Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lvl Down
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Lvl Down Lord of Levels

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"How about I take you home little guy? You'd get to ride on my back and it be fun? Come on what do you say?" she lowered herself and turned her back to let him get on her back, as to say he kinda didn't have a choice. "You'll just have to tell me where to go and I'll get you there gently and with as little pain as possible." she looked behind her and gave a wink.

Amiti was somewhat taken back, he had heard his grandpa talk about how he had been wanting to ride the girls at the Cosplay Cafe. "Was this what he meant?" Amiti wondered himself as he got onto the fox girl's back and slung his arms around his neck. If so, it looked like it was going to be fun. As he latched on, he couldn't help but feel somewhat comfortable, he also smelled a pleasant scent coming from the fox girl. Signaling to her that he was ready he simply asked, "Oh right. What's your name miss? Also, my house is just up the hill north from here behind the playground on that hill." Amiti was actually excited, he would get to ride on this nice fox lady. His grandpa would be so jealous if he told him this event.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AgentFallenSoul
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AgentFallenSoul The Forsaken

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

She stood up and put his legs up to her side and held her hands under them. She started back towards the door "I'll be back Shiina, I won't cause to much trouble" she joked before walking out the door and into the moon lit and lamp post lit night.

"Oh right. What's your name miss? Also, my house is just up the hill north from here behind the playground on that hill."

Walking up the hill she looked at the buildings and her ears went from side to side, just being aware of the area around her. She felt the little kids arms around her and she smiled thinking back to a memory she had forgotten a long time ago "I have a lot of different names, sometimes it's Iki, Ikkime, Ime, Oi, Fox. Hmmm..." she thought for a moment "How about you just call me Iki-San? Or Onee-Chan if you want" she joked on the last half."What's your name kiddo? and what were you doing out so late?" her large ears brushed against his face playfully and she turned her head checking behind them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 1 day ago

A man watched the girl torment the Youkai from within the mansion and sighed.

"How will any of this get me to my goal? I get she's the boss, but still, playing around with weaklings isn't going to get me towards her..."

His hand went up to the right side of his face and felt the X mark scar.

A voice from within him spoke, "At least she can have fun, you're so hell bent on getting revenge you miss the small things Mizura."

He rolled his eyes.

"If I asked for your opinion I would have asked for it stupid mutt so shut your damn trap."

He only got a laugh in reply. He stood up from his chair and made his way down the stairs, opening the door and seeing Hernia walking up.

"Think they had enough boss. Shouldn't we be getting a bit more serious? We aren't just in the shadows anymore, things have changed."

He towered over the girl but he still felt intimidated by her after all these years.

The girl momentarily paused in her humming to glance up at the taller man. Her innocent smile never once wavered and she took the time to fold up her parasol again. She was known only as Hernia Mark to those unfortunate enough to cross her existence in the first place. Likewise, her true name and identity was naught but the whispers of shadows on the breeze, curses muttered out by beings far too ancient to care about this world or the next.

"Settle down Mizura," she said gently, entering her household. "It's always nice to have fun with those younger than yourself. After all, it helps me pass the time."

Despite her rather youthful appearance, she was the eldest out of them all gathered here in her manor. Much like her namesake, her exact age was a mystery in on itself and perhaps it was best not to dwell on that topic too much anyway.

"Besides, I'm sure that dog of yours inside your head approves of my actions. It's all in good fun."

He sighed. "Of course the damn mutt agrees with you. Sometimes I think he does it just make me angry."

He walked after her and watched her movements. They had been friends for a long time, but he hadn't known much about her still. He only knew some of the history between her and one of their targets, but beyond that and her proxy name she used, she was still a mystery to him.

His eyes glowed red for a second and moments after a Wolf the size of Hernia appeared next to them. He walked up next to Hernia and licked her hand before falling back next to Mizura.

"I don’t per say do it to make you angry, but she's right and you know it; being serious isn't a must always you hardass." He glared at the wolf, but the wolf only gave a grin of sorts before walking closer to Hernia. "So Lady Mark, what exactly is everyone here today for? He doesn't tell me much, so I was just wondering." The Wolf's tail wagged back and forward and Mizura had half the thought to cut it off.

Hernia smirked knowingly. The concept of friendship was ultimately lost on someone like her, but she understood enough to note the two's loyalty to her. She allowed the small lick before continuing onward to the dining room.

"Quite simply, this is a meeting," she explained. "Mister Edward Harker has gone through alot of trouble in gathering everyone as well as establishing me as a leader of sorts. Now isn't that funny? Apparently he has goals that need the cooperation of all of us. Specifically, the removal of special people called Chasers."

She slowed her step then, wanting to enjoy the moment spent walking down her grand hallway. The expression behind her smirk was unreadable but it was obvious it was not one of true affection or kindness.

"As for anything else, I'm afraid you'll have to wait patiently like all the others."

The wolf nodded and bowed his head before putting his snout up to Mizura's hand. The man reluctantly pet him and the wolf disappeared again. The relationship between the two was odd, but it was necessary for reasons unknown to both of them.

Walking up next to Hernia he looked at her slightly before turning his head back to the hall way. "Do you think she'll be a target?" He half knew the answer but it was still hard for him to even think about the girl.

In a lot of ways, Hernia and he rivaled the two people’s relationship to each other that he was talking about. It was funny actually how it turned out, but none the less was a coincidence.

"Hmm, whoever do you mean? Your dear sister? Perhaps," Hernia answered, grin as calm as ever. "You said she's working for the Chasers correct? I would assume you'll have to face her in battle fairly soon. But don't you want to see your sister again Mizura? I thought it was instinct for an elder brother to care for their siblings. Or did I skip that lesson somewhere?"

"That title of Elder Brother died when she killed our family. She owes me something and that's the only reason I want to even be near her." His hand clenched and it only angered him more to think about the girl.

"Yes, I remember you telling me about that," Hernia said, unfazed by his building anger. "Your chances at getting close to her are increased with this little put together group. I suppose you should be thanking Harker for that."

With that said, the girl led the way into the massive dining chamber where the others had already gathered. Beings of all kind who claimed to have some sort of reason to kill their Chaser counterpart, be it out of personal grudges or bouts for power. The girl with the parasol looked at these children with bored eyes, not really caring for their reasonings. Silently, she walked up to the front of the crowd and flashed a wide smile at them all.

"Good evening everyone. I trust you all made it safely, yes?"

Mizura moved himself over to the back of the crowd and to the shadows, knowing that Hernia was much too busy in dealing with the others.

"Even though I walk through the Valley of Shadows I shall not fear..."

Ogawa was reading the verse of the Psalms as the others entered the dinning hall; he shut the his Bible after that and looked at Hernia.

"Ah, we've finally reunited in one single place. It must be God's blessing that allow us to see each other again on this fateful night." He said those words just from the mouth off, because the fake priest didn't believe in God's existence; however he knew a glimpse of what motivated Hernia's actions and thus had to try and reach for her inner workings.

On the opposite side of the table Orihime was holding a creepy looking doll who watched as Hernia and Mizura entered the room. It looked like she wasn't very interested in what was happening before her, but still she couldn't get her eyes off Hernia.

"I would like to have doll just like her too..." Orihime whispered. However after Ogawa's rant about god, she turned to face the priest and said, "There's no God in this world. You know that better than any of us. If there was one, my clan wouldn't have been destroyed and Yamato Yukusaba wouldn't have betrayed me to get a doll of his own."

"Oh, I wouldn't say that."

Hernia appeared beside the two without a sound or trace of presence. Her uncanny smile showed her interest in the subject indefinitely. Keeping her parasol tucked in the corner of her arm she said, "Of course God exists dear Orihime. Though I doubt He would care much for this world or the next. No, God is omnipotent and with absolute power comes absolute apathy."

She leaned forward dangerously close now, invading the puppeteer’s personal space. She showed no signs of ceasing her actions or stopping as her crimson eyes focused on Orihime's.

"Don't you think it's a bit unfair to plaster titles like 'good' and 'evil' on someone like God? When you have power, it's really hard to keep track at what's right and wrong. I mean, just look at me. Why shouldn't I stuff those dolls down your throat and turn your body into fertilizer right here and now?"

