Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Oh, there could easily be resistant materials to Blast Girl's... blasting punches. Thick enough armor would even do it, but she can blast-punch robots if she comes up against them.

She's not one to go into that kind of thing, but she could easily believe they come from something like that. Her method of summoning is a bit on the dark side(though she is adamantly against black magic). And, well... I'll go ahead and post her bio. ^^;

Alignment: Hero
Real Name:Charlotte Dyer
Superhero Name: Blackmoon Witch
Normal Appearance: Update coming soon, Charlotte has black hair, very pale skin, and green eyes. Her dress in this picture is black with white frills
Superhero Appearance: In combat, she dons a more stereotypical witch outfit when she has the time. She wears a wide-brimmed, pointed hat, a high-collared cape(ripped at the edges), a black jacket, and a tattered knee-length skirt. She also owns a deliberately-stereotypical detective-style longcoat.
Meta type: Parahuman
Description of Powers: Charlotte is a skilled witch, specializing in various darker magical techniques. However, as dark as her spells get she will never dip truly into black magic. That said, she practices some blood magic(using her own blood or the blood of animals eaten by people) and sometimes summons presences that require sacrifices(again, something of herself or an animal people eat). Her catalogue of spells includes various illusion spells, summoning spells, offensive magic, and defensive magic. They include:
-Corvid Murder: An easily-deployed spell with a rather descriptive name, Corvid Murder creates an array of what are seemingly crows to either use as projectiles or spy on her enemies depending on the situation. It requires magical power and casting time, but little else aside from that. The crows themselves are actually simple magic constructs that can relay information or explode. The explosions are not strong enough to be lethal, but can blast an enemy off their feet and cause very minor burns. The longer Charlotte takes casting this spell, the more crows are created. If necessary, she can fuse two crows into a raven, which produces a more powerful explosion that can be used for blasting apart obstacles.
-Black Shield: Another spell without much cost, Black Shield takes the form of a pitch black magic circle, hovering where Charlotte has created it. It merely requires the words of the spell being stated and the symbol being inscribed in the air using Charlotte's forefinger. It can vary in size, but it must be a circle and Charlotte must complete it in order for it to function. Its function is, of course, as a shield, capable of blocking anything from bullets to explosions. However, enough force can break through it, and magical damage pierces it far easier then normal damage.
-Bramble Wall: Requiring a sacrifice of hair, Charlotte can cut some of her hair and cast it to the ground. This causes a wall of thorny brambles to sprout, blocking attackers. However, they can be broken, and the spell requires ground where brambles can grow.
-Midnight Ripper: A spell with a higher cost, Midnight Ripper incarnates a bolt of blackened magical energy, and can produce eight for each casting. These blasts knock enemies off their feet and with high enough power can even be lethal if properly directed(Charlotte rarely sees the need for this). This spell requires a sacrifice of blood, meaning that Charlotte must often slice her palm. However, her healing magic can compensate for this bloodloss.
-Infinite Darkness: A combination sealing spell and offensive spell, Infinite Darkness is a spell used against only Charlotte's most dangerous opponents, ones that she cannot find an alternate route to defeating. Requiring her to slash both of her wrists and shed a great deal of blood for the spell to function(or sacrifice enough animals to fill in the cost, impractical given the spell's use), Infinite Darkness fires an immense blast of magical energy, destroying much of the target's body, before containing them in a magical seal. The bloodloss, even with her healing abilities, leaves her in a daze, and the spell is used only against enemies who absolutely cannot be defeated by any other means(and with GM permission).
-"Aging Cream": In actuality an illusion spell, "Aging Cream" allows Charlotte to appear in her adult form using an illusion. It can be dispelled simply by hitting it hard enough, though touching it lightly will cause it to feel like a real body. Charlotte uses it when necessary to appear as an adult physically, as it is far easier to perform this spell then cause her body to change back and fourth. Charlotte can change back and fourth, but it is a more costly process.
-Summoning: Varying greatly, Charlotte can perform various summoning spells. Requiring a circle drawn out of chalk, and sacrifices varying from objects, to blood, to animals, Charlotte can use them for a number of purposes.
