Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Wasted Ink
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Wasted Ink

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

X a a l


"If one of you distract it for me, I could leap on it from behind."

It wasn't a bad idea, and was rather similar to what he already had in mind. She was the fastest of the three, no doubt, and she had something a bit better than her fists to hunt with. The plan could work...but, once again, selfish thoughts fleeted through his mind. The horn, and the meat. The rabbit was too small for them to share three-way, and he knew that Isurta wasn't stupid - she'd want the horn, as well. It was sharp and a decent length. Something in the back of his mind told him that it was better than the pig-sticker he currently gripped in his hands. Maybe he should have went off on his own...then, he wouldn't be having these thoughts.

"Brother Xaal and I could charge the beast when ready, leaving an opening for Sister Isurta to attack."

He snapped out of his reveries, taking in the details of Kishi's words.

That was the plan, then.

Xaal was pleased that he managed to stay quiet, leaving the two to come up with the plan on their own. He could have said what was on his mind immediately, of course, but that would have made him the psuedo-leader of their little trio. Xaal wasn't so sure that he wanted that responsibility. That same little voice at the back of his head told him that family dying because of his actions wouldn't feel too good. He had never experienced grief before, and he had no intentions of doing so on his third day of being.

The rabbit then chose the moment to move, it's long ears twitching as it moved towards a nearby bush of berries. A smirk pulled on Xaal's lips - the plan would work, considering the rabbit chose to show it's back to the bush. It was now directly across from their place in the clearing. If they managed to send it scurrying towards the bush, where Isurta was waiting, then maybe...if she was fast enough, she could run out and take it by surprise, although she would have to be mindful of the horn. His plan solidified, Xaal finally turned his eyes towards his siblings, his voice barely a whisper.

"Isurta, stay hidden, but be fast. We will go around and lead it towards you, and you be ready to strike. It won't expect you here. Kishi, make sure it runs towards Isurta's bush. No...fear." His voice, nearly silent, and still rough from disuse, cracked a bit at the end, but Xaal ignored the soreness for now, giving Brother Kishi a nod. They'd put the plan into action now.

His footsteps were quiet, Xaal hyper-aware of any sticks or leaves underneath his feet as he carefully moved around the rabbit, towards it's front. Kishi was big, for a goblin, and Xaal wasn't too bad himself. They could do this.

With a subconscious twitch of his fingers, Xaal tore out of the bushes, eyes sharp and fierce as he leaped through the berries and towards the horned rabbit. The horn was even sharper up-close, but from the subconscious knowledge of prey, he knew that they ran first, and attacked later. Crimson eyes watched the horn religiously, even as Xaal made a lunge towards the rabbit, stabbing swiftly towards the soft flesh of the rabbit's neck. It would either have to die here, or make a swift 360 and run in the opposite direction. He would leave it no choice.

If it attacked, then he would dodge. His reflexes and instincts were very sharp, if not sensitive.

Kishi would, hopefully, be nearby, ready to make scary movements and corral the rabbit towards Isurta's waiting spot.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Not knowing which way the others went Stegs just took off in a random direction, certain that they would find something to eat. He suddenly realized he had no idea what the other Goblin was called, that was actually a bit embarrassing. He would have to do something about that. "What name did Grandpa give you? He called me Stegs."

As he waited for his partner to answer he remembered that the others had some kind of sharp sticks they were planning to use as weapons. Thinking that was incredibly smart, he looked for a good heavy branch. Eventually he found one and picked it up, along with some berries he was planning to plant in the cave. To make carrying things easier, and to find the way back he used to them to mark for now. On the way back he would pick the berries up again.

It didn't take too long for the two youngster to arrive at a stream where they found a horned rabbit. Knowing how good his partner was at not being seen Stegs already had a plan. color=39b54a]"I'll distract and you catch it by surprise,okay?"[/color] He never even considered that the other Goblin might not have a weapon or any way to hurt the rabbit.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by December
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December Currently ignoring responsibilities

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

- Skubli -


Skubli slowly stalked after the bigger goblin, still wary. His posture was slightly stooped, pulling his body closer to the ground and he scrambled awkwardly along after his companion. After a small amount of time had passed, the other Goblin spoke.

