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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Afina
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Afina Retired Account

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Silvia perked a brow at Ailens comment about Tristan being responsible for the fact he had an artificial arm. Just what all had this asshole done to the people of this planet? She intended to find out and as fast as possible. He had an entire staff that hated him and was causing injury to his staff. Silvia had been sent back to Earth numerous times thanks to GTC, but it wasn’t because of her blow ups on the staff. It was because she refused to follow regulations. She knew she would have to play it a bit safer this time, as much as she hated it, unless she was able to prove that Tristan was far worse than she was. Taking a deep breath she looked at Ailen and then at Gaia. “I want this Tower,” she muttered slightly as she looked away from both of them. “Not because of wanting a Tower but because no Tower should have to put up with Tristan,” she began and then her words trailed off as a thought crossed her mind and a nearly evil grin appeared on her lips. “Save one,” she finished as she rubbed her hands together.

Knowing that the GTC wouldn’t decommission any T-1 that was capable to run a tower it was concluded in her mind that her best course of action was to for GTC to transfer him elsewhere and she could only think of one tower in the galaxy that would be a fitting place for someone like Tristan. “The X-54 Tower,” she said as she looked at Ailen. X-54 was the high security prison planet, where the worst of the worst were sent. It was a savage planet where the GTC held little control because of the strength and vile nature of its residents. A Tower Lead there was given no power and their crystal was controlled off world to ensure it couldn’t be used to ship anyone off world. It was only there to ship people to the planet. Silvia decided that was where she would get Tristan transferred to; a Criminal Planet for a Criminal Talent.

Looking back over at Ailen as he said she didn’t belong on Altenia she perked a brow and shook her head slightly. “No, you’re wrong. This is exactly where I belong,” she said before looking over to Gaia. “Gaia, please can you do me a favor. I want you to go to the Infirmary and get all records and reports you can of an injuries that have happened both in the Tower and outside for the last year. Don’t get caught, stay off the security cameras. Once you get a crystal copy of all the files, find me in my room later on today under the guise of taking care of a tension head ache that developed after my jump to this planet,” she said as the little one fixed her hair. “And of course, take some time to see the kids. I am sure they are missing you,” she said with a smile.

Ailen seemed to snap slightly and Silvia couldn’t help but chuckle as he took off his jacket and proceeded to break probably half a dozen regulations in that single move. She didn’t care; he was under her watch now and Tower Leads, in training or not, were allowed to grant special privilege to their staff. Letting him get away with the dress code change would be something GTC would have to deal with and she knew they would as long as it kept people working with her.

“I don’t think that it is,” she said to Ailen in reference to his crystal issue. “A Tower Lead can use any black crystal, we just find one to bond with to make things easier. Our productivity boosts greatly having a bonded crystal,” she said before her hand came to her mouth as she remembered something. “Once we get done, I need to make a com link to Earth,” she said. She was about to explain when the alarms went off as she elevator doors opened at the Mor. Silvias eyes narrowed as she stepped off and looked around. This couldn’t have been good.

“Hold throw, I repeat hold your throw! Our Tower Lead isn’t here to catch!” Craig screamed into the monitor. “Again, hold your damned throw!” he bellowed.

“I can’t it is past the point of no return! There is nothing I can do!” a man on the monitor screamed back. “I’m….sorry….”

“Where the hell is our T-2 paired back up?” Craig said after slamming his fist down on the counter.

“They’re out! They weren’t supposed to be on shift until tomorrow.” a tech replied quickly from his seat.

“Where the fuck is Tristan?” Craig snapped.

“I don’t know, he isn’t answering his com,” another tech answered from her com.

“Tristan is out cold,” Silvia barked as she walked over to the Tower Lead Chair and sat down. “Raise Crystal Zylon to full power, I need full aft on the horizon, half aft on the vertical, give my bursts set at 5 with a back burst at 4,” she said as she sat there. Everyone in the room froze, they didn’t know what to do, they had never seen her before. “Fucking do it or this Tower is about to go down!” Silvia snapped.
“You heard the woman! Full H & V, Burst 5, BBurst 4, let’s go people, make it happen!” Craig barked towards the crew and they went into action. The sound of the crystal generators humming through the Tower and on the screen a transport ship could be seen breaking atmosphere and headed right towards the tower. “Hold your posts damn it!” Craig yelled as he hit the final bursts. “Now woman!”

Silvias eyes glazed over as her hands were placed on the contacts for her crystals link, her hair slowly rising somewhat like it was caught in a small breeze. The transport looked like a ball of fire at this point but was slowly surrounded by a blue haze and began to slow down but it didn’t look like it would be enough to stop it before impact on the Tower. “Full back thrust now!” she said in a guttural voice, her lips barely moving as beads of sweat began to form on her brow. Craig hit the back thrusts and the ship halted not fifty feet from the Tower completely surrounded by a blue shell of telekinetic energy.

“Altenia Tower? Can you read us?” a voice crackled through the com.

“Loud and clear! Everyone alright?” Craig said quickly as he collapsed in his chair.

“A little shook up but everyone is safe. I can’t believe I am about to say this but thank Tristan for the catch.”

“It wasn’t Tristan,” a tech said as he panned the camera over to Silvia who was still stone frozen in her seat for a few seconds as she lowered the transport into dock before falling back into her chair as her eyes cleared.

"Gaia, check the crew please," Silvia whispered she took a deep breath.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Markofkri
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

As others on the docks hid for cover so certain of the crash Ashala just stood there looking at the ship that nearly made her request a transfer. "Roughnecks, back to work. They don't pay us by the hour." She said over the communicator. Ashala prepped the off loading spaces and made sure the mooring lines were ready to resupply the ship with whatever she needed. The dock master smiled slightly at how the Terran habit of calling ships by the female titles caught on to her. Those T-1 people where worth the money. Ashala knew her limits, but she never stopped marveling at the higher levels.

"Uh boss? You want the over night crates from the hanger on the off world staging area? Because you s-said you wanted the over nighters cleared from the dock." Jimmy never got use to talking to the boss. Even now little beads of sweat started dotting his head. Her terran was not the greatest and it took the memory of the last guy that laughed at her to keep his composure.

"No! How many, times, I have said, crates, loadmasters, problem to, store. We, off load, and load, what's here." Her team always sent the new terran and forced her to use their common. "Jerks." They called it the roughneck initiation.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EWillden
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EWillden Sailor Scout of Death and Rebirth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Ailen heard the noises from the command room and followed after Silvia, what he discovered was a complete disaster waiting to happen. He watched Silvia as she started to dissolve the situation from a shit storm to just another catch. He smiled and continued to watch her features. You know at least she gave something to stare at that didn't make you want to throw up. There was a beauty to her and he couldn't put his finger on it as to why. It wasn't just because she was a woman with pretty good features. It was her ability to jump into any situation and well fix it. This could have been the end of their little tower. He then looked to his chanter of wine and smirked. Perhaps she deserves first drink from this bottle. Oh that's right she wanted those files on Tristan. He moved over to his desk and began opening his cabinets. He began pulling stacks and stacks of files out. It kept in detail every supply ship Tristan stopped from delivering supplies to the people, every detail on his intercepts of messages sent out to GTC. Messages that would likely had him transferred if they reached GTC. Then again they were mostly complaints from the people so GTC might not have cared. Ailen recalled what she said in the elevator. That she could have him transferred to the prison planet. He would agree if it guaranteed his life becoming nonexistent. Silvia did not know the whole story. It wasn't just his arm that was taken from him because of Tristan....

He hated hit to a default, the Beax'Na hated him, everyone in the tower hated him, but no one hated him more then Ailen. Craig was likely the only one in the room right now who knew about the event that forever changed Ailen. Ailen shook his head brushing the thoughts from his mind. No need to think of such thoughts now. Silvia will make things better and he would talk with Craig later. They would keep her here no matter what. Tristan wasn't the only one who can intercept transmissions. They would intercept each one to prevent her from getting transferred. He began to notice he would need a file cart to move these to her quarters and looked about. "Hey Craig,... perhaps we could get a few personnel to take these to Silvia's quarters. She gave me strict orders to get them there." He asked, He then looked to Silvia and smiled. "Perhaps you can give Craig the same orders... the kind where he reports to you now. He will like that... probably. I know I did, if it keeps me from starring at Tristan's ugly visage I am more then happy." He said. He looked behind him when he said that just to make sure Tristan wasn't there.