--Jack: A house-sized pumpkin with tentacle-like vines, allowing it to walk. Impervious to gunfire(though vulnerable to explosives, magic, and sufficient blunt trauma), Jack bears a massive face resembling that of a Jack 'o Lantern. It even contains a fire inside, which allows it to release fireballs. Charlotte, when summoning Jack, rides atop it. Jack requires the sacrifice of multiple chickens, a cow, or a sufficient amount of blood from Charlotte's body. It is the most notable summon.
--Horrors: Dabbling in some rather eldritch techniques, Charlotte can summon starfish-like tentacled creatures. They are easily slain and Charlotte prefers not to use them given their nature, but she will do so in a pinch.
Charlotte has various healing spells cast on her body, allowing her to heal minor injuries quite quickly. However, blood takes longer to replenish and certain spells will leave her dazed from loss of blood. Charlotte must cast all her spells, and many require a sacrifice of some sort. Bloodloss still effects her even if it cannot kill her, and drawn-out combat that requires her to sacrifice a lot of blood will make her quite dazed and weary. She is absolutely not a physical fighter, even in the rare occasions where she uses her adult form. Her adult form is more difficult to maintain the longer she maintains it, and is harder to regenerate.
Charlotte has a fair amount of money, which she uses to fund her magical practices. She owns a rather large home outside of London, as well(and another in this city). She keeps several farm animals(and takes the ones she can transport with her easily). They are well-cared for up until they are required for a sacrifice. On her person, Charlotte carries various small knives so that she can perform blood sacrifices or cut her hair. She also carries chalk to inscribe magic circles on surfaces when necessary. Charlotte also owns some magical items, mostly tomes of spells... But also a seemingly ordinary Victorian-era lantern. It is, however, powered by magic, a power that has been building up ever since it was created inside it. It can be released in a potent blast, but only has one use before the power must build for a hundred years or more once again.
Charlotte is skilled in information gathering and some detective techniques. She completely lacks any physical fighting ability and is as strong and durable as she appears(which is not very at all). She uses numbing spells on her knives so that blood sacrifices do not hurt as much, as she has a very low tolerance for pain. She also tires easily from enough physical exertion, though she replenishes her stamina more quickly then average. She also has some stealth skills.
Background: Charlotte was born two-hundred years ago, and to begin with she did not have a particularly extraordinary life. It was not until her mid-teens that she discovered an old book in her father's home... a book of magic. In secret, she began to practice magic from this tome, becoming deeply involved in her studies to the point of nearly forgetting about everything else. One night, her father discovered what she was doing and was incredibly angry. He said that the book was dangerous, and that she should never have even opened it. Refusing to forgo her studies, her father attempted to seal away the book entirely... and on the very same night, they were attacked. Apparently robbers, they killed her father when he refused to allow them entry to her home. Using her newfound magical power, Charlotte managed to kill them. For a while she was crushed by her father's death, but eventually she simply settled into living by herself. And yet she had little to do in her life. At least, aside from growing her magical power. Practicing more and more, her power grew greater and greater. It was no longer for something to do by herself, but her pride as a witch. While her methods never went to killing innocent people, they were rather dark, involving the sacrifice of animals or the use of her own blood. Managing to halt her aging process at twenty-six, she was now practicing magic and witchcraft simply for herself. She gained a reputation among those aware of magic as her power grew further and further, quickly becoming one of the most accomplished magic-users in her area. At around sixty years of age, Charlotte began prolifically taking apprentices. There were many who wanted to learn from her, after all. She taught them how to prevent the aging process, how to practice dark magic, even summon demons and other creatures. However, she did not do this with the intent of teaching them how to kill or harm innocent people. Their true enemies, perhaps. Supernatural creatures, maybe. Even using magic secretly to get ahead in life. But hurting the innocent? She did not suspect anyone following her schooling would take such a path.
They did. Nearly all of her apprentices chose to delve into even blacker magic, and believed that Charlotte had been holding them back. Several simply left to practice this magic, while others mounted a surprise attack on her in vengeance. While the attack was initially successful, she managed to fight back and defend herself, driving off her former apprentices. However, the attack drained her magically and physically injured her. And so she made a decision. She decided to reduce her body to a state that would use less energy, and be easier to repair and heal. In short, she regressed her physical body back to her ten-year-old self using magic. There were other advantages, but initially this is what she had in mind. And from there... Charlotte continued her practices. She began to offer her services, to the supernatural community, as a detective, using her newly young appearance to obscure who she was. She hunted down magical criminals, both to stop them from abusing magic and to track her former apprentices. Charlotte felt it was her duty to stop them. She began to work with other secret enforcers of the supernatural, travelling the world to find information about her quarries.
