Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Enarr
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Bobbing like a ball on the surface of a lake, Annex had suspended himself from a pair of large rocks outside the Titans bunker base. The webbing was phenomenal. Fast drying, strong, and non-obtrusively adhesive where non-desirable. Multiple settings allowed him to do all from spreading a net to snare a near-flying bird, or lay a zip-line to cross via an appropriate hanger.

Such was the case. Annex was testing himself against nature, a dozen seagulls had fallen into the traps laying outside the bunker.

The nearby crash of the tide charging against the rock was a wholseome reminder of how very infinitesimal the margin for error had presented itself as. Freeing himself from the stones holding him, he freefell for roughly three yards before the perfect placement of his next webline became apparent. A sloshing thwip filled his ears for a split-second before he felt the line connect. Tugging on it violently resulted in his body soaring upward. On each arm he repeated the process, accelerating his climb each time before he was well above the "Tower's" roof. He fired more lines overhead, attaching himself to a gargantuan crag before slowly sliding down and entering.

He took the elevator down and to gather where he knew his team would be eating and quarreling as always. But he took the pleasurable sight out the window, admiring the traps he'd laid out for anyone with the gall to attempt entering the stronghold of the Titans East. Webs, sticky bombs, and even blunt injury snares awaited those foolish enough to try, at least those without inhuman levels of immunity. There was certainly enough of those who'd make short work of his simple defense plans.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hillan
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Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

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The First Bank Of New Castle; Downtown.

The door burst open as the man kicked it in, firing bullets into the roof as his 7 accomplices all rushed the room. The masked men were all shouting and aiming their guns at the civilians who were now screaming, crying, begging and praying. "Shut yar' faces. If you all keep yer calm' and lay down on the floor everything's gonna be fine. No heroes, and you rich buggers make sure to fork over all of your valuables. Wallets, jewelry, scratch tickets, phones." Half the crew had already begun robbing the people who were now facing down on the floor, while the other half had all gotten behind the counter and were not holding the cashiers up. The silent alarm had been triggered and the cops were all coming.

The robbers made sure to turn over the blinders, so the police could not see in while they cleaned the area out. Getting the money from the cashiers they set their sights on the vault. One young man, Nicholas Marsten, was facing down on the floor, he was a police officer off duty, but he knew he would have to do something, as people were getting agitated and were about to completely panic. People who were panicking where people who were going to die. Nicholas saw how the leader was not paying attention to his side of the floor, and took his chance. Rushing the leader he tackled him to the floor, only to soon be pulled off by the other robbers.

"Didn't I fucking say' no heroes? Ya' daft?" The robber asked, hitting Nick with the butt of his gun. His men were breaching the vault, to the sound of the police outside. Using the megaphone the policeman in charge, Captain Marcus Hamilton, ordered the criminals to pick up the phone in a moment, so they could negotiate terms. The captain didn't lie, as the phone rang momentarily. The leader picked it up.

"Ello' Governor." He said with a cheeky tone, clearly meant to show the police that he was not afraid. "This is Captain Marcus Hamilton, I assume it's the man in charge I'm speaking with?" The captain asked, as was standard procedure.
"You would be correct, 'Hamill'." He responded.

"I want to negotiate a way to get the civilians out safe and sound. Is anyone hurt?"

"Not as much as they are going to be if you don't do as I tell you. Me and me boys want a black van with no windows and a full tank of gas, 2,4 million dollars in unmarked bills, and a black flight. Ya' got that?" He asked the police whom took a moment before he responded.

"The van's not a problem. But the money and the plane is going to take time. Please let a hostage go as a sign of good faith."

The criminal smirked, as he nodded for his fellow bankrobbers to let the police man go through the front door. The man whom guarded the officer smiled, as he pulled the man off of the ground and lead him to the door, pulling him by the hair on his neck. Opening the door enough to push the man out a few feet, he then let off a word to the man. "Run." He said, as the officer began running and once he was about to get near the police cruisers that were parked outside, the man in the door drew his .40 caliber handgun and fired a bullet right into the Marsten's head, killing the man on the spot, making his limp body fall right in front of the police cruiser.

More terror ensued inside of the bank.

"You see, Captain. I don't have patience. For every twenty minutes I have to wait for my plane and my money, another hostage will be executed."

"Tick Tock."

Titan Tower; Coast of Delaware.

As the conversation in the kitchen was heating up, the alarms that Mal was monitoring lit up like a fire hazzard as he was getting a call from the Police Captain down in the bank. "This is Captain Marcus Hamilton, I request immediate Titan response at the bank of New Castle. The suspects are armed and dangerous and will kill hostages every twenty minutes. Time is off the essence."

