Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pundii
Avatar of Pundii

Pundii That is, excuse me, a damn fine cup of coffee.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Tom Fisher

Location: Security Offices

"I appreciate your input, but I think i'm a better judge of what I am and am not ready to handle." He offered Ragari another smug smile, even as he spat at his feet. Turning to another officer, he gave him a nod. "Go find some food for Ragari, whatever slop there in in the kitchens will do." He gave the officer another nod and sent him on his way. Turning away, he heard the alarms go off as he tilted his head up. He ignored Ragari's words and moved to a nearby console, checking with one of his officers as to what it had been.

Hearing the explanation, it didn't make a great deal of sense to him, at least not at the time. The alarm in relation to the incoming ship certainly made sense, Tom wasn't surprised it'd gotten that close however, it'd been scheduled for the day after. Somehow Tom doubted the catch was Tristan's doing, he probably wouldn't have cared to even get down there in time, he wouldn't have cared until the ship crashed into the tower, and if it had missed and crashed in the city, he probably wouldn't have cared at all. "Have a small team go down to the hangar and process the crew, find out why they came in so ahead of schedule."

Making his way to the elevator, Tom let out a sigh as he sent it back up to the MoR. That day had already been much more back and forth than the average one. Most of his days in the tower since he arrived had been dull, boring affairs with little to nothing actually happening, today was certainly not that. More might have happened on that day which was of particular note than any of his other days at the tower. The alarms were still blaring, and Tom idly tapped his knuckles against his teeth as he waited alone in the elevator, he did wonder if Silvia was involved, it would make sense considering how involved she'd been with everything else that day. He wasn't particularly against her involvement, but things had certainly picked up with her arrival, something he wasn't going to ignore.

As the doors open, he moved out and glanced around. He could see the viewport had been smashed outward, a cool breeze blowing in through it as he looked around. Moving up into the MoR properly, he glanced toward Craig. "Turn those alarms off, what happened?" He asked, wanting to get Craig's two cents on it as he approached Silvia. Kneeling down to her height, he set his hand on her chin and lifted her head slightly. Taking a handkerchief from his pocket, he dabbed away some of the blood. "When they're ready, you might want to get some of the repair team up here to fix that glass. I'll bring Silvia to the medical bay, call Tristan to get off his ass and come back down here." The last part of his order had an almost apologetic tone to it as he carefully lifted up Silvia in a bridal carry. Heading back toward the elevator with her in his arms, he waited for the doors to close before sending it down to the infirmary, sighing as he waited for it to head down, glancing down to the woman in his arms. "Still able to hear me, Ma'am?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 20 days ago

Silvia Adenias

Location: The MOR --> The Infirmary

"Maflecx 12 sent a fucking transport ship a day early," Craig sent through the com down to Tryke. "And no, that was the new girl. No idea where Tristan is right now," he said before shutting off the alarm as Tom came in and made the order. The place in a little bit of chaos and a lot of stunned looks were on the staff. That was something they hadn't seen before. Had Tristan been up there he would have used his abilities to get himself out of the Tower and to safety and left everyone else to fend for themselves. In fact if Tristan was aware of what just happened, which by now everyone was, he was sure that was exactly what Craig figured the little prick had done.

"Tryke, can you get a crew up here? Our main front portal had to be knocked out, we need a replacement one put in," he added as he stood up and looked over towards Silvia, who was still sitting there in a daze. He couldn't blame the woman. Silvia didn't even blink when Tom dabbed away the blood, just staring out the window as her fingers lay limp over the arm of her chair. Craig took a quick minute to explain what was going on before turning and trying to get the chaos that was breaking out through the tower under control. Sending out repair crew after repair crew to different floors.

Even though Silvia had made sure the ship didn't rip through the tower, the shock had sent quite a jolt through the place and several things were damaged. The higher the floor, the more damage there was. That thought alone made him cringe inwardly. He knew that meant Tristan's floor would need tending to and he thanked whatever god he believed in that he wasn't on the repair crew. Hopefully he could avoid the mans hissy fit that he knew was coming, especially if any of his little flower arrangements should be turned on their side.

Craig nodded at Toms order and watched as he scooped up Silvia and took her out of the MOR and headed towards the Infirmary. Silvia still hadn't moved or said a word as she lay cradled in his arms. The entire thing had shook her up quite a bit. As he asked her if she could hear him she finally nodded but still didn't look at him. Still in shock as it appeared. Once they reached the infirmary. A thin woman in a lab coat was standing there, leaning over a bit of paper work as Tom carried Silvia in; it was Lead Medic Crinsa, she had been running the place the last year. She usually didn't tend to patients until the lower staff had taken a look and seen if she was needed.

Looking over towards the door she perked a brow and rushed over to them. It seemed she was needed. It was not every day a Talent was carried into the infirmary with blood coming out of her nose and ears. "What happened out there?" she asked as she shown a light into Silvia's eyes and Silvia still didn't blink. "Get her onto the gurney in room three please," she said as she lead them down the hall and pushed the curtain back to the little area that she referred to as room three.

"Can you hear me?" Crinsa asked as she began to look over the woman. Silvia nodded slightly. "That's good at least." Looking over towards Tom she stopped for a moment and waited for an explanation.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 4 days ago

Tryke Lockley

Location: Repair Dock 17 --> MoR

Tryke frowned, stomping her foot on the ground a bit. More and more damage reports were coming in, her PDA constantly buzzing. She took the thing off, and let out a mixture between a groan and a scream. If it wasn't against everything she stood for, she would have smashed the machine in her rage.

She paced back and forth, pinching the bridge of her nose. A bloody T-1 had shown up and started making sacrifices for them. That never had happened before--it didn't make any sense. It was as confusing as if two and two made five, and Tryke wanted nothing more than to scream until reality was restored. But that option wasn't available to her--she had a tower to fix. And screaming about the weirdness of the T-1 wouldn't fix it.

"Everyone is on call," Tryke said softly, putting her PDA back on. She opened a channel with all of the repair crew, and assigned a team to each tower. A few of them groaned, complaining that they had just gotten on break.

Tryke had a few choice words for those few.

Words that would not belong in polite company.

Or even in impolite company.