The Jun'Krama rose up from his seat after it was decided to visit the tower once more. "Have some of the women prepare my horse. I will ride now to go visit the tower once more." He ordered. The old man left to inform the women of their new chore.
"Why?... why keep going to them? We should fight them not continually go to them as if our voice would be heard.." One of his kinsmen said. The chief looked to him. "We may be strong and brave, but we will not be stupid. A attack on them would be futile and pointless. They will use their technology against us and their devil magic. A attack would simply prompt the GTC from destroying us entirely." He responded. He then stepped toward the man. "However, if you do not like my decision you can challenge me right here, right now...." He added. The man gulped and stepped back shaking his head. "Then remain quiet,... if ain't got the balls to face me, how can you be expected to face them?" He barked. He knew the man meant well with his words. He was tired of their treatment as well ,but Tristan was right to some degree that they were no match for the evil magic they use. If anyone recalled, it was their chaos goddess who almost destroyed their civilization with magic. He wasn't afraid to die though if it meant standing up for his people. That is why he must go, he will push and push until he got what they wanted. Perhaps today will be different,... perhaps Tristan will be in the listening mood. Then again he never was. He always sent some piss ant to come talk with him instead. The puffed up fish faced son of a coward was no warrior. He had no balls to talk to him face to face, yet did not hesitate to mouth off insults from afar.... His tower forces were strong in their devil ways. They were brave and strong in their own way. A pathetic way, but still a way to be strong.

Now if they used body and mind he could respect them more. He hated them still, but would hate them less. A man's strength comes from both mind and body, not just the mind. These GTC had the mind part all worked out but not the body. How pathetic... One of the women approached the tent. "Your mount is ready milord,... please be safe." He smirked at the sound of her voice. The voice of fear. That is where women belonged, beneath them. He left the longhouse and off to his horse. He climbed aboard and looked to the old man. "Your in charge until I return... if they send a transport of supplies to us again when I am gone accept it. We need it to survive with prey so hard to find." He ordered. The man simply nodded. The Jun'krama then began his journey to the tower.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Salrynn
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Salrynn Pretty Reckless

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Gaia was just about to answer Silvia’s command with a yes as she wanted to desperately know what was going on herself, if what Ailen said was true then that could be the reason why all the hospital wards are full to the brim of ‘un-natural’ injuries, some she even saw with the children, and that made her stomach churn with sickness ‘that sick bastard...’ she thought to herself with much seriousness in her face.

Then something happened that made her look around quickly. the alarms went off and the elevator doors opened, which shocked Gaia to her core; she really didn’t know what to do, She looked at Silvia and Ailen upon worry and saw just what Silvia was doing, cheering from the background at what she was doing… She would much rather have Silvia to overtake Tristan then have Tristan stay in his current position, she would even let Silvia play with the kids.

Gaia was scared for her, she didn’t know what to do to help Silvia but to do what she was tasked with. And that was to check on the crew themselves, which she did so quickly. Her wings started flapping as she flew quickly into the air, hurrying with the elevator to the docks in order to check on them. The elevator door opened and there they were, pretty shaken up and some even looked like they were in pain from tripping up or something. She stopped the flapping with her wings and floated to the floor slowly to see just what harm was done to them physically and mentally.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fatal Error 1337
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Fatal Error 1337 The Wrathful

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Srath closed the cargo bay ramp as the last of the crates were loaded, he made his way around the crates, pulling and tightening straps that held the boxes in place. He began making his way through the 60 meter ship, throwing the envelope Ailen had given him into his quarters as he passed them. Pressing a quick code into a panel the blast door to the bridge opened. Srath sat in the captain chair and began the startup sequence, the consoles on the bridge lit up and a quite hum from the engines could be heard vibrating through the ship.

He moved to the pilot station, opening the flight path to the valley that would conceal his final approach to the Brax’Na village. Tapping a few more controls he hailed the towers planetary flight control room. "Tower flight control this is N-16C, requesting takeoff from docking bay 12."

Srath waited for a reply, a minute later a bored female voice responded. "N-16C please transmit your flight plan." Srath tapped the console and sent the coordinates of the valley. Srath waited for another few minutes, claws tapping on the armrest of the pilot seat. Finally the bored voice returned. "N-16C you are cleared for takeoff."

"Thank you tower." With that Srath brought the ship into hover, stowing the landing struts, and turned to the opened hangar doors. Bringing the throttle up he moved slowly out the hangar into the open sky. Turing once more he pointed the ship to the valley and set the auto-pilot, the ship accelerating to the destination.

With the ship on its way Srath made his way back to the cargo hold. Pulling a tool from a locker he moved a couple of crates to expose a deck plate. Unbolting it he lifted it to reveal a mobile NAV. COMM. transmitter that replicated the signal from the built into his ship. He pulled the heavy the suitcase sized device from its hiding place and replaced the panel, bolting it back in place. With that done he made his way back to the bridge.

After about ten minutes of flying he felt the ship decelerate as he arrived at the valley. He felt the ship land as he was entering the cargo bay, the ship jolting slightly as it contacted the ground. Opening the cargo door he carried out the device, turning on the power. It wasn't broadcasting yet, waiting for a command to be sent to it from the bridge. Once in the captains chair he simultaneously deactivated the ships NAV. COMM. and activated the decoy. For the final run he deactivate any external scanners that could be detected and flew by sight into the valley that brought him to the drop zone a few miles from the Brax’Na village.

Weaving his way through the mountains it took twenty to come within range of the drop site. Hovering in the valley he sent a transmission of two beeps over a short range frequency. Almost immediately he received a signal of two beeps and a solid tone that lasted a second, the confirmation signal. With that he flew out of the valley, still flying close to the ground as he arrived at the drop site. He could see a dozen or so figures, Brax’Na, with horses and wagons for transporting the crates. "Time to deliver the presents to all the good little boys and girls." He chuckled to himself as he brought the ship in for a landing.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Afina
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Afina Retired Account

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mor of Altenian Tower

Silvia rubbed her temples slightly before righting herself in her chair; now that the disaster had been averted her anger towards the entire situation was beginning to show. Looking over towards the main monitor her eyes narrowed at the man sitting there. Pushing herself out of Tower Lead chair and taking a few steps forward she crossed her arms over her chest.

“Are you stupid?” she snapped at a middle aged man that looked like he may have been Earth Born had it not been for the long neck and large forehead. It was the Tower Lead for Gamma 5, an advanced race known for their brains but apparently in the eyes of Silvia he had none.

“Excuse me?” he snapped

“You heard me Malone, are you stupid? Do you have a brain either in that skull of yours or between your legs?” Silvia barked brazenly towards the man as she stood her ground watching him.

“Bitch, you know I do!” he growled towards her.

“Really? Because I thought a Tower Lead knew better than to throw a vessel towards a tower without first making contact with the Talent catching the damned thing!” she said matter-of-factly as her fists balled up and her arms dropped to her sides.

“It was a routine Throw and Catch! Tristan catches it every week!”

“I don’t give a flying fuck if it is a routine catch! This is one regulation GTC got right! You make contact first! If you ever toss another vessel towards my Tower again like that I will personally melt your brain matter, you got that?” Silvia hissed as she took another step closer to the monitor.

“Is that a threat?” he demanded to know.

“That’s a promise you scientific proof that evolution can go in reverse!” she snapped before turning her back to the man. “Cut transmission!” she yelled at the crew in general. Craig cut the transmission and leaned against the wall laughing so hard he could barely breathe. Coughing a few times he righted himself before looking over towards Ailen and nodded. “Yes, over there on my desk, the blue crystal drive. If you would Ailen have a Basic grab the files and take them down to, who I am assuming is Miss Silvia, quarters." Smiling he walked over and extended his hand to Silvia. “Head of Security Craig,” he said.

Now that Silvia had a chance to actually look at the man she coughed slightly before looking over towards Ailen. “You weren’t kidding,” she said before taking the mans hand and shaking it slowly. “Sorry, new race,” she explained. Craig shrugged it off as he shook her hand before releasing his grip.

“Nothing to worry about, not the first time, won’t be the last for me,” he said in a jovial voice. Perking a brow at what Ailen said he looked from Ailen and then to Silvia. “Do what?” Craig asked the both of them.