She let the silence build up between them before moving back suddenly.

"Well, thank god I'm not God then," she said lightly with a joking smile. "Though I think Ogawa has a bit more to say on the matter, right?"

"Indeed," Ogawa said spreading his arms as if he was preaching before a congregation. "Saying that I don't believe in God would be misleading. What I do believe is that if there ever was a God for us to believe in, he isn't in this world anymore. Certainly an omnipotent being has greater aspirations than watching over a broken creation such as this one."

"Oh, I wouldn't say this world is completely broken," Hernia put in smoothly. "There are...certain charms to it that continue to amuse me. It's all in how one goes about looking at it. Such is the way of all things."

"But that's precisely what's wrong with this world," Ogawa retorted. "A world ruled by an almighty being should have order above all else and not be open for interpretation. 'Truth is in the eye of the beholder' doesn't concern the ways of God."

"If you say so," Hernia replied back with a cheerful voice.

"I only chose to become your ally so that I can show Yamato Ikusaba how wrong he was when he turned me down. Your opinions about God don't concern me," Orhime said bitterly. She really didn't approved of this group's ultimate goal, but if they could help her get revenge on Yamato she would go down this bitter path gladly.

"Uh huh," Hernia added in, tone remaining the same.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 17 days ago

Just as the Hernia and Ogawa were discussing the nature of God and this world's truth, Harker came in through the door with an unknown man following him. "Your philosophy can wait, we are here to discuss more pressing matters." he said in a dry business-like voice, "This is our last member for the time being, Kanne Summers."

"Pff, so that's the shack were we'll be hiding in, eh?" Kanne said as he walked to the table and picked one of the fruits that were on a plate over it. "Ish you ashk me dat ainst sho greatsh a plashe." He said while stuffing his mouth with it. After that, Kanne pulled one of the chairs and sat on it while propping his feet on the table.

A loud crack would echo across the room and everyone present fell silent as they turned in the direction of the newcomer. Hernia stood tall over a now kneeling Kanne, eye raised in interest at the man's reaction. The fruit he was so ungraciously feasting upon lay splattered on the ground next to his crouched form. She had rammed the grip of her parasol into the man's ribs faster than he could react. How she had managed to close the distance between herself and Kanne was beyond anyone else.

"I'm afraid I don't approve of ill manners in my household," she said calmly in the face of his pain. "Please proceed to remove your feet from the table after you've cleaned up the mess you made on my floor."

"Oh ho! This kiddo may be a midget, but she packs serious punch," Kanne said after being hit by Hernia, "Anyway, you're lucky that I was surprised, or else..." the burly man said trying to activate his powers just to find that he couldn't. "What the hell? What you did to me you panty pisser?"

That particular quip would be answered with another crack at his rips via parasol followed by a smile. How she was able to do that in his position was still a mystery, even to the onlookers.

"Please no vulgarity in my household," she added.

"Your efforts are fruitless," Harker said to Kanne, "her powers consist mainly on deactivating other's powers, it would better if you followed her demands and then sat like a human at the table. Nevertheless, we've got to discuss how we're going to handle our two main tasks, obtaining both the vessel and the power font as well as destroying our oppositors"

"Blunt as ever, aren't you Harker?"

Hernia now appeared before the crowd at the front of the dining room. She rested the black parasol between her arms and crossed them, her confident smirk met with the looks of the gathered group.

"Time is money. Money is power. Ultimate power is all that YTC is interested in." Harker answered bluntly. He didn't expected the ages old Youkai to understand such a simple human concept, but neither she needed to, as long as her actions continued to further YTC's needs.

"You heard the man everyone. Any ideas as to how to run this little operation? I'll handle the vessel myself so I suggest you all put your brain juices together in finding a way to find a conductor."

"Actually, YTC was working at a suitable one," Harker said as he placed a file over the table, on its cover the words [Project Aurora | Warning: TOP SECRET] were written in big red letters. "However, the subject was stolen from us by one of our scientists. We've lost track of him about six months ago after he made a desperate retreat to the Crimson Sky."

"It's not exactly top secret when random scientists can just steal them randomly," Hernia commented. "I take it a team will be sent to retrieve the stolen conduit?"

"I'll see to it personally," Harker said while pushing his glasses up, "along with Summers, as a matter of fact."

"I hate to interrupt our gathering, but it seems that we have an uninvited guest." Orihime said while pointing to a patch of shadows outside of the mansion. The were quite peculiar shadows in fact, since they were waving their right arm and smilling to them.

Needless to say, the rest of the group halted in their conversation to glance over at the happy patch of darkness. Some of them looked on in fear with little more than a guess of what it was. Hernia only watched with greater indifference before waving back in greeting to the shadows.

"Jeez, this place continues gloomy as ever, huh, Mi...?" The shadow said as it disappeared from the mansion's garden and reappeared inside the dinning room, however it stoped before finishing the sentence when it noticed the flash of killer intent in Hernia's eyes.

"Oh, I see... Hernia, isn't it? Anyway, I'm just here to ask if that deluded fool will be trying to that same old trick again. Doesn't he knows that the humans will never allow us to take the other side no matter how powerful we may be?" The shadow said as it got close to Hernia, without a hint of fear of her abilities, since it was but a mere projection instead of the true being.

"Anyway, it seems that the kids these days have forgotten about the 'Shadow Monster' and are all up to the 'Monster of the Grave', isn't it funny how cultural trends shift so easily in few centuries?" The shadow asked while licking its fingers conspicuously, even though Hernia probably didn't needed that to get an idea of what it had done.

"Oh, I don't know about that. As I recall, I'm older than you," Hernia replied dryly. "But yes, it would seem that the kids these days are more likeable to me than ever before. It's kinda cute in a way. As for the actions of that overgrown child, I really don't care what you or him think. As long as it's entertaining for me."

The other members of their group looked from the shadow to Hernia, amazed that the young looking girl was actually talking back to the shadows. Then again, none of them knew the true subject of purpose hidden behind their words.

"But for he to chose you as a prophet of sorts, he must be really invested in this attempt, I just hope that neither he nor you come back home crying after all is said and done.. Anyway, I just came by to say hello, so... Hello and see ya! I bet we will have plenty of chances play again in the future, Mi-chan." That shadow said with an overly sweet voice just to anger Hernia before disappearing.

Said attempt to anger her would only fall flat as the girl with the black parasol merely shook her head with a sigh. Really, the shadows did prove in giving her a migraine, if only because it reminded her of...well, herself. With that little interruption over though, Hernia turned back to the gathered group.

"I guess the rest of you are tasked with causing as much trouble as you can. Doesn't sound like a bad deal, right?"

Kanne slammed his fists together, before flashing a crooked smile at Hernia, "If it's trouble that you want, I'm your man, Boss!"

Mizura watched everyone's interactions and sat in silence thinking about his little sister and the coming confrontation with her and her new 'friends'.

"You think she's shut out her "heart"?" the wolf spoke from inside his head. He knew that the bond between him and the mutt was the same as the girls and her damned fox.

"No chance, unless she found a way to break the bond, and we tried...remember?" he felt phantom pain from the enormous scar on his back. He heard the wolf whimper "It's alright, it doesn't hurt much anyways."

As it seemed the meeting was coming to an end, Kanne spoke up again and slammed his fists together, but in the process knocked over a cup and spilling things on the table. Mizura moved in a blur and kicked the chair from under the dope, making him fall hard to the ground and liquids falling all over him "I'm not quite sure how clumsy a man can be, but there is more mess for you to clean up..." Mizura's eyes shined blue and he looked down on the man.

Hernia chuckled at the scene, already at the front door with an impossible speed of her own. Yes, she would definitely have her fun with this group of theirs for as long as this alliance lasted.

"How unsightly. Please no spilling in my household. Do make sure to follow his suggestions Kanne," she said before departing. "Boss eh? I rather like hearing that," she added to herself before dissappearing into the darkness of her mansion.

