Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vilageidiotx
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Vilageidiotx Jacobin of All Trades

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Don't... don't frame your arguments in green text ever again. That's not a good thing to do.

-Getting a million dollars and then being smart enough to invest it isn't amazing. Sure, I'm not saying the guy is an incompetent dweeb. Just because he might have some vaguely pertinent skills, and because he wants to do well, doesn't mean he will. This is what I personally take from Trump; I think that he started with an easy task (to make money in NYC with one million dollars), that he did completley own that task, and that a big part of why he has done so is because he is a marketing genius, and his product is himself. He knows how to make an image - that is his skill. But, considering that he's never faced real hardship, considering that he has been in the spotlight for so long, I honestly think he is somewhat eaten up with that ego. There is the problem. Though he is no doubt hamming it up for the crowd because that's how his marketing system works, I think he believes himself to be at least partly as great as he says. In which case, his intentions don't matter. Nobody intends to enter the white house and fail. It's not like GWB just didn't give a shit. No, they fail because they don't have what it takes. And I don't think Trump has what it takes. Like GWB, his advisers will hold up his presidency, and we will be at their whim.

-Putin comes up because Putin's goals for Russia and America's goals for the world don't mesh. If Russia could be handled by a quick handshake and a wink, it would have been done already. I'm not saying that Putin will win arguments. I'm saying that Putin will play Trump like a fiddle. This is because, like I said, I think Trump has somewhat convinced himself that his charisma is genuine, and that he is at least partially as great as he says.

-Good. Trump found a base. So has Cruz, Hillary, Bernie, and even Rand Paul. That's not impressive.

-This is still an offensive comparison. Washington and Lincoln weren't daring mavericks going against the media. They were humble, contemplative men who at no point could ever be imagined talking about how great they were. Trump hasn't done anything do touch their legacies. Just pushing a grand plan doesn't make you a great person. Hitler did that. Stalin did that. Jim Jones did that. A good leader isn't just an unpopular guy that people listen to.

-He has friends because he has money. Yes, a person can loudmouth their way into connections if their methods make them powerful to schmooze in the right circles. That somebody has friends isn't particularly impressive as far as arguments go anyway.

-He's popular with the lower classes for all the reasons you are implying, not for the reasons you are saying. Everybody, if they have even an ounce of humanity, secretly dreams of throwing molotovs at something they perceive as more powerful than them. It's a big part of both the Trump and the Sander's campaign - anger at an establishment they feel no longer represents them in the slightest. Xenophobia is the oldest political trope in the book. I don't think Trump is xenophobic so much as he is using xenophobia to get to power. And don't fall for the tumblr invention that xenophobia or racism is something only white people do. Everybody wants somebody to be better than, especially at a time when most of us are at least vaguely aware that our circumstances are going to get worse. Illegal immigrants are an easy target because A: They are different, both culturally and linguistically, and B: They violated a law, which makes it easy to justify hating them. The border situation definitely needs to be attended to, but it isn't the zeitgeist issue of our time. That he is focusing on an easy votes issue instead of on real ones exactly shows that he isn't a serious candidate. He's the candidate the Republicans deserve, but not the one that they need.

As for the entire media thing... that's so sad. It really is. The Media is another industry out of dozens that treat their mission too flippantly because doing so makes them money. This idea that our nation's only corrupt industry is the media is peculiar. And it doesn't matter, because you're completely wrong about their opinion in this matter anyway. The media love trump. They absolutely adore him. He's the best love-to-hate story they've been able to sell in decades. That's why they talk about him all the time. As a basic rule, if you want to find the person the media hates, find the person they aren't talking about. Everything else is marketing.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ClocktowerEchos
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ClocktowerEchos Friendly Neighborhood / Landmine Enthusiast

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

>Ignores the fact that Trump isn't just a macho loudmouth but a businessman too, a man who made a much bigger fortune out of the inheritance he was given. And that as a businessman, profit and gain is the most important thing to people like him and that somehow automatically makes him running the country to the ground an inevitability instead of something he will do all in his skill and power to avoid since his reputation, his most prized possession; would be forever ruined if he did so. Simply put, he has far more to lose than every other candidate if he screws up his term and I doubt someone with an ego as his would let such a thing happen

And I suppose the fact he's also run his business into the ground even with a "small loan of a million dollars" stills proves him to be a "brilliant businessman"? You want to see his work? Look at Atlantic City, NJ, after his casinos went belly up, he just walked away and let the city and state deal with his mess. AC was supposed to be the Vegas of the East Coast, now its just a casino ghost town.

He's also outsourced his company before like his clothing line, made in China. He's also been caught using illegal immigrants as employees just so he can pay them less and not have to worry about stuff like their healthcare.