"If you have any special issues, you fucking think it over one more time, ask a buddy, consult your god or whatever, and only then do you come to me," Tryke snapped, before closing the channel. As much as she was itching to get to work and join in on the repairs, she had another role to fill. The role of managing the repair team, of ensuring that everything went smoothly. More repair reports continued to come in, and Tryke stretched her force as much as she could, sending multiple teams to every location that she could.

"Lock, we need someone in the MoR," one of the leads said, coming on over the PDA. "Come up here pronto and fix this goddamn glass."

She huffed a bit, not bothering to reply. Waving over her last two repair crew members, she instructed them to go and prepare some glass, and cut it for the standard size of the viewing window. Then, they'd bring it up to the MoR, and Tryke would install it herself. Hopefully, the fix would be that simple.

But of course, she wouldn't know until she saw it herself. She punched in the code on the elevator, angrily scanned her ID, and quickly shot up towards the head of the tower. As she went up, more and more reports came in, this time further complications from her team. She swore, tapping her foot impatiently.

Hopefully, this type of thing wouldn't become the new normal.

The elevator doors opened, and Tryke stepped into the MoR. It wasn't too often that she went up here. She preferred the company of her team to the bureaucratic puppets at the top of the tower. Glancing over, she indeed saw that the window had been shattered, though the slight bit of blood on the ground was more alarming.

Did the T-1...bleed...? Tryke pondered. She shook her head, trying not to stare, as she went over to the window, and assessed further damage to the MoR. Completing her report, she forwarded the details down to the members of her team assisting her with MoR repairs.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pundii
Avatar of Pundii

Pundii That is, excuse me, a damn fine cup of coffee.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Tom Fisher

Location: The Infirmary

Watching Silvia as she nodded slowly, Tom let out a quiet sigh of relief. Silvia certainly didn't seem in the best condition but he figured the fact she could still hear him was a good sign. Sighing, his gaze shifted to the floor counter on the side of the elevator, he was pleased that it was still functioning, the damage around the tower could've easily knocked it out, and getting down to the Infirmary otherwise would've been quite difficult. "Guess you picked one hell of a first day, huh?" He asked, not bothering to look down toward her for any reply she may have made as he glanced back to the door as it opened.

Moving out, he brought Silvia over toward Crinsa, allowing the medic to take a look over her. Clearing his throat, he began to explain as simply as he could. "A ship came in ahead of schedule, she didn't have her crystal ready yet, so she had to catch it without any assistance." He followed after Crinsa as she began to move, keeping Silvia held firmly in his arms as they made their way along to the room in question. Carefully when they got there, he lay her down, resting her head up against a pillow as he took a step back, crossing his arms over his chest as he let Crinsa get to work.

"How long is she likely to take to recover?" Tom questioned as he watched Crinsa. He'd interacted with Crinsa more than many of the others in the tower since his arrival, when one of his officers, or himself was injured in some scuffle or accident, Tom was always there to ensure their recovery and care first-hand. It was one of the things that had solidified a relatively close relationship with his own people, many respected his willingness to stick himself out for each member of his team, or for virtually anyone in the tower bar Tristan. "It'll be a motivator if everyone knows she'll be alright, she's already been doing a lot for everyone." He commented again, shrugging as he glanced over to Silvia.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
Avatar of Lady Absinthia

Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 20 days ago

Silvia Adenias

Location: The Infirmary

Crisna listened intently as Tom explained what had happened, nodding from time to time as she examined Silvia and began to hook her up to various feeds. Helping Silvia to lay back on the bed she stood over her, her hands hovering above her body as she ran them down the length of her and back up again before settling with a palm pressed against either side of Silvia's head. Sighing a bit before she removed her fingers and glancing over towards Tom.

"She'll be okay," was the first thing she said. It was common for Crisna to just state what she thought the outcome would be off the bat before going into anything else. "She basically did to herself what would happen if someone took a metal rod and hit her upside the back of the head. She kind of bruised her brain. She will be like this for a few hours but should come out of it fine. Granted I wouldn't recommend her doing that a lot, so see what you can do about getting that Crystal of hers in place as soon as possible," Crisna added as she stepped around the bed and over to Tom.

Silvia lay there, still in a bit of a daze and staring blankly at the ceiling. It wasn't the first time she had had to catch a transport without the aide of a crystal. Earth's tower was older and the mechanics went down a lot more often than anyone would like. Black outs were common on the planet. Thing was though, they still knew when a ship needed to be caught and they could brace themselves for it, prepare their mind for the taxing effort it would take. This time was different though, this came out of no where and she had no time to prepare for it. Crisna wasn't wrong in what she said, in fact it had felt like someone had bashed hr over the skull when she caught the transport.

"Yeah, I got the word about time off and and such. Seems she is jumping in head first in more ways than one," Crisna said as she glanced over towards Silvia but kept her voice quiet. Motioning for Tom to follow her, she stepped outside the room and waited for him. "I know the Medical Lead on Earth, we trained together on Volclux 11. Silvia is a bit different than a lot of T1's from what he has told me. She acts more like a lower ranked Talent, doesn't have the ego. Granted I have also heard she is rather volatile as well but that is when it comes to dealing with other T1's. He was actually rather pissed when he found out Silvia was being transferred out here. Earth was not happy to lose her as their back up T1. They'd have rather lost their current tower lead," she said before shrugging.

"Any word from Tristan since everything happened? Or is he just hanging out in his room and letting the tower deal with it since it is his "Day off"?" she asked as she sighed a bit. It wasn't uncommon for Tristan to let all hell break loose and never even come out of his quarters. As far as he was concerned, if it happened when he was off shift and the tower was still standing it wasn't his problem.


Looking up from his desk Craig spotted Tryke as she entered and gave her a bit of a nod as he rose form his seat and headed over to her. "Thanks for coming up so quickly, I know this isn't the usual request," he said as he motioned towards the broken out window. Sighing he looked around as everyone was getting to work to clean up the various messes caused by everything. He had yet to contact the tower the ship was tossed from, figuring he would get to that once he had word on how Silvia was doing.

