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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The Remnant - I.M.P.A.Q.T.

Identity Cores

Name: Isaiah Core
Alias/Nickname: Impaqt
Gender: Male Designed
Race/Species: Artificial Intelligence

Isaiah was an A.I. built with the intentions of housing the secrets of an now deceased Empire. Their many secrets locked away inside his body made up of layers of "Cores", which house various secrets as well as Isaiah's own memories, skills, and habits. His initial Core, the 'Identity Core', is designed to adjust and adapt with Isaiah as he learns. It is the Core which gives him his humanity. The Vitality Core regulates Isaiah's Strength, Speed, Agility, Endurance, and many of his skills and abilities as well as keeping his body moving. The Dues Ex Core Regulates his abilities as a Machine. Deeper than that, the Cores tend to remain locked until necessary, housing many of the Empire's secrets and various other things. Though, some of these cores do interact with other Cores. His personality Core, for example. Isaiah's personality is all his own, but there are also 5 cores in his body that hold completely different personalities and identities from creatures locked away in him, that interact with his own Personality Core. Although he is A.I., his body is designed to be very organic acting. His blood-like substance is a blue gel, that protects his 'Cores' and can slowly regenerate his flesh if cut. He is able to feel through pain receptors. Though, those in his feet are very dull, so he can often only feel a sense of pressure. Normal organic diseases and illnesses don't effect Isaiah.


Isaiah was built in the appearance of a slightly aged young boy, by the name of Pau Cole. While having originally dark hair, certain Sage Cores of his body have adapted and turned his hair an orange-red. It is a wavy medium length, reaching just above his steel blue eyes. His eyes do happen to change colors though often signifying a different personality emerging. (See Below) He has thin features, including in his face. His body weights approximately 300 lbs, standing at at 5'8". Though only sign of where he came from lies in a small etch in his lower left back that says, "I.M.P.A.Q.T." and red markings that appear while his Cores are highly active. Due to the nature of his body, he doesn't require armor. So, he typically wears loose and comfortable clothing.


  • Isaiah:
    Warm-hearted, quiet, and Sensitive. Tends to put the needs of others over their own needs. Feels a strong sense of responsibility and duty. Value traditions and security. Interested in serving others. Needs positive reinforcement to feel good about himself. Desires peace and humanity.
  • Daio:
    Quiet, serious, sensitive and kind. Does not like conflict, and not likely to do things which may generate conflict. Loyal and faithful. An aesthetic appreciation for beauty. Not interested in leading or controlling others. Flexible, open-minded, original and creative. Enjoys the present moment. Very Curious.
  • Aiso:
    Practical, traditional, and organized. Not interested in theory or abstraction unless he sees the practical application. Have clear visions of the way things should be. Loyal and hard-working. Likes to be in charge. Exceptionally capable in organizing. Values security and peaceful living.
  • Tassel:
    Loud, kind, and conscientious. Can be depended on to follow through. Usually puts the needs of others above their own needs. Instable, and not very practical. Well-developed sense of space and function. Rich inner world of observations about people. Extremely perceptive of other's feelings. Interested in serving others. Very Individualistic and artistic.
  • Peirce:
    Independent, original, analytical, and determined. Has an exceptional ability to turn theories into solid plans of action. Highly value knowledge, competence, and structure. Driven to derive meaning from their visions. Long-range thinker. Has very high standards for their performance, and the performance of others. Not very kind, and often even rude.
  • Naosi:
    Quiet and reserved, interested in how and why things work. Excellent skills with mechanical things. Risk-taker. Uncomplicated in their desires. Not overly concerned with respecting laws and rules if they get in the way of getting something done. Detached and analytical, he excels at finding solutions to practical problems.

Vitality Cores (Un-Powered)

Vitality Core sustains Isaiah's life. Although he holds no life force like most living creatures do, he runs on an adaptation and synthesized version, more formally known as Ardor. Most creatures won't be able to detect energy from him, but rather lack of energy, if staring directly at him. If he is hidden, he is practically undetectable. Ardor makes up for his weight, allowing him to run at high speeds. His prosthesis skin is thicker and much more durable. Quick slices are able to cut him, but rarely go blood deep. Jabs are able to penetrate with force. Although he has above average strength, most of his energy goes into his speed. Isaiah is decently intelligent, but mostly relies on Peirce for intelligence. Though his Mental Cores allow him to learn and grow.

