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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Kafka Komedy
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Kafka Komedy Bearer of The Curse

Member Seen 4 mos ago


Resistance HQ
Early Morning

As soon as the foreigner grabbed her wrist, the Deku woman was incredibly tempted to redirect his force and allow his face to get acquainted with the ground. But that would most definitely jeopardize trade operations, so she simply struggled slightly to let him know that he was being incredibly stupid. As soon as she let the both of them go, she disregarded him with a sneer and began to walk over to a table near her. A man too, walked up to the table. He looked like a sheikah, from what she had seen of them, but his outfit seemed almost reminiscent of Yuri's dreaded enemy, the Kokiri. Still, she was sure he was just a sheikah with odd taste and didn't bring anything up, instead focusing on the note he placed on the table, and the soft glow of the triforce on his hand. How many people had a piece of the triforce? Were the pieces drawn to one another? Would the resistance even need her piece?

She quickly read the note. A trade caravan was under attack? It was lead by a fellow Deku, no doubt. She wondered idly if people like these were able to take on 25 others in a combat. Her thoughts were interrupted with the booming voice of Gerik, who 'asked' the foreigner to stay and wait for the rest of the platoon. He also said that he was 'in no mood to babysit' so if Yuri wanted to sell her Piece of Wisdom, she'd have to wait until the discussion after the mission. She sighed in disappointment. She should probably help these guys out. She doubted that they would survive without her, and even if they did, she'd have to wait until they got back to reason with Gerik. It certainly would be more interesting to follow the soldiers, and she was sure there were going to be spare weapons able to be refurbished and sold at a later date. Still, she wished she had the good fortune to have been smuggling knives of some kind.

While the woman was absorbed in thought, it appeared the ninja had brought the group bread. Yuri smiled a tad, before breaking off a piece and stuffing it in her mouth. She hadn't had breakfast yet, so she was very glad for it. "Many thanks, sheikah. Do you have a name? I'm Yuri, the merchant. I've traded with this resistance a few times. I wouldn't be surprised if that staff you have there was brought here by yours truly." She rambled. Hopefully he was proficient with said staff. She was unsure how well this little mission was going to go.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

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Location: Oasis, Resistance HQ
Interacting With: Yuri

The young Sheikah smiled broadly at his new acquaintance, then promptly shoved a large chunk of date bread into his mouth. With hands now free, he hefted his resin bonded Deku Staff, regarding Yuri's assumptions on the item. He shook his head slowly, motioning to imply a far distance. Though it would be bad form to reveal to the exact nature of the item (let alone functionally impossible without getting pen and paper involved), any close inspection of the staff by someone familiar with either Kokiri or Sheikah craftsmanship would reveal clues atypical to an otherwise standard tool of its kind. But it would have to be a close inspection.

Still chewing, he returned his flexible but solid wooden pole to its previous resting spot. For half a second, the nonvocal warrior caught an expression, as if his brain just hiccuped and he had forgotten something obvious and pressing.

A look of realization crossed his features. He shook his head foolishly, stark white hair swishing noiselessly about his eyes. With a careful flourish, he held a hand out, palm up, in front of Yuri. A small black cricket hopped from his sleeve onto his outstretched hand chirped twice, and turned to look back at the Sheikah. In response, the Sheikah looked to Yuri, pointed at the cricket, and then at himself. He repeated the process, nodding.

When he was sure the message got across, Cricket retracted his hand and sliced off another chunk of date bread. No sense marching and fighting on an empty stomach, after all.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zeroth
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The Stalfos' sword rang on his shield, and he feinted to make it raise its own. Then he spun and ducked, his blade sweeping through the beast's leg and shattering everything below the knee as if it were made of dust. But in the process, his own blade, already chipped, snapped near its middle. He paid it no heed; as the Stalfos fell down he surged up, driving the makeshift dagger under and through its chin, all the way to the hilt. The broken blade burst through the top of the leering skull, and the unholy light in its eyes died away. He couldn't wrench his blade back out, and let it fall with the monster.

"Sir!" the voice rang out, and he turned. But the sun's glare was strong, as strong as it might be in the desert lands--fitting--and his face was hidden by the flare as the younger knight looked up at him.

"He's heading for the Temple of Time, sir! We have to stop him!"

