Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by JohnSolaris
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JohnSolaris Not Banned (Yet)

Member Seen 2 mos ago

The interest check thread is here.


In a corner of the universe, far away from most other forms of intelligent life, was a blue planet that its inhabitants called Earth. In the wake of battles between eldritch beings of unspeakable power long since gone, billions of years ago, the first lifeforms arose from the turbulent magical energies raging across planet's surface. From magic they were born, and so they could command such energies of the world, through naught but the raw instincts of their nascent minds. Over the eons the planet's environments stabilized, and its inhabitants grew ever more complex, until there emerged the first species possessing true sapience - humanity.

Humans' intelligence came at the cost of raw physical power, compared to the ferocious predators roaming the wilderness. To ensure the survival of their species, the strongest of human mages tore rifts into the Sea of Chaos, a universe parallel to their own and the source of all magical energies, and created a vast structure that would eventually come to be called the Dweomerheart. The structure became the cornerstone of human societies of yore, for it channeled the Sea of Chaos's energies and systematically distributed them among human settlements, saturating the environment, such that virtually every human was born with or developed powers of magic. With such powers, the humans became the planet's dominant species, constructing expansive cities and spreading to every nook and cranny of Earth. But also with such powers, the humans often waged war among one another, for individuality inevitably led to conflict.

All changed when there came a powerful sorcerer-king who sought to unify the world. Whether he was sick of humans' constant warfare and suffering, or simply driven by pride and greed, no one knew. But everyone knew that he was mad, mad enough to use a forbidden ritual to become one with the Dweomerheart itself. With the incalculable powers he gained from the nexus of magic, the sorcerer-king brutally crushed any who stood in his way, and enslaved the planet to rule it with an adamantine fist, bringing with him unprecedented peace but oppression for centuries. Unwilling to live under the sorcerer-king's reign of terror, groups eventually rose to challenge him, many of them united against their common enemy. After nigh-unimaginable amounts of bloodshed and death, the sorcerer-king was slain, in a battle that devastated the entire planet. In the battle died all magic users of notable power, and with the sorcerer-king died the Dweomerheart. Humanity survived the cataclysm, but magic was lost.

Humans slowly began to rebuild their societies from the smouldering ruins. Without magic, they came to rely on technology, creating tools that could be used by anyone of sufficient skill. Over the next centuries, magic was forgotten altogether as technology developed, until the world resembled modern Earth in our real life.

But humans did not remember their lesson from the sorcerer-king. They once again waged war with one another. Weapons capable of ending all life were unleashed, reducing the planet to a wasteland a second time. Technologies, however, were not lost this time. The most elite of humanity poured all of their remaining resources to construct massive spaceships and leave Earth, while the other survivors were left to die.

And that was the branching point of the sides of Tech and Magi. Through some miracle of improbable chance, the ancient power of magic stirred to life again just as all hope seemed to be lost for those who remained on Earth, allowing them to rebuild a second time. The humans that escaped the planet ruthlessly perfected their technologies, aided by alien substances they found during their interstellar travels, developing cybernetics, mutations, and psionics that could rival true magic. The two sides would have forever gone their separate ways, until two centuries after the initial split, out of nostalgia the Tech side decided to reclaim the planet that they abandoned so long ago and thought to be barren still.

Suffice to say, neither of the two sides expected, or were pleased by, the other side's existence. And neither were willing to relinquish the planet that they felt was rightfully theirs.

That is the current state of the world. Though not at outright war yet, the sides of Tech and Magi have reached an impasse with their negotiations, several months after their initial meeting. A multitude of factions exist within each side, all of them having conflicting motives and goals. Skirmishes between various groups are fought almost daily. The world is in a state of cold war, and the future is more uncertain than ever before.

You live in this uncertain world. But you have the potential to shape the future, for you are powerful, more powerful than many of those around you. But with this power, what future will you bring?

Game Overview

This game is intended to be a mostly freeform RP, where the plot is determined by the players’ collaborative effort. As the GM, I will play the game using my own characters, but I will not be directly responsible for the main storyline. Both the Tech and Magi sides have multiple smaller factions within them, as previously mentioned, and it will be up to the players to create these factions and construct a plot from their interactions and conflicts. For this reason, each player is allowed to create as many characters and factions as he wants, within reason, though each still must be approved by me. Since this is a serious, “advanced” RP, please don’t create more characters or factions than you can handle.

