Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WhenBooksFly101
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WhenBooksFly101 Lover of all things awesome!

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Vashti sighed, stepping easily through the snow after Aldo as he lead the way into the trees. Her brown eyes lowered to the ground before her, and she shook her head, "I didn't see the bodies.....but the smell in the house was enough to put me on edge...."

She didn't have the heart to eat that morning......she had to admit her stomach had felt as though it was doing turns.

Seeing Aldo give her an encouraging smile and wag of his tail, a chuckle escaped her when he offered they could go on a hunt for hares; to lessen the burden of death.

Nodding Vashti trotted foreword and stepped beside the dark wolf; lips pulled back and tongue rolling out in a smile, "That sounds like a lot of fun Aldo, thank you."

She enjoyed the rush of the hunt. It would certainly draw her attention from the current issues of life.

As Vashti moved farther into the forest her eyes took on a studious and alert gaze. Ears swiveling in every direction she kept one half of her mind trained on the patrol, while the other remained with the task of mind speaking with Aldo.

As she relaxed she couldn't help but ask.

"So how long have you been a wolf? The pack seems to know you well so I assume you have been with them for some time."

Vashti shrugged and let out a sigh, albeit a rather toneless one, "I myself have been a wolf for 8 months now...so..."

Man.....she didn't have much time left did she? The time she had spent with her old pack she went by without a care; not putting much effort or thought into finding a mate. Then when she was kicked out, she really hadn't realized how much time had passed.

A tense laugh rose from her throat; one tinged with the sad realization she only had 4 months to live. However part of her was content; her past experience with males had ensured that. Part of her dreaded the task of finding her mate.
"Of course It's quite strange; knowing 'that' time is coming. Part of me wants to ignore it you know?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by CLIW
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CLIW ( ರ Ĺ̯ ರೃ )

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Vashti's smile lifted Aldo's spirits and put him at ease just a little bit despite the whole talking-to-a-girl stress. It was a strange feeling: the wooded surroundings were calming like a lullaby in spite of the serious task at hand, but the prospect of trying to charm a lady made him want to just sleep through the next ten months and then get the whole dying thing over with. Her question, and then her elaboration, hung in his mind and he didn't reply for several moments.

You still have time and on top of that you're a lovely girl; If you just...keep looking...I'm sure you'll find someone. You're far too sweet and nice to die because you couldn't find a mate. I've only been a wolf for a couple months, now, but at the rate I'm going?

A bark of something close to laughter came out of his dark muzzle, and he looked away, pretending to be interested in something far away in the pines.

I don't have a snowball's chance in Hell.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Muse of Eru

The Muse of Eru Eru Ilúvatar

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Minor time skip + NPCs

Town group

Markus and those riding alongside have arrived in town, with everyone given tasks that will allow some dividing up. While Marrec will stick with the Ulfric, others can shop, mingle, whatever. Since winter arrived in Odessa, new faces have appeared, showing watchful eyes as they witness the arrival of the group from the mountains.

Sacred Grounds group

Those on sacred grounds duty should have reached the Lupanar as a group. Not far off, a woman with red hair lurks, eyeing the Lupa with a hungry gaze: to remove the Lupa would weaken the Ulfric, and this is a desirable outcome. She is not easily noticed, as she wears the scent of a plant that efficiently obscures her own scent, and she is a worthy hunter – she is the woman who killed Ted and Susanna. (BlackCat's character - NPC).

Patrol group

Some of those on patrol will find themselves faced with a large, female werewolf who is acting both aggressive and confused, flinching from unknown pains and frothing at the mouth. Her features slip and slide as if she can't maintain her lupus form, sores apparent scattered over her body. When she spots the other werewolves, a deep rage casts a red haze over her eyes and she springs forward, showing impressive speed and size as she seeks to kill those who offend her with their sharp scents, loud noises, and hot, throbbing pulses.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AcaciaMalikov
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AcaciaMalikov The Wolf Within

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

After Minor Time Skip - Town Group

Acacia had emerged from the vehicle as everyone began to split, some had duties to attend to including gathering supplies to return to their cabin, while others mostly Acacia, had little to really do. Shrugging it off lightly she'd cross her arms over her upper abdomen and begin wandering off towards the edge of town, glancing at the humans they were dropping off she'd smile lightly and then turn to look at the stores about while she walked.

Each step left a larger foot print, that didn't really look like a foot print, but more of a blob, as she moved, the white bunny slippers still snug around cold feed as slender alabaster legs drew her forward. The auburn hair highlighted by the light cast down by the days sun, bright eyes fixing on things she'd not seen all that often since she'd hardly been to town since her changing.