Guardian instantly changed into max gear and responded. "I got it, Captain. We'll be there momentarily, hold on." He said, before hitting the alarm button in the tower, making the alarm ring out everywhere. "Titans, suit up. Bank robbery in progress, I repeat, bank robbery in progress. Everyone report to the hangar Bay and the Titan Jet immediately."

Julian instantly got alert as soon as he heard the alarm, tossing his book aside he dashed towards his room, like the others would, as well. Getting into his wardrobe he quickly provided both fingerprints and retina scan, safety measures that he had installed for his arm-ory. Getting out his regular all black synthetic titanium arm, Julian put the arm on, and grabbed his kevlar vest and his gadget belt, heading down to pilot the Titan Jet.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Alan Hawke
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Alan Hawke Computer Repair Technician

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Within seconds of the alarm lighting up the tower like a Christmas tree, Kaldur'ahm had already bolted out of the living room and into the neighboring corridor and to the main elevator. Kaldur was always wearing his water-bearers just in case of an ambush on the Titan's Tower, thus he had no reason to go to his room like most of the others on the team. He waited for any other passengers before pressing the "Hangar Bay" logo on the selection of floors on the elevator's control panel. As the elevator carried him towards the hangar bay, he folded his arms and tapped his foot impatiently. Every second wasted in this damn elevator was one less second they had to stop the robbery. The very moment the elevator's doors opened up, he was greeted at the beautiful sight of the Titan Jet--however now was not the time to marvel at it's slick and beautiful design.

He saw Julien had already arrived at the hangar and was making his way to the jet, about to pilot the rest of the team to their destination. Kaldur'ahm followed behind Julien and into the Titan's Jet, taking a seat in one of the many passenger seats inside of it. He quickly buckled his safety straps--which had became an instinct to him thanks to the various drills Guardian made them run in the past few weeks--and folded his arms, waiting for orders. As he waited for orders, he began thinking about the robbery. Was it a hostage situation? Were the robbers all non-powered? Is it a distraction from something else? Would they even get there in time?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Experiment 249
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Experiment 249 Bruh

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T'haam returned from his cat form at the sound of the alarm, he flew alongside and passed aqualad, who had to wait for the elevator. He had no costume or gear to grab, and could simply phase through the walls of the tower to reach the jet as fast as he could. He did a quick read of the nearby thoughts and found a lot of swearing and the phrase 'Damn I look good in spandex' come from someone... male. He couldn't tell who was thinking it but he eventually got the necessary information. Gunmen were killing hostages. he took his seat as Kaldur arrived at the jet.

"Yes, Seems so, no idea and hopefully." He responded to the thoughts of his fellow titan out loud. Time was of the essence and the others were woefully lacking in the genetic predisposition to require clothes to speed things along. He, luckily, was not the driver and could not leave without them, and so he sat and waited with a few controls on his side. An eject button that had never been touched, a button to show the front view of the jet on his window and an emergency alarm button in case his part of the jet were damaged. Thankfully that button went untouched as well. "We need to hurry" He said to nobody in particular, annoyed with how slow they were being.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by TroidDroid
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TroidDroid Sweet Space Prince

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"Hope you like it hot, babe," Harper grinned and leaned over the back of the sofa to offer Marcus the Starbucks cup, "'Cause you're going to need the pick-me-up when cotton candy over there wipes the floor with you." She let him have what was left of her cappuccino, which was most of it, before leaving the team behind to go change out of uniform.

Glad for the peace and quiet of the moment, she let the door close behind her on its own. She hummed to herself as she picked out a comfortable shirt and jeans for lounging around the base. She tossed the chosen pieces onto her bed, and had just started pulling off the suit when Mal's voice came over the comm. Time to suit up, there was (another) robbery in progress. Really, what was with all the robberies?!

"Oh, come on!" Harper whined as the alarms all went off. She was already halfway out of the suit, too. She heaved a sigh and slid back into it. She checked herself - made sure her costume was secure and her boots were on the right feet - before rushing out of her room. She didn't even bother to pause and lock it, she didn't think she had time to spare.

Harper caught the elevator just in time to ride down in silence with Kaldur'ahm. She followed close behind him, catching up with Tha'am and Julian at the jet.

"We all ready to go?" she asked, looking to the team all gathered. One thing they all did well was getting into gear quickly with no notice.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FacePunch
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"If you were holding it, I'm sure it's steaming."

