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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by DFA
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Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Claire's face fell as she heard that someone had taken her order but at least they enjoyed it! Leo quickly assured her he'd make another one for her as he took her payment. He seemed pretty eager to make this one drink the best he'd ever made. "Oh no worries! Please take your time."Claire stood at the pickup counter while he prepped her order. At the same time, he greeted another customer who she recognized from yesterday. It was the one who charged into the meeting, and out as well.
Speaking of the meeting, Claire remembered not seeing Leon yesterday. She observed him talk to the customer and offer several items that were violently named and werent listed on the menu. They must've been specials, Claire figured. After giving his customer a few moments, Leo finished her order and added a generous helping of french toast (a sweet surprise!) before offering it to her.
"A Lion's promise, with side of French toast." He coolly proclaimed. Claire looked up as he approached and her attention was then drawn to his lavender eyes. Eyes that seemed to swirl with power and a certain determination mixed with defiance. His eyes reminded her of a field of lavender which soothed the souls of those suffering. Yet it seemed that this bed of lavender was hiding something benesth the surface. Dark circles were permanently embedded umder his eyes and Leo looked drained but right now there was a certain warmth radiating from his being that welcomed her. They had locked gazes and Claire wasn't sure if he was doing the same searching as she was...
It felt as if the world had slowed down around them. The buzz of voices from all in the cafe turned into faint hums and everything moved in slow motion.

"I like your eyes." Leo suddenly blurted, his voice very clear compared to the background voices.

"Huh!?" Claire's world resumed normal speed. A blush slowly colored her face but a small smile soon formed afterwards. "Jeez Leo, that was so lame!" Claire softly said, giggling to herself. "I like your eyes too..."She replied. As Leon tried to excuse himself, Claire reached out and tapped his arm. "Let's talk in a little bit, whenever you're not busy." she quickly said before grabbing her order and choosing to sit down with Artemis.

"Hey. Good morning!" She greeted Artemis.

@Cubix @Eklispe
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 6 mos ago


Alex give a mini fist pump. He wasn't sure why he was excited to spar with someone when as far as he knew sparring involved hitting each other. But Alex had always liked the thought of being a good fighter and personally thought he could more than handle himself if it came down to it. Regardless Alex quickly dressed in his usual outfit and jogged to Clarice's location, arriving relatively quickly. Breathing slightly more than normal he strolled into the building and quickly found her, walking over. "Hey Clar, what's the plan?" The diner was remarkably crowded, he recognized several of the people from the meeting he had briefly attended. Was this some sort of champion hotspot? Eh didn't really matter, they probably weren't going to stay here for long anyway. Unless Clarice felt like recruiting more people for their sparring session that is.



Artemis watched the flood of familiar faces with some surprise. Had this been arranged as a meeting place after she'd left? It seemed unlikely that anything else could be the case. The purple haired boy seemed to be examining the exact spot the body had been not much more than day ago. She didn't recognize him but his odd behavior was good evidence for being another one of the league. Before she could contemplate futher Sam entered. Artemis was unsure whether she should initiate conversation but the question was answered by Sam quickly coming over and explaining that her point still stood but she didn't want hard feelings. Artemis thought about it for a few moments. Yes she had been angry, but it hadn't been for much of a good reason and there was certainly no reason to hold a grudge.

"Your point seems to be fair." Artemis resisted the urge to bring up that she had been through the stress of all this league business, seeing a murder, being questioned, having her lifestyle verbally degraded, and nearly been the victim of extreme burning, but that would've seemed as though merely excuses, as they were. "I would like to remain friends. Your honesty is refreshingly brutal, though your language is a bit strong for my tastes. So, still cool?" Artemis asked in a somewhat lukewarm attempt at being cheery and placed down her drink, extending one hand for a shake on the subject. Afterwards Claire took a seat with her own cup of refreshing liquid. "Ah, Claire, good morning. Fueling your caffeine addiction that has doubtless become stronger since you earned your wings I see. Are you going to ask Leon on a date?" She asked curiously.

Artemis did not miss much, including the staring contest between the two and the whispered comment, though she hadn't heard the words. Artemis wondered if she should bring up the fact that Leon was also a champion, certainly it would make Claire more inclined to boyfriend him if she knew he shared a similar situation. It seemed Leon also recognized Raze given his remarkably passive aggressive actions. Artemis wondered if the two of them would engage in the cafe. Then there was the man with the cigar Liam followed into the cafe. The first thought that popped into Artemis's mind was, But Graves can't have a cigar. Of course the odds were low of that being that case but the thought was still mildly amusing.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by twannyman
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twannyman TwentyTwaaaaaaan

Member Seen 24 min ago


Gabanre awoke in his true form after a long, long sleep. He had been playing League of Legends till midnight.
He had a feeling of loneliness in him. He had the feeling that there were more people like him. He knew only one that was Liam. And thus he decided to call Liam. And so he did.
He took out his iPhone and called Liam. he asked him where he was and if he could come by
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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@Kiroue@DFA@Eklispe and the others in the diner/wifi cafe

Clarice smiled as she saw Alex walking into the diner. He seemed to be breathing just tad heavily than normally one should. Did he run to here? She sighed and chuckled softly at the look of him as he approached her. At his words she did raise an eyebrow though.” Clar? Is that supposed to be my nickname from now on?” She asked him, her eyes narrowing kind of menacingly, before she smiled.” Sounds fine! It sounds better and normal in comparison with my last nickname actually.” She said with a smile, not really getting into details.

“The plan is for me to take you around town to one of the abandoned warehouses and see what you are made of.” She said with a playful wink, standing up from the table she was sitting and patted his shoulder.” But with all those crows I'm not sure it's a good idea to do that. It's possible someone might be using them to also gather information. A more secure place would be better. My garage is somewhat bigger than a boxing ring, it should do nicely, especially since it has no windows and is heavily isolated..." She avoided mentioning the fact she kept her guns in a secured locker there."Besides we can always go to another location if some more people decide they want in on the fun too~."

She then walked towards the small group of other champion... users? Incarnations? Hmm she wondered what they all really were in reality. Pretty interesting question actually, but one for another time.” Alright guys and girls, anyone wanting to join my small sparring session?” She asked Sam, Artemis, Liam and the others.” I plan to give him a run for his money, anyone else wanting to take up on the challenge?” She asked with a smile.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by VKAllen
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VKAllen Friendo

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Ebenezer Moore

Salty. Metallic. Key characteristics of the taste that is blood. The taste abundant and rich suggesting that this was intentional, torturous. The kind of experiments that push the boundaries of Science. Cause is inconclusive, but it could be assumed that some sort of sadist of blades were the suspect. Has this gone and shown that humans are just incapable of enduring extreme pain? Needs more research... The man rose back and hauntingly wraithed himself between the cashier and the other humanoid.

