Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Audrey Ramirez and Davy Jones

♦ Avonlea Docks - Avonlea, Rivenspire ♦

Interacting With: Each other.


“..puta mierda..!”

The ever familiar sound of the engines roaring to life ripped out though the docks of Province, the tires seeming to just fly over both the cobblestone and wood, causing the loose stones to crunch underneath their weight as each bike sped down the ever changing route that had been lined out for them to take; the sound growing further and further away, disturbing the normally peaceful morning air of the docks as she hurried to catch up to them, though knowing full well that she was never going to be able to do so.

It was over. She’d missed her chance… her chance at earning the extra gold; and for once being able to spoil her child with something special, and a day where the two of them could just sit down and spend time with one another.

Clenching her jaw tightly as her dark eyes followed the bikes until they had completely fled from sight and around the corner, a frustrated groan fell through her lips, her head shaking from side to side in utter disbelief to her own stupidity until eventually, she turned away from the scene that was causing the more seedier side of Avonlea to get riled up about who was going to be the new winner now that the reigning champ had been left out of the running- the very thought that she had once again let her precious daughter down had her hands balling into fists, the sound of wood creaking under the pressure of the blow as she brought them both down upon the lid of a nearby barrel.

Sighing out softly in defeat, Audrey pressed the palms of her hands into the barrel, her dark eyes shutting tightly for a moment or two before finally, she stood herself up tall once again, her expression blank… almost completely unreadable as she brought her hands together in front of her stomach, pulling the leather gloves off one after the other before tossing them down on the cracked and splintered lid; her gaze looking out, though not particularly seeing the view of the ocean waves as she stared out over it, her mind reeling about what she was going to now that she had missed the opportunity presented to her.

A few moments later, a low, throaty chuckle resounded off of the cobblestone walls, reaching her ears. While usually the sound was associated with either taunting, or danger, Audrey knew it to be neither as it was a particular laugh she had grown familiar with over the years. It was his laugh...

Stepping out from behind the corner, Davy Jones made his presence known as he stepped towards her, his arms outstretched as if to say "here I am!" His frock, a deep sea-green in color, swished with every step he took - the blood-red waistcoat poking out underneath complementing the loud accessories of belts and sashes making anyone wonder just how the man got around without ever making any sound.

"Not exactly a hard woman ta find, Kiara. But ye sure do make it difficult to catch up to ye." Jones smirked as he closed the distance between them. With a soft smile, reserved for only those single few he held a high regard for, he trailed out his tattooed hand, letting his fingers catch her chin to softly have her looking back at him in an angle he found most appealing.

"What ye may call misfortune... I call... opportunity..." he went on, a slight gleam in his eye and smirk on his lip. "Had ye won... well... perhaps me visit 'ere to Avonlea would 'ave gone unnoticed. It's rather amazing, isn't it? What a few, shiny gold pieces can do to a person 'til it's run dry..."


She didn’t even want to think about how disappointed Elaina was going to be when she found out that her mother wasn’t going to be able to spend the following day with her; the girl was going to be absolutely heartbroken… but at least this time, there wasn’t any promises made to get the child’s hopes up…

“..you know that every single piece of gold I earn goes into raising my daughter… this win was going to be no different; except now…”

Closing her eyes for a moment, she tilted her head lightly to the side, her chin slipping away from his touch so that her cheek was instead resting against his fingers, her shoulders both visibly and physically relaxing as her body leant back against the barrel- there had always been something about him… about Jones that had caught her eye… Even throughout her years spent living within the Pride Lands, he had always managed to somehow pull her from her bad moods… her darkened thoughts, and back into the light with nothing more than smooth talk, a dashing smile, and rather flattering intrigue towards her and her well-being.

Lifting a single hand up from where it had been rested over the top of the barrel, Audrey ran her fingers back through her long and wavy dark locks, pushing them back and off of her face before she once more lowered her arm, her hand coming to rest instead upon the leather gloves that she had taken off moments beforehand, “..I have let her down once more…”

Jones didn't waver his visage as Audrey's spirit began to dwindle. He had seen her in times like this before; worse even. It seemed that he had timed his visit just right, for who else in this God-forsaken Kingdom could look after her better than he? It was a good thing he always had a plan.

"Ah. I see. That is... quite the plight..." Jones agreed, slowly letting his hand slip from the side of her face. "I'd be so inclined ta offer me services, but... it seems... something has weighed me down, rendering me quite useless. What- what is that?"

Jones began to dig his hand in and around the golden sash tied around his waist, seeming quite perplexed for a few moments until finally, his hand caught around a rather large satchel.

"Ah! There ye are! Thought I'd lost ye to the locker..." Jones began to untie the string that kept the satchel fastened to his person, and then, cupping it with his hand, he tossed it up a few times, listening to the sound of coins clicking together for a few moments before tossing it over to her.

"Now... ye see... I had hoped that, that satchel I'd obtained, indisputably honestly and undeniably justly - quite recently, in fact - could buy ye and I a few days pleasures..." Jones wiggled his eyebrow. "However, in light of certain... circumstances..." He paused, crossing his arms over his chest and bringing up his finger to tap at his lips as though in deep thought. Then, with a shrug, he dropped his arms and smiled. "I suppose I could... extend such pleasures to... smaller company, as well... absent the brothels, of course." He paused, and then quirked an eyebrow, tilting his head to the side slightly in a soft angle. “Or not..?”

Parting her soft lips in slight confusion towards the situation, Audrey let her gaze tear away from his own and down to the satchel she now held within her hands, her dark eyes taking a moment to flick over the insignia branded into the leather before all of a sudden, it began to make sense in her mind.

These were the winnings…

It was what she would have collected had she been in the race in the first place. The gold that she had been planning on spending on her daughter from the very beginning, and now, thanks to the rather sticky fingers belonging to the pirate that now stood so very tall before her eyes, she had them within her grasp… How was it he always seemed to be at least one step ahead of her at every turn..?

Lifting both her gaze and her attention so that it was once more resting upon him, she couldn’t seem to help the small smile that played over her lips, her fingers curling tighter around the leather satchel before finally, she slipped the strap over her shoulder, letting it hang by her side in a show that she was accepting of his gift… and of his help, “..of course…”

Turning her gaze down to once more glance over at the leather gloves left laying on the lid of the barrel, Audrey reached out and took them up in her hand, taking a moment to slip them back down into her pockets before she turned her head, once again choosing to give him her full attention, “..I shall be sure to give her your regards; or will you be accompanying me..? I do not plan on returning home anytime soon; I told Sweets that I didn’t know how long I would be. If you have no plans; a few drinks would be welcomed.”

Jones returned her comment with a smile. Though as much as he would like to see the small child again, drinks with the woman he had known for a great number of years posed to be a slightly higher priority. Especially when she was willing to get a few drinks with him. Extending out an arm, he approached her once more until his palm was pressing up against the small of her back, guiding her to walk with him to no place in particular, but it would only be a matter of time before they would find a tavern or something of the like.

"Thought ye'd never ask, lass."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago


Her first try at skiing, and while she had done okay, Jamie knew it wasn't going to be her strong suit. Yet it had still been fun, and Anna was an amazing teacher. Still, Jamie could now happily say she had done skiing, had had a fair go at it, and hadn't let it beat her. Even if her arse was sore, her legs felt like she had been running several miles and she was damn cold, it had been worth it. And now maybe there would be some other...activity that would bring her back to feeling loose and limber. And back at the lodge, with a cup of hot chocolate wrapped contently in her gloved hands, the warmth a welcome feeling that set her mind to...home. Seeing how the hot chocolate was made, Jamie had insisted she show the worker how her father made it, and had set about, first melting pure chocolate, adding warm milk, and putting it together, before squirting a pile of whip cream ontop with some shavings of hot chocolate. "The best thing for a cold day, and for falling on you arse so much you are sure its black and blue" She said as she took the mug and happily found a seat.

She contentedly lounged back, enjoying the feel that the lodge had, There was something about it that made Jamie feel....both excited and relaxed. Quite an odd combination when you thought about it, but Jamie herself was a little odd so that was okay. She stretched, and she took a sip of her hot chocolate, for one wild moment, she felt home. There was so much in her life that made her feel strange, odd and as she thought on that, she played with the necklace around her neck. She took another sip, before setting her cup sown and licking her lips, removing the creams that had settled there as she drank. She ran a hand over her nose, sure there was some cream there as well. She lay her phone on the arm of the chair, and having grabbed her backpack, she took out her notebook, flickering over her notes, and generally just letting herself relax, little by little. She enjoyed her studies, quite from making her feel trapped, she had a thirst to learn more and more as she went along.

Ultimately, Jamie dozed off. The long trip up there, the chattering of that annoying teenage girl, and the skiing, not to mention the wicked hot chocolate, were doing their job of making her rapidily exhausted. And given that she planned to hunt up that magician, well....being a little rested would definetely make things more lively. She purred to herself at the thought, and curling up, she driffted off to sleep. She couldn't truly say she dreamed-she never could. Sometimes her dreams seemed rather vivid, and it ws often hard to tell whether or not they were real. As she dozed, her hand clutched the necklace, the one thing that she had of a life she didn't remember. She only woke when it seemed like she'd roll off the chair, and it was with a jolt, her heart beating rapidly, her breathig coming in quick pants, until she calmed herself down. Nothing like that feeling of falling as you wake.

She chuckled at herself, and stretching, she glanced around, hoping that no one had seen her foolishness, but also figuring she was in a public place. Not that she cared about that. She glanced at her phone, rubbing her eyes as she did so. Finishing off her now cold, but still absolutely delishes, hot chocolate, she lelaned back, curling up again, but this time she didn't fall asleep. She grabbed her phone, and taking out the card, she began to debate with herself. She wanted a bit of fun, a bit of freedom...she pursed her lips thoughtfully.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Interacting with: Doctor random people. Then Jamie

Othello slept in way to late. That was actually putting it lightly....he tried to hibernate. He woke and sat up glancing at the clock whose numbers melted off of its face. He heard dimly the peeping of his watch angerly reminding him that he needed to take his pills. He rubbed his eyes and looked at the ceiling...today seemed to be a melting day. He glanced beside him and tilted his head at the neon pink feline curled up there. ....okay definitly need to take my pills now he stood and made his way to the bathroom. He carefully turned on the faucet and splashed himself with water before downing a small pill that held his sanity.

Yawning he made his way back to his room and saw the grey Russian blue that had gone from more feral to feral but in his house. He lightly pet the cats head before freezing. His phone was lit up with messages. Mentally face palming he got ready and rushed out the door with the cat trailing after him before taking its usual spot in a cat box Othello had made.

He burst into the office of his doctor and quickly made his way back there. You know this is the third time you've been late.
"I know I know but sometimes shows go late and I show up tired as hell" a grin enveloped his face. "You look great today doc did you do something different."
No. Now let's talk about your condition Othello
The smile faultered and he sighed before talking.