During the game, a player is allowed to introduce minor characters without writing up character sheets for them. But if a minor character starts to have a major role in the plot, I'll ask the corresponding player to write up a character sheet for said formerly minor character.

The special features of the Magi and Tech sides are listed below.

For all characters, Magi and Tech, a character’s raw power level is independent of the versatility of his abilities. Raw power is slowly increased through training and experience, while versatility depends on the character’s skill. There exists training that can increase both raw power and skill, but that doesn’t mean the two are directly correlated.

To prevent any ability from being overpowered, all abilities are subject to limitations described in section 2.2 of the document describing magic.

No character can start with both Magi and Tech abilities. Theoretically, there’s nothing preventing a character from having abilities from both sides, but the two sides simply haven’t been in contact with each other for long enough for anyone to have gained any meaningful abilities from the other side. During the game, a character may obtain abilities from the other side; it’s just that no character can start with abilities from both sides.

You may have noticed that I have not included any actual locations, structures, or cultures of any of the races or other groups in the setting. This is intentional. The players are expected to contribute to the setting and flesh it out with detail, through the creation of factions. I am not doing this out of laziness; I simply want this game to be a more collaborative experience, and not force the players to read up on too much backstory.


To avoid possible disputes, there are a few rules in this game that must be obeyed at all times. Breaking one of the rules for the first two times will only result in a warning, but breaking a rule a third time will result in you being banned from this game.

-2. All forum rules apply. Obviously.

-1. Do not respond to anyone who is attempting to derail this thread, or the main game thread. Report the person and move on.

0. I am always right. I am allowed to break any of the rules after this one because I am the GM. Don't even try to argue with me or twist the rules and use them against me, because I am always right. You can ask me to re-evaluate a decision, but ultimately I always get the final say. If I say a discussion is finished, it is finished; attempting to argue further is breaking this rule and you know what that means.

1. Don’t be a jerk. Try not to do anything that may possibly cause anyone to spit profanity at you. That includes but is not limited to killing, controlling, maiming, depowering, or doing anything unpleasant to another player's characters without the player’s permission, or derailing the characters' subplots. If a dispute occurs, try to resolve it via PM. If that doesn’t work, PM me.

2. All posts can be edited. If a conflict occurs, one or both sides will have to edit their posts. If I tell you to edit one of your posts, you have to. If you refuse to do so, your post will be declared invalid, non-canonical, and will be ignored by everyone else; responding to such invalidated posts also counts as breaking this rule.

3. Don’t be overpowered. If I spot your characters doing something they should not be capable of doing, you must edit your post. Otherwise your post will be considered invalid; retcons will be used if necessary. There is a link above describing the limitations of superhuman abilities in this setting, in the Game Overview section.

Signup Sheets

In this game, each player can create an unlimited number of characters and factions. The character and faction signup sheets will be included below.

Please post your character and faction sheets in the OOC tab first, then move them to the Characters tab after they've been accepted.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MelonHead
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MelonHead The Fighting Fruit

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Would you prefer characters to be posted here for acceptance or the characters tab? (just wondering because I know some people prefer only completed and accepted characters in that tab.)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by JohnSolaris
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JohnSolaris Not Banned (Yet)

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Would you prefer characters to be posted here for acceptance or the characters tab? (just wondering because I know some people prefer only completed and accepted characters in that tab.)

Yeah, please post your character sheets here, and move them to the Characters tab after they're accepted. The same applies to faction sheets.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by lydyn
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lydyn Meow!~

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

For the sake of following the guidelines (also reviewing to make sure I made those changes we discussed) ---

Ana Hunt

The Stormwind

Side: Tech

Sex: Female (Before mutation; Male)

Age: 27

Race: Mutant (Cat Human) / Psion

Personality: Ana is a tad more playful than other fighters or warriors, however she can easily be serious when the situation calls for it. She is a kind and friendly, but rather cautious about people getting closer to her - or rather cautious as to believe they really do care, though she will give anyone willing to try, a chance. She can be picky about her loyalty, but once given, it must be broken with a heinous act of harm or betrayal of some kind. Otherwise, as social as she is, she is still an introvert so it can take some time to get to know her.