"A murder case, huh? What funny business goes down this joint? Clowns running around with blades?" He grinned. "I'll order one ham-and-cheese croissant with one licorice macaron." He dove his hand into one pocket and hands a note over to Leo. If he had went anywhere in proximity of Ebenezer's hand, a short lightning shock would ensue before he turned his back. "No butter, please."

He passes through the smoking blonde man, tipping his derby as he passes him; "Jolly good day to you." @Leolycan He shoos away the murder of crows gathering by a nearby outdoor table and sat down with an old pipe and tobacco lit up with sunbeam concentrated upon a magnifying glass.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Adalrod
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The door to the cafe opened and Moritz stepped into the building. He looked as if he had not gotten a lick of sleep the previous night, his eyes bearing dark circles and his black hair scraggly and poking up in all directions. Moritz obviously didn't care how he was dressed, wearing purple and black pajama bottoms with an Arctic Monkeys shirt covering his torso. Behind him trailed a small purple voidling with a collar around his neck, the leash held loosely in Moritz' right hand.
Moritz lifted his head, blowing the hair out of his face. His eyes locked on Raze standing in line with a cafe employee standing behind the counter in front of him. Staggering over to the man bearing Hecarim's powers Moritz cut his way through the line, meeting the protests of a few people in line with half-hearted apologies. Once Moritz got through to Raze he gripped his arm with fierce determination.
"How do you deal with it?" Moritz's voice was desperate, his eyes frenzied. "It's been one night and I am about ready to break. I know you hear it too. How do you deal with the voices?"
His eyes would hold Raze's for a second before shifting over to the man behind the counter again. Straightening his back slightly Moritz would stutter "... F-frappuccino, please. And I'll pay for whatever he's having." He gestured at Raze before glancing over his shoulder. Moritz saw the people behind him in line, some of which were shooting glares at him. "And, uh, theirs too." he flashed a sheepish smile withdrawing his wallet front his pajama pocket.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Kiroue
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Sam Cross

Sam shifted her weight from one hip to the other as Artemis declared that her point seemed to be 'fair'. That sounded good, but these words felt so neutral and tense. It gave Sam the feeling that she could never tell when Artemis meant what she said, or said it for some other reason. The way the other woman worked... it was like you could see the cogs in her mind whirling and spinning, only the action was too fast and so concealed that you couldn't tell exactly what these components were doing. It honestly puzzled Sam, but she decided she wasn't going to try and analyze Artemis too much. It was just so much easier to react to people at their face value than pick and dig at it in hopes of discovering something different.

The dragon lady began to have a little smile glide to her face as the woman claimed that she was refreshingly brutal, but on the inside, she shrunk a little at the word 'friends'. She wasn't exactly upset the prospect of Artemis being a friend, but it made her feel awkward with an underlying sense of fear. There were quite a few terms that she used and were comfortable with: acquaintances, allies, people of likemindedness, bros, work mates, or even fuck buddies. All of these terms she was content with, but 'friends' tainted her with an entirely different feeling. A flutter would stir in her stomach and a lump slowly build in her throat as her eyes would dilate and frantically roam away from the person in question. Friends was way too close. Friends would mean that they could reach out with their hand and feel tiny pores of brick or invasively finger into the cold, wet grout. Slowly they would be able to grope at it and discover the bricks upon bricks that she had laid to build her wall. It didn't stop there. Then they would feel compelled to viciously scratch and pick at the corners of the stone, chipping at it little piece by little piece, ruining the morbid masterpiece that she had nurtured for years, cradling it close around her heart. At hearing this accursed F word she inwardly inched behind her monolith, timidly peeking from behind it, like a child from behind a doorway. On the outside, Sam tried to play the absentminded use of the word 'friend' very cooly. "Uh, yeah, no problem. We're cool, man."

She was about to walk away as Claire arrived, to be interrogated on manners of the heart, but all of a sudden she felt a hand on her shoulder. Not expecting the contact, she shied away from the intruding pressure, and turned to face it. Her eyes widened and her fears were momentarily forgotten as she was acquainted with flashy streaks of electric pink. "Oh, hey!" A flirty little smile dawned on her cheeks which probably looked like the expression of grinning idiot, but whatever. "You came!" She fully turned to the other woman, seeing Liam coming through the door out of the corner of her eye. She didn't pay him any attention yet, though, all of her attention now on Vicki, who was probably the hottest thing in the room. "I figured you might want someone to talk to if you were still having a hard time with anything or just needed questions answered."

It was at this time that Clarice declared that she was inviting everyone to a sparing session. It sounded like a load of fun (though perhaps a bad idea since she was still far from having control). She would need a big space with some well controlled flammables if she did go. If she couldn't catch anything on fire, it greatly reduced her chances of winning, she knew that for sure. However, she was completely invested in the woman in front of her. Whatever Vicki wanted to do, Sam was already happy to go along with it. She just really wanted to get to know her. "Hey, what d'ya think? Fighting sounds pretty rad, but I think I'd be just as happy chatting with you for awhile." Sam's own eyes were soft with shallow infatuation, but also held the same fire as usual, making for almost a smoldering look. Even the heat around Samantha seemed to shift to match the warmth of her gaze.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by TheWinchester4

TheWinchester4 The Guy

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Raze Colter

The feeble boy finally noticed Raze standing behind the blue-haired maiden. Their eyes deadlocked for a few moments before Leo the Lion finally spoke up.

"Good morning, and welcome to Wi-Hi!" Leon greeted Raze with a grin. "So, what can I get you for you, Raze?" So, the little cretin knows my name now. "We have a new set of coffee that just arrived from Brazil. We like to call it 'Death's Wake Up Call'. It will really smack the living shadows out of you. Also, we have another one known as 'Shovel to Your Face', and it's an Arabica brew that will snap you out of your misery," Leon suggested, pointing to a newly delivered sack of coffee beans. "Your misery of drowsiness and coldness, I mean." At this last remark, Raze grinned slightly, amused by Leon’s attempts at intimidation and threatening. He’d gotten worse from some of his previous patients.

Leon left him for a few minutes to converse with the blue-haired maiden. The boy’s infatuation was painfully obvious, and his pitiful attempts at flirting with her literally made Raze cringe. Yeesh, smooth operator. As Leon left Claire to return to Raze, his once-wide grin immediately dropped to a scrunched up frown.

"So," Leon composed himself. "What poison would you like to order today? And, by poison, I mean a drink. You know... metaphors... and all..."

Raze smirked at the boy, his head slightly shaking. ”You know, I’m really glad I came here this morning. Watching you flounder helplessly with women is really funny, I’ve never seen something so embarrassing.” Raze sighed heavily and turn his eyes upward to the menu plastered on wall behind Leon. ”It’s a shame, all of these new drinks, and nothing I think that you could actually follow through with.”

Just then, a purple-haired kid slithered between Raze and the counter barricading Leon from him. "A murder case, huh? What funny business goes down this joint? Clowns running around with blades?" He grinned. "I'll order one ham-and-cheese croissant with one licorice macaron. No butter, please."