Atlas was a bit of a flirt. He'd admit that, even as he took the coffee from Fort and took a sip. Mmm. American coffee was delicious. Foofy and a bit pretentious, but it tasted good. Not like the bottle of pure caffeine Marcus used to drink in Russia. Marcus nearly spit the drink out at Fort's next comment. "Oh, I don't kid myself. She's totally gonna destroy me. But I'll make her work for it." The Russian teen turned as Bit-Girl announced her objections. "Wh-" He was about to ask, before she shuffled over next to the couch and leaned in over Marcus. T'was a bit close for Marcus' comfort, even if the person invading his space was a cute girl. Even pimps need their space, man. "Uhhh..." Then she moved away, and Marrcus let himself breathe a little. "My hair's not even green. It's brown!" She wasn't kidding about the optometrist bit. That girl was as blind as a bat. Marcus took a controller from his opponent, preparing himself as the game booted up. The anticipation in the air was palpable. Any second now, the battle would begin. Heated virtual combat between two Teen Titans as they vied for glory and power in the arena that was Battlebots!


Was that an alarm? You have GOT to be kidding me!

"Titans, suit up. Bank robbery in progress, I repeat, bank robbery in progress. Everyone report to the hangar Bay and the Titan Jet immediately."

"A bank robbery?!" Marcus proclaimed as he threw the controller down and jumped back over the couch. "Do we really need everyone to deal with this? I mean, don't get me wrong, I'd love to kick some actual ass, but unless Darkseid is short on cash I feel like calling us all in is overkill." A flash of green light surrounded Marcus' body as he entered the elevator with Aqualad and the others. Atlas' costume replaced Marcus' casual clothes in a flash. The green lantern took the time to stretch, waiting for the elevator to ding. "You ready for this, Fishsticks?" Atlas asked as the elevator announced that they had arrived at the hangar. Marcus rushed out of the small space, taking flight to increase his speed before landing on the ramp of the jet and walking inside. There he found Fortress, Tha'am and Julian already taking their seats. Atlas joined them, adjusting his spandex as he took a seat.

"Damn I look good in spandex." Marcus admired himself a bit too loudly.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Iridious
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Iridious Holy Diver

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T'haam had seemingly trailed off and, perhaps, didn't catch what Radorion had said to him. Curious as to what had caught everyone's attention, he stepped out into the living room to see what all the hubbub was about. They were about to play some sort of game on the TV, evidently, which piqued his interest - he had never actually seen a computer game before coming to the tower. Sure, he had used computers before, but never for anything recreational. There was a satisfying crunch as he bit into his apple, ready for the competition to begin. Unfortunately that would not come to pass.

Without warning, the alarm began blaring throughout the premises once again.

"Aw, man..." Radorion lamented with a mouth full of partially chewed fruit.

The team, informed of the robbery in process, spared no haste in response to the crime. Radorion was lagging a little behind Atlas as he had snagged his munitions-resistant weave and a white mask reminiscent of a masquerade. Both had been left hanging on a hook just inside the bay door leading into the hangar.

Radorion made his way up the ramp of the jet a bit haphazardly as he removed his hoodie and slid his resistant cross-weave shirt over his head. The shirt fell down over his bare chest, hiding the many scars across the chiseled contours of the eighteen year old's breast and abdomen.

"Damn I look good in spandex." Marcus admired himself a bit too loudly.

The thought hadn't yet crossed his mind, but as he sat down across from Atlas and Fortress and pulled his hoodie back on he must have seriously looked out of place. Everyone else was in elaborate, colorful spandex or armor and here he was in an orange and white hoodie and jeans.

Sure, it didn't scream 'hero,' but at least it didn't whisper 'villain' like the tattered and singed cloak hanging on his wall...
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

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Aria's face fell and her lips turned into a pout as the alarm went off, signaling their need to go. As the others jumped up and ran off, Atlas threw down his controller to the ground, making all of the hairs on her arms stand on end. She quickly picked it up and rolled it perfectly. No WAY would she leave without first taking care of the console, she knew how important it was. She shut off the game and pushed the console back into it's hidey hole. A glance at her day-old clothing told her that going out like this wouldn't make a good impression.

She dashed out of room and into hers, tossing on a fresh set of her usual attire of a skirt and off the shoulder shirt and ripped a brush through her hair to put it into her usual style. Then, with a gentle slap on both of her cheeks, she opened one eye and smiled, pointing at herself in the mirror with a giggle, instantly seeming to look perky and ready to take on anything. She quickly grabbed her backpack and stuffed in her consoles, having the plug in plays ready to go in the second she needed them. She was already running behind, but then she looked at the kitten, who mewled at her from the doorway. Her heart stopped. The most important question...

