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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago



7th Ward, Taiko Coffee Shop

Karasu looked at Jekyll as they questioned their smell and spoke "Uh...You're fine don't worry. I can't help you with you housing situation though...if I knew of any places cheaper than the one I'm at now I'd be taking it myself" Karasu then noticed a woman come over to the counter and demand a coffee, this caught Karasu off guard a little as he blinked however he soon shook this off as he spoke to Jekyll "I'll get your coffee in a sec, I'll do this womans and get to yours." Karasu then proceeded to make the coffee exactly as she asked, he placed the cup onto a saucer and walked from around the counter to the womans desk, gently placing it down on the table as he then bowed lightly and spoke "It's on the house, please enjoy." Karasu then stepped away and made his way towards the counter, walking behind it as he then made another coffee in which he served to Jekyll "Hope you enjoy it...I'm told I make a decent coffee. I've worked in enough coffee shops so I don't see why not..."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Unlucky0013
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Unlucky0013 <(^_^)> / /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\

Member Seen 7 mos ago

[Ward 7]
[Taiko Coffee Shop]

"It's on the house, please enjoy."

"tch" On the house, right. "Thanks." It of course wasn't free; she asked for it, he made it, she was going to pay for it. Ayame watched him head back to the counter, before continuing her gaze on the other fellow. He was big and strong looking, a bit too much for a casual work out session. As far as she knew, he wasn't a dove, but she didn't doubt he couldn't take care of himself in a fight against a ghoul. That's what really bothered her. Either he was homeless and was used to warding off ghouls at night, or he was a ghoul. Or, he was just really cute and she didn't want to admit it. Of course, she was in fact tired, perhaps a bit too much for her own good.

She took a sip of her coffee before thinking to herself what to do next. Either she was going to do something drastic to find out if there were any ghouls in here, or she would talk to the men at the counter like normal human being. Getting drunk was also still an option.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by FallenTrinity
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FallenTrinity Prying Open My Third Eye

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Taiko Coffee Shop, 7th Ward

The moment that she entered the shop it began to smell incredibly delectable. Her sweet fragrance with her human scent was just to tempting but he had to remain calm and so he did. He focused in on the smell of the coffee. Such a delightful smell which made his mouth drool a bit. "Coffeeee. Coffee coffee coffee." He sung to himself as he nodded to K as to what he was going to do. When he finally caught on to what K had said about the shelter situation he gave a sad look. "Oh.... Ok that's fine then. It's hard to find good living quarters that aren't in dangerous neighborhoods anyway with the recent uproar in ghoul activity. At least that's why they have the CCG out and about protecting the streets for you and me." His biggest thing was that when interacting near a human, bring up the CCG, say they're great protectors and shit and hope that it ends there. He treated most humans as if they WERE CCG but that was to save his own skin. Even though not everyone WAS CCG, it was more of a relationship distance but this never stopped him from helping out anyone. It's just that, in his time on the streets he learned to keep just about everyone at a distance. But that aside he hoped that K would follow along with his speel.

However, before he let K respond he looked over at the lady who seemed to be staring at him by this time and begun to get nervous. Soon enough he slammed his hand on the table and pointed to himself. "I DO STINK DON'T I! Dammit I try to shower when I can, it's not my fault the system won't help out a damn homeless man!" After his quick rant he realized that he was yelling. His eyes widened slightly before he sat back and scratched the back of his head, his visible eye closed with a slight sheeply grin on his face. "Uhh hehehe. Sorry about that. Didn't mean to startle you if I did. I'm a bit conscious of my BO. IIIII mean my musk....Uhhhhh." As the words rolled or more like stumbled out of his mouth he quietly surrendered with his head down and a raised arm. "Hi there, My name is Mitsurugi." 'I feel like such an idiot." He looked back up at her and cocked his head to his side. "She's actually kinda cute." He mumbled to himself, possibly loud enough for her to hear. He coughed before turning back to K. "Hey K-dog, I'm probably going to head out of here shortly after this cup but would ya mind-" He reached his side and pulled out a small thermos. "Filling this up before hand? I won't bother you again." He looked up with a smile. He didn't expect a yes but he didn't want to hang around for too much longer. This chick was giving off some bad vibes.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Kazumo Igiri 7th Ward