Stepping away from Tryke, he knelt down and looked at the floor. There was a small trickle trail of blood that lead from the window over to Silvia's chair. Sighing he rose and got one of the lower ranks to go get the janitorial crew up there to clean it up. He didn't want any trace of the blood left around for when Silvia returned. He figured it probably wouldn't sit well with her mentally if she was to see her own blood dried on the tiled floor.

"So," he said clearing his throat and looking back over towards Tryke. "How bad is the damage and how long do you think it will take to get everything back in running order?" he asked, wanting to know what was going on beyond the basic reports that were flooding in.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 4 days ago

Tryke Lockley

Location: MoR

Tryke's eyes swept across the MoR, once again focusing in on the blood. It continued to puzzle her to no end, the acts the T-1 was performing thus far. There had to be some sort of endgame to it, but for the life of her, Tryke couldn't figure it out. It terrified her how nice the T-1 was acting, how caring and considering she was. It wasn't the norm, it wasn't logical, it wasn't the way things were.

It was a tried and true equation being proven false. It was science proving to be a lie. It was magic and myth coming to life. The very antithesis of everything Tryke believed in had been presented to her. With experiments, new processes and discoveries were born, yet the rules of logic always applied. A world without logic was her hell--and to her, this was only the beginning.

"So how bad is the damage and how long do you think it will take to get everything back in running order?" Craig asked, snapping Tryke out of her thoughts.

She laughed a bit, glancing at the incoming reports herself. Every minute, more arrived. Some of them she suspected were repairs people had been too lazy to file, and now with the onslaught of urgent ones, decided to put them in as well. Her crew was stretched thin as it was, with each available hand working constantly towards fixing the issues.

"It might be easier to tell you what isn't broken," Tryke admitted with a shrug. "I've only got a finite crew, and the reports keep on coming in. We'd have to work constantly for four days at this rate to fix a majority of the problems, prioritizing the vital functions of the tower...."

Her thoughts drifted off. There were plenty of talents on the tower, and with a bit of a crash course, perhaps they could be trained to do some of the more simple repairs. It wasn't GTC protocol by any means, but it would speed up the process. She could have them do simple repairs, such as those on level twenty. She couldn't care less whether or not all of the rec functions were able to perform.

"If I had more people, we could expedite the process," Tryke continued. "As it is, we're lucky there's only minor damage to the power supply and generators. The damage only gets pretty serious around level 26."

Her eyes darted towards where the T-1's blood had been. The girl was incredibly lucky that the infirmary hadn't taken a major hit, and that by some miracle, the main elevator was working. She suspected that the cables would need to be looked at, due to the stress, they likely would break at any moment. Returning her gaze towards Craig, Tryke shifted awkwardly.

"We're bringing up the replacement front portal now," Tryke added, her team having sent a brief confirmation message up to her. "That, at least, is a relatively quick fix."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pundii
Avatar of Pundii

Pundii That is, excuse me, a damn fine cup of coffee.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Tom Fisher

Location: The Infirmary

Nodding his head, Tom let out something of a relieved sigh to hear that Silvia would be okay. He knew to trust Crisna's word, she knew what she was doing far better than anyone else in the tower, and she'd never failed to correctly guess how the outcome of a patients recovery would be. Chuckling at her comments, he nodded. "I'll make sure they've got a crystal ready for her before the next ship comes in." He made a mental note to put his team to help with the effort of doing so, he figured many of the crews would be busy helping repairs, so he'd give as much manpower as he could.

Glancing back down to Silvia as Crisna moved around the table, he let out another relieved sigh. Silvia had already been putting in quite the effort for the people in their tower, an effort no one got under Tristan. She'd already managed to have quite the effect on morale, and he figured it'd have been a drastic loss already, if she had required moving off-world for treatment. Tom was immensely pleased to only be a T4, and even then, he didn't often use his own abilities. He could only imagine some of the stress that would have come with being a T1, he didn't envy her at all.

Glancing over to Crisna as she spoke up again, he nodded as she motioned and followed her out of the room, listening quietly to her explanation. "Well, the no ego will be a welcome change of pace, at least." He shrugged his shoulders, glancing back into the room and watching Silvia for a moment as he continued to listen to Crisna. "Well, if her and Tristan work different shifts, hopefully they shouldn't have to get too 'volatile' with each other, but thank you for the heads up." He gave Crisna a nod, scratching at his chin as he shrugged at her next question.

"He's either in his room or he ran for it when the alarms went off. I suppose I should go find out." He shrugged his shoulders, glancing back over to Silvia for a moment before turning back to Crisna. "Keep me updated on her recovery, if you need help with anything, let me know." He smiled, giving her a slight nod before turning to move off, heading back to the elevator and sending it up to Tristan's quarters.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
Avatar of Lady Absinthia

Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 20 days ago


Craig rubbed his face slightly as he stood up and took a look around and then checked the reports that were flooding in. It was a lot to handle and they had a limited crew. Alentia was not the best equipped for such a problem, thanks to no one wanting to work for Tristan. It would take days, if not weeks to cover all the repairs. They had the emergency repairs underway but what else would pop up over the next few days as things settled back down? What was out there that was nearly broken but hadn't given away yet? What problems they had didn't worry Craig near as much as what problems could happen. Each scenario he ran through his mind as his antenna ticked with every thought made him cringe. A busted boiler vent to a cracked black crystal. They needed more help but who in the galaxy would be willing to come out there, even if it was only for a short time?

"Thanks Tryke, I'll see what I can do to get us some temporary help," he said before giving a quick nod and moving over to the Comm Desk and started placing outer world communications to various towers. One after another said "No." Some made excuses they were under staffed, others just gave a flat out hell no, one even just laughed into the monitor and then screen went black. It wasn't looking good. Groaning he rubbed the back of his neck and started pacing for a few minutes before an idea popped into his head. Turning back to the comm, he placed one last "call" and crossed his fingers.

"Earth Tower, how may I direct your comm?" a voice popped in over the comm but no image feed was showing as of yet.

"Um, yeah. Craig, Altenia Tower. Need to speak with Tower Lead Crisin," he said nervously. He had had to deal with the woman in the past and while she wasn't as big of a problem in his rear end as Tristan was, she was no one to be trifled with.

"Your funeral," the voice said before patching him through to the MOR of Earth Tower.