She had a boy to steal.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 17 days ago

*OOC: Since my previous post was a GMing post, I'm disconsidering posting rules just this once, 'cause I had a post ready for Eos and was just waiting until the night went way for @TheWindel and me to post that colab between us two and @AgentFallenSoul, before I could make my next player post. Plus, given the current level of activity I guess that it'll be safe to drop the restriction to one post only instead of two. So feel free to post using that new speed for the time being.

After Ikkime took Amiti back home, and the gathered Chasers delighted in Chikage's treat to their heart's content they finally decided to disband their meeting and call it a night.

The following day would go without trouble for the Dangeki crew and since it was Saturday, it meant that the café would be working on its weekend shift, that means, opening a little later and closing a little earlier than during weekdays. This shift allowed a little free time for the café crew to do whatever they wanted in the mornings while saving the night time for their 'secondary job' since Youkai attacks tend to multiply on these days because of all the careless persons walking around places that they shouldn't be.

And thus Eos was spending her free morning taking a walk through a nearby park while heading to her favourite bookstore in order to purchase yet more 'study material' as she used to label her manga collection.

Eos was walking absentmindedly while listening her Jimmy Hendrix collection on her c-Pod and reading a manga at the same time when she felt something bumping against her legs. When she took off her headphones and looked down to see what was it Eos was greeted by sight of a small girl holding a plushy bunny tugging to her dress. The robot girl, patted the child in the head and said, "I'm sorry," before continuing her walk though she didn't went far before she felt that girl didn't let go of her dress.

Eos lowered her head and looked the child in the eyes before saying, "What's it sweetie, are you lost or something like this?"

The girl nodded silently.

Eos patted her head again, "Alright, let your onee-chan help you. I'm sure that we will find your relatives soon enough."

The girl nodded again.

"I'm Eos. What's your name?"

The girl didn't answered Eos, instead showing her a badge that was pinned to her dress, on it the name Rikka was written in a very simple, but pretty handwriting.

It was then that Eos figured, "You can't speak, can you, sweetie?"

The girl nodded yet again, but this time she seemed a little downcast.

"Don't be like that, you're too cute to make such a face." Eos said as she produced a lollipop from within one of her pockets, "Here, they sell those where I work. You can have it if you want."

Rikka picked the candy and didn't lose time before shoving it in her mouth, that reaction was actually so cute that Eos found herself smiling just from watching the girl joyfully suck on the lollipop.

Nevertheless, after long time searching around the park, Eos couldn't find a single trace of where Rikka's relatives could be. When she went to report the case to a guard, Eos found that Rikka had disappeared mysteriously while she wasn't looking.

Without any further cues, and having jeopardized her free time helping Rikka find her family, Eos thought that the best thing that se could do was go back to the café before it was tome for them to open. However, just as she was about to leave the park, Eos felt tug in her dress and when she look to see what it was, Rikka was there again, still sucking the remainder of the lollipop.

After a brief talk with the girl and another frustrated attempt to report the case to the authorities, Eos came to the conclusion that it would be the best, or -as it seemed to be- her only choice, to take Rikka with her back to the café.

When she arrived back there, there was still a full hour before the opening time and thus the storefront was empty and, despite being the middle of the day, the closed curtains made the place feel a little eerie.

Eos sat Rikka at one of the tables closer to the café's mini-stage (as was her habit when dealing with her guests), "Don't you think this place is beautiful?"

Rikka nodded happily as she looked around the cosplay café with bright eyes. She had finished the lollipop by now and was fidgeting with her toy, while listening to Eos.

"I know it," Eos said, "do you want something to drink? I guess that we still have some sweet barley tea from yesterday, perhaps even some cookies."

Rikka's expression brightened quite a bit and thus, Eos took that as a yes and went happily into the kitchen to pick some refreshments for her unexpected guest. The fact that Rikka wouldn't be paying for her services didn't bothered Eos, since she was just too happy to be able to treat such a cute girl.

Later, perhaps, she could ask Shiina and the others to see if anyone knew of a way to help Rikka find her way back home, but for now it was time to be the café's number three maid, know by the moniker of 'Dangeki Electric Princess', once more. Certainly, Eos couldn't think of a better way to start the day.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 1 day ago

Another day at Dangeki Café. The preceding night hadn’t amounted to much with all things in consideration and Shiina honestly expected the others to party a bit more since Chikage was paying for the bill for once. But it seemed the almighty Chasers couldn’t quite hold their tea as strong as their liquor. Or rather, some of them couldn’t.

Regardless, it was quite a busy day today for their normal day time shifts. With the weekend came bustling crowds and booked events along with those strange folk that always scheduled a birthday party here for some reason. But alas, the sun was slowly descending and soon the Chasers would gather for refreshments after a mission or entering to take on a mission.

The hottest topic was the Yellow Jacket gang and the supposed rival group of theirs, though the latter far outclassed the former in terms of gossip. News spread fast amongst Chasers; such was the way of the world.

As always, the perfect and elegant maid was busy making fresh batches of tea and coffee when she sensed the soulless and mechanical presence of Eos along with…well that was certainly interesting. Shiina quickly sped off to the front of the counter to see the robot coupled with quite an interesting girl.

She watched their interactions and a smile soon crept onto her face. Yes, she had seen these cases before though Eos wouldn’t know it. Taking both trays of tea and coffee in hand, she walked over to the two and planted the platters down on the counter gracefully.

“Ah, you’re back Eos-chan. I see you found something infinitely more interesting than any romance manga. This young lady here is a spirit kept from the afterlife. A ghost if you will. I’m afraid she won’t need any sort of sustenance soon, though I’m sure she caused you quite the startle in terms of appearances.”

Even so, the vampire offered the girl-whose badge read Rikka-a smile along with a small cup of fresh tea. She couldn’t exactly charge the girl when she was already dead so the least she could do was provide free refreshments.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lvl Down
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Lvl Down Lord of Levels

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Once Amiti saw his house a new problem came to his mind, how was he supposed to get to his room on second floor? He was really surprised how fast he had made it home, even though Iki-san was girl, she was really strong. When they made it to the house, Amiti politely asked Iki-san if he would take him to the second floor of his home. What surprised Amiti wasn't the fact that Iki-san took him up there, but rather she jumped up to the second floor, landing impossibly balanced on the window sill of Amiti's open window and set him down in bed. After playfully saying good-bye, Iki-san disappeared and left Amiti to ponder about his day so far. He quickly fell asleep however, and slept deeply.

Mister Mori (as the Cafe Staff called him) woke up and slowly got ready for the day. His old frame didn't move as much as he would like and his joints felt like rusty hinges rather than springy boards like in the old days. He remembered the good old days, before youth became entranced with TV and other stuff. Before that time, Mori was quite the womanizer in his day (that's what he claims) and even today, at the sprightly age of 87, Mister Mori still felt like he had his charm.
Once prepared for the morning, Mori went up to Amiti's room, and woke up the boy. "Time to get up Amiti. We don't have anything in the fridge for food so I am going to treat you to the best breakfast in town." His face got red onder his eyes as a smile crept on his face. It was the weekend after all.

(This is how I imagine Mister Mori)

Amiti didn't wake, so Mori decided to wake Amiti up by grabbing his legs and shaking them. Amiti instantly woke up screaming in pain. If Mister Mori's heart wasn't so used to getting excited (girls and all) he probably would have had a heart attack and died. "Amiti! What's wrong!" Mori immediately threw off the covers only to see Amiti's legs were bandaged. "Amiti! How did this happen! Who did this to you?" Once the pain had gone down slightly, he was able to eek out a small message to his grandpa. "The... Gagneki Cafe... help... me..." Mister Mori mulled over the words, Gangeki Cafe? Never heard of that place before." Instantly wanting to make Amiti happy, Mister Mori picked up Amiti and brought him to the car. Once everyone was buckled in, Mori drove to the Dangeki Cafe to get mote information on this Ganeki Cafe. He parked on the side and took Amiti out of the car. He walked up to the Cafe only to find that it was closed at the moment. "Dang nabit (colorful language) I forgot it opened later in the day." Mister Mori peered into the window and saw 3 people in side, deciding that this was urgent, he banged on the window to get the people's attention.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AgentFallenSoul
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AgentFallenSoul The Forsaken

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Ikkime had dropped the kid off and went on her way, going back to the cafe to join the festivities. Getting up early in the morning she got supplies for the shop and held multiple bags in her hand walking down the street in her Casual attire outside of work with her hate backward. She held a strawberry pocky stick in her mouth and was humming one of the songs from the cafes band, to which she was actually part of funny enough. She finally made it within in sight of the shop and saw that Amiti was back, and an old man, maybe his guardian? Walking up next to them with soundless sneaking, she tapped the mans shoulder "I'd kindly ask you to not bang on the window sir! If you need to come in, kindly asking works as well" she said half jokingly half serious.

