Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The Slenderman
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The Slenderman Meme King.

Banned Seen 7 yrs ago

" Thank you, for helping me, I appreciate your kindness." Akkina bowed and smiled to him and put her hand by her side again. She detached a small coin purse and gave it to him, and sat down on a chair in the Shop and calmed down in the chair. She is a fighter but she has a disastrous flaw, which could weigh her down in combat "Humphrey, could you please help me."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Alamantus
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Alamantus That guy you knew

Member Seen 5 mos ago

She cleared her throat "Excuse me." She paused trying her best to hide her accent. "This is a bit of an odd question, but can you tell me where exactly I am?"

"Hello, shopkeep. I go by Silas and I'd actually like to help you. I've some fairly rare and valuable pelts, if you're interested?" Silas took his pack and laid it on the counter, patting the top of it. He kept it closed, hoping to invite interest from the amiable man.

"Begging your pardon, young lady, I hope you won't mind if I help with the customer while I answer your question." Humphrey piped, not missing a beat in the sudden influx of customers, "So pelts, you say, sir? I've a few pelts around the shop—none too rare or valuable, though. What have we got, then?"

Just then,
he leaped uoff into the room "Greetings, Hello and Salutations to all of you!"

A man dressed in a sharp uniform burst into the room. Humphrey recognized him instantly.

"Ah, here's a good man—the Hatter's here! How yeh going, my friend?" Humphrey smiled, Goodness me, this place is getting a bit crowded. Haven't had this many people here at once since the sale I put on last year! Looks like I'm gonna need to buy the upstairs just to accomodate all the customers, eh, Miss Farron?"

her breathing started to falter again, another panic attack, she tried to grab for something that might help her regain her balance.

Humphrey started and rose from his stool looking over the counter at the doubled-over swordswoman, "Miss Farron! Are you okay?" He shuffled around, but fortunately Hatter had already helped her up. Humphrey put her left arm around his shoulders and he helped walk her to one of the antique chairs that was for sale near the counter.

"Are you gonna be okay? Just rest here, alright?" He looked up and barked "Hatter, go to the back and get this lady a damp rag for her forehead, if you please!" @User
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The Slenderman
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The Slenderman Meme King.

Banned Seen 7 yrs ago

@Alamantus " I think so, I don't know though, I'm sorry I didn't say that I had this sooner, I'm really am sorry. " Akkina spoke out fast and tried again to control her breathing and looked at the people that were in the Shop and she looked at Humphrey " Too much people". She had been all over the world seeking training, and she is being brought down by a personal problem, It made her angry and she wanted to get rid of it, but it may be impossible.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Alamantus
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Alamantus That guy you knew

Member Seen 5 mos ago

" I think so, I don't know though, I'm sorry I didn't say that I had this sooner, I'm really am sorry. " Akkina spoke out fast and tried again to control her breathing and looked at the people that were in the Shop and she looked at Humphrey " Too much people"

"Sure, sure,"
Humphrey consoled, patting Akkina's shoulder,
"I used to have a similar problem when I was younger. I had to force myself through it, and I turned out alright. I don't recommend my method though—it was exhausting. I used to force myself to interact with people, no matter what my state. I'd be hyperventilating, but I'd walk up to a stranger in a large crowd and start talking to them about anything anyway. Got a lotta funny looks, an' I nearly completely broke down a few times, but I somehow made it through. I wanted to be an adventurer, so I did whatever it took to get used to being around people. I'm sure as a lone swordsman, you don't get the chance to be around people much, but if you have patience, I'm sure you can work through it if you stick around the East Market for a while."
Humphrey gave Akkina a big grin with smiling eyes, patted her shoulder once more, and pushed himself off his knees with a grunt, gripping the chair for balance.