“Ailen can explain the details but yes I think that would be the right thing to do at this time considering you are Head of Security. Craig, you are under direct order to report directly to me and me alone. Go it?” she ordered quickly. Craig looked confused for a minute but the smile on his face as broad. He didn’t care if he did understand what was going on at that moment. He was free of Tristans orders, he could deal with confusion.

“Speaking of Tristan, where the hell is he? You said he was out cold?” Craig asked wondering just what in the hell had happened since her arrival. Silvia was about to explain when Tristan came barging into the Mor and stormed straight towards Silvia, getting just a few inches from him and towering over her as he glared down at her. Silvia just rolled her eyes and looked up at him slowly, a very happy smile gracing her lips.

“What hello there Tristan, did you have a good nap?” she chuckled.

“You little bitch, mark my word, you will pay for what you have done. I am going to make your life so miserable you will beg to get off this planet,” he hissed.

“Oh, so no different than you treat everyone else in here?” she snapped and an audible gasp could be heard from various people in the room. Everyone wanted to tell Tristan off but most were afraid of what he would do to them. The rest were not afraid but they knew better and kept what they had to say to themselves so he wouldn’t make things any worse than they already were. They knew better than to think he was as bad as he could get, he had always proved that he could do far worse than he already had and that kept everyone in line.

“Listen you li…” Tristan began but was quickly cut off when Silvia did something no one had ever seen a T-1 Tower Lead or Tower Lead in Training ever do. Pulling a balled up fist back she let it fly, connecting with his jaw and sending him flying back into the Tower lead chair with a single unaided by Talent upper cut. He landed hard, the skin torn slightly from the punch and groaned as Silvia stepped up onto either arm of the chair and bent over to get in his face; a single pointed finger jabbing into his chest.

“No, you listen you pompous, stuck-up, egotistical, snot-nosed, abusive spoiled brat! If you ever lash out at this crew again, if you ever bother the people of this planet again, if you ever attack me or threaten me again, if you ever act anything but the gentlemen to each and every fucking person in this galaxy again I will turn you from a roster to a hen with one thought!” Silvia snapped before hopping down. Turning around to look at him and seeing the look of fear that was crossing his features would have made her laugh like it was so many in the room already but she was too angry to find any humor right then.

“You’re my bitch now,” she said in a flat tone. “Craig, throw him in his quarters, lock it down, cut all communications. I am issuing Regulation A-1523B, Abuse of Power by Tower Lead,” she continued before walking over to the control panel and opening up a channel to GTC Personal & Security. “T-1 Silvia Adenias assuming temporary control of Alentian Tower per Regulation O-34D3. Forwarding security records from Tristan Debutes personal quarters. Attack by Telepathy towards another T-1,” as she pulled a small crystal recorder she had hidden as a gemstone on her uniform and sent it through to GTC.

“Received T-1 Adenias, temporary control granted. The Tower is all yours,” a femine voice said through the com.

Craig happily picked the man up by his collar and drug him out kicking and screaming. Those in the tower Mor stood speechless for a moment before erupting in cheers. Silvia smiled over to Gaia and Ailen. “That was step two, now to get all these records on crystal drives and anything else you can find. My hold here is only temporary right now. Let’s make is permanent. We have a week,” she said with a wink. “And someone please place guards at his room, I know he will try something,” she muttered before walking over to the Tower Lead chair and sitting down taking a deep breath as the crew continued their celebration while they worked. Looking over to Gaia she pointed to her hair. “Think you could fix it before you head down to the infirmary?”

Down In The Docks

Down in the docks no one had yet heard about what was going on in the Mor, nor of the attack on Silvia. It had all happened so fast. Workers moved to load up and unload cargo from ships. There was a lot of undelivered supplies to the various regions that Tristan had been keeping back because of wanting to keep the planet in its place and under his full control. Some items were food that had spoiled and needed to be tossed out and replaced, others were even supplies to the mines of equipment. The place was becoming over run and even though the workers down there were doing everything they could each dock was overwhelmed.

The Roughneck Dock was the same but a bit more organized thanks to Ashlala but even she couldn’t keep it under control much longer. It would take a lot of work to get rid of the backlog even if Tristan gave them to okay the shipping to various points on the planet and more was set to arrive the following day. After a few minutes one of the dock managers that had been in the Mor during everything showed up in the Roughneck dock looking for Ashlala.

Running over to her and explaining what happened. It took him a bit because he couldn’t stop laughing when he described what the tiny little new talent had done to Tristan. Eventually he got everything out and let Ashlala know to be ready for some big changes down in the docks and to have her crew rested and ready bright and early tomorrow morning. They were going to have their hands full finally being able to do what they were paid for.

Brax’Na Village

The Brax’Na that had gathered and were awaiting a delivery from the Tower had all but lost hope that one would come today. They had heard rumors of a new T-1 that was supposed to arrive today and figured even their special deliveries wouldn’t be able to make it out today. They needed supplies and food desperately. The mining of the planet had all but stripped what little farming and herding lands there were and now they were nearly fully dependent on what the GTC sent them.

When they saw the ship break the horizon a few approving grunts could be heard from between the various Brax’Na that were waiting. One of them slapped another on the shoulder. “Looks like Srath made it after all,” he said before crossing his arms over his chest.

“Better him than someone from GTC,” the other one muttered before looking at the rest. “Alright, prepare to unload. We have a job to do,” he ordered before turning back around and awaiting for the hull to open and Srath to appear.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by EWillden
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EWillden Sailor Scout of Death and Rebirth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


It took all his composer to not laugh, it was hard but he managed to. He actually wanted to haul the man down to his room himself. Oh well,... Seeing him get dragged out by the collar would just have to suffice. He pointed to one of such basics. "Well get moving,... Take these to her quarters." He said. He then grabbed one more file. His file. The incident that caused a T1 to lose his arm. "I think this file here will give you a bunch of ammunition to take over completely. GTC loves their T1 talents so when they read what happened to me,... I bet they wont be happy that Tristan almost caused ones death." He said adding it to the top. That same file also mentioned the death of his sister.

He then placed. The blue crystal drive on the top of the files. He could think of numerous things that would take the tower from Tristan. The file on the mining equipment being held back. The files on the Brax'Na, and the rest of the populace being held back from their own supplies. If it wasn't enough to kick Tristan out he didn't know what. He then gestured to his computer. "If you could transfer these to digital copy and put them on this flash drive they will be better fir Silvia to read." He then pointed to the scanner. "Just scan the files in. The computer will do the rest." The man nodded and got to work. He then moved to a cabinet by where the coffee station was. He grabbed two glasses and opened the chanter and poured the wine into them. He closed the top and walked up to the chair and offered one to Silvia. "You know,... Next time let me punch him out,... Don't worry I won't use my synthetic arm." He said. "When it comes to sending him to the prison planet I want to be there when they throw him into the transport. Would be even happier if I got to do the tossing." He would rather let the Brax'Na have him. Then request front row seats when they execute him. Then again,... The prison planet was a bit of a death sentence in it's own right. He then looked at everyone in the room. They had all suffered under the tyrant in some way. Taking orders they did not want to give. He also had his violent tendencies too. Silvia wasn't the first he lashed out at. They just never reported it because Tristan would block the transmission anyways. Those files where also there.


The man had already been half way there before he saw a ship fly over head. He knew it to be Srath. He nodded thinking that should satisfy his people tell the next run. If only he knew what had transpired at the tower. He would have loved to have been there. Also little to Karras's knowledge were the changes going down already. His people would be getting the replacement equipment and even more food supplies. He pushed the horse along bringing it to a gallop. It would not be long before he would arrive.

It only took a couple minutes for him to close the gap to the tower. He got up off his horse and stomped right up to the big doors. These tower people sure build things large. Must be their of compensating for the small package between their legs... He moved up to one of the personnel and stared him in the eyes. "I want to talk to someone in charge now.... If you don't bring someone down in ten minutes, I will make sure a pathetic worm like you will never have offspring." He said. The man gulped and pressed into the comm at the door. "Um this is John,... To head of security Craig. Get someone down here quick. I think he might do it this time...."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Markofkri
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Ashala licked back her whiskers. This was almost too munch. She had no choice but to use the crystal. Her eyes narrowed as her hands went to the control panel. She insert the purple gem and felt it come alive. The energy coursed up her arms giving her chills. Suddenly on the rough neck dock the larger freight started to glow. As if a black light was inside each container. They lined up and were moved to the lifts where the rest of the crew in various load machines waited to drive them to various ships that had expressed urgency. With Ashala speeding things along using her gem she practically doubled her work out put.

