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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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Member Seen 9 mos ago

Jericus "Ing" Ignace- Pensee

The imperial guardsman notice the brown haired girl approaching the group. "Don't worry I forgot who I was for a week. Didn't stop my officers and commissars from sending me into combat," Ignace said to the young girl. He walked up to the brown hair girl making the sign of the Aquila to her. "Greeting citizen, my companions and I are lost at the moment. Can you please give us direction to the nearest PDF bastion or Imperial guard station?" he asked her.

Argon Charr Shadow Eternity Vessel Foecrusher

"I'll join in with the frontal assault." the mandalorian pulled up his bounty information seeing if there any UMMA agents who had a large bounty on them. Argon made some mental notes about which agent has the highest bounty.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Castle Tepes

Saber took her position outside the Castle. The defenses were in order. Everything was in place. Now...

Now it was simply time to-

There was a roar from the sky, and a crackle of light. It was obvious that stealth had not been the intent of the attackers, not at all. At least not in this aspect. It was difficult to discern what their further plan was, but right now... it was obvious they were going for a full-scale assault. The front of the ship was shaped like the slavering maw of an enormous dragon, hanging open with an eerie light emanating from within. For a moment, Saber contemplated attempting to take down the ship itself, but quickly realized that it would be too dangerous for her allies and the mansion.


Planting one foot firmly forward, Saber raised her sword. Excalibur ignited with a brilliant glow, prana traveling up the blade. She would not use the full attack, the full function of her blade as a Noble Phantasm, but if she could damage the ship critically enough...

A storm of purple blasts erupted from the ship. Saber was forced to move, sprinting to the side as the blasts struck the ground where she had stood and tore it apart.

Forced to dodge, she could see what was descending from the ship, now. A single figure, followed by hundreds of others dropping down.

She recognized one of them, the familiar shape of the katana-wielding woman...

The battle had begun.

Kirisame Marisa - Academy City

Marisa's eyes trained themselves on the contract. As she went, it was almost as if her eyes began spinning, and soon enough the perfectly ordinary witch was swaying where she stood, her mind absolutely boggled by the total mess(in her eyes) she was looking at. What did it even mean? It was so confusing!

Shaking her head and recovering her mind from the mass of roundabout words she had read over, she quickly looked up to the man in a dress in a tube and folded her arms firmly. "I'm not gonna agree to anything I can't understand, can you explain that in any way that actually makes sense? I mean jeez, that was just weird!"

Black Rock Shooter - Pensee

Black Rock Shooter stumbled slightly when Suwako lept off of her. Her eyes followed the blonde girl as she ran to meet... a brown haired girl. The girl was about to open her mouth, when the soldier suddenly ran towards her and asked her about some things the otherself had not previously heard of before. Evidently, neither had the brown-haired girl, who looked far too bewildered to say... whatever it is she had been attempting to say.

Thankfully for her, it seemed as if someone had been quick to leap to her aid.

"Merde," said a mysterious voice with a sigh. Attempting to locate it, Black Rock Shooter swiftly noticed a tiny, winged, doll-like girl hovering alongside the brunette girl. "What exactly are you doing? Isn't it obvious she has no idea about these things you're saying?"

The brunette interjected, at that point. "I can try to answer those questions though! ... Er... I mean, I don't know... but I can try!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PKMNB0Y
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PKMNB0Y Archer Inferno

Member Seen 1 hr ago


Gintoki flinched for a moment as the entire mansion around him seemed to shake, keeping his bokuto at the ready as he prepared for the chaos soon to come. He didn't have to wait long, luckily enough; the immediate airdrop by the enemy ship casually cruising overhead was, of course, immediately followed by a bunch of goons crashing through the roof. Right.