Putting her bag down, she picked Up Amiti in one hand and put him on her shoulders "What's up little one, who's the trouble maker your with today?" she joked and opened the door, picking up the handful of other bags and putting them on the counter, she motioned for the older man to come in "and kindly shut the door once your enter please!"

She lifted Amiti off her shoulders and onto a seat, tossing a strawberry pocky bag half open towards him "Keep that warm for me?" she winked and stood up next to Shiina and Eos. Looking over them she saw a girl, but on closer inspection was a spirit "Oh...looks like a interesting story to talk about later, the kids back and i think he brought his legal guardian, I'll handle it, just wanted to fill you in on the two that were here" she patted Eos shoulder and did a slight bow to Shiina. Walking behind the bar, she put on her Apron and started making tea "So what do we owe for the visit?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Ariamis
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Ariamis MonMon

Member Seen 6 days ago

Yamato ran through the ruined city as it was burning around him. The corpses of his comrades were littered at his feet. The red moon was glowing, and it had a disgusting grimace as it came slowly crashing down. He heard the shrill laugh of Tokusada Orihime as she came in view, with an army of endless dolls circling around him. He held his Four Dark Devas of Destruction in his arms, life having left their little bodies. They were cold and unresponsive. There was nothing he could do to stop death from taking those he cared for the most, and dropped to his knees in despair as he was about to be overwhelmed by the mass of unfeeling, soulless killers.

"Yamato Ikusaba, we shall see each other again. I'll finish what I began here at that time."

Yamato opened his eyes and catapulted out of his bed. He touched his face, and realized it was but a nightmare. Sometimes the Evil Eye would give him prophetic visions through his dreams, but up to this point they have always been ambiguous and easy to forget. Why was this one so clear in its message? Yamato waited for his heartbeat to slow down. He felt disconcerted at what his vision seemed to imply. To avert his fate, he had to take the initiative. He had to be the one to lead them to the Promised Land of Victory. If for nobody else, but for Orihime's sake.

Yamato stepped inside the cafe, and went to sit at the counter. He did notice the little girl, and saw through the ghost's facade, but it mattered not to him; there was something far more important for them to do. So he patiently waited for everyone else to arrive, taking an order of tea while he was at it. Once the Chasers were united again, Yamato once again addressed everybody.

"My fellow Chasers, I have devised the suitable members for each task I specified yesterday. Note that these are subject to change, and are not to be considered as orders, but as suggestions from a comrade to another.
To the assignment of cleaning the Yellow Jacket infestation, I nominate the most suitable operators to be the Master of Meteors, the Flesh Devil and the Electric Princess.
To the assignment of hunting Yokai, I nominate the Aura Fiend, the Bionic Commando and the White Wizard.
And lastly, to accompany me in patrolling the city for signs of Edward Harker and his organization, I nominate the Revenant of the Silent Shadow, the Scarlet Sorcerer and the lovely Shiina Gamai, the Night Stalker. Now, if you have any doubts on your mind reveal them to me without hesitation. We must act in harmony if we are to succeed in turning back the tide of dread and desolation, and discord will tear us apart in but a blink of the eye."

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by KoL
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KoL Knight of Lorelei

Member Seen 17 days ago

"Oh, she doesn't want it, then?" Eris said with a dejected look on her eyes. The fact that Rikka wasn't alive didn't bothered the android even a little bit, but being rejected always stung her digital heart.

It probably wasn't Shiina's intention to do that, though, and Rikka simply shook her head to show Eos that she did, in fact want her treats.

When other persons started coming in the café (before opening time!), Shiina decided to leave Eos and the ghost girl to their own devices and see what was happening on the other side of the store. It was pointless to try to dissuade Eos when she got excited about anything, anyway.

However, before the perfect maid turned her back to them, Eos asked, "Ahn... Onee-sama? If Rikka-chan really isn't human, can we keep her until we... no,I find a way to help her?"

Yeah, it was really useless to try to convince the naive robot girl to let something go once she got invested in it...
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Spriggs27 Most likely a Synth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Eiko slept in one of the back rooms inside of the cafe having nowhere to go and wanting to get her coat back from the washing machine, when she awoken her coat was finished washing overnight, took it upon herself to take it out of the washing machine and judged if it was clean enough for her to wear, it was, but Eiko noticed that the Cafe would be opening today and she hung up her coat on a hanger, then placed her bodysuit into the washing machine to clean it as well. The petite woman re-donned the costume from yesterday and tied the apron around her waist tightly, when she walked out into the front of the cafe, she over heard Shiina mention the little girl that was a ghost that was in the cafe, Eiko looked over to notice the girl and watched Eos get ready for a show even though it was just them inside of the cafe.

When Eiko saw Ikkime, she approached the yokai woman from behind not knowing she was interacting with others, Eiko put her robotic hand on Ikkime's shoulder and started asking her questions." Ikkime, I need to ask you for if you could do something for me, well a couple things really." Eiko sighed." I'm not really from this world generally and when I came over, I came without any of my...My clothes or any money in my pockets and I was wondering if....If I could borrow any clothes really." Eiko kinda struggled to ask to borrow clothes from the yokai." And when the time comes would you mind if you could help me zip up my body suit ? The zipper is on the back of the suit and sometimes I can't reach it"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 1 day ago

Well things were certainly getting lively here. First the appearance of Ikkime’s new friend and his rather…colorful grandfather. Yes, Shiina had known the man for some time due to his regular visits in the café along with his more “unique” antics regarding their staff. And then Yamato came in with battle plans already drawn out for all of them.

Shiina nodded to him when he mentioned that she would be accompanying him in patrolling the city for Edward Harker. She had worked with Yamato before and so knew she could rely on him and his hamsters to make sure there were no unneeded casualties.

“We can start as early as tonight,” Shiina told him, carrying a fresh cup of tea in one hand and a bowel of water in the other for his hamsters. “Eos can run the café in my absence. Now all we need to do is inform the others once they arrive.”

Speaking of Eos, the vampire raised an eye at the robot’s request. Keeping Rikka around until she could be helped? It was usually quite difficult, if not impossible in bringing a lingering spirit peace and helping them pass onto the next world. But she didn’t want to discourage the Electric Princess in her task so she refrained from voicing those objective facts aloud.

“Of course you can,” Shiina replied with a smile to both girls. “There’s a spare room next to the one Mistress Eiko was spending in last night and there’s always the room in the back as well. Please, take all the time you need.”

Shiina bowed to them both before making her way back to the counter and towards Ikkime, Amiti, and Mori. Upon closer thought, did anyone even know where Shiina lived at all? Some say she finds residence within the café itself, which would explain the spare room in the very back along with the fact that she was always the first to arrive and the last to close down.

Maybe, but rumors and speculation were always the norm regarding the vampire and this was merely one of them. Chuckling to herself, she stood to address Ikkime while bowing to Eiko and keeping an eye on Mori.

“I hope you rested well last night young Mistress. Please, feel free to spend as much time here until you can find a new residence in this world,” she told Eiko before turning to Ikkime. “I hope he’s not causing too much trouble for you,” she said in an amused tone, referring to Mori-

What was that?

The vampire’s eyes shifted over to the café’s front window, narrowing into slits. Nothing. Nothing was there. She blinked once before her eyes returned to the normal. Her mind was lost on the conversation present right now as she tried to consider what exactly it was that she had sensed.

