Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by vietmyke
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The Lucenrai Chronicles: The Fallen Kingdom

Lucenrai, a world with lush summers, and harsh winters, the kingdoms of man have made their claim. Lucenrai is a large continental landmass, and one of the only two known continents in the world, flanked by several smaller islands and landmasses. The heart of the continent consists of an expanse of plains, hills, and lightly forested grasslands. To the north are an expanse of tall mountains and tundra, covered in harsh everwinter forests. West of the heartland is Mediterranean and warm. Down to the south, the land gets considerably wetter, and has large stretches of thick forests, and marshy wetlands. Towards the east, the plains become harsh, turning into a craggy, rocky region which then opens up to a large, harsh desert. Across the ocean nearest the western coast, are small chains of tropical islands, these islands are the buffer zone to the continent of Reyen, a lush frontier land, filled with forests and natural resources waiting to be exploited.

For years, the realms of man have lived in relative harmony. This harmony has not always been peaceful, small wars breaking out between the different kingdoms, but there was balance, order. To the North is the Kingdom of Ardel, a hardy and proud people, used to harsh weather and hardtimes. In the Heartlands, the ever constant ally of Ardel is the Kingdom of Edessa. With its fair lands, large mines, and central location, Edessa is both prosperous and diverse and is a generally peaceful nation. To the West is a large mercantile Varyan Empire, famed for their massive trade power and wealth, as well as its access to the rich islands and resources of the new world. To the south, in the great forests is the Kingdom of the Welds. Colloquially known as the Kingdom of the Wilds, the Welds have been rivals of the Edessa for centuries. To the east is no kingdom of man, rather hundreds of clans of nomads and raiders.

Lucenrai is now in a state of turmoil. The Welds, longtime enemies of Edessa have suddenly turned to the kingdom for help, desperately requesting aid against a sudden surge of marauding Orcs. Alongside the influx of Weld refugees, Orcish bands have appeared in South Edessa and have begun pillaging the countryside. To make matters worse, the Varyan Empire has launched a massive invasion of Edessa, seemingly taking advantage of the chaos created by the orcs. With an army armed and armored with the wealth of the mercantile empire and the resources from Reyen, the Varyan Empire has easily swept across the Edessa countryside.

On the brink of defeat, the forces of Edessa have been forced back to its Capital city and the nearby lands. With little hope of victory, Edessa decides to send its refugees- its youth and future, to the north, to seek refuge within the Kingdom of Ardel. In the dark of night, caravans from Edessa are sent northbound, with nothing but a scant few guards, mercenaries and older teens to protect them while the remaining soldiers of Edessa prepare to hold the Empire at bay.


This RP will revolve around one of the final caravans to leave the capital city of Edessa. A ragtag group of old soldiers, grungy mercenaries, youths and children, we will struggle to survive in the wilderness as we flee from the dastardly forces of the Varyan Empire. Along the way we will be beset by hardship and adversity as we make our way through the war torn countryside of Edessa and into the harsh wilderness of Ardel. At times, our story will be light hearted, at other times, it will be dramatic and tense as we attempt to prevail over insurmountable odds. Our characters will face daunting challenges, testing their wit and willpower, as well as their morals as they are pushed to their absolute limits in this struggle for survival. This is: "The Lucenrai Chronicles: The Fallen Kingdom"


1. This Roleplay will have higher standards when compared to most Casual RP's, I will be expecting at least a few, well written paragraphs, and absolutely NO ONE LINERS.
2. Be sensible and polite in the OOC. Any arguments should be either taken off to private messages, or brought to my attention to resolve.
3. No Mary/Gary Sues. Your characters are the story's heroes, but they are not perfect.
4. No God-Moding. Your characters are important, but I will not hesitate to injure them if they do something exceedingly stupid. Note, as GM, I reserve the right to God-mod however I like, with the purpose of advancing the plot, or steering it in a specific direction.
5. This will have blood and violence, and foul language is freely allowed, though for the sake of decency, any sexually graphic acts will fade to black (or will be taken to PM) before it goes too far.
6. Player knowledge is not character knowledge. Just because you know something (be it through OOC or another person's post, does not necessarily mean that your character knows.
7. As GM, my word is law. This does not mean I will be unreasonable, nor will it mean I will be unfair, but I will expect you to respect my executive decisions.

Regarding Characters
IMPORTANT: I will only be accepting up to 4-5 characters (not including my own) so it will NOT be first come, first served.

Most characters will also be expected to be novices, relatively inexperienced, or 'low level' in skill. Characters for the most part will be youths and young adults, and can have some skills- though characters cannot be a master at arms. Alternatively I will allow one or two characters to play an older, more experienced and skilled character, provided that they are adequately balanced, for example, A skilled swordsman, who is now old, and no longer the fighter he once was. I am also searching for a player to be play as the child of the monarch

This RP will not play out on a tabletop style system, and treasure, loot and gear will be bountiful in this RP. However, characters will be limited in what they will start with- as it will be what they can carry with them. Starting gear must also be reasonable: For instance, if your character is the son of a baker, it would make no sense for him to have a set of plate armor and a greatsword, likewise it is doubtful that he would have the martial skill of a trained soldier.