  • Gladius Core:
    Using Ardor, Isaiah can easily tap into his Gladius Core and manifest the core outside his body, in the form of a double sided Sword. Made of a similar material as his Cores, making it extremely durable. The sword carries small interlocking orbs along it's hilt, that can interlock with orbs on Isaiah's fingers.
    Weight 0.7–1 kg (1.5–2.2 lb)
    Length 60–85 cm (24–33 in)
    Blade length 45–68 cm (1.48–2.23 ft)
    Width 5–7 cm (2.0–2.8 in)

Dues Ex Cores (Low-Powered)

  • Observation Core
    Isaiah's observation Core allows him to see and identify objects and beings he has previously encountered or learned about. His Observation Core allows to see on various spectrums, including infared, thermal, night vision, x-ray, and microscopic.
  • Positioning Core
    Isaiah's Positioning core allows him turn the joints and adjust organs of his body in various directions not typically capable by organic creatures.
  • Ardor Core
    Ardor Core allows Isaiah to manipulate the energy in his body in various ways to increase his own abilities, improve his strikes, and manifest the energy outside his body in similar ways to Human Ki.
  • Environmental Core
    The environmental core adapts Isaiah's skin to harsh conditions, making him resistant against heat, electrical, and frost damage. This Core also protects against EMP waves and attacks.
  • Machina Regeneration Core
    Regeneration core will very slowly regenerate Isaiah over time, Not useful for emergency battle healing. This Core also prevents viruses that would possibly effect his system.

Remnant Cores (Medium Powered)

  • Isaiah's Protocol Core:
    Determined to protect his secret's at all cost, Isaiah's Protocol Core consist of 2 cores that are able to quickly shift around in his body, manipulate his skin to produce holes, that then allow a large metallic spike to protrude from his flesh. The spikes are 25cm each, capable of packing a severe deadly blow, upon release. Once Isaiah's weapons are added to Isaiah's possession, because of the connection, the protocol is able to travel into those as well, as long as they are weapons and items created by a core.
  • Daio's Creation Core:
    Daio was an artistic prodigy and curious child, able to create and mold amazing things. Daio's Creation Core allows Isaiah to manipulate earth to crush foes or create beautiful statues. Or Statues to crush foes. Daio likes to get creative.
  • Aiso's Knight Core:
    Aiso was a Knight and defender of the Empire, serving many years next to his King. This Core summons a large Golden shield, with an approximate diameter of 2 feet, all the way around, able to deflect most heavy blows and uncharged bullets and shots.
  • Tassel's Expeditious Core:
    Tassel, ever impracticable, was a skilled quick witted magician, at impractical nonsense. He loved the curious and odd things. Still, he was the most nimble and quick man alive. The Expeditious Core allows Isaiah to transport to new locations at strictly 5 feet intervals. Can only use once every 2 turns.
  • Peirce's Puncture Core:
    Pierce was not only a great strategist, but excellent with weaponry. Most of Isaiah's weapon proficiency was designed after Pierce's own tactics. The Puncture Core manipulates the Gladius Core to form various weapon types.
  • Naosi's Techno Core:
    Distant and spiteful, Naosi gets along with computers easier than other creatures. Naosi's core is able to manipulate technology and provide Isaiah with any needed mechanical knowledge. Not usable on weapons or gear being used or already manipulated by others. This Core also protects Isaiah's Internal programming from being manipulated by outside sources.

Sage Cores (High Powered)

Not Currently in Use.

Archaic Cores (God Powered)

Not Currently in Use.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ImportantNobody
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Ruchette Vorsalus
Alias: Ruchi (informal nickname that she tolerates), "Diamond in the Rough" , the Diamond
Age: 29
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Height: 5'9''
Weight: 130 pounds without excess carbon, roughly 655 at full carbon storage (around her size in diamond added onto her normal weight)
Appearance: (This is not my drawing. I will draw her when I have more time and motivation. Differences to this drawing will be mentioned in equipment.)

Personality: She's very self confident and doesn't feel the need to prove herself as a result. If she looses then she can accept that some people are simply more powerful, not that she's weak, so doesn't let it eat away at her and snap like some cocky people might should they be proven inferior. Even if she can be overconfident at first, she can learn her lesson and stop being so cocky, or even take things seriously from the beginning if she feels even a slight possibility that the situations warrants it.

