Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Alina13
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Alina13 The Intellectual

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Odessa stormed after him, suddenly angrier than she had ever been. "How the hell did your dumb ass get into this school anyway? This is a conservatory school, not a reformatory school. And from the looks of you, I would say you need quite a bit of reforming! And for your information, I'm not a lesbian." She helped the jock up off the ground and he gave her a silent look of "Thank you" and hurried along his way holding his stomach in pain. She decided that this guy was not the type to just stop and listen to someone's words openly so she decided she would follow him.

As he turned another corner, Odessa quietly crept after him. If she could catch this guy making a mistake big enough to get expelled for, it would be a benefit for the entire school. Idiots like him weren't needed here; or anywhere for that matter. This was the very reason she wanted to go to a private school in the first place, to get away from people like this. Her main goal now was to get rid of this guy.

Looking at her watch, she noticed it was close to lunchtime. The bell would ring to release fifth period in 7 minutes. Since she hadn't went to any of her classes today anyway, she decided to take off to lunch early. The boy angrily threw open a door at the end of the hallway and disappeared. She sighed in exasperation and made her way to the convenience store to grab her usual muffin and sweet tea. She then suddenly remembered that she hadn't fully examined that weird notebook she had dislodged from the tree next to her house. Since she had an hour to KILL she decided would take a closer look at it after she ate. Her walk would take ten minutes and to the bench she always sat at was another five so that left her with 45. This thing was either someone's really twisted version of a diary or just a prank to scare people. But hopefully, it would at least be interesting.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

Member Seen 3 hrs ago


Micheal meanwhile was really pissed off thinking why the hell people we're treating him like shit when people treat him like crap."It's not god damn fair..." He muttered to himself pulling out a cigarette from his pocket lighting the end and smoking it.When he pulled out the cigarette box with his lighter the strange notebook fell onto the ground."Oh shit...wonder why the hell the janitor would leave this there...maybe it's his diary of messed up shit he did" He said to himself taking another puff of his cigarette.

Letting the cigarette hanging form the his mouth as he flipped though the book,"Nothing?Did that wetback use invisible ink or something" He thought to himself looking though the blank pages before looking though the rules in the front few pages of the book.Reading the rules of the book he couldn't believe it this had to be the janitor's playing a sick joke on him or anyone that found the note book.However he could not stop reading the book.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LotusWarrior
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Member Seen 15 days ago

Elizabeth looked at the back book, not pitchblack as her own, but close enough. It also sent a familiar feeling up her spine, only as she looked at it. Odessa has sitting looking over the book eating quietly by herself.

Elizabeth NEEDED to know what the last pages looked like... Almost as if it was calling to her. She took a deep breath, and walked up to the table. "I... I am sorry for your loss. I know you liked Mr. Johnson. We... we all did."

Elizabeth did not feel sad, she was calm, but she felt as though she had faked it. She looked into Odessa's now tearing eyes.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Alina13
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Alina13 The Intellectual

Member Seen 6 yrs ago


Odessa smiled weakly up at the girl and wiped a stray tear from her left cheek. " Thank you. If anything, this is going to make my love for music stronger. I know Mr. Johnson would have wanted me to continue playing." She picked a small piece off her muffin and sighed. She didn't really know what to feel right now. She always went numb after things like this happened but right now, she felt. . . Strangely at ease. It struck her as odd that her physical body was acting like she was sad but her mind was completely blank. In any case, she couldn't let this girl know what she was actually feeling. She had to play the part. "I haven't gone to any of my classes today. I've been afraid I would just break down. I think I'm just going to go home."