A grumbling sound echos from Kazumo's stomach as he drives his bike on the cloudless day, so he decided to pull over to a free parking space and keeping his helmet on walked into a alley where an unfortunate man was about to be a victim. This man seemed to know as well as he took off running almost as though he could feel Kazumo's gaze on his back. However running would not work at all, Kazumo was much faster and caught him in a second. Slamming the man on the ground he covered his mouth so he couldn't scream for help and it a split second he ripped the head off and tossed it aside. "Heads blow...... I feel that's a pun..... Ohhhhhh hehehe." Kazumo muttered before pushing a button so the mouth guard of his helmet opened up and he began to dig in to his meal. As he was tearing apart the throat a sudden male kicked him in the back. Kazumo buddged a bit before looking back and cracking his neck. "Okay then... I guess you'll be my meal you ghoul shit!" Kazumo shouted and grabbed the ghouls odd blank ass mask and threw him out of the alley and onto the sidewalk where other people scream a bit. "You were on my feeding ground! You deserve this!" The man shouted standing up and revealing his Rinkaku. It had the form of axes, so Kazumo knew who it was. "Blind Ax? Well even if you are classified as an S rating, your numbers are stillll lower than mine." By now everyone was screaming and running away, so Kazumo held up his finger. "Just a second." He stated and his black wings appeared out of his back, and before the Blind Ax knew it the street was littered with blood and dead bodies with Kazumo holding a woman's corpse in his hand. "Sorry but I want to enjoy killing you before any CCG show up."

The ghoul shook before realizing just who he fucked with. "W-wait Psycho jester?! I'm sorry I didn't know!" The ghoul stated and started to back away. Yet Kazumo just laughed and threw the corpse in his hand aside. "I forgive you." Kazumo stated but pierced his hand through the mans stomach and ripped it out. "Gahhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!" The ghoul screamed falling backwards as the hole healed itself. Kazumo however kicked the man while he was down and sent him flying through a pole. The ghoul tried running only for Kazumo to grab his legs and tear them right off his body and right in front of him he bite right into the flesh. "Man you taste like weakness. I swear its like Im getting wea-" Kazumo stopped talking at the mans ax Rinkaku plunged into Kazumo who just looked at it. "er..... You see you made me weaker. Ima have to eat something strong to recover from this meal." Kazumo said grabbing the ax tentacle that was cutting into his shoulder and yanked the Rinkaku straight out of the ghouls back. While the ghoul was screaming, Kazumo with one kick kicked the ghouls head off his body. "And that is gg, well played." Kazumo said and looked around the scene and picked up a hand. "Huh." He said taking a bite out of the flesh. "I really fucked some shit up today.... Oh well. The important thing is that any blood that got on my bike cleaned itself because of its self cleaning." Kazumo said as he hopped on his bike and ran over the dead bodies that littered the street.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

:::District One | CCG HeadQuarters, Morning:::

The daily morning briefing preformed by a Special Class Investigator contained an outline of fresh crime scenes that had arisen within the last 24 hours. The Investigator also pointed out the increase of Ghoul activity within the past nine months... the figures showing a dramatic incline of reported Human casualties and fatalities. Referring to these figures, the Investigator expressed that the 'Higher-Ups' were displeased with the slow progress each Squad had made during those nine months compared to the catastrophic increase of Ghoul-related cases within the same time span. In the most professional way possible, the Investigator told all Squad members from all divisions gathered to increase efficiently and stop slacking. "It is an insult to the CCG and taints the belief in us by those we've sworn to protect. This has to change", were few of many words regarding this issue.

Moving on to assigning Squad's their cases, Squad Three - Lead by Associate Special Class Ashido Kazuyaka - were given the following case to investigate:

- Seventh Ward Massacre -
"I have recently received word of a blood bath within the 7th ward. The culprit is unknown so I'd like for Squad Three to investigate and take samples of both the blood and any Kagune residue. I have reason to believe that this may by one of he repeat offender Ghouls that we have on file. However, we won't know for sure who it may be until we analyse the scene and any Kagune residue left behind. It is very clear that this is the work of a Ghoul and not a Human."