"What name did Grandpa give you? He called me Stegs." The other Goblin looked down at Skubli in a kind manner. When Skubli didn't immediately reply, Stegs began scrounging around in the bushes nearby. Soon, he had armed himself with a hefty branch and continued along the path. After trailing behind his partner for a small while, Skubli spoke.

"Grandpa gave me Skubli." Right after Skubli had finished speaking, the two goblins arrived at a stream. The cool water flowed smoothly over a shallow bed of rocks before growing deeper as it continued along its path. Trees gently shaded the area along the riverbed, creating a peaceful scene. Down by the stream sat what seemed to Skubli a giant, furry creature, armed with a wicked horn atop its head. It simply had to be the Horned Rabbits Grandpa had warned the younglings about.

Stegs seemed to already have concocted a plan of attack. "I'll distract it and you catch it by surprise, okay?"

Skubli's heart skipped a beat, however he didn't want to seem weak. "Don't let us get hurt." His weak limbs shook slightly, however under his mantle he doubted Stegs could see it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Duoya
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago

@Wasted Ink

Kishi slowly prepared himself for the battle, analyzing the situation with the best his three day old brain had to offer. Three goblins, two males and one female, were attempting to hunt a rabbit, which seemed to be smaller and faster than all of them. The rabbit, due to it's small size, probably had little meat to share, but also had a horn that could prove useful for equipment and defenses. The other two probably have their eyes on the horn, so Kishi decided that settling for meat was not to bad. After all, the horn wouldn't help the hunger he felt. The plan was for Kishi and Brother Xaal to chase the rabbit towards Sister Isurta, who could make use of her faster speed and reflexes. None of the goblins were experienced with their weaponry, and Kishi was all too aware of how awkward the spear felt in his hands.

Kishi slowly exhaled, trying to calm the rigorous beating in his chest. Calm down... Their are three of us... we can't lose... Despite these thoughts, Kishi grew even more anxious, not only for himself, but also for the two other goblins that were helping him. Brother Xaal doesn't need another scar, and Sister Isurta lacked the size that the males had. She would probably be skewered like a...

Kebab, his mind filled in.

As Kishi's mind lingered on the internal analysis he was conducting, the sound of leaves rustling and movement in his peripheral vision alerted him to the rabbit's actions. The creature hopped forwards and Kishi nearly moved to run attack the beast, until he realized that it was eating berries off of a completely different bush. Glad to know those are edible! Kishi kept this fact in mind for later hunts and excursions. The rabbit was closer now, showing the light fur that covered the creature, which makes Kishi think of how it would make a fine pair of gloves of shoes... The ears twitched lightly, and the creature pawed at them lightly. The rabbit was mere feet away, and Brother Xaal quickly leaned in towards the rest of the group.

"Isurta, stay hidden, but be fast. We will go around and lead it towards you, and you be ready to strike. It won't expect you here. Kishi, make sure it runs towards Isurta's bush. No...fear."

Brother Xaal's voice seem to break, probably due to the stress or his low tone of voice. He nod's to Kishi, silently telling him to follow. Kishi moves at a snails pace, doing his best to avoid anything that would crunch underneath his feet. Kishi managed to avoid all the sticks and leaves, mainly because he followed Brother Xaal's example. Positioning himself to the another side of the clearing, about halfway from the original bush, Kishi made sure he was a fair distance away from Brother Xaal, in order to coral the rabbit back towards Sister Isurta's bush in case it ran. Kishi notices Brother Xaal tense up slightly, before leaping forwards towards the rabbit. The movement and sound would almost surely cause the rabbit to run away, if Brother Xaal did not kill it immediately.

Kishi sat still, tensing every muscle in his body and gripping the handle of his makeshift spear so hard that his hands turned pale. The second the rabbit tried to run towards him, he was prepared to leap out and attack. Even if he missed, this would most likely prove itself as an excellent way to shepard the rabbit towards Sister Isurta. He silently prayed that this would work... If it did, the tactic could be used on more of them. Then everyone could have a horn! Hopefully, his skill with a spear isn't bad enough to threaten the hunt.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 39 min ago


-continued hunt-

The rabbit in front of them lifted its head up looking around checking to make sure it was safe it kept drinking quietly from the water. Even the smallest of animals had a sense of checking their surroundings. The stream itself was small and carried a few fish down the stream. The surrounding area was filled with large stones that could easily hide the duo however it also had pebbles scattered around the are making getting in close difficult as it would cause noise and wouldn't offer any stable footing for any fighter. If they weren't careful they would soon be skewered by its horn.