In a chilled breeze passing by goose bumps would quickly creep and crawl over her skin, suddenly causing her to shudder and maneuver her motions, heading for the end of town where she could sit on a wooden porch out of the way in the sun. As she moved she didn't really pay attention to who was about or watching her, that was because she just looked like an uneducated person passing through in slippers, denim shorts and a tank top, visibly regretting the decision to not cover up further.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Guess Who
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Guess Who The Nameless Writer

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

Ryan stretched his muscles as he stepped out of the vehicle. That was not the most pleasant of rides. After hearing a few good cracks come from his spine and neck, he looked around to admire his surroundings. It seemed to be a nice, cozy, small town, with absolutely nothing suspicious about it. Which was EXACTLY what they wanted you to think. Ryan had seen enough movies like Hot Fuzz and The World's End to know that when everything looked fine that meant it really wasn't. My gut's telling me that, whatever is wrong with this town, it's because of werewolves, and my gut never lies. Ryan then caught a bright red color in his peripheral vision and looked to see Ace walking away. My gut's also telling me that that girl is super hot and totally into me. Time to make another move.

Ryan, noticing how cold Ace was as he approached, pulled off his own hoodie and draped it over one of his arms. As he got closer to her though, he began to get a little nervous. Alright Ryan, you can do this. Go for it. He tapped her on the shoulder and said, "Hey Ace, can't help but notice you look a little cold." Ryan held up his hoodie, clearly offering it to the girl. "You can wear my jacket if you want, I've at least got shoes, jeans, and a t-shirt on. You look like you're going to freeze to death any second."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WhenBooksFly101
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WhenBooksFly101 Lover of all things awesome!

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


At Aldo's words, Vashti smiled somewhat and stepped foreword. Her brown eyes fixed on a track ahead and she slinked over to it with light steps.

"Thank you for the sweet compliments Aldo; let me tell you, the males I used to know wouldn't choose such simple words. The males in my old pack were the kind to swoon you with fake promises and fawn over nothing but looks and ranking stature."

The old males she knew searched differently than she. While Vashti waited for the perfect mate, they scrounged on the ground picking out those who 'appealed' to their eyes. In their young and foolish ways they chose not for love but for hunger of the eyes, and Vashti had seen a good many die because they chose poorly of their girls.

She just wished the male whom had sought after her was more forgiving of her rejection.

Images of teeth flashing and angry barks echoing in her ears as the larger and more aggressive male pinned her to the ground and tore into her. They made Vashti wrinkle her nose and fight a growl, but something Aldo said then made her relax.

"I've only been a wolf for a few months now, now, but at the rate I'm going?"

These words made her chuckle and turn to look back at him, "Wait......you mean to tell me a gentle sweet guy like you has problems finding a girl?! With your personality and good looks they ought to be clinging to you!"

She really couldn't believe it. He seemed to sweet, and on top of that his features were rather alluring.
How could girls pass up such a guy? So far he was the nicest male she had met in months. But then she had noticed that he often seemed unsure of himself, even when speaking to her......

Turning Vashti started to lead the way into the trees, so that they walked a little closer to where the other pack members were patrolling. Muzzle twitching with the constant sensing of scents, she came across an odd stench that made her stop on the trail. It was disgusting, yet held some similarity to that of a fellow wolf......

Turning her happy demeaner changed and she frowned, "You smell that?"


Steps quickening Vashti now trotted through the trees towards where she could sense the other patrol members. It puzzled and worried her deeply that the odd and ever thickening aroma of sickness came from this direction. She was so confused by the stench that for a moment she was frightened that the others had been found by the local 'rampaging' hunter.....and that scent was of death....

Looking back at Aldo she was about to ask him something, when the flash of something moving through the trees ahead caught her attention. Distant but unmistakable snarls and distorted noises reached her ears and Vashti halted. Her head raised and her ears pricked foreword.

There was another wolf in the trees....or...something......the sounds and shapes she was seeing in the shadows told her it was anything but a 'normal' wolf.

Suddenly, and without warning, it appeared from the trees with foam oozing from its mouth and a wild look in....its....eyes. The poor thing looked terrible! Sores littered its misshapen hide and it seemed to be in an ever raging fit of shifting back and forth between both forms.

Stumbling backwards with wide eyes Vashti held herself from turning tail and running back to Aldo. Her wolf instincts screamed at her for retreat from this thing she knew was deadly. The way it stared at her made her insides churn and her heart pump into her ears, but she forced herself to stand her ground.

The wolf before her stood there a moment; with what Vashti discovered to be female eyes staring into her own. They appeared glassed over and tight, while the stranger gnashed its teeth frantically.

When it abruptly lunged foreword at her Vashti's hackles raised and she jumped back with a sharp snarl. Lips curling and ears pinning against her skull she made every threatening noise available in an effort to ward the insane wolf off.

Whatever was wrong with this poor girl Vashti didn't want to attack her unless needed. But right now it certainly looked as though she would need to defend herself.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by CLIW
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CLIW ( ರ Ĺ̯ ರೃ )

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Aldo certainly did smell that, but he didn't answer Vashti. His hackles rose and gave him a look like he'd been in a bathtub with a toaster. He stopped and stood stock still for several moments; the only movement he made was the rapid twitching of his wet nose. The dreadful-looking wolf burst from the trees with little warning and sent him into a fit of uncontrollable growling. This stranger was definitely a werewolf, but all he could smell on her was rage and saliva. Normally he'd be scuttling for the house with his tail pressed to his belly and shouting for the Ulfric. Thankfully Vashti kept him grounded.

