Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

Member Seen 4 mos ago

@Eklispe& other students

"You do know how to teleport. Teleport and Telekinesis are the same thing!" The Lore Master called out to the students.
She continued to put the baskets out for the students to use. She hoped that the students do their work and not play around too much.

"I'll make sure that everything is going well. I can see that you are a bit worried." Ixonia spoke as she tossed a set of baskets towards the apple trees and then another stack of baskets before levitation there herself.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Bristle scratched his head. Those weren't the same thing at all. That didn't make any sense to him. Still he followed orders, at least according to his contract. Deciding that he'd worry about it later Bristle agily clambered up the a tree and started picking apples. He tossed them down to the basket, caught them with his mind and gently lowered them in so they didn't bruise and repeated. It was like working out his muscles and his mind at the same time. At least if you could work out your mind. People always said you could but he wasn't so sure, after all wouldn't that mean that your head would get bigger? And that couldn't be healthy at all.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Ixonia went to the tree next to Bristle and she teleported the apples down to the baskets easily. Each apple landed softly inside the basket and she did not miss the basket once.

"Bristle, how are you doing up there? Are there any questions?" she asked as she tugged with hand and sent the apple down her arm in acrobatic fashion.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by CriticalHit
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CriticalHit What is your "Truth" now?

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Location: Orchard
Interactions: @Eklispe

Rylarth was confused for a second when he noticed that Bristle had taken the toy he was playing with. He was even more confused when Bristle ran off with it. He didn't want Bristle to hide it so he chased after Bristle as fast as his legs could carry him. When Rylarth had finally caught up to Bristle, Bristle was already on top of a tree. Wanting to get his toy back, Rylarth started looking around on the ground near the tree Bristle was in, maybe he had dropped it? He didn't have much luck with his search, so he approached the tree and asked "Bristle, where did you put it?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

Member Seen 4 mos ago

The Lore Master is in her cave (( @2b3heart )) as was Ixonia.(( @BlackPanther ))

The Lore Master got up to prepare for the day. She felt like yesterday went fairly well and every assigned tree was picked and stored.
"Umbra, Lady, Breakfast!" she called out as she placed the bowls on the floor. She waited for them to come to their bowls.

Ixonia was up already because she wanted to practice her lessons from yesterday. Finally, she decided that it was time for breakfast.
"Are my wonderful little friends ready for breakfast? It will be ready shortly!" Ixonia called as she began to chop the meat up a bit.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Bristle yawned and looked around. It felt like morning. Which meant that he needed food, Ark needed food, and Rylarth needed food. Bristle threw on some clothes, pretty much literally and got out food for all of them and sat on his bed. Mostly apples and some other snackish food for him. The dog and dragon food were in bowls on either side of him. Bristle wondered what they would go through today. Maybe learn some more crazy mind things. That'd be fun. Ark woke up at the sound of his food arriving in his bowl and eagerly gulped it down next to Bristle, occasionally throwing glances at his master. Bristle absentmindedly rubbed Ark's back with one hand. Life was going pretty good right now. A lot better than it had been. Well except for the whole blood contract thing. Eh, could be worse.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

Member Seen 4 mos ago

To everyone from The Lore Master

It is now time to get ready for class! Let's get busy so we can start class earlier today. I'll see you soon. The Lore Master projected to everyone.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by CriticalHit
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CriticalHit What is your "Truth" now?

Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Rylarth woke up slowly, he saw Bristle and Ark moving about the cave, but he did not feel like moving at all. He was perfectly comfortable where he was, that was until he saw the food in a bowl for him. At that point Rylarth raced over to the bowl and began to devour its contents. As he was eating he asked Bristle, "So, What do you think we're gonna do today?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Bristle shrugged and was about to reply before a piercing mental message echoed throughout his mind. "Heh, she's pretty good at that." he said quitely to himself then continued his previous train of thought, "Probably some more cool magic stuff then some more boring work stuff." He responded noncommittally. Bristle finished off his apple with a decisive crunch and got up, stretching briefly. "To adventure!" he shouted at no one in particular and started walking to the classroom again.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

Member Seen 4 mos ago


Ixonia had finished her food and was washing up from breakfast when she heard the call.

"All right now, my little ones! It is time to go!" she called out as she picked up the leashes. She wanted to try teleporting herself and them to the classroom.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

Member Seen 4 mos ago

All Students to the Main Cave for Class!

The Lore Master wasvery nervous today for she had planned to teach a few fire techniques. She could only hope that everyone will pay attention but she knew that accidents might happen. That is why she had buckets of water sitting around the cave.

Ixonia soon arrived with her two and shooed them off to the play area.

"Hey, Lore Master! Good morning. There are a lot of buckets of water around....." Ixonia spoke cheerily.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Bristle looked around curiously. It looked like they were playing with water today, maybe they were having a water fight with their brains. That'd be fun. "Alright Ark, Rylarth, you can go play around or something." he said casually and sat down and waited for class to begin.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Class time!

