Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Erion saw the attack coming... but instead of going and drawing his blade.... he quickly grabbed the pole with his hands and caught it.
"I am not here to kill! I said I only wanted to talk! " he says loudly, before breathing deeply as he just tries to hold the bar and force it to the ground.
"If I were to try to kill you, I would not be doing it where the police would easily find evidence. I don't want any violence here.... if you prefer.... we could just talk in a park possibly, where people would be there. "I say, trying to stay calm right now. I had to be careful with my words here.
"I have no intention of harming you, but I don't want to have you possibly hurt my friend.... you see..... everyone back there was guarding the hole to the underground, cause that party down there was trying to find a human that supposely ended up down there, to bring him or her back on the surface. My friend went with them, and I stayed in the back in case trouble were to happen...." I say, trying to keep calm.
"I know... that lizard lady shot quite close to you, but I saw how it was an accident with the grip she had on her weapon.... as well as the fact that she really.... cried a lot after I yelled.... That other monster though... that one.... I think was an idiot... Charging in like that.... ugh... if I were quick enough, I would have tried to stop him... but he took me so much in surprise... " he then says, a sad look in his face.

Celes fallowed the group as Papyrus then presented Flowey to her, telling her to ask any question that she wanted. She then heard Sans and she breath deeply. "There is one thing that makes me wonder.... how come that flower is a prisoner. I mean.... did it cause trouble before? Did it hurt anyone? And... how can a flower speak... what made him able to do that.... H.... I am talking to much I am guessing...." she then says, looking at the flower... and actually pouring some healing water into the pot.
"Sorry.... habit... I am an assistant in a Flower Shop... and plants are kinda something I am facinated about. All the different kinds of plants that exists... Every different kind of flowers and such." she says smiling. She looked towards the puzzle, and let the group take care of this, unsure right now.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KaiserElectric
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KaiserElectric Spaghetti Enthusiast

Member Seen 3 days ago

Undyne skidded to a halt as she entered the next room, her battle furor tempered somewhat as she spotted the spike covered bridge over the water. Taking a moment to pick the last few splinters from her hair, she paused to consider the bridge covered in spikes that stood between the group and the next door. Another puzzle, and no sign of the punk that kidnapped Frisk, she considered with a snarl. How far back into the Underground had Frisk been taken anyway? Were they in the ruins still, or had they moved to Snowdin, or Waterfall, maybe all the way back to the Core? Undyne cringed as she thought of the unpleasant heat of obviously named Hotlands and hoped they could find her bestie before they got that far. It was like a fridge in there, it was so hot. Her fridge, not those weird versions the silly humans use to keep things cold, Undyne thought with an offhand smirk.

Undyne was shocked out of her thoughts when the boxy form of Mettaton announced his presence as he floated overhead. Taking a moment to make sure she looked decent, since if Mettaton were here there would be a pretty good chance she'd be on camera right now, Undyne returned her attention to the spikes on the bridge out of this place. "Hmmm....hey Toriel used to live down here, didn't she?" Undyne remarked in Skyler's direction, lifting up one foot and holding it over the spikes on the bridge to see what happened. "Maybe she might have an idea to solve this problem, or maybe she already solved it!"


"C-come on guys...this isn't f-funny anymore..." Sethlan whimpered.

Slowly he trudged forward, feeling his tiny legs protest as he pulled his boots from the deep snow with every step, hopelessly lost. The wind howled around him, stinging his eyes and pelting his skin with large, wet snowflakes. Nothing was visible beyond the vague outline of trees, nothing but the bitter chill surrounding him. His chest burned, his throat was raw, but every part of him felt numb, chilled to the bone.

"P-Please...d-don't leave me here..."

A burst of wind caught the pangolin by surprise and he stumbled, landing face first in the snow. The cold shock made him yell, but it only came out as another sad whimper. The wind seemed to intensify as he tried to climb back up. He was hunched over in pain from the intense chill. Snow piled on his back as he desperately marched on.


Sethlan stumbled again as his foot caught on something and fell to his knees again, his tears falling down his face in pain. He tried to stand up again. His legs refused. There was nothing but darkness around him. Darkness and snow. He tried to move onward, crawling, dragging himself across the white field, until his legs refused to push further. Sethlan stopped moving, his limbs numb with cold and pain. Everything was dark. Sethlan was so tired...

"P-please...s-someone...h-help me..."

But nobody came.


No, wait. There was someone there...

"Ca-Can you hear me?"

I'm right here, please help me...

"I-It looks like he was hi-hit pretty hard..."

A pair of metal-coated arms lifted him from the ground. He closed his eyes and fell asleep...

Sethlan groaned, feeling his head throb painfully as he regained consciousness. Pushing himself to a sitting position, his memory of what happened came trickling back to him. He was chasing a human through the woods for...some reason. Something to do with a laser. And he was knocked out by something. Maybe a tree, he wasn't too sure. Did he run into one? Gosh he hoped not, it had been embarrassing enough the last seven times that happened. Sethlan then became aware that there were two other monsters nearby that were fussing over him. As his eyes came back into focus, he realized with a jolt that they weren't just ANY monsters, but in fact were the former king and the former royal scientist! Wow!