"God damn it, you guys! Can't you just use the door like NORMAL people?" he complained to the grunts training all of their guns and such on him. He could never catch a break with these fights, could he? Sighing and shaking his head, Gintoki quickly used his blade to swing a nearby table as the group in front of him opened fire. Quickly rolling to the side as the bullets annihilated the platform into a bunch of wooden shards and splinters, Gintoki quickly dashed around the hallway, smashing people in the face and barely dodging bullets left and right. The increase of bullets grazing by his body, though, had already given him a fair amount of wounds.

"You know, the lack of room to move around this place isn't making it any easier to dodge..." he muttered as he proceeded to use a nearby grunt's body to shield himself from returning fire.


Suwako let out a nervous laugh as the weird techy soldier person (whose name she had really never gotten around to committing to memory) began to spout off his usual unintelligible jargon as if someone else could understand it. Well, dang. If there was anyone who could confuse people here more than anyone else, it'd have to be in. Taking the opportunity to do so, Suwako immediately wedged herself into the conversation unfolding in front of her and, almost as if to give the brown-haired girl (and her fairy companion) a bit of reprieve from the situation.

"Oh, don't mind him; he's always like this. Half the time, we can't understand what he's going on about, either." she laughed, casually moving the ground under the soldier to slowly drag him away from the girl. "So, uh... Yeah. Sorry 'bout the whole mess here; we're kiiinda lost right now. Could we ask about where we are right now? You know, continent, town, that sorta thing?"

Though it wasn't exactly the smoothest of transitions, it was at LEAST better than having this soldier rattle things off that flew over... Well, the heads of pretty much every person here. Except the little girl from earlier. Maybe. A BIG maybe.


Aleister, unperturbed by the confusion that Lucina seemed to exude, found it more fitting to let the clone do the work here instead of doing it himself. It was much easier than manually altering the settings and such, after all. As he awaited a response from Lucina, though, the outburst from the spunky blonde witch caught his attention (which, by this point, had drifted to a few Kiharas working on their next experiment... And the cleanup crew standing by ready to cover up the inevitable mess that would come with it).

"I understand your confusion, but this IS how contracts work in our current day and age, after all. People find too much joy in making deals before finding ways around the obligations they have to fulfill that it's become quite baffling. But, if the wording is a bit too dense, I can simplify the issue for you. In short, within the terms of this contract, I shall provide lodging, funding, the ability to move freely about the city itself, and three meals a day- of your choice, of course. This does not come without cost, though; while you remain here, you must abide by the city's rules as they stand for your age group- in this case, those for students- and, if so needed, come to the defense of the city or handle certain requests of interest. I will not intrude on you any further than that. Should you accept this deal, you will be free to move about as if you were a normal citizen; else, you'll have to find another way to live in this city. Does that sound fair?" Aleister said, his eyes glancing over to Marisa's frustrated frown. "I assure you, there is nothing I have left out in my explanation, save for all the clauses that might come into conflict with the city itself. Regardless of your responses, unless you intend to cause harm to the city or its residents, you may come and go as you wish. You are by no means obligated to stay here, after all."

Kakine sighed at Aleister's explanation, glancing over the contract again with a half-jaded look on his face. Well, the Superintendent didn't seem to be lying, which was nice, but his long-winded explanations always tired him out a bit. Couldn't he just make an abbreviated version that had the extended contract tacked on or something? That would save him a ton of time. Maybe he found amusement in these people... Or something. Nobody could really quite tell with that stone-cold face of his, though, so there was little to no reason for him to continue worrying about it. What he did have to worry about, though, was Marisa's tendency to break rules. Was she the kind of person that would brek rules for the sake of breaking them?
Hopefully not. HOEPFULLY. NOT.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lord Coake
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Lord Coake The Man Who Sold the World

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Jack, Castle Tepes

Jack awoke from his light rest, to a large rumbling noise from the surface. He grabbed his sword and stood, ready to face any that would make their way to the eye directly. As the last line of defense, he had both the most, and least, important job. If the others did their job successfully, he would have no reason to fight, but if even one failed, he would have to be ready. Sounds of firearms echoed through the castle, and as he heard them, Jack took a ready stance and drew his sword, prepared to fight, and die if need be.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flamelord
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Member Seen 5 days ago

Nono, Castle Tepes

Nono stood on the roof with arms folded, smiling and scanning the skies as she assisted in Saber's defense. If the Shadow Eternity was going to come here, then they would get a rude awakening, and she was more than ready to give them that. She'd already taken the time to shift to Buster mode, giving her greater range and scanning power, so now it was just a matter of time.