Using her peripheral vision, she tilted her head down towards her lap and watched the girl carefully. She was oddly staring at her black notebook. Odessa quickly rose from the table, smiled at the girl and said “I have to be going now. Lunch is almost over and my Aunt wants me home.” She shoved the notebook into her backpack and walked past the girl headed towards her house. The way she had been looking at her notebook made Odessa wonder what she had REALLY wanted. She had never met this girl before and she somehow doubted that she was actually concerned about Odessa’s fragile mental state; she wanted something. She kept walking without turning around, secretly hoping the girl would follow her.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by solokolos
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Roseburg Conservatory High School, Roseburg Oregon

The police showed up shortly before Sif's class was set to begin, and he was shocked to see the band teacher dead. He overheard the men talking about the man's apparent heart attack, before he retreated to the principals office. He was informed of the alternate class he was set to head to, and sat through it in a dull haze. Nothing was taught, and his peers mostly just talked. Sif read silently, not wanting to get involved. As he went to put his book away he noticed the black bound "Death Note" in his backpack and started suddenly. A few stray glances appraised him, but no one said a word. The rest of the day passed in an apprehensive haze as Sif waited for lunch. He needed to investigate the book further now that he was more awake, and find out what it was about.

The time it took for the fifth period bell to ring seemed like an eternity, as Sif fidgeted through each class. As lunch began Sif quickly grabbed his food and sat down in an isolated corner of the lunch room, away from everyone else. He slowly pulled out the book, affirming again that it wasn't a figment of his imagination. He read the first page over again in fascination, and glanced around to see if anyone was nearby. After once again confirming he was alone Sif began eating, watching the room around him with suspicion, the book lying open next to him. His back was to a wall so he couldn't be sneaked up on, and his line of sight was relatively wide, wide enough to see anyone approaching and hide the book if need be.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Airalin
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Airalin Cunning, cold, and cuddly

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

For the first time, Lyra realized just how loud all the other students in her school could be.

For at least the fifth time in the three minutes since she'd seated herself at an unoccupied table in the corner, she glanced up in irritation, her concentration broken. Each time, she feared she would find a policeman approaching her, handcuffs in hand. Just the thought made her shiver.

Of course, she knew her fear was completely unfounded. No one would suspect Mr. Johnson's death had been supernatural. As long as she was careful and never used the Death Note again, people would just assume the man had a fluke of a heart attack.

"Not like you to sit all alone, Lyra."

Practically jumping out of her skin, Lyra jerked her head toward the source of the words. Richie - her partner at the school dance - sat down across from her. She suppressed the urge to tell him in no uncertain terms to go away. Girls were expected to be tearful and scared when something like this happened, not angry.

"What do you want?" she asked, disgusted by the defeat in her voice. Richie's grin faltered. A small triumph.

"You just looked like something had you down," he said. "I thought maybe you would want to talk about it. I'd still like to be friends."

Lyra glared. Richie's excuse for not going out with her after that dance had been that he wasn't looking for a relationship, but just someone to hang out with. Apparently, he had a girlfriend a few cities away. He could have mentioned that before inviting her along.

Still, it wasn't like Richie was anything special. Lyra had only gone out with him to see what a dance was like. The problem was that he had rejected her. She was a princess! No one was allowed to do that!

"My brothers were giving me a hard time yesterday," she lied, taking a bite of potatoes. "I don't want to talk about it... just leave me alone."

"Fine," said Richie, frowning, "If you change your mind, I'm always willing to listen."

Lyra's eyes followed him as he walked away. Richie Carter... it would be easy to be rid of that jerk forever.

No! That would be stupid. Everyone knew she hated him. If people realized she hated everyone who mysteriously died of a heart attack, someone would be suspicious for sure.

But... the Death Note could kill in more ways than one. If she could arrange a scenario where there was a clear culprit, she should be able to escape suspicion. That shouldn't be so hard. The only real problem was a prickling in the back of her mind, a silent voice begging her to reconsider.

Fine. Richie would live another day. But if he ever bothered her again, he was dead meat!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LotusWarrior
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Member Seen 15 days ago

Elizabeth walked quietly down the hall, a far distance back from Odessa. She did not know what she was doing. She was so awkward, she though that Odessa had figured her out. She was bad at this. But she had to know. Looking at the book, she had seen the pitch black pages at the end, not as many as her book, but they where there.

Where they in English? Would it be a template to help her decipher her book? What was the book for? Why was she called to it...