@Rune_Alchemist@Wasted Ink@Duoya

-on the hunt: The Ambush!-

The rabbit was minding its own business until the first goblin came and surprised him of course the rabbit tried to run unknowingly heading towards the next goblin. The Rabbit was soon learning it was surrounded tried to get away using its superior speed and agility to avoid the strikes of the second goblin and make one last attempt to freedom. Sadly that proved to be invalid as it soon saw the third goblin. The Rabbit then gave up on flight it realized it wouldn't get away so instead it decided to fight. It ran picking up as much speed as it could to try and pierce its horn through the last goblin ready to kill it in order to free itself. If the goblin were to survive the attack it would need to think fast...
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


@Wasted Ink

Lead it towards her? No no, that wasn't what she suggested at all! How could she leap on it from behind if it was facing her? Could these imbeciles not think for more than a few seconds? They were supposed to distract it. Keep it away from her so it would be focused on them so she could sneak up on it and kill it. What did they think the word 'distract' meant?! She bit her tongue, her smile wavering for a moment. There wasn't much room to argue. She supposed the rabbit would have a natural inclination to run, so having her attempt to ambush it as it fled in her direction did hold some merit. Besides, brother Xaal had already sneaked off along with brother Kishi.

"Don't worry about me. I can handle myself, hehe." She gave them a friendly smile to encourage them as they left.

The goblin crouched low, her body almost touching the forest ground beneath her as she held the spear ready. Seconds that felt like minutes ticked by as they made their way to their respective positions. Isurta watched, listened, and observed the rabbit for anything that would tell that their position had been given away or that would help them in this endeavor. She didn't get long to observe, though. Within moments Xaal charged from the bushes, his makeshift weapon aimed right towards the rabbit. Then, Kishi made his presence known just as the rabbit attempted to run away in his direction. Good...everything was going well. At least, it was until it started to flee in her direction.

She had thought she had been hidden well. She'd need to work on her stealth skills, then, but that was a thought for later. The rabbit was coming right for her, and she was positive it had seen her. Not the outcome she had wanted nor expected...but it was an interesting one nonetheless. Unexpected outcomes were the most entertaining ones, after all. Besides, she had no intentions of dying here so she wouldn't.

Thinking quickly, she would have to keep to her somewhat superior agility rather than trying to brute force this. She had no doubt that the horn could kill her easily, so she'd have to avoid it, but if that was all she had to watch out for, then this would be easy. Since it was speeding towards her, it wouldn't be able to easily turn or change course. With an excited grin, the young goblin pushed her feet off the ground and leaped to the side, landing just outside of the rabbits charging path still in a half crouched position.

Without another second passing, She leaped towards the rabbits side as it passed, thrusting the sharp end of the spear towards the rabbit's side and hopefully skewering it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Jangel13 @December @Heyitsjiwon

"Don't let us get hurt." Stegs hoped that was possible, but he felt like it wouldn't be too smart to tell Skubli that he wasn't sure he could any injuries to them "Just mak sure not to make me fight to long without help." Using the large rocks as cover he sneaked up on the Horned Rabbit.

Despite not knowing the dangers the pebbles could offer Stegs felt like it wouldn't be smart to just walk up to their prey, after all it spotted him it might run away. He had to act in such a way that it would be impossible for the rabbit to have time to run.

The rocks he had been using as cover gave him an idea, an idea that any experienced fighter would consider reckless given the large horn he could be jumping into. However seeing as the Goblin wasn't an experienced fighter he went through with it. He climbed one of the rocks and jumped towards the rabbit, swinging his stick down to give his potential hit more force.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 39 min ago


-the hunt: a bad idea-

The rabbit didn't notice the goblin until it heard feet on some rocks and it looked up just in time to see the goblin jump down to attack it. The Rabbit realized it didn't have enough time to run so instead it charged the goblin with its horn. It jumped up but because of the numerous pebbles around them it couldn't aim for the goblins chest properly its horn instead caused a wound on the goblins left arm as it jumped towards the rock...