>Implies that Putin will mentally and verbally destroy Trump just because, instead of the two trying to come to a favorable agreement between themselves and their respective nations.

It wouldn't even come to that, Putin would run circles around Trump and out do him, there would be no contest. Putin knows how to play his cards, Trump just bluffs and pretends he has a plan. Want evidence? Look at Syria and the Paris Attacks:

>Putin points out how much the US fucked up Afghanistan and Iraq and says we should not get involved in the Middle East anymore.
>US backs out of ME
>Russia then comes in and starts bombing the shit out of ISIS and getting credit for "taking on ISIS". As they do it more effectively then the US, they steal some more credit and the US doesn't look to hot anymore.
>Paris Attacks happens
>French PM gives a semi-lack luster response; Putin gives a very strong response
>Putin gifts France a Siberian Husky puppy after hearing how Paris police lost a police dog in the attacks.
>Putin gets a load of street cred internationally and France lines up behind Russia as Russia "leads the attack on ISIS"

That's the difference between a leader of a nation and a reality TV star, Trump would never be able to pull off something like that.

>Oblivious to Trump being smart enough to only seriously pursue his presidential candidacy when the wave of nationalism, discontent at the establishment and populist power was at its highest. As well as telling it as it is, unlike everyone else in the race; who is too afraid of looking bad in front of the media and offending people.

If you've paid attention to anyone with a functioning brain, you'll see that we know Trump is literally just riding years of conservative fearmongering and hate. Sure Trump might be smashing PC norms, but now white supremacy groups are starting to make a comeback after slowly fading away before, now having some to idolize and use as an excuse. Trump has also humiliated America in front of many of its oldest and strongest European allies. When was the last time you heard about Britain trying to ban a president much less a candidate?

Something else that's interesting to point out, wanna know who else rode nationalism and discontent to power? Hitler. In fact, Trump and Hitler have some pretty similar rhetoric. Both promise to make their countries great again, used racism to support their rise, entertain the notion of mass deportations and blamed all their respective nations's ills on minorities/immigrants.

Let's play a game, replace everything Trump says about Mexicans or Muslims with Jews and see how that turns out.

>Doesn't realize that Washington and Lincoln got as powerful and respected as they were by taking charge during a time of crisis and effectively leading their nation to victory as well as being completely fearless, pushing forward their ideals and grand plans even when seemingly the entire world was against them. Just like what Trump is attempting to do by showing that the USA isn't all right as the Media and the White House claims and promising to fix it.

Washington and Lincoln were respected since they could inspire people on more than just the basis of fear and hate. They share very little if any rhetoric with Trump at all; Lincoln pushed for abolition and Trump is pushing for discrimination. Last I checked, those two things are very different.

The US may not be perfect, but you cannot say it hasn't gotten better in the past 8 years. We've gotten out of two expensive, pointless wars, lowered unemployment, recovered from a recession and oil is getting cheaper. I'd have to say that's some pretty fine work from a president whose been halted or blocked at every step.

>Forgetting that attention and exposure, good or bad isn't his sole source of power, but something that he takes advantage of in order to make himself stronger. Even before The Apprentice, he already had friends and connections with powerful people; not necessarily something a so-called Loudmouth in the right place at the right time is capable of.

He knows how to play the media. Yippie.

What are these "friends and connections" you speak of? Do you mean his wealthy buddies? Maybe his father's KKK and neo-nazi buddies? Perhaps other celebrities? Or are they the "smart people" I keep hearing him talk about how he'll appoint to basically outsource his job as president to other people?

>Doesn't mention that despite Trump being with the 1%, the boogeyman and devil's spawn that the average citizen will blame for hogging all the hard-earned wealth of the nation and spending it all on hedonism and frivolities; is very popular with the Low and Middle class; who are very angry at the Establishment and big businesses giving away all of their jobs to immigrants and aliens. Not to mention that aside from what degenerates and liberal sockpuppets like the BLM movement and NBC says, is that he's quite popular with the latino and black populations despite all the claims of racism leveled against him.

So he's basically using Hitler's scapegoat, lovely. I've stated before that his own hands aren't clean from what he preaches. Especially with the whole "hiring immigrants to work in his casinos to pay them less". The only people who he's popular with are the conservatives who are dumb enough to by into him. And if he's so popular with Latinos and Blacks, then why are there Latinos celebrities who denouncing him and tell people not to vote for him and a lack of Black supporters at his rallies and endorsements?

No matter what you say, Trump is literally only getting poll numbers from his rhetoric. Most his supporters don't know his policies outside "I'll build a wall" (that is both pointless and expensive) and "Just trust me". Having looked at his policies myself, I can clearly see he has no idea how to run a country or even understand how the spot of president works, thinking that he can some how use his power to strong arm Mexico into paying for his wall.