"What the fuck do you want Craig?" Crisin asked without even looking at the monitor.

"Yeah, we had an incident. We need repair back up...." he said, having to clear his throat a little bit. Crisin looked over to the monitor out of the corner of her eye and asked why. He explained and she just shook her head a bit; his heart dropped, figuring she was turning him down.

"Fucking figures. Well she can't catch a ship if she is bleeding. We will send what we can on the planned transport in 15 hours. We will not throw though until I have visual confirmation that she is able to be there for the catch," Crisin said as she sat back in her chair and pushed her white hair out of her face.

"That's great! I can get Tristan..." he started but was cut off.

"Fuck that, I throw to Silvia or I don't throw," she spat before cutting off the comm and the screen going black. Craig chuckled nervously and looked over towards Tryke.

"Well, that could have gone worse," he chuckled a bit before the alarms went off again. "Fucking Christ, what now?" he said looking over at the monitors. Seemed there was a malfunction in the core reactor for the power drives. "Tryke, this one is all yours," he said quickly as he shut off the alarm. "Looks like you are in Hazard pay now..." he mumbled. It wouldn't be an easy repair and it was dangerous but if anyone could handle it, Tryke could. He just hoped he didn't end up with another Talent in the Infirmary.

Infirmary --- Tristan's Quarters

Crisna nodded slightly and headed back into the room with Silvia to check on her. She was pretty sure that the T1 would be okay but in the end she really didn't know. She wished there were T1 Empaths, they would have been better equipped to deal with the mind and the blocks placed on a T1 because of their training. Granted she wished she was on another planet that was better equipped over all, Tristan didn't keep things up to date enough for her liking, figuring if people got hurt it wasn't his problem. Maybe he wasn't coming out of his quarters because he was dead. Wouldn't that be nice she thought to herself and then groaned. It wasn't a nice thought, to hope that someone was dead but in the end the tower would have been better off if he was.

Yet up in his quarters, Tristan was anything but dead. He was alive and he was fuming as he sat in a chair facing the door, glaring at a broken flower arrangement on the floor. He was livid but he knew someone would be by to check on him. He was the Tower Lead, they had to. Granted the fact someone hadn't already come to check on him only made the man that much more hostile as the moments ticked by. When the door finally opened the broken vase went sailing through the air and crashed next to Fishers head. He wasn't aiming for the man but merely making a point. As if to say - Where the fuck have you been?

"Where the fuck have you been?" he spat as his snake like fingers curled along the arm of his chair; echoing the very thing he had thought. "I could have been up here, laid out, injured, dying! Where the fuck would you been then? No T1 to bring anything in? Oh the GTC will not be happy to find out you were lolly gagging around and not tending to the Tower Lead! You and the rest of the staff will go on report for not making me your top priority!" he growled as he stood up, his eyes flashing with anger.

"So, what was so important that someone did not arrive here earlier? I don't even care what happened, you watch yourself Fisher! There are plenty of other people that would love to take over as HoS; tons pouring out of the academy willing to do the job that you cannot seem to. Put the Tower Lead at the top of your list when it comes to security!" he hissed as he took a step forward, the tentacle like strands of his hair twitching against his shoulders. This wouldn't be the first time that Tristan had torn into Fisher, or anyone else for that matter. This was a daily occurrence.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
Avatar of Morose

Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 4 days ago

Tryke Lockley

Location: MoR ---> Floor 21 ---> Core Reactor

Tryke gulped a bit. As gifted as she was, repairing the core reactor wasn't an easy job. It wasn't something that could be done remotely. It required a person going inside, past the protective barrier and chamber. There was a reason it was called a reactor, and not a plug. Plethoras of radiation, coming from various decaying elements, danced within the core reactor.

"Looks like you are in Hazard pay now..."

"Yeah, looks like it," Tryke said, her voice slightly hollow. In her mind, she was picturing the schematics of the tower. With the high levels of radiation, she'd need to have a bit of luck and a hazmat suit. There should be a few of those in maintenance, but if all else failed, there were some set aside for emergencies in the basement levels. She could nick one of those.

The elevator dinged softly, as the tiny repair crew came inside, carrying the replacement front portal. It had been cut and sized in record time, and judging by the pools of sweat on their face, her team had expected Tristan's wrath to meet them. No wonder they were so quick...

Seeing that there was no Tristan to deal with, the small team relaxed, before making their way towards the portal. Tryke brushed them off when they glanced at her, still deep in thought about her newest assignment. Figuring that she looked a bit silly, she plastered a grimace on her face, rather than the smile she had been aiming for. Nodding a bit to Craig, she stepped into the elevator before it closed, punching in directions to take her to floor 21.

"If I die, nothing religious, yeah?" Tryke joked dryly to Craig, as the elevator doors closed. The elevator shot her down to the twenty first floor, and she stepped out. There were supply closets to her left, and she avoided the panicking frenzy of workers attempting to repair anything and being stumped by the simplest of tasks.

Sometimes, Tryke felt like they were children, helpless without their mother.

Snatching a hazmat suit, Tryke returned to the elevator, this time punching in the code for the very lowest floor, home to the core reactor. Inside the elevator, Tryke slipped into the suit, hoping--praying--that Tristan had the sense to keep the hazmat suits in top shape. She really didn't feel like getting a close relationship with anyone in the Lanthanide series.

The elevator opened, and Tryke switched her glasses on via telekinesis, going through the various modes. While she did pick up alpha and beta radiation, it was nothing in comparison to the gamma radiation present. For a moment, she paused in awe, watching through the lenses a symphony of color. Beta and alpha radiation were some of the weaker forms, formed by weaker energy sources. Gamma was the king--with the highest energy photon, it produced high energy results. It required hazmat suits three centimeters thick with lead to reduce most of the effects, and the use of a talent to aid in that reduction. Failure would result in, at best, cancer; at worst, the disintegration of tissue and thus death.

"Hello, friend," Tryke whispered, attempting to use her telekinesis to create a safe bubble around her. Uncertain as to whether the prickling sensation on her skin was nerves or the beginning of the end, Tryke mentally shouted at herself, and walked briskly towards the core. A glass dome surrounded the cement casing of the core, and Tryke punched in her access code, struggling a bit with the thick gloves of the hazmat suit.