Technology and Magic

Pretty standard Fantasy fare, technology is your typical swords, spears and shields. Steel plates, chainmail, and leather make up the backbone of defensive technology in the world, however fantasy alloys and materials will also be present:

Adamantium, recognized by its high density and brown/bronzed color is extremely durable and strong, but heavy.
Mithril is lighter than steel, but just as strong, and conducts magical energies easily.
Ironwood is a dark gray wood, thick and as tough as iron, hence its name.

Magic is also as you'd expect, magical bolts of varying elements cast through willpower and concentration- though not all possess the talent for magic.​

Character Sheet

Appearance: Your character's appearance. I prefer art images as opposed to real life pictures
Name: Your character's first and last name.
Age: The age of your character, the age range I'm expecting for most characters is 16-19. Old Caravan Guards and Mercenaries will obviously be a little bit older.

Personality: One of the more important parts of your CS, give me a good taste of what your character is like.

Backstory: Important, but not as important as your character's personality, give me a small summary of your character's history and bio.

Skills and Abilities: Here is where you put things your character can do/are good at, as well as what magic abilities they have (if any). Magic is a rare talent and is difficult to master. If you intend on making your character a user of many weapons- chances are s/he won't be a master of magic. Skills and abilities should be presented in list form as Experience level, Skill, Description. For instance:

Novice Woodcutting - this character has been chopping wood for a short amount of time

In general, experience based skills should go: Novice, Journeyman, Adept, Professional, Accomplished, Master, Legendary. Skills that aren't as dependent on experience (such as the ability to wear armor) should just be Untrained or Trained.

Equipment: Here is where you'll give me a list of your character's equipment, weapons, and armor- if any. Remember, you're playing refugees and caravan guards on the run- not a mobile armory. If your character possess a particularly special weapon made of some fancy fantasy metal, there had better be a good reason aside from "It looks/sounds/feels/is cool!" like skills and abilities, weapons and armor should be listed in a format of "name, attributes". Images can be included in hiders.

Sword, Old, Dull. - this sword was given to example character by an old man in a cave.
Vidofnyr, Adamantium - This mighty battle axe is forged of fine Adamantium and hits like a carriage; a really heavy, fast moving carriage.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by dndragons
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dndragons Lawful Good

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Sounds interesting and fun. I'm semi new to forum rps so I hope to live up to your expectations, but I've done rping in other types of situations for a long time.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by vietmyke
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sounds great! Character applications will be posted here, OOC/IC thread will be reserved for accepted players.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by dndragons
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dndragons Lawful Good

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Just curious as to what kind of magic you envision. Is it ritual based, powerful, dnd style, etc etc. Also, as a low level person if I made a magic user they would be like a novice magician/witch/wizard?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by vietmyke
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Magic is cast via spiritual essence, it is kinda typical final fantasy/tales series spells, what with fire balls, thunderbolts, elemental destruction and the like. It is considerably potent, and dangerous, but the aptitude for magic is only found in select people, and is often traced down bloodlines. The power of spells are based experience as well as natural prowess.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by dndragons
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dndragons Lawful Good

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Alright, and what do you expect for say spellcasting times? In other words how long it would take to cast them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by vietmyke
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Again, it will depend on the natural prowess and experience of the character. For an average adult mage, he'd probably be able to cast and throw a baseball sized fireball in the amount of time it would take to pick a rock up off the ground and throw it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Balthazar007
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Name: Riku Fulton
Age: 17

Personality: Shy and introverted, Riku has always lived life in the shadows of his older brother. He is happily content with having few friends, none of whom considered 'close', at least he tells himself that he's happy with it. His reserved nature allows for clear thinking when not under too much pressure, making him very strategic when needed. When he is under too much pressure, his default response is to remove himself from the situation; in combat situations this trait reads as cowardness.

Backstory: Riku is the younger of two brothers belonging to a loving mother and work obsessed father. A doctor and widely known white sorcerer, Riku's father only paid him any attention when he showed occasional signs of interest in the family business. Always feeling inadiquate next to his protege brother, Riku decided to undertake this journey to find his own destiny.

Skills and Abilities:

Adept Traditional Medic: Riku has been learning from his father and brother since he was young.
Journeyman Strategist: Riku has a natural ability to quickly and reliably asses situations but lacks experience.
Novice Magical Healer: Riku practices magical healing consistently but has never shown a strong innate talent.


Medical Bag, Contents include: 5 stolen vials of enchanted potion, bandage rolls, healing creams, small leather bags for ingredient collecting, a canteen of water, and small medical instruments such as a scalpel.

Dagger - Riku's uncle gave him this new dagger before going off to war; Riku has yet to use it.