And soon that time came as the ship appeared from nowhere, drawing her gaze as weapons crackled and fired, interrupting Saber's attempt to use her long range weapon on the vessel in the first place. Which was a pity, but Nono gave that no consideration as she prepared to fight as well.

Target Detected: Designation Unknown
Status: Undamaged. Currently deploying ground forces
Threat assessment: Medium

Determining possible actions. . . .
Optimal outcome determined.

Locking on. Firing

With arms folded, orange hair billowing in the wind and visor over her eyes, Nono locked on to the descending figures, each marked and noted in rapid manner. Her laser batteries extended there, sliding out from her legs and swiveling to aim at the enemy forces. And while she noted the falling katana lady, she was more focused on the task at hand. Weeding out their numbers would be the best way to keep the Eye safe, so she would focus on that.

With a silent command, the lasers opened fire, sending up a barrage to meet the falling figures. It was time to do this.

Ilyasviel von Einzbern

Up on the ramp of the Foecrusher, Ilyasviel watched as the troops went in, dropping down to engage the defenders below. This...wasn't quite what she had meant when she had suggested her plan, but she supposed that she wouldn't complain about it. After all, the chance to fight had arrived, and down below it raged in full as figures danced across her vision.

Her red clothes fluttered in the wind as she sighed, taking a deep breath before summoning a bow to her hand. She had done the calculations, knew the energy she could spend on this fight without getting any more, to avoid the dead zone where she would begin to not exist, and now she was ready to intervene and play her part. In her other hand the air shimmered before a strange sword appeared, looking more like a drill than an actual blade, the process almost as easy as breathing to boot.

She brought it up then, taking aim as she gathered mana in the tip of the weapon, and pulling the drawstring back too. Her aim shifted, seeking an open spot of roof that would get her near her target, before she pressed forward. The sword shifted then, burring until it was a fiery arrow, and she let it fly. "Cadal-bolg!" It flew down, the power of the Noble Phantasm sent to strike against whatever magical defenses there were. And with the power it had, it would shear through them easily.

That done, she sent the bow away and leapt off the ship, descending swiftly and yet gracefully to the roof, to take advantage of her new entrance. Time to do this.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Belwicket
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Belwicket Guardian Gryphon

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Shivani - Castle Tepes

Shivani stepped forward with a sigh. "If you can direct me to the stone, I can help defend it if the fighting gets that far." She looked the young queen over, thinking of her daughters. "Anything to help against the bastards who betrayed me and left me to freeze to death. Khajiit aren't meant for the harsh, cold weathers."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dark Cloud
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Dark Cloud 💀Vibin' beyond the Veil💀

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Tails - Castle Tepes

Tails agreed with Shivani so he stepped forward towards the Queen and bowed slightly.

"I would gladly help in the battle as well, do you have any technical equipment or anything like that your Highness?"

Tails asked the vampiric queen in a soft tone, so he wouldn't sound demanding, but if he could help he would need certain supplies for stuff and maybe he needed something powerful to power something.

Tails wondered what the possibilities held for him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze Figure of Hourai

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

The Twice-Betrayer

Like essentially everyone else leaving the Foecrusher, Kerri opted for the direct method of getting to the ground: step out and let gravity do the rest. She was not, however, the most acrobatic of combatants: her landing was rather more forceful than the rest thus far. Yet the blackguard was as unharmed as anybody else to have taken the direct route.

