was gonna get in with what just happened and couldn't bring himself to look back up.
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