"Um...hello," Sethlan said meekly, hopeless unaware of how to speak to them appropriately. "I can hear you. Just got a, um, bad bump on the head. Heh, no worries, happens all the time. Got a thick skull, and stuff..." He cracked a strained smile that he hoped look like a heroic grin.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Everyone finally dispersed, and to my surprise, this wasn't the room with the dummy, no, instead there was another puzzle, one involving a spiked bridge, and blueprints. "Well, this is easy enough. Remember those light spots on the floor just before this? Well, just walk in that pattern, and I'm sure you'll be fine. I can just fly over this one," before I could fly, however, I noticed two things, one, Mettaton happened again, and two, Sans just casually flung a hurricane of puns at us. I decided to stay for just a bit, and joke with "Careful with that hurricane, Sans, it's making it hard to fly," I chuckled at my own joke, and finally flew over the puzzle, though... I almost felt like I was cheating, somehow. Aw, well, it's not like it was too difficult, anyways. I then wondered if I should have offered anyone a ride, and then recalled Chen, who seemed to be joking around, and generally being friendly to the group... which struck me as a bit odd. I'll give him one chance... one test, just to see if he's okay... I doubt he is, and... even if he passes, I'm going to remain suspicious of him, but... it goes against my better nature to just hate someone because they have a poor excuse to be somewhere. I thought as I landed on the other side of the spike bridge, and noticed that nobody else was here. I then decided to take this time to look around, see if there was anything else I could find... maybe something more about that family, maybe even something useful... who knows? Of course, I also started practicing my magic, mainly focusing on my healing magic, as it was the least destructive magic I knew how to use, and I figured it was also one of my more useful magic types... odd... despite never being good at magic, I never gave up. Most monsters probably would have, yet, I just keep trying... just the thought that I could become better by just not giving up seemed to fuel my continued practice of magic.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Major Ursa
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Major Ursa Springy Ferret

Member Seen 11 days ago

Appreciating some credit to his person at the solving of the first puzzle, the pride in him was very short lived as the puns started up again. They were never bad, just too many and too unnecessary. But, the note pun, the taller of the skeletions graciously let it go, as their human friend pointed out how bad it was. Sometimes, it was nice to have others point it out for them all to see. Quickly, he shot Skylar a quick thumb up, before turning his attention back to Celes.


Following along to see the spike bridge, which was likely an easy puzzle for the Great Papyrus…his eyes bulged out of their sockets at his brother’s latest pun. His brother could direct jokes and puns at him and his own self, but on Flowey, his prisoner! Opening his mouth for a moment, and then stopping to think, finally he pointedly exclaimed to his brother, “…SANS, I AM ABSOLUTELY STUMPED AS TO HOW YEW ARE ABLE TO COME UP WITH SUCH ACORNY SERIES OF JOKES…PART OF ME WOOD ASK YOU, BUT I WOULD BE MORE RELEAFED TO JUST LEAF YOU ALONE ON THIS! NYEH. HEH. HEEEEEEEEEH~!” Aggressively laughing at what he thought was a rather smooth counter to his brother, Papyrus charged forth with arm out stretched…and by charged forth, more like went over to ogle the water before his brother could come up with a comeback.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Sumable
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Sumable Wel to Moon Come Side. Come Moon to Wel Side, Ness

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


I smiled as I watched Papyrus look back at me and point, but my face soon went from a purposeful smile to a smile with empty eyes as Papyrus flung as many puns as possible at me. Bamboozled, I thought to myself, "Am I dreaming? My brother, after retorting how bad my puns were, just made some of the cheesiest puns that I've ever heard."
"Whats stromata? I can't help that my jokes are so corny, it's too hard!" I said, but before I got the pun out my brother had ran to the puzzle. "I can't say I photosympathize with him," I said with a chuckle. I walked to the puzzle and rubbed my chin. I walked back and around the corner and back out on the other side of the puzzle. "C'mon, slowpokes, the puzzle ain't hard," I said.


"A bump on the head? I-I think... hold on one second," I say to the pangolin. "Okay, how many fingers am I holding up?" I inquire as I hold up four fingers, thinking he may have suffered a concussion. "That was quite a hard hit..." I say to the pangolin monster. I fixed my glasses a bit and rummaged through my lab coat, searching for a bag to put ice in, if we happened to find some, to help deal with any potential inflammation.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Chen grimaced internally at the storms of puns that were being thrown, but shrugged them off the best he could. 'God you people are awful. You're lucky I need you.' Suddenly a bird monster flew over the group and spouted out the answer to the puzzle before he could say anything. He tentatively stepped on the spikes in front of him and watched as they receded when his foot got close to them. "Well I guess that's that then. I'll go first, if thats okay." Chen carefully stepped across the bridge, almost skewering his foot once but saving himself at the last second, and made it to the other side where the strange bird was.