Othello looked absent mindedly out the plane window. Apparently he needed a vacation. He tried using work as an excuse but his assistant agreed with his doctor...damn that man. His violet eyes peered over the sunglasses on his face as he silently stewed over the gang up by the two people in his life. His doctor...damn that woman. Who insisted he go somewhere secluded and his assistant....double damn that man. He was pulled back from his thoughts by a flight attendant.

Can I get you anything sir?

Angry peeping started coming from his wrist and he nodded before shutting off the watch. "Water...no ice"

He took his pills and downed the water. He could feel the states from the woman sitting next to him. He looked at her and tilted his head. "If you think yourself perfect when you are that fake then no one is perfect now are they?" the woman gasped before turning away and effectivly ignored him. He chuckled and waited for the plane to land.

He soon found himself at Lake Tahoe. He had no idea why he settled on coming here, but it's not like he had much time to choose. He started walking to the front desk...completly ignoring the small magic show going on...when he heard a loud piercing shriek. He cringed and turned seeing a young blonde girl jumping up and down like a deranged rabbit.

Oh. My. God. Othello Boyavard I like totally love you!

He looked at the person behind the front desk over his sunglasses and spoke softly. "I don't suppose you could hide me back there could you?" they shook their head with a small chuckle before checking him in and handing him his room key. He gave a two finger salute and fidgeted with the back pack that held everything for his vacation....forced vacation.

"Oh a fan I'm so.....delighted" he considered himself a good judge of character and hers...sucked. The girl stood there all proud and proceeded to walk toward him phone in hand. Something he hated...pictures with snobby girls.

Before she got too much closer he seemed to snap and smoke appeared around him. He was no longer standing there and the girl was now standing there like a lemon. Othello was now sitting next to Jamie with his bag by his feet. "Teenagers."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Annalise Brie

Location: The Lodge
Interacting With: @Caits Jamie & @BlackPanther Othello

After giving Jamie her private lesson with skiing for the first time which was entertaining at times seeing her falling down numerous times, until Jamie called it a day which she didn't blame her. Annalise stayed out a bit longer she had a bunch of younger kids around twelve and ten years old. Annalise always loved her job just simply teaching others snowboarding or skiing even though her sister did some of the teaching as well. About ten minutes or so later Annalise was getting pretty tired herself as were the kids, she gestured them all towards the lodge to get themselves something warm to eat and drink the lessons were done for now and she was freezing and she craved some hot chocolate.

Annalise made her way back into the lodge and looked around as she made her way towards the food area and grabbed herself a hot chocolate as well as a brownie which she was really craving. The young woman looked around until she spotted Jamie sitting there she smiled as she made her way over and then spotted Othello she recognized him on TV for magic shows. But she really didn't believe in that stuff she smiled and waved a the two of them. "How are the two of you doing?" Annalise asked.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago



Jamie looked over as someone sat next to her, taking a moment to study them. The black-haired guy couldn't be much older then her, if not the same age, and Jamie couldn't help herself from smiling, as she let herself study him. He seemed a little...strange, yet who didn't? And he did look defeintely...yummy. down girl She thought to herself with amusement. While Jamie liked fun, this guy seemed a little...bit more then strange, and Jamie didn't want to get into anything that would be more messy then it needed to. Still, she could sympathise greatly with his comment, and she chuckled, shifting in her chair, she lounged back with one leg over the arm, the other keeping her balanced, and contently resting her arms just under her chest, not simply because it enhanced it, but because it was comfortable. Her dark hair, what had falllen out its pony tail, fell almost cutely over her face, small strips over her eyes.

"I can agree with that, they're generally annoying little snot bags" She said with amusement, "The one I had on the ride up here did not shut up, and what a judgemental little prissy bitch. She got a little bit of karma though" She added, laughing at the memory. She glanced back at where the guy had come from, and couldn't help a snigger, "Maybe a little more then I thought, look at her face" She couldn't help the grin that spread over her features as the girl saw her, and paled slightly. Turning back to the guy, she leaned forward slightly, offering her hand to the guy, balancing quite nicely, and saying "I'm Jamine. Pleasure to meet you. Seems to be my week for meeting cute guys" She gave him a wink, leaning back as Anna approached,

"Quite well, aside from my butt. Somehow, I don't think skiing will ever be something I'm truly good at, but at least I can say I tried" Jamie sometimes didn't have a filter. She nevertheelss smiled, at both Anna and the guy, She stretched out contentedly, and watch both of them.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago



Othello watched her study him from behind his sunglasses. He tilted his head as he watched her seem to know something was wrong with him. Some people could figure it out quickly....others either didn't care or couldn't tell. He felt his walls slam up as if to ward off the knowledge and slipped off his glasses. Purple eyes staring back at Jamie. He gave a small smile and before he could go much further a very angry beeping sounded prompting him to give a sigh. He pulled a water bottle from his bag along with his pills and took one. The watch then seemed to settle down....upon further inspection of the 'watch' one could see it didn't really manage time. Rather it monitored Othello. Anytime his condition acted up it beeped. Kind of like an inanimate service pet.

He then took her hand and lightly kissed it. "Othello. It is very nice to meet you" he looked at the blonde that she was talking about and chuckled. "I am certain she is the one I ran away from. Nasty thing isn't she" he then smiled slightly. "Seems to be my day to meet beautiful women" small wink.

He then looked up at the new woman and nodded. "It would seem this forced vacation may not be quite so bad."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by tsubasa


Member Seen 4 days ago

Robin Hood and Merida

Somewhere in the woods of Camelot


Robin crouched low to the ground, stalking through the woods. He had left Aussigris back at his small camp, he couldn't let the horse spook and ruin tonight's dinner. They had sent a deer running not to long ago and Robin had every intention of tracking it down for dinner. However, along that trail he was tracking came some bigger game. His head turned quickly at the sound of a far larger snap. Too big for a person... So, it seemed like dinner might last his entire stay in Camelot. Then again, who really knew how long he was staying. He heard that the Pendragon fortune was quite large, it might take some time to properly uproot, at least, without getting chased out of town.

Hearing the breaking of twigs growing closer, Robin climbed his way up into a tree, not wanting to be too close to whatever creature came his way. Leaning against the tree trunk, he pulled an
arrow from his quiver and nocked it. He saw the creature pushing through the brush, a giant bear. His mouth twitched a little, bear meat smelt something cruel if it wasn't done right.... Robin had yet to perfect it but there was certainly enough meat on that bear to try. Pulling the string back, he felt the fletching brush up against his cheek as he took aim. The sun peered through the leaves, illuminating the world around them but he didn't mind, the bear had no idea he was there.

The sharp pain that suddenly spread through his arm was one that was all too familiar. He grunted slightly, it certainly wasn't the worst blow he had suffered thanks to an arrow. It had, however, caused his arrow to fly completely off course and going sailing into a tree trunk. He cursed and threw his bow over his shoulder before jumping down into the brush below, he had no interest in being in an open space if someone was so keen to shoot him.

"It's no fun when you're the one being hunted, is it..?"

Narrowing her greyish-blue eyes slightly, Merida held the bow tight, the fletching pressed up gently against her cheek as she stepped out from the shadows, the piercing metal of the arrowhead aimed fast and squarely at the base of the back of his neck- so this was where Mordu had roamed off to... of course that big lug had managed to walk right into a dangerous situation without even knowing it...

"I suggest you leave well enough alone- get on your way before I give you another wound that'll match the one you have on your arm." Pressing the tip of the arrowhead against his bare flesh as though to prove her point, she took a single step closer to him, her gaze flicking over to make sure that her beloved childhood pet was well and unharmed before she turned her attention back over to the man who had almost slaughtered him, "The choice is yours- but you only get three seconds to make it..."

"Three seconds?"

Feeling the cool metal tip of the arrow head he reached round himself and grabbed it before yanking it out of her hand. He held the weapon in his hand and spun it around his fingers and smirked, "Long range weapons don't do too well up close," his French accent draped his words eloquently as he turned to look at her.

Robin dropped the arrow to the ground before ripping the first from his arm and allowing it to join the second. He smirked, "My apologies, where I am from bear are food and threats... not pets."

Blood started to run down his hand, dripping off of his fingers, "Some of us do not have the luxury of not hunting and if you do... Well, you can't blame me for thinking your pet was prey."

This woman... She was interesting. Her aim, her anger, her attire...

Lowering her bow slightly, Merida quickly took a couple of steps back from him as he turned to face her completely, her now free hand slipping back and over her shoulder, threatening to grab hold of another one of her arrows in case he chose to do something that he was going to regret, "Mordu has done nothing to you; yet you still choose to hunt him down. Seems a fair fight to me... even if he wasn't in my care, bears are a sacred animal; one that should be respected."

Seemingly satisfied that he wasn't going to be doing anything against her, or her beloved pet bear, Merida lowered her arms back down to her sides, her shoulders physically relaxing before she turned and wandered past him, her hips swinging lightly from side to side and in time with her step as she made her way over to the creature, her touch soft... loving as she reached out, her body crouching down beside it as she began to run her fingers gently through its fur, her Scottish accent clear as she spoke out again.

"Had you hurt him... I give you my word you would have suffered more than just an arrow through the arm."

"He may be sacred animal to you... but all I see dinner. But I'll respect that this one is your pet and I won't hurt him," Robin said, lifting his hands in mock defeat. He kept watching the woman as she walked to the bear. Interesting that the bear was calm with her... There was a bond there and although he wouldn't admit it to her, he was glad she had stopped him from breaking it. At the mention of making him suffer, Robin couldn't help but laugh, "I believe you... But then again, I could list many people who like to make me suffer more than an arrow to the arm... and yet here I stand."

He looked down at his bleeding arm and sighed, it would kill to flex that muscle which meant that he wouldn't be able to hunt. Which meant that he would be going to hungry. Unless... Robin pursed his lips and smiled, "You know, as much as you were protecting your bear. You have injured me in a way that I can no longer get food... I believe that it would only be fair that after you have robbed of any meal tonight, that you provide me one."

Turning her head back so that she was able to look at the man from over her shoulder, Merida narrowed her eyes slightly- as much as she hated to admit it... he was right... Sacred or not; she had robbed him of a meal, and any chance of hunting one down now that she had taken away his shooting arm... the only decent thing left to do was provide one for him.

"..then I hope you have a liking for fish..."

Standing herself up straight, she slipped her bow over her shoulder, keeping her gaze locked on him for a few moments longer before eventually, she gave her back to him once more, her fingers lifting up and slipping between her lips so that she could let out a quick, loud and rather sharp whistle, the sound gaining not only the attention of the bear but also a large steed as it came galloping out of the tree line and over to her side from somewhere not too far away, "Mordu... Angus... we're setting camp..."

Robin was slightly shocked with how quickly it was that she had agreed to actually providing him with dinner. Of course, he had said it all with the utmost confidence but he had never expected it to actually pan out for him. He rose his own finger to his mouth, letting out a rather high pitched whistle three times before lowering his hand and wiping it off on his jacket, "I haven't a problem with fish. Can't complain when you'll go hungry otherwise."