The boy never turned to face Raze, but Raze kept glowering at him the whole time, irked by his disrespect. After the purple-haired boy left, Raze turned his eyes back to Leon. ”I had an idea for a drink the other day. I call it ’Tip of the Spear.’ Catchy, right?” Raze leaned over the counter and began to whisper harshly, “The last guy I made it for basically keeled over and died. Don’t make me do the same to you.” He slid a hand into his back pocket and pulled out a black leather wallet. ”For now, I think I’ll ha-”

Before he could finish his sentence, Raze was once again rudely interrupted, this time by a stumbling young man with stringy grey-black hair with a leashed...beetle. The boy shambled into Raze, wrapping his fingers around Raze’s arm and desperately pleaded, "How do you deal with it? It's been one night and I am about ready to break. I know you hear it too. How do you deal with the voices?" It was Moritz, the one possessed by Malzahar from the day before. His eyes were wild and crazy, no more sane than a frenzied animal clinging onto its last inch of life. Raze was very familiar with this expression; he’d seen it many times on his other patients. Raze’s immediate reaction was incredulous annoyance, but after staring into Moritz’ eyes, his training as a therapist kicked in.

”... F-frappuccino, please. And I'll pay for whatever he's having.” Moritz glanced over his shoulder at the line snaking behind them. ”And, uh, theirs too.”

Raze quickly whipped out a $20 and slammed it down on the counter. Leaning his weight onto the arm on the counter, Raze stared into Leon’s eyes and plainly stated, ”One frappuccino, one Vanilla Mocha with two shots of espresso, no whipped cream. Not paying for everyone else.”

He gently placed an arm on Moritz’ shoulder and steered him towards the door. He quietly spoke to Moritz, ”You gotta keep it together. I know this is tough and is unlike anything you’ve dealt with, but you can’t let your fears scare everyone else around you either.”

As Raze and Moritz walked toward the entrance, Raze bumped shoulders with a grizzled man, rippling with muscles. Despite being significantly shorter than Raze, the man’s bulk barreled through Raze like he was a saloon door. Already irritated, Raze scowled at the jet-black-haired man as he called over his shoulder, ”Pardon me, bud." Raze could barely make out the side of the man’s face, spotting a slight grin peeking out from behind rocky cheeks bones speckled with flecks of granite stubble.

Raze turned his attention forward, spotting Liam behind the stubbled man, as well as Sam off to the side speaking to a young woman with snow-white hair and streaks of pink. To Liam, Raze gave a nod of acknowledgement, while he lifted his hand to wave towards Sam. @Leolycan@Kiroue

Moritz and Raze exited the cafe and sat down at a round, metal table colored a dark forest green with matching chairs. Raze leaned back in his seat and rested his hands on his forehead. ”Yeah, I hear the voices. I wouldn’t be surprised is every one of us heard voices.” He sat his chair back down normally and rested his hands in his lap, watching pedestrians as they passed by in front of them. ”The truth is, I don’t deal with the voices. Hecarim is always here, always sneering and ridiculing me. Sometimes, I look into the mirror and I see his skull staring back at me...”

In reality, it was every time he looked into the mirror. Raze was too terrified to look at his reflection any more. Where his own pale face should be, Raze only saw the armored, skeletal visage of Hecarim wrapped in hellfire. It had been so long since he saw his own face, he was starting to forget what he looked like.

Raze looked straight at Moritz now, his expression grim and somber. ”I hate to say it, but I don’t think you’ll be any different. Our champions are likely going to be a part of our lives forever now...the trick isn’t avoiding them, though. The trick is mastering them. Who’s in control, you? Or Malzahar?” He leaned forward now, his voice more impassioned and fiery, ”You need a goal; a purpose. We have these powers for a reason. What are you going to use your’s for?”


Vicki Victory

I figured you might want someone to talk to if you were still having a hard time with anything or just needed questions answered."

Vicki drew her arm back to her side and smiled. ”Y’know...I think that’s exactly what I need right now. Thank you.

At that moment, Clarice bellowed out to everyone inhabiting the cafe, Alright guys and girls, anyone wanting to join my small sparring session?” Gesturing towards Alex, she continued with a confident smile, ” I plan to give him a run for his money, anyone else wanting to take up on the challenge?” Vicki felt a sort of kindred spirit within Clarice. This was a woman that Vicki could definitely get along with...but now was not yet the time.

Sam turned her gaze back to Vicki, eyes both aflame with excitement and softened with compassion. The look of a person completely invested in you at that moment. ”Hey, what d'ya think? Fighting sounds pretty rad, but I think I'd be just as happy chatting with you for awhile.”

Flashes of yesterday’s events popped into Vicki’s mind. Two moments kept replaying in her mind out of everything else: the exact moment that Don flew through the shattered remains of the gym’s window, and the agonized scream of Garrett as his arm was crushed into bits between Vicki’s palm. She shuddered.

Vicki shrank into herself, grabbing either arm as if trying to warm them. One side of her mouth pursed before responding, ”I think I’ve had enough fighting for a while…” Vicki let out a few small chuckles, then continued, ”Ah, I actually fought a ninja yesterday, I think it was Zed. You left before I explained it to everyone else at the apartment.” She finished this last statement with a shrug, then sat down at a nearby table in the cafe.

Vicki beckoned Sam over to where she was. After waiting for Sam to take her seat, Vicki pushed herself to reveal her thoughts, ”I...I have to give up my old life. My old hopes and dreams, all because of these damn powers.” Vicki looked down at her clenched fists, tightening them until her knuckles were white. ”So far, I’ve only hurt people with my strength. I don’t know what to do with everything…” Vicki looked helplessly up at Sam, her face pleading for someone to save her. ”Why is this happening to us?”


Garrett Fishman

'Ah, Garrett! Glad to see you alive and well. Heard you had a rather rough visit from Megan last night. Hopefully she didn't harm you.' A sharp chuckle could be heard as he paused but a moment, 'Too much anyways. Still, we have business to attend to. There is a high-rise apartment complex in downtown Darkwell. From what I've heard, there was quite an altercation that took place- though no police were involved. I find this turn of events intriguing, and I'd like to have you scout out the area as I pay the complex a visit. I don't expect there to be any fighting, unfortunately, at this remark, the voice seemed honestly disappointed as a heavy sigh crackled through the speakers, 'Megan will meet you there. Till then!' And with that, the line went dead.

So...Megan’s her name.

Garrett wasn’t sure how he should proceed. Taking orders from someone else wasn’t his style. He would prefer to be the one giving the orders. But...maybe this is my way to that point. He looked up at tops of the buildings, scanning the entire opposite street from left to right. Too bad the bastard didn’t tell me which building it was...asshole.