The door unlocked with a soft beep, and an automated voice reminded her of the dangers of gamma radiation.

"Shut up," Tryke muttered, walking inside of the dome. "I'm very much aware of the dangers."

The voice, however, proceeded with its lecture. Mentally shutting it out, Tryke went back to the task at hand. The glass door shut behind her, sealing with the softest hiss. She took a deep breath, reaffirming her mental bubble of safety, and approached the titanium door of the cement casing. Punching in her code once more, warning alarms began to blare, and she couldn't help but roll her eyes.

Thankfully, that door opened as well.

Stepping through, it sealed behind her as well. It was GTC protocol, after all. They had no qualms about sending a T-5 inside of the core reactor to make a repair, but endanger the rest of the tower, their asset? That gave them pause. Thus, the doors of the reactor would seal after her each time, ensuring that if things went wrong, only Tryke would be the one to pay the price.

How thoughtful.

Trucking on, the light of the reactor would have blinded her, had she not been looking through the glasses. Even then, however, it was almost unbearable to look at. Squinting, Tryke set her gloved hand on the base of the reactor, and took a deep breath. Removing her concentration from the protective bubble, she allowed the gamma radiation to hit her suit head-on. She then refocused on the reactor, mentally feeling it out, and searching for the exact issue.

"Got it," Tryke grinned, her hands tingling. "Let's get you all fixed up, mkay? You'll feel much better, sweetheart."

Hopping on top of the base, Tryke continued to feel out the source of the problem. It was, thankfully, not too complicated a fix. During the tremors caused by the slight collision, the force of it had knocked the core reactor out of alignment. Half of the power, thus, was being lost to the surroundings, severely cutting down the amount taking in by the tower. It was simple conservation of momentum that caused the issue.

She chuckled a bit.

Feeling her way mentally to the center of the reactor, she peeked at it through her glasses as well. Normally, she would have gone through the long calculations, to see what precisely had to be done. But there wasn't time for that--the slight heat she felt on her skin was evidence enough. Tryke closed her eyes, and reached out with her mind, slowly shifting the core reactor. Hissing a bit in pain, the core reactor creaked as it slowly moved, pieces of metal scraping against each other.

Drat. Too far the other way.

Taking another deep breath, Tryke reached out once more, shifting the core reactor again. The same blinding intensity caused by interacting with the core reactor, of all things, caused her head to pound. Or perhaps it was the radiation? She couldn't have been certain. The reactor screeched, and instantly, Tryke felt the tension release.

It was back in place.

She grinned, staring at the core reactor with a smile for a moment. "That's a good girl."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pundii
Avatar of Pundii

Pundii That is, excuse me, a damn fine cup of coffee.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Tom Fisher

Location: Tristan's Quarters

As he moved into the room, Tom seem barely phased as the vase crashed by his head, a few shards colliding with the side of his face as he stood there, watching Tristan closely. While Tristan screamed his head off, Tom remained silent, hands clasped in front of him as he watched the Tower Lead. This wasn't exactly uncommon, Tristan liked to throw his weight around and scream his head off, threats, complaints, all sorts of whining which one would commonly expect of a spoiled six year old. Plenty of the others in the tower just stood and took it, perhaps concerned for their jobs or positions, but Tom did no such thing.

When he finished speaking, Tom cleared his throat and took a number of steps closer, toward Tristan's desk. He didn't stop before it, moving to walk around it. He did so until he stood a few inches from Tristan, staring down at the man, his motions and positioning intended to send a message as much as his words. "I was doing my job, Debute - stopping the new Tower Lead in Training from dying by catching a ship while you did fuck-all up here." He paused for a moment to let the words sink in before he continued. "You could have been injured - but you weren't, so you could have quite easily gone down to the MOR and, oh, I don't know, done your fucking job." He let out the words with a hiss.

"Alternatively, if you feel that you might be in a little discomfort, or you're scared you might publicly shit your britches because you have to actually work for once in your fucking life, I can organise for you to have a more comfortable, and safer accommodation in the security offices." The words could have been taken as a threat, and to a degree they were. Tristan was guilty of a great deal, it may not have been enough for him to lose his position, but Tom could likely have had the man detained, especially if he tried to unlawfully remove Tom from his position.

Leaning down, he kept his eyes locked on Tristan's, a serious expression on his face as he spoke slowly and clearly. "Get. This. Through. Your. Head." He began. "You are a stuck-up, corrupt, shit-at-your-job Tower Lead, and the day I put you at the top of my priorities is the day I put my gun in my mouth. My priority is the safety of the entire populace of this tower, no one takes precedence over that, and the only one who might, is the only T1 in this tower who seems to do anything of worth." Standing up straight again, he moved back around the table, glancing back toward Tristan, forcing a half-smile and a more professional demeanor. "Feel free to contact me if you require any further assistance, Debute." He commented before beginning to move out.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 20 days ago

Tristan's Quarters --> The Infirmary

Tristan's beady little eyes narrowed at the way that Fisher was dare talking to him. "How dare you. One more fucking peep out of you Fisher and I will have you demoted and spit polishing my shoes for the rest of your tenure here. Got it?" Tristan growled. "I don't give a damn who you think you are but this is my tower and you will do what you are told by me, when you are told, and if you ever fall out of line again you'll find yourself in lock up. Now get the fuck out of my sight!" he said before the doors flew open and slammed once Fisher was out of his quarters.

Pacing his room he flung several items into the walls, pitching one fit out after another. Shaking his head he sat down at his communications console and started to go through the reports that had been filed since the new Tower Lead in Training had gotten there as well as what was coming in for repairs. So the little woman was trying to make thing easier on the folk there. A cruel grin crept across his features. Oh how bad would it be if... he thought to himself before rising from his chair and making his way down to the Infirmary.

Crisna nearly dropped her tray of samples as Tristan walked in, not once had he ever even stepped on that floor. The few times he had needed medical attention, for a paper cut..., he had demanded she tend to him in his quarters. "Um, Sir, if there something wrong?"