A few other assignments were given to other Squads within the briefing before the Investigator reached Squad 5 - Lead by First Class Miyoko Ruri - their assignment:

- Horrific Scene -
"The next case to investigate is for Squad 5. I have received word of a horrid scene beneath an overpass within the 23rd ward. As with Squad 3, I need you to collect samples and evidence of what type of ghoul we might be dealing with here, however it's highly likely that it'd only be a C rate ghoul, which is also why I'm sending you on this case."

"Any leads you both gather I expect you to follow them through while consulting us here at HeadQuarters so that we all are aware of the progress of each case."

With all cases allocated, the Investigator adjourned the meeting and sent all Squads off to start their investigations.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago



7th Ward, Taiko Coffee Shop

Karasu just washed dishes as he listened to Jekyll speak...then he heard something interesting which made him grin internally as he thought to himself "Mitsurugi huh? I wonder just how many names you have..." Karasu carried on as normal whilst thinking this, he did have some other thoughts but they could wait. As Jekyll spoke up again asking Karasu if he could fill a Thermos. Karasu looked at him and nodded before speaking "Sure thing..." Karasu walked over to him and took the Thermos and filled it with coffee before handing it back as he then spoke to Jekyll "I'm surprised you're leaving so soon...if it's cause you like that woman then why not ask her out?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ryan Chideta
Ward 20
7:00 AM

Ryan cracked his neck and looked at his finger nails as he hung out at the 20th Ward Hideout. A coffee shop in the 15th Ward had gotten blown up and he was worried that he would be next. He needed to talk to the boss soon and ask for some protection. He had actually brought his favorite brew with him as payment for him, but he probably wouldn't even need to give it away. The boss looks out for his fellow Ghouls. "Thats the motto. When One Head is Destroyed, Two More Take It's Place." Ryan mumbled to himself as he looked around for the boss.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


Tatsuo Hyakuya

[20th Ward]

Tatsuo scratched his cheek at Norio, still finding the term "King" to be uncomfortable. But he didn't want to be rude to Norio's hospitality and nodded "Sure I don't mind Norio, you're free to do whatever you like" A small vibration came from Tatsuo's pocket. He reached into and pulled out his cell phone, flipping it open to check the message. A moment of silence took over as he sighed [color=maroon]I'm tired of his childish games. He closed the phone and placed it back into his pocket "Norio, we're going to the 15 Ward. And afterwards, we're going to pay the 13th Ward a visit" He turned to one of the Ghouls who were lying around "Contact Floria and let her know that we may have a large fight on our hands. Also tell her that we'll most likely be in the 15th Ward. Let's go Norio" Tatsuo was about to walk about before noticing Ryan. Tatsuo didn't know much about Ryan and wanted to change that. He called over to him "Ryan right? Want to come out with us for a hunt?" He nonchalantly asked. He didn't want to spook Ryan with the fact that they may be fighting other Ghouls. But there wasn't nothing to worry about, as long as Tatsuo was around, no one would even get close to touching the two of them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Unlucky0013
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Unlucky0013 <(^_^)> / /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\

Member Seen 7 mos ago

[Ward 7]
[Taiko Coffee Shop]

Her coffee was about out by the time Mitsurugi took notice of her stares. She quickly adverted her eyes and watched the guy behind the counter do the dishes before looking back at her cup and taking a final sip. Most of him speaking to her flew past her, quickly starting to fall asleep, but caught on fast enough to catch the last bit. "Hi there, My name is Mitsurugi." She looked at him only to see him look back at the server and resumed his conversation with the guy, so she just shrugged it off. She had obviously made herself perhaps a bit too obvious in her attempt to study the two people, and probably blew her chance, however slim it maybe, to get them to reveal themselves as ghouls in the off chance that they actually were. Going back to her previous options, she blew off any rational thought and decided to do all three.