He tried using footage of Morocco and called it Mexico, you can't tell me that he's smart unless you mean that he's smart enough to know that most his voters won't know the difference between the two. Of course, then there's also the fact that his supporters are basically known neo-nazis, KKK members and the like. Like that one guy who shouted "Seig Heil" at one of his gatherings. And if he's so "strong", then why did he throw a temper tantrum at Megan Kelly? Was she just being too mean towards him?

He's also really god damn inconsistent. He's supported more Dems than Reps over the years, even donating to Obama's and Bill's campaigns, switched parties 8 times since 1981, promoted liberal policies of abortion and gun control. Plus he's friends with the Clintons, even praising Hillary before the election. Hell, you can have a debate with no one but Trump like Colbert proved.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by dirty slime

dirty slime

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Except his ideas and loudmouthed nature is exactly what'll fuck it up in the long run. It doesn't matter if he wants to stop the country going down or not, if he does what he says he will do and keeps acting like he has been acting the country's likely to fall down.

You say as if the other candidates will not tear the country down:

Sanders is an idealist, that while having a good vision for the US is simply too old and feeble to definitively take the reigns of the government and not be jerked around by the Establishment. Remember what those BLM bitches did to him?

Hillary is self-explanatory.

Carson is noble, but lacks truly relevant experience in the political arena and I'd see him do far better as a cabinet member rather than President. I'd love to see the man get a relevant position and prove if he really was worthy of becoming President.

Rubio is Establishment. So voters don't like him on principle and furthermore he'd only keep the status quo.

Cruz doesn't truly state how bad the immigrant issue is and is partially in support of using them as a cheap labor force and that he's very likely to support the Trans-Pacific-Trade agreement. Which from what I hear, is going to royally screw over the working man in not only the US, but all the countries it will affect. Not to mention that even the democrats and republicans agree that it's not good for them.

There's still too much hatred between America and Russia for that to work.

Realpolitik, every politician wants something that will advance their nation. If it means paying lip service and lifting some sanctions to Russia in order to make them less hostile in the long run in order to gain a mutually advantageous deal, then both sides will do so. But as it stands, Russia is too busy actually stopping the Civil War in Syria and the reason why Russia is so mad at the US in the first place is because of Obama administration's foreign policy making things far worse by funding the Assad regime's enemies, jeopardizing control of the only Mediterranean port Russia has and sanctioning trade with the CIS. Why the hell would the Russians be so mad in the first place?

He's just "telling it as it is" to fear monger. And yes, the other candidates don't want to look bad in front of the media, because people still have the right to revolt if they don't like how things are going.

Fear mongering? In wake of cop-killings, A race war on the horizon, the massive influx of illegal aliens in state prisons and the USA's massive and increasing debt? Wow! He's truly blowing such small problems out of proportion!

We're not in a crisis. Not a big one. Washington wanted to unite his people against an inferior political system. Lincoln just wanted to reunite the states. Their grand plans amounted to uniting the country into something greater. Trump wants to isolate us from our neighbors and anyone who doesn't agree with his plans. And Trump isn't fearless, either. He wants us to cower behind a wall because Mexico has immigrants and drugs. If he was fearless, he'd call to war to stop Mexico's shenanigans. He only doesn't do that because it costs more money than the dumbass wall idea and he doesn't want to look bad in front of the media.

Isolation for a perfectly valid reason. All those illegals and national security threats hitching on the rides of "refugees" need to be checked, screened and prevented from entering with the same ease as they currently do now. You say as if he'll turn USA into an airtight bubble despite the fact that trump stressed that only Illegals and dangerous people (rightfully so) aren't coming in. To me, that speaks of someone who hasn't really deeply read into what he said and is unfairly biased.

Also War is expensive and unpopular at this day and age, and doing so would be a horrible idea; not only would he lose support from home but from everyone else he hasn't already antagonized. Practically suicide for the man. And seriously, jumping to that conclusion just because he doesn't give a damn what the PC brigade and the Establishment thinks of him? What an adorable liberal tactic!

Except that's exactly what a loud mouth is capable of. People love confidence, and Trump likes showing how confident in his abilities he is. It makes it better if he was in the right place at the right time.

True, but he has previous success and experience in his business enterprises so he's not just a loudmouth but one who can back his bluster up. And in my opinion a businessman is a better leader than a politician: They know what they want and they know how to manage people to get what they want. Unlike the Community Leader or the Dumbass before him.

In other words

he's popular with republicans?

Shock and awe. The leading Republican candidate is popular with Republicans.
Not just the republicans, but the people that the Democrats claim to represent, support and consider their most important votes. Quit generalizing.

Or, the media and the white house hate him because he has dumb ideas.