He whipped out his phone and scoured the internet for any interesting reports around Darkwell. After a few minutes of searching, he found a negative review for a nearby apartment complex on Yelp, posted just yesterday. One of the upper tenants had some crazy party, I couldn’t even hear my own TV! And I swear I could smell smoke. I called the lobby, but they said everything was fine, they didn’t even do anything about it! I went up to give them a piece of my mind, and guess what I found: their door was LITERALLY broken into pieces. What kind of animals do they let live here?! Worth a shot, this might be the place.

Garrett packed himself onto a tight-fitting bus and rode down a few blocks to the given address. Upon reaching his destination, he spotted the girl that visited him yesterday, still cowering, waiting for some horrible travesty to occur. He stepped off the bus, right in front of the apartment building, and called loudly to her, ”Hey Megan. You left before you could help clean up the place. It’s still a mess. I had to move out and find a new place, there was so much damage done.” His face contorted into an angry snarl, ”You got anything to say for yourself?”

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Leolycan
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Leolycan Toward an empty white throne

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Liam failed to notice the antics of those within the cafe, falling silent as he passed by the figure now blocking the doorway. He caught a glance of the man who had been near the center a moment before, but merely gave him a nod before sitting down at a table not far from the rough looking male. Onward the stranger stood, merely looking over the tenants of in silence as a grin slowly formed upon his lips. After a few moments, another man walked through the door to enter the establishment, but was stopped short as the stranger placed a hand on his chest and flashed something beneath his duster that Liam couldn't quiet make out. It didn't take long to figure out it was good as the newcomer immediately rounded and yanked open the door before sprinting off down the street.

"Hey!" Liam shouted, pushing back his chair as he attempted to stand up, but the older man reacted faster. In a blink of an eye, an odd shotgun was produced from his jacket and aimed in Liam's direction. Before the fear could settle into the young man, the assailant fired off a round that echoed throughout the smaller establishment in a flurry of flame and shrapnel. The firey burst collided with Liam as it sent him flaying back over his chair and collapsing onto the floor with a heavy thud.

The assailant cleared his throat as the echoing boom began to dull, looking back to the crowd with gun still in hand, "Ladies and gentlemen, I wouldn't play the hero here. Just sit quietly and listen, and no one else will wind up with a bullet hole in their chest." He began to walk forward towards the others within the store before pausing and looking to Liam. Writhing in pain, Liam could be seen clutching his chest and attempting to catch his breath though his eyes remained closed. The most notable fact was there was no puncture wound on the male, rather just charred clothing and burnt flesh that seemed to slowly regenerating before everyone's eyes. "Well, that's one of my questions answered," The man said, taking a heavy draw from his cigar as he faced forward once more, "Any more 'special' individuals that want to step forward? It'll make all our days a little easier." With this, he fell silent, his gaze focused on those before him once more as he kept his shotgun aloft.

The others in the room began to panic, falling back to the walls or hiding beneath their tables. A few of them attempted to dig out there phones in a rush, though stopping quickly as the man cocked his gun once more. Now the room was cloaked in an unsettling noise of terrified whispers, accompanied by very wary glances around the room.

"I don't have all day, and I'm not in the mood for heroes. Step forward, and I might have a job offer for ya," Once again, the man took a heavy drag from his cigar, blowing out the plume as his eyes grew a bit more stern, "Don't be a bunch of damn cowards!" Any attempt to leave the room would be met with the man barring your path, and any attempt to approach Liam is met with a warning shot.


As Garret stepped off the bus, he was greeted by the sound of silence only subtly disturbed by the cawing of crows located all around him on trees and street lights. As he called out to Megan, his voice could be heard echoing down a nearby alleyway. After a moment, he could begin to hear a feminine chuckle resounding over the area.

"Oh, Mister Garret! It's so good to see you once again," the tone of this voice was completely different than the voice heard before. It was the same in tone, but laced with a heavy- almost lustful malice, "I kept counting the seconds until you'd come after us. Did you solve the joke yet?" She giggled, her form still hidden somewhere nearby. However, a slow echoing of footsteps resounded behind Garret. Turning, he was greeted with the image of a man stepping forward towards him, dressed in a full suit and tie. His hair was peppered with grey, his face clean shaven and unmarred. He made his way calmly over to Garret, flashing a wide smile.

"Ah, Garret! So good to see you. Hopefully there is no ill will against my little girl," With this, a form slowly began to appear at his side, dressed in a jester like attire with two daggers in hand and a twisted smile upon her lips. Her eyes were focused on Garret as the giggling could be heard coming from her direction. "Now, about our little visit here," The man spoke once more, his smile fading only slight as he motioned with his head to the building now behind Garret, "Merely stick close to the entrance and do not allow anyone else to enter. You're free to do what you must to accomplish this, just don't be too obvious about it." With this, the man now made his way past Garrett towards the building. It was then that Garret would notice Megan wasn't with him, her form now nowhere to be seen.

"I'll be waiting for your answer," A female seemed to whisper in his ear, with no speaker to be seen.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Kiroue
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Sam Cross

Sam eagerly watched her process of making a decision. She didn't analyze her, though, the woman did notice Vicki shutter slightly. Her eyes narrowed a little, hoping that the shudder wasn't directed at the idea of talking to her. The lady with the awesome hair then made her decision to stay and talk with Sam. Sam couldn't help but smile, already excited for the change of pace. Though, she must admit she was a bit nervous as she was awkward in many social situations and she really didn't want to screw this up. This emotion slowly ebbed as the conversation and to her concern, Vicki already mentioned having to duel a Zed. "Hey, wait. Back up. You fought a Zed and you didn't tell anyone?" She said, shocked. Sam knew for sure that they hadn't identified a Zed yet, which meant this guy was the first random baddie that she had heard of. Luckily it seemed that Vicki had been able to win, but Sam was sure that this Zed was still at large.

Vicki summoned Sam to the table and as she slid into the booth, Vicki began to vent out how she felt. As the woman went on, the punk woman found a frown forming on her face. It wasn't just that she was sympathizing with her, but the questions she was asking were really forcing Samantha to think. After all, she had kinda just rolled with the whole powers thing. I mean, she was freaked out at first, but after she got that part out of the way, the fire power seemed super fucking amazing... well, except that she had to struggle not to turn into an explosive flash fire. No, her life had not been ruined by forming abilities, in fact, it was honestly a high point in her world where she loved adrenaline and living life to the fullest. Vicki on the other hand, was sweating all the negative stuff and none of the positive. It took a long moment for her to consider an answer (which was a big deal since usually she never thought about what she said). "Well, I really don't know why this all happened, I doubt any of us do." She forced herself to look at Vicki in the eyes. The gaze that the other woman had was like a burning building, beautiful, but tragic. It was uncomfortable for Sam to keep in, but the beauty of it kept her eyes locked. "Still, if my opinion counts for anything, I think that we were given these to help." She hadn't taken the time to to think about it, but now that she had, that is honestly how she felt. "Matt says there are going to be bad people who get these powers, like Zed. They are going to hurt people, Vicki. Without us, these civilians don't stand a chance. And, who knows, maybe these evil champions aren't just the beginning." She shrugged, her hands fiddling about on the table as she spoke, making little motions with her words. "So... I guess while you feel that all you can do is hurt people, instead you're actually helping people." Sam offered Vicki a soft smile.