It was almost disappointing that the exterior of the castle was defended by exactly two people. The one on the roof she obviously couldn't deal with, but the girl in front of the door... she was so inherently good that it made the fallen paladin want to wretch. Here, then, was her opponent. Someone to keep occupied whilst that grunt with the explosives dealt with the door, or some other means of breaking in was found. If they died or ran too quickly, then she could rejoin the assault.

Darkness flickered around the ever-shifting blade as Kerri started forwards, picking up speed as she moved closer and the oppressive aura around her brought itself to bear against Saber. Saber and any enemies that might be lurking nearby.

Misaka Mikoto

Much in the way of intelligent conversation from the Railgun was absent: aside from yet another child, there was a fairy. Not a robot, or at least one running on electronics, otherwise the schoolgirl would have been able to detect it, but the sheer unlikelihood of a fairy actually existing wasn't a big concern either. It was just so small and cute, and Mikoto was staring intently at Tear (who, it had to be said, did not have what you'd call a cute expression).
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ToadRopes
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ToadRopes The Diggersby King

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Lucina, upon learning how to operate the fancy-schmancy floating-iPad-sorta thing, pored carefully over the terms of the contract. "Fair enough," she noted, before signing the the terms-and-conditions agreement. She shouldn't come across trouble in Academy City; after all, what reason did she have to harm this place?

Lucina had to admit, this situation was less-than-optimal; lost in another dimension, Lucina could only imagine the destruction of her world by the fell dragon. She thought she could hear the people's dying screams

Grigori Rasputin

Seemed like everybody was just dropping out of the Foecrusher; Rasputin figured he ought to do the same. The Russian lich spread his scraggly unholy arms as he opened his reliquary to allow his dark minions to swirl around him.

"Come my minions
Rise for your master!
Let your evil shine!
Find it now, yes, fly ever faster!"

Surrounded by a glowing cyclone of demons, Rasputin took into the air and dove, cackling, towards Castle Tepes with blood in his gaze. The demons dropped Rasputin off beyond the gates, before charging, with their arms outstretched and talons out to shred, in through the windows.

The Mad Monk, in the meantime, collapsed into a bouncing menagerie of rotting body parts, due to the force of impact. But Rasputin was used to this; he had casually fallen apart in his villainous musical number in Anastasia. Rasputin's parts bounced along the courtyard, heading towards the main entrance, but as he re-assembled himself, the shadow of a tree grabbed the shadow of his cloak, and whirled him around to the wall.

Two shadowy Loa crept before him, chittering in disapproval. Rasputin's face twisted into a warped visage of fury. So, the bokur thinks he's too good for us, eh? Rasputin thought.

Rasputin opened his reliquary and two of his demons emerged to combat the Loa. "Keep them busy," Rasputin ordered. "I have a gemstone to swipe."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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Member Seen 9 mos ago

Jericus "Ing" Ignace- Pensee

'Throne dam still she doesn't know about the Imperium,' he thought to him self looking at the brown haired girls confusion. He was about to say something else when Suwako got in-front of him. As she explained something to the brown haired when the ground suddenly moved under the imperial gaurdsman he stumbled back grumbling about being lost out out among the unlighted.

Argon Charr Shadow Eternity Vessel Foecrusher

The mandalorian waited for the first wave to jump out to scan the people manning the defense to determine there bounty. 'The woman defending the front gate has a nice price on her head,' he thought to himself drawing his DE-10 blaster pistol he jumped out of the ship. He doge the defensive fire on the way down towards the ground. As the ground drew closer he activated his jet pack slowing his fall allowing him to land safely next to the fallen paladin. As the fallen paladin rushed forward to engage saber he fired several blaster shots at the sword weilding woman.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Saber - Outside Castle Tepes

Excalibur snapped upwards and lashed through the air, the bolts of red light clashing with the blade and sputtering out. Saber was uncertain if they would be dangerous to her or not, but it would be foolish to simply stand there and take them. However, there was... something strange about the armed woman with the shifting sword. Something... dark about her, as if she was giving off some sort of oppressing presence. She could tell that she was a dangerous opponent, to say the least. Bringing her blade up, Saber swiftly moved forward to meet her.