Trump's winning, that much is certain, but because he's leading people by the ears with promises of a better America and a better world. Kinda like what Obama did. If he does win, it won't change much, because everyone knows his ideas are gonna be vetoed by the Senate/Congress. Just like what happened to Obama.

Dumb ideas like not wanting illegals into the country and strengthening the border?

Dumb ideas like wanting to stop shit like the Trans-Pacific-Partnership from passing?

Dumb ideas like wanting give jobs back to Americans and not immigrants? Illegal or otherwise, yet in practice mostly the illegal kind?

Dumb ideas like wanting people have the right to protect themselves from getting assailed by criminals with weapons?

Dumb ideas like stopping the drug trade from Mexico ruining American lives?

Dumb ideas like saying that the Muslims are truly dangerous and that refugees from the Middle East and Africa aren't peaceful and helpless victims?

Dumb ideas like tearing down the welfare and healthcare system that Obama set up?
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BrobyDDark
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BrobyDDark Gentleman Spidey

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by BrobyDDark>
Fear mongering? In wake of cop-killings, A race war on the horizon, the massive influx of illegal aliens in state prisons and the USA's massive and increasing debt? Wow! He's truly blowing such small problems out of proportion!

He's using that fear and amping it up without any actual solution. His entire campaign is based around people pushing him into office because he points out somethings that they usually wouldn't care about and then not offering a solution. He doesn't even try to offer a solution. He gives a grandiose idea of what could work, even if it won't work in reality.

Isolation for a perfectly valid reason. All those illegals and national security threats hitching on the rides of "refugees" need to be checked, screened and prevented from entering with the same ease as they currently do now. You say as if he'll turn USA into an airtight bubble despite the fact that trump stressed that only Illegals and dangerous people (rightfully so) aren't coming in. To me, that speaks of someone who hasn't really deeply read into what he said and is unfairly biased.

Also War is expensive and unpopular at this day and age, and doing so would be a horrible idea; not only would he lose support from home but from everyone else he hasn't already antagonized. Practically suicide for the man. And seriously, jumping to that conclusion just because he doesn't give a damn what the PC brigade and the Establishment thinks of him? What an adorable liberal tactic!

You contradicted yourself in your entire rant. According to you, the only people immigrating to this country are Africans, Muslims, and Mexicans, and all three are illegals or security threats. According to you, Trump wants to shut down the borders to anyone that isn't white or Asian. You're making him seem more of a racist bigot than people actually believe.

You know what else is expensive and unpopular? Giant walls separating countries. And I like how you agree with everyone else here when you say he's antagonized everyone except for a small group of people. Keep within your own boundaries.

True, but he has previous success and experience in his business enterprises so he's not just a loudmouth but one who can back his bluster up. And in my opinion a businessman is a better leader than a politician: They know what they want and they know how to manage people to get what they want. Unlike the Community Leader or the Dumbass before him.

That's not what a leader is. You're describing a ruler. He manipulates people to get what he wants instead of working with a team to achieve what everyone wants.

Dumb ideas like not wanting illegals into the country and strengthening the border? Except he could do that by creating more professional jobs like more border patrol and seeding out the corrupted members. Veterans need work and this would be perfect for them.

Dumb ideas like wanting to stop shit like the Trans-Pacific-Partnership from passing? I'll give you this one

Dumb ideas like wanting give jobs back to Americans and not immigrants? Illegal or otherwise, yet in practice mostly the illegal kind? Again, you're painting him as more racist than he actually is by saying "no jobs for immigrants, illegal or otherwise"

Dumb ideas like wanting people have the right to protect themselves from getting assailed by criminals with weapons? I'll give you this one too, but it's not a unique thing and its actually constitutional, unlike the previous dumbass idea in this list.

Dumb ideas like stopping the drug trade from Mexico ruining American lives? The only American lives it ruins are idiots stupid enough to sell or do drugs.

Dumb ideas like saying that the Muslims are truly dangerous and that refugees from the Middle East and Africa aren't peaceful and helpless victims? This is an extremely dumb idea. There are lots of dangerous Muslims, like with any large group. But you're saying he wants to paint the picture that all Muslims are dangerous.

Dumb ideas like tearing down the welfare and healthcare system that Obama set up? I don't know much about Obamacare, so whatever. I'll just assume its somewhere in the middle.

I didn't respond to ones I couldn't really counter, but I did respond to the most idiotic and the ones with easily pointed out flaws.

Now, respond to the other two people calling you out.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Vilageidiotx
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Vilageidiotx Jacobin of All Trades

Member Seen 1 yr ago

You say as if the other candidates will not tear the country down:

Sanders is an idealist, that while having a good vision for the US is simply too old and feeble to definitively take the reigns of the government and not be jerked around by the Establishment. Remember what those BLM bitches did to him?

Hillary is self-explanatory.