"So then, while our lady is recovering here, how's about you show me those furs?"
He glanced back and noticed the other lady walking around the shop, perusing the waist-high counters filling the shop's square footage and the shelves lining the walls, all full of things adventurers had traded in for some quick cash.
"And while our friend is taking out his furs, I'll tell you,"
Humphrey pointed at the woman,
"that we're in the East Market! The biggest marketplace that I've ever heard of. We get visitors and customers from all over, and the locals are sometimes even more colorful and interesting than them! So strange are some of the visitors here that we shopkeepers often just have to gloss over the 'wheres' and 'whens' that they spout out. Summa these people say places and words I've never even heard before, and I've rarely ever seen the same person twice! Strange place, the East Market, beautiful to be sure, but certainly a place to see and encounter strange things. But it's home for me."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The Slenderman
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The Slenderman Meme King.

Banned Seen 7 yrs ago

" Thank you so much Humphrey. " She stated and kept on working on her breathing. She thought to herself and looked down inv sadness that she was a weak person, but she had defeated several people who have crossed her path, they had ended up in several pieces. She wasn't going to hurt her employer,even though she was twenty-five years old and he was in his late thirties - late forties, She did kinda like him, especially his kindness and appreciation. She was home in the East Market, and she would protect it with her life. " Jester, you can have the dagger for free"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WittyWolf


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Silas wondered what kind of shop he'd wandered into, the place was filled with people and so quickly! At Humphrey's word, he nodded and flipped open his pack. Soon the counter was covered in pelts, and Silas looked over each to make sure they were still of quality after the long journey back to town. Once the shopkeep was done with his acquaintances and customers, Silas hoped the man would be interested still. Yet, Silas felt continually distracted by Miss Farroni's presence. "Stop being a foolish boy with his first fancy and stick to business, Silas. You need this money!" the young man thought to himself, attempting to get his mind back to the business at hand.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Slenderman
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The Slenderman Meme King.

Banned Seen 7 yrs ago

Akkina managed to control her breathing at last and slowly pulled her self up from the Chair and walked out of the Shop for a little bit of fresh air, after all she was in a Shop for an hour which took it's toll on her breathing. She walked around for that woman that the Jester described, She looked around the corners and alleyways until she came to a place where there were lots of people, She began to look at the people to see if she could recognize the woman.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Alamantus
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Alamantus That guy you knew

Member Seen 5 mos ago

At Humphrey's word, he nodded and flipped open his pack. Soon the counter was covered in pelts, and Silas looked over each to make sure they were still of quality after the long journey back to town.

Humphrey hmm-ed and haa-ed as he examined the pelts, bent over feeling their weight and running his hands over the fur.

"There are some fine pelts in here! I don't see this kind of thing very often at all! Fire fox pelts are very rare and are a treasure to blacksmiths. And if I'm not mistaken, you've got a few here!"
Humphrey leaned back and looked at Silas.
"How much are you looking to sell these pelts for?"
Humphrey already had a number in mind, but he always liked asking his customers to see how valuable they believed their items were worth.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WittyWolf


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"For the fire fox pelt, I'd ask for 5,000, on its own. The others I could part with for say 3,500 coin altogether, they're rare, but not as valuable as the fox's pelt." Silas hoped he wasn't under pricing his wares, but he had not been in town for some time and was unaware if the market had changed. Silas's curiosity won out, however and he leaned towards Humphrey slightly, "And can I just ask... what was the woman's troubles before? She looked remarkably upset."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Fukazza
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@The Slenderman

GENCLY: (Oh no again. We had a mental blackout, and we stayed here without say nothing like three idiots.)
CORK: (This happens when there are three people in a body?)
GENCLY: (Yeah, mister "i know all". Ok what is happening now?)

Crapsy and the others see that the lady gave to them a dagger and that she went out from the market and went near her.

GENCLY: (Ahahhaahah, he did it at list, he bought something but not that sword!!)
CRAPSY: (Shut up idiot.)
GENCLY: (Fuck you Crapsy ahahaha!!)

Crapsy gives an other look to Akkina. CRAPDY: Thanks miss, it's however a pretty dagger, i will give you your 200 coins.
At that point, Crapsy pulls out from his bag a big sack full of money.

CRAPSY: These are your money for the dagger milady.

Then he gives to her the rose. CRAPSY: And this is the rose for her, free obviously. I hope that you like it.

When he tries to give the rose to her, he see that she's very pale and Crapsy worries.

CRAPSY: Are you alright miss? Did you feel bad? You have a bad aspect.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Slenderman
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The Slenderman Meme King.