Her eyes traveled over the woman quickly, and her strange sword. Saber intended to deflect the first attack and perform a counter as quickly as possible. To keep Shadow Eternity from obtaining the Eye, she had to keep this woman and anyone else back. No matter what.

Meanwhile, the woman with the katana grinned when she caught sight of Nono... but her expression faltered when she saw the lasers tearing towards the soldiers around her. In a flash, several were dead, burned away before they could hit the ground.

"Just because you're cute doesn't mean you can pull that crap on my men..." Her blade whistled through the air. Forcing herself against the wind resistance, she spun her katana in an arc. As she did, the blade unfurled, extending massively! This must have been what she meant when she mentioned that there were some things she couldn't do inside Yggdrasil. As they landed, she spun her blade, the enormous weapon's spinning ceasing only when all her men had landed. At least, those who had survived. She couldn't defend all of them, of course... but those closest to her had been spared.

"Heh," the woman rested her blade on her shoulder as it returned to its normal size, "Oi! Robot girl. That kinda behavior... Your cute face isn't going to save you from my punishment!"

Queen Tepes - Inside Castle Tepes

There was no real opportunity to continue the conversation. There was a roar as something hit the roof, and the Queen was certain she heard stone and timbers falling away. Gritting her teeth, her small fangs showing, Queen Tepes' crimson eyes turned on the newcomers. Well, more defenders could always help...

"If you want to help, get up the stairs! I think someone just broke in through the roof," she said, swiftly. "My maids are on the defensive but if things get pressed they'll come to support you and the other defenders. Hurry up!"

Kirisame Marisa - Academy City

After a few moments of silence, Marisa came to her decision. That made... somewhat more sense... and hey, she didn't give a damn about anyone's contract, so if it turned out to be kind of crappy she'd just break it without a second thought. It's not like she lived there, after all. She doubted these people would follow her to Gensokyo if she decided to screw around here before leaving, and even if they did she was confident she could kick their asses, even if the weirdo with the arm did stuff.

"... Yeah, okay, sure!" said Marisa brightly, with a grin. In a flash, the small blonde girl had scrawled her name in kanji on the contract.

Black Rock Shooter - Pensee

"Er... well, you're in Pensee!" declared the brunette girl, putting on a smile once more. The fairy sighed, and gave a glance towards the unfamiliar figure who seemed to be staring at her.

"... What do you want?" she asked, narrowing her eyes.

Recette stepped forward, confidence growing. "My name is Recette Lemongrass! And this is Tear."

The small girl gestured happily to the fairy, who simply sighed. "I can introduce myself, you know."

"Hehehe... n-" Before Recette could continue, Black Rock Shooter decided it was time ask her own question. Or rather, questions. She did not feel there was much more time to waste, not at all. After all, retrieving Dead Master was the most important thing in her mind at the moment. Therefore, their escape was paramount. They had to leave here, and fast.

"We must leave. How do we do that?" she asked, leaning towards Recette.

"... Er... well, I don't know where you're going... but I'll try and help!" replied Recette, rubbing the back of her head.

Meanwhile, the young girl reached out to tug on Mikoto's sleeve. Her eyes shone as they traveled over the stone and wood houses, the cobblestone pavement, the delicate glass windows, and the confused people regarding them. To put it simply, she was enamored with what seemed to be some sort of medieval fantasy.

"It's so pretty, isn't it?!" she asked excitedly.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flamelord
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Member Seen 5 days ago

Nono, Castle Tepes

Nono frowned slightly, shifting to cover the skies as her lasers fired away without pause, shifting from one target to the next as she brought up her targeting priorities. One soldier dropped out of the sky after another, struck down by her weapons fire as she escalated to lethal force. They had shot first, and thus she felt no regard to give them quarter if they did not request it.

