Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Polyurethane


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Dylan Cox

Quote: "We're like your guardian angels"

Name: Dylan Cox

Age: 35

Gender: Male

Height: 6'7"

Weight: 255

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Sexuality: Straight

Religion: Agnostic

Occupation: Personal trainer

Ability: Vector Manipulation -
The user can change the magnitude and direction (vector) of an object to maneuver it in the desired way, regardless of preexisting vectors. This also applies to static or non-moving objects, because technically speaking the object still has momentum as it is moving through space. Since nearly everything in existence has vectors, manipulation of them can essentially grant the user an "Absolute Defense" that prevents the user from being harmed, among many other possibilities.

Personality: When on the job Dylan is a motivating individual with charisma. But when he's not working he keeps to himself. He's the guy you ask, why are you so quiet? Even though his sister has chosen to hunt down evos and kill them like animals, he is very protective of his little sister. The more you get to know him the more he comes out of his shell.

Background: Dylan grew up with his sister and his mother until one day they went to the bank, and their mother didn't come back. He was devastated at the loss of his mother and was not afraid to shed many tears for her.

After the incident they were taken to their Aunts to live with. Dylan had other plans though. It took Dylan some time, but after 2 years he had gotten a job and saved up money to move away. He couldn't stand to be in the same town his mother died in, so he moved as far away as possible.

Shortly after he had moved away Dylan was walking home late one night after a party. He had a few to drink and felt it better to be safe than sorry. While walking home he thought he heard another pair of footsteps following him, but every time he looked back there was nothing. Until suddenly he heard a voice tell him to hand over everything. Holding his head high he turned around to look at his attacker. The attacker told him he should stop and continue facing the other way but Dylan didn't listen. And as soon as a he turned to look at the mugger a gunshot was fired. Inches away from his face the bullet suddenly ricocheted off of what seemed to be nothing. This was his first time using his ability, it scared both him and the thief though. The thief ran off not sure what to make of this madness and Dylan stood there in awe of what had just occurred. He tried to figure out what had happened to him but kept on ending up empty handed.

As the years passed he made contraptions to fire rocks and such at him while he would attempt to do what he did the night he was mugged. There were many failed attempts before he was able to redirect the rocks that were shot at him.

Even more years passed and he realized that he wasn't just able to deflect bullets or incoming projectiles. He could just simply move things if he wanted.

Luckily he got years of practice in before they started testing to see who were evos and who weren't. After that the evos had to be registered. Dylan went from feeling pretty good to being a monkey on a chain.

Shortly after they started registering evos he was contacted by his sister, telling him she was an evo as well. He hadn't heard from her since he moved out on his own. He was joyous to know she had abilities, and he told her of his own. Unfortunately she wasn't as happy as he. She told him of her offer to work with Quantum and he told her she shouldn't do it.

He assumed she would do it anyways, but he had chosen a different path. He wanted to help the evos not kill them. Hating the evos because they had killed mother was like hating all gun owners because someone has killed with a gun. It didn't make sense to him, but he couldn't even imagine the horror she must have witnessed. He would do what he could for the evos but should worse come to worse, his little sister was his number one priority.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~Isabella Français~

"History will be kind to me for I intend to write it."
~ Isabella Français.

~General Information~

Name: Isabella Français.
Nick-Names: Belle, Issie, Bella, French, The Doctor, Guinevere, Gwen.
Gender: Female.
Occupation: Museum Curator/ Researcher.
Place Of Origin: London, England.
Age: Twenty-Four Years Old.
Ethnicity: European (English and French).
Religion: Church Of England.

Appearance - Twenty-Four Years Old:

~Relationship Information~

Relationship Status: Single/ Married/ Widowed/ In A Relationship (Depends On The Year/ How You Look At It).
Sexuality: Straight.
Partner: None.
Ex Partner/s:
Arthur Pendragon | Ex-Husband - Deceased | Good Man/ Jealous
Sir Lancelot | Ex-Love - Deceased | Love Of Her Life
Hercules | Ex-Flame - Deceased | Grecian Hero
Father: Pierre Français.
Mother: Colette Français (Deceased).
Siblings: None.
Pet/s: None.
Other: Cleo (Best Friend/ Travel Buddy).