Though she often keeps the fact to herself, she had been a transwoman before the mutation had happened. Now that her body matches her inner image, she is quite satisfied with life, though sometimes she can have minor hiccups because she wasn't raised as a female. Beyond this, she is still attracted to other females however it's more based on an emotional level, making her demisexual and homosexual at the same time.

Faction: Military - Employee, but not a direct member of the service.

Biography: Ana grew up in a male body and sadly had to deal with pretending to be a man, though many of her classmates thought of her as a "homosexual man." To top this, her father died early from a car wreck, leaving only herself and her mother. It wasn't until later and through many heart breaks, loneliness, and confusion that she discovered and finally accepted who she really was. It was at this point that she saved the money to undergo a xenogen injection by teaching martial arts (most of her clients being military) - after all it was common knowledge that mutations and abilities were formed around personality and experiences, so it seemed the easiest way to have a female body. Even if it didn't work, she figured getting surgery was easy enough.

Well, to her glee, it worked. In fact it worked far better than she could've ever imagined. Not only did the mutation cause her body to switch over to the proper sex, but gave her cat-like traits which she adored like no one could understand. Though unexpectedly, her abilities took on a mix between her outward appearance and her skills in martial arts and made her exceedingly more powerful in hand-to-hand combat. This combination of mutation and psionic energy was surprising since she had never knows her parents to be psions, though the painful mutation process had awoken latent abilities. Since her closeness with the military, she was offered a job on the spot to help as a training instructor after seeing first hand her new abilities. Since the age of 22, she has worked most of her time growing her abilities and using her knowledge in combat to design new techniques and even teaches some members of the mutant division of the military.

However her life after the injection hasn't all been rainbows and butterflies. She still finds it hard to find love, but she tries her best to be positive and spends her time trying not to think about how lonely she really is. Her mother also passed a few years ago due to a new aggressive type of cancer, leaving her with no family.

Skills: First and foremost, she is an extremely talented and skilled hand-to-hand combatant. Many would argue her skill is on a high expert or master level of expertise. Most of her other skills come from natural innate ability rather than training - unlike her martial skill. These include being very organized, quick learning, able to understand complex ideas, and puzzle-solving.

Cat Traits: Beyond the obvious cat eyes and tail she's developed through the mutation, her sense of smell, hearing, and sight has improved as least three-fold.
High Strength: Her mutation has given her the ability to display a noticeable amount of high strength, despite her frame. It's not beyond her ability to punch through solid stone unscratched.
Very High Grace: Both in terms of smooth movements and raw agility, her new mutations have given her leaps and bounds in this area as one might expect from a cat-like mutation. She can easily allure on-lookers with movements that are almost akin to dancing in battle and her agility allows her to avoid and slip through attacks that might otherwise singe others - like a fireball.
Extreme Reflexes: Her ability to react and read her opponents is likely what she is most known for. It is a rarity for someone to land a solid blow on her, so much that even scratching her is a victory is some men's eyes. Though not impossible to bypass, she can usually land twenty blows to her opponent's single blow.
Psionic Field: Psionite has had an interesting effect on her mutated form. Though her psionics are limited in scope, they seem to have grown increasingly more powerful in a much shorter time than most others. This is one of two forms, in which she can erect an almost skin-tight force field that is very powerful but very limited in how long it can be maintained. Normally it can only be used for a single battle and takes roughly two days to restore the specific circuit & mana used for this technique.
Speed Burst: Her second form of psionics though unlike her first, this can be used for causal traveling as well as battle situations. This ability differs from those with traditional super speed in three ways: it is at least four times as fast as any recorded 'speedster' however due to it's speed, one has to exit this state before attacking and finally it tends to drain energy/mana at an extremely high speed so it can only be used in bursts - however the mana circuit it does use, tends to regenerate it's small mana pool almost as fast as it's used.
Precognition: A rare ability to allows Ana to willingly see 3-4 seconds into her personal future. This has become an extremely easy ability to activate and often triggers subconsciously whenever she senses danger.

