Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eisenhorn
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Eisenhorn Inquisitor of some Note

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Quote: "There are things that we cannot fathom, yet we still fight like children with parents absent?"

Theme Song

Isaac Vaughn



Powers and Skills:
His mind has warped from exposure to the, best forgetten, places between dimensions, causing him to snap and become a shell of the man he used to be. His mind wavers between this reality and the "truth of things", seeing what people and his surroundings are when plunged into the madness of the inbetween, and allows him to channel the cold void between spaces when in this mindset. Isaac retains his SAS combat training, both in melee and at range with various weapons, making him dangerous even when his mind is stable. When unstable, his skill with weapons varies chaotically, although often times they are unnecessary due to manifesting things that should not be from between planes, commonly shielding himself and lashing out with tendrils of frigid, nearing absolute zero, darkness for a lack of better terms.

Despite his training and powers, he is still just a man beyond that compared to metahumans and superhumans in general. Subject has a warped sense of reality, slipping into a state of mind that could be best described as sheer madness, claiming to see everything around him for what it really is, making him dangerous to be around to allies as well as enemies. Even when stable, he shows a lack of teamwork that once defined his life, perhaps a side effect of his condition, and often times shows fatalistic pessimism, and a general devil may care attitude about how life turns out, convinced that his own well being is irrelevant compared to the happenings of the cosmos and in between them, showing a lack of concern for his life.

Isaac is a quiet man when he retains control of his faculties, preferring to speak little and act greatly rather than speak boldly and not act. This comes from his military time, and even before then, as he always had an introverted streak that would make him an odd leader, preferring to let a team speak and hear them all out before offering a comment or disagreement that often was pinpointed on how it would unravel an entire plan or idea. Polite and amiable beyond his quiet tendency, one would be forgiven as to wonder why Isaac would be kept by himself, in a room reinforced with several inches of steel and often provided food only when he could prove his sanity long enough for someone to slip a tray in past the door. His alter ego is a jarring shift that might as well not be related to Isaac at all.

When his mind warps, Isaac becomes something completely different. Laughing and crying in equal measures, he throws himself into situations with wild abandon, often speaking things that are utter madness to others that might not, and usually do not, make any sort of sense what so ever. His interpersonal interactions while warped are nonsensical, often times lashing out verbally or physically at anyone who dares engage him during his mind breaks. This mindset often bleeds over into his normal self, often times twitching or making comments that are out of place, such as on how people appear outside themselves or otherwise things that only make sense to someone who has seen things that should have completely blasted his mind out of his head.

Isaac stands at about 5'10" tall, with a fairly thin build that, other than muscle that he retains, is remarkably thin and almost, to the untrained eye, malnourished at the best of times.

Biggest Claim(s) to Fame:
Was tasked with leading a British black op investigating superhuman activities involving Stonehedge. Isaac would chase the cult of superhumans across the globe, from London to Cairo to Tokyo even, storming hideouts and fighting raving madmen powered by their own abilities and something else, usually manifesting in corruption that caused men to go mad when coming into contact and often, for their own good, being put down. Isaac was haunted by having to put his own men down during his pursuit of this cult, as he chased them closer and closer to Stonehenge, expecting their leader and some lunacy of a ritual, at worst, and vengeance for those who had fallen during the pursuit.

Isaac could only wish that the reality was that innocent.

Isaac would find Stonehenge quarantined off by the British Royal Army, surrounded by a creeping, unnatural corruption that was barely contained by the Royal Army, and was spreading. Isaac and his men donned full CBRN attire, which seemed to work against the black, tarry substance as the squad advanced into the infested area. Isaac refuses to discuss what transpired at the core of Stonehenge, but he lost his entire team and was corrupted by whatever the cult was attempting to summon. Isaac had reached the center circle of Stonehenge, apprehending their leader before he could finish the rights, but the man killed himself and tried to use his life force to finish the ritual.

Isaac would be incarcerated after an outbreak, several months after the events at Stonehenge that were covered up by the British government, the incident ending up slaughtering a platoon of Royal Marines prior to being subdued. He was tossed into a maximum security facility, remaining in solitary confinement with nothing but his thoughts, and other beings thoughts, for four years after the event, where he continues to remain alone and isolated.