The roughnecks knew play time was over. They knew Ashala was aware the risks of using the gem for a prolonged time. This was where they shined for all their jokes and goofing off, when the back was to the wall the rough necks rallied. Each one playing their part like an orchestra. Barely missing each other while going full speed. The lead of this symposium was Kim. She didn't just know the job, she excelled at it. A company man would (and has) called her reckless. It took her style with a front end loader and the years of experience to pull off the maneuvers that she did. Kim knowing the weight from the loader read out would go all out. At the same time lowering the forks, hitting the breaks, and letting the freight slide sparks flying till it stopped perfectly in place. She would use the skid time to turn around and get another container.

Then on the other side of the orchestra was "brickhouse". He was good with a anti gravity pallet lifter. Think of the old world magnetic cranes. Thanks to all the fragile electronics being shipped magnets are a no go. It was his job to stack it after it was moved. It was a job that had to be done just like the musician with the symbols. Not a lot of parts but the score called for him. This anti gravity crane had to be worked by a person who knew the job. Otherwise you get crushed cargo or worse crushed bystanders. Use too munch gravity and instead of picking up a freight container you instead wind up with all the internal stuff crushed against the top of the containers steel plate. The energy must be constant and the person at the controls has to be alert.

During the commotion of freight being slung she heard a new T-1 came in. "She did what? About time we had some guts in this tower. If I make it through the day I'll send her a vid welcome." It was late and the roughnecks had only done two thirds of the days manifest. Ashala was tired the crystal took its toll and her arms felt like she had gripped a live wire. The worst would come later with the headaches, and vertigo. She was tough but sleep was tugging at her tail. "Jimmy, you go lable, last of cargo, go home, get the rest. Report back, zero four. The rest of you good work. Take six hours and report back to get us back on the line. I think we earned a long lunch tomorrow." Ashala turned on the yellow lighting for floor personnel to clear the dock.

Ashala made it to the lift and hit the button for her floor. She got to the room and out of her jump suit with eyes half open she started a bath. Her arms burned as they always did after using her crystal. Her head felt so heavy. Ashala looked into the mirror and saw herself. This Altenian was thankful for the strength of her ancestors. Turning off the water Ashala sank into the tub. Her head started to feel like a cloud and she made a effort using the last of her strength to rest her head on the edge of the tub. There she fell asleep for an hour or so until the water turned cold. The dock chief had munch pain in her arms she slid herself out of the tub and onto the floor. Using her elbows and lower body Ashala go to her knees. She then slinked her way to the bed. She didn't care about modesty, she needed to be ready for work. "Alarm zero four thirty, set. Com call docs." Still in Altenian, "Help. Please send female.....Pain"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Salrynn
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Salrynn Pretty Reckless

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

While in the docks Gaia checked up on ALL the docks and each of it's workers as possible, this, Gaia found annoying because there were 12 docks in total and she knew how long checking all these docks could take, she finally got to the dock where Ashala chiefed and upon entering the chief sent all her workers away for a 6-hour break, which Gaia found very disturbing. She saw a lot of people in back pain and they were expected to work tomorrow, Nah… She was not having it, she flew to the dock chief and tried to reason with her to give them time in order for her to check up on everyone but that wasn’t the case… Just as soon as she got to the dock chief she walked off to the lift, she sighed softly. This wasn’t the intended plan at all.

Not long after the incident she flew out in a huff, not being able to help and she returned to her ward quickly and efficiently, the children missed her and loved her dearly, they all seemed to have seen her like how children see their mother. She was just about to finish the day off and go back to Silvia when she felt strange… like something was calling to her, in travelled all the way to Silvia’s tower to report back to her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Afina
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Afina Retired Account

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Tristans Quarters

Craig smirked as he reached the door to Tristans quarters, two guards in tow behind him. As the door slid open Craig threw him into his quarters and the man landed on the couch before looking over to Craig and growling. Craig had drug him all the way from the Mor, refusing to use the elevator and took the stairs. Tristans collar in hand as he made sure Tristans rear-end hit every step on the way down. It was a rather gratifying experience after so many years of being under Tristans tyranny.

Walking over to the com, Craig enacted an emergency protocol that was used in prisons to negate Talent abilities within a certain area. He wanted to make sure that Tristan would not be able to use his abilities to contact anyone on the outside or to try to escape. As much as he was glad for Tristan to be out of the chair of leadership, he wasn’t naïve enough to think that Tristan wouldn’t do everything he could to get back at Silvia for what she had done and in the back of his mind he was fearful for the womans life now. He just hoped that whatever Silvia had planned would get Tristan off world as quickly as possible.

Tristan rubbed his jaw a bit and straightened himself up as he stood. “I am going to kill that woman,” he spat towards Craig. Craig perked a brow and turned to face the man, stepping closer to him as his expression went blank. It wasn’t like Craig to get upset over things. Even with all the horrors he had seen he had always remained jovial and upbeat through it all. This was different though. The Tower had a chance to be a well-run Tower for once; one where the staff was not afraid of some idiots temper tantrum.

“You had better pray that Silvia doesn’t take a liking to Ailen,” he warned as he looked at the man and spoke in a serious tone. “Because if she were to then she just might let Ailen have a few minutes alone with you,” he finished before turning and walking out of the room and the door sliding shut. Tristan standing there with a look of mixed rage and fear over his features.

“Lock the door, no one enters or leaves without permission of the Tower Lead,” Craig ordered the men.

“Yes sir,” they answered in tandem before locking down the quarters and standing post. Craig began to make his way back to the Mor, a slight skip in his step as a smile graced his features. So far this had been the best day he had had at the Tower since he began working there. He looked forward to what tomorrow may hold. That was until he got word through his come and groaned inwardly.

“Oh wonderful,” he muttered before laughing slightly. “Tell Jun’Krama that the Tower Lead will personally speak to him and that the Tower Lead will be down shortly to meet with him face to face,” Craig said as he stepped into the elevator and waited for it to take him back to the Mor. “This will be interesting,” he laughed.

Mor Of Altenian Tower

Silvia perked a brow at what Ailen was saying about that one particular file and asked the Basic to hand it over to her; picking it up from the pile he handed it over to her before getting to work on transferring all the files to crystal drives. This was going to take some time to get through everything but the Basic didn’t mind, this was one tedious job he was happy to do. Silvia took the file and rested it in her lap. If it had to do with Ailen personally she wanted to review it first and not leave it to another member of the staff.

Taking the wine from Ailen as he offered to her she smiled and thanked him for the glass, taking a small sip as she leaned back in the chair. She had wanted to get settled in but since the T-2 Pair was out for the day there was no one for back up. She would have to work through the night and rest tomorrow. Why Tristan had even been out of the Mor during his shift was unfathomable to her. Even if there was not a ship to catch, a Lead was not supposed to leave the Mor for anything during their 36-120 hour stretch. They worked, ate, slept and even tried to relax in the Mor while on duty. It was too risky when things went wrong to have a Lead asleep in their room. They had to be able to be right there at a moments notice.

Silvia about spit out her wine laughing when Ailen said he wouldn’t use his artificial arm to hit Tristan. Barely managing not to she swallowed the wine hard and shook her head with a soft smile on her lips. “You know, I may just let you have a patrol shift over him while he is in lock down,” she said as she swirled the wine in the glass slowly. “Or perhaps we can line up the entire staff when he is shipped off world and do an assembly line style toss out from his quarters all the way to the dock,” she said with a mischievous grin on her lips.

It was about that time that a com came through about an emergency medical issue down in Ashalas quarters from the infirmary. “Oh dear,” Silvia said as she sat up in her seat and looked around, happy to see Gaia coming off the elevator. “Gaia, welcome back,” Silvia said kindly. “Hate to do this but we have a medical emergency in the quarters of someone named Ashala. I need you to head down there as quick as your wings can carry you. I’ll send back up from the infirmary to help you in case Ashala needs to be moved to the infirmary proper,” she said quickly before contacting the infirmary and having two orderlies of low talent ranking make their way to Ashalas quarters; telling them to await Gaias arrival before doing anything.