The sound of hooves drumming against the dirt filled the air as Aussigris joined the party. He walked over to his horse and patted his back before reaching into one of the saddle bags and pulling out a length of cloth. Put a piece in his mouth, he managed it rip it quite nicely. It should be enough for his arm. Before he made his way back, he removed his coat and tossed it over the saddle bag. He made his way back toward the woman and took a seat on a stump before fumbling a little to wrap the bandage around his forearm.

Reaching her hand out, Merida took a few moments to run her fingers through Mordu's long and soft fur, her nails lightly scratching before she used her free hand to motion towards the river opening up in front of them, the action causing the bear to run off ahead of the group, the water splashing underneath his paws as he got to work looking about for fish beneath the surface, swimming among the rocks.

Satisfied with what was going on, Merida turned her attention back over to the man she had been threatening not moments earlier with an arrow, her soft pink lips parting ever so slightly as she watched him struggling to wrap the wound she had been the one to inflict upon him- the outcome of the situation was her fault... though they both knew he had brought it upon himself with his actions...

Tearing her gaze away from him for a few moments of thought, her eyes closing and a gentle sigh falling out through her lips before she crossed over to where he was sitting, her body crouching down and her legs folding up underneath her as she knelt down in front of him, her touch soft... gentle as she reached out, taking the makeshift bandage from him so that she could wrap up the wound she had inflicted upon him, "..here; let me..."

Robin watched her as she removed the cloth from his hands and began to wrap it, "The forearm is tricky with one hand," He commented before relaxing a little, allowing her to do the work for him.

He looked around them as she worked to bandage him up. This was a bit of an odd scenario. She had just moments before been telling she would most likely kill him if he didn't leave. She was an odd one. He cleared his throat and looked at her, "I was not expecting your accent from those in Camelot. From those that I have met, you sound very different. So, I am not wrong in assuming that you are not originally from here?"

"..you would be correct in your assumption... I hail from across the seas- from the Kingdom of Dun Broch..."

Pausing for a few moments of silence, Merida let her gaze flick up to meet with his for only a moment before she returned her attention back down to his arm, her touch remaining soft as she continued to wrap the material firmly though gently around the wound, "I-... I come to Camelot on business..."

Robin looked at her and squinted slightly, he couldn't really think of any occupation that would require a bear. So, he was mainly just left confused by the whole thing. Especially her. He merely nodded his head though to the comment. He continued to watch her as she stared at his arm and waited until he was all bandaged up to speak again.

"You are quite skilled with a bow... At least from that shot," He ran his hand gentle over the hidden wound, "When did you learn?"

Merida remained silent, her eyes focussed upon what she was doing before finally, she was finished, her hands returning back to her sides as she lifted herself once more to her feet, turning herself around so that she could make her way down to the water's edge before she crouched down, washing away his crimson blood that stained her hands as she helped.

"..when I was young; my father taught me to use a bow. Unlike my mother, he always encouraged me to do whatever it was that I wanted to do... even if it meant I wasn't like the other girls around me..."

"I wish my father had been more like that with my sister. She is strong now because someone saw it in her. But I believe she holds loyalty to the wrong people because of it..." Robin lowered his head little. It was true, he might not have seen Belle in quite sometime but he had heard whispers of her. The people wanted him to sneak into the castle and steal from the King and in turn his own sister and he didn't know what to do about it. He had thought to get in contact with her, to tell her what had happened to him and get her out before he robbed Gaston blind... But right now, she had made something of herself and he was at a crossroads with what to do. Which was why he had headed toward Camelot, promising his people bigger rewards from the Pendragon fortune.

He had a sister..?

Frowning slightly at the new information, she kept her head down, watching as the blood trailed off and became diluted by the waters running away from where they were situated on the bank- so he had a sister; it was more than obvious by the tone of his voice that he missed her, but then she wasn’t going to press for more than what he had already told her.

“Loyalty…” Scoffing slightly at the word, Merida kicked herself back into gear, pulling her hands back into her body and wiping them dry on the fur she wore before she stood herself back up, keeping her back facing him as her attention was drawn over to where Mordu stood pawing at the fish in the river, “..that’s what got me into this mess in the first place.”

Robin looked at the woman for a long moment, trying to assess the situation. There was the question of choosing to prod and see if he couldn't find out a little more about her or if this was something better left as a passing comment. He began to play a little with the bandage in silence, waiting to see if she might add more. When she eventually didn't, he decided to ask. After all, she seemed to want to talk about it... maybe.

He cleared his throat, "And that mess, would have something to do with your business here?"

Pulling herself back to the present as his voice once more hit her ears, Merida turned her head so that she was able to look back at him from over her shoulder, her eyes meeting and lingering on his own for what felt like a lifetime before eventually, she nodded her head lightly in response to what he had asked her.


Whelp... Her business here was clearly wasn't something she was interested in talking about. Which he supposed was fine, gave him more reason not to talk about his own intentions in Camelot. He stood and wandered over to her before he crouched next to the stream, rinsing his own hands of blood and dirt before looking at her and smiling, "I see."

He straightened a looked at her, "Well, is there anything that I can do to help?"

“..you want to help..? Then help me to change my fate; it’s the only thing in this God forsaken world that I want…”

Sighing softly, she kept her gaze on the brown bear as he continued to fish, a small pile of them building up on the bank not too far from where the both of them were stood at the water’s edge, her arms both coming up to cross over her chest as she shook her head, causing her long and messy bright red locks to bounce back and forth over her back and shoulders, “..but then we can’t always get what we want now, can we…”

Robin pursed his lips while he looked at her, "Well... I meant with dinner... but um... I'm not too sure about the fate thing. I'm not too sure that I believe too much in fate. You create your own with the choices you make."

He thought for a moment about her final words and smirked, "Maybe... But that's what makes the world interesting. Fighting for what we want."

She fell silent, her eyes lingering on his for a few moments longer before she tore her gaze away, allowing it to instead once more come to a rest upon the water in front of her- they chose their own destiny..? Gods, how she wanted to believe that. No matter how hard she tried, no matter how many times she spoke to her mother about what it was she actually wanted, it never helped… nothing was ever going to change the arrangements that had been made.

“I fight with my mother almost every day, but it doesn’t help. Things aren’t going to change, and I just-… I don’t know what to do from here to make it change.”

"Well, avoiding a fight is simple... Don't fight. It's an active choice... it's a hard choice but it is a choice. If you think about how you fight... with raised voices, for example, and avoid those circumstances or try to resolve things in a calm manner... You'll find far more even ground than you would with a shouting match," Robin stared out to the forest on the other side of the river and sighed, "A lot of people feel they can't change their fates because they don't try. Because it is hard and allowing things to remain as they are is easiest..."

Robin stuffed his hands into his pockets and pulled his gaze from the trees to look at her, "But back to helping with dinner."

She fell silent, her head turning and her eyes once more meeting with his for a few moments as she thought over his words- she should change the way she was fighting..? Her mother and her argued like night and day… each of them forcing their point by yelling their opinions, but whether or not the message got through was more than obvious by the current result. Her mother was winning the battle; and if she wanted a chance to follow her own path, then she had to change her approach, and win the war.

“..enough, Mordu… Come on; we can split the work. You can clean them; I’ll get a fire started.”

"Sounds good to me," Robin said before following her back to where they had left the horses.

Sometime later, when the food was done, they both sat next to each other enjoying the warmth of the fire. He turned his head and looked at her. He enjoyed her company, she wasn't like the women he had met. Not so much by the way she held herself or acted as that differed with every person... But there was something, something that drew him in. He chuckled, "To think an hour or so ago... You were yelling at me after shooting me in the arm... And now. I seem to have cast quite the spell on you," he teased.

“..do not flatter yourself; though I shall admit, your company is welcomed compared to that which I would have found myself in should I have continued on my journey…”

Curling her body over slightly, she reached down to pick up the large stick that lay by her feet, using the end of it to poke at the flames, causing them to flair and for embers to spark and travel over the soft breeze before disappearing completely, “..do not get me wrong; the company is enjoyable enough, however the expectations lain out… I can’t stand the restrictions, and in my life, there are many…”

Robin looked at her as he leant forward, resting his arms on his legs, "You know... You seem to talk a lot about the difficult things in your life.... but I don't really see you taking much control over your life. This company of yours seems to be in charge or fate is... I really think you ought to start making more decisions for yourself."

He smiled, nudging her gently with his elbow, "You are a incredibly strong woman, I can tell you that without even really knowing you... It is an admirable thing in someone. Deep down you are a leader... but leaders are never really good followers and maybe that is why you struggle with your mother and your fate... You are trying to follow a path when you should be forging your own."

“Things… are not as simple as that.”

Unable to help the small smile that crossed over her lips, she shook her head lightly, taking a few moments to herself before she met with his eyes, her own body leaning forward so that she was able to rest her elbows over her bare knees, “But enough of such talk. You think me strong..? There are far more out there who are stronger than I am… though I thank you; you flatter me.”

Robin chuckled at her comment and shook his head, "In some ways, maybe, but here," he pointed to his chest as he leaned in close, his voice lowering to a near whisper, "I don't think there are many... There is something about you... Something that demands attention in the best of ways... Something that draws you in. Your fire and desire to be something people don't expect... It is very..."

Robin's words fell short as he stared at her, in their close proximity. He sat there a moment before gathering his words again. "I... want to kiss you... and I have no clue why. I don't know you... I might never see you again... but I do..."

He wanted to-... Wait, what..?

Frowning in confusion at his sudden confession, Merida’s soft pink lips parted ever so slightly from one another, her eyes drawn… fixated upon his own and no matter how much she tried, she just couldn’t seem to tear them away from him. What was it about this guy..? No more than an hour ago, she had been threatening his life- shooting him fast in the arm with an arrow, and causing damage that would take more than a day’s time to heal properly; and now…

Her breath seemed to waver, her heart picking up the pace of its beating as the close proximity of the both of them finally began to dawn over her- when had they gotten this close..? Why had they gotten this close… She wasn’t quite sure whether or not she cared…

Hesitating a few moments, she shifted slightly over the trunk of the tree they were sat on, her arm once more lowering back down to her side and after a few moments, the long stick she had been using to poke the flames fell back down to the ground at her feet. They were never going to meet again… each of them had business they had to see to in Camelot; but she had major doubt that anything he had to do would take him anywhere near her, or those she knew…


Robin looked her in the eye as she stared at him. He wasn’t exactly sure where the confession came from or why… The words had just spilled out of his mouth and once they were gone, he had no way of taking them back. She didn’t seem to mind though… Which he had to admit, surprised him a little. He smirked at her simple answer before leaning a little closer, one hand coming up to hold the back of her neck, “There’s a spell, I swear,” he teased before he gently pressed his lips to her’s.