How Long Have You Been in Prison: 4 Years of Solitary Confinement

Prefers not to sleep if he can help it, haunted by nightmares of things in between realities at the best if times.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by PatrickDrummer
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PatrickDrummer The Legend

Member Seen 15 days ago

Quote: "There really ain't no rest for the wicked..."

Theme Song: This ain't no place for a hero.
Name: Ed Rosario
Alias: Ed
Age: 22

Powers and Skills:Ed has nothing special about him... Well except that he's...
A crack shot with almost any gun you put in his hands. Meaning he is an all around marksman and plans to hit his shot if the conditions are ideal of course. Knows the basics of most common and uncommon fighting styles ranging from the simple stuff kids ask their parents to sign them up for to the almost dead style of Okichitaw. Plus he can make explosives which may or may not self destruct within a couple seconds of completion.

Weaknesses: He's only human man. He also tends to get hot headed and reckless when his past is brought up in anyway.

Personality: Ed mostly looks out for himself, so sometimes it works out for everyone and other times it doesn't. Other than that some find Ed to be quite funny at times, and he is also really adaptable to the type of situation given which can be useful on missions. While Ed does look out for himself he also can be found as a team player at times.

Appearance: Ed stands at 6'2" with a fairly slim build allowing him to move around quickly, and all the while packing a little muscle to give his punches a little more power.

Biggest Claim[s] to Fame: Robbed five different central banks in the US, two in Canada, and blew all the money in Vegas in less than a night.

How Long Have You Been in Prison: Two years, no parole, no visitors, and no fun.

Brief History: Ed was a pretty average guy who was better than average with weapons, and made a living out of it. He started fairly small you know stealing and redistributing stolen goods from gangs to their rivals. Then he stepped up with a few armed robberies here and there, two assassination attempts one successful and one not, and finally his big score. His big score which was his series of successful armed robberies on central banks in both USA and Canada. He amassed a fortune out of it, but he wasn't alone for this and had a bunch of hired men to work with him. They all got shares and went separate ways, and Ed took his fortune to Las Vegas, Nevada where he spent it all in one night. In the morning he was found in a top floor penthouse room surrounded by S.W.A.T team members. Turns one of his men was a rat and told the police where everyone who was involved was. Ed then got jailed, but what they can't figure out is who he was before he started his life of crime.

Notes: Ed can turn almost anything into a weapon with his hands.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Death Grips
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Death Grips Army Dreamers

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Weird Tales
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Weird Tales A Stranger from A Strange Outer Dimension

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Quote: "I am terror from the black pits"
Theme Song: Be prepared
Name: Dagron
Alias: Red Blade
Age: 666
Powers and Skills:
Demonic physiology: Dagron is demon from hell and has different biology from normal mortals. This grants him several abilities, which include superhuman strength and durability as well as being able to never die of old age.

Hellfire: He can fire torrents of supernatural flames that can burn both natural and supernatural beings including other spirits.

Demonic force: Dagron can unleash a wave of invisible force that can send things flying for many feet.
Weaknesses: Because he is on the material plane, his body is susceptible to being destroyed and he can be killed. Silver is like kryptonite him and it will drain his powers slowly when he is close proximity to it. Iron is also more effective against his superhuman defenses than other metals like steel or titanium.
Appearance: He stands at about 6.1 and weighs 235 lbs. He wears metal armor

Biggest Claim[s] to Fame: He's helped start riots and violent massacres for years in order to damn Americans to hell.
How Long Have You Been in Prison: 6 months
Brief History:
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Death Grips
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Death Grips Army Dreamers

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I think I'm finished with my CS!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Omega Man
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Omega Man Micro Machinist

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

We really just need a government agent/hero at this point!

@Weird Tales An actual demon is a bit too much for the 'Squad.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Omega Man
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Omega Man Micro Machinist

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

@RumikoOhara Your CS is missing some details, unless you were planning on your girl being the June Moon/Enchantress of this crew and working for Waller?

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Hillbilly12
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

We really just need a government agent/hero at this point!

@Weird Tales An actual demon is a bit too much for the 'Squad.