"Thanks for the hint Mr... I don't think I caught your name. I'm Chen! It's a pleasure to meet you!" He hesitated a bit when it came to the bird's name, but stuck his hand out for a handshake anyways, smiling his usual cheery grin. 'Don't get in my way and I won't brutally murder you.'
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

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Underground Search Party-Ruins

Mettaton answered Chen, clearly glad that he was finally recognized, and someone was inflating was ego, "WHY YES I AM DAHLING! I'M SO GLAD YOU ENJOYED MY SHOW, 'COOKING WITH METTATON!'"
Skylar laughed and she warned Chen in a joking tone, "Careful, don't inflate his ego too much," She heard Mettaton let out an indignant huff at her warning. She couldn't help but laugh at David's joke as he flew overhead. She looked at Undyne and she answered her question, "Yeah, she did! Frisk did say that she led them through this puzzle..." Before she could even solve it herself (or call Toriel), Chen had already walked through the path, Mettaton and David flew over it, and Sans had taken a shortcut past it with the tiny Aria in tow. Skylar commented to Undyne laughing a bit, "Well there's no need to call her now...Let's get going,"

She then followed the path herself, leading the others who may have walked in after the solution was shown, and Skylar made sure that everyone made it across before progressing into the next room.

The next room was a long hallway. The exit was clearly at the other end, but it was hard to see due to the distance. On the left, leaning on the wall was a mirror. In front of the group, just lying on the ground, was a note. Skylar tilted her head in curiosity, and she asked "What's that...? Another puzzle from those sisters?" She walked up to the note, and she picked it up and read it out loud,

"From here to the tree,
Can you walk those miles
In another's shoes?
Enjoy this game
And see through another's eyes,

Before Skylar even realized what was happening, there was a flash of light, and the souls of the group suddenly appeared out of their bodies, and flew around chaotically, before disappearing into the bodies once again.
To Skylar, there was a white flash of light, and she had blinked only to find herself, no longer standing and holding onto the note. She noticed she was in mid-air, and she asked, ignoring how her voice sounded completely different than it normally did, "What the-?!" Before she accidentally let out a bird like squawk and fell to the ground. She looked at herself and saw that she had feathers! FEATHERS!!! She started to ask again in shock, "What just-?!"

"Ohhh Myyyy!"

Skylar widened her eyes (in surprise, and embarrassment) at the sound of her own voice...mimicking how Mettaton would speak. She looked to see her own body, and whoever was in it was studying herself, before they spoke again, "Well, this is certainly a strange turn of events..." 'Skylar's' eyes widened before asking "Wait a Magnificent Moment! What happened to MY FABULOUS BODY?!" Skylar looked to see Mettaton's body, wondering who was in Mettaton's body, and she looked to everyone else in worry.

Surface Group


Asgore watched as Alphys tended to the pangolin monster. Of course, he was upset by the fact that this monster had charged at the human girl with a weapon, but he had calmed down enough so that he wouldn't act rashly. He asked the Pangolin monster while Alphys rifled through her belongings for a pack of ice, "What is your name, young one? And I must ask, but why did you charge at the human like that?" He wanted to give the Pangolin a chance to explain himself. But if the reason was something along the lines of humans being evil, then Asgore wasn't going to show the Pangolin mercy.

Town of Ebbott

Annie panted heavily as she tried to move the pipe from Erion's grip, only to find that she didn't have enough strength to make it budge. She had no choice but to listen to what he had to say, her breathing slowed and eased away from the panicked cadence. As she listened, she stared at Erion in the eyes, allowing him to spot something strange. Her irises had turned red, but as he continued speaking, the red faded and allowed Annie's eyes to return to their normal eye color. She sighed and dropped the pipe, and she answered him, "OK...OK...Fine," She then growled warily "But if you try anything, then I will fight back," For now, she was willing to give Erion a chance. But she was still worried that his monster friends would still come after her. Her body was still somewhat tense, as though bracing herself to run or fight again.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Erion looked at Annie as he then saw the red parts of her eyes. He looked confused a bit. It felt weird for him. Although he didn't really ask too much about it.
"See... look, if they do try anything to hurt you without reason, I will stop them, promise." he then says, tapping a bit his fencing sword a bit.
"That monster that actually did try to attack.... I think I can take him on anyway... but still... I hope you understand those monsters are not evil." he adds as he start walking out of the halley, calmer, but keeping an eye on her. He did understand why she was having issues trusting those monsters anyway... He then though about something.
"Although... there is something I noticed... why did your irises... seem to have changed red back there. Never seen that before." he says calmly.
"I don't mind if you don't tell me. It's just something I noticed." he adds.

Celes moved forwards with the group, and then saw Skylar go to read the note. She was wondering what was written there until a bright flash blinded her. She stared longly afterwards as she was not at the same place. She looked around confused before seeing.... herself? She looked at her and saw that she was merely bones now.... what happen next? Well... let's say she screamed.
"What happen! Why do I look like a skeleton! What is going on!" she yelled, breathing heavily, although just feelign the air moving around her... bones. This felt so wrong, as well as the fact that she felt like a male right now. God...