Today, she works more openly, as superheroics have been revealed. She lacks a true "superhero name", instead taking a title she gained all those years ago. "The Witch of the Black Moon", or "Blackmoon Witch". She came to Greenfield after hearing one of her former apprentices appeared there.
Personality: Charlotte is, at first glance, rather childish and immature. Well... as far as her chronological age goes, at least. And this is not some sort of elaborate facade, she genuinely has some rather childish tendencies, such as a preference for sweets over other foods and the like. However, she is also highly sarcastic, bluntly making rather insulting remarks towards others for what she perceives as stupidity or foolishness. Charlotte has a tendency to taunt and mock others, even those on her side, and greatly enjoy doing so. She likes to tease people in various ways, though never in an actually harmful fashion. At the same time, however, she is rather dedicated to preventing magic being used for truly evil purposes and intends on defending innocent people from being effected as a result. She views it as an abuse of power, something she cannot stand. She is also rather intent on keeping her allies safe, and she does genuinely care about those who work with her... at least unless they make her angry. Charlotte does not desire to take human lives, but she won't hesitate if she has absolutely no remaining options. Charlotte maintains her ten-year-old appearance for several reasons. Firstly, it is easier to sustain a body like this. Second, it's a pain to return to her adult form. Third, it's easy to escape notice when you look like a little girl and it makes what you are capable of more unexpected. Fourth, it makes teasing people much more entertaining. Charlotte loves her craft and performing it how she feels is proper. She is very intent on hunting down her remaining apprentices, who have gone far, far off the path of what she feels is proper and become intensely dangerous magical criminals. Charlotte feels that it is her duty to stop them however she must, though she will also handle other crimes along the way.
Origin Story: Nearly all of her apprentices chose to delve into even blacker magic, and believed that Charlotte had been holding them back. Several simply left to practice this magic, while others mounted a surprise attack on her in vengeance. While the attack was initially successful, she managed to fight back and defend herself, driving off her former apprentices. However, the attack drained her magically and physically injured her. And so she made a decision. She decided to reduce her body to a state that would use less energy, and be easier to repair and heal. In short, she regressed her physical body back to her ten-year-old self using magic. There were other advantages, but initially this is what she had in mind. And from there... Charlotte continued her practices. She began to offer her services, to the supernatural community, as a detective, using her newly young appearance to obscure who she was. She hunted down magical criminals, both to stop them from abusing magic and to track her former apprentices. Charlotte felt it was her duty to stop them. She began to work with other secret enforcers of the supernatural, travelling the world to find information about her quarries.
Today, she works more openly, as superheroics have been revealed. She lacks a true "superhero name", instead taking a title she gained all those years ago. "The Witch of the Black Moon", or "Blackmoon Witch". She came to Valle Dorado after hearing one of her former apprentices appeared there.
Secret identity known to public?: Charlotte does not actively conceal her identity, but many who do not personally know her refuse to believe she could ever be the witch superheroine. The rare times she appears in her adult form, they are far quicker to believe her.
City of residence: Charlotte lives in London, but she traveled to Valle Dorado after hearing one of her former apprentices appeared there.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Yeah, I think I'll drop this rp. Got too much to do lately.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rin
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So... I kind of sort of combined the backstory and origin story fields since they basically amounted to the exact same thing, what with this being a robot hero and all. Kind of think said field came out kind of... Not that great, but oh well, it hopefully works anyways. ^^; ...Also, hopefully will be writing up Dr. Coscarelli at some point too... Although she's technically a villain but um yeah. ^^;