She's this calm and analytical in general, making her seem somewhat emotionless. She finds things boring pretty easily and often looses interest, sometimes even abandoning fights midway through if she doesn't see the point. People call her a coward for doing so, which of course doesn't bother her. She won't let other people stop her from doing what she feels like. In fact she'd much rather die than submit to others on things she doesn't want to do. This can make her be extremely stubborn when it comes to her personal freedom. If she does follow through with orders then it's either what she would have done normally or the possible results have piqued her interest and she feels like she should do it for personal reasons.

One thing she finds interest in is powerful foes that can stand up to her, keeping her attentive and focused on the task at hand. It's possible she may handicap herself in some way if it could be interesting to see how they could fight to take advantage of it. For example, seeing if they could use her long hair against her. She won't often admit to forming rivalries and friendships, but if she finds someone interesting then she may put at least some amount of effort into keeping in touch with them from time to time, far different than her normal behavior of blowing off interactions with the average joe.

She's mostly selfish, said to have a heart as hard as diamond, but she's not inhuman and could aid people (without admitting that's what she's doing) if the feeling hits her hard enough. She doesn't do bad things for the lolz, but does occasionally do bad things if she deems it necessary, not holding back from eliminating potential threats. If you leave her alone then she will leave you alone. If you annoy her she may teach you a lesson or ignore you depending on if the mood hits her. If you seriously get in her way...prepare to die.

Talents: Her swordsmanship is not as skilled as someone who specializes solely in it, but in terms of weapons usage this is her best bet and could be described as very good, having a graceful fighting style balanced between strength and speed. She's not overly experienced in unarmed fighting so is not the best if caught without powers or a sword, but she uses a decent amount of kicks during normal fights if up close and personal so would still be able to rely on that aspect pretty well, her punches being on the other hand having a fighting style simply of what would make sense based on instinct rather than much training. She's also not really experienced with grappling using arms and legs, either offensively or defensively.

She has a good head on her shoulders, being fast on her feet not only physically, but mentally as well. She's not mad scientist level of genius but she definitely shows her wit.


Like a decent number of people from her world, she was gifted upon birth with the power to manipulate her body in ways earthlings such as ourselves can't by using the power of ki, their natural body energy, as a medium to bring out their special powers. Her specific level of power to manipulate diamond is exceedingly rare, part of the much more common carbon branch of body manipulation. While most can only control graphite to some extent, they cannot normally achieve the other forms that carbon can take such as diamond and graphene. The diamond level of control was achieved by Ruchette at age seven, making her a prodigy known as the Diamond in the Rough. Her graphite control was not particularly strong, making her appear average until she discovered her special talent lay not with the commoners, but with the elites of her field.

The following is her abilities stemming from her carbon/diamond body manipulation, separated into categories for easy reference. They all technically could count as a single power even if the uses if it can vary wildly.

Physical Enhancements- Her body is directly infused from head to toe with thin, diamond structures that doesn't negatively interfere with her normal bodily functions. Working in conjunction with her muscles, she can lift around 1,000 pounds and run at 40 miles per hour, also providing structural integrity so she doesn't hurt herself nearly as easily while pulling off intense physical feats. As such, any damage on the level that she can deal out would be no more effective against her defenses than a normal human striking a normal human. Most normal humans against her heightened abilities would be shrugged off unless they use proper techniques that get around defenses. People could even whack her with baseball bats and she could ignore them. Of course guns could still get through these natural defenses of hers.

If she bleeds, her diamond flows out the wound and can block further bleeding, although this doesn't mean the damage otherwise isn't done. Diamond can also block poisons or other unwanted things in this manner, although if she's not aware of it until it's already circulating around her bloodstream then she can't block her entire bloodstream for obvious reasons.

Her reaction times and senses are well trained but do not get any special boosts. Her body weighing 655 pounds while fully loaded with carbon/diamond (whatever term you'd prefer) is important enough of an enhancement to mention again here. This can add on a lot of force to her natural attacks due to her moving as quickly, nimbly, etc. as if she didn't have any extra weight at all. This extra diamond inside of her is partially out in her entire body and also partially condensed by way of ki, able to flood out into her body when desired. Unless otherwise stated, this condensed diamond would be spread evenly around, so cut off an arm and she'd loose an appropriate portion of her diamond with it should she not collect it back into her (more on actual manipulation of her diamond will be mentioned in one of the following categories to explain how she'd do so).