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Yeah, nice to meet you, Chen. My name's David," I responded, rather dully, as if I didn't really want to introduce myself to him... I then hesitated as he held out his hand, but, shook it anyways. Sans appeared after that, and, unfortunately, I didn't have enough time to talk to him away from Chen before everyone else started moving on to he next room. I followed, flying, as I usually do, however, a few moments after Skylar read the note, the room was filled with a bright white light. My soul was visible, so I assumed it was some sort of magical attack, and, thus, I tried my best to dodge whatever was coming my way... it faded, and I didn't seem damaged, so I assumed I did a good job until... I noticed something. I wasn't breathing! I tried to check for any sort of pulse or heartbeat, and... nothing. Was I dead, somehow? No... if I was, then I wouldn't be able to see, let alone hear... myself? "WHAT IN THE WORLD IS GOING ON HERE!?" I asked, though, my voice sounded familiar, it wasn't my own... wait... was I... somehow... Mettaton? Mettaton, himself was in Skylar's body, that much, I could tell just from how he spoke about his fabulous body, but... I couldn't tell what happened to everyone else. I then remembered something... now, I was the one monster guaranteed to be in shot for... whatever it is Mettaton's doing... and, while I would normally just stand there, stuttering, I eventually came up with, well, something, I guess. "SHOCK AND HORROR! IT SEEMS AS IF EVERYONE'S BODIES HAVE BEEN SCRAMBLED! WHAT WILL BECOME OF OUR UNDERGROUND CREW? STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT FABULOUS EPISODE!" I tried my best to sound like Mettaton, and the speakers really helped with that, especially when I made them play his theme song, though, inwardly, I was more scared than I've ever been in my life... I then shouted to 'CUT', and 'END SCENE'... but nobody responded, for some reason...

I then remembered something... that means someone's stuck in my body now, and... whoever they are, they aren't happy about it. Thinking I was off-camera, I tried my best to use the one wheel that Mettaton uses to move closer to... whoever it was. I was about to say something, but, I decided to use a grey attack just to see their soul, first. Pink... so... they're human... but, somehow, I don't think Chen's soul is pink... I thought before finally saying "Alright, I know it's hard, it's kind of hard for all of us, please, calm down... now, if you ever need to attack someone, you should have fire, and lightning magic, of course, you can also heal. Now, I've never actually chosen a shape, but, um, I've heard it's easy? Sorry, getting off-track, but, don't worry, I'll try to help you in any way that I can... Skylar," I thought about giving her a thumbs up... but I remembered that this body, in its box form... didn't have any thumbs, so, I settled on giving her a pat on the head, instead, and saying "Come on, we got a couple bosses to convince,"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Chen's vision went bright and he felt himself flying towards where he believed Sans' body to be. He figured that he was about to tackle the bag of bones, albeit unwillingly, and felt comfortable knowing he was about to body check the pun slinging annoyance. Everything stopped and he blinked a few times. He rolled his shoulders and did a quick rundown of his body to make sure he was fine and froze when his hands reached his chest and he realized how big everything was. Everything was most certainly not fine. His cheeks reddened as his hands lingered a little too long on his now feminine chest and he quickly took his hands off and stuck them as far away from himself as he could.He then realized that he was in what appeared to be a skeleton's hand and shivered. "Whom is holding me at the moment?" He squeaked out as he observed many of the other body switches.

The bird was in the robot, the goat was in the annoying skeleton, but who was in the dangerous skeleton was the real question. 'GOD DAMN IT! I WAS SO CLOSE TO BEING IMMORTAL, YET BY PURE BAD LUCK I GET STUCK IN A BODY THAT'S EVEN WEAKER THAN MY OWN! I WILL TEAR THOSE LITTLE BRATS APART LIMB FROM LIMB! BUT THAT WON'T BE THE END, NO! I WILL THEN BEAT THEM TO DEATH, WITH THEIR OWN LIMBS THAT I TORE OFF!' Chen raged on the inside, on the outside he merely tried to pull off the most scared and pathetic face he could make. Being so tiny certainly helped things on that front at least.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sumable
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Sumable Wel to Moon Come Side. Come Moon to Wel Side, Ness

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

As I saw the blinding flash of light, I tried to teleport away, but alas, I was far too late. By the time I had gone to teleport, I was already catapulting into someone else's body, and when I was able to move again, I looked down and saw blue fish scales. I looked up and I then saw that everything happened to be flat. And then I promptly fell to the floor, overcome by the immense weight on my arms and such. I slowly moved myself up and looked at where I used to be, and I saw Aria in my... er... whoever had my body's hands, and I squinted. I smiled and shook my head as I realized who it was by the horribly fake expressions. I knew it was Chen. "WelL--" I began to say, coughing hard. I wasn't used to actually speaking with a voicebox, I was more used to just making sound with an explainable magic. I look way down the room, seeing that it was quite a lengthy hallway, with some type of column at the end. I slowly took a step and fell down yet again, deciding to stay on the floor for a few minutes.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KaiserElectric
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KaiserElectric Spaghetti Enthusiast

Member Seen 3 days ago

"Okay, how many fingers am I holding up?" Sethlan blinked, lifting up his goggles with his free hand and squinting to get a better look at the former royal scientist's hand.

"I count...four!" Sethlan concluded, looking somewhat pleased with himself. Slowly, he started to push himself up to a sitting position, his head swimming from the sudden change in elevation as the scientist looked for an icepack in her voluminous lab coat. He was pretty sure he might have had one as well, so he started digging around in his tool belt for one, idly looking about to see where his sword had run off to.