"Today we are going to talk about the dragons. We do not have all the types of dragons yet. They are hidden in this valley and will be released when it is time.
and I will give you a bit about each of the dragons.
Eggs come in different sizes depending on the breed.
Let us start with the various breeds by egg size. | -
A) The smallest is the Personal Dragon Eggs. These eggs are leathery and about a foot long with the circumference of a foot. They weigh about five pounds.
B)The next size would be The Ancient Ones. They are about a foot and a half long with a circumference of a foot. These are leathery as well. They weigh about five pounds.
C) The Water Dragon eggs are spongy and porous since the dragon will need the water to survive. They will stay in an aquarium most of the time. The eggs will be more like a ball than an egg. The ball would be about a foot in circumference and weigh 10 pounds.
D) The Land Dragons are hard shell eggs that are two and a half feet long with the circumference of two feet. They are more heavy than the other two, weighing in at 20-25 pounds.
E) The Flying Dragons are hard shell eggs as well but they are larger due to the wings. The eggs are at least 3 feet long and the circumference is over 2 feet. The weigh in at 35 pounds.

We will take each kind of dragon in turn in each section of this book.
The Personal Dragon Eggs and The Ancient Ones open their eggs by stretching their bodies until there is a hole and wriggling themselves out of the egg.
Water Dragons tend to do the same type of a thing but they do have a egg tooth to help rip open the egg. The egg tooth is lost in a few days after hatching for dragonling will not need it any longer.
The Land Dragons and Flying Dragons also have an egg tooth. It is a hard and very sharp. This tooth will be used to 'peck' at the egg until bit by bit the egg cracks open.
Always keep the remains of the egg and use it to aid digestion of the dragonling.

When you feel the call of your dragonling, go to the cave and follow your seventh sense to you new baby. Here is a list of items that you will need:
Soft blanket
Basket or cart to carry things in- maybe even the hatchling.
the first food (follow the urging of the seventh sense)
Remember to keep the eggshell of your hatchling for the times when it has an upset tummy.
Sometimes the dragonling will have upset tummies because it is not used to the new food it receives after it is hatched.
I will give each of you the recipe for tummy ailments at the end of the lecture.

The newly hatched dragonlings will be very hungry and might mistake your fingers for food so you must be very careful when feed your new baby. Like all babies they need to be fed often which is why they are allowed in classrooms when they are quite young.
All of the dragonlings must be fed ground food or minced food. Each type of dragonling will prefer to have certain diet.
Carnivorous dragonlings will want ground meat while the herbivores will want plants.
As the dragonlings grow, their needs must be met so it wise to start oiling the ones with leathery skin, brushing the furry ones, rubbing the ones with scales with a soft cloth so that any kind of debris will be brushed off and keep the dragonling's body looking and feeling good.
You will need to check their mouths for teeth coming in, becoming decayed, chipped or broken before the next set comes in. Teeth on a dragonling will emerge as they begin to be able to eat chunks of meat or able to tear the plants themselves. These teeth are considered their baby teeth. The dragonlings will be cranky and are easy to anger. Each dragon are now developing their own personalities and you can help them be what you wish them to be by encouraging some traits while discouraging and even ignoring other traits if possible. You must be patient and know not only what you want in your dragon but what your dragon can actually realistically do.
Here is the recipe for any tummy ailments.
1/4 cup of powdered egg shell
8 cups of boiling water
Boil the water then place the egg shell in the water. Stir until it has dissolved. It can be made ahead and kept for future use."
The Lore Master spoke.
"Are there any questions?"

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Freyr


Member Seen 7 mos ago

Character Introduction

The rain pelted down and the wind whipped at her clock. Ava wrapped it tighter around her body and quickened her steps. She had traveled far to pursue her dream of becoming a dragon rider. There had been rumours that they were recruiting and she had vowed that she would do whatever it took to make selection. She had grown weary of her life, working unsavoury jobs just to get by. She wanted to make something of her life and she saw this as her chance to do just that.

A light appeared in the distance and she thanked the heavens that her journey was coming to a close. She hoped there would be a room available to rest her weary body with a fire to warm her bones. Her stomach rumbled as if to remind her of her hunger. A broth would sort that, hopefully they were still serving.

She entered the inn to find a number of people dotted around occupying various table. Some were deep in discussion sampling the ale whilst others were enjoying the food. The warmth from the fire was a welcome relief. She pulled back her hood and considered removing her cloak to dry it near the fire but stopped when she remembered the bow at her back. She decided she would enquire about a room, get a bite to eat and sit near the fire to dry off before looking into the academy.

She approached the counter and flashed a friendly smile at the serving woman.

"Good eve, a bowl of broth and a tankard of ale if it please you." She said placing coin upon the counter.

Whilst she waited for her order she found her eyes drawn to the notice board across from her. She read the advertisement requesting Dragon Riders and felt relief that her journey had not been wasted.

She turned back to the serving woman to find a bowl of broth and her ale waiting for her. The serving woman confirmed a room was available and Avaline handed over enough coin for the week. The atmosphere here was pleasant and she could do with the time to recuperate before she set off for Dragons Den.

She took her room key and thanked the serving woman before heading for a seat near the fire. The broth was good, the ale better. She stared into the flames and let her mind wander. She could hardly believe her dream of being a dragon rider was so close to becoming a reality.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Sam was watching the girl and walked over to her.