She made a resolve, she HAD to look at the book. Even it it made her seem insane. She would follow Odessa after school. Figure out where she lived and make her plans. THAT is what she was good at, plans. She thought Odessa was about to look backwards. Elizabeth ducked into a doorway, after a few moments she realised she was in the library. She walked up to the librarian. "H-Hello. Do you happen to have any books on ancient languages?" The librarian looked up at her and smiled. People would tend to smile when they talked to her.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Micheal was looking down at the note shaking his head before shoving it into his jacket pocket before heading out towards his house.Opening and heading into the living room of his house closing the door behind him,He was home alone for the most part heading into his room closing his bedroom door and laying down in his bed."What the fuck is this thing?" He said flipping though the book once more.

Unknown to him a presence would soon come to see him."Eh i wonder...guess i can take a whack at it" The young man said grabbing a pencil form the desk beside him.Laying back down on his bed taking the pencil writing down the name of the jock that called him a spaz,"Mitch Komac" Was written in the book thinking of his face as instructed in the book.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Alina13
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Alina13 The Intellectual

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Walking Home

Odessa pulled her tape player out of her bag and tried to get lost in her music as she walked home. The death of her favorite teacher was hitting her harder than she thought it would. Tears streamed down her face as she approached the doors of her house. She climbed the steps and took a deep breath, trying to hide the fact that she had been crying. Stephanie was already home and greeted her at the door. Her mascara still streaking down her face, this was not what Odessa had wanted to happen. What's wrong?" Stephanie said with a gasp and a very concerned and saddened look. Another thing Odessa was not planning for happened; she threw her backpack onto the couch and completely broke down. "My music teacher is dead! He was all I had at that school! What the fuck am I going to do with myself now? They won't hire another teacher by the time I graduate! He was my closest friend!" Stephanie walked over to her slowly and cradled her head in the crook of Odessa's neck to comfort her. Stephanie's methods of comfort always worked, even when it was something tragic. Odessa's breathing slowed and her heart rate decreased. Stephanie never had to say anything, just held her on the couch.

Lunch was almost over but she was thinking about just ditching the rest of the day. But she didn't have the luxury to do that; she had way too much work to do. Her free periods were the time she used to get most of her homework done so she didn't have to do anything at home. However right now, she was swamped with college work and current high school assignments she needed to complete. Getting up off the couch and sauntering over to the fridge to grab some lemonade and a muffin, she wiped her mascara away and sighed. "I'll be fine eventually. But for right now, I'm touchy So if I yell at you, I'm apologizing ahead of time." Suddenly angry, she grabbed her backpack and stormed out slamming the door.

When she got home, she would definitely take some time to evaluate this strange book she found. She had just carried it around with her this whole time and hasn't even bothered to look at it. . . She was excessively curious and she knew it would get the best of her eventually.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Mike quickly wrote down the jock that had called him a spaz a few hours ago,"This will teach ya for callin me a spaz..ya dick head" Micheal said to himself with a grin on his face not knowing what he had just done.This was around the time a figure flew though the open window of his room perched on the edge looking around the room before staring eye to eye with Mike.

"Kekeke nice place ya got here kiddo" The creature since Mike could not figure out what the hell this thing was,"So ya found my little notebook...didn't think a human would be either too scared or crazy to use it" The figure spoke in a sort of strange tone of voice walking into his room and towards Mike's desk."So ya written a name already...so now your one of us..Hahaha just kidding" The figure laughed staring at the now dumbfounded Mike.

"Wh...o...are...you.." Mike stuttered out loud backing up into the door seeing the figure coming towards him, He was confused asking if the notebook was his. The figure smiled and told him it was his and the just of how the note book was and who the Shinigami's are, Mike had a blank look on his face not knowing how to take this information.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by solokolos
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Roseburg Conservatory High School, Roseburg Oregon

The lunchroom buzzed as people talked quietly, mostly in whispers. It was a bit subdued because of the grief surrounding the deceased teacher, though people still spoke to one another. Sif took another bite of his food as he noticed, in his peripheral vision, a dark figure approaching. He turned his head and his breath caught in his throat. A large. . . Creature floated there before him. It had dark wings, and contrasting white flesh. If he wasn't paying attention to the context he would've thought it had reversed clown makeup on. Its eyes were rimmed with a dark hue, and its lips were a dark purple. It had a large grin with razor sharp teeth flashing from its mouth.