  • Alignment: Hero
  • Real Name: Tactical Law Enforcement Unit Z-7
  • Superhero Name: Zeta
  • Normal Appearance: Whee.
  • Superhero Appearance: Whee.
  • Meta type: Non-human
  • Description of Powers: Being a robot, Zeta is much stronger and more durable than any human. Her "skin" is in fact an experimental polymer, tough enough to withstand small arms fire, and her mechanical muscles allow Zeta to easily lift cars above her head with no noticable effort. Zeta's eyes can switch between infrared, x-ray and heat-sensitive vision, and her sense of hearing is not only more sensitive than a humans but it is able to filter out sounds, allowing for greater clarity of hearing. Naturally, as she does not need to breathe Zeta can operate rather comfortably in locations humans would find lethal, such as within poison gas or in a vacuum. Zeta is powered by an experimental fusion reactor, which can keep her running for practically forever; in the event of Zeta being severely damaged, the reactor will shut itself off to prevent any catastrophic reactions. Stored inside her head is a nigh-invulnerable, EMP-resistant black box that contains all of Zeta's memories and personality subroutines, allowing them to be placed into a new body should the old one be damaged beyond repair. Whilst her black box is shielded against EMP, Zeta's other functions are not, and thus she will be temporarily disabled if hit by an EMP. Magnetism in general is one of her main weaknesses, what with being primarily constructed from metal. Notably, Zeta is actually programmed to feel pain, for similar reasons as to why humans feel pain; she does however have a much higher tolerance for pain, due to her more sturdy and durable body. When the need arises for additional protection, nanomachines erupt from under her "skin" and form Zeta's armour so quickly that it seems more like an instantaneous transformation rather than an act of donning armour. As well as enhancing her durability, the armour also grants a boost to her already inhuman strength; thankfully she has such precision control that she will not accidently crush anyone she is trying to save or apprehend to death. Affixed to Zeta's left arm is her primary weapon, the Zeta Buster, which fires out a blast of concussive energy. Rather than burning, cutting or puncturing an opponent, it instead can be compared to basically a heavy, long-ranged punch. The Zeta Buster arm is modular, and can be replaced with other weapons such as a grappling hook or a close-combat attachment; however, these need to be manually attached and whilst Zeta is able to replace her buster with these other attachments rather quickly if she has them in hand, there is not much she can do if they are too far away from her at the time.
  • Personality: Zeta was designed primarily for law enforcement and not social interaction, leading her to come off as rather awkward and, as some would put it, "dorky" when talking with others. However, she tries her best to fit in with humans; being programmed to not only serve them but to protect and defend human life above all else, Zeta is fascinated by them and wishes she could be more like them. Despite not being anatomically correct (such parts not being seen as needed for a law enforcement robot), Zeta thinks of herself as a girl, and thus refers to herself with feminine pronouns. Zeta does not exactly understand concepts such as romance, faith and fate, and is often confused by them. Finally, due to her programming Zeta puts the preservation of human life above all else, and at times can come off as somewhat selfless at best and suicidally self-sacrificing at worst.
  • Background/Origin Story: In the wake of so many emerging superpowered individuals, the law enforcement services were struck by a very obvious problem. After all, not all of these superhumans were exactly law abiding citizens, and they couldn't always trust masked vigilantes to take care of them. With that in mind, a proposal for creating a line of mass produced law enforcement robots was quickly approved, and after a few years of development a working prototype was finally produced. Utilising designs and programming developed by the... Infamous and unique Dr. Aesling Coscarelli, Tactical Law Enforcement Unit Z-7 was activated for the first time to much fanfare, with many media outlets claiming it to be the future of law enforcement. Naturally, as the hub for superhuman activity on the planet, Angel City was chosen to be the unit's testing grounds. However... Not long after the unit was first activated, people started to notice some irregularities with its behaviour. Soon, it became clear that, rather than simply artificial intelligence Dr. Coscarelli had somehow programmed something close enough to true sapience into the unit. The moral and ethical ramifications of someone not only having created what basically amounted to artificial life but for said being to be put into what some saw as slavery were too controversial for the project to continue, and so it was put on hold for the time being (and supposedly has been ever since). However, since a major part of her (as the unit insisted on being referred to as, despite her design having been intended to be androgynous) programming was to protect humans and uphold the law, the newly dubbed Zeta decided to continue to work for the police, and is currently employed as a special operative to be deployed against supercriminals.
  • Secret identity known to public?: Yes.
  • City of residence: Angel City
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Dead Cruiser
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Dead Cruiser Dishonour Before Death / Better You Than Me