• A heart necklace with the name 'Ana' on it. It was given to her by her mother before she passed away from a new form of cancer.
• Lightly coated cybernetic martial outfit, simply adapted to withstand the speeds and force of her abilities.

Other / Fun Facts
• She always had a cat-like personality, so loves to curls into the laps of loved ones.
• Her cat mutation stopped her from having ovaries, so she doesn't have periods or experience heat.
• She loves tuna, maybe a bit more than she should.
• Ana actually has the ability to purr.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by JohnSolaris
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JohnSolaris Not Banned (Yet)

Member Seen 2 mos ago

My only very, very, very minor nitpick with Ana is that her Flash Step Speed Burst ability shouldn't use any "unique" form of mana. The more technical explanation should be that the specific magic circuit that the ability is made of can temporarily regain a small amount of mana very quickly, but it still takes the usual time for the temporarily regained mana to be absorbed into her true, deeper mana reservoir. So if Ana tries to use the ability without stopping, it'll rapidly eat into her real mana reservoir, and tire her out. This applies to all abilities that can only be used in short bursts, so you don't need to put in any justifications.

Other than that, your character is accepted. Welcome to the game! :)

I made a minor edit to the description of the Evocation style of magic. I added that in most cases, no one else can use the abilities of your Evoked magic items, even if you want them to. And I clarified that if you put in a fragment of your soul to allow your Evoked item to detach from you, then it basically becomes a semi-sentient, independent magical artifact.

I also posted the profile of my first character, in the Characters section. Warning: Over 9000 4000 words! Yeah, I make long profiles all the time. Very long profiles.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by BCTheEntity
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BCTheEntity m⊕r✞IS

Member Seen 7 days ago

I've chatted to JS about the validity of my faction, and it's been pre-accepted. Find it in the Characters tab.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by JohnSolaris
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JohnSolaris Not Banned (Yet)

Member Seen 2 mos ago

BC's faction is accepted.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by 71342
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71342 Slanted / Hieroglypher

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

(This is Very Much a work in progress, I'm putting it here tentatively with no formatting.)

I've decided to reveal it when I think this is telligible enough, can't be having your eyes bleed from a wall of text now. Can I?

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by lydyn
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lydyn Meow!~

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Okay, well I did pretty good if that's the only gripe! That was a lot to understand and comprehend haha. That's perfectly fine then since I figure most of her mana will be spent of her speed burst and field than anything else, so it can still be used for normal travel. Though yes of course she'd get tired after a while!

I'll be home in about 3.5 hours. ^.^
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Satsuki
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Satsuki Main Tank

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Have you enough players or will I be able to get a character in?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by JohnSolaris
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JohnSolaris Not Banned (Yet)

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Have you enough players or will I be able to get a character in?

More players are always welcome.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by 71342
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71342 Slanted / Hieroglypher

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Read the character you typed out, it feels very "writer's self fulfIlment" in style and an exact Mary sue. That can never be good in most roleplays. I'm leaving.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by JohnSolaris
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JohnSolaris Not Banned (Yet)

Member Seen 2 mos ago


Read the character you typed out, it feels very "writer's self fulfIlment" in style and an exact Mary sue. That can never be good in most roleplays. I'm leaving.

This makes me wonder if you know what a Mary Sue actually is, and if you just throw that phrase out to describe any character you don't like. My character obviously has very significant flaws, he does not automatically succeed at everything he tries to do, other characters don't automatically like him for no apparent reason, and he certainly isn't going to warp the whole plot to fit him. Yes, he's wish fulfillment, but that isn't necessarily a bad thing if the character is also well-written and has interesting, meaningful conflicts. If you just don't like any kind of wish fulfillment, period, then that's just you.

If you're leaving just because of this, without even seeing the character in action, go ahead. I can't force you to change your views if they don't agree with mine.