Resistances- She can resist heat up to 3550 degrees Celsius before burning, but could still suffer from heat stroke eventually. For electricity she can switch between graphite, which conducts electricity, and diamond, which insulates it, to direct electrical currents through her body in the way that she wants should she know it's coming and it's not powerful enough to overcome the properties of these materials. Her body can withstand harmful oxidation up to a high level.

Diamond Control- She can sprout and control diamond as long as the diamond is connected to her ki, which can flow through her body and her diamond, but at some point along the way it has to be connected back to her body. In other words, she can sprout diamond from her body or from diamond connected to her body, and control said diamond that remains connected. If she fires diamond off then she can no longer control it or control diamond that isn't hers. Very close to her body still counts as her body, so normal clothing doesn't block out her ki. Of course when it comes to diamond sprouting out of her body, the clothing would indeed be in the way and would either be torn through or shoved aside depending on the circumstance (in her case she has slits built into her outfit). This makes her wearing armor more disadvantageous than helpful and potentially ruining clothes that doesn't take her powers into account.

She can infuse her diamond back into her body by the same rules that govern her control of it, so she must get into touching distance, breaking it down and absorbing it within the time it takes to send it out. This is a time period of a second for the volume of a cube with equal sides 2 inches long, but of course not limited to the cube shape. She can repair it at the same rate.

Her diamond, thanks to being infused with her ki, doesn't break like normal and can be flexible while still maintaining it's natural hardness of 10 on the mohs scale, meaning that it can cut steel if enough force is applied. In terms of it's durability, it's now bulletproof to a single shot of a medium strength bullet while at a thickness of 3 inches (taking into account her speed of sending out diamond, she could create bulletproof armor in only a second if she made it have very little room for error). If this defense is exceeded then it will shatter like normal diamond, potentially messing up a large chunk of the diamond depending on the type of attack hitting it.

She's not able to create just any shape effectively. Imagine a horse sprouting an arm and wondering what to do with it. It can move it, but it will be very clumsy. Therefore, she requires training with different shapes, the only thing limiting what shapes she can make besides the amount of material she has to work with, being around the size of her body, not a coincidence due to her chi being a factor, which is connected to her body size.

Firing off diamond takes charge time for it to build up the potential energy to turn to kinetic energy through use of her ki. As such the diamond glows white for a second to launch diamond the mass of what she could create in a second (creating diamond and then firing it, therefore, would take two seconds total if the size of the example). It would have the power of an average pistol for this one second of charge. Conveniently, charging up a small or large diamond to fire off would have the same power due to traveling faster or slower, so the power depends on charge time rather than size. Charging for 10 seconds would make her diamond as powerful as a sniper, while charging for the other amount of seconds between the two examples would place it somewhere in between, obviously.

Trained Diamond Shapes- She's most trained with arms and legs made of diamond for them to replace her real ones with little negligible reduction in skill unless you ask her to perform delicate surgery or something. She can even have a second pair of arms out below her real ones at the same time of using her real ones. Of course doing the same but with feet would be ridiculous and ineffective so is never done even if she could.

She's also well trained with a tail (that looks styled like this but diamond) of various lengths, able to grip into things and strike with the force of her kicks and punches.

Creating something simple like blades doesn't need nearly as much training to pull off (even if wielding them does), so she's great at blade creation. She sometimes uses blades not only on her arms/hands, but her legs/feet as well, sometimes like a high heel to grip onto something or slash them with her kicks. She can create an entire sword, rather than just the blade, and wield it as such if she desires. She often does this by forming the sword out of her thigh, starting at the handle, and pulling it out.

Diamond Shaving- A joke ability, this explains how she can swiftly eliminate unwanted body hair.

Diamond Body Focus- She can focus on the diamond inside her body to enhance it to the defense found outside her body when the size of her body part being effected, but this stiffens her body where effected and requires three seconds to reach this max defense. She cannot keep parts of her body like this for over ten seconds before starting to damage tissue, and certain parts can't do this at all if they wouldn't last even that long for other reasons. For example, use it on the heart and it would stop beating or the brain would die. This mainly makes her use it as a last resort and on areas on top of vital areas she can't use it on, hoping to stop it before it goes that far.