Once that was taken care of she told the rest of the staff to get together all back logs for her and that they were going to stand sending out all supplies that have been sitting. “I also want paperwork on all supplies that are damaged or rotten so we can get them replaced post haste. Until we get replacements we will be slightly under supplied ourselves because I will be sending anything we can to those that need it the most tonight,” she said before taking a long drink of the wine and finishing it off, resting the glass on the arm of her chair. “Thanks Ailen, I needed that.”

Before she continue her conversation with Ailen, the elevator doors opened again and Craig came out laughing so hard he could barely contain himself. Silvia looked over to him and then to Ailen. “Is he okay?” she asked but before Ailen would have a chance to reply Craig pipped in.

“Never been better. Miss Silvia, you have a guest waiting for you at the Gates.”

“A guest?” she asked quizzically.

“Yes, Jun’Krama is here to see you. Requests your presence at the gate,” he said as he sat down at his desk.

“The who?” she asked before shaking her head. “I’m on duty, I can’t exactly leave the Mor. Bring him up,” she said and the room went quiet. “What?”

“Um…Trust me, you don’t want him up here,” Craig answered quickly.

“Why not? Never mind, just bring him up here. There is a catch soon, I am not leaving to go for a stroll,” she said in a flat tone.

“I..um…okay…and if he refuses to leave his sword at the gate?”

“Then let him bring it with him for gods sake man I have a fucking job to do. Or would you rather Tristan come back up here to cover for me?” she asked as she perked a brow.

“No, that’ll work,” he said quickly before looking over towards Ailen. “Would you please bring the Jun’Krama up to the Mor?”

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by EWillden
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EWillden Sailor Scout of Death and Rebirth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ailen looked to Craig and then to Silvia. "You sure?... I might just lead him to Tristan's quarters on accident you know...." He said jokingly. He then chugged the glass he had for himself and looked at the bottle. He then nodded. "Alright I will be down there to retrieve him. He will be surprised that he will actually be allowed to wonder the inside of the tower instead of sit outside until Tristan sent someone down there. Then again he will be surprised Tristan ain't even in charge at the moment. Might even brighten the guy's mood." He added. He took to the elevator. He placed his side arm on his desk and just kept his sword. He knew the best way to earn a warrior's respect was to approach with little tech you possibly can and a sword at your side. He nodded to Craig taking the bottle of wine with him. He then rose two fingers up to Silvia and looked to her seeing his file in her lap. If there was a good sized black stain on the tower.... that file showed it. When she looked at it ,it would read the following.

GTC Command

Report 13511-26-10-3588

Tristan had once again denied supplies to the people living below the tower, Chief Security Officer Craig and myself have warned him time and time again that if he did not give them the supplies a revolt would happen. He did not listen to a word we said. He just waved it off as if a revolt was easy enough to handle. As predicted a revolt did occur, Myself and a platoon of my men were sent to stop it with force. The fight was hard pressed and after receiving reinforcements we still suffered heavy losses. Twenty men total died in that fight, I a T1 lost my arm. My sister,... who I requested to be moved in with me. She got caught in the crossfire and was among the dead that day. All the deaths, citizens and personnel alike could have been prevented that day if Tristan had not gone against regulations to supply the people. Because of his actions a T1 talent was almost killed. I will never forget this day, I will never forget the day a tower lead let his ego talk rather then follow GTC regulations. I have compiled photos and testimonies in this file. The photos are of the twenty men and the hundreds of citizens that died that day including my sister. If you received this, and are reading it. It is because Tristan wasn't able to intercept this one. Please do something about this man. People are dying down here, and it is all on his shoulders.

1st Officer
Ailen Maeraddyth

Ailen stepped into the elevator and pressed the buttons taking the elevator down. He moved to lean against the elevator door and looked to the lights of it's ceiling. Finally things will look up, Silvia will be their savior. Finally you will get avenged for your death dear sister. Finally that man will pay for his actions. I only wished you could be there when she throws away the key and he is sent to the hell he deserves. The elevator doors opened and he stepped out heading to the gate. When he reached it he opened the door with his badge and saw the towering man. He bowed his head in respect to the Jun'Krama.

The Jun'Krama bowed his head as well. His brow raised at the respect shown to him by this man. He never meet this one before. He then saw the arm and then back to him a raised brow. Ailen looked to it and then back to him. "A gift from the man we both hate,... this time we won't talk outside. Let's just say Tristan is no longer a factor in our relationship anymore. Your people will get the supplies that they were due. You will likely want to hear it from the Lead herself." He said.

The Jun'Krama's eyes widened and followed Ailen inside. "You let a woman in charge?" He asked. "Why? You run out of men to control your tower?"
Ailen then smirked looking to the man and handed him the wine. "You make it sound like the man in charge was a man at all...." He said and the Jun'Krama smiled. He agreed with that. He took the wine and opened the top and took a long drink from it. He nodded in approval surprisingly.
"For people who use devil magic,.. that wine is pretty good. I suppose your right. I hate the idea of a woman in charge of this place. However, I hate that man more then anything. How did this woman get take control anyways?" Ailen clasped a hand on the man's shoulder.

"That's the best part, you will have to see it for yourself. We have recordings of it. I wouldn't want to ruin your fun watching it. You will wish it had been you who had done it." He said. The man surprising like Ailen. The man looked like a toothpick but he had respect. Besides he always liked Ailen. It was because of him that his people did not starve and at least got something. He knew it was Ailen, well someone like Ailen. He did not know for sure until he said those words when they meet at the gate. Alright,... I will give this woman a chance. Like the man said,... "Well she can't be any worse then the piss ant I suppose...." He said. That made Ailen chuckle a bit as they reached the elevator. He entered first and then waited for Karras to enter next. "What is your name?... I want to remember the man who has been helping my people...." He said.

Ailen looked to him and gave him a nod. "Ailen, I will say this, I am glad that finally things will start changing around here....keep the wine. A gift from me to you." He said. The chief nodded and then they were silent. Not much more to talk about really. The chief kept trying to picture a woman as a tower lead and he kept looking to the woman of his tribe. When the elevator doors opened and he walked with Ailen into the Mor. When he saw her his mouth dropped. She was tiny,.. small. Such a fragile thing. This,... this overthrew Tristan. This small woman.... then again he never meet Tristan. Maybe this Tristan was a lot weaker then he imagined. Yeah that has to be it. He looked around the room and at all the weak fools. Clinging to their technology.

Ailen moved to stand by Silvia and gestured to her. "Jun'Krama,... I would like to introduce you to the new tower lead. Silvia...." He then gestured to one of the basics. "Put the video feed from this room when it happened on monitor 3 can you." He gestured for Karras to come stand by him and watch. The man did so and watched. What he saw he had mixed feelings with. He enjoyed watching the coward getting put in his place. He also hated Silvia slightly for robbing such a moment he wanted to have. He then looked to Silvia away from the screne.

"Your man tells me some good news.... are they true? Will my people get the supplies we were owed by Tristan?" He asked. He looked her right in the eyes. He was not stupid. He knew if she lied he would see it. This was the first test. Tristan was a liar and a coward. This woman proved she was strong but would she prove that she is honest.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Afina
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Afina Retired Account

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mor Of Altenian Tower

Silvia watched Ailen leave and just shook her head with a smile on her lips. Thankfully the man seemed to think along the same line of thought she did but something bothered her. He had said his race was sensitive to black crystal, that wasn’t sitting right with her. She had heard of other races having similar issues but it was something Silvia never had to deal with; always feeling fine around the crystals no matter their color or size. It perplexed her and she wondered if there was anything she could do to help. She liked having Ailen as second in command of security but he was a T-1, he should have a tower.

Taking a deep breath she leaned back in her chair and started thumbing through the file that was personally Ailens. Biting her bottom lip as she read and letting out a deep sigh as she read. It was horrid to see what all Tristan had caused just with her own eyes but this was worse than she ever expected. He had actually caused deaths and trauma to people in and out of the tower. This report alone should have been enough to have him removed long ago. Closing the file she rubbed her temples, obviously this had not gotten out and it angered her more than she already had been today. “Hell of a first day on the job,” she muttered under her breath.