A broken sentence in Korean burst out of Sif's mouth as he clamored backwards to get away from it. There is no point in translating it as it would be censored. His hand missed the edge of the bench he had been sitting on, and he fell hard against it. His head knocked against the bench, instantly rendering him unconscious.

Light pressed against Sif's eyes, forcing him awake. His eyes fluttered open slowly, his eyes locking onto a concerned nurse who was hovering over him. "Oh thank goodness. I was trying to make sure you were okay, but I'm not even a trained nurse!" She said quickly, looking concerned. "Oh! Don't tell anyone that!" She said, flushing slightly. Sif's confusion did not fade as he scanned her quickly, and he attempted to sit up. The nurse didn't argue, and stepped backwards, bouncing from foot to foot. He scanned the room, and there it was again. The creature was sitting in the corner, its eyes level on Sif's.

"The hell is that?" Sif said, his eyes widening substantially. 'Why the fuck did you let that into my room?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Airalin
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Airalin Cunning, cold, and cuddly

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Lyra sat in the living room, feeling oddly out of place in her pajamas. Her parents weren't around, and her brothers were out doing whatever it was that they did. This was her only chance. Time to test whether writing a name on a scrap from the notebook would kill.

She sat with her English notebook on her lap, the sheet from the Death Note laid on top of it. But her focus was on the television in front of her. She flicked through the channels with the remote control, searching for a live broadcast. It would be foolish for her to kill another person living physically close to her with the Death Note - that was draw the worst sort of attention to her school or her family. That meant her victim had to be someone more well known. A celebrity, politician, whatever.

Her stopped on a news station. One of the anchors, Oscar Chapman, was a middle aged man who'd been caught cheating on his wife the previous year. It had been quite the scandal. Though he claimed all was forgiven within his family, Lyra couldn't help but view him as a scumbag. Only jerks cheated!

She wrote the name before she could reason herself out of it, then watched the television with her breath held. Ten seconds... twenty... thirty-nine... forty... nothing. Lyra buried her head in her hands. So it didn't work. The only way she could write her own name in an emergency was by keeping the entire notebook on her.

The female anchor working with Chapman gasped. Lyra's head jerked upward, and her eyes widened as Chapman's hands shot toward his heart and he struggled to breathe. It had worked! But why had it taken so long?

Lyra giggled madly as it hit her. Broadcast delay. Duh.

"Bye-bye, Mr. Cheater," she whispered. The scrap of paper worked. From now on, Lyra would always be safe.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Alina13
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Alina13 The Intellectual

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Back to School

Oddessa walked back the way she came with her head down trying not to think about her current situation. She had completely broken down in front of her aunt, which was something she tried not to do very often. Her aunt had enough problems as it was being a social worker and dealing with delinquent children all day. Her adopted niece having an emotional breakdown would not help her situation any. She tried to look at the positives of her situation. She would be graduating soon and leaving this crappy town. And not to mention now she had something to focus her attention on; that Death Note. She wondered if that thing would actually work. . . She didn't have anyone she would want to murder but she was sure she would develop some hatred for someone when she was in college.

Don't get your hopes up. This is probably some psychologically challenged person's messed up attempt at revenge. Just a release for their frustrations. she thought as she approached the doors of the cafeteria. As she walked into the lunch room to sit in her usual spot, she heard a loud commotion from the opposite corner of the room. She saw a blonde haired boy having an absolute panic attack. Uttering a scream, he tried to push himself back against the wall but his hand slipped off the edge of the seat and his head smacked hard against it. He then fell silent and a lunch lady called out for the school nurse in a very concerned tone of voice. She couldn't help but wonder what the boy had freaked out about. As the nurse and another boy who had offered to help carried him out of the room, she decided she would follow.