"May I ask why you were looking at the Dragonopia Academy poster? If what I suspect, then you will be served some stew and bread. Your coin will be returned and you will be given a room on the house. " Sam smiled at the girl. He was a kind soul as long as he was treated well.

"'Night, Sam." a few guys spoke as they left for their rooms.
"Night, gentlemen. Sleep well. I expect the Lore Master will arrive soon enough." Sam spoke as he nodded at the men.
"Indeed, she will, indeed she will." was the last words.

"Hey Bessie! Bring something more fit for this lass, will ye? A bite for myself as well and you had better be bringing your dinner too. I'll pour the mead." Sam called out.
"Sarah, bring the lass her money back. She has the back bone of a Dragon Rider."

Sarah sullenly brought back the money for the food and room which she was about to keep.

"Mind yourself girlie." Sam spoke sternly for she was apt to overcharge and keep the extra for herself.

Sarah turned away after placing the money on the table.

"Now tell me if I am right or what?" Sam spoke gently to the newcomer.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Freyr


Member Seen 7 mos ago


Avaline became aware that someone was standing next to her. She pulled her attention from the fire and turned to see a man smiling at her. She acknowledged his words with a smile.

"You would be correct in your thinking. I have always dreamed of becoming a dragon rider so when I heard that the Academy was recruiting I knew I had to apply."

The man seemed friendly and she motioned for him to take a seat.

"So, if you don't mind my asking, why the interest in my curiosity of the Dragonopia Academy? Are you also looking to apply?"

She watched him interact with the men as they left and came to the conclusion that he was well known and respected here. His words reached her ears and she felt intrigued.

"Lore Master?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.

He appeared to know the staff well and this only confirmed her suspicion that he was a frequent visitor to the inn. She watched the exchange and smiled at his comment about her having the back bone of a dragon rider. She was thankful for the stew and bread as the broth had not satisfied her hunger.

Avaline was flattered by his words and actions but she couldn't help but feel wary. Her past experiences had taught her that she couldn't trust people on face value alone. Even so she wasn't the type to be rude and she would always give people a chance to prove her wrong. So far the man appeared to be genuine and she forced herself to push her concerns to the back of her mind.

"I thank you for your kindness. I admit I was not expecting such generosity." She replied with sincerity.

As she said the words the sullen face of the serving woman came into view and threw her coin on the table. Avaline was taken back by her attitude but said her thanks and collected the coin back into her pouch.

"I think we may have just upset her." Avaline said with a smirk. It then occurred to her that she didn't even know the mans name.

"How rude of me. I've just realised I haven't even introduced myself. I'm Avaline, but most people just call me Ava."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

Member Seen 4 mos ago


"Nay, lass." Sam laughed.
"I'm too old and crusty for that kind of work. I am the manager of this Inn which is run by and for The Dragon Riders. Bessie is my wife and Sarah is a young woman who tends to overcharge to make sure that she gets a good tip. So don't worry about her. I will be sending her off with the men when they go. This will be her last night working."

A loud clash of a metal tray followed by crashing of glass shards as Sarah ran off to her room crying.

"She also eavesdropping. Excuse me while I clean up the mess." Sam hurried off to get a broom an mop.

Soon Bessie came out with the food. She shook her head then spoke.

"FOund her overcharging again?" Bessie spoke.

"Yep. Either she goes with the travelers or on her own but she is done working under this roof." Sam spoke as he finished the cleaning.

"I agree. She is hopeless in the kitchen. Now come and eat." Bessie spoke as she took the tray to the table.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by twannyman
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twannyman TwentyTwaaaaaaan

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Gabanre was back to his starting point of this adventure, the inn. When he stepped in the inn he saw a new poster for the dragon academy. He did greet the innkeeper with his normal humbleness and said: "Hello there once again, the lore master is on her way, i was send before her. Are there any interessted people in the inn?"

The innkeeper nodded pointing towards a young lady. Gabanre knew that he maybe could do something.

He walked towards the young lady and asked her:"Can i take this chair" as he bowed towards her, after that he asked: "Are you interested in the Dragon Acedemy?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Freyr


Member Seen 7 mos ago

Ava covered her mouth to stifle a laugh as she watched the serving girl run from the room. She watched the interaction between the man and his wife and could see that this was not the first time the serving girl had tried to pulled the wool over a customers eyes. She looked up and smiled at the wife as she placed the bread and stew down in front of her. She was about to tuck in when she heard a voice.

She gave the man a questioning look. It seemed everyone was keen to talk to her here. She wasn't sure if it was something to do with the dragon academy poster or that they were a bunch of nosy locals intrigued by a new face.

"I am and yourself?" She replied cautiously.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by twannyman
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twannyman TwentyTwaaaaaaan

Member Seen 1 hr ago

"I am Gabanre Charis, student at the dragon academy together with Glaedr." "pleased to make your acquaintance. I have noticed some interest in the Dragon academy from the innkeeper here, it was about you. If i am bothering you please say so and i'll take my leave."

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