Setting the file to the side she went back to work organizing transports and sending a few out while Ailen was retrieving this Jun’Krama. As they walked in she stopped what she was doing and rose from her place. Tilting her head to the side slightly as she looked at him, he was huge. She had met plenty of people that were taller than her. It came with her being as short as she was but he looked like he could turn her into a meal if he wanted to. Shrugging her shoulders slightly as Ailen and the Jun’Krama watched the tape before smirking as she watched herself punch Tristan.

“That felt so good to hit that s.o.b.,” she said with a laugh before stepping over to them and nodded her head slightly. “Yes, one shipment was smuggled already earlier and should be unloading right now,” she said as she looked him in the eyes. Noting he was not dressed like any talent and carried a sword she decided it was best not to use her talents to make herself eye level with the man. Pulling out a chair she climbed into to take care of the height difference and locked eyes with him. “That will be the last smuggled delivery; the rest will be delivered over the next week by normal means and proper channels. All food, supplies and repair equipment to get your village back up to speed. You will be recredited for all past orders that you no longer need to prevent an oversupply, which your village can use for whatever the village needs,” she said in a serious tone before stepping down out of the chair and looking over at Ailen.

“From what I am seeing of Tristans Tyrany, I want multiple Basics on the file uploading. I want it all ready by tomorrow. The sooner we can get this fucker off world the better,” she said to Ailen before sitting back in the seat. “Sorry to cut this short but I have a Tower to fix. Craig, please make sure that the Jun’Krama is afforded the same respect and access to the Tower as all other lead officials of the other cities of Altenia. No Lead, Talent or Not, should be treated with any less respect than they deserve for their position,” she quipped as she set up for another catch from off world.

Craig looked at her slightly shocked that she would openly give the Jun’Krama such access but he was more impressed that she hadn’t flinched in his presence. She spoke to him like he was anyone else, no arrogance from her voice. She spoke to the Jun’Krama like she had Craig and Ailen and the rest of the staff. A Tower Lead without arrogance was something he had never seen; even the kinder ones had an air about them that Silvia was lacking. Just who was this woman?

Silvia worked as she spoke, the generators not powering up for some of the catches, which made some of the staff worry until she showed that she could handle the smaller vessel unaided; one of them asking where she had learned to do that. Once she had finished the docking of the latest vessel she looked over to the Talent at the com. “Earth Tower is old, much of the time we have no generators or even power but we still have to make catches. Sometimes you just have to use what you have instead of relying on anything else; if you don’t people die.”

Looking over towards Ailen and The Jun’Krama she smiled slightly. “If you would like, Ailen can take you down to the docks to go through what your village needs right away and what you would like credited back to the village account. That way nothing is missed,” she said. It may have been rude for her to work while talking to the Jun’Krama but Silvia had no time for pleasantries. There was too much work to be done and she honestly didn’t care if she offended anyone. Peoples supplies for survival were far more important to her than bows and the like.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Salrynn
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Salrynn Pretty Reckless

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Gaia was greeted by Silvia the moment she headed out the elevator; but alas, she had to put her empath powers to work from the moment she was told Ashala needed help, she nodded and flapped her wings up in the air and dashed off as if she was sprinting, but fast-flying was even faster than sprinting, she quickly managed to get to the elevator which allowed to go to the floor of Ashala’s quarters and she was nervous, holding her crystal and feeling the connection with it. She felt like she really needed the crystals strength and it spoke to her, like it was calming her down.

The door separating itself Gaia flew quickly to Ashala’s quarters and saw the grizzly sight greeting her, she was worried and she told the orderlies to try find a radio to put on some relaxing music, not knowing why they shrugged their shoulders and found a radio, looking for any CD Ashala had that is classed as relaxing music, one they find one and got the music on she started her works, telling them to find her crystal as Gaia held Ashala’s paw-like hand ‘i’m here… everythings going to be ok...’ She said in a comforting tone as she got her crystal out ‘I’m here now’
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Markofkri
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@Salrynn Ashala's eyes were shut tight. Curled up in a ball licking her arms instinctively. She could hear the sound of the door opening and smelled the new people in her room. The only thought Ashala could hold onto was someone had found her. She wanted to hold the doc but a hand was all she could manage. "My arms feel like..." She let out a cat like hiss. "Make it stop please." Her ears were pointed to the rear and her tail flailed wildly. Every vein in her arms burned from the inside.

She force open an eye to see who was this savior as the doctor worked. She read the name tag. Anything to take her mind off the pain. The pain began to lessen. Ashala was still pretty bad off for a while but eventually the doc made it tolerable, then it disappeared. The dock chief in a uncharacteristically show of appreciation stretched out her arms and hugged the doctor gently. "pppppppppppppuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr" This continued while she spoke in soft tones. "Thank you. You just bought a favor from this rough neck." She slid back her arms letting her savior go and continued to purr as she drifted off to sleep.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by EWillden
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EWillden Sailor Scout of Death and Rebirth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ailen nodded to Silvia and then looked to the Jun'Krama. "I could take you down there and you can see the manifests. If there is something you want added to the list, let me know. I know you must need new mining equipment do it would be a good help." He then returned to the elevator. The Jun'Krama stood there.

Karras did not know what to make of this Silvia. She was not like the women of his village. She talked to him with some respect. Unlike what he had been given in the past. He still didnt like her though. She was a woman, a tiny woman. Plus she knew the heretic magic. She was almost a spitting image of a chaos goddess if not for her size. He let out a sigh and turned away to join Ailen at the elevator. When the doors closed Ailen pressed a button. This took him and Karras to the docks.

"Interesting woman,... You mate with her yet?" He asked. This caused Ailen to stumble and choke. "What?... No." He answered. The Jun'Krama smirked. From the red face this man made. He knew the man wanted to. "Why you gay or something?"He asked. Ailen shook his head. "No I like woman a lot okay." Karras laughed even more. "So what you ask her and she said no?" Ailen coughed once more. "That is something you do not just ask outright." He answered. Karras shrugged his shoulders. Perhaps the woman was interested in another male. He had to laugh though. "You know you men of the tower are funny. You have many women, yet you hesitate." The men most certainly lack balls. He smacked Ailen's arm. Even though it wasn't meant out of aggression it still hurt. Ailen rubbed it and sighed. At the Mor distinct laughter could be heard from a security officer watching elevator feed. He even stopped a basic. "Hey Charles,... Come check this out." The basic went up to the man. The security officer played it back. "Wow he asked that?...damn is he blunt. Look at Mr. Ailen's reaction." He said joining the security officer soon after with laughter.

"Well we have different policies.... Plus the last guy who tried to force himself on that woman got tossed out of a ship." He said. Karras rose a brow and nodded. Fair enough,... The woman was just not interested.

When they reached the docking bay. They got off,.. Ailen led him through the corridor and onto the dock. He took Karras to a data pad and began to show him what was being sent. Everything from food to mining equipment. "Could you add some of that wine to the supplies?... My people have not tasted it in a long time. Not ever sense our farms started dying." Karras asked and Ailen nodded. He added the wine to the list and every so often Karras would suggest something else. Such as needed parts for the cranes as well as items that could be used to repair some of their buildings. For once the Jun'Krama didn't have his journey to the tower end on a much better note. The old man was right. Talking was better.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Goldeagle1221
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Goldeagle1221 I am Spartacus!

Member Seen 7 mos ago

The alley was grey, just like the rest of this district. The sky couldn’t be seen past the tall buildings and even then the dark smog of industry squandered what hope there was left to see the clear sky or afternoon sun. Men and women of wealth and status never stopped here, they just drove or walked on by, hurrying to get to their next meeting, or to punch in their card, if they even had one. CEO’s and tycoonists sped by this district in shiny cars and hover vehicles, detesting the fact that they even needed to take this route.

Women and even a few strange machines covered in biogeneric flesh hollered at those walking, but most most of the blue bloods simply pulled their business hats over their noses and quickened their pace. One dusty man among the quickened paces of silk and cotton suits slipped into the grey alley.

His curly sandy hair was disheveled and dark rings were around his light green eyes. Stiff blonde stubble was starting to form on his cheeks and he wore bland clothes of almost generic make, as if he was an extra in the back of a movie scene. He wore old shoes and walked with a small nervous twitch, his body aching and his mind in withdrawal.

He quickly approached two men. One wore nice clothes although only better versions of the ragged man's relaxed jeans and shirt, and his brother next to him showed physical signs of birth defects, and his clothes definitely were put on by him, with one pant leg scrunched and the other not, and his shirt on backwards, a large spaghetti stain dominated most of the front.