Well I could have one posted tomorrow night. Need to get some work done first.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rocketrobie2
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rocketrobie2 Money owns this town

Member Seen 25 days ago

I'm workin' on another government agent if your still allowing two
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@The Kid Lantern

Actually that is her original sheet from three maybe four years ago. I posted it to see if I should adapt her to the squad

The way I see her is Criminally insane and her ability to consume Fear and other intense emotions a kind of cannibal drug addict

Fear is her Food and her Addiction

How's this for her quote?

"Would you Die for Me?"

Oh and yes she'd work for the government if they promise her "No Foul Kills" then definitely
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by rocketrobie2
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rocketrobie2 Money owns this town

Member Seen 25 days ago

Might change his appearance due to similarities to another one of the Squad's members but I'll just put this up for now until I get word if I can use the aesthetic.

EDIT: All good now.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Omega Man
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Omega Man Micro Machinist

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Titanpad link for anybody wanting to discuss the RP and CSs...


@rocketrobie2 LOL

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by RumikoOhara
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RumikoOhara Goddess & Benevolent Dictator

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Dam, why is it that Titan pad never works for me
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Omega Man
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Omega Man Micro Machinist

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

LOL it happens sometimes to everybody. R2 had to leave and I'm about to hit the sack now too though. I'll check back in tomorrow before/after work...

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Weird Tales
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Weird Tales A Stranger from A Strange Outer Dimension

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Quote: "My sword is hungry right now"
Theme Song: Be prepared
Name: John Luis
Alias: Blade
Age: 26
Powers and Skills:
Supernatural swordsmanship: John is an excellent swordsman and is aided by his demonic sword named Blood Bane, which grant him superhuman capabilities with his techniques. His reaction time is quick enough to knock bullets out of the air and he can take out several enemies with his incredible speed. The sword is also able to communicate with him and it is bonded to him so that he can call it to his hand whenever he will it.
Weaknesses: His sword his weak against pure silver and has trouble cutting through it.
Personality: John is a very confident to the point of it looking like he is cocky and his swordsmanship helps back it up. He is very precise when it comes to killing his targets and shows no remorse to taking out lives. John is always ready to face challengers that seem stronger than him so he can test himself and overcome his limits. He really hates the Flash since he was the hero that turned him in.
Appearance: John stands at about 6.1 feet and weighs about 220 lbs

Biggest Claim[s] to Fame: He is an accomplished mercenary and has a reputation for being very efficient in his work.
How Long Have You Been in Prison: 3 months
Brief History: John was born to a middle=class french-american family, but his childhood wasn't good. His mother was an over controlling abuser who beat down his dad with threats and called John names. This turned John into an angry child and got him into trouble at school on several occasions. He was suspended when he punched a girl who was bullying a friend of his and in an age of bias he was demonized for his actions. His mother was furious and John could see the hypocrisy of the world around him that allowed his mother get away with her abuse.

Every time he saw an ad on television was domestic abuse John always felt tempted to throw a rock at the screen. It was so bias and one-sided, it made him sick. Eventually his life would change forever when he was in high school and visited a museum of antiquities. That's where he found the demonic sword Blood Bane and upon laying eyes on the blade he felt it calling to him as if it had a life of its own. John felt that he just had to have it and so he stole it when no one was looking.

When his hands clasped the blade's hilt for the first time, he felt a dark power rush through his body and his body changed. John was faster and his skills in swordsmanship became legendary. With his new weapon, he ran away from home, not before killing his mother and now free he became a mercenary to amass a fortune. His reputation became big throughout American super villains.

John's mission also saw that he acquired a parrying dagger of magic properties exactly like his rapier and his skills as a swordsman increased as he fought many foes and won many battles. His luck however ran out when a mission took him to Central City and he came into contact with the Scarlet Speedster known as The Flash.

Despite his inhuman skills with a blade John was no match for the speedster and he was turned over to the authorities and sent prison.
Notes: he has parrying dagger as his off hand weapon.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Hillbilly12
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Might've made this character too powerful, but it'll be easy for me to just cut down her physical capabilities by half or something. I'll be making some edits tomorrow.

Quote: Some days I wonder if I really needed to put fifty C4 charges on that sea monster's face.