“..I wield no magic… you have my word…”

Her voice trailed off as she felt his lips pressing against her own, her heart seemingly unable to make up its mind as it slowed… skipping a single beat before beginning to race once more; the pounding of it against her ribcage loud and fast, and by the Gods she was more than sure that he was going to hear each and every single ‘thump’.

Turning her body just that little bit more, she lifted her hand up from her side, her touch soft… light as she pressed her palm gently against his chest, holding it there for only a few moments before she slid it up, her fingers curling ever so slightly as she allowed it to settle upon his collarbone and shoulder as she pressed her lips back against his, her own lips soft… gentle… and for some reason, wanting more as she kept them against the warmth of his own.

Robin wrapped his other arm around her waist and pulled her in closer to his body, leaving no space between them. Now, Robin hadn’t exactly been practicing any form of abstinence for sometime but there was something about this girl, not in the way she kissed, rather in the way he felt when he kissed her. It was something different… He just wasn’t sure why.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago



Jamie watched Othello, and she couldn't help it, her heart went out for him. From the way he took his medication, she had to figure out that there was something wrong, that was nevertheless managed by the treatment. She couldn't imagine the dedication it took to maintain that. What could she say? She was a sucker for sympathy cases. As he kissed her hand, she noted the watch itself that had, it seemed alerted Othello that it was his medication time. Notiing that it wasn't a watch, but some sort of monitor, she stared at it curiously for a moment. how many times a day does he take his medication, based on that monitor?.

She realised that staring at it might be a bit rude, and she hastily glanced away, back to Othello, struck but his purple gaze. Now that, definetely, was odd. But she was intrigued by that, wondering just how someone had purple eyes. Was it a genetic mutation? whatever it was, Jamie liked it. His eyes were just so...shocking. Amazing. Pretty. This time at the mention of the girl, Jamie didn't look back towards her, simply nodded. "Yes, she is. Hopefully she realises that she is, and changes, but I don't see that happening" People so rarely changed, even if they wanted to. They just needed to have a reason to change, and many people didn't have that.

She smiled brightly at his comment, about meetign beautiful women. Glancing over to Anna, she smiled at her friend, before saying to Othello, "So, why was that girl bugging you?" There was something familiar about Othello, yet she just couldn't put her finger on it. Was he on TV?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
Avatar of MarshiestMallow

MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 10 mos ago


Ursula began the day like she always did. Bathing, and dressing before having a quick, light meal. The woman looked at her reflection in the looking glass, pondering her appearance a moment. A little vain, Ursula was always thinking about appearances. She smooth her curls slightly, knowing that at the end of the day, they would be all over the place anyway. She smoothed her clothes, and started out. She had a small place, not really interested for now in anything bigger. Not when she had neverland to protect. The slow demise of Neverland distressed her, and each day Ursula was sure to check for signs of decay, even as she sought to protect it from Hook, the bastard that had murdered her Aunt, perhaps the only mother she had even known.

She wouldn't let Hook take such beauty again, and she would defend Neverland to her last breath if need be. Even if Neverland was dying, Ursula still knew it was beautiful, It was a haven, and it needed her to look after it. With Peter Pans absence, she would do all she could. There wasn't much else she could do. Grabbing her satchel, she slipped some potions into it, as well as a waterskin, and her battle axe, slinging it over her shoulder, along her back, where it rested comfortably.

She started out, beginning to walk the path she normally did throughout the day, thinking on the inevitable day when Neverland would be no more. One day, she would have to go away, to try and find Peter Pan, or a way to save Neverland without him. But she needed to make sure that Hook wouldn't be around to bother Neverland. Frowning to herself, she let her thoughts wander, every so often, she would crouch by a plant, or Den, pouring a little bit of a potion here and there, checking over everything, Ursula found a peace.

She loved Neverland. She loved growing up with her Aunt, as well, and it was for her Aunt that she would deny Neverland to Hook. If there was only one patch of land to defend, she would defend it. Moving smoothly, Ursula was well prepared for any sign of attack. After a while, she approached what she considered her training ground, removing her battle-axe from her back, she hefted it. The axe was weighted perfectly for her, its magical powers could be actived in a real battle, but for training Ursula kept its powers off, going through the exercises she had designed, knowing that being able to weild a weapon would do nothing if you got tired after five minutes holding it.

When she had finished, she let out a slow breath, wiping her brow. Well satisfied, Urusla walked to a brook, crouching, she dangled her fingers in the water, staring into its depth. She rose smoothly after a time, and continued on her way.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Vicier
Avatar of Vicier

Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Simba Lionhart and Kidagakash Nedakh

♦ Atlantis - Rivenspire ♦

Interacting With: Each other.


Simba wasn't sure how long he stood there, watching where both Kidagakash and Kerchak had exited, but eventually he wrapped his mind around the fact that he should probably get some clothes on. The fire had done a decent job in drying off his skin and hair, but his pants, he feared, he wouldn't ever be able to wear again. It was just as well - he picked the shirt and pants off of a stranded man who had wandered too far into The Wildes on their own, half-eaten by the buzzards before he happened upon it to salvage what he could before leaving the birds to their lunch. Thankfully, that meant a change of clothes from the ones he had been wearing since he had left The Pride Lands. His current clothes that had been drying on the line were already small as they were, and he was sure he had grown an inch or two since taking them from the corpse. Kidagakash had offered him new clothes, and that sounded rather lovely.

Quietly, Simba made his way over to the table and stripped himself from the only article of clothing he had been left in, tossing the pants over the pole where his shirt remained drying by the fire. Picking up the blue bundle of clothes that had been lain out for him, he began to undo the folding, finding that it was only a single strip of fabric that he wasn't really quite sure what to do with...

After examining the cuts in the fabric and a few holes here and there, getting nowhere in his ideas as to how to wear the damned thing, he tapped back into Kidagakash's mind, searching specifically for a single brief moment on the other men in her kingdom that wore... whatever this was... and soon found the proper way to dress himself. The blue fabric went around his waist and between his legs, covering up all the necessary bits with a longer stretch of fabric that wend down both the front and the back.

/Kinda like a tail.../ Simba thought to himself as he turned himself around, trying to see how it looked on him. Despite knowing that he was doing it right, he couldn't help but to shake the feeling that he might have over-looked something and would make a complete fool out of himself in front of the Queen. But with nothing more to go on, and at least covered up properly, Simba swallowed his pride and headed outside to meet back up with Kidagakash. Maybe... just maybe... Kerchak had moved on to other and more important things than himself...

"میں ٹھیک ہوں. ایسے معاملات پر اپنے آپ کو تعلق کی کوئی ضرورت نہیں ہے. تاہم؛ ہم بات چیت کرنے کے لئے ہیں کچھ زیادہ نہیں ہے. ملاقات کی ضروریات کو دیکھنے کے؛ ہمارے مہمان کے لئے ایک دعوت اس رات کو منعقد ہوگی."

Unable to keep the soft smile from crossing over her delicate features, Kida allowed her eyes to stay trained on the man standing before her, her hand lifting up from her side, though with her palm faced flat out towards him in an effort to get him to stop as he began to bow- the action… while it showed her nothing but respect, was not necessary in any way. She might be his Queen, but in her mind there was very little that stood between them but name and title.

Frowning ever so slightly in confusion as his expression caught her attention, she took pause for but a few moments, watching on as he straightened up, though it soon became more than clear that his eyes were lingering just over her shoulder and in the direction of something behind her person. That was quicker than ever before… He hadn’t long come out of the room and stormed off so that he could ensure than no other had followed. Had Kerchak truly returned so early once more back to her side..?

Following his gaze, she turned her head back so that she was able to look over her shoulder, her own bright crystal blue eyes both widening ever slightly in surprise as they came to rest upon the figure that was their newly acquired guest; the sight of him stood in the dress of her people causing her smile to grow, and for a small sense of pride to swell within the confines of her chest as just how well they not only suited him, but just how well they were adorned upon his body.

“معبودوں کی طرف سے…”

Her voice was soft… delicate as she spoke out, but as realisation that both men around her had more than likely heard the words falling from her lips, she quickly turned away, her cheeks flushing a bright shade of red as she once more returned her attention back to the man she had been speaking with not moments beforehand, nodding to him once in order to dismiss him from her side before slowly, she turned back to where Tarzan stood, taking a moment to calm herself back to her usual content demeanor before she began to speak once more, though this time seeming to think through her words before allowing them to pass through her lips, “..you wear the dress of my people well; it suits your temple. Please, allow me to show you my city. When we return; a feast shall be held in honor of welcoming you to Atlantis.”

Stepping outside of the smaller room and into what he could only assume was the Main Hall (it looked so much different than his father's castle back home), Simba had managed to catch the tail end of Kidagakash's conversation with another man in the language he did not understand by words, but was slowly starting to understand by inflections. It was a strange thing, bonding with a human. Though it was still very much the same as when he bonded with an animal. A warthogs grunts and snorts, he understood as words. The same went for the foreign language that passed through Kidagakash’s lips.

Putting his attention past her words, he couldn't help the subtle sigh of relief seeing that he had indeed put on the garments correctly as the man across from Kidakagash wore the same thing and in the same way. Feeling, rather than seeing, the other man's gaze on him, reflexively Simba kept his head bowed down; something he had gotten into the habit of to keep his facial features hidden from anyone who might recognize him as Simba, Prince of The Pride Lands. Even years later he knew that it was far-fetched, but he wasn't about to leave that to chance.

His bare feet scuffled slightly on the stone floor and his hands went to his hips where he would have stuffed them into his pants pockets but when his fingers brushed up against the pocket-less material Kidagakash had provided him with, he awkwardly let his arms hang back down at his sides as he could now start to feel the gaze of others passing by on him. By her second (and much quieter utterance), it was clear that the Queen approved of his dress.

Turning his gaze just a bit, he caught a glimpse of a small dragonfly buzzing by them, able to pinpoint it's location with ease having sensed its energy. His palm was glowing a very soft blue color, in which Simba knew wouldn't stop until he returned back to the plains since everything and everyone here was entirely new to him, and thus the only creature he had bonded with here was the Queen of the hidden city, standing before him now. He didn’t bond with insects very often. They had incredibly short life spans and weren’t exactly good for conversation. Simba shrugged his broad shoulders, flickering his eyes to Kidagakash for half a moment before looking back to his feet.

"You... you don't have to do that..." he said modestly, shuffling his feet about him a bit again and put his arms behind his back, holding onto his wrist and resting them against his lower back to give him something to do. Since when had he ever done anything that would warrant a feast? "Really, I'm... I'm not exactly a people-person. I'm uh, well, thank you for the clothes, and bringing me here and everything... but I gotta get back to Pumbaa..."

“..I see…”

Pausing a spell longer, Kida lifted her hand up, her head tilting lightly to the side as she scooped her hair around and over her shoulder, her crystalline gaze lowering and wandering off to the side as she listened to his words, the reluctance she could visibly see over his features slowly seeping in through the bond to fill her own body and mind.