“Sancho!” the sandy haired man, Jeremiah, said, his voice cracking. The man who stood taller than the others and wore the better clothes screwed his face as he retaliated, “hey man, why you gotta be calling me that? Don’t do that shit.”

“I he-heard what you did with Joe’s girl, man,” Jeremiah stuttered, a small twitch taking his face in a spasm for a moment. Jose folded his arms, not willing to admit anything, “jus’ don’t do that shit. Whatchu want?”

“He wants his mediciiiine,” Jose’s poorly dressed brother nearly squealed, rocking back and forth in place. Jose looked disgustingly over at his brother Eduardo, “he wants some joy is what he wants, I can smell it on this piss ant.”

“Why do you gotta be insulting me like you’re s-s-s-some kind of blue blooded prick?” Jeremiah exploded with a flustered expression. His eyes darted around wide and anxiously as he brought a hand up suddenly to scratch his arm rapidly, “ju-just give me the shit, m-man.”

“I don’t know man, this is some military grade shit, you’ll feel invisible, and you just might as well be,” Jose said flashing a small bag of blue pills. Jeremiah’s eyes widened and he reached for the bag. Jose pulled it back and grunted, “but it looks like to me you’ve had enough.”

“Just give me the joy!” Jeremiah shouted desperately, his voice deepening in frustration. Eduardo shivered uneasily, “just let him have it, Jose.”

“Shut the fuck up you retarded shit,” Jose snapped, “this prick still owes me, and above that, I’m not sure our pal here can take anymore.”

“I owe you noth-nothing!” Jeremiah started to pace, waving his hands around, “I fu-fucking paid you, I’m hu-hurting, just give me the damn pills!”

“Jose, please,” Eduardo started to beg. Jose slapped Eduardo across the face with a loud smack, “I’m the boss, shut the fuck up.” Eduardo stumbled backwards and whined.

“Hey!” Jeremiah raised a shaking finger as his red face twitched, “be fucking nice to your damn brother!”

Jose put his weight on the back of his feet and laughed, “you’re washed up Jeremiah, this shit has you by the balls. I’d be damned if I let some junkie prick tell me how to run my business.”

“Ju-just be nice to your brother,” Jeremiah growled weakly.

“Well what the fuck are you going to do about it?” Jose said with a huff. He spread his arms as if showcasing himself, folding the baggie in one hand, “you’re just some druggie with a dishonorable discharge, and I’m the man with everything you hold dear in a dirty fucking bag.”

“F-fuck you.” Jeremiah spat, sulking and sinking back at the words.

“Please stop fighting,” Eduardo pleaded.

“Ed shut the fuck up!” Jose yelled, pushing his brother to the ground. Eduardo fell like a sack of bricks, unable to catch himself, landing flat on his back with a loud exhale of pained breath.

Jeremiah fumed in the shadows and with a shaking fist he snatched a solid rock and rushed Jose. With a loud grunt Jeremiah slammed the rock into Jose’s temple, sending the drug dealer to the ground with a loud crack. Jeremiah puffed his chest in and out as he breathed heavily standing over Jose. Eduardo yelled loudly, tears stinging his eyes, “you killed him!”

Jeremiah dropped the rock and shook his head, a deep pang of grief shot his gut and worry peeled across his face, “no man- no, I-I was just trying to help is all.”

“He’s dead,” Eduardo weeped, “you killed my brother!”

“Nah I was just foolin’ he is fine, I’m sure,” Jeremiah winced, his own eyes starting to water as guilt sunk into his stomach. A red stream started to flow from Jose’s forehead and puddle on the asphalt of the alley.

“Go away! Go away!,” Eduardo said between loud sobs as he cradled Jose’s limp body. Jeremiah started scratching his arm furiously, bringing it to rash, and twitched his head to the side. He quickly snatched the bag of blue pills and defensively pressed them against his chest, looking frightened at Eduardo,a freezing chill creeping down his already frozen body.

“Take your medicine and go,” Eduardo persisted. Jeremiah kept scratching his arm, only moving to steal a small gun that had fallen from Jose’s back pocket during the scuffle. He twitched again and wiped a tear, “s-s-sorry.”

Jeremiah bolted from the scene, shoving the gun in his pants seat. As he ran towards the slightly more lit street side, his clumsy swollen fingers fought to open the small baggie, shaking the pills all about. As he reached the exit to the streets his fingers finally slipped between the folds of the bag, but with a loud rip and the small clattering of pills falling everywhere, the bag exploded.


He dove to the ground, despite the traffic walking by and started to desperately pick the tiny blue pills from in between the rough gravel in the asphalt. His fingers scraped and plucked the small drugs from the ground, popping the first few directly into his mouth with an intense gusto, whimpering to himself.

The dry pills stuck to his even drier throat, and he painfully forced them down with rough gulps. He sighed a relieved breath through a cotton ball mouth after swallowing three of the pills. A disgusted snort from a passerby caused him to shoot to his feet, shoving the reclaimed pills into his pocket, “hey! you got something to say, blue blood!”

The suited man had already walked by and Jeremiah exhaled a hot breath, the nervous rock in his stomach causing him to feel nauseous. He felt like the world was spinning faster and faster. His head went light and he bent over, holding his knees. He opened his mouth and started dry heaving. A few people walking by quickly juked around him with insults and comments. He wanted to yell at them, but his eyes went blurry with stinging tears as he continued to heave, gasping intensely for breath in between. His face turned scarlet and he felt like his eyes were going to pop out of his skull from the exertion. His lungs started to burn from the lack of air and after a few more heaves, he felt like he was about to suffocate to death.

Light headed and in pain, he twitched and spasmed. He fell to the pavement with a thud and started jerking every which way, convulsing and heaving. People stepped over him, and a few even threw things down on him. One woman dumped her ice coffee on his face as if it would help him, but then quickly hurried off in designer heels.

Finally the spasm stopped, and he the pain was gone. It was not only the pain that was gone, but the deep welled anger, and even the guilt. He felt numb, he felt nothing. All he felt was “joy”. His muscles felt invigorated, like he could lift a tractor trailer and bend it in half. A beaming smile shot on his face as he jumped to his feet a new man.

“Fuck them all who cares,” He said outloud, flipping off a passing CEO. His twitch was gone, and the rings around his eyes disappeared, revealing the face of a once ambitious young man. He started his walk shoving the coveted pills deeper into his pockets.

He stopped and spun around, pointing at a surprised business man, “you,” Jeremiah began, his voice strong and baritone, “and all your rich devil friends can go fuck themselves, this is MY town.”

“What’s your problem creep?” The man said taken aback before continuing his walk. Jeremiah waved a middle finger the man’s way, his buzz a little hurt. He shoved his hands in his pockets as he walked. His fingertips lightly played with the pills as he walked by window signs and posters talking about the Talents, and how great they are. Jeremiah scoffed to himself, feeling human once more now that his system was satisfied, blue bloods, talents, they are all the same, high and mighty, shitting on the real people.

As he walked by a beggar he dropped what he thought was a coin into the man’s cup, but it may have very well just been one of the bolts that jingled in his pockets. He sighed happily and continued his walk. He felt great, like there was nothing in the world that could take him down.

Eventually he found himself by the tower, the mask of an engineer over his once withdrawn face, and a box of tools in his hand. With a hidden smirk he secretly popped one of the blue pills underneath his mask and shook with delight as it slid down his throat. Time to get to work.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Afina
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Afina Retired Account

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mor of Altenia Tower

Silvia sat in the Mor looking over various paper work and sighing documents for this and that. It seemed that not only did Tristan not do his job he didn’t even bother to file anything with GTC to make it appear like he was working. The entire system was so screwed up Silvia was beginning to loose what little patience she had and felt like just setting the entire room on fire and saying screw it, we’ll start fresh when they build a new tower. She knew that wasn’t an option but one could dream couldn’t they. Despite the days and probably weeks of boring paper work to do the staff seemed rather upbeat considering. Silvia chalked it up to them just being glad Tristan was not in the Mor right then. Though when she heard two security techs laughing uncontrollably she felt it was a bit much even for such a joyous occasion.

Rising from her seat she walked over to them and crossed her arms over her chest as she eyed the two. “Mind telling me what is so funny?” she barked from behind them. They had been too busy laughing to even notice that she had come up behind them and the sudden question made them jump.