"Oh no, I just wanted to check on our newest addition," he said and Crisna nodded. Directing him over to the room Silvia was in. Pushing the curtain back Silvia was still sitting there on the edge of the bed, her fingers curled down against the soft cotton fabric as she stared out blankly before her. "How is she doing?" he asked, concern was in his voice but Crisna was not buying it.

"Oh, she will be fine, we are giving her fluids," she said pointing to the IV running out of Silvia's forearm.

"And the blood?" he mentioned as he pointed to the dried remains at the corner of her lip and the lobe of her ear.

"Some damage but nothing I can to do repair that," she said and Tristan nodded. Someone of Crisna's rank was unable to work through the mind of a T1, which actually caused Tristan to smile as he stepped forward.

"Well I might as well have a look to make sure she is all there, wouldn't want to loose her on the first day," he said as his hands came up and pressed against the side of Silvia's brow. Crisna wanted to protest but there wasn't exactly a lot she could do besides just voice a concern she knew Tristan wouldn't listen to. "Now, let me in, or I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll.." he started before his hands flew back and his head snapped upwards before he flew back against the wall and landed in an unconscious crumbled heap on the floor.

"What the hell!" Crisna yelped as she hit the security alarm and ran over to Tristan to make sure the man still had a pulse. Another Empath as well as an orderly running in and helping her to get Tristan up on a gurney. Looking around Crisna perked a brow as Silvia blinked a few times and slipped off the bed; standing there as she dusted herself off.

"Mind taking out the IV?" she asked softly as she looked over towards Crisna and held out her arm.

Core Reactor

Thankfully everything went smoothly down in the reactor for Tryke, and after a little while she would be done and be able to get the hell out of dodge. Once out the comm would crackle a bit before the security alarms went off yet again and the monitors would show it was going off for the infirmary.

"Tryke, we have some vent leak that just happened up in the infirmary. Not sure what the cause was, the alarm went off and it is showing a wall break and a breach up there now. Rest of the crew is tied up with the other repairs until we get back up brought in later tonight. Is the core alright and do you have time to get up there and check out the infirmary or do you want me to pull someone from elsewhere to head up there?" Craig asked through the comm.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 4 days ago

Tryke Lockley

Location: Core Reactor ---> The Infirmary

Tryke reached up to rub the sweat off her forehead, only to awkwardly swipe her glove across the covering of her suit. She chuckled a bit, delicately climbing off of the base of the core, and reimagining the protective bubble around her. It helped her to imagine what she wanted done when using her talent. She made her way to the titanium door of the cement casing, once again punching in her code. The same voice warned her about radiation, only to be ignored again. Going through the door, Tryke closed it, repeating the process with the outer glass door.

Right as it closed behind her, the very minute, the alarms began screeching. "Fucking hell," Tryke groaned, glancing at the elevator. She didn't want to imagine what could have gone wrong this time--the core reactor had been bad enough, surely nothing could be worse?

Punching in her code for the elevator, Tryke climbed inside, glancing over at the monitors. The alarms indicated that something afoul had occurred in the infirmary. Frowning a bit, she couldn't help but assume that the T-1 had caused a problem. Perhaps her true colors had finally revealed themselves.

"Tryke, we have some vent leak that just happened up in the infirmary. Not sure what the cause was, the alarm went off and it is showing a wall break and a breach up there now. Rest of the crew is tied up with the other repairs until we get back up brought in later tonight. Is the core alright and do you have time to get up there and check out the infirmary or do you want me to pull someone from elsewhere to head up there?"

"Nice to hear from you too, Craig, thanks for asking how I am," Tryke muttered, rolling her eyes. "I'm great, by the way."

She let out a deep breath, taking in the information. It shouldn't take too much work--an inspection, determination of what was wrong, and then fixing the issue. There was no reason for her to deny taking on the repair--her entire team was working themselves to death over it, and an issue in the infirmary was never good news for anyone. "Core's fine. I'm on my way over to the infirmary to check it out now."

Punching in the code for the infirmary, Tryke waited as the elevator shot her up a good twenty or so floors. Still clad in the hazmat suit, Tryke couldn't be damned to stop and properly store it. It wasn't like it was dangerous or anything--it was just a glorified slab of lead, really. The elevator doors opened and she peeked inside, her eyes flashing around as she tried to locate the problem.

"Craig said you had a..." her voice trailed off, glancing at the gurney Tristan had been placed onto. She gulped, her eyes wide.

She really wished she had sent someone else to check on the infirmary.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pundii
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Pundii That is, excuse me, a damn fine cup of coffee.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Tom Fisher

Location: Tristan's Quarters -> The Infirmary

Tom was more or less used to Tristan's threats by now, and he usually chose to ignore them. He figured as much as the self-entitled tower lead may have barked, he couldn't bite. Tom had worked hard since first taking his contract, and he doubted the GTC would be in a particular hurry to dismiss him over some mean words to Debute. He moved out of the office without any words, and without any real sign of backing down as Tristan snapped back at him, moving to the elevator and sighing as he sent it down to the security offices.

He'd gotten about three steps out the elevator before the security alarm went off, from the infirmary this time. Tom sighed again, getting a pair of his officers into the elevator and heading back up to the infirmary. He had his hand resting idly on his pistol grip as he moved out of the elevator, Tryke was there, along with Crisna, a few other medical techs, and Tristan - on a gurney. Tom glanced over him briefly, he could see he'd taken quite a hit to his head.

He glanced up again, and saw Silvia standing and holding her arm out toward Crisna, he figured it wouldn't have been a long shot to guess that she had something to do with Tristan's injury, what was on his mind however - was what had prompted it. He had his suspicion, but he didn't want to act on a gut feeling alone, he let his two officers secure the elevator, they'd just keep anyone who wasn't supposed to be there out as Tom moved to shut off the alarm.

Clearing his throat, he slipped on his professional face, Tom was admittedly having a rough day, he hadn't exactly had a moments rest yet, and things seemed to only be getting more and more complicated by the minute. Reaching down with his free hand, he grasped his pair of cuffs, pulling them from his belt and holding them up for all to see. "These are going to be linking someone's wrist and their gurney in a few minutes." He commented, making himself clear as he glanced between Silvia and Tristan. "Can someone give me a little clarification on what just happened?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 20 days ago

Silvia Adenias

Location: The Infirmary

Crisna looked over towards Silvia with a perplexed look on her features before nodding and rushing over to the T1 and carefully removing the IV's she had placed in on her arrival; trying to be as gentle as possible but her hands were trembling a bit. She hadn't seen anyone ever fly back like that. Silvia stood there, looking around as if she was bored while Tryke and Tom came into the infirmary, smiling over Tom a bit as he asked what had happened.