Carson is noble, but lacks truly relevant experience in the political arena and I'd see him do far better as a cabinet member rather than President. I'd love to see the man get a relevant position and prove if he really was worthy of becoming President.

Rubio is Establishment. So voters don't like him on principle and furthermore he'd only keep the status quo.

Cruz doesn't truly state how bad the immigrant issue is and is partially in support of using them as a cheap labor force and that he's very likely to support the Trans-Pacific-Trade agreement. Which from what I hear, is going to royally screw over the working man in not only the US, but all the countries it will affect. Not to mention that even the democrats and republicans agree that it's not good for them.

Sanders stood down to the BLM because that was the prudent thing from his position to do. Remember, progressives are his audience. That he's been rather energetic in favor of progressive causes, possible going so far as to sink any chance Hillary has at the general even if she wins the primary, seems to suggest he isn't so feable.

Hillary is status quo. She won't do anything particularly interesting. That's why she is struggling to get any energy in her campaign despite still running so well in the primary.

Carson is selling a book. Let's not pretend he is a serious candidate.

I kind of agree with you on Rubio actually. It seems he's sunk his campaign already so it doesn't matter.

And what you are saying about Cruz is that he is a pro-capitalist? That's not surprising, considering it's such a big part of his position. What you are suggesting is protectionism, which isn't going to be an attractive option to a free-marketer. I dislike Cruz the most, so I have no reason to defend him.

Realpolitik, every politician wants something that will advance their nation. If it means paying lip service and lifting some sanctions to Russia in order to make them less hostile in the long run in order to gain a mutually advantageous deal, then both sides will do so. But as it stands, Russia is too busy actually stopping the Civil War in Syria and the reason why Russia is so mad at the US in the first place is because of Obama administration's foreign policy making things far worse by funding the Assad regime's enemies, jeopardizing control of the only Mediterranean port Russia has and sanctioning trade with the CIS. Why the hell would the Russians be so mad in the first place?

So what you are saying is that Trump's answer to Putin will be to give Putin what he wants. Sure, let's play devils advocate and say Putin is in the right. That Trump will be good at acquiescing to the demands of a foreign leader still doesn't paint him as a competent leader. I hold my own judgements on Obama's conduct in the middle east, but I'm also not selling Neanderthal manliness either.

Fear mongering? In wake of cop-killings, A race war on the horizon, the massive influx of illegal aliens in state prisons and the USA's massive and increasing debt? Wow! He's truly blowing such small problems out of proportion!

A race war on the horizon. Oh jesus.

Putting that aside, produce evidence that illegal immigration is the impetus behind our incarceration problems. Something tells me that drug laws and the three strike system plays more of a part in this. As for the debt, that's not new. We had that right out of the gate.

Isolation for a perfectly valid reason. All those illegals and national security threats hitching on the rides of "refugees" need to be checked, screened and prevented from entering with the same ease as they currently do now. You say as if he'll turn USA into an airtight bubble despite the fact that trump stressed that only Illegals and dangerous people (rightfully so) aren't coming in. To me, that speaks of someone who hasn't really deeply read into what he said and is unfairly biased.

That's fine. Improve the code. That doesn't make it the zeitgeist of the day. That he's focusing on it is his signal failure. Our border situation is disorganized, we need to improve it, but it's at best a tertiary issue. But i'll address it I guess.

Saying "Kick the illegals out" is silly, all you do is create an underclass. At best, you waste money throughout the country chasing down families that mostly aren't doing anything but what the rest of us are doing. Let's put humanity aside and look at this practically. The effects of kicking out your average illegal, with their kids and what not, are negligible. It costs money, it would be a constant fight, and it wouldn't produce that much. It's like saying "Let's make drugs illegal" expecting that to end the drug problem.

What you can do is provide a path to citizenship for those who are already here. They won't be compelled to hide, nor could they be compelled to work for illegal wages, thus eliminating the "Dey tuk er jurbs" problem (if such a problem is truly that big). This also differentiates between dangerous illegals and refugees - those who remain illegal will often enough be deserving of suspicion, instead of mixed in with disorganized scared folk. The obvious problem caused by this policy would be the incentive to come in illegal, so to that you can spend the energy you would have used uselessly hunting illegals throughout the nation, and you can build your damned wall. Because that, honestly, is perfectly fine. Bolster border security, make sure they have what they need to police not only the illegal immigration, but the use of the border to traffic narcotics. Make it difficult to enter, but for those who slip past, give them a way to improve themselves so they don't become a complicating underclass. We'll call it the "Fair play" policy. Get past the goal post and you win the game. Of course, any illegal immigrants who are caught perpetrating felonies get sent back. That's completely reasonable too.