This was all cut off by an acceleration of events. She heard Liam yell a sharp call above the loud murmur of the cafe, which, for the first time, wrenched Sam's attention away from the woman in front of her. She had hardly turned her head before a loud boom blasted throughout the space and Liam fell away shot. Sam gasped and her eyes flashed wide as she looked at Liam sunken into himself, clutching at the wound. After an achingly long moment of shock, she woke up from her daze. Her eyes narrowed and darted back to the monster responsible. Her gaze locked on a large double barrel shot gun and a man swaggering around the establishment as the room erupted into a cacophony of screams and cowering. He looked almost pleased by how everything was going. As the man monologued, so cocky, smoking his cigar, Sam's rage rose exponentially. It hit a tipping point as the man said 'don't be a coward'. Sam shot a look full of rage to Vicki as she growled. "Wait a second, I have to go fucking deal with this ass wipe." With this she flung herself out of her booth, the temperature around her rising to that of a bonfire already. Flame began to flicker out onto her jeans and on her shirt the text, 'Foo Fighters', began to fade to flame as red scales were revealed underneath. "Who the FUCK are YOU?!" She roared at him in blinding anger. "Clearly you are a fucking idiot if you think you can walk in here, alone, shoot a guy, and expect us to cower?! Fuck no!" Her entire form was raging with red, hot fire now that began to find purchase onto some vacant chairs and tables, bringing on oppressive waves of heat. "You are in deep shit, dude, and if you want to live, you better get the hell out of here." Spiraled horns sprouted up through her scull and her gaze no longer held her eyes, but an inferno.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by VKAllen
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Ebenezer Moore

Gunshot. The next; a brief moment of silence. Inferno. "Amazing chain of events. Crows. Clowns. Now, call the Fire Department." Cigar clung to his mouth tighter than a dog's precious bone he stood calmly ghastly. The battle had begun, a woman cloaked in fire setting aflame... Well... Everything. "Shame that I can't gain more information." He shrugged to himself, passing the man despite if he was even going to give a warning shot as he strolled to the tendered man. "No gunshot wounds. Fascinating." His fingers ran through his chest, followed with shocking static electricity as he does. His expression ghostly calm and sincere in the flame of danger. "Jolly good day to you sir." He repeated. "Shall I assist you in getting back up your feet?" He offered his barehands. @Leolycan

Regardless whether or not he accepted his hand, it would be met by Ebenezer's gaze fixating towards the gunman behind him. "We're not here to dig our own Graves are we? Outnumbered one to many. What makes you think you're in the position of negotiation?" He slipped his hand behind his back, standing tall looking beneath him. "False sense of valor, perhaps? No no, some sort of twisted chivalry." He shook his own head. "You'd make a fine specimen for that experiment." The heat on-- literally. The fires continued to spread and he heard the ceiling crack at some stage. Why has he continually nurturing a curious endeavor instead of escaping this mad situation? "Watch your left, whoever. We don't want this building burying us down. As for you gunman, the chances for survival are... Less than zero."

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Adalrod
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago

”One frappuccino, one Vanilla Mocha with two shots of espresso, no whipped cream. Not paying for everyone else.” Moritz opened his mouth to protest as Raze paid for his drink, but he decided against it as Raze began to guide him out of the cafe. Moritz stumbled over his own feet at the change of momentum, a consequence of his lack of sleep, but he managed to regain his footing and keep up, the Voidling trailing behind. ”You gotta keep it together. I know this is tough and is unlike anything you’ve dealt with, but you can’t let your fears scare everyone else around you either.” Moritz dropped his eyes to the ground at that, feeling ashamed at losing control so quickly. As Raze nodded at Liam Moritz offered a small smile, and when he saw Sam the corners of his mouth turned downwards. I really should have said something when she spoke to me last night. He made a note to apologize at some point before reaching the door, maneuvering around the grizzled man in the doorway.

Moritz sat down at the round, metal table directly across from Raze. He tied the Voidling to the leg of his chair before leaning forward. ”Yeah, I hear the voices. I wouldn’t be surprised is every one of us heard voices.” That came as a shock to Moritz. Would Sam hear them too? What about Liam? The notion was hard to stomach. ”The truth is, I don’t deal with the voices. Hecarim is always here, always sneering and ridiculing me. Sometimes, I look into the mirror and I see his skull staring back at me...”

”I hate to say it, but I don’t think you’ll be any different. Our champions are likely going to be a part of our lives forever now...the trick isn’t avoiding them, though. The trick is mastering them. Who’s in control, you? Or Malzahar?” Raze leaned forward, his voice fierce. ”You need a goal; a purpose. We have these powers for a reason. What are you going to use your’s for?” Moritz sat quiet for a moment before he spoke in his trembling tenor. "The thing is I don't think it is Malzahar speaking to me." His eyes shifted to the right as he gazed at the street lamp as he wracked his brain for the right words. "I feel like when I got Malzahar's powers, I also got the dark voice that corrupted him." Lore had always been a huge part of League of Legends for him. He remembered staying up late as the download slowly ticked on just reading the champion lore. By morning he had narrowed it down to two, Ezreal and Malzahar. Something about Malzahar's background appealed to Moritz, the idea of a prophet bound for greatness slowly losing himself to a voice at the edge of his consciousness until he broke, travelled into the Shurima desert and stumbled across the ruins of Icathia. There Malzahar had become tainted with Void essence and became the Prophet of the Void. It was pretty badass when he read it, but the prospect that the same thing could be happening to him scared Moritz stiff.

Moritz's eyes returned to Raze. "You think that I can succeed where Malzahar failed by focusing on a goal?" He clicked his tongue in thought before exhaling. "I guess that what I aim to do with my powers is rather lame, but I would like to take the fight to whoever aims to cause harm with theirs." Moritz's tired eyes glinted at the thought. "Even if it is just distraction, or stopping them while others escape, I feel that is what-"

He was interrupted by a sound similar to an explosion roaring through the cafe, followed by the same familiar heat as before seeming to radiate from the cafe. Moritz stood up quickly, before looking back at Raze. The dark circles under his eyes seemed to fade as his eyes filled with determination and fear. In a swift motion Moritz unclipped his Voidling and ran to enter the cafe, hoping Raze would follow him as he wrenched open the door.

