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"You may have swag, but I've got swing."


Name: Jonathan "Johnny Two-Step" Clarke Gable

Title: Maestro

Age: 29

Sex: Male

Date of birth: 26th July, 1986

Lineage: -

Class/Major: Pugilist

Class/Minor: Mage

Occupation: Wandering Pugilist

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Marital Status: Single

Birthplace: Basin, Caesura

Blood Type: A+

Eye Color: Blue

Height: 6' 4"

Weight: 166 lbs

Hair Color/Style: Short brown hair, well kept in a left side parting.

General Appearance: A lean, lanky individual, Jonathan is also impeccably dressed at every occasion he can afford to. His main dress is a navy blue suit ensemble, consisting of a navy blue suit jacket with thin white pinstripes, a darker navy inner waistcoat, a stark white cuffed shirt and a navy blue tie, along with slacks and his signature black leather tap-dancing shoes. He also sports plain white dress gloves and a simple, thin watch on his right wrist, and a nice, blue fedora with a white band around the body of the hat.

Skin Tone/Condition: Normal Caucasian skin tone, slightly tan.

Markings: -

Combat Stats

Dominant Hand: Right


-Upper Body: -

-Lower Body: -


  • Basin Street - A pair of tap-dancing shoes fortified with specially enchanted metal plates on the toes, soles and heels. The shoes are always paired with a pair of white, cotton socks that are also enchanted with magic. The spells on the shoes grant Johnny's legs with the powers of speed and air manipulation, also known as sound. The spells on the socks are strengthening spells that grant his legs, feet and hips with enhanced endurance and strength to accompany the power of his shoes.

    Johnny fights using a style comprised of a few things, that was taught to him by the masters of old in his home city of Basin. This fighting style mainly uses the feet, with the addition of the hands as pivot points or supports, similar to that of the Brazilian martial art Capoeira. However, the main difference is that this style also incorporates many elements of Tae Kwon Do in it, specifically the many low to high standing and crouching kicks, along with the intricate footwork of tap-dancing to confuse and distract opponents.


  • Enhanced Endurance, Speed and Strength (Lower Body) - This ability allows Johnny to kick with increased strength and power, and also being able to block and withstand blows of a similar power using only his legs and feet. The speed aspect lets him essentially kick at the speed of sound or over, effectively letting him kick with the power of a sonic boom at maximum efficiency.
  • Enhanced Agility


  • Beat - Johnny uses his sound power and stomps hard down on the ground once. The impact, combined with one good, strong push of air vibrations, results in an extremely large shockwave that expands from his foot and dissipates over distance, to a maximum effective range of twenty feet. Multiple Beats strung together in sequence can create a devastating earthquake that can destroy small structures, more detail in the section on Staccato below.
  • Scratch - Manipulating the air around the toe and heel of his shoes, Johnny is able to create blades of compressed air by kicking in a short arc either from left to right or vice versa. The length, speed and strength of the air blades are directly determined by his kicks. Short, fast kicks produce many smaller blades that are easily blocked but are overwhelming in number, while longer, slower kicks result in bigger, stronger blades that take a fair bit of strength to overcome, akin to trying to stop a MLB batter's home-run swing.
  • Crash - If Beat is the starter, Crash is the coup de grace. By hopping into the air a short distance, drawing his feet in and then kicking downwards upon landing with the force of a jet plane fly-by, Johnny is able to stamp a humongous shockwave into the ground that ripples and explodes the earth in circles around him. Each explosion increases in intensity the further it gets from him, to a maximum of three explosions in three perfect circles around him.
  • Staccato - By tap-dancing on the ground, imbuing each hit with Beat, Johnny enters Staccato mode, Beating an earthquake into the ground that he controls. The intensity and strength of it is determined by how fast and how strong the Beats are, to a maximum of a 8 or 9 on the Richter scale, an extremely devastating earthquake that he can only maintain for several seconds before he has to stop and move to avoid being harmed by his own attack.
  • Accent - With a high or low straight kick, powered by air, Johnny is able to shoot bullets of compressed air at impressive speeds of up to the speed of sound. These bullets, or Accents, are aimed simply by way of the direction he kicks in, up in the air or down low at the ground, so as long as it's a straight kick and not a curved kick.