But the thing is that, though all of these are problems, they don't hold a candle to the real issues. The underemployment issue that people are incorrectly blaming on illegals, the historically worrisome concentration of wealth into a small aristocratic minority, those preclude something big. History tells of very few real race wars, but the ascendancy of unsustainable aristocracies preceded by violent revolutionary... that's all too common. That's the trap we are walking into. Illegal immigrants, Putin, Terrorists... none of these things scare me more than the certainty that, as I am entering middle age, the shit is going to horribly hit the fan. We fix the economic inequality now, or we risk a bloody revolution with no predictable outcome.

True, but he has previous success and experience in his business enterprises so he's not just a loudmouth but one who can back his bluster up. And in my opinion a businessman is a better leader than a politician: They know what they want and they know how to manage people to get what they want. Unlike the Community Leader or the Dumbass before him.

Well your opinion is wrong. Businesses and governments are two very different beasts, especially in America. Trump cannot liquidate the American people in order to finance himself.

Dumb ideas like wanting give jobs back to Americans and not immigrants? Illegal or otherwise, yet in practice mostly the illegal kind?

They'll go back to Mexico and take our jobs there. NAFTA is already in place, the border won't save you.

Dumb ideas like wanting people have the right to protect themselves from getting assailed by criminals with weapons?

Fine. Don't vote for Hillary Clinton. As it stands, all the other candidates are either openly pro-gun or non-committed to the issue.

Dumb ideas like saying that the Muslims are truly dangerous and that refugees from the Middle East and Africa aren't peaceful and helpless victims?

Don't conflate Europe's problems with ours. Thus far, we have way more to fear from bullied white kids than we do Syrian refugees.

Dumb ideas like tearing down the welfare and healthcare system that Obama set up?

That won't happen. The Republicans know this. To actually dismantle it would require taking healthcare away from those who couldn't get it before Obamacare. Assuming they won't do that, what they might do is drop the fines for people not getting healthcare. That would cause health insurance costs to rise, since the entire point of the fine is to moderate the cost of health insurance in order to balance the effects of making it illegal to deny coverage. Of course, without the public option, what happened is that health insurance companies now have a captive market and they can raise prices knowing that the public can't opt out. Putting a public option in mediates that problem. So that's what the Republicans face - ripping out Obamacare and causing insurance companies to either drop shit-loads of customers or simply start denying coverage for virtually anything - or they can finish Obamacare. I'm somewhat convinced that's Obama's plan in the long run, paint the Republicans into a corner where all they can do is bitch, or complete his legacy on their own terms once he is gone. Perhaps Bernie's call for Scandinavian style healthcare will give them the impetus to reintroduce a the public option and pimp it as the conservative choice.

Either way, there is no going back. We are, fighting and screaming, going to join the civilized world when it comes to healthcare. Obama's ultimate legacy, assuming something crazy doesn't happen between here and January, will probably be just that.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by dirty slime

dirty slime

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by dirty slime>

And I suppose the fact he's also run his business into the ground even with a "small loan of a million dollars" stills proves him to be a "brilliant businessman"? You want to see his work? Look at Atlantic City, NJ, after his casinos went belly up, he just walked away and let the city and state deal with his mess. AC was supposed to be the Vegas of the East Coast, now its just a casino ghost town.

He's also outsourced his company before like his clothing line, made in China. He's also been caught using illegal immigrants as employees just so he can pay them less and not have to worry about stuff like their healthcare.

<Snipped quote by dirty slime>

It wouldn't even come to that, Putin would run circles around Trump and out do him, there would be no contest. Putin knows how to play his cards, Trump just bluffs and pretends he has a plan. Want evidence? Look at Syria and the Paris Attacks:

>Putin points out how much the US fucked up Afghanistan and Iraq and says we should not get involved in the Middle East anymore.
>US backs out of ME
>Russia then comes in and starts bombing the shit out of ISIS and getting credit for "taking on ISIS". As they do it more effectively then the US, they steal some more credit and the US doesn't look to hot anymore.
>Paris Attacks happens
>French PM gives a semi-lack luster response; Putin gives a very strong response
>Putin gifts France a Siberian Husky puppy after hearing how Paris police lost a police dog in the attacks.
>Putin gets a load of street cred internationally and France lines up behind Russia as Russia "leads the attack on ISIS"

That's the difference between a leader of a nation and a reality TV star, Trump would never be able to pull off something like that.

<Snipped quote by dirty slime>

If you've paid attention to anyone with a functioning brain, you'll see that we know Trump is literally just riding years of conservative fearmongering and hate. Sure Trump might be smashing PC norms, but now white supremacy groups are starting to make a comeback after slowly fading away before, now having some to idolize and use as an excuse. Trump has also humiliated America in front of many of its oldest and strongest European allies. When was the last time you heard about Britain trying to ban a president much less a candidate?