~Ability Information~

Evo Class/ Level: Class Five.
Power/ Ability: Space-time manipulation.
Brief Description: Belle has the unique ability to both control and manipulate the space-time continuum, allowing her not only the power to effectively use teleportation to move from one place another, but also giving her the strong hold over time; the young woman able to not just stop, slow or speed up time, but to also reverse and fast-forward through it- the power helping Isabella herself to exist outside the flow of time so that she can appear to move at a subjectively normal speed, while events around her are affected.
Closer Look At Powers:
Space-time manipulation - -TBW-.

~Personal Information~

Personality: Strong headed, protective and stubborn, Belle always had a knack for look after those who couldn't look after themselves; growing up quickly at a young age the confident outgoing child made it clear that she was mature and responsible enough to deal with the obstacles life threw her way; looking after her father instead when all she wanted was to sit back with a cup of tea and enjoy one of her many books. With determination and a hard working nature, she tries her best at everything she does, putting in a hundred and ten percent every time.

An extremely intelligent young woman, Belle has a knack for researching, able to recall almost every piece of information that she has ever read. A great strategist, she uses her talents well and when called upon, catching any flaws in the plans that others tend to more times than none, run by her. Physically stronger than most and with a peak of durability, it shows that disease and illness rarely affect her in any way, allowing her to keep her keen senses sharp and ready to use at a moments notice.

Irritatingly stubborn and overly heroic at times, Isabella tends to look at life as though it were a story in one of her books, the young woman holding a quite naive concept over what she believes good and evil to be, though it doesn't stop her from trying her best to see the good in all of those around her, even if she herself ends up getting hurt or have been hurt by them in the past; her way of thinking causing her to try and rationalize their actions by attempting to convince herself that they had a good reason for their choices.

Brief Biography: -tbw-

~Other Information~

Other: A treasured gift and heirloom given to her by her father after the tragic and untimely death of her mother Colette, Isabella wears and is rarely seen without a beautiful golden necklace that once belonged to her mother, the pendant hanging from the delicate chain a small enchanting rose that had been encased within a glass dome.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 3 days ago

"Life for me is dark and miserable, but I won't curse something that I can't control"

Name: Jennifer (Jen) Cho
Age: 34
Gender: Female
Height: 5'5'
Weight: 120 lbs
Ethnicity: Chinese
Sexuality: Bisexual
Religion: Athiest
Occupation: Former Quantum Agent/ Currently in hiding

Ability: Non-Corporeal Form - Jennifer possesses the ability to take on a non corporeal form at will. In this form Jennifer is somewhat like a spirit/ghost. She is able to phase through solid objects, levitate to some degree, and enter another person's body. When entering another person, Jennifer must be able to fight the will of the host. The host can either comply to allow her to take control, or continue to fight her off constantly until she gets too exhausted to remain latched onto them or until the victim becomes too dangerous to themselves after her mental torture. Energy based attacks can irritate her in this form, but it's the equivalent of a person being viciously sprayed by a garden hose.

Personality: Due to her adoption by Quantum Industries, Jennifer was raised to be a natural cold blooded killer. Unlike Johanna Phillips, Jennifer seems to be a bit more stable since she came from a healthier upbringing before being introduced to Quantum. Still, she isn't the type of person to be happy go lucky. Jennifer likes to be straight forward, and hates when people either bead around the bush or just give way too much information when explaining things. Her tough persona is easily displayed in how harshly she talks to others and her dominance. Due to her dominant nature, Jennifer hates taking orders from people she can't trust or who she feels are not cut out for the job of giving direction. Her views on Quantum are negative. She broke away from them after she got wind of what they may be doing to the world. Sure, she didn't mind making a quick buck off of bounty hunting Evos, but Quantum was going too far by interfering with politics and human rights.