He had little time to wonder whether the raving wolf had been a loner who'd gotten too close to a raccoon or something, for she had lunged at Vashti. With a fierce snap of his jaws, Aldo body-slammed into the female's flank and sent the likely-rabid werewolf sprawling. His mind was reeling. A simple shove like that wouldn't keep her from them. Sides heaving, he stepped between Vashti and the drooling mess without even noticing.

His eyes flickered wildly around their surroundings. He didn't want any more contact with the diseased wolf than he'd already had. Hoping she was able to reason but doubting it, he struggled to send a message to her.

Leave now or I'll kill you.

He imagined that the pack would probably track down the threat and kill her later anyway, but it was at least worth a try.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by urukhai
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Member Seen 10 days ago

Emil hopped out of the vehicle wit no small amount of energy. It had been a while since he was last in town, and there was much to do, at least as long as the Ulfric didn't need him. Still he waited for a small bit, and receiving no orders, he began to wander, letting his nose and ears guide him past a couple coffee shops and down the street a ways. Finally he reached a all to familiar corner, the sounds of the light traffic and the placement of the streetlight and stoplight being the most tell tail markers. Turning Emil stared blankly at the large stone structure, a small grin on his face. Today was probably a slow day, the cold keeping most people home, but the other Librarians he had once worked with were probably all still there, doing inventory or other busy work. He would have liked to once more opened the door, to immerse himself in the musty smell of so many books. But, sadly, the old library was no longer where he belonged. Emil smiled and turned, making his way back to one of the coffee shops that he had passed, resolving to use his pocket change to get a small muffin.

A bell jingled as he opened the door to the warm shop as Emil quickly entered, not wanting to give the heat a chance to escape. Using his cane Emil made his way to the counter, a light rustling sound giving the person behind the counter away as the slowly stood from where they had been hunched over doing something. "Ah reading a magazine, that's it." Emil thought with a grin as the smell of the heavily inked pages filled his nose, mixing with the smell of coffee and baked goods."Can I help you?" the cashier said as Emil came to the counter.

Emil beemed as he rested his cane and fished through his pockets "Just one muffin please, really anything but chocolate. Ooh Blueberry if you have it!" He heard the small, repressed chuckle that the cashier made at the sight of the grinning blind man digging through his pockets, debating witch muffin to get. Finally he felt the familiar edges and imprints of a four dollar coins he kept. With the crackling of the paper he reached reached out with the coins and traded them over the counter for the small bag. "Four should be enough right?"

"Yah, its good. Let me get your change."

Emil shook his head "Keep it, and have a great day." he said as he gathered his cane and set off back towards the group as he exited he he would pass Acacia and Ryan, tuning his ears to their conversation as he did so, but continuing on his way as not to be overly rude. When he finally found the Ulfric and Marrec, he was ripping pieces of the muffin off and slowly chewing it "So those two seem to be getting along."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by NarcissisticPotato
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NarcissisticPotato Dirty on the Outside, Fluffy on the Inside

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The walk down the mountain back into the cosy, little town of Odessa was long and arduous but it gave her time to think. She knew that she wasn't the only hunter present - there was at least another one or two that were trying to weed out the wolf pack there. Anna didn't need their help nor did she want it; they were probably from some of the hunting organisations that were much too progressive for her liking.

On the walk down, she got a phone call from the girl she was speaking to the night previous. Apparently she must have been in a rush to hire because she offered Anna the job straight up which suited her perfectly.

Once she got into town again, she made her way to the diner and ate a quick breakfast, guzzling down a mug of coffee to fuel her rather tired body. The pack in Odessa wasn't massive but it was a decent size and it would take a while for her to weed them out and scatter them. Which meant that she would have to get used to just how bloody cold it was. Paying her bill, she quickly departed the diner, moving to head to where she saw the bookshop the day before. Something had caught the attention of the local people and it took a few seconds for her to take note of it as well.

Time seemed to slow down around her as her intelligent, green eyes caught sight of the pickup truck and all those disembarking it. There was one particularly oddly dressed girl but she mostly ignored her. Anna was much more interested in the others. There was one she recognised from her research the night before - a hunter by the name of William Hendrick. The rest, she guessed. There was one of them that seemed to tower above the rest, both in height and sheer mass. He wasn't the Ulfric, of course. The Ulfric was the man who he seemed to follow about, watching all around to make sure no one would dare harm his leader. Which meant the big guy was probably an enforcer. Interesting.

Nevertheless, she continued walking, passing them by with a gentle smile to the taller enforcer. Her hair billowed out behind her, nearly as white as the snow that adorned the pathway. Continuing on, she threw one last look back at them before very obviously entering the bookshop. If he was interested enough, which wolves with such an appetite usually were, he would follow her.