They got to the room before her as she had taken a different route as to not be suspicious. She set her stuff down against the door of the small nurse's office and peeked through the tiny square window. When she did, she again saw the same boy having another panic attack. What is wrong with this kid?! she thought. Her curiosity grew stronger every second she watched. It peaked when she heard him yell "The hell is that? Why the fuck did you let that into my room?" Her eyes narrowed as she scanned the room as best she could. There was NOTHING there! What was he looking at?! As the nurse approached the door, she ducked down and pressed herself against the wall hoping she wouldn't open the door. Hearing the footsteps diminish, she stood up and listened for more panicked ramblings from the boy. Hearing nothing, she began walking away. Her curiosity was so high, she decided she would ask the boy what he had seen when he came out of the nurse's office. Whenever that would be. . .
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

Member Seen 3 hrs ago


Micheal was walking around the school hearing that something bad had happened to a student but he didn't want to see or be seen stalking around the student.For now he would head to his locker getting his things and closing it looking around feeling paranoid of people could find out about him.The young punk walked pasted the nurse's office for a moment before leaving and heading towards the smoking pit near the school to have time to think.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by solokolos
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Roseburg Conservatory High School, Roseburg Oregon

The nurse's expression was that of shock and dismay, as she glanced over to the seat indicated. "But. . . There is no one there," Sif let out a shaky sigh as he glanced between the creature and the nurse.
"Oh, of course. I'm sorry, I hit my head as you know, and I'm just. . . Out of it?" He offered cautiously. She smiled, relieved and nodded quicky.
"Yes, yes of course. That makes perfect sense. I'll leave you to rest a little bit. Holler. . . Quietly this time" She said, giggling before leaving the room.
Sif's eyes instantly went back to the creature. "You're here for the notebook, aren't you? It's real."
The creature nodded slowly, it's expression not changing. "Hello there. I am Ryuk. I am a shinigami." It said slowly, enunciating each word carefully.
"A shinigami? A. . . God of death? That's japanese isn't it? Why don't you just stick to English, or Korean if you know it? I mean, if it pleases you."
The god of death nodded in confirmation, it's smile consistently on its face. As if it were painted on, though it almost was. "Are you one of the ones who will grovel at my feet? I've seen a lot of those."
To anyone spectating the incident, it seemed like Sif was talking to himself.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 6 mos ago

The librarian told her to wait a moment and quickly scanned an index card, directing her to a section of the library devoted to the topic in question. With a quiet word of thanks Elizabeth brought a massive pile of books to a table and began delving into the topic. Within moments she had forgotten about Odessa and was cross-referencing her books in an attempt to decipher the strange scrawling in the notebook. Behind her, hidden from all except Elizabeth herself, who was of course preoccupied, was a hideous monster that peered over her shoulder at the book, somehow seemingly silently amused by the human's attempts to decipher it. Some sort of sixth sense triggered and Elizabeth whirled around to see the creature. With a cry of surprise she fell out of her seat and landed on the floor.

The librarian gave her a disapproving frown and shushed her, before turning back to her own work. Somewhat sheepishly but more scared than anything else Elizabeth regained her feet and placed her books back on the table. "What the hell are you." She demanded angrily, but quietly. The odd figure shrugged. "Ichigo." Elizabeth stared some more. "And what the hell were you doing creeping on me like that." It shrugged again. "I was curious. You had my book, even if you can't seem to use it." Elizabeth started again in surprise. The book belonged to this thing? "Then." Elizabeth continued on in a quieter tone of voice. "Then, you can read it right?" The monster nodded casually, "Of course I can read it, it's mine after all." Elizabeth looked around cautiously. "You're coming home with me." She said decisively and snatched her notebook off the table and quickly began walking home. The monster behind her gave what was apparently a signature shrug and followed her, floating after silently.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Alina13
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Alina13 The Intellectual

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Changing Her Mind

As she walked away from the door of the nurse's office, she heard the sound of the boy's voice saying something other than jumbles of panicked gibberish. Having nothing else to do and letting her curiosity get the better of her, she turned back against her instinct and approached the door again. Peeking through the small window, she saw the boy sitting upright looking towards the same corner of the room he had screamed at just a few minutes earlier. But this time, he was completely calm and seemed to be talking in a hushed tone.