Then things shifted suddenly, and she was forced to react as a familiar enemy presented itself, interfering in her defensive efforts by using her sword as a shield. Well, that explained some of the things that had been said.

Situation update:

Priority target override.
Accessing databanks.

Secondary thought process: Access UMMA database to try and locate identity of enemy combatant.


She shifted, lasers focusing on the spinning katana and yet failing to pierce it once more. Whatever it was made of, it was incredibly tough. Though she tried, nothing got through, and all the men behind it were safe. Frustrating, but she would deal with it in turn.

Once they had landed on the ground, she focused on the fight at hand, retracting her laser batteries back into her legs as she settled into a fighting stance, while wearing a determined expression. "I urge you to surrender now, before it's too late," she replied firmly and calmly. "I am not letting you get inside this castle!" and in that, she was certain.

Illyasviel von Einzbern, Castle Tepes

With the hole blown in the ceiling via Caladbolg, Illya made her way down to the house rapidly. Use of er magic made it easier to dodge the lasers as they spat across the sky, and soon enough she was past the robotic guard. Let those two fight it out, and the rest confront what looked like some sort of Saber. She'd go handle the mission instead.

Jumping down and in, she glanced around as she summoned Kanshou and Bakuya to her grip. There was no foe immediately present, but she expected to be confronted shortly. They wouldn't simply let her run around inside and do as she wanted for long. Otherwise it would render their defense moot. And she really hoped that she got the chance to fight.

So for now she walked along as she moved through the mansion, looking for the jewel that she was here to steal. She was alert, but nonchalant. She could handle whatever they threw at her, she was certain of it.

Cinder Fall, Museum World

Cinder stood calm and idle as she looked around her surroundings, while the cylindrical prison she wa sbeing held in was transported along towards it's inevitable destination. It was an easy ride, and it was amusing to see how itchy their trigger fingers were when it came to her. Not that she planned on trying to escape at the moment, but she could derive what pleasure she could from it.

At the same time, she could feel something developing. That clawing, aching feeling inside her that came from fights and extensive usage of her powers. It was the price that she paid, but one that she paid gladly. So she shivered, occasionally letting out the idle cough, all the physical manifestations she would let free.

After all, they had her Dust, so she couldn't fix it. And it provided an opportunity for ehr going on. So she acted as though it were nothing as they at last arrived at their destination, some UMMA base that she would be held in, presumably before being transported to their HQ. "Try to not keep me waiting," she noted aloud. "I'm a very busy woman."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PKMNB0Y
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PKMNB0Y Archer Inferno

Member Seen 1 hr ago


Wiping the sweat from his brow as the current wave of mooks had been dealt with, Gintoki brushed off his clothes and checked his bokuto over carefully for any signs of damage; though it was nowhere near likely that it'd break, the chance still remained that it might, and without anything to replace it with being readily available...

"Alright, no cracks, just lots of blood. Good to know." he breathed, a hint of relief present in his voice as he leaned against the wall. Well, human mob tactics only worked so well. Just going through the motions now, right?

Just as he let down his guard a little, though, he noticed a figure steadily approaching his position. A friend? A foe?
A little girl.

"...O-oi. This ain't right." he sighed, shaking his head. The child in front of him was wielding two blades, it seemed, but... Letting her roam free around the mansion at a time like this? "Hey, kid! It's dangerous here! Don't think yourself safe just because you've got a weapon!"

Of course, the thought of that little girl being an enemy crossed his mind, but since this place was so chock-full of little girls anyways...
Actually, what was WITH this place, anyways? The gender ratio was so skewed...


"Recette... Tear... That's an interesting duo you've got here~!" Suwako laughed, looking at the juxtaposition of the two. The fairy certainly seemed to be different from what was normal in Gensokyo; there was no indication of any affiliation with nature, and... Well, the snarkiness that she was using certainly set her apart if the rest hadn't already. The girl, on the other hand... Well, Suwako wasn't entirely sure how to peg her, but hey, help was help.