Hanging up her coat, hat and scarf, she checked in with her new boss, who introduced herself as Nina, before heading down to the till. She had to admit, it was a tad weird that the girl didn't even take her in for an interview but she simply put it down to inexperience. As she waited, she pulled her own book from her coat pocket and thumbed her way to the correct page before she began to read, waiting for her prey to stumble closer.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The Muse of Eru

The Muse of Eru Eru Ilúvatar

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Marrec, Sam, Markus

Marrec stretched his tall form, releasing a low groan that reminded him how much he disliked Markus' driving. He absently turned, offering a hand to help Sam out, but the Geri shot him a withering glance and leapt out, quickly skirting around his bulk and moving away from the vehicle. Acacia had already gotten out before him, so the remnants of Marrec's chivalry quickly dispersed as he returned to his duty. Turning to the Ulfric, Marrec awaited any commands available. His eyes briefly strayed to the outline of the building a few blocks down that housed a pitiful number of classrooms and not many more students, a brief spurt of yearning fluttering through his chest. Ah well, he thought. Perhaps once he met the right lady he'd return to his previous life, but the quiet routine of the school teacher would likely be a death sentence in his current state – and Marrec was a man who enjoyed life.

Marrec, stop looming,” Markus muttered as the enforcer's shadow fell over him, though the two men were of similar height. The Ulfric was staring about the street, a frisson of worry inching up his spine as he noticed a few new faces peeking out of various establishments, their stares just a little too intent. He was considering what to do first when Sam stepped up to the two men, dark eyes showing vague amusement.

You two stand out like a sore thumb. You're attracting far too much attention at this rate – anyone we want to find will be put on guard far too soon,” she complained, gesturing at them in general, though she stared pointedly at Markus' tattoos for emphasis. “I'll take guard duty. Marrec should go... grocery shop or something,” Sam added with a smile that wasn't particularly friendly. Although she didn't doubt the man's loyalty, she did doubt his finesse – brute strength only went so far.

Marrec glanced at Sam and rolled his shoulders in a shrug, not entirely disgusted by her new plan. He enjoyed grocery shopping, since he'd been doing it for a long time and had once had quite the garden. Domestic qualities weren't foreign to the man, nor did he find the duties entirely unpleasant. He was about to open his mouth and agree, only to find his attention diverted by a woman strolling past. Her pale hair was the first glimpse he caught of her, but Marrec stared at her long enough to get a better look, and then continued to look after that. He responded with a slow and easy grin, eyes tracking her movement to the bookstore with an almost predatory interest.

Marrec. What the fuck?” Markus' coarse voice rose loud enough to capture the enforcer's attention, irritation showing from previous attempts at gaining Marrec's attention, drawing his dark gaze back to closer faces. Chuckling with a sheepish smile, the man didn't bother offering an apology. A new face was, well, new to Marrec. Being an enforcer meant he was pretty much trapped in the pack house, so the only faces he saw were those that belonged to the pack and even then, it was really only a dozen or so that stuck around on a regular basis. He got along with most everyone, but Marrec could admit that he liked a little more variety in his company.

Yeah, Sam's right,” he agreed, still a little distracted. “If you want to find that old crone, or anyone else a little suspicious, maybe you need someone who looks as harmless as Sam,” he added, grinning widely at the glare this earned him. “You two can also get half the list, and I'll do the other. We'll meet in a couple hours for food or something... Call me if you need me.

Glancing at the Ulfric to see how his reponse was taken, Marrec focused long enough to receive a curt nod and then went on his way, adjusting his coat so his weapons were still concealed. He paused to look at the bookstore's exterior, not recalling if he'd seen the same establishment the last time he'd been in town – the name of the store definitely didn't jingle any internal bells, anyway. Discarding the thought, the man pushed his way into the book store and came to a stop a few feet in, allowing his eyes to adjust while he searched the interior for the towheaded woman.

Having spotted her, he moved forward with a steady, quiet tread. “Hullo there,” he said, a warm smile curling his mouth and filling his dark eyes, the corners crinkling. “Something you'd recommend?” He looked pointedly at the book she was reading, a dark brow winging upward in question.


"So those two seem to be getting along."

Emil had stopped beside Markus and Marrec just as Marrec decided to go scurrying into the bookstore. Sam stared after Marrec, a look of incredulity and annoyance blending across her features. Dismissing the enforcer, Sam turned her attention to the Bolverk, considering the man with a critical gaze, wondering about his true intentions and desires that led to becoming the pack's Bolverk. The mostly blind werewolf had always intrigued Sam, though she had never said as much and mostly kept her distance. She turned to eye Acacia and Ryan, made to notice their companionship due to Emil's commentary. A slight smile touched her mouth as she considered the ramifications of such a friendship, particularly considering how oblivious the young hunter was.

Markus shifted his weight as he dug around in the front seat of the vehicle for some misplaced item, drawing Sam's attention. The recent events with the Odessa pack, or perhaps the past several months, had clearly worn upon the newer Ulfric. He didn't always successfully balance respect and fear among his followers, allowing his temper to gain the upperhand, but Sam had no qualms with him. She worried, however, knowing that some of the packmembers were not wholly in favor of him – it was truly only the fear of all the battles they would have to fight, only to then challenge him, that kept some of the werewolves from rebelling. Rather than relieve Sam, this was a concern – it meant subterfuge was far more likely, especially if the werewolf simply wanted to remove the Ulfric and not take his place.

Where first?” Markus interrupted Sam's thoughts, looking around and not noticing the slight frown she was wearing. The Ulfric removed the duffle he had filled from the vehicle, slinging the awkward weight over one shoulder. He offered a broad grin to Emil, moving to slap the man on the shoulder before arresting the gesture, ending it with a considerably lighter impact between his hand the other man's arm. He wasn't sure how well Emil would respond to anything so abruptly aggressive, especially when unprepared, and had no desire to ruin the man's balance.