"We will." A voice that he couldn't place, his own. "Stand strong--we'll regroup in the square, and make a push towards the temple!"

"Ugh, he's heavy..." said one of the two Shiekah following Rath. It was rare for them to ever complain, but it had finally happened after carrying the Knight's unconscious form betwixt them all the way from the Colossus to Oasis. Though he still gripped the ReDead Knight's sword like a vice, the rest of him had gone limp as a rag, and combined with the weight of his powerful form and the armor over it, it made him a burdensome load indeed.

"Oasis is just over the next dune. Careful--if he gets near one of the other fragment bearers, the resonance may wake him. We don't know how he'll react yet." Rath instructed them. Wearily the other two readjusted their grip and heaved the Knight up once more, his black armor growing hot on their hands in the sun.

They entered Oasis now, and headed straight for the headquarters. The refugees and rebels out and about on the business of their daily life stopped to stare at the black clad figure. What manner of monster corpse had Rath brought back? But then, someone saw the crest of Hyrule emblazoned upon the armor, and realized of course that it was armor, and not scales or hard skin. A Knight of Hyrule? But with armor so black, and an appearance so tattered, and the other Knights all dead or fled...could it really be? The rumor mill began to grind, but Rath paid little attention to it. Instead he approached the headquarters, taking note of a second knight--this one of a foreign land, Labyrnna. If Rath recalled, he was one of the few who held another piece of the Triforce Fragments. The Shiekah held out his arm to stop the other two in their tracks, but it was too late.

The Knight's right hand began to glow. So did the crystal shard hanging around Sigurd's neck.

The Knight, splayed on his back across the backs of the two Shiekah, did not move at first. His visor, gone dark, simply stared up at the sun. Then the fearsome red light from within awakened, flaring up like a fire brought back to life from blackened coals.


He suddenly kicked out, and pushed on the backs of those holding him at the same time. As they stumbled forward he vaulted to the sand, sinking and stumbling at first as his feet met the unexpected surface. He turned in circles, head making wide sweeps, as he took in his surroundings. The desert? Gerudo?! HIS people!?

"GAAAANNOOOOOOOOON!!" The first intelligible word, yet it too came as a roar of rage and hatred so intense it shook his own armored plates.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Oasis Resistance

Sigurd simply stood patiently outside of the headquarters, leaning against the wall beside the doors, watching the horizon. Despite dire circumstances calling everyone to action and soon to depart for the fortress, based on the noise inside it was rather cheery. Suppose especially during dark times such as this, some light-heartedness was needed most. He silently stood outside waiting for the commander to signal that it was time to go, as it seems most everyone was here.

He stood up straight. A curious sight on the horizon, entrance of the village... At first it looked like a Sheikah patrol dragging some kind of monster based on the black heap, but as it got closer, he recognized that this was in fact a person, or at least, shaped like one. As soon as they got close, the person was then identified as a knight, based on the armor. It was black, charred, or corrupted, but one thing stood out, still gold and brilliant was the symbol of Hyrule, if not a little scratched, identifying him as a Hylian knight. Just what did they make those Hylian armors and shields out of...?

Sigurd immediately took a battle stance out of habit, grabbing the hilt of his giant blade on his back, ready to bring it out as the black knight struggled, and let out a primal roar. The first intelligible word he spoke was "Ganon", albeit a lot louder and stressed. Ganon... Yes he knew who that was, as did everyone here. The dark lord that caused this chaos and ruin. So his enemy was Ganon as well. Even as the knight simply yelled, even Sigurd felt it, the fury and hatred... At the same time though, he felt a golden light and warmth around his chest... The piece of the triforce was reacting? He spotted a golden glow on the knight's hand... Did this knight have another piece as well?

"Hold knight! We are not your enemy...", wherever they found this guy, he seemed to be quite insane. Was it wise to bring him here? Maybe it was... He may have a piece of the Triforce after all. What was with today... One after another, people with a piece of the Triforce showing up... Still. If they could reason with this knight, he may prove a valuable ally in a fight in the future...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zeroth
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The Knight stopped and turned, facing Sigurd in a half crouch. When he saw the man's hand on the greatsword's hilt, the Knight growled deep in his throat and flexed his claws. But the man insisted he was not an enemy. And the Knight felt...drawn towards him.