“..if this is to be your choice… than I shall escort you from the city…”

Sadness. That's all Simba could feel coming through her as though the emotion were his own, overpowering his own nervousness and insecurities to a point where he started to feel a knot forming in his chest. But, why would she be sad about him wanting to return back home? She had tried to kill him earlier - twice in fact. He didn't belong here, and they both knew it.

Drawing in a deep breath, she held it a moment before slowly letting it out through her nose, her arm reaching out and gesturing towards the main entrance, and with it, the doors that would lead them back outside as she took a step back, her body turning as she led the way, her arms once more returning to her sides and her gaze set as she did all she could to avoid eye contact with him; though just why she was doing so, she wasn’t quite sure.

“..the people have not had new visitors in years. I shall inform them of your decision; and call the feast off before such events come to light.”

Continuing on the path, though at a much slower pace than earlier, Kida’s voice was soft, her head nodding lightly in greeting towards those who were greeting both her and Tarzan, “..I wish for what you have done, however, to be undone. I have not witnessed magic such as this, and though it interests me, I cannot allow it to affect my judgement, nor my duties as Queen.”

Simba kept his eyes off of her figure as she led them out of the construct and back outside, letting them rest on a few areas that looked slightly familiar to him as he had seen them from the cliff's edge what felt like only just a few moments ago. But at the same time, it felt like hundreds of years ago - memories that were not his own, he was sure, though it remained a challenge to separate his own thoughts from hers. He kept his head down, feeling only slightly better as the throng of people around them subsided with each step they took towards the exit of the city.

/Hang in there Pumbaa, buddy. I'm heading back now./

There was a slight pause as Simba reached out with his mind to contact the warthog, and for a moment he thought that he was simply just too far away to be able to form a link strong enough for conversation until he heard a rather grotesque burp in his mind and an emotion that he could only describe as contentment..

/Better hurry, Tarzan. Timon and I just found a rotted log filled with nutritious yummables to snack on. Can't guarantee we can save you any-/

/Is that Tarzan? Hey! Tell him I said hi!/

/Timon! Get off my back! You can talk to him yourself, you know.../

/I know that! I just get better reception up here. Hey Tarzan! What gives? I thought we were going to the wateri-/

/Timon! I can't see!/

/Lighten up big guy, this will only take a second!/

Shaking his head and suppressing a smile, Simba pushed the bond of the warthog and the meerkat to the back of his mind, feeling Kidagakash addressing him once more, able to understand her words this time though as she spoke in his language. Guilt pulled through him then as she asked for him to remove it. He hadn't exactly thought about that before, all of the animals he had bonded with in the past showed no reluctance or hesitation before with letting him in. But, he supposed, human beings were a bit different... if only just slightly...

"I... I can't remove it..." Simba said ashamedly, keeping his head down and simply watching his feet carry him. "Once you've bonded with someone, it's for life. I... the only other option I hold knowledge of is by death, but even then... I’ve felt death before. I’ve felt myself die when animal I have bonded with has traded in this life for the next. I've only experienced this fewer times than there are stripes on a cheetah; I would not have others go through this for anything. I'm uh..." He lifted his head, just a bit to let his blue eyes land on her figure. "I'm sorry to have bonded with you, it did not occur to me that it was not something you wanted. Please, accept my sincerest apologies. I did not know how else to get through to you."

Tilting her head lightly to the side to show that she was indeed listening, Kida closed her eyes, her brows furrowing in both confusion and frustration towards the fact the connection that had been forged between the two of them was unbreakable, even by the one who had created it in the first place- it was irreversible… there was no going back on what had been done… Turning her head back around to the path ahead, she pushed herself further, seeming to pick up the pace if only so slightly as if maybe adding some distance between them was going to be something that would help to kill the bond naturally.

“..we are stuck… bonded as one…”

Repeating the words, though more for her own sake rather than his own, she opened her eyes once more, her bright blue orbs staring straight ahead as she continued to lead the way through the inner city, and towards the ruins that were the outer remnants, her heart growing heavy as her own grief began to take over her body, her hands balling up into fists down at her sides as she mumbled under her breath, punishing herself for her own stupidity which had led them both into the situation in the first place, “وہ صحیح تھا. میں اپنے لوگوں میں ناکام رہے ہیں.”

"What? Oh no, no. We are still two very different people." Simba said, not quite understanding the context in which she used her words, however his explanation was cut off short by her next phrase in which he understood quite plain and clear, not even having to dig through her mind to find the implications or meanings behind them anymore. Knitting his brows together, Simba picked up the pace a bit quicker than she had, coming up behind her and placed a strong hand on her bare shoulder, willing her to stop and turn to face him.

"You have not failed anyone Kidagakash, most of all your people. Your mind and memories reveal much to me. You are a fair and just ruler with the well-being of your people and culture put before yourself. Samahani. Tafadhali nisamehe. The fault is mine for putting this on you, I was not thinking."

The moment she felt weight upon her shoulder, her body tensed up, her jaw clenching as she reluctantly allowed him to turn her around so that they were instead facing one another, her eyes however, choosing to glide past him and down to the ground beside them in a show that she was still not willing to make eye contact, his words causing an unsettling feeling to settle within her before she could take it no longer, her head quickly snapping up so that she was able to meet with his gaze, even against her own will.

“یہ نہیں میری غلطی کیسا ہے..! I was the one to lead you to this place..! Had I not been careless, you would not be here, nor a bond created between us.”

Keeping his jaw tightly closed shut, he let her talk; both in the tongue of her people and English, though he was at a point now where he didn't notice the difference in speech much anymore. If she wanted to continue to blame herself despite his words, then fine. He wasn't going to waste any more energy on something both he and Kidagakash knew that she firmly believed in, regardless if it was the truth or not.

Dropping her head back down once again, she took a step back, pulling her shoulder out from under his grip, her hands both balling into fists down at her sides in her frustration, “I-... I give the people false hopes of a life once more as peaceful, and thriving as it was before the big waters… I once had faith of my own; faith that the world outside would accept our culture. But I was wrong. I see that; and now I must fix the mistakes of my past.”

Turning her back to his person, she closed her eyes, allowing the gentle breeze to blow back through her long white locks before she allowed herself a moment to look out over the city around them, hesitation clear in her actions and mind as she thought over the paths in front of her- she was at a crossroads… keep him from going; or allow him to leave on his own...

Finally making her choice, she turned on her heel, her feet slowly carrying her down the path that led to the entrance of Atlantis, “..come… you must leave…”

Simba's otherwise hardened expression let up a little at her words. His head tilted slightly as he watched her turn back around and continue walking, but she only got in a few steps before he rushed forward and once more pulled her attention back to him by placing his hand back on her shoulder despite her earlier reaction of tensing against his touch.

"Why do you believe the outside world will not accept your culture?" he asked, his brows knitting together in genuine curiosity. Looking away from her for a moment, he turned his neck to look over his bare shoulder, back at the city in which she had brought him to. An unexplainable sense of pride began to well up in his chest, and it took him a couple of moments to realize that the pride wasn't coming from him, but Kidagakash instead, an understanding of the love of her hidden city washing over his mind like a quick breeze. Smiling, unable to help it with the new feeling inside of him, he turned back to look at her.

"I know not the years it's been since I've last been in a city, but what you have here is... amazing..." Simba only had The Pride Lands to reference, as he spent very little time outside of the castle, let alone the Kingdom. But what he saw and understood of Atlantis… really the two Kingdoms were not all that different from one another.

Unable to help the way that her eyes once more fluttered to a close as she felt the weight of his hand resting upon her shoulder for the second time, she came to a stop, her body freezing in place for but a moment before she turned around to face him, her crystalline gaze catching with his own, showing him nothing but her own worry and caution over the matter they were now in discussion about.

“..outsiders all think alike… You are not capable of accepting my people, or our culture. Others will be far less understanding than you…”

Shaking her head lightly, she let it drop, her gaze hitting the stone beneath their feet before she allowed it to wander off to the side, her eyes following the moss that had grown over the ruins before she lifted it to once again look out over the city, “What we have are the now crumbling ruins of a once great civilization… My people have suffered much; I cannot ask much more of them. Now please… Come. You must go.”

With her emotions flooding into him like a broken beaver dam, Simba's body relaxed substantially as he bore the weight of her worry and caution as though the entirety of the city was his very own burden to bare. Returning his hand to his side, he moved his fingers to instead run through his tangled mess of blonde hair with a dejected sigh. He just wanted to go home - return to Timon and Pumbaa and eat and sleep the rest of the day away. But with this new bond, he wasn’t sure if he physically could anymore.

"Well... maybe... there is a way I can help…” Simba sighed, running his hand over his face. It was decided. Timon and Pumbaa would just have to wait. “You made earlier mention that food was getting harder to come by; I... can help with that." He relaxed his arm back down to his side, his fingertips brushing up against the material that now covered his waist and down his legs a ways, bringing his attention there for a moment. "It's the least I can do for the new clothes... but I'm afraid making other Kingdoms understand a different culture, as you put it... that's out of my hands.” He paused. “I don't particularly see what isn't to like... or what is different, really. Then again I haven't spent much time anywhere else but the Wilde's and The Pr-" He stopped himself quickly and shook his head lightly at his near mistake. "Watering holes..." He corrected.

Lifting her head up as his words fell upon her ears, her soft pink lips parted, the look upon his face causing her to think twice about her action of sending him away, though only for a brief moment before she once more tore her gaze away from his, her long white locks falling forward and over her shoulder.

“You… wish to help bring game back to the people..? You-... You are kind to offer your skill to Atlantis. I-... You have my gratitude…”

"It's just a matter of asking the herds to move closer. It’s possible something just scared them off in the first place." Simba remarked with a gentle shrug of his broad shoulders, absentmindedly moving his hand back up to his head to scratch the back of his neck out of habit.

"There was a buffalo herd not too far from here just yesterday, I'll go see if I can't track them down." Simba moved his eyes from Kidagakash towards what he now knew as the exit of the city by the information he had learned from her earlier through their bond before looking back to her with a soft smile, both physically and through their bond telling her that everything was going to be okay in an effort to still her anxiety. Maybe once she was in a better place, he could go back to the way things were.

“You... would go to such lengths to help us..?”

Her eyes flicked back and forth between his own, seeming to search for something that would tell her just why it was he was willing to go out of his way to help her and her people; unable to find anything betraying his honest words and offer, she relaxed, comfort leaking into her mind through the bond they both shared while the smile that graced his features only helped to set it in, causing her to take a single step closer, her hands both reaching out to take a hold of his wrists, however gentler than when they had first met.

“..gratitude, Tarzan… you have much gratitude for these actions.” Unable to help the small smile playing over her lips, she fell into the comfort offered, her thumbs brushing lightly back and forth over his wrist as she continued to hold his gaze, “I shall be eternally in your debt for such help.”