"What is your name, young one?" the former king asked Sethlan as a couple extra muffins fell from the pangolin blacksmith's bag. "And I must ask, but why did you charge at the human like that?" Sethlan was a touch perplexed at how he would answer and tried to buy himself some thinking time by haphazardly stuffing a muffin in his mouth. As he chewed, he pondered his next words carefully. He of course knew about King Asgore back from when he lived in the Underground. He had spent a lot of time with the captain of the guard back then, and she always spoke highly of his gentleness and kindness. Any other day he would have bragged about what a talented fighter he was and how much he'd done for the forces of good, but even in his shell-shocked little head Sethlan could tell that Asgore wasn't exactly happy with him being there, so he decided to embellish only a teensy bit.

"My name is Sethlan, your majesty!" the pangolin announced, puffing out his chest heroically. "I heard about Frisk going missing so I came to help save him. I didn't intend to attack the human of course, but I thought she had attacked me first, so I went in to heroically subdue her! I almost caught her but I guess she...outmaneuvered me." He turned a bit red at these words, hoping he hadn't been nearly knocked out by something demeaning like a low-hanging tree branch.


Peering over Skylar's shoulders to read the note, Undyne only got up to something about a tree before a bright flash suddenly obscured her vision. She made a small irritated noise and rubbed her eyes, her irritation distracting her from the unusual texture of her hands. As her vision restored itself, Undyne peered around the hallway suspiciously for anything amiss, but besides a few of her companions looking confused at what had happened nothing seemed too suspicious. The first indication that anything was amiss was when Papyrus started screaming. Turning to look up at him, Undyne wondered what he was so-

Wait, since when was Papyrus TALLER then her?

As Undyne stared up at him, she noticed something odd about her hair and pulled it down to get a better look, only to find that it was an inky shade of black instead of its usual red. With a shock of horror, she realized that 'her' hand had changed too, now a pale shade of white instead of its usual blue! Eyes widening in horror, she suddenly became acutely aware of how different her body felt now, how the clothes she was wearing didn't feel like her usual jacket and jeans anymore. She wasn't her usual awesome self anymore, but what WAS she?

The mirror! Rushing as fast as her weaker legs could carry her, she sprinted past her confused friends and dove for the mirror that was lying on the ground. Looking into it, she saw not her own face but that of a scared looking human, the blue-eyed human boy Chen.

"Noooooo...." she whimpered, pulling at her unusual new hair out of anxiety. "I'm...I'M A WIMPY NEEEEEEEEEEEEEERD!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Akayaofthemoon
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Member Seen 18 hrs ago


Aria had been a little quiet, trying not to let her disappointment about nothing working to restore her size bring the others down. It was kind of nice just having someone to carry her around and teleporting was pretty much the coolest thing she had experienced for sure and probably wasn't a pleasure most got to be a part of or even witness but that didn't change how she felt. She listened as Skylar read the mysterious note, not having much time to think on the matter before a flash of light blinded her and caused her to blink a bit. She had no idea what just happened but suddenly she felt different in many many uncomfortable ways. Instantly she noticed that she was big again but she felt different in a completely terrifying way, she wasn't breathing and didn't feel a need too. It caused her to stiffen a bit and felt nervous to even see what she had ended up as but her eyes shot instantly to what was now her hand as she heard her own voice speak asking who was holding them whoever was now in her body and by her guess she was thinking Chen. Aria felt the raw power that was Sans and was a bit leery on trying to fiddle with it even to talk but she had no other choice. The now skeleton opened her mouth a few times with nothing happening as she tried to attempt to make it work when she finally managed to after a couple of tries. "The person who's body you are now inhabiting." she answered. This was just wrong in so many ways. She wanted to be big again but losing her skin and organs to do so and turning male was not what she had in mind while praying.


Flowey's nerves had been grated on and grated on. The only pleasant thing so fair was that Celes seemed to love watering him or giving him attention which he wasn't going to turn away if he could somehow manage to use her. That dumb skeleton was just getting in his way! What did he have to do to get rid of this bane on his existence?!! He just rolled his eyes at Papyrus's speech on what EXACTLY he had done to be forced in this pot but that was a story he didn't need to hear again and tuned it out. It wasn't until the flash of light that he brought his attention back from his thoughts only to bust up laughing at all the idiots. This was definitely an improvement if he ever saw one."Well, isn't this just delightful. You all have never been more entertaining." Flowey stated before turning to look at however was now holding him."So, who is my new guard dog for the moment hm?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Major Ursa
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Major Ursa Springy Ferret

Member Seen 11 days ago


Taking a moment to just internally be horrified at his own use of bad puns...for goodness sake, Sans had started with a plant pun, and Papyrus had devolved it into trees! Clearly spending much time with his brother had effected him as such, as much his presence had caused his brother's improvement and motivation at puzzle solving. The Great Papyrus really did need to get back to cooking, or training, but of course after finding his best friend Frisk. Finally pulling himself away after mentally assuring himself that he just needed to focus on Frisk, Frisk, Frisk, the taller skeleton followed along just in time to see the flash, and...