Cat... or no cat? Cat........ or no cat? Cat--no cat, cat, no cat.... Cat. Yes. Most definetly cat.

She placed the kitten into her bag and zipped it up, chuckling as she did. Then she slipped on her pack and ran out the door, into the elevator and then into the hangar. Everyone had already taken their seats it seemed so she bolted up the ramp she went to extend her fist pumping into the air.

"Lets rock! Every---"

BAM! Her foot had caught at the small space between where the ramp ended and where the plane began and she landed face first inside the plane. She got up, groaning, and dusted herself off, the texture of the grate flooring pressed into her forehead as little red marks. Not everyone could be a skilled and graceful acrobat. Hmph. She smiled as she looked up with a huff, her tone now considerably more awkward.

"Ehehe... let's go."

She then took her seat quickly, strapping herself in.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by King Kindred
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King Kindred

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Query was ready. Then again he was pretty much always ready. He didn't need to get anything like some of the others and nor did he need to make sure that he didn't leave something that didn't need to be brought in the first place. Unless of course he counted himself. This type of mission wasn't the best one for him to be a part of. He was different than his late mentor when it came to things like that. He didn't care what the threat may have been or how impossible the odds against him seemed. He'd rush in there and give it his all. Sometimes it left him out of commission for a while, but he hasn't died yet so it's a working plan.

He seemingly arrived last to the hangar bay and jet than the others, but that was far from the truth. He had actually been the first one there despite being the most non-super of the group. He even beat the one who could phase through walls. He was only able to get there before the others because his first course of action upon joining the team was finding any secret passageways or shortcuts through the Tower that could be helpful later.

He was currently sitting in the pilot's seat listening to some pop music on his phone. He only turned around when Aria face-planted on the way into the jet. He turned around and said, "Oh. I didn't hear you guys come in." He knew that Julian would want to pilot so he stood up from the seat and made his way to another free seat. They had to figure out a best course of action for when they got there. Just barging in would be too dangerous given the situation. There were likely hostages or else the police wouldn't have called them in.

"I suggest we go the stealth route for this mission. Without the proper care a bank robbery can become really messy. We don't want to risk any civilian lives. Tha'am and I should go in first. Him for his phasing, shapeshifting, and invisibility and me because I can sneak in without being found out. We need to land away from the bank so they wouldn't see a jet full of teen heroes coming." He hadn't yet looked at all of the jet's capabilities so he wasn't sure if there was a cloaking function for purposes like this. He would likely find out soon enough if it did or not.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Iridious
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Iridious Holy Diver

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"I suggest we go the stealth route for this mission. Without the proper care a bank robbery can become really messy. We don't want to risk any civilian lives. Tha'am and I should go in first. Him for his phasing, shapeshifting, and invisibility and me because I can sneak in without being found out. We need to land away from the bank so they wouldn't see a jet full of teen heroes coming." Query noted to the present team.

"It's a bank, so it certainly has security cameras. We should borrow them and figure out the numbers we're dealing with..." Radorion suggested as he strapped himself in. He slipped a pair of black, reinforced leather gloves over his hands and tightened them, moving his fingers around as he did so to ensure flexibility. As it stood, they would basically be breaking in themselves. It definitely wasn't his first rodeo, and it showed in the confidence his voice was radiating. He felt more at ease with a job to focus on as the pain of his recent experiences could be pushed to the back of his mind.

"I'll head in with you and Tha'am..."

Radorion had not previously conversed with Query much but was sure that he had seen the tattered garb he wore when he first joined the team and would certainly have deduced it's origin, given the sleuth's reputation. While secretive, the Demon's Fang had obviously been encountered a number of times by the Justice League, so there would have been some data available. At this point he was sure he did not need to say anything else on the matter.

"Anyone else have any ideas?" Radorion asked as he looked to the others. This would be his first op with the team and didn't want to step on anyone's toes. He ruffled his blonde hair with his right hand before leaning back into the seat completely. With a deep breath he set his mind on target and waited...
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Enarr
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"It would be.. unwise to enter without my insight," Annex added. "I will be coming with you. They'll never see me, I guarantee it."

Stepping in front of Query, he took note of his build, speech patterns, and physical nuances. More of interest was his face, though. Pseudoderm, the mask told him. He was very much like The Question indeed. Nodding, he handed a small, zipped, black pouch to Kid Q. "It'll help with your reach.