Retrieving a small bottle of sake from her purse, she tipped it down before also grabbing enough money for her drink plus the guy's thermos that had just been given back to the guy. With a small knife she nicked the top of her wrist, causing a small bit of blood to run down her hand, and put back the weapon before getting up and walking right next to Mitsurugi and handing the guy behind the counter the money. "Also for his thermos, give out too much free coffee and you'll put your job out of business." The alcohol starting to take hold, she felt her self start to stagger, but played it off as she leaned on Mitsurugi's shoulder for balance before speaking to him. "You know, if you really need a place to stay, you can crash with me. I don't really stay there much myself."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Ryan looked up as he saw Tatsuo. He straightened out and saluted him. "Sir! I needed to talk to you actually! A coffee shop in Ward 15 was blown up and I was unsure if you knew about it! I also brought you some coffee beans as thanks for being such a great leader!" He reached into his backpack and brought out the coffee beans he was talking about. His mind then caught up with what Tatsuo asked and he nodded. "Of course sir! It would be an honor to enter a hunt with you!" Ryan did not realize he was still salutiong as he yelled.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by FallenTrinity
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FallenTrinity Prying Open My Third Eye

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Taiko Coffee Shop, 7th Ward

"Ask her out? Ummm." He crossed an arm and rested his hand under his head, his thumb and index finger cupping his chin. 'It's a possible thing but I mean its a difference of species...' "Also for his thermos, give out too much free coffee and you'll put your job out of business." He had a hard look pressed on his face until he felt a mass lean up against him to turn to see her beautiful face near his which sent the blood to his face as he almost turned crimson with his eyes, once again, slightly risen. "You know, if you really need a place to stay, you can crash with me. I don't really stay there much myself." His flustered look quickly changed back to a humble smile with warm eyes. Mitsurugi gave a light nod. "Thank you I appreciate that."

It took a moment before he noticed the pungent smell of alcohol on her breath. He leaned back slightly from the smell but he didn't let that bother him. "Maybe we can get something to eat first. I'm starving and I know a great ramen shop not too far from here that's open late. Would you care to join me?" He asked as he stood up. Holding onto her so she wouldn't fall. They way he held her made it seem like they were already a couple however he didn't realize this. In his mind he was just helping but to others it would seem like a relationship. However after realizing how intoxicated she was he decided to skip the dinner and take her home and his for the time being. He gave a nervous chuckle as he scratched the back of his head, which he quickly stopped remembering that he might stink though he washed that morning. "On second thought, how about I just take you home. I'll treat you to dinner next time for helping me out." He flashed a foxy grin as he led her towards the door, quickly turning his head to K with a quiet laugh and smile.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RangingWolf
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RangingWolf Lord Adorable

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Norio listened to what the King was saying and nodded his head in understanding. He looked over at one of Hydra's Nest newer members. He was a B class ghoul named Ryan. He didn't look like much but Norio was sure he could handle himself in a fight. He took a drag from his cigarillo. "gonna need to buy some more smokes soon. probably gonna have to switch to cigarettes this cigarillos are hella nice but expensive." He said finishing the cancer stick. "From what intelligence has gathered and that's not much they were able to confirm it was a explosion and from a few anonymous eyewitnesses some people left the building 15 mins before the explosion. The police are currently saying it was a gas leak which would make sense to the general population. But from I'm thinking it's something else. What are you hoping to look for while there?" Norio asked. After taking a few seconds he asked another question. "Why will we be traveling to the 13th ward? That close to ccg territory." Norio said.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Unlucky0013
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Unlucky0013 <(^_^)> / /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\

Member Seen 7 mos ago

[Ward 7]
[Taiko Coffee Shop]

Ayame couldn't help but feel a bit flustered at the way he was holding her, but took her time leaving his grasp once he brought her to the door. "Ah, actually I should be getting up about this time anyways. Thanks, but here." She took out a small piece of scrap paper and quickly wrote down her address, name, and number before giving him the paper along with a spare front door key. "Feel free to let yourself in, I live alone so its a bit bare, sorry. Anyway, I gotta go or I'll be late for work." With a quick smile and wave she ran off before anything could progress further. tch, well so much for for enticing any ghouls with my scent of fresh blood... I wonder if that really is a thing. Though I suppose they might NOT be ghouls... but where was the fun in that? Once she was a good bit away she quickly applied some anti-infection spray on her cut and called it a day before stopping by her house on the way to the office to pick up her uniform, which honestly didn't look much different than what she was wearing now. Once there, she set her alarm and fell asleep at her desk until the scheduled meeting was supposed to start.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Nightmare Bites
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Nightmare Bites Rain

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Yume Soma

Location: 15th Ward

Yume was still sleeping once she received a text message with just one small notice that she should be heading towards the fifteenth ward. However the reason why was missing which was a bit stupid but she guessed it was going to be for the best to just go towards the place without asking too much questions about everything as that was going to take a long time anyways before she was going to receive a complete memo. Closing the cell phone as she then crawled out of her bed and went to her closet first before going to the bathroom where she got fully dressed and cleaned herself up so she was presentable for the people. Not wanting to stick out because of the bed hair and the eventual messy clothes, or just going in her pyjama’s. It was a petty that nobody really wore pyjama’s outside their house as they were really comfortable to walk around in.