Gun store, preferably,” she responded immediately, already moving to lead the way. Her eyes scanned their intended path, her frame allowing for a relaxed and harmless posture that spilled into a walk that was more feminine than she naturally exhibited. Playing the silly female companion was not unfamiliar to Sam, but she wasn't sure she was wholly convincing most of the time. Markus strolled after the Geri, not looking particularly harmless in any way.



A dark-haired man shifted his weight, allowing the blinds to fall back into place over the window. A smirk curled the right corner of his mouth. Kelly had been right about the Ulfric's eventual visit to town, a tidbit of information gleaned from several months of surveillance. Moving back into the bedroom so that he could dress, Adam let loose a deep, silken laugh that lit up his face with genuine delight. He pulled on a grey teeshirt that fitted his form, eyes settling on the woman that lay sprawled in their bed. His would let his Lupa sleep and wake her up later, when it was time. A hunger rose in him, dark and violent as it raged through his veins. It always woke when he neared another pack's Ulfric, when he found the unworthy cur and sought to seal the other's fate and cleanse the world of another werewolf. Lesser underlings were fine, but Adam loathed those who sought power and didn't deserve it – didn't deserve the energy of the Lukoi, the power of the Munin. He would fix that soon enough.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

Member Seen 3 mos ago

~Blanc Skavdr~

Blanc, again, was truly grateful to Sasha for helping out when he was in the forest, but right now, that gratitude was an afterthought. He was too busy being nervous to remember it.

He'd been instructed by the same girl to follow a couple or so people to what she called 'Sacred Grounds'; as someone who would like to call himself religiously tolerant, he didn't raise any eyebrows over this, but he was wondering why he was asked to follow them. He didn't question it, however, and simply did as asked - just a small step to paying the debt he owed Sasha.

Then came the bodies.

They came in, carrying them, and had been doing so for the entirety of their (relatively) silent walk. Blanc wasn't marvelously intelligent by any means, but even he could put two-and-two together. The words Sacred Grounds and Corpse went through his head and he was suddenly not feeling to excited about accompanying these people, who he had yet to be introduced to or else he had forgotten their names, to the grounds.

To make matters worse, that stinging heat or jolt or whatever, had yet to disappear. In fact, it had grown exponentially worse. Hanging around these people was unhealthy for him. Literally.

The group got close to a little clearing, which Blanc assumed was the Sacred ('Burial?') Grounds. Wracking up his nerves, Blanc asked: "So, uh, what exactly are you four doing?"

If Blanc or anyone had paid attention to his words carefully, they would realize that he had said four; there were four people in the group, including Blanc himself. He was addressing four people, not including himself. Not even Blanc noticed this little slip of the tongue.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Crono
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Crono Dudeman

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Ray stood next to his truck in the parking lot of the small apartment complex. It had been a long drive and he was antsy. The sights, smells, open wilderness, he was taking it all in. The mountainous region was much different to what he was used to, a not so big forest on the outside of town in Illinois. He'd already carried a few boxes of his belongings up and was going to continue when his phone rang. It was Ethan, his younger teenage brother, a smile crossed his face with a sigh as he answered it.

"Hey. Yeah I made it. No I'm not coming back to get you." Ray chuckled, "Look...look...LOOK! I haven't even finished taking things up to the apartment, so just text me later. Yup, Love ya, and tell Abi I love her too. Okay, Bye." Ray shook his head in amusement as he shoved the phone back into his pocket. The kids missed their brother and Ray understood that, he missed them the same but him staying away was what he thought was best for them.

After a while he was almost finished taking everything up, resting his elbows gently against his truck, staring up at the tall pines in the distance. All he wanted to do was shed his clothes and go running, it was almost becoming too much to bear, his skin was even itching. He enjoyed the cold and the snow so he was looking forward to it. Ray knew he should probably get a feel of the town and it's layout before he decided to wolf out and run off, but after that long drive he wasn't really sure he had a choice in the matter.

Ray huffed silently and straightened up, running a hand through his hair. Work now, play later. He told himself as he hoisted another box. Maybe later he'd drive out to one of the nature trails he'd seen signs for on the way in, park his truck there for safe keeping then go for a run. The idea of it was enough to keep him content for the time being, he was here now so he had all the time in the world for that.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AcaciaMalikov
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AcaciaMalikov The Wolf Within

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Acacia slowly halted in her tracks as she heard footsteps approaching from behind her, turning slightly with slender arms tight to her abdomen she'd watch Ryan, one arm extended with his own hoodie draped over it in offering before he spoke, "Hey Ace, can't help but notice you look a little cold. You can wear my jacket if you want, I've at least got shoes, jeans, and a t-shirt on. You look like you're going to freeze to death any second." She would allow the corners of pale pink lips to draw upwards as she reached out to grab the still warm fabric, "Oh, thank you, it seems I didn't quite think over my apparel for this trip very well," she spoke, slowly one arm after the other she'd slide the jacket up and over her shoulders and back, hands fiddling with the zipper as she quickly drew it upwards to secure it and it's warmth to her upper body.