She could have sworn she saw something, maybe a flash of color. But of what color, she did not know. Furthermore, she felt someone new for a brief moment and that was the most concerning observation. For someone to evade Shiina’s detection…they had to be incredibly strong or unpredictable.

Or both.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lvl Down
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Lvl Down Lord of Levels

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

“There’s a spare room next to the one Mistress Eiko was spending in last night and there’s always the room in the back as well. Please, take all the time you need.”

Mister Mori's face lit up after he heard that sentence. There were girls back there, there was a spare room? They were also changing. It seemed all to perfect, yet he couldn't help but slowly make his way to the back of the Cafe. He stopped however half-way there when he sensed a pair of bloodthirsty eyes were watching him. Mori knew that no matter what could be behind the counter it was not worth crossing a female.
For Hell hath no fury like that of a woman.

Mori chuckled silently though as he he added the last part to the end of the saying, in respect of course to the owner of this Cafe.

For Hell hath no fury like that of a woman, and if that woman be Shiina, the devil be running too.

He knew the vampire all too well, seeing as how he had known her since his days as a young chaser. He felt the vampiress' wrath once, and that was more than enough for him. He was debating where to go from this point when he suddenly felt another presence watching him. He may be old, but Mister Mori could sense things with inhumane precision, giving him the nickname "Oracle", or as other chasers back in the day called him, "Po" short for "The Pervy Oracle." Knowing that Shiina was the only one that could match or surpass his depth of perception he made his way over to the the Vampire and slung his arm around her waist, "Now Shiina, I must say, your Cafe seems to be getting busier everyday! Why do you have so many guests?" He knew that Shiina would understand what he was really talking about, being an old man had its perks especially because most women took it easy on him when he got a little too friendly, except for Shiina. It allowed him to get away with things most people couldn't and gave him a sense of innocence because his power itself truly wasn't strong, but it allowed him to understand what was going on around him, unless... he was sleeping. Plus, this would be the perfect excuse to get up close without bringing on the full wrath of Shiina.

Amiti tilted his head and was a little surprised when his grandpa wrapped his arm around one of the girls' waist. however, knowing that his grandpa was still alive, even at his old age, he quickly stopped worrying about his grandpa. He did however notice that delicious Pocky Candy lay in front of him, and no candy survived the wrath of Amiti. As he munched on the sweets, he began to wonder were Iki-san was and the hamsters. He wanted to see those hamsters again.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kindos
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Ketsui stood there at the foot of the alley way, staring down it in thought while stretching his legs. Standing up straight he would stretch his arms; rotating both his shoulders before cracking his neck. "Alirght, let's do this." He said excitedly, hopping into a run towards the closed dumpster up against the wall. As he approached the dumpster he would jump at the wall planting his right foot on it. He pushed off the wall sending him up higher, high enough to get clean on top of the dumpster. Withought losing his momentum Ketsui took a quick two or three steps then leapted towards the metal railing attached hanging off the wall on the other side. With his hands out towards the railing he would latch on to it the moment he felt the metal in his palms. Ketsui would bring his feet up in front of him to brace the impact of the wall, soon pulling himself along the railing until he could grab hold of the edge of the metal catwalk that would lead to the roof through a series of stairs.
The moment he was able to he flew up the stairs to the roof.

Walking to the edge of the roof he would seat himself down, his legs dangling off the edge. Ketsui planted his hands beside him before taking in a deep breath. He felt free, calm, at peace, but that was all exstinguised when he remembered something that was said the night before. "A group of people tasking with removing us... Damn." Ketsui closed his eyes and tilted his head back so he faced the sky. "Are they really after me too? I mean, nobody there knew who I was. Could the same be said for those marked us as targets? Ugh! This is too much right now, I could really use a goo--" He cut himself off, springing up to his feet. "Yeah, that's what I'll do!"

Ketsui stood out front of the cafe, his hands planted on his hips as he took a deep breath through his nose, he was happy to finally be there again. Before heading into the cafe he stopped to compose himself and focus on who was already inside hoping he wasnt the last on there. He wasn't. However there were two new ones that weren't there the night before, one of the two being something Ketsui had never come across. He opened the door to the cafe and stepped inside, shutting the door behind him. "Hello everybody, I hope you're all enjoying your days so far." He said with a smile on his face sending off a wave while walking to the counter. "Could I please get something to drink, preferably something cold." He said softly as he sat at on if the counter seats, the smile still on his face. "Its such a lovely day today isn't?."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AgentFallenSoul
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AgentFallenSoul The Forsaken

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Ikkime finished making tea and coffee, balancing all of the trays and cups on a tray with an aura tail. Walking through the hall and into the main cafe, she saw the old man with his arms at Shiina's waist. She shrugged and poured tea into a cup for Yamato. Upon hearing what she was being told she turned her head just a little "Well Mr.Overlord, for now, lets just enjoy the downtime, best to not get wrapped up in the action all the time" she patted his back and moved away. Placing everything down on the counter she let others get what they needed.

Turning she saw Ketsui ask for a cold drink "How about one of the cafe's special sodas, one moment" her tail snaked around the corner and into the back, picking up a metal silver bottle in ice. Grabbing a cup, her tail came back and placed the soda on the counter. "Before you drink it, think any soda you want, itll appear in the liquid" she smiled and passed him the cup "Nice day indeed."

She looked at everyone interacting and she stretched, leaning on the counter, she used her one of her tails to ruffle through Amiti's hair "Keeping eating candy like that and you'll get cavities you goof" she poured him a drink and took a pocky stick for herself. Hearing Eiko she looked at her and smiled "Of course, actually do you want to go to my room now? I'll lead you up there and let you pick what you want, we can go shopping later if you want to, seeing as you are new to here and all. As for the suit, anything to help" she winked at her and waited for her response.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Spriggs27 Most likely a Synth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Eiko felt a little relieved to hear the yokai agree to let her borrow clothes." Thank you, and y-" Before Eiko could finish her sentence she noticed the old guy speaking to Shiina and was quiet for a moment observing the old guy getting an odd feeling that the guy was a bit creepy. Eiko noticed that the old man was Amaiti's guardian or his grandfather, she could tell just from his small action that he was more than he seemed just from seeing him put his arm around the vampire cafe hostess." Yes, but I don't really need much, I just need something for today really. I guess we could, but I don't really have any money with me really." Eiko explained again. She kept her eyes on Shiina and the old guy wondering if Shiina was gonna do something to the old guy or just let him be, then she looked back to Ikkime and looked the Yokai in the eye.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 1 day ago

As Mori wrapped an arm around her waist, Shiina’s eyes shifted blood red and into slitted pupils; one could swear the very air around her dropped a few degrees. Oh yes, she knew what the old man was trying to convey through his words alone. That still didn’t make him any less susceptible to getting a knife to the head. It wasn’t like Shiina was concerned after all, since he was a seasoned Chaser.

“I have absolutely no idea what you’re on about Po. The café’s numbers are always the same. You know that better than anyone here.”

Despite her joking tone, there was a very real threat underlined beneath those words. Any closer and he would get a few more knives in just a few more places. Still, her words confirmed that she had sensed the presence as well, as fleeting as it was. It also confirmed that, no, she didn’t know who or what it was. Youkai or human, it was too fast to tell.

Still, if it was a Youkai, it needed to be dealt with. It was obviously not friendly if it had to evade her senses like that. Using her vampiric speed, she pushed Mori’s hand away and moved over to Ikkime and Eiko. This all happened in a blur no regular eye could see, though Mori would definitely feel her moving away.

Just for good measure, the vampire sent a flying knife his way. It wasn’t meant to harm him of course, but as a sign that she understood his message and that she would find out what it was. And it served as a reminder to not push his luck when it came to grabbing her or her staff. On second thought, she sent three more knives for good measure, all of them thrown in one fluid motion with a flash.

“Apologies for interrupting you two,” Shiina said to both Ikkime and Eiko, eyes back to their ice blue tint and not worrying about Mori in the slightest. “Ikkime-san, there’s something I need to ask of you,” the vampire said with a smile, moving to her side and speaking lowly in her ear. “Please check the outside perimeters of the café. We have a possible Stray in the area.”