Graphite Control- Not nearly as powerful as her diamond or used as much. It follows the same rules of her diamond. Being very soft, her best use is to have it flood out and act to mess up people's movements as if they are walking through deep, sticky sand thanks to her ki keeping it sort of glued together. However, wasting this much of her carbon would be a last resort if she feels like this is the only technique that could work. She cannot form any complex shapes with graphite, at best having whips that behave sort of like water and spill back down to earth after only a few seconds.


Head: Bare
Body: A trench coat and tight black "underarmor" (like what sports people would wear) underneath it, similar to the picture provided in her appearance. There's no defensive quality to it outside of average clothing. There's multiple slits in it that aren't really that visible when nothing is sticking through them due to the material on top covering the slit, that material pushed out of the way easily when needed due to not being connected over the slit. No part of her clothing would stop her power from breaking through if need be.
Hands: Leather fingerless gloves, very often obliterated during a fight.
Feet: Knee high leather boots customized with holes in the soles, sometimes obliterated during a fight as well.
Weapons: She doesn't carry a gun or other weapon under normal circumstances.


She was born in the capital city of Varsals, named after their planet Varsalt. It was a world where you abuse or be abused and power is everything. Those with body manipulation were either treated as slaves to put their abilities to "good use" and be kept down or they developed enough power to break free of their invisible bonds and become part of the ruling elite, often with the new goal of keeping down those from the very same position they just came from in order to ensure their own personal well being. People feared each other; feared body manipulators who couldn't be kept in check.

The carbon users were often commoners and treated like dirt. However, her elite father named Lenraddo, who never revealed his power yet still vanquished the foes who challenged him, had a secret affair with a lowly carbon user woman. Ruchette was left completely in the dark by this, and this wasn't the only troubles she had growing up. His father being absent still had him as the better parent, if that's possible, as her mother, Raida, was abusive and impatient with Ruchette, who was admittedly not the perfect child growing up, often causing trouble and picking fights.

When Ruchette was seven and lashed out at a group of bullies using a jagged diamond that suddenly appeared out of her palm, Raida saw this as an opportunity to get her out of her hands for good and get a quick paycheck, turning her over to the defense forces who specialized in body manipulation, who took note of such incredible merit and gave her intensive training and attempted brainwashing to turn her into the ultimate tool for their own goals.

The brainwashing was eventually overcome and she used all of her training against them, killing the group, although she was still soon after offered a job as part of the elite royal soldiers despite this little black mark on her resume and being at the young age of 15. The king, who's only referred to as such, gained some respect and interest from her as a result, especially when he let her mostly run wild as long as she carried out certain tasks, which she found amusing for a king to allow. Some of these tasks involved her murdering body manipulators who were suspected of plotting rebellions, some of them parents of children who had bullied her, making her revel in her new career a bit too much.

Traitors and other criminals among both the poor and the elite were not safe from her. She didn't feel sorry for them, feeling like if they didn't have the power to carry out their goals to fruition then they deserved what was coming to them, especially if they make the mistake to stand against her. To her, growing up, power was all that mattered. She found many of the elites strangely lacking in it compared to her as her skills were honed with each passing year, revealing that few could truly stand against her within the city. Things became boring for her until one day when a man named Lenraddo showed up, her unknown father, and wiped the floor with her, taunting her all the while and revealing that he killed the king.

There went her one interesting person, although along came another one to replace him. Lenraddo accessed the ability to travel to other worlds and off he went , prompting Ruchette to follow in his footsteps, although the man gave her the slip soon enough. With no reason to head back home, she decided to roam around the new worlds a bit to find the man or anyone else who would catch her interest.

It was during this wandering that she got called into the tournament. Having nothing better to do, she accepted.
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Name: Jordan Prentice
Alias: Heavy Metal Man Hunter
Age: 92
Sex: Male
Race: Vampire (Formerly Human)

Power Level Category: Mid
Vampire Clan: Gangrel
Subgenre of Metal: Gothic Metal
Shred Level: Ultimate

Biography: Jordan Prentice was born in the early 20th century in a quiet suburb of Los Angeles. His mother was a housewife which took care of Jordan. His father was a sailor enlisted into the US Navy. Jordan grew up as an only child. Spoiled, his first disappointment was when his father left as the First World War broke out. Jordan cried for days. He had many friends growing up, as far as he could remember. Jordan was much more sociable as a child than he was as an adult. It seemed that the older he got, the more solitary he became.