He held up his right hand. The warmth of the golden triangle shining there seemed to spread into him, calming and soothing. He looked from Sigurd, to his hand, then back to the other knight. Then he caught sight of the glow coming from Sigurd's own triforce piece. And, from within the building behind him, the Knight felt...others. As more pieces were gathered, the resonance grew stronger, as if the fragments were calling to each other, echoing the cry back and forth.

The Knight finally stood straight. He lifted the ReDead's sword, and turned it towards Sigurd. Still his throat bubbled with a barely constrained, bestial sound.

Then, whirling the blade, he performed the traditional Knight's Salute before using the bandages wrapped around the weapon to lash it to his back, in a manner similar to Sigurd's own.

He turned and started towards the HQ building. He still moved in that half crouch, as if he were a big cat slinking through the jungle. His head turned from side to side, and snuffling noises could be heard from inside the helm. He approached the door to the building and, after reaching out tentatively and looking over his shoulder, pushed it open.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Oasis: Resistance HQ

The noise out front could be heard by those gathered in the meeting room inside HQ. The term "Meeting Room" was a bit gracious; it was a smaller room adjacent to the main, featuring a sizeable table, chairs, maps and the like. It was serviceable for its intended use - in this case being the briefing of information pertinent to their mission at hand and storage of light goods. Hoping the disturbance outside was unrelated to the business at hand, Gerik raised his voice slightly to reassert his monopoly over the attentions of those present, wrapping up his orders in a gruff, businesslike manner.

"The Gerudo have kept us secret and safe for a while now. We need to return the favor. Twenty-four Moblins, one Lizalfos. Caravan under attack, right at the Fortress gates. The chests behind you contain skins of good, clear water. Tale as much as you need, and beat a hasty path to assist our benefactors. Time is a factor."

The Commander stood and moved to the door, opening the wooden portal and holding it there, waiting for those present to file out. He didn't have to wait very long before a hulking, obviously perturbed mass creaked the main door slightly ajar, and then slowly open. The mass is in dented and blackened armor, carrying a sword of questionable origin on its back. The form didn't seem overtly hostile, but Gerik wasn't going to let a minor detail like that keep his stomach from twisting into a knot and adrenaline lance through his veins, telltale of his combative instincts kicking in.

The hulking creature was followed quickly by Rath and a small contingent of Sheikah. Probably more than this place had seen at one time in quite a while; the Shadow Folk were something of an endangered species at this point in time, thanks to the efforts of the man they had all come together to oppose. Gerik relaxed just a little, and quietly spoke to Rath.

"Is there something we need to discuss, Rath?" he questioned. The Shiekah chieftan nodded. Apparently, they were all quiet in varying degrees. He crossed the room to join Gerik, exchanging low tones with the veteran Guard.

Meanwhile, all parties bearing a Shard felt a somewhat familiar thrum of power originating from the back of their hand. It was a feeling, but not their own. Mostly, it was camaraderie. A sense of belonging that old friends might have, or at least people who were very accustomed to one another. Brothers of millennia that rarely spoke, but knew everything about each another. The people experiencing this shared the sensation, but understood that it was not their own. It was more of a suggestion of companionship. And it suggested that they needed to come together.

Join together, and become stronger.

The glow that usually accompanied this flow of power began to illuminate them all in the telltale triangular pattern commonly associated with the Triforce. This glow had been showing itself too often as of late. Though it was symbolic of the trust that this powerful artifact of the Goddesses had allotted them, the recent frequency of its activation was a looming portent of things to come. Perhaps this was one of those things.

Rath and Gerik quietly conversed. The tone of their discussion pitched and lowered, but the words remained quiet and forcibly respectful as they continued. When they were quiet, Rath approached the group with a small, silvery flute in hand. "When you are all ready," he began with a smooth, dangerous sounding voice, "I can move you to the Colossus. From there, head east to the Fortress."

The Shiekah Lord turned his attention to his clansman, the slender, silent one with the Deku Staff. While he wasn't quite sure what to make of him, he was one of Rath's people, and as such was a person he could place responsibility upon. "When I perform the music, little Cricket, I want you to join me with your violin. The experience will be... useful, later on."

"The rest of you - if you require anything or anyone, you have two minutes to locate and return."


