Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Sigurd


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I know there's another LotR themed RP in the Interest Checks, but it doesn't seem to be moving anywhere, so here's my first attempt at GM'ing!

Lord of the Rings RPG

Story: The game takes place in the Third Age, during the War of the Ring, roughly at the same time the Fellowship set off from Rivendell. We will be playing another fellowship with a different task in the North, led by one of the long lost Blue Wizards (the GM, AKA me), suddenly come back from his wanderings with a warning of a great Black Númenórean sorcerer mustering his dark forces in secrecy in the far northern reaches, which could be fatal for to-be-king Aragorn if the Ring-Bearer fails. The party, blessed by Lady Galadriel who is glad to see another of Istari come back, must discover the sorcerer and destroy him, before it is too late.

I plan this to be a short game, since it's my first time being a GM here. Maybe later we'll have another adventure.

This will be a cold, wintery setting, as you can tell from the geographical location, with towers, caves, woods, orcs and beasts.

It is a casual game, so no dice rolling. You don't have to post big passages, one or two paragraphs should do. I made the CS a bit 'complicated' simply because I am feeling (shocker...) a bit nostalgic, but don't think about it too much, it's mostly there for the old-school aesthetics, although I will pay attention to your actions and items during the game.

GM: I am the only magic user in this game, since I believe that gives the party a cozy Gandalf feel.

Important: If I missed something, made mistakes or contradictions in this, please let me know so that I can fix them. Suggestions are encouraged, too! And if this doesn't work out the way I imagined it, we can always have a regular game with regular character creation system. Just let me know.

Specials: Doomed to die...
Specials: Smithing and crafting
Specials: Night vision and far vision
Specials: Small and sneaky

Note: Dwarves and hobbits can only ride ponies. Dwarves and hobbits cannot be hunters. Dwarves cannot be rogues.

*Because I don't want to 'nerf' hobbits too much, all weapons will be smaller in scale for hobbits, so no worries when getting weapons and armour. :-)

Fighter (Shieldmaiden if female and from Rohan)
Armor: Any
Weapons: Any
Specials: None
Restrictions: None
Starts with: a backpack, a week's worth of rations, small tent, whetstone, bandage x 2.

Armor: Any
Weapons: Anything, as long as it's not two-handed
Specials: Animal taming, tracking, and scouting.
Restrictions: You are not as good in close-range combat.
Starts with: A human/elvish bow and quiver, a small tent, a backpack, a tinder box.

Armor: Cloth, leather
Weapons: Knives, daggers, throwing knives, short sword, slingshot
Specials: You can pull off insane stealth, climbing, evasion, and put targets to sleep, too.
Restrictions: You are not as good on the battlefield unless you are stealthed.
Starts with: 25 meters of rope, a hook, a single torch, lockpick x 5, dart dipped in sleeping poison x 3.

Armor: Cloth, leather
Weapons: Knives, daggers, throwing knives, short sword, staves, small axes.
Specials: You know all languages of all the fractions we encounter, which can be useful.
Restrictions: You may not be taken seriously by NPC's at first, if they have no love of art. :-)
Starts with: A musical instrument of your choice, a pen, five sheats of paper, a flask of wine, a back pack.

Character creation sheet:

(please list all you bought and your starting, defaul class equipment!)
Background story:

Each class starts with some preassigned items and chooses other items from the list. You can take as much as your money limit allow you.

Starting money: 100 sp

Equipment list of things you can buy:
Backpack x 1 5sp
Blanket x 1 15sp
A week's worth rations x 1 15sp
25 meters of rope x 1 10sp
Hook x 1 10sp
Tinder box x 1 5sp
Chalk x 5 5sp
Pen x 1 5sp
Paper x 5 5sp
Oil (one bottle) x 1 10sp
Torch x 1 3sp
Tent x 1 15sp
Large tent x 1 20sp
Whetstone x 1 5sp
Lock pick x 10 10sp
Vial x 1 5sp
Flask x 1 5sp
Lantern x 1 10sp
Mirror x 1 5sp
Bandage x 3 15sp
Wine (one flask) x 1 5sp
Small pot set (one set of two: one small and one medium pot) x 1 15sp
Large pot set (one set of three: one small, one medium, and one large pot) x 1 20sp
Empty scroll x 3 3sp
A small sack x 1 3sp
A large sack x 1 6sp
A handmade walking staff x 1 5sp

Equipment list of weapons you can buy:
Knife x 1 10sp
Dagger x 1 10sp
Short sword x 1 15sp
Elvish short sword x 1 20sp
Long sword x 1 20sp
Elvish sword x 1 25 sp
Two-handed sword x 1 30sp
A staff x 1 10sp
A polearm x 1 15sp
A spear x 1 15sp
A sling shot x 1 10sp
A manmade ax x 1 20sp
A dwarf-made ax x 1 25sp
A humanmade two-handed ax x 1 30sp
A dwarf-made two-handed ax x 1 35sp
A mace x 1 20sp
A two-handed warhammer x 1 35sp
A manmade bow with a full quiver x 1 25sp
An elf-made bow with a full quiver x 1 30sp
Throwing knives x 4 12sp

List of armour you can buy:
Cloth armour 10sp
Leather armour 15sp
Leather elvish armour 20sp
Mail armour 20sp
Mail elvish armour 25sp
Small wooden shield 10 so
Large wooden shield 15 so
Castle made Gondorian shield 15 sp
Rohirrim wooden shield 15 sp

Everyone gets a cloak for free, the colour is of your choosing.