@TheWinchester4 @Leolycan @Kiroue

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Alex internally winced momentarily at her aggressive response to his nick name and breathed an equally internal sigh of relief when she was chill with it. "Sure, garage sounds good." he didn't know if it was quite a good idea to have a sparring match with someone he barely knew in an isolated location but hey, what could go wrong right? After all they were both champions. He followed her to the table and patiently waited as she issued her invitation, examining those sitting momentarily, Vicki had shown up here, along with several other people that were vaguely familiar. Before he could think any further on it a man with a shotgun caused some ruckus, the distinctive combination of shotgun, cigar, and self-confidence led to the un-mistakeable assumption that this man was graves. It seemed several other champions were distinctively ticked off at the man, but Alex was more interested in the job offer. Money was always cool and it might even pay really well given he wanted champions and all that. Sam's inferno of anger would make that a little hard though, and he took several steps back as she stormed out of the booth. Raising his hand Alex said to the man, "If you manage to get out of here alive talk to me about that job k?" and promptly took several more steps backwards and stepped into booth, both to protect himself from the intense heat and any gunfire.


Artemis's eyes narrowed slightly in concentration as Sam failed to acknowledge her handshake and began talking to Vicki. Something had unsettled her to make her so distracted and ready to move on. Odd. Any further pondering of the subject was interrupted by two individuals coming over, the larger female asking if any of them wanted to participant in some sort of champion matchup. Artemis had no intention of doing so but found the idea of watching informative and cleared her throat to speak. Then, was promptly interrupted by a gunshot and demands along with angry yelling. Graves it was. Sam immediately stormed in out fiery rage at the man and the purple haired man offered the now shot Liam assistance. Yet another person, the malzahar, suddenly ran into the cafe blindly, unaware of the gunman's warning. Rather than trying to made an action in all this chaos Artemis leaned back, gathering shimmering moonlight in a ball in her hands underneath the table, merely observing the scene. This gunman must have some sort of support if he anticipated even as many as three champions here, or had a gross overestimation of his own skills. Something else was going on here, Artemis was sure of it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Clarice was quite happy with the way things were going, up to the point where Graves showed up and shot Liam. She let out a silent sigh as the normal people in the vicinity went for cover and the others who were like her weren’t affected as much. This was a problem… seriously the way this guy acted irked her a bloody lot!

“Calm down a little… do you want to cause a mass murder with those flames and rage of yours?” Clarice asked Sam and put a hand on the draconic woman’s shoulder. Flame covered her arm, but she had summoned her gauntlet just enough to protect her arm and hide her identity from the man with the gun.” Unleash those flames now and you will really kill someone… We cannot protect all the civilians from them.” She added in attempt to force Sam to calm down a little and put away the flames before they get out of control as they did yesterday.

“That said… I don’t really like your tone… nor your attitude…While I'm interrested at what you have to say...” She said, pulling her arm away from Sam’s shoulder, her gauntlet vanishing before leaving the flame, still keeping her identity a secret.

“You see… in difference from my friends…” Clarice said, her hand moving by the nearby table, taking a glass from it and running a finger across it’s edge, before pulling the half empty bottle and pouring herself a drink. She didn’t care who’s it was right now. She took a sip before turning back to the man.”… I don’t care if I will kill you…” She said with a careless smile, the glass being suddenly thrown at the man with a flicker of her wrist as she dashed at him. One thing was that she was used to fighting melee with armed people in enclosed spaces. She using the increased speed and strength as much as she can without unleashing the armor, her arm moving just to get over the barrel of the gun, preparing to push it down or away if he tries to aim at her, her leg already arching for a high kick. She was called ‘The Iron Wall’ for a reason back in her mercenary days… that was because armed opponents in close range fights never got to hit her or the people she would protect. Fundamentally she was different from Sam… or Liam or probably most others in this place. She was used to fighting and killing…
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by TheWinchester4

TheWinchester4 The Guy

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Vicki Victory

Sam sat in silence for a few moments, pondering over how to respond. She looked out of place sitting still. "Well, I really don't know why this all happened, I doubt any of us do." Sam looked directly into Vicki’s eyes. Her gaze was laser-focused, with fiery irises blooming into crimson roses. "Still, if my opinion counts for anything, I think that we were given these to help...Matt says there are going to be bad people who get these powers, like Zed. They are going to hurt people, Vicki. Without us, these civilians don't stand a chance. And, who knows, maybe these evil champions aren't just the beginning." She shrugged, her hands fiddling about on the table as she spoke, making little motions with her words. "So... I guess while you feel that all you can do is hurt people, instead you're actually helping people." Sam offered Vicki a soft smile.

Vicki paused, shifting her eyes down towards the table, but quickly returned to looking back at Sam. Her chest tightened and filled with a homey warmth. She returned Sam’s smile with her own thankful, genuine one. “Than-”

Vicki was cut-off by the sharp bang of a gunshot. Every head in the cafe swiveled towards the sudden disturbance. The source: a middle-aged man bearing an oversized, double-barreled shotgun.

In a sudden flurry of chaos and panic, everyone leapt up out of their seats and began to flee the cafe. At the same time however, the world began to slow down. Vicki’s eyes widened as she retreated into herself.No…

So serene and bright a few moments ago, Sam’s face now burned with rage and sneering fury. ”Wait a second, I have to go fucking deal with this ass wipe.” Sam stood up from her table like some hero rising from the rubble of a great battle, cloaked in licks of red and yellow flame. Not here too…

Vicki stumbled backwards away from the gunman. Her heart was pounding from terror. Not from what the gunman may do, but from what she might have to do.

Raze Colter

Moritz turned to Raze. "You think that I can succeed where Malzahar failed by focusing on a goal?" Raze nodded in response to Moritz. He clicked his tongue in thought before exhaling. "I guess that what I aim to do with my powers is rather lame, but I would like to take the fight to whoever aims to cause harm with theirs...Even if it is just distraction, or stopping them while others escape, I feel that is what-"

He was interrupted by a sound similar to an explosion roaring through the cafe, followed by the same familiar heat as before seeming to radiate from the cafe. Moritz stood up quickly, before looking back at Raze. In a swift motion Moritz unclipped his Voidling and ran to enter the cafe. Raze shot out of his chair, knocking over the table in the process, and ran back into the cafe.

Getting into the cafe was pandemonium . Raze had to wade through a gushing river of panicked faces, then forced his way through the narrow doorway. Inside was much calmer, but the air was thick with tension. Immediately through the door, Raze spotted Liam leaning against the wall, his palm tightly clutching a bruised patch of skin peeking through a burnt hole in his shirt. In the center of the room stood the middle-aged man that Raze bumped into earlier, now brandishing a huge shotgun. The same one that Graves wielded in-game.

Surrounding him were many unfamiliar faces, as well as many individuals he had met from Matt & Liam’s apartment. Sam was already approaching him menacingly, her dragon form already fully formed. That may be a problem later… A young man began backpedaling towards the door, calling out to the gunman "If you manage to get out of here alive talk to me about that job k?"