“Oh, um, nothing ma’am,” one stuttered as he rose from his chair nervously, the other just looked like a deer caught in headlights. Silvia perked a brow and looked over at the monitor, tilting her head to the side slightly before looking back over at the one that was standing.

“That doesn’t look like nothing,” she said in a cold voice.

“I..um…” he stuttered once again. Silvia motioned for him to move out of her way and he did so quickly but it was obvious the last thing he wanted to do was let her see what they were joking about. Sitting down she backed up the recording to the beginning of the last thing they replayed, both men gulping slightly as beads of sweat formed on their brows. Silvia watched the exchange between Ailen and The Jun’Krama.

“Oh really….” She hissed. “So that’s how things go in this Tower….” She said before rising from her place and looking back over at the two that had drawn her attention, rising up telekinetically so she could look them both in the eye. “I take it this was what you found so funny?” she spat. “Now get back to work!” she said as she looked at them, her face enraged. Lowering herself she found several other members chuckling as the two had apparently put the entire thing on a loop and broadcast it to every terminal in the Tower. Taking a deep breath and resisting the urge to throw each of them out of the top of the tower she walked over to the Tower Lead Chair and sat down before opening her com. “Ailen, would you and the Jun’Krama retrieve our newest arrival from Dock 3 and then make your way back up here. I have somethings I need to go over with both of you,” she said in a rather irritated voice. Turning off the com she placed her hands on the crystal receivers and powered up the crystal generators for the next catch.

“Tower Lead Belin for Bast’i set to throw to Altenian Tower. You ready Tristan?” a voice came over the speakers.

“That’s Tower Lead Silvia,” she quickly corrected and the monitor flashed on to show the Bast’i Tower Lead looking rather confused.

“Where’s Tristan?” the man asked perplexed.

“Indisposed. Ready for the toss?” Silvia responded quickly.

“Um, yeah Tower Lead Silvia, here she comes,” Belin answered before Silvia felt the tunneling pull of the toss. Concentrating she caught the transport vessel and took control of the T&C from there on out, resting it down in dock 3.

“Tower Altenia has received and docked transport vessel from Bast’i Tower,” she said as she removed her hands from the contacts and sat back in her chair.

“Okay, transport contains Engineer Jeremiah Strong, he’s your problem now and welcome to the Tower Circuit Silvia,” Belin said with an odd grin on his face. Silvia rolled her eyes slightly and then nodded before cutting the transmission and rubbing her face slightly out of frustration.

“Time to put some fuckers in their place,” she muttered under her breath as she kept hearing periodical giggles from the peanut gallery.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Salrynn
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Salrynn Pretty Reckless

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Gaia felt happy as soon as the altenian seemed to have calmed down and purred, she fell asleep and she wanted to place her back in the bed, but because of her size that isn’t possible, she asked her 2 ordinaries to do that job as soon as they found Ashala’s crystal and lent her it, feeling and comforting it. She kissed it before flying to the place where it originally was.

After she felt comfortable with what she done she sent the 2 workers back to their stations so Gaia could then report everything back to Silvia, she will be happy that Gaia has accomplished what she managed to do and she flew back to the elevators to Silvia’s headquarters, seeing Silvia now she smiled and said ‘Job done!!!’
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by EWillden
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EWillden Sailor Scout of Death and Rebirth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Ailen had no clue as to what this was all about. She did not sound happy. He had this feeling that it was something he did. He then recalled that the elevators had cameras and he cursed. "Great,... Thanks to you I have just been added to the shit list." He said. Karras just shrugged. There was a new arrival?.. Well lets get this over with. He felt a little nervous about going up the elevator. However, he had to do something, if he didn't man up to his mistake. He should have worded things differently.

Doc 3 was what she said. He placed the datapad down and proceeded to lead Karras to retrieve this new arrival. Where they even on the same floor for Doc 3? He checked a layout map on a wall. Okay they where in the right spot. He continued his lead and then he saw the new arrival. He never saw the person before. "Hey come with me." He said and they took the trip back up. Karras was beginning to feel a bit sorry for Ailen. Only a tiny bit. He wanted to see if Ailen had any balls.

Right now Ailen was trying to think of some apology. He couldn't think of one that was even plausible. He just sighed and felt he would just prepare himself for the punishment. He didnt care if the Jun'Krama would feel disappointed. He dug his hole. The elevator doors opened and he walked out. "I will take full responsibility for it." He said. The Jun'Krama rose a brow, he has courage can he back it up. When they entered the Mor, him, the Jun'Krama, and the new arrival. He entered the room. He saw the looks and knew they were aimed at him. He took a deep breathe and the let it out. "I am sorry for my comments in the elevator. I will take full responsibility for my actions. It was inappropriate." He said. Right now he felt like a officer about to be punished by Lord Vader.

The Jun'Krama decided to step up next and explain things to Silvia. "We Brax'Na believe woman have only one purpose. To be breed with. I apologize for my conversation with mister Ailen here. He sounds like a um... Guy who waits for the best moments for romantic situations. The gentlemans way of doing it....I think thats how your people say it. I initiated the conversation so it is my fault." He said. Ailen rose a brow at him slightly.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Goldeagle1221
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Goldeagle1221 I am Spartacus!

Member Seen 7 mos ago

The seat was rather uncomfortable under Jeremiah's butt. Latched safely to a barely cushioned seat, he was also dressed in a microfiber and metal suit built to protect engineers from the vastness of space as well as supply oxygen and mild protection from any object that might accidentally lacerate or puncture the working man.

Despite the claustrophobia of the confined space with only dark plain walls to comfort him as he sat alone in a transport vessel, the effects of the joy he had slipped minutes before suiting up had rendered him numb to the usual anxieties that accompanied space travel.

Behind a thick engineer’s mask he was smiling eagerly as exciting energy crawled across his skin in an almost pleasurable tingle. The ship was vibrating violently as it whirred and clunked preparing to be thrown through some worm-hole. The pilot had explained it to Jeremiah but as an engineer he was already familiar with how these things worked, luckily as well, since Jeremiah was too excited and eager from the pill to pay much attention.

If the thick suit had not covered his entire body, the vascularity of his drugged form or dilated eyes might’ve tipped the pilot off to his intoxication, but thankfully he was simply shrugged off as ambitious.

The force of gravity pushed on his face as the entire vessel suddenly shot forward without much warning, and in seconds it halted abruptly and as silently as it had shot forward. If it was not for the safety latch of his seat, Jeremiah was sure he would have been launched right into the wall.

The ship had jumped, he was sure of it, and now he was in the docks, and even the hands of a new employer. He wasn’t too sure why he was transferred; his record was clean and above average, if the nasty rumors about him weren’t taken into affect. Despite his addiction, he figured he has done a decent job at keeping it out of view from his superiors, and yet here he was, thrown to a new employer, like a common tool that had out done it’s use.

He would have normally felt like a hand-me-down, and possibly might’ve even been offended. However, the sheer amount of light and fluffy joy that clouded and kissed his mind was too thick and intoxicating to see past.

Even as he stood waiting for the doors to open, he felt his skin move pleasingly against the clothes he wore under his suit. Every small scrape or bump, even the whispers of the light fibers touching him felt like kisses from angels, and his head swam in a pool of wine, drunk on ecstasy.

The door opened and a man started to ask him to come with him. He couldn’t quite hear the man from all the way in heaven and instead the words fell on his ears like he was underwater. The sea of intoxication had taken him in it’s warm embrace. His mind knew what to do despite his numb state, and with some very energized and animated steps forward, he followed the man.

Every step was too slow, he felt. He needed to run, he needed to strip his suit and just run. The world was closing in, and his legs were full of power and energy. He needed to stretch and just burst from the confinement and run, run like a wild gazelle. His heart pounded with adrenaline as his thoughts pumped his mind and body into a heated excitement. Washes of warmth blanketed him in soft and gentle flashes. He needed to move.

They had stopped in a room with a bunch of others, and Jeremiah started to pace, eager to keep moving. He knew better though, he knew what was going on. While he paced he took out his small touch screen device used by high ranking engineers to link and connect with various computer systems. As he paced he made sure to stop by each visible console or wiring and scan it with his engineers key, the device. He nodded slowly, trying not to let the burst of energy get to him.
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