What was he talking to? She scanned the room extremely carefully making sure not to miss a single nook, cranny or corner. Finally, getting quite frustrated with not being able to find anything, she knocked on the window hoping that the boy would turn around and let her in so she could talk to him. She then wondered what classes he was missing because of this injury. Would he have time to talk to her after leaving the office? Still knocking, not too loudly but just loud enough that she hoped his hearing could pick up, she waited.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Melkor
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Melkor The Nerd Formerly Known as Melkor

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Boring. That’s how Akihito would describe his day. Nothing particularly exciting had transpired thus far. There was, of course, the music instructor… But that wasn’t really too much of a concern to Akihito. He didn’t have any of the man’s classes and his passing didn’t affect the rest of his classes in any noticeable way. Sure, some students were absent from class during the entire day but that was probably because they either decided to use the teacher’s sudden heart attack as an excuse to leave the school or they were spending the day with the team of counselors the school had brought in for the students and staff. In the end though, he really just didn’t quite get it.

“Mr. Osamu,” Akihito’s physics teacher, Mrs. Noel, got his attention since he was dozing off again. He sat up and gazed at her, showing that she had his attention. “Why is it that a rocket increases its velocity over time?”

He knew this one. He knew a great deal about physics… so he didn’t know why she had bothered to ask him. “Because, as a rocket approaches apogee it burns more and more fuel. As the fuel is used in the thrust-reaction the rocket loses mass and gains speed. Assuming that the motor is set to burn fuel at a constant rate, that is.” He realized why he was asked a question. A police officer was in the room, asking questions, and she wanted to show off her star pupil. Even though he had taught himself most of what he knew about the subject.

It was nothing against her, it was just that he never really paid much attention during her class. He was sure that she was a perfectly good teacher. She did this all the time though. When another teacher, an administrator, a parent, or, in this case, a police officer entered the class she’d usually ask him a conceptual question in an attempt to impress whoever it was. The officer didn’t seem impressed.

“Ma’am, would you mind if I talked to you in private? Outside.” She left the room with the officer for about thirty seconds. When she came back in she wore an expression of dread.

“Alright, class, we’re going to meet with the rest of the school in the auditorium about Gregg,” the music instructor, “apparently they’ve…” She seemed to be considering whether or not to say more. “Anyway, let’s head over to the auditorium.”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Airalin
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Airalin Cunning, cold, and cuddly

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Lyra was halfway done her last math problem when itappeared.

She screamed, falling over in her chair. It landed on the carpeted floor with a thud. There were no legs waiting where Lyra expected to find some; for a moment, she thought the bizarre creature must have been a hallucination brought on by her guilt. Then she looked up.

The creature did have legs, but they were exaggeratedly small, and hung uselessly from its torso two feet off the ground. The hideous, gray creature had wings, but they weren't moving. That meant it was levitating.

"Only two so far, huh?" it said in a gravelly whisper.

Lyra scrambled to her feet and positioned herself behind her bed, as if seeking protection. The Death Note sat on her desk, far out of reach. Not that it was useful. She didn't even know what this creature was, much less its name.

"A-are you going to kill me?" she asked, her voice shrill. The creature tilted its many-horned head back and forth as if curious, then shrugged the thin arms that were several times as long as its legs.

"Nah, I'm just here 'cause you have my notebook," it said casually, "Name's Ezerion, by the way. You can call me Ez."

"Just take it!" squeaked Lyra.

"Nah. That's not how this works," said Ez, "The Death Note is allll yours now. Use it as much as you want."

"Please don't hurt me!" said Lyra, backing against the wall.

"You got it all wrong, kid. I'm just a shinigami - a god of death. My job is just to sit around and watch until you're done with the Death Note. The real monster here... is you."
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

Member Seen 3 hrs ago


Mike was someplace else in the school deathly afraid of people finding out about the notebook,He didn't know why but ever since the Shinigami came into his life he was afraid their would be other people with the Death Note will come after him.Walking along the hallway of the high school he was darting his eyes back and forth walking pasted a few students.

He had hide the Death Note in his room in a place that would not be found,However he had a piece of the notebook because he had a plan for someone that hurted him in the past.Heading down the hallway and back to his locker opening it and trying to find a pen.Finally finding the pen and locking it before leaving and heading to his class.
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