Member Seen 12 days ago

<Snipped quote by Dead Cruiser>
So your hero would, like Superman, be solar-powered? I think that would be fine. What other powers would this lineage give? For some more galactic backstory, each arm of the Milky Way Galaxy has been assigned a caretaker species by the Canon. The Jarav have been caretakers of the Sagitarrius arm for a few thousands of years, their creators were the caretakers before that. Does your alien only inhabit the stars of non-canonized species in order to avoid detection, and move on once the Jarav presence becomes more focused? And for some reason, instead of fleeing to another star, this particular one chose to remain on Earth. Would it have possessed a human, living as a symbiote, and transferring itself to its child/children if/when the parent died, or did it manifest a human body and live life as a human, mating and giving its powers to its child/children? Since it's only been 30 years since the Jarav made themselves known, and thus become fully invested in Earth, your alien lineage might only be two generations long (alien parent and half-alien child).

I can think of potential reactions the Canon might have should they ever discover that a parasitic, solar energy devouring species was ever discovered. If the amount of energy drained is insignificant with respect to the total energy output (AKA lifespan) of the star, the Canon may choose to classify it as a non-threat. If it is significant, well, we might have another galactic purge on our hands. For the greater good, and all that.

I thought a lot harder about this, and my idea is about as follows.

The Star Vampire has inhabited Sol for a few million years, really no time at all to a being nearly as old as the universe, and eventually comes to notice the Jaravs' presence in the system. Star Vampires consider the Canon to be a threat, having seen their various galactic purges throughout the years. Individually they are extremely powerful, but they are few in number and scattered throughout the galaxy, and would be relatively easy to exterminate. The untimely death of Sol would undoubtedly be investigated by the Canon, thus endangering the revelation of their existence. Having only "just" traveled to Sol from the most recent star that it sucked dry, and as such had insufficient strength to flee the system to Alpha Centauri. It concocts the plan to flee to Earth, embed itself in a human genome, and wait for humanity to reach such a point that it can be "smuggled" out of the system by interstellar travel.

Much like you said, the Star Vampire acts as a symbiote, passing from one human generation to the next. Its power is so great, that to keep from killing its host, the Star Vampire had to disperse itself through its host's system down to the genetic level, which is what grants the powers. The primary ability that I imagine the wielder possessing is "activating" the latent Star Vampire DNA, and transforming into a part-human, part-energy form, from which the powers are derived. As the host has access to more energy, more advanced forms can be used as more of the dormant DNA can be activated. The powers are simple stuff, mostly; super strength, flight, armor, energy blades and blasts, etc. I have the idea to "flavor" the powers and transformations by what sort of energy was used for it. Photons would be the most common, for energy derived from the sun, but I have other ideas for Tachyons and Dark Matter.

How's it sounding so far?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Stern Algorithm
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Stern Algorithm Loquacious Aggression

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

@VitaVitaAR and @Rin, Blackmoon Witch and Zeta are accepted.

@Scarifar, I'm sorry to see you go, best of luck in your other RP's and/or real life.

@Dead Cruiser, so if the Star Vampire is infused in an individual's DNA, does that DNA get passed on to the host's children? Or are do the children only get it after the Star Vampire chooses one to become its next host? And how long has the Star Vampire been on Earth? On the one hand, I'm reluctant to have an entire expanding bloodline of metahumans, on the other hand, evil long-lost cousins or brothers or parents make good villains.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by baskets


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

should have a character up sooner or later! I tend to take an abhorrent amount of time with these things, but this is at least a heads up that I am working on it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Stern Algorithm
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Stern Algorithm Loquacious Aggression

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

I added Age to the CS template. Also where it says Superhero Name, change it to Villain Name if the character is a Villain, and Superhero Appearance to Villain Appearance. You can keep it as Superhero if your character is Neutral. If anyone is confused about the difference between Origin Story and Background, Origin story is how they got their powers or what spurred them to become a hero or villain. background is sort of the sociopolitical history of the character, where they're from, what is their history before becoming a superhero/villain, etc. Not all fields may be appropriate to your character, so feel free to tweak the CS slightly to suit your needs.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Stern Algorithm
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Stern Algorithm Loquacious Aggression

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

As far as locations go, Angel City is based off of the City of Los Angeles, Valle Dorado is San Francisco/Bay Area, and Los Vascos is San Diego. These three cities are in the State of California. I wanted to have fictional locations so nobody will be required to know the actual geographies of these cities. However, I will keep national capitols the same as in real life, so Washington D.C. is the national capitol of the US, London is the capitol of the UK, Beijing is the capitol of China, etc.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Migs Mayfield - Core

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Should get started on my char at lunch.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Tricheus
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Alignment: Hero
Real Name: Albert Weiss
Age: 22
Superhero Name: Prism

Meta type: Overhuman

Secret identity known to public?: No
City of residence: Valle Dorado
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Tricheus
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Alignment: Villain
Real Name: Radley Sentarinno
Age: 42
Villain Name: Rad Stallion

Meta type: Parahuman

Secret identity known to public?: Yes
City of residence: Valle Dorado
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mr_pink
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Mr_pink Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Sorry but im leaving this.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Stern Algorithm
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Stern Algorithm Loquacious Aggression

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

@Tricheus, Prism is accepted, will wait for you to finish Rad Stallion.