While rubbing her eyes with one hand, she closed the front door with her other and made sure everything was locked. Looking up at the sky and then in front of her as she made her way towards the fifteenth ward which was quite the walk in order to reach that place. Greeting her neighbours who were getting ready to go to work who greeted her back as well as they did not exactly had a fight before. If they were not going to bother her, neither was she going to do the same to them as she could not see the point of it at all. But that was her point of view as some people had the tendency to provoke someone in order to get in a fight and for the cowards it meant attacking a weaker person, making it a one-sided fight.

She waited at the bus station where the vehicle arrived just five minutes later as she was just in time there. Just a bit later and she would have missed it. Luckily the bus was partially empty so she had some space to sit down and with that she was making her way towards the fifteenth ward to the appointed location which stood in the message as well. Good for her as she did not have to find out in the harsh way. Eventually she reached the ruins of a building, making her tilt her head as she tried to figure out what had been there before. A coffee shop she guessed as she saw several pieces from glasses and plates spread around. ”Such a petty.” She said silently while shaking her head from left to right as she could not approve of this situation at all…

@Phobos @RangingWolf @floodtalon
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Augmented
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Augmented Shotgun Surgeon

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Ward 23

Keisuke sauntered along the path, hidden in plain sight in the hordes of regular humans. He had his hood up, obscuring most of his facial characteristics. Only his mouth was visible. A small droplet of blood was left over in the corner of his mouth from his most recent meal. Since he'd escape the detention center, he'd been on the prowl for human prey non-stop. He'd been treated like common vermin while imprisoned, and the conditions were deplorable. Keisuke had been starved for days on end, and only fed the most basic of meals. That only fed his hatred of the human race and made him even more hungry for their flesh.

He turned into the apartment block he'd been hiding in for the past few weeks, after he was a high-profile escapee. Almost nobody was living there, and it had been condemned a while back but, since the mass breakout, most non-essential civilians were evacuated from Ward 23 due to the high risk of ghoul attacks, like Keisuke had demonstrated on the drunk man a few hours ago. And he enjoyed it. A little too much. He always was a bit screwed up, but he genuinely enjoyed slaughtering his prey, unlike most ghouls who did it to survive. Keisuke liked to turn it into a game, unless he was extremely hungry. Then it became a bloodbath.

The ghoul slammed his door shut once he got into his apartment and made sure he locked it. He didn't want any unwanted visitors like doves or the cannibal ghouls. Keisuke turned on the TV, and hopped into the shower. He washed away most of the blood and bits of flesh on his body, and watched as it drained away. Keisuke then dried himself off and sat down in front of the TV. It was the middle of the day, and the news report was showing the massacre he'd created beneath the overpass. He watched in glee as the corpse was stretchered away, covered up by a white cloth. The men in the background were still cleaning the blood from the street. Then, the reporter came into focus.

"At approximately 8am this morning, a mutilated corpse was found by a dog walker," she started. "The deceased male remains unidentified, and authorities are saying this has all the obvious hallmarks of a ghoul attack. This comes after the recent mass breakout from the Ghoul Detention Center located here in Ward 23. Right now, the exact amount of escapees is unknown, but is expected to be in the hundreds. There are reports of rising ghoul attacks all over Tokyo, and the CCG are reinforcing their presence inside the city."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

:::District One | CCG HeadQuarters, Mid-day:::

'Drab day, really.'

The taps of slightly heeled shoes echoed under the bubble of noises and chatting within the hallways of the CCG. The taps stopped at a certain destination before an office door was softly opened.