Shaking his head no and keeping his smile, Simba simply looked back down into her eyes, turning his wrist slightly in her hand and pulling it away just enough so that he was able to take hold of it, the pad of his thumb brushing over the top of her flesh in a soothing gesture. The mood between the two of them now was a much more comfortable one. There was honor here, respect, gratitude and even familiarity. In that moment, Simba felt as if he had known Kidagakash all of his life simply by being one with her mind. There was very little about her he didn’t know, and she didn’t have to utter a single word. It was… serene.

"If you have need of me, just open your mind. I shouldn't be too far and the bond should keep us linked together." Releasing her hand, though somewhat reluctantly, he kept his smile before continuing to walk forward, no longer needing her to show him the way out of the city.

Just what the hell was he doing?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by BlackPanther
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Othello followed her gaze and looked back at her. He wondered what she thought. A man who had to depend on medication to be normal....with a watch that would tell him when to take them. He smiled and rolled his shoulders. "She will probably only change when something happens to cause her to." he then raised a brow. A small hit to his massive ego with her not knowing who he is. "My profession is magician and escape artist"

His purple eyes now seemed to be filled with a passion as he spoke of his work. "I perform mostly in Las Vegas but I do appear on television. That would be where she knew me from" he tilted his head. "But I refuse to take pictures for snotty teenagers" he smiled. Interestingly enough while he was at the bar he did not seem to have any intentions of buying alcohol of any form.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Annalise Brie

Location: The Lodge
Interacting With: @Caits Jamie & @BlackPanther Othello

Anna moved over closer towards Jamie and Othello and smiled as she extended her hand towards the man blushing slightly at his compliment. "Well, it's nice to meet you. I did see one of your shows on TV." Anna said with a soft smile as she looked over towards Jamie and then over at the purple eyed boy in front of her. "And don't worry i'm not going to ask for pictures or anything. Besides my sister would probably end up tearing me a new ass if that happened. Need to be more 'professional'." Anna said sarcastically as she brushed some hair out of her face for a moment.

"Could I offer you two anything to eat or drink at all?" Anna asked as she moved over and leaned herself up against the side of the booth as she looked around at the other guests in the lodge. She did enjoy working with the people here even though she did grow up with her sister here, Anna always got the feeling that she was slightly out of place here though.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vicier
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Vicier Demigod at heart <3

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Isabella De’ fortesque

♦ The Castle Stables - Lupinis, Rivenspire ♦

Interacting With: The Queen Mother, Agatha Potts (Mrs. Potts).


“A moment, please, Ms. De’ fortesque.”

At the sound of a voice entering the stables behind her, Belle turned her head, her beautiful dark iris’ searching about until finally, they came to a rest upon the figure she knew now to be the Queen mother of the kingdom; however, what the woman could possibly want with her was far beyond her comprehension.

When it came to her presence within the kingdom, the Queen mother had made it quite clear that she was not welcome; especially so if her intention was to hunt. The very moment that the beast had been mentioned by her son; the very beast that was said to not only terrorize the land, but also the people… and yet it was almost as if the woman didn’t wish to be rid of it… No; in fact, the way in which she spoke of it; the way in which she so passionately spoke out of her chances against it…

It were almost as if the Queen were… fond of the beast…

Frowning slightly as the mere thought of such a strange connection, Belle took but another moment to just look at her before her attention was once more drawn away, her gaze turning back to the beautiful horse that stood before her whining slightly in protest at the quick visit, and at once again being set on their way. Clicking her tongue a couple of times in order to gain Phillipe’s attention, she reached out towards him, her touch gentle… loving as she ran her hand down the length of his neck a few times, doing everything that she could in attempt to comfort the animal in question, “..your majesty…”

Once sure that Phillipe was settled enough to be saddled, Belle turned her back to him, her person pausing for a moment so that she could once more look toward the Queen mother, a gentle nod of her head out of pure respect towards the woman before she was on the move once again, her feet carrying her across the room and over to a stack of hay bales where the leather saddle embroidered with her initials was resting, “Forgive me my actions; we have a long journey ahead, and I would prefer we leave before sun down.”

“That will not be necessary… for you shall not be leaving.”

If the Queen mother hadn’t caught her attention before, she sure had now. Stopping in her tracks as she reached out to pick the saddle up from the hay, Belle turned her head around once more, her gaze returning back to the woman as she stood watching her; the Queen’s expression (much like her own at times) hard to read as she brought her hands together in front of her stomach, “..your majesty..? Forgive me; I thought I heard you say, I would not be leaving…”

“No; you heard me correctly, Ms. De’ fortesque. You see, as noble as your intentions may be by leaving this kingdom. You are a welcomed guest of my son.”

“I mean no offence, your highness; however, your son is a grown man… I am positively sure he can live without my presence here.” Standing herself up straight once more, Belle turned her body so that she was better facing the Queen mother, her lips pursing ever so slightly at the thought that even as a fully grown man, the Prince would not be able to deal with her departure from the kingdom, “Besides, has he not done so his whole life..? He has gone without my being here before; I assure you he shall do so again.”

Slightly taken aback when the Queen mother began to chuckle lightly at what she assumed to be her words, Belle turned her head back on a slight angle, her brows furrowing together and her expression one of slight confusion as she tried to understand the woman’s reaction… was she missing something here..?

“My son might have grown to be the man you see standing tall; though I assure you, he can still be quite the child. Especially when it comes to not getting what it is that he desires…”

“..what he desires…” She repeated the words, her voice soft… almost shaky as it filled the air of the stables, causing her lower lip to quiver ever so slightly at the mere thought of what point she was trying to get across. She wasn’t a fool… she didn’t need to be some genius to know where this was going.

“Precisely… and right now, my dear, it is you that he desires most.”

She couldn’t help it, and with a gentle shake of her head, her long dark locks brushed back and forth across her back, her impossibly dark eyes never once leaving those of the Queen mother as she tried to find some clue- some reason as to why the Prince wanted her to stay rather than to leave like she was planning, “..but he does not even know me…”

“Whether or not my son knows you, Ms De’ fortesque, does not matter. However, what does… is that my son is kept happy. I have had a room made up for you in the East wing of the castle; a gown shall be delivered to you, and you shall take dinner, with my son, on the balcony of the West wing.”

She couldn’t believe what she was hearing… and as she caught movement out of the corner of her eye, Belle once more lifted her attention up to rest on the now retreating figure of the Queen mother, the woman’s bid to head for the exit causing her to take a step closer, her hands balling up into fists down at her sides as she called out to her, causing her to stop and turn back, “You cannot keep me here like some prisoner..! If I wish to leave, then I shall…!”

“My dear; let me make something perfectly clear… I will do anything to make sure that my son is happy…”
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by YoshiSkittlez
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YoshiSkittlez Roleplay Master

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Jafar Sholeh, Freya Beauchamp and Captain Hook - Present Day - The Moors Castle

Could the day have gone any worse? Figuring that the third intruding figure within the last handful of moments to be the company in which she was speaking of, Jafar remained silent as the Pirate disregarded his presence altogether and addressed Maleficent disrespectfully and coldly. His upper lip curled over his teeth in a snarl, revealing the pointer-than-normal canines that simply came from his namesake of The Serpent King. Truly, he had every intention to simply stand back and watch with keen eyes - this was between Hook and Maleficent, after all. But the very moment the the Pirate called her a foul witch, he simply lost it.

Stepping between Maleficent and Hook, a powerful torrent of fire emitted from Jafar's staff, spiraling down onto the floor and "sticking," creating a protective wall between himself and the Pirate, drastically changing the temperature of the room left behind by the White Witch, but the Sultan didn't seem the least bit bothered. In fact, after the barrier of fire had stabilized, Jafar returned to holding his staff with one hand and walked through the flames towards Hook, using his staff as a walking aid. He was physically untouched, the fire seeming to part for him as he passed through and faced him head-on.

"Hook your tongue, Pirate. Kin or not, you will respect your Queen!"

There were few things Hook despised with his black heart more than magic, one of those things being Pan of course. But Hook never wavered as the magician Jafar created a wall of fire only to walk through it and face him. He saw it as bad form, having an unfair advantage in battle among other aspects. But this was no matter to the great Captain, he had faced death many a time before and this silly magician didn’t scare him in the slightest. Using his left hand he grabbed his flintlock, and pulled back the cock with his hook as he raised it to aim in the face of Jafar.

“I have no quarrel with you, sorcerer, though I find it bad form to use magic. Though you are in between me and my hat. If you do not step aside, we will have a quarrel.” Hook said, with his finger laying ever so lightly on the trigger of his flintlock, waiting to pull the trigger.

"Your quarrel with me started when you threatened my Queen." Jafar answered cooly, his eyes unblinking in the sight of staring down the barrel of a gun. "And the only bad form I see here is your slithering incompetence of handling quite a venomous weapon." At first his words were extremely unclear, but as a second or two more passed by, the flintlock in Hook's hand began to change; shifting and twisting until the solid form of a cobra was being held in the pistols place. The head of the snake twisted back to face Hook, it's hood flaring and it's jaw dropping to allow a hiss to come from it. Venom dripped from its fangs as it reared it's head back, ready to strike its victim.

That wretched wizard, now Hook had to go get a new flintlock. James brought up his hook as the cobra attempted to strike him, and caught the serpent right in the mouth. Hook held the snake to the side like a fish still dangling from the line. Then before he could retaliate he heard his sister speak up.


Her voice, soft though still filled with venom, rang out through the throne room for all to hear. She was not in the mood for their quarreling- it was all they ever bloody did when they were placed in the same damn room as one another..! It was something that grew old, and fast.

Catching a small bout of nausea rush over her very being, she turned her head, a single hand lifting to press the sides of both her pointer and middle finger against her lips, and her dark eyes fluttering to a close as she waited but a moment, the woman’s clear attempt at waiting for it to pass when in reality it felt as though it were there to stay. Turning her back to the both of them, she hurried away from her throne, each step taken carrying her across the room and over to the table where she then proceeded to pour herself a goblet full of water, though being sure to step over all and any motionless bodies lain within her path.

“I have had enough… I am sick of it- it is all you two ever seem to do..!” Slamming the base of the jug back down to the table, water spilt upon the surface, the liquid held within sloshing back and forth violently as she lifted the goblet to her lips, taking her time to down the contents before she eventually turned back to face them, the sound of the metal clanging over the ground filling the throne room as she threw it in their general direction, not seeming to care one bit as her voice grew further angered by the second, the smoke billowing from her mouth thickening more, while her eyes flashed over a bright gold in color underneath the large hat she still wore almost proudly upon her head.

“For years now, I have had to put up with your petty squabbles; well no longer..! I will have none..!” Tearing herself away from the table, she took a few steps closer to the both of them, her hand coming up, and her finger pointed accusingly at each of them in turn before she continued on, her free hand coming instinctually up to rest lightly against the small bump of her stomach.

“..now hear this; when this child comes into this world, this… war between you two will come to an end, or so help me… I will see you both to ruin..!”