While it would make sense to make gift bags for the other East-Coast Titans, very few had the conscious understanding to really make the most of a limited resource. Likely they'd lose some along the way, wasting the expensive material or risk it being obtained by the enemy. Inside the pouch was a small handgun shaped object capable of launching a 25 foot long web-line, or several shorter ones and cutting the thread when the lever on the back of the gun was clicked. A soft press of the trigger would project web, higher pressure would change the tool to reel it in.

"Depending on how you use it," he whispered, "there may be more." He slid his sleeve down a bit to allow the other teen a peek at the wrist-mounted shooters he had. "We humans have got to stick together."

Then he calmly walked over to his own spot on the jet. Not one assigned, but one ingrained in the memory of his team through sheer repitition. He looked around. Seeing Bit-Girl he imagined that she would eventually notice the massive resemblance between his own appearance and that of Corvo from Dishonored. Beside minor deviancies in the shape of his mask and the more modern outfit that Jefferson chose to wear, it was almost spot on. The mask itself, while the teenaged analyst had been choosing his outfit, broke standard speech patterns by using an adjective - actually expressing a taste for the outfit.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Iridious
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Iridious Holy Diver

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

As the crew finished filing their way into the jet, Julian finished making the final checks before lift off. The team was all strapped in as the aircraft jolted and the engines began vertical lift. The jet glided from the hangar and the engines revved up to full thrust. Julian changed the systems over to forward thrust once enough altitude was gained. They were off!

The flight was relatively short. The team had enough time to check and re-check their gear, but not much else. Julian brought the jet down a few blocks away in a largely vacant parking lot.

"Alright team, we're a go," Julian announced. "I'll be cooperating with the police on the outside and will provide you with support from our end. Query, Tha'am and Ash are heading to find a back entrance. I went ahead and queued up the building blueprints and a camera feed from the inside...study up, Titans. Looks like we've got eight gunmen in there!"

Radorion unstrapped himself from his seat and stepped up to Query and Julian. He looked over the camera feeds and the blueprints momentarily before looking back at the others.

"Well, we can get in easy enough..." he said, "How do you guys want to handle this?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Natty
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Rohan had been suspiciously eyeing the monstrous beast that Bit-Girl had decided to bring into the Tower when Mal’s voice erupted over the speakers once again. At once the teenager snapped away from his hatred towards the yarn ruining feline and rose from where he had been perched on the sofa. Fortunately he was already suited up, minus the knitted jumper he was wearing over the top, so he was all good on that front. However if he was going out in the field he would need his needles, and after taking a glance at his knitten who was wandering the floor of the living room aimlessly, he realized he would also need some more reinforcements.

Turning on his heel, Rohan rushed back towards his room, pulling his domino out of his pocket as he did so and pulling it onto his face. In seconds he had returned to his quarters, where he scavenged about collecting things he may need. After carefully removing his magnificently carved enchanted knitting needles out of their box, he slid them into his utility belt, before scooping up his satchel. After squeezing in several balls of yarn, as well as another one of his knittens, he gave himself a quick smile into the mirror before darting towards the hangar.

The Knitter was one of the last Titans to arrive at the jet, where he quickly seated himself inside, and taking particular care to pick a window seat. The action wasn’t necessary of course, because as soon as the hero sat down he whipped out his needles and yarn and set to work. His hands moved like lightning as he worked, looping and casting in a tremendous fashion.

He perked up however slightly when the vessel took to the skies, although remained unfazed for the rest of the flight, continuing his work. However as the jet began to descend and Julian began to speak, Rohan finally put down his needles in an act of politeness. He had finished with his creations anyway. Yet another knitten now sat on his lap, although this one more intimidating than his others, sporting jarring teeth and claws assembled using old knitting needles. It was evidently vicious from the way it seemed to somehow snarl and growl.

Rohan nodded intently as he listened to the plan, although began to frown slightly when he failed to hear his name mentioned. Had they forgotten him? Had his lack of presence within the group cause them to miss him in their plans? He mentally laughed away the thought however. Surely they had given him, the great and powerful Knitter, an even greater plan. As such, he decided to ask.

What do I do, boss?” Rohan sprang up eagerly, his feisty knitten falling to the floor as he did so, growling once more.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TroidDroid
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TroidDroid Sweet Space Prince

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Fortress was one of the first to grab a seat, almost completely unsurprised to find Query at the helm when they entered. Sometimes she wondered if he had powers they just didn’t know about, and considering they knew next to nothing about him, it wouldn’t even surprise her. She’d kind of just accepted his weirdness, but that didn’t make it any less off-putting, of course.