As she returned to look up at Ryan her hands would slip into the pockets and she'd nod, "This definitely does make a difference," she'd huff and glance over as Emil passed by on his way back to the Ulfric and the group, watching for a while after she'd barely move to return as the others dispersed and she gestured towards the edge of town where the was a bench to sit on, "I think I might go sit down while the others go about their own business," she'd speak in her gentle voice, the light touch of her Russian accent dancing over each word as she'd begin walking slowly, I really shouldn't be hanging around the human, she'd begin thinking to herself, mixed hues fluttering in his direction as she continued moving unsure if he planned to join her or not, But, he really is sweet, and well I'll have to admit he's kind of cute too, she'd continue on to herself, the visible smile pulling at her lips as she looked at her slippers while walking.

It's just not possible though, he's a human and I'm a threat, she would emit an audible huff as she thought this over, biting her lower lip knowing that she really had to figure out a way to not fall for the seemingly dopey and clueless human.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The Muse of Eru

The Muse of Eru Eru Ilúvatar

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Dracul, Valerie

The red-haired hunter crouched, form hidden by one of the many ancient trees that ringed their sacred place, gleaming eyes targeting the young woman who was also the pack’s Lupa and, apparently, their priestess. Although Dracul knew there was a special term for such a position, her knowledge didn’t extend that far, due to the private nature of such werewolf packs. Hatred contorted her features into something bestial as she watched two male werewolves carry her previous two victims into the clearing, followed by a young female and another man - one she hadn’t seen before. Narrowing her eyes, Dracul slid a long blade free from its sheath, breathing accelerating with excitement.

Valerie entered the Lupanar ahead of the others, turning to gesture to James and the other werewolf that carried Ted and Susanna. Her hand swept from the two men, ending its arc when she was finally pointing at a long slab of rock that lay nearly flat in the middle of the Lupanar, raised up enough to avoid being buried in the snow. Near it towered a tree that was ancient, rising upward to stand taller than any other within several miles, and the only tree in the clearing. One side of the clearing was a tumble of large boulders that led upward to a throne fashioned of stone, roughly hewn but worn smooth by the passage of many Ulfrics.

“Place them there, please,” she directed, slightly unfocused eyes catching stray streams of sunlight that filtered through the trees.

"So, uh, what exactly are you four doing?"

“Completing the circle, Blanc,” the Lupa responded, recalling the man’s name from Sasha’s passing introduction that had been little more than spat out words before she bolted. “It is our way of letting them pass on to the next life.” A briefly suspicious look crossed her face as she considered the strange man, wondering if it wasn't dangerous to allow him such a glimpse into their life. Valerie dismissed the concern, chalking up the situation to a tangle of fated pathways.

She would wait until the bodies were set upon the altar before sitting down in the snow, digging her feet downward until she met frozen earth. The contact between feet and ground initiated a whisper of energy that worked up her frame, inciting a riot of murmuring voices that only she could hear, but the others would likely feel - the energy of their fallen comrades, of their ancestors and previous pack members. She closed her eyes, reaching outward with her own sixth sense to feel the rushing, trembling energy that bridged the current pack members from those who had passed, the barrier that she had been selected to bring down upon occasion.

A sudden wind blew through the trees, offering a surprising warmth as it gusted into the Lupanar, whisking the Lupa’s hair across her face. The energy imbued in the sacred grounds rose, bringing warmth up from the bones hidden beneath the snow, from the soil that lay beneath the strewn bones. Burials did not exist for the Lukoi, as they instead devoured their fallen pack members so as to take into themselves the energy, rather than lose it. The ceremonial feast was a tradition that allowed for the Munin, or spirits of the werewolves, to rise around Valerie now. She saw them as she could see nothing else, flickering figures that danced around the clearing and wove amongst the other oblivious werewolves, leaving only a trace of simmering heat in their wake. She was absorbed into their world for the moment, stirring the energy higher and no longer the master of it, but merely the door through which it blew.

Dracul watched the Lupa and her gut tightened, telling her the moment had arrived. Slinking forward, she flung a second blade she had removed, but this one was small and slim, designed to be thrown and to be fairly inconspicuous. The blade made a blurring path directly for Xavier, only to plant itself deep in his chest. Startled, the young man looked up with wide eyes, hands drifting upward almost lazily. He scratched at his chest, emitting a surprised ‘oof’ as the silver inflamed the organ that struggled to beat around the intrusion. His legs collapsed beneath him and his arms failed to hold up his falling weight, resulting in the man striking the edge of the stone altar. His own body striking the stone caused the blade to be thrust deeper, but the damage was already quite sufficient. Xavier slid to the ground in an ungraceful, loose-limbed tumble, eyes dulling as he lost his grasp on life.

Dracul was already moving, two more blades flinging free of her hands towards North and James, but she didn’t wait to see if they found home in anything vital, instead darting forward towards the distracted Lupa. The long, curved blade of her machete was raised, positioned for a long downward arc designed to decapitate. Shoving past the pale man who seemed so confused and rather out of place, she leapt the final few feet that separated her from the Lupa and swept the blade along its course, glittering eyes focused on the slender curve of the girl’s throat.