Background: Jennifer was born in Staten Island, New York City. Her parents were Chinese who immigrated from Thailand. Jennifer struggled when it came to making friends at school, due to how traditional her family raised her. Things only became worse when she discovered she obtained an ability. Luckily it revealed itself while she was at home with her father who was teaching her the basics of Muay Thai. The practice was strenuous and the reason why she was able to access her ability in the first place.

After her father witnessed the use of her power, Jennifer was no longer allowed to go anywhere. Her parents decided to home school her, further isolating the girl from other children. They had told her it was because she was too special to be among them. They continued to preach this until the day her parents handed her over into "professional hands". Within the grasps of Quantum as the age of 15, the organization honed her base skills as well of her control over ability. When she was 18, Jennifer was sent on scouting missions, and with time, she her reputation allowed her to perform solo covert operations. They gave her the nickname of "the Phantom", but she preferred Jen. Jen remained in Quantum for years until the registration act.

Jen is currently ducking down in Miami, Florida, trying to bring forth a real resistance, not the one that was recently broken up by the FBI.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~Athena Hale~

"The clearest way into the universe is through a forest wilderness."
~ Athena Hale.

~General Information~

Name: Athena Hale.
Nick-Names: None.
Gender: Female.
Occupation: Protector/ House Pet.
Place Of Origin: Manaus, Brazil.
Age: Twenty-Eight Years Old.
Ethnicity: Portuguese and Brazilian.
Religion: Roman Catholic Church.

Appearance - Twenty-Eight Years Old:

~Relationship Information~

Relationship Status: Single.
Sexuality: Straight.
Partner: None.
Father: Roman Hale.
Mother: Leanne Sophea Hale.
Siblings: Johannes Hale.
Pet/s: None.
Other: Aira Renee Rivera (Charge/ Owner).

~Ability Information~

Evo Class/ Level: Class ?.
Power/ Ability: Shape-Shifting/ Animal Morphing.
Brief Description: Athena has the unique ability to transform and reshape the form of her own body through the power of shape-shifting; allowing her to shift her form, both transforming and reshaping herself potentially right down to the genetic and cellular structure of her being- the woman, while never having tried to take the form of another person, able to impersonate and enhance her own body for combat by taking on the form of various animals, helping to make her her body stronger when rivaling against another.
Closer Look At Powers:
Shape-Shifting/ Animal Morphing - Holding a strong control over the power of shape-shifting, Athena has the ability, and is able to transform herself into various types of animals; whether this be a partial or complete transformation however is up to her own discretion- along with being able to take on the form of multiple creatures at will, Athena while in these particular forms is able to use the abilities, traits and appearance/ physiology of animals by means of rearranging her own DNA structure. While she has never before tried such a thing, it is possible for Athena to transform into not only alien-like creatures (as seen in drawings or in film/ TV), but also animals in which she has never before encountered in her life, such as Dinosaurs- the woman able to alter her form mentally, and able to change just by seeing, picturing and/ or mimicking animal features.

~Personal Information~

Personality: Seen to be both an extremely spirited and quick-witted young woman, Athena has a very compassionate and caring nature towards those who show her that they deserve it, allowing them to see the real her, rather than showing them just what everyone expects her to be due to her being a collector; the young woman showing nothing but comfort and love towards her family, and an almost motherly type care towards the two young girls that are in her life. Considered to be exceptionally beautiful by many who meet her, she tends to attract both the attention and affection of numerous men, and while the quite passionate and suave young woman is unafraid to flirt and lead them on to get whatever it is that she desires, she is intensely faithful and loyal to the one who has managed to steal her heart at any given time.

An incredibly intelligent young woman, Athena proves herself time and time again to be not only beautiful, but also capable at handling anything that gets thrown her way, her strong fiery spirit, unbridled will-power and passionate independent streak helping the young woman to rarely ever hesitate whenever it comes to standing up against someone, whether it be her older brother or her late boss. Displaying an immense amount of courage and a slightly heroic ability as a fighter when the situation calls for it, she is never afraid to intervene and put herself in the middle of an argument, extremely stubborn she is always willing to stand up for what she feels in her heart is right.