Instantly, he was standing at another point in the room. Yelling out when he realized something was encasing his body, the skeleton seemed to have little problem using his new vocal chords. Almost a natural at it, really, go figure, "BWAH...?! Wait, this is not my voice!" Higher pitch and feminine, it was only when he lifted his arms, saw the fur, and full over at the realization of his sudden bodily heaviness linked to the encasing...FWUMP, "What trap is this?! Not only has my glorious voice been changed, but I have been wrapped up in some form of full, fluffy, tight fur coat! What has happened?! Has such a devious and confusing trap befallen everyone els--are all of you, my adventuring friends, brother, a-alright?!" Just kind of flailing on the ground, prone, confused in the body of a female boss monster...this was quite blatantly the best situation a certain human could have had when it came to besting a boss monster, if they hadn't ended up in a completely vulnerable state themselves. Picking up on the other's yells of confusion, and finally had enough sense to turn his head from staring up at the ceiling, to see what was going on with everyone else.

"Nyeh?! Is that a clone of the very Great me?! Do I have enough spaghetti for both of us to share? Wowie, should I ask him on a date?" Exclaiming this and snapping an arm out to barely point at the tall skeleton, though he let it flop at the strange heavy, something sensation of raising it...and in fact, after all that long-winded speaking, his chest started to rising and fall more as air seemed to rush--"AH, is this...that thing...humans and non-skeleton...or ghost...or elementals do? B-breathing?!" Taking a moment to just breathe, pant, the boss monster's eyes going all big and starry at the younger skeleton's new experience, after a moment his eyes wandered off to his clone. Taking a real long moment to admire the greatness of his clone, who started screaming, though no doubt though would adapt quickly to the situation as only the Great Papyrus would...it was then that it became blatantly apparent that everyone else was confused as well, though of what he didn't quite understand.

His brother seemed to be quite alright, but when Undyne coughed and fell over, Papyrus in Celes body yelled out, "Undyne, what has happened?! Is there yet more traps to overcom--and--n-no, Flowey, my good friend and prisoner! I, the Great Papyrus, am still your designated guard...! Once I...get...UP...I will certainly be able to guard...and carry...you ALONG!" More flailing, and breathing, and upset huffs. The boss monster's eyes started to water, and then a series of blinkings had to occur once Papyrus deduced the necessity to blink, instead of it's use to be slightly more expressive.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

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Underground Search Party-Ruins

Skylar easily noticed how everything descended into chaos as everyone reacted to the fact that they were in someone else's bodies. She looked to Mettaton's body when he spoke, and tried to turn off the camera. The real star who was in Skylar's body rolled the girl's eyes and informed David, "Sorry dear, but the only cameras here are in the eyes, and you can't turn those off," Mettaton seemed to be somewhat irked when whoever was in his body went over to David's body and spoke to them, ignoring Mettaton.

Skylar looked to David when he spoke to her and she smiled (or...at lead she thinks she's smiling...she really wasn't sure considering the beak), and she answered David with a nod (ignoring the fact that he was petting her on the head), "Right, thanks David," She then answered his suggestion, "We should help the others," She looked to the others as they screamed, and she noticed how two of them were lying on the ground, like they weren't used the weight. Celes spoke like Papyrus, so that led her to believe that Sans was in Undyne's body.

Skylar stumbled a bit over to Sans, and she offered a...talon (she's not going to get used to that) and she asked him, "Need a hand?" She didn't notice that Mettaton had walked on ahead.

Surface Group


Asgore looked at the Pangolin awkwardly but intently as he waited for the answer. He didn't seem to mind that the Pangolin had stuffed a muffin into his mouth. He didn't think of the gesture as a rude response...He simply figured that the Pangolin was hungry, and happened to be well prepared. Asgore wished he could offer tea but he didn't have everything he needed to make his famous Golden Flower Tea. After the Pangolin, Sethlan, had finally answered, Asgore relaxed. He answered awkwardly, "Ah, I see. Well, I'm relieved to hear that this was just a misunderstanding," He then became a little serious again and he told Sethlan and Alphys, "Still, I believe it would be best if we find Annie and Erion, and we apologize for our actions, as well as help prove that our friends are down in the Underground," He had looked at Sethlan pointedly at the mention of apologizing.

Ebbott Town

Annie walked with him out of the alley but she remained silent when he reassured her that the monsters weren't evil and that he could fight off the one that charged at her earlier. When he asked about her eyes, she raised an eyebrow in confusion and skepticism, "What are you talking about? Irises changing color is completely unheard of-" She stopped herself. She had a look of realization on her face for a brief moment, before she shook her head and she shrugged it off, telling Erion, "I don't know. It's probably nothing but a simple trick of the light. I've fallen for it before..."

Annie looked tense when she trailed off again, like she had accidentally brought up a terrible memory involving said trick of the light.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

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Erion just looked at her, not sure how to take this. He knew she was lying.... but why would she be doing that right now? One thing for sure, she did not seem to want to talk about it. He breath deeply as he moves.
"If you don't want to talk about it, it is fine. Like I said, it is something I noticed. Heard and seen weirder things before." he says calmly to her as he moves, but still look at her.
"And with how the world changed with monsters coming out of the underground, not much surprised me as much anymore." he says sticking his tongue out just a bit.
"Lets just see about talking to those monsters from before. I think they got some apologies to give you for how they acted..." he then says to her, still rather calm right now. Although something in him told him to stay on his guard... to make sure that she doesn't do anything stupid... or attack him cause of said secret? He just didn't know what that meant, but it was better to leave her be. Maybe she would tell him later on when he gains a bit more of her trust. But right now, he had to just keep moving.