Hook turned his attention to his sister as she expressed her distaste for their constant fighting. Next thing he knew a goblet was flying in their direction. He twisted his body and leaned back to dodge it. Then what she said next made his heart skip a beat. He looked into his sister’s eyes, not comprehending what he had just heard. His lips parted ever so lightly as he tried to piece things together in his head. A child, this world… He looked down at her hand placed upon her stomach, and that was when it hit him. She was pregnant.

He did not like the emotions he was feeling right now. He was morose, and slightly angry. He wouldn't feel this way if they were back home on earth. There it would be safe to raise a child, but this land he did not see fit for a child. Not one of his sisters, anyways, not his own blood. After standing there in silence for a long moment he finally spoke softly, just above a whisper

“How long… how far along is the child?”

Taking pause for what felt like a lifetime, Freya finally dropped her arm back down to her side, her dark eyes meeting with that of her brother, the very look behind his iris’ saying it all: he was not happy with the news she had just let slip. The thought of a child being born into the world… it was supposed to be a happy one; it was something that she believed he, along with Jafar, would have celebrated with her… but nevertheless it appeared, as always, that she had been mistaken…

“..twelve weeks…”

Then it clicked in his mind. The only person she had been with for years had been Jafar. Hook's blood boiled hot. He met his sister's gaze, then slowly he turned his head to Jafar, with rage in his eyes.

“You defiled my sister with your venomous seed you evil serpent, I'll kill you!” Hook shouted. He grabbed the snake and tossed it aside as he raised his iron hook to strike at the magician, his forget-me-not blue eyes flashing blood red.

Jafar had been standing there in stunned silence, watching the two talk over perhaps the most shocking news he had ever received in his life. Freya was pregnant. Freya was pregnant with his child. Freya was pregnant with his child for four months... and hadn't bothered to utter a single word to him before now.

It wasn't the first time he was told he was going to be a father - his late wife, Sherrezade had also been pregnant, a whole lifetime ago. But he never got the chance to be a father. The Sultan claimed his wife for his own harem, and shortly after, died in childbirth. Those two instances in his life, as heartbreaking as they were, still amounted to nothing in comparison as to how numb he now felt. And that's all he could feel at the moment. Numb.

Surely she wouldn't have kept something like this from him all this time. She had promised. She had gone out and bought his bird for him with her own money when she could have easily just taken it...

His eyes were staring off, giving the both of them his profile on each side and bowed his head down. Instinct told him Hook was coming for him, and instinct had his arm raising for use of his magic. Hook was lifted into the air by an invisible hand by the throat, Jafar's hand mimicking the motion as though Hook's throat were in it. He raised his arm a bit higher, letting Hook dangle for a small while before, with all the rage he could muster, threw Hook's doll-like body across the room, caring not where he ended up or how hard he had treated their guest.

"It would be wise for you to leave, Pirate." Jafar said softly, scarily calm for the situation, still refusing to look at either of them.

Hook flew across the room, stopping only when he came into contact with the wall, and fell to the ground. He lay there for a moment to catch his breath, and recompose himself. It had all happened so fast; the news, his outburst, and Jafar. He took a deep breath, then stood up off the ground and brushed himself off ever so lightly, and gave a small tug on his coat. He took a step forward with his right foot when he felt a pain in his ankle. When he fell from the air he had landed on it wrong and sprained it. He simply continued to walk with a limp over to Maleficent and looked down into her dark eyes under the brim of the large hat she had stolen from him. He gently lifted it from her head and placed it back on his own, adjusting it for a moment before speaking.

“My dear sister… You have let this snake’s venom cloud your mind.” he said softly. Hook didn't want to believe that Jafar was up to anything good. The entire time they were together, not once did Hook approve of his sister’s lover.

“Goodbye, Freya.” Hook turned his head and limped to the door he had came through with his head held high. He looked back at his sister once more before opening the doors and leaving the throne room.

Jafar was still... not once looking at Maleficent or Hook as the pirate spoke to her and took his leave. Instead, he kept his dark orbs on the ruby eyes of the cobra headed snake, his hand on the shaft twisting it slowly a bit to the right and then back to the left, though the eyes never left him. Not even when the large doors of the room closed with a loud slam did he even stir. A storm was building up within him, and there was nowhere for it to go but out.

This wasn’t at all how she had planned on giving the news to Jafar about her pregnancy… How long had she been working the courage to speak it aloud..? How long had she spent searching for the right words to say..? Being with him was so easy; it was so right- and even though she could never admit it to anyone… it was something she would choose above all else. However, speaking with him about matters of such importance…

..well, that was a different matter altogether…

Hesitating but a moment, Freya kept her dark gaze upon the man she had fallen so far in love with over the years, the smoke… the anger, all but gone as she felt her heart fluttering, her mind seeming to be in protest of her actions as she took a few steps closer, her hands reaching out so that the very tips of her fingers were able to lightly touch against the side of his arm.

“..Jafar, I-... I wanted to tell you… I-I was going to do so today- forgive me, I-... I could not find the words...”

"You lied to me." Jafar jerked his arm away from Maleficent quickly, her touch, above all things, something he simply could not handle right then. The flames in the room slowly dissipated into thin air, his voice quiet and hardly above a whisper as he continued to observe the staff in his hand. “Twelve weeks… and not a single word…” His head turned to look at her sharply, his eyes narrowing and changing color - blood red where the whites of his eyes were, and the pupils black, thin and dilated; a careful mix of the ruby eyes of his staff and of a cobra itself. Each and every muscle on his body was tight, coiled as it were, ready to spring at any sudden provocation.

Despite the news of having a second chance at being a father, his mind instead rested upon the one solid fact that had him second guessing just about everything. She had lied to him. Thirteen years her servant - ten years her lover. How many times had they laid together, talking into the late hours of the night over the most personal of things within just the last few weeks? He had learned long ago where she came from; where she truly came from. Earth. He still didn't fully understand it... but he was able to understand that she was not Maleficent, but the heir of, taking on her name in a matter of respect and tribute. He understood she grew up in a land without magic. He understood that her mother had tried to end her life, bringing her to live in this realm. He even understood she had a brief life in Camelot as she was trying to find herself and on top of it all, he understood that the smelly, fish-eating pirate was her brother, come to this world with her. So why, in Allah's name, hadn't she the courage to tell him of their child?

“..because I wished to do it right..!

Her eyes, full of nothing but truth and sorrow, were fixed upon his as she watched him pull further away; her hand, rejected, hovering but a few moments longer before she brought it back into her body, doing her best though unable to help it as her eyes grew wet, brimming with tears which only caused them to shine beneath the light that entered the room through the windows of which surrounded them.

“Jafar, I-... I love you…” Holding his gaze a few moments longer, she let her own drop down, her head lowering to watch on as she pressed both of her hands gently up against her stomach, her touch loving as she caressed the small bump that was their unborn child, “This is our first child together; I wished to make it special- to make such an occasion memorable…”

Shutting her eyes tightly, she hunched her shoulders over, her hands pressing even closer against her stomach as she curled up, an attempt to try and make herself smaller than she truly was as she continued to beg for his forgiveness, “..please Jafar... I-I have only known for a month’s cycle… truly, you must believe me; words were to finally pass through my lips, and news of our unborn child was going to be spoken about today… Though this was not how I wished for this to go...”

Jafar sneered and tore his gaze away from her. He didn’t want to hear it. Even still, a month’s time was more than enough for her to find a way to tell him what would have normally been exciting and emotional news. Not that they had been deliberately trying; at least not to his knowledge. Was that something else she had been keeping from him? They spent many, many nights together in full intimacy and in ten years, there had never been any whisper about a pregnancy. Magic. So then why all of a sudden…?

“Well… you certainly made it memorable.” Jafar responded coldly, once more giving his attention to his staff, raising his free hand to have his middle finger delicately trace the outline of the hood on the snake.

He wasn’t listening to her… did he even want to..?

Lower lip quivering softly, Freya’s arms dropped back down to her sides, the tears she had been keeping at bay for the good portion of their conversation finally breaking free, rolling down her cheeks before falling to stain the top she wore.

“..I-... this wasn’t how I wanted it to go…”

”Well it did, Freya… and now what?” Shaking his head, Jafar rolled his head slightly to look back at her, his eyes slowly returning to their normal brown color though it was clear with how tight and rigid the muscles in his face were that he was still far from relaxed. How was he just supposed to be okay with all of this? Did she truly just expect him to put on a smile and be happy in the way he might have been if the situation had been different? He couldn’t. He just simply couldn’t. Holding her gaze for just a moment longer, Jafar finally let his eyes drop, his feet carrying him back and away from her a few steps, the end of his staff once more meeting with the ground acting as a walking stick.

”I… I need to think…” Not sure how much more he could say to let her know that he simply needed space and time to piece together his thoughts, Jafar once more met his eyes with hers before slowly, a small circle of fire appeared around his feet, the flames growing larger around him until he was completely encased. Then, as the flames began to settle down, The Serpent King was gone, the bird Freya had bought him all those years ago left behind.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by YoshiSkittlez
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YoshiSkittlez Roleplay Master

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Adam Potts

Present Day - Lupinis Castle - Adam's Bedchambers


With a tremendous roar, Adam swept his arm across the vanity within his bedchambers, sending any and all objects that had been on top of it to fly through the air and land roughly on the floor. He wasn’t finished with the innocent furniture, however, as both of his hands hooked underneath the tip and sent it flipping over harshly. If the young prince had even an ounce of care in him in that moment, he would be able to hear the splinters and cracking in the wood where parts of the legs had broken, but Adam was already stalking across the room, pacing the hard, stone floor.

He had her! Belle had literally fallen straight into his grasp. It was the first time he had seen her in years and now… now she was gone again; put off on the idea that Lupinis would not welcome her reasons for being there. He was only trying to tell his mother of who she was, why she was so important to him. Something his mother had said upset her, and - Gods this wasn’t how it was supposed to be!

Adam slammed his fist up against the wall, his strength shaking the stone and forcing a framed picture to fall and break once it hit the floor. He slid his fist down the wall, tears blurring his vision, forcing him to close his bright, blue eyes. He turned his body until his back was against the wall and slid down it until he was sitting, knees bent out in front of him.

How? How had things gone so wrong?

Adam Potts and Gaston Rourke Le’ Gume

Thirteen Years Ago - Avonlea Forest

“Ha..! You have to be jesting- your stag holds nothing over mine, and you know it..!”

Smirking slightly, Gaston let go of the reins with one hand, bringing his arm back so that he could pat the beast a couple of times before he turned his attention back down to his steed, making sure that it wasn’t going to be straying from the path they were following before he relaxed his grip, his body laying back and getting comfortable as he did what he could to try and enjoy the ride ahead of them- it had been a good hunt… a good haul; surely the day couldn’t get any better than it already was.

Letting go of the reins altogether, Gaston brought his arms up, folding them underneath his head like a pillow as he let his eyes close- early mornings… late nights… Ah, the life of a hunter.