Despite portraying a rather fierce, just and kind young woman, Athena sometimes has the nasty habit of biting at her nails whenever she gets nervous or overly anxious, the young woman sometimes having to force and consciously refrain herself from doing so when she is in the company of others. A vicious little thing whenever she is pushed far enough, she is widely known for being quite tough, not only being able to take a physical beating, but mentally as well, and though her conscience does sometimes tend to get in the way, the woman has a mean streak strong enough to shake animal kingdom, her well-kept temper leaving her a force to be reckoned with.

Brief Biography: -tbw-

~Other Information~

Other: Though having taken on the job of looking out for Aira as not only a personal favor to her late employer, and as a rare chance to see some more of the world before taking over the family business back in Brazil; Athena comes from quite the wealthy background- her family earning its wealth by both owning and running an extremely successful lodge located along the Amazon jungle.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Damo021
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Member Seen 4 days ago

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Chulance
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

"Laws are not meant to be broken, but those that break them are meant to be destroyed."

Name: Martin Scosman

Age: 29

Gender: Male

Height: 6'2

Weight: 211 lbs

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Religion: Agnostic

Occupation: Quantum Agent

Ability: Gravity Manipulation

Personality: Martin is a man who believes in order and structure. He is somewhat OCD and cannot stand a mess at all preferring things to be neat and tidy. He is obsessed with justice and has the upmost respect for the law. He is dedicated to his job and considers his life his work. He does not believe in excuses and believes everyone should own up to their actions. He is a strict supporter of harsh punishment and does not believe in redemption. He has a stark dislike for religion and unwarranted optimism preferring to be a realist and drown himself in cynicism. He is not a fan of surprises and prefers to be aware of everything that's going to happen. He is extremely ruthless and will go to extreme lengths to get answers and to get what he wants. He is extremely authoritative and does not appreciate those who disrespect his orders. He does not believe in relationships or romance although he does believe in pleasure. He is someone who appreciates top quality, and enjoys living lavishly.

Background: Martin Scosman was born into a privileged background. His father was a member of the CIA, and his mother was a powerful lawyer. He was sent to the best private schools, and always strived for the best education. His mother was religious but he strove to be more like his father who was a strong atheist. Martin was always a harsh cynicist and struggling making friends with people around him due to his depression. He avoided partying and the what like even as he got other preferring to focus on his studies wanting to be able to live a great life like his parents.

He graduated high school the top of his class, and went to college to pursue a law degree wanting to follow in his mother's foot steps. This all changed however during the middle of his sophomore year when his father was brutally murdered while investigating a terrorist cell planning an attack on U.S soil. Martin ended up changing to studying criminal justice, and upon graduating from college was approached by the FBI. He initially declined work for them and was still debating on going to law school especially as his mother was urging him not to follow in his father's dangerous career path. He ended up going against his mother and joining the FBI. He did well and quickly rose up in his ranks due to his determination to the job and love of the law. A year and a half into the job during an investigation he was nearly killed during a violent shoot-out until his ability manifested.

He tried to ignorance the incident but his power began accidentally manifesting and interfering with his life. He didn't know what was happening but decided to hone his gift to become even more talented in law enforcement. A couple weeks later he was watching the news when Claire jumped off the ferris wheel and he realized what he was. Soon after he was approached by Quantum Industries and recruited into their ranks. He left his job behind in the FBI and rose up in the rank of Quantum believing he found his ultimate purpose. He quickly rose to be one of their top ranking agents and he's doing his best to enforce the law on any and all Evo's who want to use their powers to break it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Shard
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Member Seen 1 yr ago




110 Pounds

White, American

In the closet homosexual


Student, Classmate with Casper


The ability to heal a person's ailments with a physical touch.

- Aiden is able to heal even the most gruesome of wounds given enough time and energy.
- Aiden has the ability to heal himself and others.
- Aiden's ability is not limited to wounds. He can also heal illnesses and other similar ailments, including physical effects caused by other mutations.
- Aiden can heal people through fabrics, but not through armor.