Warning: Goblin stegs wounded; bleeding left arm

@Rune_Alchemist@Wasted Ink@Duoya

-on the hunt: First successful hunt

The rabbit had not seen the movement the goblin made before it was over. The rabbit got hit in its side with the spear it pierced through its leg injuring it and keeping it from running any farther at its true speed. The wound was fatal as it tried to hop away from the goblins but it only got a few hops before it dropped to the floor dead. The goblins completed their first hunt and it was successful. The Rabbit laid their ready to be picked apart

The goblins Kishi, Isurta, Xaal each gain 3XP
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by December
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December Currently ignoring responsibilities

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

- Skubli -

@DuthGuy @Jangel13

As Stegs began circling around the rocks to get closer to the Horned Rabbit, Skubli slinked off in the opposite direction. The two goblins slowly distanced themselves from one another until the Rabbit was directly between them.

The tiny goblin turned his gaze to Brother Stegs as he ascended a rock, leaping into the air with his stick held high over his head.

Skubli's fears told him to remain as far away from the danger as possible. The creature Stegs was assaulting turned its head as soon as the Goblin took to the air; it took only a moment to recognize the threat and attack it head on, skewering the larger goblin's left arm.

And the two forms fell to the ground, Skubli gave into the primal battle instincts within himself.

Darting forward over the rough terrain, Skubli silently approached the pair of warm bodies. The Rabbit was still preoccupied with the first assailant, giving Skubli the perfect angle to attack.

Without a weapon in his hands, Skubli formed his hand into a claw and took a swing at by the back of the creature's right hind leg. While he was uncertain as to why, something deep within him told Skubli that there was a string in the Rabbit's leg that controlled the Rabbit's ability to walk and run.

As his claws neared the Rabbit's haunches, a word sprang into his mind.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@December @Jangel13

Well Stegs' idea didn't work out exactly as he had planned, sure the Rabbit hadn't escaped and Skubli did try to make use of the distraction, but he wasn't supposed to get injured. He was surprised that the injury didn't seem to hurt, unaware of the adrenaline coursing to his body, but that didn't change the fact that he instinctively decided to minimalize the use of the arm in order to not make the injury worse.

Still lesson learned, don't just jump downwards at enemies if they have an easy way of attacking you. He was barely able to hold his stick using his right hand, but he wasn't planning to drop it.After all he was the on;y one of the Goblins with a weapon and he might be able to deflect the horn if the rabbit attacked him again.

Knowing his smaller brother needed help against the rabbit, Stegs swung his stick towards the animal's head with all the strength he could muster while trying to use the wood's length to stay out of it's reach.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Heyitsjiwon


Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Lothar's grand, lonesome adventure started off without a hitch. He came across some rocks, a whole lot of trees, and some even bigger rocks... his exploration was rather boring as he didn't come across anything. With a large, walking stick in hand, Lothar came to realize that perhaps the area wasn't as interesting or dangerous as it seemed to be. There was just a whole bunch of trees everywhere and not much else. Lothar's journey continued with little disturbance.

That is until he heard something in the distance. Lothar instinctively crouched a bit and scurried towards the sound. It looked like two of his siblings were in a fight with a horned rabbit and one of them had an unsightly wound on his left arm. While the other goblin... well was he his brother? He knew that the runt of the litter kept to himself often, and so he never saw him much. Was this the same runt? Either way, it wasn't really time to worry about that. Lothar jumped into action and began running at the horned rabbit with both hands on his walking stick, ready to bash it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 39 min ago


-on the hunt: The final blow-

The Rabbit was to distracted trying to kill the goblin that was already wounded by its horn. It thought it would be able to kill a wounded goblin then get away free unfortunately it didn't notice the other goblin with it until it was to late. It soon felt the claws of the goblin dig into its leg effectively crippling its ability to run away. It didn't want to die yet as it made one last leap getting past the goblin but sadly its luck was no good as it came up to a third and final goblin. It couldn't run anymore and couldn't defend itself as it was bleeding profusely from its torn tendon. The goblin then bashed his head and the Rabbit laid their slain ready to be picked apart by the 3 goblins.