Celes was wobbling a bit as she was getting use to her new body, still with Flowey in her hands right now. She looked down at the flower, and frown a bit.
"Ugh... and I am guessing my magic changed also..." he says as she then try to concentrate towards a wall... only to have bones appear from the ground and strike the wall.
"Yup..." she says, worried. "I really hope this isen't permanent... I really hope I can go back into my own body soon..." she says as she then stabilize herself as she moves slowly, before getting the hang of it. She just had to work on her new center of gravity right now, which was different then her own body. At least she didn't land into one of the humans, cause then she would have had more trouble probably... Or maybe not? She was unsure. She moved forwards.
"This will probably be really weird for Frisk if we find him... or her in this state." she says
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 1 yr ago

After helping her, Skylar suggested that we go around helping the others, and I couldn't really disagree with that. She made a beeline over to Undyne, who I assumed was Sans, given that the body wasn't used to its own weight, and Papyrus already spoke... as Celes. I wheeled my way over there, something that I'll never really get used to, and I offered to help Papyrus up, saying "Here, I'll help you up," As soon as he grabbed my metallic hand, I lifted the body that Papyrus was currently inhabiting, and turned my attention towards Papyrus' body... which was wobbling around, and throwing bones around. "Careful, Celes, and please, calm down a little, alright? It's only temporary. At the very most, we'll only revert to ourselves after we convince the twin bosses to undo their magic... but, they said 'till the treee', so... maybe once we find a tree down here, we'll be good," normally, I would have healed Celes after that, just to help calm her... but, Mettaton happened to lack that particular variety of magic, so I had to make do with offering her a glamburger™, as, for some reason, Mettaton had a few of these stored away. Maybe he kept them here for commercials, or maybe he actually CAN eat, and prefers eating food cooked by his own employees... for some reason. After that was over, I noticed that Mettaton, himself, decided to leave the group. "I'd stay longer, but... I need to go find Mettaton... er... I mean, Skylar... um... no... Mettaton in Skylar's body," I left the glamburger™ behind, and made my way over to where I assumed Mettaton was. "Mettaton? Look, I know it's hard, but we all have to deal with this... I mean, look at me, I'm petrified of cameras, and yet, I ended up in your body... which means that I'm always ON camera," I called out. I didn't know whether or not he could hear me, but I honestly hoped he could.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by KaiserElectric
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KaiserElectric Spaghetti Enthusiast

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With a roar of anger that sounded almost comical in the human boy's voice, Undyne slammed her (relatively) tiny fist into the wall out of anger at what was going on, only to end up with very sore fingers and an unharmed wall. Undyne stared at the offending boundary, her right eye twitching madly. Breaking stuff was her favorite way of relieving tension, not counting cooking, fighting, hanging out with Papyrus, working out, or pretty much anything involving Alphys in some degree, and it was incredibly frustrating knowing that the wimpy human body couldn't even leave a mark on a simple solidly constructed stone wall. On a whim, she wondered how her bestie Frisk would have done to solve this problem.

The answer was obvious. Frisk would have done their very best.

Undyne's anger melted away in an instant when she thought about Frisk. Undyne hated to admit it but...no, Undyne would freely admit that...she missed the little punk that tried to be her friend after Undyne tried to kill them. Everyone missed Frisk of course, that's why they were all down here stumbling around in each other's skin, but for Undyne at least, the bond the two shared was special. She remembered how she had chased the human through waterfall, how she tried to kill them only to be lured into a trap...and then how the human saved her. Undyne didn't understand why Frisk had saved her, and to be honest she still didn't understand. If the roles were reversed Undyne probably would have dealt the blow herself, but the human had not only spared her...they tried to become her friend. Undyne never met anyone, let alone a human, who had ever done something like that.

Undyne pounded the ground with her fist, lighter this time so she didn't smash the poor human's fingers again. Being a wimpy human stunk, but Undyne wouldn't let that stop her. She was going to fight to save Frisk, no matter whose body she was in! Her spirit renewed with the confidence that she would save her best friend no matter what, she felt her heart fill with...with...RESOLUTENESS!

Or something like that. Dictionary later, Frisk now!

Ridiculously confident once again, she took a quick look around and easily spotted her own body lying on the floor. While most of everyone else's swaps were somewhat of a mystery to her, whoever had Undyne's body looked particularly lazy just lying there, and there was only one skeleton she knew was that lazy. Thus, she marched over to Sansdyne and picked up her own arm, attempting to drag him/her to their feet.

"Come on Sans!" she insisted in the comandeering tone that could only belong to the former Captain of the Guard. "Frisk still needs saving, and since you're stuck in my body, YOU have to be the muscle, bub!"


Sethlen quailed under Asgore's pointed look at the mention of apologizing, wishing he could have crawled into his bulky Buster Jacket like a turtle and just hide for a bit. He wanted to say he was sorry at some point, of course, but did it have to be so soon? Couldn't he have an hour to prepare himself? Or a day? Or a month? Several? Ten years? An eternity? That last one would be great.

"R-right, apologize," Sethlan mumbled. "A-after all, heroes like me always...er...apologize for their actions?"

Smooth as always, Sethlan. Smooth as always.

"Well, thanks for helping me after all of that," Sethlan said, forcing a bit of genuine sincerity into his voice as he scurried to his feet. "Anyway, if we want to find the girl we should...hey, there's my sword!"