"Rank 1 Atsuro Volke? Rank 2 Muto Kenji and Adrian Kassanai?" A stern womanly voice called once she was within the room. Looking around with her pale red seared with gold eyes, she scanned the busy room for the faces of her Squad members. "I believe the time has come to head to the destination. I will not wait a minute longer for anyone nor tolerate insolence." In truth, Miyoko was rather disappointed with the assignment she was given, Kazuyaka was always given the more dangerous investigations to resolve... But not for long. Miyoko was determined to show her Squad's worth, thus getting this case done and finished with as soon as possible would certainly prove something. She wanted more responsibility, however she'd have to show through her own Squad that she was deserving of it first.

Other investigators were also working within the room, one unable to help a slight smirk dot across their face at the sight of First Class Miyoko Ruri. "Lost your investigators Ruri? How irresponsible of you"

A blonde-haired man spoke up from his seat at his desk, gaining eye-contact with Miyoko for a moment before the woman narrowed her eyes to slits. "Don't be absurd Sumoya." Looking away, Miyoko walked a little closer into the room before Sumoya chuckled and responded. "Heh, in denial of your own irresponsible behaviour. This is why I'm the more superior First Class investigat-" "Oh just shut up." "Heyyyy lighten up heheh, you're way too uptight Ruri" Cracking yet another smirk, Sumoya clutched a can of Cola placed on his desk before lifting the top to his lips and titling the beverage to sip it. Miyoko chose to ignore his comment, waiting for her member's to respond or atleast for an update of their location.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Atsuro Volke- District One 10:19 am

It was a normal day in the eyes of Atsuro, except he was running a tad late. He was busy trying to teach a delinquent who was vandalizing walls that needless destruction was never the answer, and that's what someone who wanted to die would do. In the end Atsuro watched the man clean the wall of every speck of spray paint that he put on it. And so once the young man finished, Atsuro gave him a flick on the head and told him to never do it again or else he would be back to make sure he never did it again.

Once at the building he saw a female head in and call out his rank and name, so he wasn't too late. a few seconds behind her he was able to capture the conversation between the two and walked around as he bowed before his superior. "My apologies, I was late because of my own personal agenda. It won't happen again I'm sure." Atsuro said to his squad leader before looking at Furen Sumoya. "I'm sorry to interrupt your conversation, but we must really get to work. Yet I must ask that if you drink your soda, to please not leave any rings on the desks. You'll tarnish the appearance of the furniture. So please use a coaster, mostly if you intend to keep drinking something unhealthy." Atsuro said with a smile before nodding at Miyoko. "So as you said yourself that you wont wait a minute longer lets get to work. So its an incident in the 23rd ward with a gruesome scene. Do we know how many bodies were found?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by CrystalApple
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CrystalApple Take a bite, I wont mind~

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

<Adrian Kassanai>
<District One>

Getting up around 10 am in the morning and rolling off the bed, she was doing her normal thing and getting fresh before rushing out the door was the everyday morning for Adrian. She still had plenty of time to reach the CCG building, so she took her time as looked around while she walked down the street, observing the passing shops and restaurants before her stomach rumbled in hunger. Looking around curiously to a chain-restaurant with a big 'M' she looked inside her pockets pulling out some spare change she had left in there. Looking around inconspicuously she mischievously smiled as she jay-walked across the street and went aside the fast-food place. Evading the oncoming traffic like it was nothing, she escape the situation with little problems as all there was several cars, most people would be at work at this time. For example like Adrain herself, who should be getting her butt to work but instead she decided to eat rather than be a good employee, Life goals people, life goals...

Ordering her food and waiting for a bit before she picked it up, she left the fast-food place and checked her phone, noticing that she had spent about an hour inside. 'Oh sh*t, that's pretty sad me' She thought to herself letting out a big sigh, before she took off running. Eating along the way not a hard challenge but swallowing was a bit awkward to get it down. As she entered through the doors of the building she finished her burger and tossed the bag into the trash before crouched down as she sneakily checked herself in before going to her spot. Popping a french fry here and there along the way, she peeked around corners before entering her room. Brushing anything that was on her clothing and try to do last seconds things to look slightly better, she took a deep breath as she closed the door behind her.