Banned Seen 7 yrs ago

Akkina spotted Emilia and wandered to her and looked at her while smiling at her "Hey, Don't I know you from somewhere. Akkina said to the lady and kept on smiling but kept about five steps away in case the lady was a nutcase and tried to attack her, but judging from her stature, Akkina knew she wasn't a fighter so she loosened her body and extended her hand to her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Alamantus
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Alamantus That guy you knew

Member Seen 5 mos ago

"For the fire fox pelt, I'd ask for 5,000, on its own. The others I could part with for say 3,500 coin altogether, they're rare, but not as valuable as the fox's pelt."

"Well, I don't blame you! But I think you're pricing these other furs a little bit low. Isn't this an ice wolf pelt? No sir, how about I give you an even 10,000 for everything. That should be plenty fair! Don't want nobody calling me unfair, no sir."
Humphrey shook his head vigorously.
"I hope you don't mind, but all my exchanges are done in gold coin equivalents. They're solid bars instead of coins. It's just easier to manage for me in the shop."
Humphrey grabbed several bars for the man and put them on the counter.

"And can I just ask... what was the woman's troubles before? She looked remarkably upset."

"Ah, don't worry too much about her. We just met today, but I can tell you any adventurer is going to get a social shock after a long while of solitary travel. It's all just in how we handle it that's different."
Humphrey winked.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Alamantus
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Alamantus That guy you knew

Member Seen 5 mos ago

"Hey, Don't I know you from somewhere. Akkina said to the lady and kept on smiling but kept about five steps away in case the lady was a nutcase and tried to attack her, but judging from her stature, Akkina knew she wasn't a fighter so she loosened her body and extended her hand to her.

Emilia was startled by Akkina's voice. She hated that she startled so easily, but she tried to compose herself.

"Ehm... I can't say that I recognize you, actually... Wait, maybe I did..."
Emilia looked Akkina up and down.
"Yes, aren't you that girl who had all those swords and things when I walked out of the pawn shop? Sorry about bumping into your shoulder, I just had to get away from that creepy jester...thing. He tried to give me a death rose, can you believe that?"
Emilia suddenly realized that she hadn't spoken this much to another person since the last time she had met with all of her friends and then clammed up. She looked down again, noticed Akkina's extended hand and mumbled "Yeah, it's uh... nice to meet you."

Emilia decided to make a measured effort to not look so awkward and tried loosening up a little bit. It didn't help.

"So, uh... Just... wanted to say hello then?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The Slenderman
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The Slenderman Meme King.

Banned Seen 7 yrs ago

" Ah it's not a problem, He tried to give me the flower, bbut I just walked out and looked for you, Sorry I disoriented you. It was not my intention" She smiled and sat down and motioned for Emilia to sit next to her " I was wondering if you could help me out with a small problem, see I want to open a weaponry shop or something along those lines. I was wondering if you could become a business partner?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WittyWolf


Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Silas grinned broadly when he heard Humphrey's revised price, he was glad he'd walked into an honest man's shop. He grabbed Humphrey's hand and shook it enthusiastically. "It's a deal! Thank you for the honesty, most would have taken my offer and gouged me." He packed the bars into his pack, pleased with the weight it offered. "Bars are no trouble, it's easier to buy a line of credit with inns in that way and I plan to be in town for some time."

Silas nodded slowly. "Very true, I myself was surprised to find that the North market had been bought by the East! Well, if she wants for companionship, let her know that I'll be staying in the White Lion inn. I would.. be very pleased to make her acquaintance." Silas felt slightly embarrassed, asking this man for help in romance. The swordswoman had made quite the impact on the young man, however. He desperately wanted to know her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Alamantus
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Alamantus That guy you knew

Member Seen 5 mos ago

" Ah it's not a problem, He tried to give me the flower, bbut I just walked out and looked for you, Sorry I disoriented you. It was not my intention" She smiled and sat down and motioned for Emilia to sit next to her " I was wondering if you could help me out with a small problem, see I want to open a weaponry shop or something along those lines. I was wondering if you could become a business partner?"