Dropping into a free seat, she settled in for the short flight. She closed her eyes and concentrated on materializing the shield she kept tightly around her body as a defensive measure on missions. Fortress was only half listening to the discussion of strategy, but she perked up when Radorion asked for any other ideas. This kind of situation really put her powers to good use, and it was kind of exciting. Sure, combat with force-fields was a good way to get creative, but simplicity over complexity was sometimes her best modus operandi.

“You should take me,” she offered, “Since they’re armed, we need to take precautions. I can create a force-field around the hostages and help get them out while someone handles the robbers. I don’t need to be directly on top of them, but I’ll need to be within sight of the hostages.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hillan
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Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

As the Jet came to a halt around the bank, Julian put Mal's face on the small screens next to everyone's seat. "All right, Guardian. I'll stick with the officers, Query, Ash and Tha'am go in. Atlas and Aqualad will stay back and wait for a opening to take the robbers out while Knitter and Fortress are on crowd protection duty." Cobalt reiterated, as Mal nodded "Correct. Titans, move out." Guardian told them, ending the broadcast.

Julian had already memorized the bank layout, and made the jet hover over the bank. "Ash can handle the fall, Tha'am, you help Query down, I can't get any closer to the bank without risking detection." the Luthor told the three, once they had departed, he landed next to the barricade made by the police outside. Stepping out of the jet, the team followed suit. "Watch closely, go in when you see an opening. I'll plan tactics with the police from outside." He told the team, as he headed over the captain.

"Julian Luthor, sir, though I do prefer to go by Cobalt." Julian told the officer, reaching out his organic left hand. "Other one's a little cold to the touch." He said with a smirk as the officer was shaking his hand. "Thank you for getting here so quickly, Titans." He responded as Julian nodded. "So, what's the situation, unchanged? How is progress on the demands, I understand they asked for money, transport and a plane, yes?"

The captain nodded. "Yes, situation is unchanged. We have not been in contact with the criminals, they have hacked the software in the cameras in the vault and entrance, so we have no clue what they are doing in there. As for their demands, the vehicle is easy enough to put together, but the money and the flight are still out of reach." Julian nodded at the news, raising his right arm he started tapping the holographic screen that appeared from it, he was trying to make his way back into the cameras in the secluded areas.

"Atlas, any chance you can make a drill strong enough to go under the building, give you guys a option to get in that they won't see coming."
"Knitter and Fortress, you should both go in with them when they do, keep the civilians out of harms way." Julian informed the ones outside with him.

He finally connected to the entry camera, he could see all of their figures now, though with the masks facial recognition would be tricky. Luckily, the man in the front had a tattoo on his hand, a military signia. Using every database available to him, which thanks to his DNA was just about all of them, he could quickly deduce his name was Ewan Cormac, man born in Wales, former member of the Royal Navy, special forces and SAS and now turned Mercenary, he was a known former associate of the likes of Slade Wilson, A.K.A Deathstroke. In short, he was not a man to be taken lightly.

Ewan was a excellent gunman and close quarters combatant, leaving Julian only to speculate in the skills of his accomplices. Anyway you would slice it, this was a bad situation, he could only hope that the others inside of the bank could create a opening for the five of them outside.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FacePunch
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FacePunch Death Comes

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Atlas anxiously watched the rest of the team shuffle into the hangar and make their way inside the aircraft. He glanced back at Radorion as the shirtless Titan dressed himself for battle. Marcus didn't know Ash well. Or at all, if he was being completely honest. The two hadn't spoken much (Rad wasn't exactly the social type) and what little they had said to one another shed no light on who Ash was. Marcus didn't even know what kind of powers the older guy possessed. Atlas made a mental note to approach the mysterious Titan at some point. After all, it's hard to work as a team if you don't know who's on that team in the first place. The Russian boy averted his gaze after that brief glance. He swept his vision across the rest of Titans East and went over a mental checklist, checking for who was still missing. Ash, Fortress, Cobalt, Kid Q, Thaam...Where were Bit-Girl and Annex?

"Lets rock! Every---"


"Huh?" bewildered, the young Green Lantern's head shot back to see what had happened. Lo and behold, there was Bit-Girl: strewn out over the floor. Marcus slapped the palm of his hand against his forehead at the sight of Aria's grate-textured face. Well, there's Bit-Girl. Almost everyone was accounted for. Now all they were missing was- "Oh. I didn't hear you guys come in." Marcus looked over at Kid Q as the faceless man strolled out of the pilot's seat like he owned the place. Marcus probably should have been surprised that the entirely human Query had somehow made it inside the cockpit of the jet without anyone seeing him. But he wasn't surprised. Anyone who shamelessly listens to pop music and dresses in a blue fedora (or, alternatively, dresses like a bat) are expected to be sneaky little buggers. The Question doesn't raise no normal child, yessir-ee.