Gerik and Rath motioned for the group to gather in a circle. Holding hands wasn't quite necessary, as they were all of one purpose on their intended destination. Still, if some felt more comfortable in manual embrace, it would earn them just the slightest of odd looks, and nothing more.

When everyone was close, Rath began playing calm, melodic notes on his flute. It was accompanied by the dulcet tones of an expertly pulled violin bow, courtesy of the group's token Sheikah, which seamlessly transitioned into the Requiem of Spirit. The stringed instrument seemed to take in a portion of the incandescent brilliance swirling about the group of Shard Bearers, their surroundings blurring and being replaced with a windy location of stone and sand, a great monolith of carved desert rock providing them protection from the red, rising sun.

It was the Desert Colossus, and true to their word, one could see the Gerudo Fortress in the distance. It wasn't a massive length of space to have traveled, but it was a start. Moreover, anyone attempting to view them would see them start from an already known location, further protecting the safety of the Oasis.

Much to do, little time to do it. Let's hit the ground running.

CoGM's Note: All action taken in this cycle will happen during the INTERMISSION. If you need anything, if anyone has an excuse to find their way back to the HQ, if you're doing a Meet & Greet with Sir Knight, then's the time. If I'm handling the transition to the Desert Fortress after this rotation, we will discuss other actions then. Questions: tag me or Double in the OOC, or shoot me a PM. Thanks all, and I hope we're good to go now. Good hunting.


Location: Oasis, Resistance HQ, INTERMISSION
Interacting With: The Knight

Cricket stepped from the meeting room, laying eyes upon the sight unfolding before him. He cocked his head to the side, not unlike a very confused dog. The Shiekah's first instinct was to ready his staff or grab for one of his larger blades to combat this obvious threat, but was overruled by a dash of common sense. This thing, person, wasn't actually being threatening. That was unexpected. He was unsure as to whether he could take such a person in a stand-up fight without resorting to Deku Nuts or Bombs, anyway, and it would be a shame to waste them upon a potential ally. Unstable, possibly. But potential ally nonetheless.

That's when the power of his Triforce shard let itself be felt. Not merely felt, but seen, as well. Just as when he met others possessing a piece of divinity, his gift from Nayru glowed from the back of his hand, radiating power. As it did with the others in the room from earlier. As it did with this warrior before him.

Cricket cautiously leaned his staff against a nearby table and raised his Triforce illuminated hand. He smiled, and slowly approached the behemoth. Locking eyes (at least, what he thought were his eyes), the mute Sheikah smiled with a sense of wonder, ad nodded once. He bowed, keeping his glowing hand visible and eyes raised to the newcomer. As he rose, a flourish of his free hand demonstrated the finesse of his sleight-of-hand work, seemingly pulling a loaf of date bread from nowhere. He winked twice, drawing attention to the tattoo around his eye; a mark proclaiming him as one of the Shadow Folk, a clan known for their undying loyalty to the Royal Family of Hyrule.

He nodded again, and wordlessly offered the bread to the battered and traumatized Hylian Knight.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sho Minazuki
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Sho Minazuki P5 Hero

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Oasis Resistance

As the blackened knight changed his stance and saluted, before putting his own weapon away, Sigurd stood back into ease as well, and his grip on his weapon loosened. The salute the knight did was the Hylian salute no less. He remembers it from emissaries from Hyrule way back before the destruction of this kingdom. It was good to see that despite this... Corruption, he still had some of his pride as a knight remaining, even if he could not speak he felt a strange unity between knights.

Still, the most interesting aspect of today so far, was the reaction of the triforce pieces, he turned to the building, pausing for a moment as he recounted how many presences he felt... More than he thought, he could not quite explain what he felt, but it told him one thing that was clear. They all need to work together. Though it appears it was time for the briefing, as such he will attend it, and entered after the black knight.

Desert Colossus

Sigurd no matter how many times he had passed this when joining Sheikah patrols, could not believe the sheer size of the colossus, even more amazing though, was the power of melodies in this land. He had read of them, Labrynna itself had tales of a "Harp of Ages", the tales of that legend suddenly didn't seem so farfetched. The colossus was a refuge from the searing heat while they were here, and a waypoint before the Gerudo Fortress that they could see not too far off from where they were. There was to be no delay to get there, but they needed a plan regardless. Perhaps they could wait for a status report once they arrived, but for now... They need to get there.
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