- Aiden's ability is not automatic on himself. He has to actively heal his own wounds just like he'd heal anyone else's.
- Aiden does not have an unlimited supply of energy. The more gruesome the ailment he needs to heal, the more energy it will require. Without rest, overusing his ability will cause Aiden to faint.
- Aiden can only heal one person at a time.
- Aiden cannot bring people back from the dead. Once a person is brain dead, they are beyond his help.
- Since this ability is active rather than reactive, Aiden is just as mortal as anyone else and needs to actively heal himself when hurt.
- Aiden needs to concentrate to heal himself and others, meaning in a heated situation he'll have great difficulties.

"My parents always told me that a pleasant personality and a respectful demeanor will get you far, and I think they were right. I mean, you can't always smile at everything but smiling sure helps you lift everyone's spirit. I do believe that everyone should be respectful, though. Even if you're facing someone you despise, being respectful is something I consider highly valuable in a person. Isn't it nicer to hate each other respectfully rather than screaming obscenities? Hehe, looks more professional that way! I never really raise my voice, don't see much a reason behind that. If you can't get your point across calmly, you probably need to think it through more thoroughly.

I like being careful and often keep my eyes open for danger, you know? I hate getting hurt because of my own stupidity and mind you, I can be very clumsy. Sometimes I think that if it wasn't for my powers, I'd be dead by now. Mom and dad thought about putting armor on me as a child because I kept falling down. I hope it hasn't caused any lasting effects on me...that would be a bummer.

Huh? Oh, yeah! I love hanging out with people. The best thing ever is getting to know new friends, there is so much to learn from everyone and people are so spectacular, you know? I recently got to know this guy Casper. He's really sweet on the inside, but he has a rather rough exterior. We haven't talked much about his past but from the tidbits that I've been able to pick up, he seems to have had a rather rough go of it. He's really quiet, too. He barely ever speaks unless spoken to and sometimes I think he's sad, but I try to cheer him up as much as I can. We're kind of opposite, I guess you can say. I love hanging out with others and Casper usually just rides along in the background. I'm not going to force him into the spotlight or anything, I'm just happy to know that he's comfortable.

Yeah, I guess you can say that's what drives me. I want to see people happy and healthy. If I can in any way make that happen, I will. Oh? Yeah, you don't have to ask me twice...this whole Evo versus human ordeal is heartbreaking. I really hope it ends soon, but for as long as its going on, I am going to keep using what I can to help those affected by it. Of course, I don't just walk up to random strangers and heal them, but sometimes I wish I could, you know? People are bearing so much misery inside and they don't talk about it. I've always said that the deepest wound is silence. I get that I'm always trying to be a candle in the darkness but I'm not ignorant or naive. I know we live in a very dark world that's essentially falling down around us, though that only makes me want to struggle even more. Humans, Evos, I don't care. There are good and bad people wherever you look, no matter what. Everyone who doesn't live to ruin the lives of others deserves help when they need it.

I decide who's good and who's bad? No, I don't. I do however decide who to help. Even though I've got the power to heal, I'm no saint and I know that. Honestly, I try to be a good Samaritan to everyone, even the ones out to kill us, but it's a struggle. Picture yourself in a scene where your choices are to heal a murderer or to let him die. Sometimes the most healing can happen when the latter is chosen...

It's difficult, not going to deny that. Good and evil are just moral constructions and I don't believe either of those actually exist though when it comes down to it, you really wish things were black and white sometimes."

-Revealed IC-
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 3 days ago

"Hello... Riley."

Name: "The Darkman"; "Your Friend"
Age: ??
Gender: Male
Height: Varies
Weight: Varies
Ethnicity: Unknown
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Religion: Agnostic
Occupation: None
Ability: Displays the ability to enter Riley's mind while she uses her power.
Background: To be revealed
Hidden 8 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Damo021
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Member Seen 4 days ago

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