"...Adrian Kassanai?" Was the first thing she heard, nervously she finished the last of her fries before she aimed... and then tossing the container into the air which bounced off the wall before landing on the edge of the trashcan... before falling off and landing on the floor. With a sigh, she raised her hand and announced her presence, brushing off the small incident like nothing. "Im here! No need to wait for me!" She laughed to herself mostly "So- what do we do next then with that case in the 23rd Ward, anything else been confirmed besides the reports?" Adrian to them feigning knowledge of what the case was about, she only knew so much because she asked one of her co-workers who attended the meeting. So far she could bluff through this without any problem, she was fine as she exhaled some of her anxiety out of her body and looked at her other squad mate studying him for a second before looking away.

'He seems pretty decent, not as tall as him but he isn't towering over me so that's good. Hmmmm... but he's not my type unfortunately.' She silently thought to herself as she took checked out the guy before sighing. Adrian knew and agreed with herself that she was a very picky soul but there are hopefully many fishes in the sea for her... right? At this point Adrian was lost within herself with a dark look over her face, she was thinking hard about something but no one really knew nor wanted to bother her either way.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@floodtalon@Nightmare Bites@RangingWolf

Tatsuo Hyakuya

[20th Ward]
Tatsuo was surprised by Ryan's energetic reaction, a smile forming across his face. He couldn't help it, it reminded him of the old days. He could only hope that Ryan's intentions weren't the same as his back then. He took the bag with a smile "Thank you" Tatsuo didn't seem surprised at the news but was instead completely calm. He turned to another member and signaled him to come with a nod "Take this for me and put it on my desk. Make sure no one touches it" He turned back to Ryan "Lets enjoy a cup of coffee together when we get back, alright?" Before they could take off, Norio brought up some questions. Tatsuo couldn't blame him, it was natural to be curious "Two men were guarding that section of the Ward. I have to make sure that they're okay" Otherwise, I don't know what will happen He kept to himself in his mind "And don't worry, we'll stick to the outer border. The CCG wouldn't dare putting their men so close to both of our turfs. Tatsuo turned back to Norio "But to get information." Tatsuo walked up to the glass sliding doors, automatically opening when he stepped on the pad. Without wasting anymore time, Tatsuo took off at a steady pace. He didn't want to leave Ryan behind.

[15th Ward]
Tatsuo arrived at the scene, gently landing right beside Yume with Ryan and Norio. He looked up at the scene, a blown up building and a giant purple dinosaur painted on his walls. He sighed "To think that he's actually a King" Tatsuo said to himself. Suddenly, he picked up a scent. He sniffed the air, pinpointing it immediately. He looked at the men "You three, wait here" He took off in a flash, heading towards the scene with a swift speed. The stench of blood was growing. It wasn't human blood but Ghoul blood. Tatsu stopped, standing above an alleyway and looking down at two mutilated corpse. Their bodies were littered in bite marks and their faces were hardly recognizable. His eyes were burning with rage "I let the childish pranks slide but this is too far." Tatsuo opened up his phone and looked at the same message from Kazumo, typing his own message back to him "Meet me at Ward 12 at 9 PM sharp. For every ten minutes you're late, I'll personally kill two of your men. If you don't show up, then I'll pay a visit to your little base. Lets end the bullshit" He clicked send, an envelope coming up under the message showing it was sent. Afterwards, he sent a mass message to everyone in his organisation to let him know if anyone saw anything out of the ordinary and to let him know. He flipped it closed and place it back in his phone, letting out a heavy sigh. He took off away from the scene and returned to the three. He had to think up of a plan to call out Jester but also not but his people in danger. "There's a change of plans. We're going to wait here at the 15th Ward until nightfall. The culprit will be out at that time. C'mon, I know of a good coffee shop around here. Drinks are on me" Tatsuo put his fists into his pockets and walked away from the scene, heading to the coffee shop.

(Post was dry since we'll be timeskipping to night after this o3o)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Ryan was shocked after they found the two dead bodies. He had found the shop but he didn't bother checking the inside, the CCG might've been around. "Yes sir." Ryan followed Tatsuo to the coffee shop where he ordered a Vanilla Blonde Roast. "Thank you for paying for the coffee sir." He said as he sipped on his coffee. It was good, but not as good as the coffee at his shop. The coffee at his shop was made with all the love he could muster, not to be cliche. That and he had to say his shop was better. It was his shop after all. "If you're ever in the area sir, my cafe is usually open. I would be honored to serve you coffee." Ryan tried to make some conversation.
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