With those orders given, the vampire turned back to Eiko, smile quickly being brought up. If this enemy was as powerful as she thought it was, there was no use in getting everyone alarmed and their assess kicked again.

“Is there anything I can do to assist you, Mistress Eiko?”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lvl Down
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Lvl Down Lord of Levels

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Mister Mori suddenly felt colder, it seemed as if Shiina was draining his body heat. “I have absolutely no idea what you’re on about Po. The café’s numbers are always the same. You know that better than anyone here.” He mused the thought in his head, that was until Shiina vanished from his grip and a knife went right past his head. Mori immediately fell to the ground as 2 more knives rushed past above him getting stuck in the brick wall. There indeed was nothing more terrifying than an angry Shiina. Letting it go at that and counting himself lucky for getting off with just a warning, he made his way back to Amiti who seemed to be quite attracted to a certain girl. "Ikki-san eh? I think I am going to have to give that girl a good inspection just to make sure Amiti would be fine with her." He smiled his big toothy smile and made his way to were Shiina. Vampire or not, evil dragon slaying lady or not, Mori knew that he deserved answers for what happened to Amiti, and the chasers would be the best source of information.
Once Shiina had finished giving orders, Mister Mori walked up Ikkime and simply said, "I need to talk with you later." He looked at Shiina with a look only a grandpa could give, and he alone could pull it off without incurring the Wrath of Shiina. (due to the amount of time he knew Shiina)

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Spriggs27 Most likely a Synth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

As Mori wrapped an arm around her waist, Shiina’s eyes shifted blood red and into slitted pupils; one could swear the very air around her dropped a few degrees. Oh yes, she knew what the old man was trying to convey through his words alone. That still didn’t make him any less susceptible to getting a knife to the head. It wasn’t like Shiina was concerned after all, since he was a seasoned Chaser.

“I have absolutely no idea what you’re on about Po. The café’s numbers are always the same. You know that better than anyone here.”

Despite her joking tone, there was a very real threat underlined beneath those words. Any closer and he would get a few more knives in just a few more places. Still, her words confirmed that she had sensed the presence as well, as fleeting as it was. It also confirmed that, no, she didn’t know who or what it was. Youkai or human, it was too fast to tell.

Still, if it was a Youkai, it needed to be dealt with. It was obviously not friendly if it had to evade her senses like that. Using her vampiric speed, she pushed Mori’s hand away and moved over to Ikkime and Eiko. This all happened in a blur no regular eye could see, though Mori would definitely feel her moving away.

Just for good measure, the vampire sent a flying knife his way. It wasn’t meant to harm him of course, but as a sign that she understood his message and that she would find out what it was. And it served as a reminder to not push his luck when it came to grabbing her or her staff. On second thought, she sent three more knives for good measure, all of them thrown in one fluid motion with a flash.

“Apologies for interrupting you two,” Shiina said to both Ikkime and Eiko, eyes back to their ice blue tint and not worrying about Mori in the slightest. “Ikkime-san, there’s something I need to ask of you,” the vampire said with a smile, moving to her side and speaking lowly in her ear. “Please check the outside perimeters of the café. We have a possible Stray in the area.”

With those orders given, the vampire turned back to Eiko, smile quickly being brought up. If this enemy was as powerful as she thought it was, there was no use in getting everyone alarmed and their assess kicked again.

“Is there anything I can do to assist you, Mistress Eiko?”

" You don't need to call me mistress Shiina, just call me Eiko, there's no need to be formal with me. And no not really I don't really need any help with anything." Eiko told the vampire yokai, she noticed the old guy started to get annoying, she saw the blade that Shiina threw at the old man and could see that the old man would be annoying and in the way, she felt like she knew what the old man was getting to when he said he wanted to speak to Ikkime later, Eiko thought about grabbing her P90 lounging behind the counter with a full clip, and thought about threatening the old guy, but then another thought came over her and she slowly pulled up her right sleeve up to her shoulder fully revealing her robotic arm.

Eiko held up her robotic palm and discharged a powerful amount of electricity from her arm, almost emulating Shiina, Eiko grew a dangerous aura around her almost as if she was copying Shiina's intimidation tactic, she took out her combat knife from her apron." Unlike Shiina, I won't just stab you." She fired a small plume of fire from her robotic knuckle." I'll burn you, electrocute you, then stab you if you don't just be quiet and order something like a normal customer." Eiko told him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by AgentFallenSoul
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AgentFallenSoul The Forsaken

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


The sound of ragged panting was heard in the darkened alleyway, the red moon shining above like an unholy beacon for creatures of the night. The Crimson Sky was indeed a cruel place to dwell in as the girl with the red dress and black parasol had quickly found out. She was leaning on the brick wall behind her, parasol held out like a weapon. Blood seeped out from her side, coating the floor in thick red. Even so, a determined grin was set on her face, despite the possibility that she would pass out soon enough.

She eyed the creature with fiery defiance, holding out her weapon with trembling hands. The beast looked something out of a child's twisted nightmare. The body of a jackal and yet it walked like a man. Bandages stained black and red snaked around its furry, lean arms as elongated claws scraped across the floor. Its face was that of a hideous deer skull, horns bridging out of its head while twin black pits of nothingness stared back at the desperate girl.

The creature was a Youkai, a Stray one at that. Thought and meaning had no impact on it for all it knew was the driving desire to hunt, kill, and feed. It held in its hand a mighty staff with curled, scythe-like blades crescent on each opposite side. But perhaps most menancing were its eyes. One large and red pupil blinked on the front side of its matted chest, the other squirming around on its back side. The hellish Youkai gave a low screech that sounded like flesh being scraped together as it approached its wounded prey.

All of this occurred on the outskirts of the real world, right on the border. In fact, the incident was happening not too close from the Dangeki Cafe. Perhaps this was the malicious presence Shiina had sensed? With a Stray so close to their base of operations, it needed to be taken out soon.

Ikkime turned to see Shiina appear instantly next to them. She leaned in close and asked her for a perimeter check, meaning something was off to her. Leaning her head back she nodded "I'll go get those for boss, make sure this one doesn't get into to much trouble" she joked and pointed to Amiti. Taking off her apron, she reached into her pocket, pulling a key out "Here, my room is the second door on your left, upstairs. Just find something you like and leave my key with Shiina for me" she grabbed the girls hand and put the key in her palm.

THe old man approached her and she smirked amused "Alright pops, i await the talk."

Patting Amiti on the head, she looked back at Shiina momentarily, thinking to say something but waved it off as it wasn't worth bringing up in front of everyone. Once outside she looked up and down the road, it being completely barren which wasn't so odd, but it was off putting. Going into alley, her aura ears sprouted instantly. going back and forward and she listened for a moment "What could possibly be dum-" the ears got something and her ears shown purple. Her tails formed and she quickly got on all fours, bounding, she followed her ears as they sensed a presence.

Turning into another alley, she saw a stray standing in front of a bloody girl. Her four tails quickly grew from behind her and instantly bounded towards the youkai from behind.

Upon closer inspection, Ikkime would find the Youkai to be a subset of Inugami. Which in itself was strange since Inugami were usually intelligent in their own right. Thus, to see a Stray was quite odd. Regardless, it was obvious to see what it wanted to do and it needed to be stopped.

The creature turned to Ikkime with a slow gait, raking its claws on the ground and letting out a yowl right at the charging fox girl. Behind it, the girl with the parasol slid a little further to the ground, clutching her side as help had finally arrived.

Her tails quickly passed him, aimming for the girl behind and she picked up the girl with care. Quickly lifting her up and pulling her behind her, Ikkime let out a deafning howl and looked at the Inugami. Her tails waved back and forward waiting for the stray to make a move towards either her or the girl.

"Wha...What are you doing?" the girl asked weakly before her expression turned to a gritted frown. "You...You're one of them, right? A Youkai? Stay back from me, I'm warning you! I just got done teaching this guy a, ngn, lesson...."