The pangolin darted to a pile of leaves close by, a glint of shining steel poking out from under the colorful blanket of foliage. Rooting around in the pile, he gripped the handle and somewhat clumsily extracted it from the pile, swinging it overhead in one fluid motion and depositing it in the scabbard on his back. He turned to the king and the royal scientist, his confidence restored along with the familiar weight at his back.

"Well, let's go find the human so we can find out what's going on up here!" Sethlan said, taking the charge and marching swiftly in the direction he assumed was the town.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Major Ursa
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Major Ursa Springy Ferret

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The bird was offering up a talon to his fallen friend and captain of the royal guard, Undyne, and Skylar seemed to be posturing quite brilliantly while talking to another. The mighty Papyrus clone went off, while—taking a hand that was held out to him by the very solidly built figure, and being hauled to his feet, his eyes shone. Standing on his two legs, heavy, for what felt like the very first time, he held up one furry finger as if lecturing, “Oh, thank you my cool, celebrity acquaintance…and, that is not Celes, that is Papyrus 2.0—” And then the boss monster pitched forward, faceplanting on the ground and taking a small bit of damage.

Just sort of staying on the ground for a moment, quiet…well, breathing loudly like previously, eventually a loud exclamation burst forth, “NYEH!!!!” The boss monster’s face looked quite intense as Papyrus hauled himself up to his hands and knees, before wobbling back into a stand, both arms were held out to steady this, “Nyeh…heh…” Wobbling, watching his legs…wait, was he wearing clothing over this fursuit? Hmmm…these pieces of clothing seemed familiar, along with this voice, but also…how was he not sweating? Right, skeletons didn’t sweat, but it felt like this effort was causing him to sweat. But, such distractions were truly unimportant! The taller skeleton needed to get his baring and then find his best friend, Frisk!

Scared of moving forward along with the rest, as he felt he’d lose balance where he still, and embarrass himself, he waved to the others wide…and nearly fell over, before attempting to use his magic on the ground just ahead of him. Bones should have shot out quite spectacularly, but instead dirt rose and then fell, much to his shock, “W-What is this?!”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Guardian Angel Haruki
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Guardian Angel Haruki The Healer

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Underground Search Party-Ruins

Skylar answered Celes as she helped Sans up with Undyne telling him to be the muscle, "Probably not, judging from the letter," When Papyrus asked what he did in Celes' body, she answered "I think you just used some of her magic, Papyrus..."

Mettaton, who hadn't made it too far away from the group, considering that he was in Skylar's human body (and apparently walking on fleshy legs was slower than just rolling on a wheel or flying around). He stopped when someone in his body approached him and seemed to be trying to calm him down. He raised both of Skylar's eyebrows in surprise for a moment, before smiling a bit and he said with Skylar's voice, "I know, Dahling. But it's really not what you're thinking. I'm not too shaken up about this. If anything I could've ended up with worse..." He then continued seriously, "No, I just...can't help but feel like I need to move forwards, and keep going no matter what. But I'm not sure why...."

After taking a moment to think about it, Mettaton gasped and shouted "OH! I KNOW WHAT IT IS! SKYLAR IS IN DESPERATE NEED OF A MAKEOVER!!!"

After helping Sansdyne up Skylar heard what Mettaton (or Mettasky in this case) said, and she turned to him in shock and confusion, asking with her voice in deadpan, "....What?" Mettaton continued, ignoring Skylar, "OH YES! SHE'S IN A FABULOUS DOCUMENTARY THAT IS CURRENTLY FILMING AND SHE'S ILL PREPARED FOR SUCH AN ADVENTURE THROUGH THE UNDERGROUND! THESE DRAB CLOTHES AREN'T GOING TO CUT IT! I MUST CONTINUE ONWARDS! I'LL MEET YOU GUYS FURTHER UP!"

Skylar stared in shock as Mettaton ran ahead laughing, and she asked before she started shouting after him, "What?! NO! METTATON WAIT!!!" She groaned after he had completely ran on ahead, and face palmed David's face with a talon. She groaned with dread, "I'm not gonna survive whatever embarrassing makeover Mettaton has planned for me, am I..."

Surface Group


Asgore noticed how nervous Sethlan suddenly became at the mention of going and apologizing to Annie. He nodded and answered his thanks with a smiling, "You're welcome," His smile disappeared when Sethlan found the sword and put it back in his sheath. He didn't like the idea of Sethlan carrying the sword around but he didn't speak up. He then said to Alphys and Sethlan, "Well, shall we go?" He then led the way, and as he walked, he told Sethlan, "Just think of this as a dental appointment,"

Town of Ebbott

Annie looked to Erion when he mentioned that not telling him was alright. She nodded in response and she muttered as she continued walking with him, and staying behind him, "Right..." She had raised an eyebrow at his comment about not being surprised anymore, she asked "Really? I mean...we still know next to nothing about monsters. We can't guarantee that none of them are liars at all. They could still have a surprise or two up their sleeves," After Erion stated that they should find those monsters and hear their apologies, Annie begrudgingly agreed with a "Fine..."

Soon enough, Annie saw Asgore's group ahead and she hid behind Erion in caution.
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