(Note: His 5 stolen vials of enchanted potion will be used only in extreme cases and will be a little secret from the others. Basically, they are good for whatever ails you, at the cost of 12 hours of deep sleep while they work their magic.)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by vietmyke
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Note to all: My own character has been added to the OP to show an example of the standards I expect of a character. (Aside from the background, which needn't be quite as long, though I wouldn't mind.)
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Balthazar007
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Balthazar007 Yin Yang Monk

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What you think of Riku's CS?? Too short?? Just enough?? Just say the word. :)
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Dondude
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Dondude His Dudeness, Duder, El Duderino

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Interested. I'll see if I can get a CS up by tonight or tomorrow. I will most likely go for a thief/barterer role who favors using charisma over actually fighting.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by vietmyke
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@Balthazar007, extremely sparse. Personality details are more sparse than I'd like, but I get the gist, barely.

Background is very lacking. What was his childhood like? What about his mother? What about his brother and father? None of them are explained in anything more than a passing detail. There is no detail about when, where, and how he learned any of his abilities, or how he interacted with them, or the town around him. What sort of experiences has he had? How long has he been learning magic from? Why did his father bother teaching him if he paid no attention to him? It needs some work.

Skills are fine, or they will be once they're explained or implied more clearly in the background.

It is implied that the dagger is made of normal steel, and can cut, so the 'metal' and 'sharp' qualities are unnecessary, unless the dagger is particularly sharp, or particularly metal *Headbang rockerfist* Also, vials, not viles.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by vietmyke
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Also, I should've mentioned this earlier, but before people's feelings start getting accidentally hurt:

Myke criticizes 'cause he cares.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Balthazar007
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Haha, you're fine. No feelings hurt. I'm experienced enough to respect the wishes of the GM. More detail, means more detail. No problem! I'll need till tomorrow to come up with a juicy backstory though. I'm tired and ready for bed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by dndragons
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dndragons Lawful Good

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Alright I wrote a character.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Dondude
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Dondude His Dudeness, Duder, El Duderino

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Very excited about this RP so far, especially after seeing this potential team form. Seems like a good group.

EDIT: Changed "blood magic" to officially "ritualism" (though Hen and Greg will still know it as 'blood magic'), after checking out some other CSs in your advanced section, to keep the concept tidy with the universe. Also made the other recommended changes and added a slight bit more to the backstory... but like I said, I would prefer not going beyond the necessary info just for the sake of keeping the fun of discovery. There is not much more to tell of Hen than what is further described/elaborated in the skills section without getting redundant. Again, the mask is simply "there" if such a plot device, either for just him or the rest of the characters, could prove useful. Likewise, the dagger and Hen's shortly mentioned cult could also become something larger down the line.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by vietmyke
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I'll be reviewing submitted characters momentarily. Keep in mind that you guys are also 'competing', for lack of a better word, with players from my advanced interest check, as this RP is intended to be a High-Casual/Low Advanced RP.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Vesuvius00
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Sorry, It took me forever to get the format right for the skills and stuff.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Balthazar007
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Balthazar007 Yin Yang Monk

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This rp seems like it's going to be a little more of a time investment than I can handle right now. Plus I see there's already another healer applying with a much more intricate background. Combine that with people applying from the advanced interest check, and I probably don't stand much a chance being selected anyways. Have fun everybody!
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by vietmyke
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@dndragons Good detail in both personality and background, I got a good feel for Liz. Regarding skills, Liz spend a large portion of her life in the slums (ages 7-15), where/when would she have had the time to learn a higher mastery of art? Art isn't the cheapest hobby to get into. You also don't explain where she learned the ability to properly treat and sew wounds- I assume no one would have trained her in such a skill while she was in the slums, and such a skill isn't one that a magic apprenticeship would teach. A very well written character and a good example of a proper standard of what CS's should look like.

@Dondude would I be correct in assuming that Horace's general personality is the typical 'snarky rogue' with a bit of bluntness mixed in there? Not that its necessarily a bad thing, stereotypes can still be very entertaining when played well.

I assume your backstory is not yet complete- as there's no mention of "Mother Hen" yet.

Regarding skills, I would argue that 'intricate' shadow puppets imply the requirement for skill a lot higher than 'novice', but given their intended use, I'll let it slide. On the other hand, I'm not sure how I feel about the sound of 'blood magic'... All the same, I wouldn't consider him even a 'novice' in blood magic, as he has never actually practiced it. He can be aware and interested without having skill.

Regarding equipment- I'm fine with him keeping the dagger- Mithril doesn't rust, so it'd still be nice and shiny, but the state of the weapon clearly identifies it as an old weapon. Also be prepared to show how 'Mother Hen' was able to afford such a weapon- Mithril is not cheap. Is there any particular reason for the mask? and if there is, I'd like to know either on the CS, or PM if you'd like to keep it secret. Overall a good character, I look forward to reading the completed backstory.

@Vesuvius00, I've already read this character before so I know whats up. I would like to know a little bit more about her family life with her brothers and parents in the backstory.

Regarding skills, 'high Adept/low professional' can just be considered 'professional' for the sake of my own preferences. In the same vein, Low Adept can just be converted to Journeyman. All of these terms are relative in nature, and since she only did archery casually with her brothers, I'd even wonder if her archery skill would rank journeyman. An Anti-skill is not needed, the omission of a 'knifework' skill will imply that she doesn't know how to work with a knife.

And no, her brother wouldn't count as an item, he can just be assumed as an NPC on the caravan.
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