Despite her words, it was evident that the girl was losing her strength. The mistrust in her eyes did not waver in spite of this. In front of them, the Inugami's front eye blinked rapidly as it charged at the two girl with an ear-splitting yowl. Moving its arm up, it lashed downward with bloodied claws aimed straight for the girl with the parasol.

"Shush, put pressure on your wound or you will bleed out, I will not argue with your distrust, but do not be stupid" she didn't looked back but she wasn't going to take her eyes off the Youkai. The Inugami charged them and slashed towards the girl.

"Heh, I'm not just some weakling to write off about," the girl commented with a smirk. Nevertheless, she did as Ikkime told her, putting pressure onto the wound on her side.

In one swift motion, one of Ikkime's tails parried the slash, and two came at him from both above and behind.

The blows from Ikkime's tail made the beast stagger back though it wasn't enough to draw blood. It reared its ugly maw at her now, pausing for the briefest of moments, as if considering something. Then it gripped its weapon in hand, twirling it around and lunging forward at a speed that suggested it was holding back until now. Now it was out for the kill, for the blood of this fox who stood before its meal.

Ikkime quickly retracted her tails and they disappeared, looking at the inugami as it lunged towards her. Her eyes glowed suddenly and she raised her hand, it suddenly being engulfed with aura and what stood in it's place was a pure purple claw like aura hand that stopped at her elbow.

She moved the left slightly and pulled the Youkai forward, quickly using her other similar aura clawed hand, she sent her hand towards it's quickly approaching chest.

Blood splattered on the walls of the alleyway and a pained screech echoed all around them. Snarling viciously, the Youkai raised its arm down to slice through the arm gripping it with its weapon. Landing on solid ground once again, it chose a different tactic this time by clinging to the walls and striking with its claws.

It jumped between the left and the right at rapid speeds, moving almost like a blur. Its roars indicated its growing rage and it moved with such a nimble movement to avoid the slow build up of Ikkime's claws.

Ikkime felt her arm receive cuts and she held her arm back, letting it start to heal from the aura. Using her other hand, she made an upward motion and aura like arms began to expand out of her now engulfed arm.

Two of the five arms expanded and blocked Ikkime and the girl from the barrage, while the three other arms attacked the youkai from right, left and underneath it.

The creature snarled angrily now as more and more blood began to splatter out of it. It was a bit concerning and it suggested the Inugami was already wounded before its dual with Ikkime. Perhaps the parasol girl had put up a defense after all? She had to in order to survive this long. But now it was getting all the more dangerous for a dying Youkai, especially a Stray, was nothing more than a feral, corned animal.

Barking, it leapt up to the sky using the walls to climb up. Pushing off, it swung its staff-scythe overhead and launched itself downward. With a final howl, it twisted around so that the blade would make contact, the strike made to slash through all barriers with the assistance of its trajectory and momentum.

Ikkime smiled an almost bloodthirsty grin that would unsettle even the most evil of people. Moving the girl to the side with intense speed. She removed the aura arms and it appeared as if she wasn't there anymore. As the youkai's blade hit the ground, Ikkime appeared beside the stray. She kicked the youkai in it's side, with enough force to break anything inside it's body.

It was sent flying in the ally, only to be smashed into the ground by one of Ikkime's tails. Picking up the smashed body of the youkai, she held her hands out and another tail appeared and wrapped around stray's body. She paused "I'd ask if you had any last words, but I forgot...I couldn't careless..."

In that moment, the single eye seen on the Inugami's front chest blinked and remained wide open. It was almost as if it was evoking some silent plea to her. Or it could have been a dying trick. One could never know with a Stray. With its skull smashed into pieces, its only source of output was through the eye.

Ikkime closed her hands and the tails that were wrapped around it's body crushed the stray's body in seconds. Dropping the remains of the now very very dead youkai, she smirked for a second, then reverted to her straight face. Blood splashed everywhere and Ikkime released her power, breathing out she closed her eyes and opened them.

Her eyes returned to it's normal purple, turning she looked at the girl "There is a place not to far from here that others can help you, humans if that's what you want, or you cannot trust me and bleed out" she looked at the girl "If you choose to believe me, then allow me to assist you so that we can get back faster, as much as I enjoy fighting, I'm not to big on blood, and theres...alot" she looked at the now completely splattered walls of the alley.

"Really," the girl said sarcastically. "Are Youkai battles always this...messy? Honestly, it's like there's no taste or honor."

The girl took a step forward now, only to stumble and falter her step. She flashed Ikkime a look suggesting that she only wanted minimal assistance. It seemed like pride was a running theme with this girl.

"Seeing as you saved me, I might as well know the name of my knight in shining armor. May I ask who you are Youkai?"

"Depends on who's fighting, youkai dont play fair, theres no honor in monsters fighting..." she said back with a bit of a smile. Watching the girl stumble, she quickly helped the smaller girl and used one of her aura tails to help the girl, seeing as she was shorter.

She started walking towards the street and sighed, she and the girl were gunna get looks from the amount of blood both of them had on them, her arm had healed which was good, but more scars and a ripped shirt were left.

She contemplated for a second telling the stranger her name, for one it was odd that the girl was even fighting a youkai, let alone an inugami, not only that but survived long enough. It was off putting but Ikkime mentally shrugged, whats the worse that could happen "Ikkime, Ikkime Oi, how about you? Damsel in distress got a name?" she looked down at the girl and joked.

"Ha ha, hilarious. My name is...Lucille Ferris," the girl said, giving in with a sigh. "Truth be told, I don't even know what this place is. I woke up all of a sudden in this hell hole and was wandering the streets before that Youkai attacked me. Aren't those things supposed to only be myths? Anyway, I'm guessing you're Japanese due to your name? I'm sort of from America if you hadn't noticed yet."

That would definitely explain the girl's Western-styled name and it looked like she was just another victim of the Crimson Sky's random selection of victims. To say that she knew about Youkai though spoke that she had some knowledge of Eastern culture.

"Is this like some sort of gift I have? To even be in this world I mean?"

"Pleasure to meet you" she looked around and her aura fox ears appeared again, listening for an attack. "Trust me, this area is nothing compared to what hell you thinking of. What happened to you most likely is happening to others as we speak right now" she stopped for a moment and looked around "This is what youkai call the Crimson Sky, kind of a second alternate world so to speak. People like you end up getting, well taken and end up here. Myths most of the time end up being true in some form."

It was always interesting to hear abductees like her who had questions more then just panicing, the girl might just be an interesting soul after all. She shrugged to her comment about being japanese "I guess i would if it was just from my name, i'm not not quite sure what my race is, i've forgotten if you want me to be honest, an I did, your name only helped with my assumption" very interesting indeed for a westerner to be here and on top of that know what youkai were.

She looked down at the girl "I wouldn't call something like coming here a gift, more a curse. And to answer that question, it might be or you might be a victim of the Crimson World selection. You might even be developing something as we speak, it's best if I get you out of here before another fight breaks out, being here is making me...yeah lets just keep moving" she blinked hard for a moment to keep her power from being released. She could feel it coming back and she was not going to let this girl witness "that".

Lucille glanced up at her new companion, curious as to what could have been bothering her. But seeing the Youkai in action, it was probably best not to press her luck any further. So instead she limped off without another word until the duo managed to reach the corner which turned into the Dangeki Cosplay Cafe Club. The surrounding area began to fade away, the sounds of early evening buzzing all around.

"Wait...this isn't my home," Lucille said with a frown, looking around. "I don't recognize any of these streets and...I can't even read them. Is that Japanese?"

Obviously the girl had been expecting to arrive in the area she was taken but the didn't seem to be the case. It was yet another mystery of how the Crimson Sky actually worked and functioned as the space of the worlds seemed to be distorted. One corner could easily lead to one place while the other seemed to lead to somewhere else. Given that the area was always shifting, always changing, it was imperative that one know their way in the perilous world.

The girl with the parasol frowned, suddenly feeling much out of her territory. Here she was with a complete stranger, albeit a helpful stranger and hundreds of miles from her home, if not more. It was a little overwhelming to take in and she couldn't help but tremble as her mind tried to wrap around it all.

"S-Sorry. Um, you said you were taking me to someplace safe?"