Sorry but im leaving this.

Ah, sorry to see you go.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Migs Mayfield - Core

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Tricheus, Prism is accepted, will wait for you to finish Rad Stallion.

<Snipped quote by Mr_pink>
Ah, sorry to see you go.

Just wanna be sure, but is it cool if I go with a Villain? Been a while since I got some good villaining going. Just as I don't know if you got a limit or a hero/villain ratio you want going.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Stern Algorithm
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Stern Algorithm Loquacious Aggression

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

@Sep Sure, go for it. Though I'll mention some of the villains I had lined up.

  • A neohuman who is kind of hulk-like (white supremacist, misogynist, overall bro-douche, neo-con)
  • A Doctor Doom-like overhuman who uses sound powers in an attempt to take over the world and create a new world order. Thinks he's doing the right thing.
  • An armored ghost knight who mass murders to harvest souls for power. Technically a parahuman.
  • A radioactive overhuman who hears radio signals and thinks the world is too noisy. Psychotic and extremely dangerous and uncontrollable.
  • A neohuman who gained the ability to transform into various dinosaurs, wants to bring about the second age of dinosaurs.
  • A pair of brutish parahuman brothers who just want to bring Armageddon.

These are the ones we have planned, hope I'm not stepping on anyone's toes. I do sort of want a digging/underground/mole villain. Very cheesy, I know, but isn't it just so classic comic book style?

The Preceptors and the Galactic Canon are not necessarily villains, but they might be construed that way depending on your personal beliefs.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by baskets


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

A Doctor Doom-like overhuman who uses sound powers in an attempt to take over the world and create a new world order. Thinks he's doing the right thing.

what kind of sound powers... (may or may not be writing a pair of characters with powers that can easily be classified as "sound powers" right now)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Migs Mayfield - Core

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Sep Sure, go for it. Though I'll mention some of the villains I had lined up.

  • A neohuman who is kind of hulk-like (white supremacist, misogynist, overall bro-douche, neo-con)
  • A Doctor Doom-like overhuman who uses sound powers in an attempt to take over the world and create a new world order. Thinks he's doing the right thing.
  • An armored ghost knight who mass murders to harvest souls for power. Technically a parahuman.
  • A radioactive overhuman who hears radio signals and thinks the world is too noisy. Psychotic and extremely dangerous and uncontrollable.
  • A neohuman who gained the ability to transform into various dinosaurs, wants to bring about the second age of dinosaurs.
  • A pair of brutish parahuman brothers who just want to bring Armageddon.

These are the ones we have planned, hope I'm not stepping on anyone's toes. I do sort of want a digging/underground/mole villain. Very cheesy, I know, but isn't it just so classic comic book style?

The Preceptors and the Galactic Canon are not necessarily villains, but they might be construed that way depending on your personal beliefs.

I was going to go with a classic tech based Villain so it's cool for me :P
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Stern Algorithm
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Stern Algorithm Loquacious Aggression

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Mostly vibrational, shattering things, causing headaches/internal hemorrhaging, shockwaves, silencing his own footsteps and breathing, extreme aural sensitivity and hearing things that are too quiet or beyond human frequency range, possibly even hypnotic suggestion. For him, it's all about picking the right frequency to get the job done.

Things of that nature, though he also relies heavily on his inventions.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by baskets


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Mostly vibrational, shattering things, causing headaches/internal hemorrhaging, shockwaves, silencing his own footsteps and breathing, extreme aural sensitivity and hearing things that are too quiet or beyond human frequency range, possibly even hypnotic suggestion. For him, it's all about picking the right frequency to get the job done.

Things of that nature, though he also relies heavily on his inventions.

okay, so I can see some crossover between what I've written so far and what's listed here. do you want me to give you details so we can work it out or should I just roll with it?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rin
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Oh right, I'm actually working on a mad scientist villain. Kind of like Dr. Sivana, only, um... Well you'll see I guess. ^^; Hopefully.
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