List of transportation means you can choose from, free of charge:

A saddled pony
A saddled horse

List of transportation means you can buy:

Horse from Rohan 50 sp
...which does nothing, just looks nice. :-)

Note: You can share items with members of the party as well.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by jumpadraw


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

This sounds like it may be interesting. I call dibs on the bard class.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sigurd


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Let's see if we can get at least two more people. And there can be people of the same class, too. No need for dibs.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Sigurd


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I hate to bump threads, but...
@Ghost Queen@Gate Keeper@Pirouette@zaga2575@jumpadraw@mattmanganon@Tsar Gatto@Sherlolly

Perhaps you're all interested in this one as well, seeing how you are all up for @zaga2575's game, too. It's a different type of RP, though, but why not do both, ey? :-)

@jumpadraw and I can have a two-player RP, if nothing else. :-)
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pirouette
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Pirouette Ghoul

Member Seen 7 days ago

Oh wow. Very thorough.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by POOHEAD189
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POOHEAD189 Warrior

Admin Online

Might be interested
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pirouette
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Pirouette Ghoul

Member Seen 7 days ago

Specials: Night vision and far vision

Since you'll be going for a "wintery" setting, I believe you should include the fact that Elves walk on top of snow instead of trudging through it like Dwarves, Humans, and Hobbits.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Gate Keeper
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Gate Keeper

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Need a rogue hobbit?
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sigurd


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Oh wow. Very thorough.

It could have been worse... :-D
Might be interested


<Snipped quote by Sigurd>

Since you'll be going for a "wintery" setting, I believe you should include the fact that Elves walk on top of snow instead of trudging through it like Dwarves, Humans, and Hobbits.

Yeah, interesting suggestion. Legolas did that himself, and I forgot. That will be added as the ''Fuck Gravity'' perk.

Need a rogue hobbit?

Always. :-)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ghost Queen
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Ghost Queen Hi Ho Everyone

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Mankind, special ability... Death. But yeah, I could get into this. Posting for me is going to be weird for a good couple days since I'm in the middle of moving.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Sigurd


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mankind, special ability... Death. But yeah, I could get into this. Posting for me is going to be weird for a good couple days since I'm in the middle of moving.

That was a joke. Tolkien left men with free will, that's their special ability -- to make what they want of their destiny... Before they die. They're doomed to die fast, but that's why they thrive all the time.

It's cool, I wanted to wait for a day or two before starting anyway.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ghost Queen
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Ghost Queen Hi Ho Everyone

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Some nit picky thing but if this is setting is in a pretty cold, snowy than clunking around in metal anything is pretty inadvisable. This seems more like a fur and leathers type setting, just my two cents.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sigurd


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Ghost Queen
I did think about fur, and we will have it, it's just that we'll acquire it in a different way along the way. Don't worry about it yet. I got it covered.

Also, It's up to you to describe your character's appearance. Armour items I listed are not the only things you'd wear. You have to wear something under it and/or above it. As I've said, the CS is more of a nostalgic touch for me, you can be creative while making a character, although I will pay attention to the item choice during the game. You can bring fur office you wish, of course. But if you forget any type of armour you'll have a bad time when shit hits the fan.

It's not like it's a north pole setting. It's, imagine, like the surrounding area od Winterfell in the first season of Game of Thrones with some snow falling now and then. It's the area where Dunedain rangers scout and all that. For the beginning, that is. Later it will be super cold and fur will come into play.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ghost Queen
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Ghost Queen Hi Ho Everyone

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Alright, cold but not life threatening yet. Just having a point of reference is good for me.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Gate Keeper
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Gate Keeper

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

So all classes must purchase armor, and all classes except hunter need purchase weaponry?
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Sigurd


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

So all classes must purchase armor, and all classes except hunter need purchase weaponry?
You can buy whatever you want.

You can go butt-naked if you want.
I don't see why, though, as you'll freeze to death, get riddles with arrows etc.

As for the weapons...
I left the warrior without a starting weapon because you can make a fighter of different types: swordsman, brawler...
The same goes for the rogue and the bard, who only gets an instrument and not a weapon, so that you can choose your own way of being those classes (as long as they fit the typical class characteristics, of course).

The hunter starts with a bow because hunter cliché.

I forgot to add shields, will do now.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sigurd


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Gate Keeper@Ghost Queen@Pirouette@jumpadraw@POOHEAD189
I am letting you know that I am most likely starting this on Monday.
2x Thank Thank
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Tombprince
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Tombprince Torn from the void between the planes.

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Posting interest, have to have a read and choose a class/race (it will be something not yet chosen.)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sigurd


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Posting interest, have to have a read and choose a class/race (it will be something not yet chosen.)

Glad to have you on board!

Post in the OOC thread when you make the character. Here's the link: roleplayerguild.com/topics/125569-the-..
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sigurd


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

We're starting this tomorrow, so in case anyone else wants to join, I bump!
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