“You know Belle’s going to flip when she sees the size of my stag- yours doesn’t even stand a chance, Adam; it’s not even a third of the size..!” Chuckling happily to himself at the thought of getting ahead of his brother when it came to winning over the heart of the Princess, Gaston shifted slightly in the saddle, making himself comfortable before he once more settled himself down, “Face it brother, she’s mine- I have won her heart already. It’s fated, and as we all know, there is nothing you can do to change fate.”

Shaking his head at the expense of his twin brother, Adam clicked his tongue and pressed his knees into his horse, urging the beast forward a bit quicker to catch up with Gaston until they were side-by-side, making sure to mind the foliage of the forest. Reaching back a bit, Adam ruffled up Gaston's hair as best as he could before the distance and strain on his side forced him to sit back up.

"Just because you've claimed your prize does not mean we are done. I still have a shot at bagging something bigger while we head back in. Now clamp that loud mouth of yours closed so you don't scare what's left in the forest away."

Ah, Belle... such a thing of grace and beauty the young Princess was. Adam and Gaston had both been pining for her since the moment they laid eyes on her all those years ago at a Royal announcement to the Kingdom. Honestly, Adam couldn't remember a thing King Maurice said. All he knew was that there was a girl up in the stands, smiling down at who he was sure was him. Gaston seemed to think the same, so every day since then, the two brothers spent a healthy amount of time competing with one another to try and impress her. To them, it didn't matter that they weren't royalty and realistically stood no chance of being with her. To them, it was a game, a contest, and a shot at love.

It was true, Gaston's stag was significantly larger than his own. But he had faith. Very rarely was Adam able to out-hunt his brother, but today... today was different... he could feel it!

Scrunching up his face as he felt his brother ruffling his hair, Gaston opened up his eyes, swatting lazily at his hand as if to tell him to piss off before he once again settled back in his saddle. Ah… how Adam was so full of hope… how very like his brother.

“Give it up, Adam… it is too late to try and best me now, besides, we are almost back at Avonlea, and we both know Belle will be waiting for our return as she always does.” Quirking his eyebrow ever so slightly at the thought, he groaned, pulling himself back up into a sitting position and shifting slightly before he turned his attention over to his twin brother, his free hand resting on the saddle behind him as he snickered, “And to think..! The first she will see shall be the majesty of my prey, mounted upon the rear of my horse as I ride to greet her with open arms, and loving kiss..!”

That last jest had Adam's jaw squaring. Neither of them had been lucky enough to get anything more than a hug or kiss on the cheek from the Princess. But they were getting older, maturing more... No doubt King Maurice was seeing to it that Belle was thinking less about fun and childish games, and more about suitors. Time was running out... for both of them. If either of them wanted to guarantee Belle's heart and hand, they had to also impress the King... somehow...

"Why would she care about a smelly ol' deer, anyway?" Adam grumbled to himself, pulling on the reins so his horse would move ahead. It wasn't a moment later that Adam's ear caught the sound of a twig snapping nearby. Immediately halting his horse, he then stuck out his arm in a right angle and closed his fist, signalling for Gaston to stop as well. He waited a moment, and then another.

There. On the left. Rustling.

Quietly, Adam dismounted his horse and reached for his bow, notching an arrow. Slowly, he stepped into the forest, going by sound as he attempted to close the distance between what he hoped to God was a stag.

Chuckling silently as his brother seemed to pout at the challenge of receiving a kiss from the beautiful object of their affections, Gaston shook his head lightly from side to side, pulling back on the reins and following Adam’s lead as he stepped down off the horse, bringing both his bow and his quiver with him as he went- one last track; one last shot at gaining the Princesses’ attention.

Notching an arrow into the bow, he held it taught, his body crouching over slightly as he followed the sound of their prey further into the forest, careful to not do anything that would give their position away to the animal in question, “..you know… there are better ways to get her to notice you… hunting has never really been your strong suit, Adam; you take after mother more than you do father…”

Slowing down as the sound grew louder, Gaston came to a stop, his body crouching further down to the ground as he drew closer and hid behind a nearby bush, his figure hidden as he waited, his dark eyes flicking about, trying his best to catch a glimpse of what it was that they were hunting in the first place- by God, please don’t let it be a stag…

"Shut up, will you?" Adam warned, his cool blue eyes narrowing in frustration though he dared not look back at his brother in fear he might miss a glimpse of whatever it was they were hunting. He would let the jibe about being more like a woman than a man go... for now.

Creeping quietly, Adam came across the broken tree branch that he had heard snap just a few moments before and let his eyes fall to the ground, studying the hoof prints that had been left behind. They were small looking, which made Adam's heart deflate somewhat... but he had to at least see the creature for himself before he admitted defeat.

He followed the fresh prints to a small clearing. At first, Adam didn't even realize that he was looking right at the animal until it moved. Was it a trick of the sun? He was expecting the soft brown tones of a deer, and yet, this one seemed... off. It was beautiful, actually, it's fur a vibrant gold color that reflected the warm sun’s rays as it shook its head about before stooping to get a drink of water. His breath caught in his throat as he nimbly raised his bow. Sure, the stag was still on the small side... but a golden coat like that had to bring in quite a large amount of money. If this didn't impress the King... he didn’t know what would.

"And it's mine..." Adam breathed out as he centered his shot, the deer oblivious to the both of them as it collected it's drink from the small stream.

The minute he caught sight of the deer, his heart sunk in his chest- it couldn’t be… it was nothing but a legend… something their father told them to make sure they didn’t step out of line…

The sound of his brother’s bow being pulled taught caught Gaston’s ear, causing him to shoot a quick glance over at Adam before he shot his hand out, his grip strong as he forced the bow down, the arrow now pointed directly at the ground between the both of them as he turned on his twin; his expression and eyes showing clearly that he was no longer messing around as he shook his head quickly from side to side, a slight panic flickering over the surface of his brown orbs, but as soon as it had come, it was gone again… out of sight as if it had never even been there.

“..Adam; no..!”

His voice was hushed though full of conviction as he spoke out, doing what he could to get the warning across to his brother while not scaring the deer off from the lake side- it was beautiful… more beautiful than anything he had ever seen before in his life; matched only by the beauty that was their Princess… but they had been warned- warned all their lives to never harm the golden deer lest they wish their lives to come to an end…

“..that’s the golden deer..! You know what father said; we’re never to touch it… nothing, not even dear Belle’s hand in marriage is worth slaughtering that deer over…” Pausing for a moment, Gaston seemed to relax, his hand slowly slipping away from his brother’s bow as he sat himself back up, his eyes turning back over to where the deer stood, “..besides… you wouldn’t live long enough to see yourself wed to her should you pierce its heart with that arrow…”

Adam's eyes met with his brothers showing clear annoyance as he tried to wrench the bow free from his grasp. The golden stag... he had nearly forgotten about those stories... but that's all they were... stories.

"Come off it! You just don't want me to win!" Adam replied in a quiet hiss, but it was enough to make the stag raise its head up, its ears perked. "Father even said it was a legend. Probably stems from this breed of deer since no one else knew what to do with it..." His voice had dropped significantly, his eyes glued to his prize. He wanted that stag. "Don't tell me that Gaston, the great and mighty hunter believes in childish bedtime stories."

“..I believe that while you might impress the King; do you really think that killing something so pure and so gentle as the golden deer will warm Isabella’s heart..?”

He couldn’t believe what he was hearing… out of the both of them, Adam was the smartest; the one with more potential to make something of himself, but here he was getting caught up in something that would take him down the wrong path… He knew he was right; and it was clear that Adam did as well.

“..penser Adam… you know Isabella would weep at the very sight of such a thing… I believed you to be smarter than this. Do what you will, brother… but I will have none… I will see you back at the horses; prize or no prize.” Frowning, Gaston stood himself back up, giving his brother one last look before he shook his head, slowly making his way back through the woods and to where they had left the horses on the side of the road- the choice was Adam’s, and Adam’s alone… he couldn’t make it for him…

Adam hadn't realized just how hard he was breathing out through his nostrils in his own lust of getting what he wanted until his brother began to turn to leave. For the first time, Adam turned his gaze from the stag to watch his brother’s back. Looking back at the stag, his hand trembled before slinging the bow back around his shoulder, sheathing the arrow back in its place. He stood there for a few moments, watching the magnificent creature before it took off into the forest. He was about to turn and head back when something instead caught his eye. Curious, Adam stepped out into the clearing and bent down where the stag had been.

Had the bushel of roses been there this whole time? He certainly didn't remember seeing it... Looking around his person, Adam realized then just how odd of a place it was for roses to grow - there certainly weren't any others nearby. Inspecting the shrub closer, Adam then came to notice that the entire plant was without thorns.

"Strange..." But still beautiful. Adam plucked one of the roses and held it gently, leaving the area to return to his brother. Passing him on his horse to get to his own, he muttered a very quiet, "Va te faire fourtre" before mounting his horse, showing Gaston just how upset he was about the whole ordeal before kicking his horse into a fast gallop back to Avonlea.

Adam Potts

Present Day - Lupinis Castle - Adam's Bedchambers

There was a knock at his bedroom door, pulling Adam from his memories. His head lifted, blue eyes glaring down the door as though it had gone out of its way to offend him. Then again, it was possible that it was the supper that he demanded his mother have sent to his room, as he would not be leaving it anytime soon that night.

“What?” he snapped, his tone making it clear to whoever was on the other side that he was in no mood.

”You can stop your sulking now, my dear boy, and come out to eat. I won’t have you in there the remainder of this evening!”

Adam groaned and let his head drop back down, defeated at the sound of his adopted mother’s voice on the other side. Hadn’t she done enough for one day?

“No, mother. I won’t be coming out to dinner. Have it sent up.” Adam told his mother again, which was only met by a high-pitched scoff of disapproval.

”Tch! And after all I’ve done for you? Well then, I suppose I’ll just ask Miss De’ fortesque to change her mind, again, and take her leave.”

Adam was silent for a few moments, trying to process his mother’s words. Then, slowly, he got to his feet, crossed the distance to his door, unbolted it, and opened it up just enough so that he could see his mother’s eye trying to peer in at him.

“...what did you say to her?” Adam asked, already somehow knowing that his mother had her hand in Belle’s sudden decision to stay.

”Never you mind. The point is, she’s all dressed up and waiting for you out on the balcony. Now, am I to tell her that you will be coming? Or shall I disappoint the lovely lady with your childish refusal?”

Adam sighed and rested his forehead against the cool wood of the door. Really, sometimes his mother really tried his patience. But he had to look at the bigger picture. For whatever reason, Belle was still here. He still had a chance. He could still make her remember…

“I’ll come-”

”Good! Now, get washed up and dress in something nice - oh! Why not that new suit I got you just last week? Hurry now! It’s rude to keep a lady waiting!”

And with that, Mrs. Potts was gone, hurrying down the halls to where Adam believed she would find Belle and tell her of the news. Shaking his head, Adam quietly closed the door and turned around to face the wreckage he had brought upon his room. Still… it had seen worse…
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