Edit: I just did a pretty well-known Mary Sue test for my character, and ended up getting 20 points, which says that he has a low chance of being a Mary Sue. No, of course the test isn't foolproof. But it should be somewhat helpful, at least. I do think I know what I'm doing, so if you think my character is a Mary Sue just because of the wish fulfillment, well, it's just your opinion.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BCTheEntity
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BCTheEntity m⊕r✞IS

Member Seen 7 days ago

I'm going to back JS up on this one. I've known him for a while, and it can be true that his characters appear to be Sues at a glance, but generally speaking, he's very good at ensuring they're well-developed and realistic. I doubt his characters will actually be problematic in the way you believe they might be, @71342, so don't worry about that.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by gammaflux
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Member Seen 9 days ago

@71342 I also can back up @JohnSolaris. His character isn't a Mary Sue. His characters do have flaws and are pretty realistic in terms of personality.

Also I just want to state that I will be joining at some point :D
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by clericbeast
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clericbeast Hellraiser

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

A character isn't necessarily a Mary Sue simply because they're powerful. Otherwise, we'd literally only be able to write stories about generic, boring everyman-types.

A character is, in my experience, only a Mary Sue under two conditions:

1. Their actions never have any consequences, or if they do, they're greatly reduced compared to those of literally any other character.

2. The narrative bends over backwards to ensure they're always right and victorious.

Considering what I've seen from @JohnSolaris up to this point, I highly doubt he would be irresponsible enough to let his character's abilities and strength trample over his desire to run a fair game.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by lydyn
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lydyn Meow!~

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I don't know John, but I'd tend to agree ... he probably isn't playing a Mary Sue character, so I'm fine sticking around!~ Also @JohnSolaris, sent you a PM with some clarification stuffs!~
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by 71342
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71342 Slanted / Hieroglypher

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by 71342>

This makes me wonder if you know what a Mary Sue actually is, and if you just throw that phrase out to describe any character you don't like. My character obviously has very significant flaws, he does not automatically succeed at everything he tries to do, other characters don't automatically like him for no apparent reason, and he certainly isn't going to warp the whole plot to fit him. Yes, he's wish fulfillment, but that isn't necessarily a bad thing if the character is also well-written and has interesting, meaningful conflicts. If you just don't like any kind of wish fulfillment, period, then that's just you.

If you're leaving just because of this, without even seeing the character in action, go ahead. I can't force you to change your views if they don't agree with mine.

Edit: I just did a pretty well-known Mary Sue test for my character, and ended up getting 20 points, which says that he has a low chance of being a Mary Sue. No, of course the test isn't foolproof. But it should be somewhat helpful, at least. I do think I know what I'm doing, so if you think my character is a Mary Sue just because of the wish fulfillment, well, it's just your opinion.

I'm a mentor in two other roleplay sites, I've read 13 novels this year alone (on my 14th) and have been roleplaying for a long, long time. That doesn't mean much but I can tell what is what at least. Your character is the exact description of a Mary Sue, I don't mean to burst your bubble but even with all the people clamoring to get into your good books here just because they are desperate to be accepted - I will still tell you that your character is a matter-of-factly a Mary Sue.

Things like "don't know what love is" is not a disqualifier to be a Sue. It's not even a flaw! It certainly won't compensate turning into a magical Barney with wings that is somehow half elemental too(???) and can take down satellites by blinking his eyes. That's only the tip of the iceberg!

I could go on listing (I really could.) but I won't, I just wanted you to know that I'm not leaving unjustifiably. Maybe you might learn something because no one has ever told you this, maybe not. I just think I wasted so many hours on this when out of nowhere, you posted THAT. If you still think I'm being unreasonable to leave based on this, meh, it's my choice - not yours.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MelonHead
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MelonHead The Fighting Fruit

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I am curious as to how a character who can probably solve every world issue ever is going to fit seamlessly into the story. I could accept such a powerful entity as a mysterious background character, but as a PC I can't see it working out very well.

I'm going to reserve judgement for when I actually see it in action though. It's only in the RP that you find out if someone is going to nanny the universe or deal out harsh meta-game judgement.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by clericbeast
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clericbeast Hellraiser

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Upon closer examination of the sheet in question, I've decided I have my fair share of reservations, as well. Namely, how the story will handle tension or conflict, or how this character's power might affect the plot.

We'll see how things go during the role play. I'll stick around, if only to sate my curiosity. (Also, I really do like the setting.)

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