Instantly infuriated, Raze grabbed the boy by the collar, tightly gripping a clump of fabric in his fist. Raze bared his teeth at the boy and growled, ”Are you fucking serious?” Angry snakes of green flames began to emanate from beneath Raze’s sleeves. He released the boy, simultaneously shoving him away towards the door. I’ll deal with that bastard later.

Turning his attention back to the gunman, Raze could see Clarice making an attempt to attack the assailant. He took this opportunity to attack the gunman at the same time from behind. Raze unleashed a vicious battle cry, a curtain of flames circling him for but a moment. Once the flames dissipated, Raze was revealed, now adorned with deadly, ornate armor and carrying Hecarim’s wicked halberd.

He leapt high into the air, raising his spear to thrust it through the gunman’s chest.


Garrett Fishman

"Now, about our little visit here," The man spoke once more, his smile fading only slight as he motioned with his head to the building now behind Garret, "Merely stick close to the entrance and do not allow anyone else to enter. You're free to do what you must to accomplish this, just don't be too obvious about it." With this, the man now made his way past Garrett towards the building. It was then that Garrett noticed Megan wasn't with him, her form now nowhere to be seen.

"I'll be waiting for your answer," A female seemed to whisper in his ear, with no speaker to be seen. Hmph. ‘Everything’s going to be alright.’

So far, Garrett wasn’t enjoying this arrangement. He had been given no reason to listen to this man, and now he was stuck being the bouncer. There were far better things that Garrett could be doing with his time and skills. If things don’t look up soon...I’m going freelance again.

Garrett chose a spot to the left of the front door and leaned casually against it, crossing his left leg in front of his right one. What the hell am I even looking out for?

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cubix
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Cubix A Hooded Writer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Everything happened too quickly after Leon was, figuratively, burned by the murderer's quips. A loud explosion caused by a rather familiar shotgun caused Leon to spin around, eyes locked, and fists balled at the sight of a burly man who roared at everyone to stop being heroes. "Why do we always get the weird ones?" the barkeep gritted. Now, before he could intervene, the muffin witch had burst through the tables, flames engulfing her very physique as more and more of the champions sprang to action. Honestly, at this rate, the café would be blown to pieces, and Leon without a job to support his tuition. Oh, this day was getting better and better. The barkeep reached under the counter, pulling out an old sawed-off which was specifically placed there by the owner for this particular, although not exact, reason. Then, he stepped away from the counter, standing a few paces from where most of the other customers were sitting. "Mister, I'd like you to reconsider your choice. Now, I'm just a normal barkeep, but as you can see, there are more 'heroes' here than you might have calculated. Your bullets mean shit when all of them gang up on you. Now, if you don't want my shotgun up in your ass, please leave before you and these idiots destroy my part-time job."

However, two of the champions engaged the man in combat. A woman tried to grab at the barrel of his shotgun whilst the murderer struck from the flank, heaving the ominous halberd with a serious intent to kill. Leon turned to his co-worked, shouting for him to get his ass out of the way. "ALEX! You don't want to get in the middle of this crap! Escort the civilians out!" Leon called as he tossed the lion hat aside, and opened the emergency fire exit behind the counter, and ushered some of the panicking costumers to safety. As the clash commenced, and after the civilians were gone, Leon ducked behind a few tables as the shards of combat erupted into debris and all.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Leolycan
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Leolycan Toward an empty white throne

Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Liam looked up from his prone position, groaning heavily as his flesh had all but knitted itself together. It was clear the skin would blister and scar, but the fact that he had survived the assault was remarkable, not to mention his ability to stand shortly after the blow. Using the hand that was offered him, Liam stood up into a staggered stance.

"Thanks." He forced, attempting to stay on his feet as he looked back to the gunman who had struck him. It was with a snarl that Liam's form began to swell, subtly changing his size to taller and broader than he was before. Still, he made no movement towards the gunman, rather looking about the cafe as if concerned for the others.

Despite the ensuing chaos, the gunman remained unphased. Between Leon's and Sam's outburst, he seemed almost pleased. Adjusting his gun slightly, his gaze flickered between the two as his hand opposite the gun lifted to loosen his collar as the heat began to grow within this place.

"Darlin, I'd settle that temper if I were you. I like my women as firey as the next guy, but you really need to think before you put your life on the line for these cowards." With his arms, he'd motion to the flock of innocent people that remained cowering within the cafe, "I'm offering you a chance to put your powers to good use and run this city. Hell, maybe even more if we organize well." It was with his closing statement he'd look to the bartender with the shotgun. "Boy, I'd put that way before you get yourself hurt. Leave the gun tote'n to the professionals."

It was then the man noticed Alex and his remark, giving only a subtle nod of his head in approval as another pushed his way past to Liam. With a raised brow, he watched as the boy offered a hand to the downed male with merely a chuckle and a shake of his head.

"Bunch of damned heroes and their monologues," his gaze ultimately falling onto Clarice as she began to make her move. He saw her reaching for the glass and the bottle, merely lifting his shotgun in a nonchalant manner. It was when she threw the bottle at him she'd notice something... He wasn't surprised. Merely side stepping away from the bottles path, he watched expectantly as she came near, his gun pointed in her direction the entire time without firing a shot. It was only when she began moving towards his gun that he even moved, stepping towards her within her reach as her over-arching kick approached. It was then that the kick collided with a resounding thud, having made connection with the man's free arm as he had raised it to block her incoming assault. However, the man staggered from the brunt of the attack with a slightly surprised look on his face, though still sporting a smile.

"So... You're one too. I like your spunk girly, but your an idiot." With that, another clap would resound, though this originating from his gun once more. Almost at once, what was once a clear field of view of the two fighters filled with smoke as it threatened to flood the entire cafe. Clarice would feel the pressure stopping her leg be removed, though her vision inside the cloud was next to none. She couldn't see the gunman anymore... And the sound of broken glass would echo from the darkness before her.

It was at this point the others would see the form of the gunman dashing out of the smoke towards the outside, barreling through the window with his gun shielding him from the falling shards. At first it seemed the man made his escape... Until a sudden roaring and thunderous rumbling could be heard from outside the establishment, every glass and bottle rattling with the increasing tremors. Those who could see outside would see what appeared to be a masssive red comet approaching, with someone or something massive riding the blaze.


As Raze and Mortiz attempted to enter the cafe in response to the explosion, they would hear the familiar sounds of chains jingling somewhere in the distance. In an instant, Mortiz would feel a sharp pain scrape across his cheek followed by a feeling of warmth and trickling down his flesh. It was then his gaze fell upon what could only be described as a sickle on a chain burying itself into the shoulder of Raze as he attempted to make his valiant charge. If he followed the chain to it's origin, he'd see a ghostly figure holding onto the other end several feet away, his form wreathed in a ghostly flame littered with chains and lanterns.