The small screen next to Atlas' seat glowed with life as the team began to discuss the plan of action. Based on the direction the conversation seemed to be heading, the general consensus between the Titans' various eggheads was that stealth was their best option. Marcus disagreed, but Green Lanterns weren't paid the big bucks to come up with plans. Atlas was here to follow orders and that's what he'd do. Marcus turned towards the screen and typed a few words into a search engine. A couple of clicks and taps later, a blueprint of the bank dominated the length of the screen. Atlas quickly looked over the map before looking down at his ring. As if on cue, the object began to glow. "Ring, download city municipal codes and the layout of the bank. Try to access the security cameras while you're at it." The ring only took half a minute to work its magic. The alien super computer was a truly astounding piece of technology when Marcus thought about all it could do. "Codes and layout uploaded to Central Battery mainframe. I am unable to access the cameras within the bank; unknown software is preventing the bank's systems from accepting my override commands." Marcus wrinkled his nose. "You're an alien computer! Can't you, like, hack it?" Atlas' ring was quick to respond. The voice lacked any sort of emotion, or sapience. "No, Marcus Lev Zelenyy, I can't 'Like, hack it.' I am not programmed to force entry into hostile systems. I attempted to use the proper passwords to remotely access the cameras and I was blocked. I can try again, but the result will be the same."

Marcus sighed and looked back at the computer screen. Robots; so useless. "Tell me if anything changes on that front."

Not much time passed before the jet arrived on scene. Julian and Guardian started tossing out orders, and Marcus got excited. Even if the mission was going to be a cakewalk, at least he could expect to smack a few baddies around. Better than sitting around Titans Tower all day playing Battlebots with Bit-Girl. Atlas waited until the three Titans assigned to move inside exited the back of the jet before unbuckling and moving towards the exit himself. Once the plane had landed, Green Lantern made his way outside along with the rest of the Titans and met up with the police. Julian found the officer in charge and started the pleasantries. While he was busy with that, Marcus took the time to give the bank a look over. Not much could be seen from here. The ring hadn't made any progress with the cameras. "Marcus. I've managed to piggyback on a friendly signal attempting to access the cameras. The one called Julian Luthor has succeeded in freeing the live feed from enemy control." Atlas nodded in approval. "Nice work, Luthor."

"Atlas, any chance you can make a drill strong enough to go under the building, give you guys a option to get in that they won't see coming."

Hrm. Atlas mulled over the idea for a moment before expressing his thoughts to the team's leader. "I can definitely make one strong enough to get us under the bank; no problem. The real problem is keeping it quiet. Tunneling isn't exactly a silent process, comrade." A green hardlight drill about the size of a human being appeared in front of Marcus. "I'll need a soundproof bubble around me while I work. Think you can handle that, Fortress?" Atlas asked, grinning at his teammate. "If that isn't possible I could knock a hole in the roof. Or a wall. Or we could all waltz in there guns a'blazing. Take the enemy down before they know what hit 'em."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TroidDroid
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Fortress nodded as Julian divided them up by their responsibilities. The screen next to her seat came to life with Mal's face as he affirmed Julian's plan of attack and extraction. She took a moment to look over the plans for the bank after Mal's face disappeared. She pulled them up and tried to memorize the layout as best as she could on the time crunch while Ash, Tha'am, and Query took the plunge toward the bank. If they could create the opening, Fortress had no doubt that she could get the hostages out of the bank unharmed, and with the help of Knitter she was even more definite. It would be easier since she'd have someone watching her back.

Shutting off her screen, she followed the five remaining team members out of the jet once it had landed. Certainly she could just from a jet in the air with her forcefields and all, but she was glad she didn't have to be one of the jumpers. The thought of jumping out of a perfectly good and functional jet didn't exactly appeal to her.

She stayed with Atlas and Knitter, shifting slightly in anticipation. Certainly she could be patient, but her mind was on the civilians that were still in harms way. She couldn't imagine how they must be feeling being held at gunpoint with no defense. It had really crossed her mind how scary these ordeals must be for ordinary people. She had her forcefields and enough training to use them well, so it never really occurred to her just how lucky she was.