Dressed and modestly armed, Adam hurried down the steps from his apartment, arm extending to knock on several doors as he passed. He reached the ground floor of the building, exiting the front alone while his followers slipped out the rear door and headed towards the other Ulfric they’d come to know quite well due to a long season of incoming intel. Adam paused to eye the newcomer moving into the same complex, a warm and inviting smile flashing teeth that shone white against his darker skin tone.

“Good day,” he greeted easily, voice yielding a hearty cheer. “Always nice to have a new neighbor.” He didn’t bother to offer a hand for shaking, seeing as the man was currently occupied holding a box. The intensity of Adam’s focus was singular at the moment, allowing the man his undivided attention. In many cases, being the object of such importance was enough to soften people towards Adam, though he had come across some exceptions. It had taken time, but Adam had found that it was easy to win others over, because ultimately he was not some malignant devil trying to slaughter innocents - he was simply trying to protect werewolves worldwide by removing those who presented a risk. It was this, perhaps, that allowed him to charm others: he meant well, and his friendliness was genuine.

As their Ulfric paused to make a new acquaintance, nine figures moved into the town’s center, of varying size and appearance, but beneath the surface all were of the same mold: fighters. They quickly spread out, a small woman and taller man linking arms and striding towards William, while two more women chattered as they moved towards the bonding figures of Acacia and Ryan. Two men drifted towards the bookstore, though they would only settle their weight against the exterior, with the remaining three kept tabs on Sam, Markus, and Emil. They were to wait until Adam gave the signal unless otherwise provoked. All seemed of fairly ordinary appearance, voices rising and falling in easy conversation as they blended into the fairly easy crawl of the early day’s activities.

@Spybuster@AcaciaMalikov@Guess Who@Urukhai
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Guess Who
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Guess Who The Nameless Writer

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

Ryan smiled as Acacia accepted his hoodie. It was a few sizes too large for her, so when she had finished zipping it up, he couldn't help but give a slight chuckle over the over sized hoodie on the girl's slender figure. "You're very welcome, Ace," he said, now purposefully using the nickname since she obviously preferred it. "I'm glad you like it." As Ryan stared at the pretty girl in front of him, his mind began to wander and daydream. Ooh, I can totally see myself with this girl. Going on fun dates, spending lots of time together, having- wait. What'd she say? He had gotten so lost inside his head he almost didn't hear Acacia say what she was doing. Bench? What bench? What is a bench? Oh, right! A bench. Ryan nodded happily. "Okay, mind if I join you?" he politely asked as he followed her.

Once he had permission first, Ryan sat down next to Acacia on the bench. He looked up into the sky, admiring the clouds as they passed by, but became quickly bored by this as there were no weird or oddly shaped clouds. "This seems like a very quiet and peaceful town, not much excitement and all, so what do you do for fun around here?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Crono
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Crono Dudeman

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Ray caught a whiff of something as he neared the complex entrance once again, but brushed it off as nothing, he was getting plenty of new scents from this place. His pace slowed as he spotted the older gentleman looking at him, followed by the greeting. Ray found himself smiling back with a nod in place of what would normally have been a handshake, but the box in his hands currently impeded the immediate ability to do so. "It is though, isn't it?" Ray replied in kind. This man seemed to be in good spirits Ray noted, which seemed to be a common thing here in Odessa, atleast as far as he'd seen from the few people he'd seen since he'd been here.

"Glad to be here, you have no idea." He said with a small chuckle. Seriously, you don't. "It's a beautiful place you have here." Ray said, meaning Odessa in general, he turned his torso and nodded his head out towards the town, and surrounding area. "I just hope having my ugly mug around doesn't bring down the property value around here." He said in jest, a genuine grin on his face. Making friends would be a good thing, especially in a new place where he had none.

The urges inside had quieted down for the most part after he'd struck the deal with himself that he'd go out in due time for a run. He almost frowned at the realization of not having introduced himself. "I'm Ray by the way, Ray Winters." The red haired man said before adjusting the box against his shoulder and onto one arm probably more easily than he should have, before holding out a now free hand to shake, he felt like he owed it at this point.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AcaciaMalikov
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AcaciaMalikov The Wolf Within

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Okay, mind if I join you?" was all she heard behind her over the top of Ryan's footfalls, nodding lightly she'd slowly find herself sitting on the wooden bench, pulling both pale alabaster legs up as she tucked them close to her chest and glanced about the town.

"This seems like a very quiet and peaceful town, not much excitement and all, so what do you do for fun around here?" Ryan spoke towards her, she'd peer towards him, noting his head tilted up towards the sky as she followed his eyes and then returned to looking at the forest, "It is a peaceful place to live, though there is plenty to do in town, I prefer to hike through the forest," she'd speak lightly, almost looking mesmerized as she watched the light rustling of the trees outlining the edge of the forestry.