Voice: Deep, smooth basso.

Personality: Johnny is a very laid back and suave fellow, one you would see leaned up against a wall or a bar counter, drink in one hand, a woman in the other. He's smooth and slick, cunning and feisty, yet kind spirited and gentle to boot, in stark contrast to his fighting style. A ladies man all the way, he is the most gentlemanly to those of the fairer gender, going out of his way to make sure they receive the utmost respect that befits them. With other guys, he's very chummy, the bro amongst other bros, and you'll never see him without a smile on his face unless something's very, very wrong, because Johnny is also very optimistic and cheerful, something that's helepd him all through his life.

Backstory: Johnny hails from the tribe of the Swing people; collectively known as the Oldies of Oldtown, his tribe are one of the oldest in the whole of the land. The music they practice and play is also one of the oldest forms of music in the land, as attested to by their elders. Eons ago, Jazz, Swing and Blues were formed from the hearts and souls of the early Caesurans during their trials and tribulations of terraforming their unstable land into their homes. Their blood, sweat and tears distilled through their emotions and into their voices and song, and thus the Trifecta of Trials were born. Jazz, Swing and Blues make up this trio, and Johnny's tribe were the first of the Swingsters in Caesura. He is of their current generation, when the music has reached new levels of ingenuity and excellence yet they dream higher and greater, and he carries these hopes and dreams of his people with him.

Being a current generation Swingster brings along its share of troubles, and for Johnny, nothing was more troubling than being the sole heir to their style of self defense. All Swingsters knew how to fight to defend themselves, that was true, but Johnathan Twostep was the upcoming heir to the title of Maestro of Swing, something that he didn't quite fancy. Sure, he was the best fighter they had, but he simply didn't want the high life. He enjoyed his time spent in the dives and bars of his home town, Basin, and the relevant dangers that posed to his health. He loved the adrenaline and the adventure of it all. Being the Maestro meant that he'd spend the rest of his days cooped up in some boring school, teaching all the young Swingsters how to fight and to defend themselves. Not a life for him. He left Basin a week before he was to inherit the mantle, and as such his whole town got into an uproar.

Now he wanders the multiverse, having fallen into a portal while running from those that pursue him. Still with no real idea of where he's going or how he travels, he wanders in search of a good challenge.


Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Scarifar
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dymion
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Name: Damien Strain
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Height: 6' 1"
Weight: 167 lbs.
Physical Description:
Constant training and athleticism have sculpted this fighter into a well developed weapon, the pink musculature that ripples underground his skin lean, with top performing capabilities in strength, speed, and endurance. Over this powerful interior, olive hued skin stretches over each tendon, profiling his physical prowess well where cloth doesn't hide his figure. In the face, he resembles a powerful, militaristic man, a square, pronounced jawline resting above a powerful neck that slopes towards his shoulders. His nose, slightly curved down, continues up and between to almond shaped eyes with irises of the darkest chocolate, which sit below slightly arched eyebrows. At his hairline, a widow's peak gives him a well defined forehead, the deep brown locks flowing up in a short hairstyle reminiscent of a slightly grown out buzzcut.
Trained Physique- Those who spend time to learn often know how best to strike an opponent, studying anatomy and physiology in order to exploit the natural weaknesses of the human body. Damien, however, applied it in a new way, instead using the knowledge in order to enhance awareness of his own body, giving him greater control over muscle use, something applied in such ways as to get maximum force behind a blow or even tense the correct tendons to shield a weaker point of the body.

Abusive Training- While many can claim mastery over some officially named martial art and apply it to combat, Damien had no such luck, instead receiving his combat skills from a grueling process where adversaries of skill just over him where provided, forcing him to adapt to handle his enemies. Two effects came from this: a unique fighting style that lies under no branch of the martial arts, providing an adaptable, unpatterned approach, and a high tolerance to pain, a nuisance he pushed pass in order to excel.