Theme Song:
Name: N/A
Alias: Dazzle/Daz
Age: N/A (no older than 60)
Powers and Skills:

Cybernetics- Dazzle is one of very few military cyborgs the US military has. In the case of Daz, most of her body including her face has been replaced by cybernetics and implants. This mostly consists of artificial limbs, organs and even skin. The cybernetics are a general improvement over any human's natural capabilities. Her muscles mostly consist of carbon nanotubes that give her the strength to punch through reinforced steel, and lift a two-ton car over her head with some strain. Dazzle's running speed is over 80 kph and she can sustain that sprint for several minutes. Reflexes are enhanced enough to make her an issue against most experienced close quarters combatants, but it’s not so much that she's dodging bullets. Her eyes are artificial and allows her not only to identify someone two miles away, but also has night and thermal vision capability.

Military Training- Dazzle’s training seems to be the basics most US army soldiers go through, but its still unknown which branch she served. Her training involved basic firearms, hand to hand combat, survival skills, unit cohesion, demolitions experience, cyber warfare and officer training. This has all been enhanced by experience in various battles. As a result, pre cybernetic upgrade Dazzle was already a highly skilled marksman, relentless hth fighter, veteran officer and (as she would put it) all around badass soldier. Most of her activities as a soldier made her a very capable candidate for special forces.

Weaknesses: While skilled in cyberwarfare its possible if caught off guard or captured her cybernetics can be reprogrammed. Of course, this would take a genius hacker who also is able to avoid the self-destruct placed in her. Also her cybernetics in general takes a lot of energy in the form of powerful fuel cells. What these fuel cells are powered by is unknown but Dazzle only carries up to four on a mission. Each one only lasts an hour at best and when they run out she goes into back up power mode which decreases her capabilities to 10%.

Personality: Dazzle’s age is one of her many secrets, but her personality seems to lend some clues to it. She’s surprisingly very caring and open to conversation with almost anyone. Understanding, tolerant and patient are the best ways to describe her personality even if this may change during a fight. Some would consider talking to her like speaking to an old tough veteran who knows how to be gentle and also when to crack the whip. It’s hard to see that type of wisdom in someone who looks like they’re 20 something.


Around 5’10 and weighs 175Ibs (cybernetics and fuel cells add to her body weight) she appears to be a young Caucasian female in her 20s. Her cybernetics In her limbs adds to her bulk.

Biggest Claim[s] to Fame: One of the few unclassified missions involves how she prevented a rebellion in Venezuela. The South American nation was under threat by a dangerous terrorist known as “Clank”. He was a genius in his field of robotics and was able to develop the technology to create advanced autonomous robots. These however were equipped with enough weapons and armor to take on tanks. Her team’s mission originally was to recon his base and retrieve some of these machines. Daz knew what was going to happen and figured she would allow her team to complete the mission. She would on the other hand “accidentally” get discovered by a patrolling robot and then “accidentally” level the warehouse Clank was using as a base.

In the process of these “accidents” she mentioned engaging several dozen of these machines and noting that this army was nearing completion. Clank was captured and the mission was considered a success despite the many hiccups.
How Long Have You Been in Prison ?: 0 yrs

Brief History: Most of Dazzle’s history is classified and or she simply refuses to speak about it. What’s known is that she was born in the United States with two parents somewhere in the Midwest. Went to college and joined the military early in her life. With the experience she has Dazzle was likely a combat ready soldier in a time when the military didn’t allow women in direct combat roles which calls into question why she was one of few exceptions. Now, Daz is acting as a sort of babysitter for a squad of dangerous superhuman criminals.

Notes: Often read works from the Latina writer Gloria Anzaldua.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by thedragonsimon
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thedragonsimon the damned

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Still accepting? I have been dying to play a Venom based character.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Omega Man
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Omega Man Micro Machinist

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

@thedragonsimon The iCheck will remain ongoing even after the first group is chosen. As people drop out their characters will be killed within the context of the game and will need replacing. When a new mission begins, roughly every two to three weeks, I'll recruit more players from this thread.

I'm surprised nobody's applied for a cannon character!

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rocketrobie2
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rocketrobie2 Money owns this town

Member Seen 25 days ago

@The Kid Lantern Would a government employed Red Arrow/Arsenal be ok for the RP?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Omega Man
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Omega Man Micro Machinist

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

@rocketrobie2 He worked for Checkmate for a bit and at the beginning of Red Hood & the Outlaws he was in a middle Eastern prison. I could see him being locked up for something stupid and Waller coming in with an offer.

I'll be in the titanpad for a bit if anybody's around!

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