Snapping out of her daze after a moment she'd glance towards the redheaded male sitting beside her, eyes wandering over him and noticing two figures headed partially in what looked like their direction, though she didn't seem to focus heavily on them due to the amount of regular townsfolk passing by and moving about. It was probably just a coincidence anyway, "So, I remember you said you were a hunter, do you mind if I ask what your preferred game is?" she'd wrap her arms around her knees as her head tilted to rest upon them facing the young man, I hope that's the right word, 'game', what an odd word for hunting prey, she'd lightly think to herself, eyes focused visibly intrigued and unaware of what was going on around her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Guess Who
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Guess Who The Nameless Writer

Member Seen 22 hrs ago

Ryan nodded at Acacia's response. "Mmm, hiking. Nice. I don't do a lot of it myself, but I wouldn't mind going on a hike with a partner or something," he said, obviously hinting that by 'partner' he meant her. It was then that he noticed that Acacia was looking off into the treeline of the forest. Did she see something? Then he noticed her eyes look at two approaching women. Ah, she must be just letting her eyes wander.

Acacia then turned to Ryan and asked him a question about his hunting experience, completely taking him off guard. Wha- Oh shit. Um, what to do, what to do. Uhhhhh. Oh! Just say the truth dumbass. He turned to Acacia and answered her question, "Well, actually, I've never gone hunting before to tell the truth. All of my experience is with paper targets and stuff. I'm a REALLY good shot, even with moving targets, but I've never actually shot something that was still alive before. It completely slipped my mind that you need stuff like a hunting license." Wait a minute. I wonder... do you need a hunting license for werewolf hunting? Oh man, I knew I should have done more research into this job before I decided to take it.

"Sooooo, uhhhh..." Ryan began, trying to think of something to keep the conversation going. "Do you, uhhh..." Argh, think of something man. Don't stay quiet. Think, think, think. Man, I wish something would happen to kill this frickin' awkward silence.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WhenBooksFly101
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WhenBooksFly101 Lover of all things awesome!

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@CLIW (Sorry for delay)

Vashti blinked when Aldo separated her from the rabid wolf, raising her head in surprise as the snarling female was thrown to the side and left to thrash about in the snow.
Turning to Aldo, whom had moved to shield her, she nodded, "Thanks."

Her heart still thumped in her ears from the moment the female wolf had lunged for her. She thought she was going to have to defend herself, until Aldo went to protect her. A noble thing to do.

Cries and whimpers drew her attention back to the form ahead.
Body thrashing due to the effects of the disease, the rabid werewolf lay snarling on the snow. Her eyes rested on the two beings before her and she gnashed her teeth. A male's voice entered her mind and caused her to yelp, before she turned and tore into the flesh of her own shoulder as the words rang in what was left of her mind.
When Aldo had finished speaking, she stopped attacking herself and turned her attention back to the others. Every fiber of her being wanted to rip them limb from limb. There was no strategic thought of attack or worry for her own safety; the only thing that mattered in her world was to kill. Everything that breathed and moved was her target.

Eventually getting to her feet the female made an odd gurgling sound and stumbled towards the others. Loud snarls and growls escaped her almost uncontrollably as she walked towards the enemy.

Vashti moved to Aldo's side and let her ears fall against her skull as a low growl escaped her, "What do we do?"

The sight of the rabid wolf tearing into her own shoulder had shaken her. She didn't like feeling afraid, but Aldo beside her gave her courage.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by urukhai
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Member Seen 10 days ago

The touch made Emil's head turn towards it's source, and he reciprocated the grin he knew was there. He was also thankful that it was not as heavy handed as it could have been, though he did not vocalize it. But he knew that even if it had been as it was, it was still a gesture of friendship, though he also knew trying to remember that while surprised and face first in the snow would have been supremely difficult. He followed the others as they moved towards the gun store, in his own odd gate. Though he kept his grin, Emil knew that his presence was uncomfortable for the others to say the least, being the Bolverk meant one did not make friends and as such he had not had the proper time to get to know these two as much as he would have liked.

He was content to keep thinking on such things and perhaps try to strike up a conversation when something triped an internal alarm, the hair on the back of his neck rising in response. Though he could not see them, he could swear that someone was watching him, not in the normal sense of a passing glance, but continued staring or at the very least, side glances. He wanted to write it off as base paranoia, but the feeling persisted for some time. He didn't want to alert his packmates in case it was only just a feeling so he hung back, lagging behind a ways. That's when he noticed, there were new conversations. Normally this wouldn't be a problem, but these had sprung up seemingly out of nowhere, sure their words were innocent enough but they felt hollow, rehearsed. Letting an uncharacteristic look of slight worry cross his face, Emil stopped what he was doing to lean against any stationary object within reach, as nonchalantly as possible. He stayed there for a second when he decided to do something.. odd. Letting out a low whistle he lightly tapped his cane three times, actions that most humans would ignore and meant absolutely nothing. Still he did this set of actions and trained his ears, within moments one of the conversations had had a hiccup in its pattern and the a couple of the talkers had crunched the snow as they shifted positions. Standing once more Emil begain walking, his pace increasing to catch up with Sam and Markus. As he caught up he cleared his throat, "Sam, if I could ask a tiny favor, could you hold the door for me. I'm afraid my cane may catch the edge." his voice lowered to a whisper as he continued, his burned and mangled eyes looking straight at her "And I need you to look out behind us as you do, I think someone is observing us."
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