He wasn't the only one standing there, as he was flanked on either side by a mountainous man with an oddly familiar axe and metal jaw. The other figure seemed to be twisted and corrupted by some sick surgery and magics, his flesh tattered with stitches and sores as he stood upon four mechanical legs. For a moment, they stood in silence with no indication of moving, until the large male roared and began barreling towards the cafe just as another bolted out form the inside. The gunman rolled over to a kneeling position before running opposite the towering Goliath, now wreathed in flames as his speed reached inhuman levels.

Raze felt a sharp pain digging into his shoulder that instantly brought his charge to a hault, cutting into his flesh as a force began forcing his body in the opposite direction. Despite ever effort he made to move forward, he could move away from whatever this mysterious force is. It was then that something began to encroaching upon the back of his mind, like a presence trying to force itself inside his psyche. Ominously, the spirit of Hecarim laughed within his head.

'It's about time Warden.'


Time seemed to crawl by for Garret. Left by himself outside the building, every time he checked his phone merely minutes had gone by. There were a few passersby, but no one made any attempt to enter the complex and none dared to leave. This didn't stop several people from casting odd glances at him, some even going out of there way to avoid him. Yet after a moment, there was one young male about Garret's age, that began lounging on the other side of the street. At first he just seemed to be loitering, but soon his gaze began to focus on Garret and the building.

"Do you know him?" Megan's voice called out towards Garret's side. This time it was the original Megan, the girl clasping her hands together in front of her form as her vision was settled on the man across the way. "He keeps looking over here... Do you think he knows something?"

It was at this point Garret could hear something well up inside of his mind... Something about this man set his blood boiling and angered something deep inside him. It was almost unnatural. After a brief moment, a loud shattering and cawing of crows could be heard up above. If Garret looked above, he could see what appeared to be someone hurtling towards the ground from the uppermost floor, landing with a resounding thud down an alley not far from his position.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 6 mos ago


Alex turned away from the fascinating sight of the two girl's attempting to turn the gunman into so much red paste at Leon's shout. He nodded in response, seeing that many people were still huddled behind various counters. He made to grab a small family of three and lead them outside via the same fire exit Leon had used. Once outside the building he glanced back to see smoke billowing out of it and further away, some sort of red fireball headed towards it. "Shit." he cursed to himself and raced back inside the building to get out as many people as he could before whatever that was impacted. Maybe if those idiots inside hadn't tried to kill them man all this trouble wouldn't have started.


Artemis observed the attempts of the two females to take down the gunman and his quick, efficient response to the assault. Nodding quietly to herself she used the moonlight pooled under the table to smash through the window behind her. Then she quickly stepped out the empty frame and distanced herself, crossing the street. Upon re-examining the area she saw the building was still profusely pouring smoke. The quaking of the ground caused Artemis to instantly seek a source, one that she found in the form of a red mass about the size of an earthquake rapidly moving towards the building. Perhaps even more concerning was that further back Artemis could see Raze attached by a long ethereal chain to what appeared to be Thresh. Next to Raze was the Malzahar, Mortiz. Curious now Artemis quickly began moving towards them, seeking to find out more about the situation and perhaps rescue the two of them since it seemed they were at odds with the Thresh and Urgot. At least Artemis assumed the fleshy heap of metal and stitches was Urgot.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Trevor1001
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Today definitely wasn't Yosuke's best day. Maybe it wasn't that bad but being called into work on your day off still sucks. Now he just wanted to go back home and find something to play to try to salvage what was left of the day. All of a sudden chaos started to happen across the street causing Yosuke to take cover in an alleyway. Peering out from his hiding spot he watched what little of the scene he could without exposing himself too much. After a few minutes Yosuke couldn't believe what he was seeing. There were other champs and if a fight was about to break out things would only get much worse for anyone nearby. Yosuke put his sights onto Thresh and Urgot as he prepared to charge at them.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by TheWinchester4

TheWinchester4 The Guy

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Raze Colter

Just a mere inch away from his target, Raze felt a sharp lance of pain pierce his right shoulder. He came to an unceremonious halt in midair, followed by falling to the ground in a heap, yelling in response to the terrible pain. Raze reached to his wound with his left hand, feeling now that something was sticking out of his shoulder. Twisting his head sharply, Raze could see it now: a large, viciously curved blade was sticking into him. Attached to the blade was a cold, black chain that snaked out of the cafe and into the streets.

Before he could get a good look at its source, Raze began being dragged backwards out of the cafe by the chain, the scraping of his armor against the floor unleashed a sickening screech all around. The pull of the blade sent enormous pangs of torturous agony twisting throughout his veins. Raze never screamed so loud in his life.

The warmth of daylight struck his face. Raze gritted through the pain and turned his head to see who his attacker was, only to see elephantine footsteps thundering their way towards him. Raze flinched, raising his arms to cover his face. Fortunately, the flaming footsteps simply passed him and headed towards the cafe. Raze looked down towards the footsteps, but was unable to view anything through a wall of smoke and dust.

He turned his gaze back to his attacker. The chain snaked its way up the large sleeve of a tattered grey robe worn by a skeleton enveloped in green flames. This was, without a doubt, Thresh.

It’s about time, Warden.

The Warden twisted its detached jaw into what might pass as a grin for a skeleton and continued pulling in his victim.

”You’ll have to wait a bit longer, Hecarim!” Raze screamed out.

Through pained, grunting effort, Raze turned over onto his belly and raised his spear with his left arm. With whatever leftover energy he could muster up, Raze threw the spear at the Warden, then immediately followed it up with a move he just learned that morning: he stretched out his left hand towards the Warden and an orb appeared in his open grasp. Whisps of green light began to flow out of the Warden and towards the Spirit of Dread that Raze held in his palm.

He could already feel energy returning to him, along with the sensation of his own body beginning to push out the sickle-and-chain.

Garrett Fishman

Garrett glared across the street at the man leaning against the wall. Who the hell is this bastard? He better get going. ”Do you know him?” Megan appeared by Garrett’s side. He wasn’t sure if she stepped through the front door or not, he didn’t hear it swing open or close. ”He keeps looking over here...Do you think he knows something?”

”Dunno. If he keeps staring over here though, he’s gonna know what being stabbed in the gut feels like.”

Just as Garrett finished his threat, a window shattered from somewhere up above. Garrett looked up, only to immediately hide his face behind his arm. A hail of glass came raining to the ground, sending out a flurry of pitter-pattering and the sound of shards breaking against the concrete. A few seconds later, a muffled thump sounded in an alley next to the apartment building.

A small crowd of people was beginning to form at the mouth of the alley. Some already had their phones out, ready to get pictures. Megan turned to Garrett, her eyes wide and scared. ”Garrett, what should we do?”

He turned to the crowd of people. There was no stopping them from getting a look at what happened. Garrett then turned back to the man across the street, but he was already gone. He looked up and down both ends of the street, desperate to spot his quarry. He clenched his left fist with disappointment, then whispered to Megan, ”Go check out who the body is. I gotta stay here and make sure no one gets in or out of here.”

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