Something else that's interesting to point out, wanna know who else rode nationalism and discontent to power? Hitler. In fact, Trump and Hitler have some pretty similar rhetoric. Both promise to make their countries great again, used racism to support their rise, entertain the notion of mass deportations and blamed all their respective nations's ills on minorities/immigrants.

Let's play a game, replace everything Trump says about Mexicans or Muslims with Jews and see how that turns out.

<Snipped quote by dirty slime>

Washington and Lincoln were respected since they could inspire people on more than just the basis of fear and hate. They share very little if any rhetoric with Trump at all; Lincoln pushed for abolition and Trump is pushing for discrimination. Last I checked, those two things are very different.

The US may not be perfect, but you cannot say it hasn't gotten better in the past 8 years. We've gotten out of two expensive, pointless wars, lowered unemployment, recovered from a recession and oil is getting cheaper. I'd have to say that's some pretty fine work from a president whose been halted or blocked at every step.

<Snipped quote by dirty slime>

He knows how to play the media. Yippie.

What are these "friends and connections" you speak of? Do you mean his wealthy buddies? Maybe his father's KKK and neo-nazi buddies? Perhaps other celebrities? Or are they the "smart people" I keep hearing him talk about how he'll appoint to basically outsource his job as president to other people?

<Snipped quote by dirty slime>

So he's basically using Hitler's scapegoat, lovely. I've stated before that his own hands aren't clean from what he preaches. Especially with the whole "hiring immigrants to work in his casinos to pay them less". The only people who he's popular with are the conservatives who are dumb enough to by into him. And if he's so popular with Latinos and Blacks, then why are there Latinos celebrities who denouncing him and tell people not to vote for him and a lack of Black supporters at his rallies and endorsements?

No matter what you say, Trump is literally only getting poll numbers from his rhetoric. Most his supporters don't know his policies outside "I'll build a wall" (that is both pointless and expensive) and "Just trust me". Having looked at his policies myself, I can clearly see he has no idea how to run a country or even understand how the spot of president works, thinking that he can some how use his power to strong arm Mexico into paying for his wall.

He tried using footage of Morocco and called it Mexico, you can't tell me that he's smart unless you mean that he's smart enough to know that most his voters won't know the difference between the two. Of course, then there's also the fact that his supporters are basically known neo-nazis, KKK members and the like. Like that one guy who shouted "Seig Heil" at one of his gatherings. And if he's so "strong", then why did he throw a temper tantrum at Megan Kelly? Was she just being too mean towards him?

He's also really god damn inconsistent. He's supported more Dems than Reps over the years, even donating to Obama's and Bill's campaigns, switched parties 8 times since 1981, promoted liberal policies of abortion and gun control. Plus he's friends with the Clintons, even praising Hillary before the election. Hell, you can have a debate with no one but Trump like Colbert proved.

The fact that you used godwin's law is proof that you are not worthy of a proper debate. Begone mudslinger.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ClocktowerEchos
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ClocktowerEchos Friendly Neighborhood / Landmine Enthusiast

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<Snipped quote by ClocktowerEchos>

The fact that you used godwin's law is proof that you are not worthy of a proper debate. Begone mudslinger.

The fact that you ignored literally everything else and decided to latch on to godwin's law is proof that you are not worthy of a proper debate. Begone tea partier.
1x Like Like 1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by dirty slime

dirty slime

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by dirty slime>

The fact that you ignored literally everything else and decided to latch on to godwin's law is proof that you are not worthy of a proper debate. Begone tea partier.

Your points I already, if indirectly refuted when I argued against BrobyDDark's points.

But since you're so thirsty for my refutes, then I shall say this: He only owned those business, not directly controlled them. He saw a loss in letting them go on as they were and thus left them to rot. Dick move, but a right one since you don't get to the top by being generous or trying to fix stupid, expensive mistakes.

Begone from mine sight liberal, cuckolded betabot. Keep on believing that someone as feeble and idealistic as Sanders will magically make the nation's problems go away simply because he says he won't be pushed around by the Establishment even though those BLM degenerates humiliated him in front of his own voters, refuses to talk about the racial tension and because he thinks all of the nation's problems lie solely in wealth redistribution and a improper welfare/healthcare system and not because that there's less and less work going to the American man or that there's a massive trade deficit with more than a few of America's chief trading partners.

Oh and by the way: Hitler would have been hailed as the Hero of Germany if he died on 1939.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BrobyDDark
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BrobyDDark Gentleman Spidey

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by ClocktowerEchos>

Your points I already, if indirectly refuted when I argued against BrobyDDark's points.

But since you're so thirsty for my refutes, then I shall say this: He only owned those business, not directly controlled them. He saw a loss in letting them go on as they were and thus left them to rot. Dick move, but a right one since you don't get to the top by being generous or trying to fix stupid, expensive mistakes.