Julian's suggestion of drilling under the building to get in was a great idea, but... Marcus got to the problem before she could even open her mouth - noise. He was right, drilling wasn't exactly a quiet action. She smirked when he asked her if she could make a soundproof barrier, offering her a way out if she couldn't.

"You think I can't create something as simple as a soundproof forcefield? I'm hurt!" Fortress gasped in mock offense, flicking her fingers toward him in a gesture that enveloped him in a forcefield that would keep the drilling quiet. She nodded to Julian before making the same gesture toward Knitter that she had toward Atlas, enveloping him and herself in their own forcefield to follow Atlas down. "We're going to be digging a tunnel with no support structure. I don't want it to come crashing down on us," she commented about the second forcefield. She gave Atlas the heads up to go with a thumbs up. She took a deep breath in and then back out, focusing on keeping the three forcefields she had materialised from dropping - the one she kept around herself, the one around Atlas, and lastly the one around herself and Knitter that was sturdier than the one she kept around herself.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by King Kindred
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King Kindred

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Query gladly took Annex's gift and tucked it away in his suit jacket. It was almost time for the mission. He was mentally preparing himself on the way there and listened as they came up with a plan. So far it seemed like they were going with his stealth option after all. The first group would enter the bank and then infiltrate from above while the other team infiltrated from below. It seemed like it could work especially considering they had the blueprints to help.

T'haam helped lower him down by using his telekinesis and once they landed quietly he whispered to him to link them up mentally before phasing inside and remaining camouflaged until they were ready. He did so and now was the time for Kid Q and Ash to get inside. Using the blueprints from before he found the best possible entrance for them to use without getting spotted. After quietly opening it he eased inside and made his way through and thought to the others in their mind link. "We're inside. Ready for your plan, Cobalt. How many guys are there? What guns are they using? Anything that could give us an edge here." He would have found this out himself, but he rather not get spotted until everyone was in position. His light blue suit wasn't as conspicuous as the black suit of the Batman.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hillan
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Hillan I'm a writer - Lying's what we do.

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Feeling a certain tingling inside of his head, he quickly realized the Martian was trying to telepathically communicate with him. Telepathy left a sour taste in his brain due to his 'upbringing', as it were. Shaking his head for a second, he responded to Query's question. " You should make your way into the vault, they are armed with assault rifles, I can only assume they are all military trained." Julian said, looking at the feed for the camera in the vault. He tinkered with it, and rewound the recording a few minutes, to when the robbers broke into the vault. It took a couple of minutes, and his team had already moved into action in the vault.

As he looked over the recording, his eyes widened. They didn't use explosives.
"Team, careful, I don't know how.. But.. They tore the vault doors off..." He explained into the communicator he had in his ear, completely forgetting about the telepathic link as his eyes were peeled to the video feed. "With their uh, hands." For someone who was accostumed to Metahuman life, it was odd for Julian to be so shocked, but none of the people in the vault, nor in the bank had ever shown any other sign of being a meta. He pulled up the personel files of the associates of the man in charge, quickly compiling a list of possible suspects.

None of them had any records of metahuman activity. It was unpresidented.

"Atlas, Fortress, Knitter. Take caution. They have some tricks up their sleeves." The three had already began drilling under them.

Turning to the police captain, Julian looked around. "You have a sniper crew ready? I fear that the cleanest way to handle this is with sufficient force." The Captain Nodded. "We have two snipers, but no high- caliber weaponry, but against these suspects, it should not be a problem." He explained, but Julian wasn't convinced. He had to wait for the events to unfold.

He hated waiting.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Alan Hawke
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Alan Hawke Computer Repair Technician

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Aqualad raised an eyebrow as he was told that these robbers had torn the vault door off it's hinges. Even with his Atlantean level strength, even he couldn't tear a bank vault door off it's damned hinges--well at least he had never tried too. These guys had some serious muscle with them, but this didn't make any sense. Why would metahumans resort to robbing a bank? Not only was it cliche but at the end of the day it's sort of pointless, it's not like they're going to actually use the money. Aqualad proceeded to think about this in his head as he stood close to Julian in the parking lot, his water-bearers at the ready just in case one of them came running out of the bank.

So why would they even bother robbing a bank? Unless maybe... As the thought completed in Aqualad's head, his eyes widened for a brief moment before going back to his overall serious face. "Julian, I think this is a trap. They've got to know we're coming. Why else would they bring such muscle?" While Kaldur'ahm asked Julian this, he kept his eyes locked on the bank front door--ready to pounce at any given time.
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