"Oh nothing, just Tristan being put in his place," she said rather nonchalantly as Crisna managed to pull out the last IV and rolls Silvia's sleeve back down for her. "Thank you," Silvia said in a kind voice before dusting herself off a bit and walking over towards Tom. Crisna just stood there watching the woman, not sure if she had just had a mental break down and was an emotionless machine now, it had been known to happen after non crystal enhanced events, but the kindness in Silvia's voice made her doubt that but still made the situation that much more confusing.

"Why did you.. well you know?" Crisna was finally able to get out as she pointed to the wall and then over to Tristan.

Silvia glanced over towards the empath, perking a brow slightly and then clearing her throat. "He was trying to get into my mind without my permission. Basically he copped a feel and I have him your standard bitch slap," she explained. That just made the situation that much more complicated. Regulations would state that the person that made the attack had to be arrested, but probing someone's mind without permission was an arrestable offense as well and it would end up being Tristans word, when he woke up, against Silvia's. Silvia knew this and held out her wrist to Tom.

"I need to get back to work until he is conscious again. So, just cuff me to the chair in the MOR. Can toss me in a cage after he wakes up," she said rather flatly. It wasn't the first time she had struck a T1, she knew the procedure. Others had tried the same on her and since it always boiled down to her word against someone else's she was used to being locked up over it. She just assumed it would be the same there, granted she also knew there wasn't another back up available for the tower right then with Tristan drooling out of the corner of his mouth.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 4 days ago

Tryke Lockley

Location: The Infirmary

Tryke blinked, briefly wondering whether or not it would actually be possible to melt into the walls and disappear. She had made a policy of avoiding Tristan at all costs, especially when he was angered. The moment he woke up, Tryke knew, he'd go ballistic. Perhaps he'd attack everyone at once, and then when the GTC called, insist that everyone on the Tower had started to attack him.

Well, he wouldn't be entirely wrong... Tryke mused, her eyes darting towards Silvia. Did she believe her? Of course. Poking at someone's mind was exactly the type of thing the sleezeball would get up to. But the longer Silvia stayed on the Tower, the more violence happened--and then, from that, the more repairs. Tryke wouldn't be all too surprised if the Tower fell to the ground, crumbling, within the week.

Uncertain as to whether or not to stay, Tryke nearly turned around and got back onto that elevator, prepared to put in a transfer request. She didn't want to be killed by Tristan -- or Silvia -- with the way the pair of them seemed to enjoy dealing with issues. However, the hole in the wall and the vent leak, with a tiny column of gas spraying down, fixated her. She couldn't just walk away from that. She'd be ashamed if she did nothing.

So, as awkwardly and quietly as she could, Tryke slipped past the rest of the chaos, heading over towards the breach and the vent. She strummed her fingers softly on the remnants of the wall, using telekinesis to switch her scanner glasses through the various detection modes. Hopefully, this would just be a standard patch--one that even something as rudimentary as duct tape could fix.

Of course, the wall itself would be another matter. They would have to cut part of the wall off in order to smooth out the transition from old wall to new and then design a new piece to replace it. A few dips and jagged edges would need to remain on the internal bits of the wall, allowing whatever material they used to lock into place best. It wouldn't do for someone to lean up against the new wall and break it all over again.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pundii
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Pundii That is, excuse me, a damn fine cup of coffee.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Tom Fisher

Location: Tristan's Quarters -> The Infirmary

Tom forced himself not to show his amusement at Silvia's initial comment, watching as Crisna removed the IV and rolled down her sleeve. He waited patiently for Crisna to ask the question he was looking for an answer to, gaze turning back toward Silvia as she started to give the explanation. "If that's a standard bitch slap, you're a lot stronger than you look." Thoughts ran through Tom's head, one of the two of them would have to face punishment in regards to this, and either way it was going to be severe, either one could have been removed entirely.

Tom raised an eyebrow as he saw Silvia hold her wrist out toward him, listening to her as he glanced down to his cuffs. Part of him knew that would have been a smart idea, but then again, so far this was an isolated incident, Silvia being brought up to the MOR in cuffs would just create questions, and probably a bit of distaste on his end from those already starting to like Silvia. His eyes turned to Tristan then, still unconscious on the gurney, before flicking down to the cuffs again. Since he'd arrived, Tom had been trying to get rid of Tristan, just waiting for him to fuck up in the right way for him to get what was coming to him, this could have been it.

"I'm not cuffing anyone yet, just head back to the MOR and keep this on a need-to-know basis until i've spoken to both of you, alright?" Tom said toward Silvia, giving her a nod as he slipped his cuffs back onto his belt, snapping his fingers to get the attention of his men, looking over to them, and glancing to Crisna. "Have Tristan under guard, I don't want him running off as soon as he's up - i'm going to file a report to the GTC so they know he's temporarily relieved, pending investigation." He said with a firm nod, even though what he was taking was something of a drastic move.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 20 days ago

Silvia Adenias

Location: The Infirmary

Silvia looked up at Tom and perked a brow. "Can't afford not to be strong with people like Tristan walking around," she said as she stood there. She was a bit surprised that he didn't put the handcuffs on her, that was a first. Anytime anyone had ever dealt with her in the past and she had done anything towards another talent she was locked up. Cells had become a second home to her. It bothered her of course but in her mind there was nothing that could be done about it.

"Alright, works for me," she said before Tom turned his attention to Crisna. Crisna nodded and had Tristan rolled into the back so she could assess him as best she could and make sure he was under guard before he woke up. Silvia shook her head a bit, the man had tried to use her being out of it as a window to get into her mind. It would be hard to prove but she had been on the monitors when it happened, they should have recorded something. She just hoped that it wouldn't get deleted, again.