Ikkime sighed as they made it out of Crimson World and she felt instantly relief knowing "she" was left behind. Looking back, she saw purple eyes, but they quickly disappeared "Way to fucking close...." tuning back into the real world, she looked down and saw the girls face, hearing her words and feeling her tremble "That it is, it's not uncommon for you to be somewhere you aren't from when you come back from the Crimson World, often the people we rescue we end up sending back on planes" she lowered herself a little.

"I'll have to explain everything once we get there, but it's very safe, I promise" her fox ears sprouted and her trademark look appeared, one ear up the other down.

"There's nothing to be afraid of, I swear no one will hurt or take advantage of you, alright?" she held her pinky finger out and held it towards the girl "it's cheesy but it's how I promise things and I wont break it."

"Let's get one thing straight here...Ikkime-san? Is that how you say it? I'm not just some child for you to treat, alright," Lucille said with that same spark of defiance before sighing and taking the other girl's pinky. "But...thank you for what you've done so far. And you're right, that line is cheesy."

As the two fully exited the realm of the Crimson Sky, the girl known as Lucille Ferris took one look back. The expression in her crimson eyes revealed nothing.

Needless to say, Shiina sniffed them out first before sensing them. When the two entered the Cafe's front doors the vampire found out why. They were coated in red, blood wafting in the air. Shiina held back a sigh and it was a good thing she was as old as she was; otherwise, she'd waste no time in trying to consume some of that blood.

"I take it you dealt with our problem then, Ikkime-san?" Shiina asked, dashing to meet them first before smiling down at Lucille. The parasol girl tensed as she caught the glint of fangs and couldn't help but press closer to Ikkime.

Ikkime released her aura power and held her arm around Lucille "Yeah it was taken care of, pain in the ass" she showed her left arm that had fresh scars among others "but taken care of" she patted Lucille's shoulder reassuringly.

"This one has some serious spunk, took on an Inugami with just the parasol in her hand, she might have some potential" she lead the girl over to a counter and got her the healing drink "It taste horrible but that will heal much fast" she passed her the drink and looked at Shiina "She's from america, what do you wanna do?"

"An Inugami?"

Shiina looked at the girl with a raised eye. That was certainly surprising, more so than the fact that an Inugami had turned stray which was weird in on itself. Lucille looked at Ikkime hesitantly before taking a sip of her drink. She immediately coughed and wiped her mouth with her sleeve, the blood dry by now.

"You said it was horrible, not atrocious," she commented with a mutter.

"You slayed the Inugami then?" Shiina asked to Ikkime. "I don't need to remind you that Inugami aren't prone to bouts of bloodlust like that...maybe something set it off...as for the girl, we'll take care of her for now before sending her back when we can. At this moment, we're caught up in this Yellow Jacket business, not to mention the threat of our rival group. As much as she may not like it, it's easier and safer for her to stay with us for the moment."

"Oh hush and take it like a grown up" she joked at the girl and looked at Shinna seriously "I know, not only that but..." she leaned in closer so that only Shiina could hear " "She" is back, I saw her Shiina, after all these years, she's alive and she almost caught me..." she leaned back "But yes the Inugami, I would have investigated but....well you know."

"Looks like you're gunna be stuck here for a little while, but if that's the case you're little demsel in distress ass is gunna be put to work and no if , ands, or buts missy" she smiled half jokingly half serious.

"W-Wait, you're joking right? You can't be serious?" Lucille asked indignantly.

To the addition of more distressing news, Shiina narrowed her eyes. Of all the things, now it looked like the Chasers would have more to deal with than she thought. Too bad Chikage couldn't warn them about this in advance.

"Noted. Well then, I'll leave you two at it. It's almost time for me to patrol with Master Yamato. Until later," she said with a nod to both of them before moving away.

"No, im not joking at all, this is the tough world we live in missy, now march and we'll find you work clothes that work for you" she pointed towards the door leading to the back and the hallway full doors.

Looking at Shiina "Be...careful out there, it was quiet out there. The fact that "she" came back is not good..." she put a hand on Shiina's shoulder before turning to Lucille "Get a move on missy, the costume aint gunna put itself on" she started off towards the uniform room.

Shiina nodded to the warning. Despite her age and experience, the Youkai always seemed to evolve and become more and more deadly with each generation. She left then to meet Yamato, leaving a grumbling Lucille to head into the back and pick out a uniform. By now her wounds had healed though they would have to do something about her bloodied garnments.

"Do I really have to wear this?" she asked with a frown, scanning over the multitude of maid uniforms. "What kind of cafe makes its staff degrade themselves like this?"

"Quit your damn bitchen, you are to small for anyone else's cloths and you cant stay in bloody ones either" she shifted through maid outfits until she got to Lucille's size.

Pulling out one that she knew Lucille would have words for, she threw it at the girl "because you complained, you have to wear one of the special ones" she smirked and waited for the girl to change.

Lucille stared at one of these "special" uniforms, eyes narrowing. All sorts of humiliating feelings coursed in her and she turned away into a spare room to change. When she emerged, she immediately set Ikkime with an icy death glare.

"Not a single word from you," she hissed.

"Ooooo sexy sexy!" she teased and she went to go change into her uniform. Coming back, she helped Lucille tie on her apron and lead her back into the main cafe "You know how to make tea and coffee right?" she tied on her appron and stretched for a moment before putting up her hair in a pony tail.

"Of course not," Lucille said brashly, cheeks flushing at the other girl's compliments. "I've never had a use to serve others before, especially with such lack luster beverages. What, we can't give them soda or something from the fridge?"

She followed Ikkime back into the main, trying to keep her head down and avoid the gazes of the Chasers. No doubt they would notice the new addition to their cafe staff and she tried to follow Ikkime with eyes averted, trying not to trip over her own feet.

"Well Mrs.High Society, this isn't any western restaurant nor is it open for a bunch of normal people. This is a cosplay cafe and specifically for Chasers, one of the main bases in this city in fact. We have soda's but it's different from anything like that, and tea or coffee is much desired here. I'm a bit insulted, but none the less you are a forienger so I cant blame you for your opinion."

She went over to the counter and pulled out a pot for tea and another for coffee, putting them on "You dont have to do much here, just pour into these" she pointed to the tea and coffee cups "make sure a plate is under the cup so they dont burn themselves and dont burn yourself, i'll be next to you so ill help you when I can, but burns aren't that fun" she joked.

"Compared to an encounter with that thing from before, I don't think a little burn will mean much to me," Lucille said drily. "And it's not like I came from a rich family or anything. People just don't drink tea where I come from."

She did as she was instructed, pouring the liquids delicately into each glass and placing them gently on the plate tray. As she did so, she couldn't help but notice the creepy old man that seemed to be hitting on all of the girls present, especially Ikkime for some reason. Not only that, but there was a...a kid?

"Don't tell me you're actually hiring before school age," said Lucille with disbelief. "And I'm pretty sure you should call the cops on that man over there."

Ikkime watched the girl and worked on cutting food when she spoke, not stopping "Eh, that's not so benign, but he's not here for work, he's here cause we saved him yesterday, little guy was getting attacked by some youkai that ended up having some strong enemies using the kid as a decoy" she looked up and watched as Amiti was simply being a kid and enjoying life, making her smile.

Reaching under the counter, she pulled out more strawberry stick candies and took one herself before giving the little boy some "Dont tell that one" she nodded off towards his grandfather who was busy with harassing the other workers.

"Eh the other maids know how to handle themselves extremely well, and he's...an old timer chaser, it's expected from him, he's been a pervert old guy for a long time, but he wont cross the line if you make sure to set it" she looked back down and her tails appeared again, picking up supplies and making food behind her as she started preparing the already finished food.

"So the boy's another Crimson Sky victim then?"

Lucille set her scarlet-eyed gaze on Amiti for just a moment longer with interest in her expression. Maybe he too was a lost soul like her in some way? Probably not but it couldn't hurt to make more friends other than Ikkime. After all, she'd be staying for quite some time as things turned out.

Ikkime shook her head "yes and no, it's complicated..." she went on to explain to Lucille the situation that happened.
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