"Hey, so, I've got a lot of questions. I mean, a lot. But... You know... Too much attention right here and all that; any place we can go to get our bearings straight about this place?" she asked, beaming. "We're not gonna get anywhere if people start getting too curious about us just popping outta nowhere."


With both of the contracts signed, Aleister calmly retracted both back into wherever the heck they came from before sending a file with the location of their guests' new temporary lodgings to 10032's goggles and dropping two cards- one for Marisa, and one for Lucina- into their hands.

"Thank you for understanding. I'll bring Awaki up here to escort you out shortly." Aleister stated, his voice just as lifeless as it had always been. "10032, Teitoku, please bring these two to their new lodgings. You'll be contacted tomorrow in regards to the next location you'll be dropped off at; in the meantime, you are free for the rest of the day. Dismissed."

As if on cue, Musujime appeared behind the group of four, an irate expression on her face. Though Kakine was certainly aware of that fact, by no means did he want to irritate her, if at all.

"You ready? Then we'll be off." she said, waving her flashlight at the four of them. The sudden spatial distortion and change in lighting temporarily made Kakine cringe, but... No matter. If it meant he could stop dealing with Aleister for today, the better.

"Okay, if that's the case, then... The machine's probably down for maintenance again. It's unstable, so it makes... Reasonable sense." he muttered to himself as his eyes readjusted to the light. "Well, we've got time right now, so we can either get you two settled down like Crowley suggested, or we can explore the city for a while. And no, Marisa, that does not mean 'fly around and steal everything you come across'; you've got your guest ID now, and it's got money linked to it, so you can buy stuff instead. Alright?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Belwicket
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Belwicket Guardian Gryphon

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Shivani - Castle Tepes

Shivani began heading for the stairs, stopping halfway to turn back to the queen. "I don't know the way." she sighed. "Can you lead me or should I ask one of the maids?"

She was half-hoping the queen would tell her to ask one of the maids. Most of them seemed really cute and probably wouldn't mind a couple compliments.

Then again, she was also half-hoping the queen herself would lead them. She seemed to be the kind of queen who was not only proactive in any situation but a skilled fighter as well.

She quickly thought over the two options as she waited for the queen's answer.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flamelord
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Member Seen 5 days ago

Illyasviel von Einzbern, Castle Tepes

Illyasviel walked along the halls of the castle with growing apathy, as no threat presented itself to her. Really, they were supposed to take this place, and had lost here before, but where were the defenders? Where was the resistance? They couldn't all be fighting at the front of the mansion could they? It seemed incredibly unlikely, and if it was the case she would be very disappointed. She'd come here for a fight, and she would not be denied.

"Hm?" At last someone presented themselves, even if it was to tell her off for getting to safety. She held on to Kanshou and Bakuya, ready to act, even as she tried to get as close as she could, for when the fight began.

She grinned then as she neared. "Thanks, but I can handle myself." That was true enough, though for different reasons than he probably expected. She paused then, before going on. "I don't suppose you can tell me where the vault is?" hardly subtle, but she didn't care. He had a sword, so he'd be good enough. At least, if he was up to the test.

Misaka 10,032, Academy City

"Understood," Misaka replied with a nod as Aleister issued his instructions to the two of them. Well then, it was good that it had worked out, and it would make things that much easier for them. Of course, there was always an issue of Marisa running off again, but now that they had a hold on her they could make a tighter net on her, with the Sister Network and the like.

She was quick to access the file that popped up, recording the data sent. At the same time, the meeting was ended as Aleister dismissed them all before their favorite teleporter returned to get them out of there. She was calm and collected for the trip, and barely even reacted as they appeared back outside the Windowless Building. She'd done it hundreds of times after all, so she was used to it.

She stood nearby as Kakine addressed their guest, waiting for a decision by them. If she was needed to escort them then she would do so. BUt in the end she would leave it up to them as guests. Aleister had ordered it, so it would be done.
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