Stepping over to Tryke she looked at the wall and then over at the woman. "Sorry about the damage. I meant to knock him out, not the wall. If you need anything, just let me know," she said. She actually sounded remorseful for hurting the wall. She hadn't intended to do damage to the building but in her state of mind after catching the transport ship without the aide of her crystal she had been rather out of it and hadn't been able to judge the distance correctly. She was just glad it wasn't more damage than was there.

Looking back over towards Tom she laced her fingers together in front of herself and nodded towards the door with a jerk of her head. "Guess I should get back up to the MOR and get to work. Do you need to escort me up there or am I free to go on my own?" she asked politely as she stood there and waited for an answer. Most T1's, even under the threat of arrest would have just gone about and did what they wanted. They wouldn't have stood there waiting on anyone, much less ask permission.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 4 days ago

Tryke Lockley

Location: The Infirmary ---> Floor 21

Acting like a stunned anime character for a moment, Tryke nodded at the T-1--no, at Silvia. "Thank you for taking your anger more out on the person this time," Tryke said, before quickly returning her attention to the breach. She didn't have any sort of adhesive on her, but this was an infirmary. Walking over to the cabinets, she rummaged through for medical tape, ignoring any sort of protest. Finding some, she returned to the vent, ripped off a piece, and put it over the crack that caused the leak. It was by no means perfect, and she figured the medical tape would only remain up there for an hour at most. That'd give them enough time to get some proper supplies up in the infirmary to patch up the wall and the vent.

Using her glasses to get more specific measurements on the wall, Tryke memorized the specifications, and nodded awkwardly at Tom and the others. Making her way to the elevator, scanning her ID, she let out a sigh of relief the instant the doors closed on her. She really didn't want to be canon fodder for Tristan.

Opening up the com, she radioed down to maintenance, where a few of her crew were busily readying replacement pieces for anything too far gone to fix. "Laser cut a wall for me, would you?" Tryke requested, before adding the specifications. She'd be able to do the rest of the installation herself, provided no one broke her concentration as she manipulated the wall into just the correct position. Normally, they wouldn't use their talent for that--they'd send up a small crew to do the repair together. But with a shortage of people, it'd become more necessary for her to attempt to shove the wall into place herself.

The elevator opened, and Tryke glanced over, seeing the repair crew already working on the wall. Good, she thought to herself, already running through her relaxation techniques to avoid blowing a gasket. Searching through the endlessly messy drawers, she eventually found the sealant they used for vent breaks. It was a paste, kept in a specially designed container, as a minute after being exposed to air, it would solidify.

"How's the wall coming?" Tryke asked, putting the sealant in her tool belt. "Can we put it on something with wheels when it's finished?" she added. It'd be much easier to roll the wall to the infirmary, rather than carry it herself.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pundii
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Pundii That is, excuse me, a damn fine cup of coffee.

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Tom Fisher

Location: Tristan's Quarters -> The Infirmary

Tom gave Silvia a nod as she accepted his decision, turning his gaze over to Tristan as he was rolled out to the back, his officers moving along with him to ensure he was under guard as per his own orders. Tom was certain Tristan would be up before too long, and he'd be furious at the actions that he'd taken to ensure he remained under guard while Tom investigated everything. Knowing Tristan, he'd probably insist some sort of mutiny was going on, try to get Tom removed from his position - things were only going to get more stressful from here.

As he heard Silvia speaking toward Tryke, Tom looked back over to the two of them, arms crossed over his chest as he glanced toward the wall as well. Silvia had certainly done a decent job of breaking things on her first day, but he at the very least assumed none of it was intentional, except for maybe ripping out the ships core when she arrived and using it as a dodgeball. Tom bit his lip to stop himself from chuckling at Tryke's response, stepping aside as he let her crew get to work as he turned back to Silvia.

He was impressed that she asked what he wanted to do in the situation, he'd half expected her to wander off without him, so he appreciated at least the consideration. "I'll come along with you, at least until Tristan is up and about again." He nodded, letting her lead the way back to the elevator. He made sure his comlink was in a place he could easily hear it if it went off, he wanted to get down to speak to Tristan the second he was awake. Climbing into the elevator with her, he let out something of a tired sigh as he sent it up to the MOR, it had already been a long day.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 20 days ago

Silvia Adenias

Location: The Infirmary -> The MOR

"Works for me," Silvia said before biding the rest of the staff a quick "toodles" and heading for the elevator and heading up to the MOR. Taking her seat she rolled her neck a little bit and got to work trying to help usher people here and there to back Tryke up with the repairs; sending some comms back to Earth to have some supplies and a few more hands sent when they sent over the core.

Down in the Infirmary Crisna got to work with making sure anyone that had been injured in everything was tended to. Tristan lay there for a good hour before he began to stir but Crisna put a quick end to that and sedated him heavily. She was not ready to deal with the blow up she knew he was going lash out. She could always put it off to the powers that be that he could have been injured and she wanted to ensure he got the rest he needed. He had just come off a long shift before Silvia arrived after all right?

Time seemed to go quickly and now that there were not ships being tossed at the planet without warning the place was starting to run like clock work. Silvia was no peach to work for, she pushed people hard; very hard. Thing was though she was never cruel about it, she held herself to a high standard and held those in the tower to the same level. Work got done quickly and even though people were obviously getting tired it seemed they didn't mind as much since they were not being berated every five minutes.

The ship from Earth came in with the core, extra repair supplies and a team of 6 crew members that were being temporarily assigned to the Altenian Tower; 1 Singer to check the crystals, 1 Empath to help Crisna, 3 Repair Workers to back up Tryke, and 1 Security Specialist to help Fisher but more so just to check on Silvia. It was Marc, someone that Silvia had not expected but was not going to complain.

Sitting back in her seat she glanced around, the last ship for the day was docked and being unloaded. There wouldn't be anything else coming in for another 12 hours. Down in holding was their prisoner, Tristan was being examined by the new Empath because Crisna was not about to deal with Tristan if she didn't have to. He had finally awoken and ended up sending several pieces of equipment into another wall. More repairs for Tryke. Marc was going over the lists of what all Earth had sent to help Altenia with Silvia. Seemed things were calm, hopefully they would stay that way, at least until the repairs were done.
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