Mind for Battle- Adrenaline is a force that drives many fighters during times of duress, allowing them feats otherwise inexcessible under normal training, with a tradeoff in clear logical application and a reliance on instinct. However, the hands of Athus Dûn can afford no such sacrifice, and have instead learned how to control their emotional output, thereby triggering this adrenaline under their terms. By doing so, a higher level of combat capability is provided, with the mind instead retaining full control even under the effects of selective adrenaline rushes.

Entropic Resistance- The skills of the pupils of Athus Dûn are extensive and varied with each apprentice, but what carries through each of their rigorous studies is the use of entropic forces, an ability that first requires resistance to these very energies. As such, each member of the sect is uneffected by the forces they tamper with, whether they control them or another does.

The Hands of Athus Dûn- Each disciple of the sect is taught the most basic levels of entropic manipulation, with the ability to summon these forces and have them manifest in tandem with the body. Most often, this results in an entropic field around the fists, illustrated by what can best be described as burgundy flames surrounding the hands and wrists. What these do to any other than the apprentices is intriguing. Stinging to the degree of dry ice, it seems the field causes a dispersal of all energies that it touches, including thermal, chemical, potential, and kinetic. The resulting effect is the disintegration of matter into its most basic atoms, with the decomposition of molecules releasing electromagnetic energy. Thankfully for the victims of this manipulation, in its basic form, the rate of entropy is hardly terrifying, with prolonged contact of ten seconds required for true disintegration. Instead, they will likely deal with briefer exposure, resulting in what appears to be black burns devoid of cauterization.

Entropic Blasts- Once the basics have been learned, each disciple begins to study and apply their gifts in unique ways, becoming adept with the entropic forces they wield. For Damien, this next level comes in focused discharges of the entropic energy that have multiple effects. To reach the power needed for these blasts, he must hold power over the basic entropic energies for a time before the blast becomes available, with a constant influx of power afterwards building to a greater discharge. (This will translate to the blast being available on the second turn after the Hands of Athus Dûn become active, not including turn of activation, with every turn afterwards adding a charge.) Even then, due to extended mastery of his skills, Damien has found that not all of the energy stored must be discharged, and with constant repetition and training, has been able to gain experience in rationing and applying his ability to the fullest effect.

The effects of these blasts are something many do not expect. When released, the energy travels forward in a focused path, disrupting any types of energy within the trajectory, potential, kinetic, or otherwise, and causes it to radiate from the blast in a concussive shockwave of high magnitude. Any matter caught in the blast itself is also majorly reduced, much of the entropy reducing it to the most basic of atoms.What makes this ability most dangerous is the fact that, the greater the energy within the projected path, the more powerful the shockwave. (For combat's sake, each charge adds a volume of one and a half feet cubed. The dimensions of length, width, and height can be altered as long as they apply to the designated volume.)
For the many men in the backwoods of Romania that Damien was raised in, an option was present: to escape from the mundane lives the world had to offer, to be free of the chores society thrust on you. Whether wealthy or poor, it was an appealing offer, one that many took. To join the ranks of Athus Dûn, to spread his influence to the world around him. But while it was a tempting offer for the masses, it was not one Damien chose. No, he was born into it, and was under the watchful eye of Athus Dûn from the start of life.

While many of the disciples spent their early life puzzling over what their leader exactly was, and whether he was truly human, Damien accepted what was as what is. Never did he question what he was told. He only did as he was instructed. Due to this unobstructed focus, it was no wonder when the young boy was among the younger disciples to receive the blessing and gifts of their leader. And with the pride of his two parents, faithful followers of the Chaos King, he quickly excelled in his studies and training.
Until he finally became a useful tool. At the age of sixteen he would be sent after his first target. At the age of seventeen, he would kill his first political leader. Every month, every job saw him grow more and more, his skill expanding beyond those even older than him.

By the time he reached twenty-one, he'd become Athus Dûn greatest asset and tool. So the chaotic entity had an idea. He allowed Damien complete control over his actions. He could go where he wanted, kill who he liked... all in the name of chaos.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by PaulHaynek
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@PaulHaynek^i didn't see that coming
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