Emilia smiled, unsure, and looked around with her eyes as she clunkily, robotically sat down on the bench with Akkina. She didn't know this woman, but the idea of opening a shop of her own in the market had been itching in her mind. She figured it would make a great way to hide any magic that she might want to practice.
"Well that's a bit forward, don't you think? At least tell me what I should call you... My name is Emilia Lindsley, daughter of Earnest Lindsley. Are you a friend of my father's or something? I've wanted to open a shop for a while, but I didn't really know what kind of shop..."
Emilia couldn't believe she was telling this to a complete stranger.
"You see, if we were to open a shop together, I would want to use at least the back half of the shop to learn..." Emilia lowered her voice, "Magic..."

Just then, she looked away from Akkina's eyes and noticed the very same Jester standing there with a sack of money and a dagger. Emilia screamed and fell backwards off the bench as the bustling crowd slowed for a moment to look at the three of them.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Alamantus
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Alamantus That guy you knew

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Silas nodded slowly. "Very true, I myself was surprised to find that the North market had been bought by the East! Well, if she wants for companionship, let her know that I'll be staying in the White Lion inn. I would.. be very pleased to make her acquaintance." Silas felt slightly embarrassed, asking this man for help in romance. The swordswoman had made quite the impact on the young man, however. He desperately wanted to know her.

Humphrey shook his head again.
"Mmm, nope, no sir, I can't be doing that. I don't know one woman who would ever want to seek out a stranger without even knowing him first. No sir."

He kept shaking his head for a few more seconds before stopping and saying, "But here's what you should do, see. She took a position as my shop's guard, so she's gonna be here just about every day for a while, I think. So just come back! Meet her yourself, check out the stuff here, and do your own courting."

Humphrey nodded his head to this and started stacking the pelts in an orderly pile on a table just behind the counter.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The Slenderman
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The Slenderman Meme King.

Banned Seen 7 yrs ago

Akkina looked at the Jester and stood up then walked to the Jester and frowned at him and then her anger got the better of her " LISTEN YOU FREAK, WE DON'T APPRECIATE YOUR USELESS ADVANCES TOWARDS US, We just want a nice conversation between friends." She looked back at the girl and bowed respectfully " I am so sorry for the outburst, If you want to go ahead with it. Meet me at the pawn shop at Evening time if you want?' She walked back to the Pawn Shop and walked in to it " Hey Humphrey, do you have edible things for sale, it's just I'm famished" @Alamantus
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by WittyWolf


Member Seen 8 yrs ago


When the woman walked in, Silas found himself uncharacteristically flustered, feeling color blush in his cheeks. "Thank you for your time and advice, friend. I hope we have a mutually beneficial relationship in the future." He put his arms through the pack and hefted it onto his back. He needed to clear his head and ready himself. "Good-bye, Humphrey." He waved a hand in farewell, turning to leave.

As he passed by the comely lady, he felt himself smile slightly as he dipped his head in deference. "Milady.." he murmured towards her, his eyes never leaving hers. He felt stuck for a moment, cleared his throat, and exited the shop. He'd never felt fear in his life, but his nerves were at their end and he needed to distance himself from the swordswoman and her beauty.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fukazza
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@The Slenderman

Crapsy begins to laugh and then his expression of funny transforms in angry one. In the same time, reputs the sack and the rose inside his bag.

CORK: (Oh god, this is going to be bad.)
GENCLY: (Crapsy please dont do nothing of stupid.)

CRAPSY: Very incredible, anytime that i try to be polite with someone i have always problems like that. Very annoying. And you know what, i don't like that person that try to be idiot with me, especially a bitch like you. And you know what also, i will take your dagger and i wont pay you damned fucking shitface.... but being a gentleman, i will give you however an other thing that you will really like it. For a beautiful woman like you i give always the....BEST!!!!! Makunba!!!

In that moment, throw right in the face od Akkina a little smog ball of magic, blinding her and then he starts to run around the street with the dagger in his hand.

GENCLY: (Good, we are thieves now.)
CORK: (Yyyeaah.)
CRAPSY: (Well look the good side, we have a gift for the son of the mistress.)
GENCLY: (I hate you idiot.)

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