Begone from mine sight liberal, cuckolded betabot. Keep on believing that someone as feeble and idealistic as Sanders will magically make the nation's problems go away simply because he says he won't be pushed around by the Establishment even though those BLM degenerates humiliated him in front of his own voters, refuses to talk about the racial tension and because he thinks all of the nation's problems lie solely in wealth redistribution and a improper welfare/healthcare system and not because that there's less and less work going to the American man or that there's a massive trade deficit with more than a few of America's chief trading partners.

Oh and by the way: Hitler would have been hailed as the Hero of Germany if he died on 1939.

>cuckolded betabot
>Being this much of a stereotypical poltard

With that, I guess our little game of poke the retard with a stick is over.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dinh AaronMk
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Dinh AaronMk my beloved (french coded)

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Mr. Naruto Forums seems to be looking for a war chieftain,

I for one accept the possibility of performing necromantic rituals in an effort to revive Sitting Bull to put him at the president's desk.

Or even Riurik the Varangian who had enough experience with the Russians to conquer them and basically become the father of the early Rus state. We can use him to beat Russia into shape by pure Vikingism.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dinh AaronMk
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Dinh AaronMk my beloved (french coded)

Member Seen 8 mos ago

I seem to have forgot this.

Don't... don't frame your arguments in green text ever again. That's not a good thing to do.

That's not to mention that Greentext is supposed to be for simple shit, not for a line that lasts for an entire paragraph. It's a straight to the point way of getting to something directly and beating around the bush.

>Implying faggotry
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vilageidiotx
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Vilageidiotx Jacobin of All Trades

Member Seen 1 yr ago

I seem to have forgot this.

<Snipped quote by Vilageidiotx>

That's not to mention that Greentext is supposed to be for simple shit, not for a line that lasts for an entire paragraph. It's a straight to the point way of getting to something directly and beating around the bush.

>Implying faggotry

As a general rule, actually using greentext to greentext outside of 4chan is cringey af.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Mr_pink
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Mr_pink Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now

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Guys you're not playing the game right...
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Revolutionary
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Revolutionary The Antiquarian

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Guys you're not playing the game right...

Donald Trump: Successfully angering supporter and dissentient alike at the mere mention of his name.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by dirty slime

dirty slime

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by dirty slime>

>cuckolded betabot
>Being this much of a stereotypical poltard

With that, I guess our little game of poke the retard with a stick is over.

This hypocrisy. Focusing on that sole part of my argument. Liberals, Never even once.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Dinh AaronMk
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Dinh AaronMk my beloved (french coded)

Member Seen 8 mos ago

<Snipped quote by Dinh AaronMk>

As a general rule, actually using greentext to greentext outside of 4chan is cringey af.

If you're going to reveal you autism then the best you could do in any case is use it right.

Since tbh I find green text to be a useful straight to the point thing for casual conversation that avoids the trivial articles of regular bullshit conversation. But you don't use it to frame all your arguments in, I'm sure even /pol/ would skin you alive.

Shit, the anime boards would skin this person alive on the basis he revealed he visits Naruto forums.

We also forget this is the spam forum so why are we even taking it seriously.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dinh AaronMk
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Dinh AaronMk my beloved (french coded)

Member Seen 8 mos ago

<Snipped quote by BrobyDDark>

This hypocrisy. Focusing on that sole part of my argument. Liberals, Never even once.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Shorticus
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Shorticus Filthy Trickster

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

<Snipped quote by Vilageidiotx>

I for one accept the possibility of performing necromantic rituals in an effort to revive Sitting Bull to put him at the president's desk.

Or even Riurik the Varangian who had enough experience with the Russians to conquer them and basically become the father of the early Rus state. We can use him to beat Russia into shape by pure Vikingism.

But... but what about Genghis Khan? If he can conquer the world in one lifetime, what do you think he can do for us in eight years of office equipped with modern weaponry?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ClocktowerEchos
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ClocktowerEchos Friendly Neighborhood / Landmine Enthusiast

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<Snipped quote by Dinh AaronMk>

But... but what about Genghis Khan? If he can conquer the world in one lifetime, what do you think he can do for us in eight years of office equipped with modern weaponry?

He can impregnate a couple more million women to spread his blood relations all over the world and have his children unite the world under a new neo-Mongolian Terra empire.

\[+]\ Praise Tengri! /[+]/
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vilageidiotx
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Vilageidiotx Jacobin of All Trades

Member Seen 1 yr ago

<Snipped quote by BrobyDDark>

This hypocrisy. Focusing on that sole part of my argument. Liberals, Never even once.

The thing worse than losing is being a sore loser. Being gracious in defeat, bro.
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