In his twenties, the second world war broke out. Not wanting to be in the war like his father, Jordan dodged the draft by excusing himself with a college education. His major was music- something which seemed simple enough to him at first glance. It was in college where he learned the fundamentals of music. It was also in college where he became a vampire. The one who embraced him was a woman who had been in the body of a twelve-year-old girl for over two hundred years. Her childer was once a Scottsman who escaped to the Americas after his clan saw persecution in his homeland. She was turned after her vampire parent saw a little girl dying of the bubonic plague. The vampire, unable to catch the disease, embraced the girl to save her from sickness.

His parent was an 10th generation vampire, thus making Jordan Prentice the 11th in line to have received the embrace. It was unknown why Jordan was embraced himself. The woman who embraced him had helped him for his first five years. The two developed a strange romance, the woman helping Jordan integrate himself into vampire society. He was soon introduced to vampire politics. While he was immersed in the life of a vampire, he had gone missing for years as a human. Society had simply declared him dead, his mother having a grave stone for him right next to his father. Jordan still visits those grave markers.

As time went by, Jordan slipped further and further into seclusion, until suddenly, a call came. Jordan was given a letter, tasked to kill a man for a sum of money. In his unlife, Jordan had no need for such earthly compensation, and yet he commenced with the job. The man was slain, his body drained of blood, and then his body disposed of. When he met his new boss, it was another vampire. He too was 11th generation but older than Jordan. His mission was made clear when Jordan was given his next target- another vampire. This time, much thinner in blood, and Jordan himself could sense it. His targets were thin-blooded vampires, those of 19th and 20th generation. Simply put, his job was to "delay the apocalypse", removing the amount of thinblooded vampires. Jordan became known in the vampire community as an infamous kinslayer. He adopted a new facade- the Heavy Metal Man Hunter.

It seemed that Jordan actually had some kind of talent for it. These talents did not go unnoticed, however. An inter-dimensional traveler took notice. Jordan was then tasked to hunt targets not from the same universe and given the proper tools to do so.

Note - Gangrel: Jordan's vampire clan. Thought to have originated in medieval England, the Gangrel are a group of vampires who have gained a stronger affinity to their beast aspect as opposed to other vampires who choose to suppress it. In Jordan's universe, most vampires may only change into their bat forms while the moon is out. Gangrel have better control of their beast form, allowing them to change between it and their human form whenever they please, and may change into a form between beast and man.

Note - Sunlight: A common practice among vampire parents and children is to test resistance to sunlight. Those with thinner blood generally last longer as opposed to those with thicker blood. Jordan, an 11th generation vampire, is capable of lasting ten minutes as opposed to his parent who could last only six. While burning, the vampire very realistically catches on fire, allowing them to burn other things in the area. The vampire then becomes a pile of ashes covering a shriveled corpse. In order to reverse the process, the body must receive blood from their own body prior to vampirization no more than 4 hours after death but no less than two. The vampire must then feed within the next 24 hours. If a vampire does not receive blood within this time frame, they die their final death.

Note - Physical Prowess: The ability to lift above his head a total of 2,500 pounds; the ability to run a mile in 3.59 minutes; these are all Jordan's physical capabilities as a vampire. His Mask of Moon both protects him from the sunlight and suppresses his inner beast. This means he may not access some powers other vampires of his particular clan normally would be able to. His sense are more or less the same of that of a human, though his hearing is slightly better. Even so, with his beast suppressed, Jordan is incapable of using his super hearing as well as incapable of using echolocation as bats do.

Mask of the Moon: A silver thespian mask with the mouth cut off, the bottom shaped into fangs. The mask is enchanted to be extremely durable, capable to stand 6 shots of 9mm before breaking. The mask protects the wearer from the sun, and as long as the mask remains on the wearer's face, he does not burn in direct sunlight. The mask also suppresses the inner beast within Jordan, allowing him to stay more controlled and think more clearly.

Kodokuna Kazuko: A pair of reverse bladed katanas which Jordan reverse wields. They are made with a black steel forged with the blood of a 5th generation vampire within the blades. While in the absence of sunlight, Kodokuna Kazuko automatically protects its wielder, the blades going to the place of any threats and meeting them with the cutting edge. The blades themselves seem nigh unbreakable, folded over a thousand times. They are held on each side of his hip by a leather strap connecting them to the belt of his trench coat. The sheathes are fashioned from wood and covered in black leather.

Rain Shadow: A Deagle brand Eagle with the metal colored to a dark blue and fashioned with a pattern similar to the groove on Kazuko's blades. Its magazine well is modified for 6 rounds of .44 magnum. It is otherwise mundane. There is a leather strap which goes over Jordan's right shoulder with the holster of the pistol on Jordan's torso.

Shroud of Darkness: Made from black silk with the ashes of vampires that died in the sunlight sewn in, the Shroud of Darkness is a macabre reminder of Jordan's very real mortality. The shroud takes the form of a long black trench coat which Jordan wears unzipped. The shroud has properties which allow it to nullify damage. A blade or bullet which meets the coat simply slide off. The shroud also allows Jordan to become invisible as long as he is not within direct sunlight.

Vial: A small vial containing 10 ml of Jordan's own blood from before he became a vampire. Enchanted with vampire magic, the blood does not spoil and the vial does not break so long as Jordan remains alive and conscious. The vial is a last ditch should he actually die from either sunlight of crucifiction, the vial would break on its own rejuvenating Jordan.

Vampirism: A strange mutation which his vampire parent adapted was the ability to absorb blood from any part of the body- including hair and nails. This has no apparent adverse affects on absorption, and is the reason why Jordan keeps his hair long. By draining a body nearly to the brink of death, and then giving the body a bit of his own blood, Jordan can "embrace" a mortal and turn them into a vampire. Jordan ust drink blood every 48 hours, otherwise the Mask of Moon fails to work, and he enters his beast form involuntarily. The beast then seeks the highest point it could find and waits for sunlight to kill it. Crucifiction and sunlight are surefire ways to ensure Jordan's final death, however, dealing enough damage to kill a human would put Jordan in a comatose state for three days.

Arachnophobia: When Jordan has an excess of blood in his system, he is capable of using said blood to create a mass of spiders equal in biomass to the amount of blood he chose to expend. Jordan has complete control over these spiders. The spiders can explore and seek blood for Jordan, draining about twice their size in blood before reaching full capacity. These spiders also burn in direct sunlight, however, as long as Jordan wears the Mask of Moon, they are safe.

Ferrophobia: Jordan can manipulate the blood of a freshly drained victim in order to create a thin armor around him which can repel force up to that of a cannonball and protects from magic in one hit. He needs at least 500 ml of blood in order to create one layer of armor.

Trypophobia: Jordan is capable of manipulating blood into a ball of energy which he can fire at a target. When it hits its mark (or misses and hits something else) the ball creates a series of uneven holes. The ball itself has about the force of a 9mm bullet fired from an M9 and are not much bigger but are definitely rounder.

Beast Form: Jordan's inner beast is a bat, as have his vampire ancestors. He can at will, transform into a bat. His full beast form, however, is more humanoid. It is bald with pointed ears, tufts of hair coming out from the back. His entire mouth becomes fangs and his arms expand, growing a webbing between his arms and his torso which allow him flight. A pair of ebony horns grow from the back of Jordan's skull forming a crown as they reach to the front of his head. His skin changes from a pale-blue to a deep, leathery gray. His maximum lift increases to 3,000 and he can run a mile in 3 minutes. In addition, he is more capable of using more bat-like abilities.

Note - Protean: The ability of vampires to change form. Jordan, in bat form is 8 inches long with a wing span of about 2 and a half feet. While in bat form, he can fly at up to 25 mph. While wearing the Mask of Moon, however, Jordan may not use this ability.

Note - Vampirism: A bit of an OOC note here. Jordan's form of vampirism is pretty eclectic in terms of the inspiration that was drawn from to produce his level of mess. His vampire clan comes from Vampire the Masquerade, a systems Roleplaying game published by White Wold and so most of his vampiric abilities draw from there. His power set is loosely based on Vampire Knight Requiem, a French comic; though his ability to drain blood through any part of his body stems from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure. Tacked onto that, is that vampires in Jordan's universe don't age from the moment they are bitten which pays homage to Anne Rice. I wish this character could honor Bram Stoker a bit better, but for now, this is the character.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by GreivousKhan
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