The goblins Lothar, Stegs, Skubli each gain 3XP
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by December
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December Currently ignoring responsibilities

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

- Skubli -

@DuthGuy @Heyitsjiwon

Skubli scurried backwards away from the Horned Rabbit as the beast fell to the final blow. The newcomer among them hadn't been noticed by the little goblin and had taken Skubli greatly by surprise. Holding his bloody claw away from his body, Skubli warily eyed the goblin who had landed the killing strike.

The Rabbit lay dead on the ground, ready to be harvested, but despite Skubli's hunger, he pulled away from it and towards Stegs, seeking comfort in the familiar goblin. After a moment, he noticed the blood pouring out of Stegs' arm and remembered the wound he had suffered.

"Stegs bleeding. That's not good. You okay?" His language was still broken, but the runt managed to convey his question with little room for misunderstanding. As he slowly peered over Stegs' arm, Skulbi kept an eye out for the new goblin to see if he would examine Stegs or simply begin reaping his rewards.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


@Wasted Ink

It was a shallow strike, but it was enough to permanently injure the rabbit. As the rabbit fell dead, A large grin formed on Isurta's face. Had they...done it? Excitement filled the young goblin as the rabbit remained limp on the ground. That had been easier than she thought it'd be. The danger had been very real, but with the use of her head, obviously she came out on top. Oh and of course Xaal and Kish as well. They were a big help, of course.

"Hahah!" She giggled loudly, eyes sparkling with obvious excitement, jumping into the air and giving a little fist pump. "We did it!" The only question now was how to split the spoils. There was only one horn, and the meat would possibly be enough for both of them...but she promised Gramps she'd bring back a lot, so she didn't exactly feel inclined to stop hunting now. "So what do you guys wanna do now? I say we hunt two more - one for all of us. If we keep up like this we should easily be able to do it. Maybe find a better way of fighting them, too." It'd also solve the problem of splitting the horn and spoils with the three of them, that way no one would be left without one.

And if they could hunt more tomorrow, they might be able to bring back even more for their brothers and sisters. Plus, they should eventually start learning to hunt on their own as well...but for now, a group would do just fine.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Wasted Ink
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Wasted Ink

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

X a a l


Isurta had been faster than he'd expected.

When the rabbit had charged towards her hiding spot with a ferocity that surprised even him, Xaal felt a fleeting sense of helplessness. It wasn't fear, or panic - simply the feeling of knowing that it wasn't him being attacked, so he wouldn't be the one dealing with the consequences and danger. He hated not being able to do anything. But, with a surprising amount of agility and quick-thinking, the female Goblin had dodged to the side, and used the spear to dig a nice hole in the rabbit's side, probably hitting some vital organ.

When the rabbit died, Xaal felt just a bit stronger. A small grin formed on his lips, showing rather sharp canines. "Nice stab." He stated, walking forward and crouching down to inspect the rabbit more closely. The horn was just as sharp-looking as he expected, with a length that he inwardly knew to be perfect for hunting smaller prey. This, of course, wouldn't be their last rabbit. They needed to eat, to gather their strength, before hunting for more horns and meat. He wouldn't be selfish and take this one all for himself, after all.

"So what do you guys wanna do now? I saw we hunt two more - one for all of us. If we keep up like this we should easily be able to do it. Maybe find a better way of fighting them, too."

Good thinking.

Decision decided, Xaal reached down, breaking the long, sharp Rabbit Horn at the base, so that the length wouldn't be butchered. "Isurta, you killed it, so you take the first horn." Xaal spoke up bluntly, turning fierce crimson eyes towards the slightly shorter female. He stood, offering the horn to her, sharp-end first. He and Kishi would get theirs soon, after all.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


the third goblin while not maybe vital to their succes did prove helpful in killing the Rabbit. Unfortunately for Stegs that meant feeling the pain of his injury. "Stegs bleeding. That's not good. You okay?" He honestly had no idea if he was okay, he had no experience with injuries or aside from a memory pain. All he could tell was that it hurt a lot.

He could only think of one thing to do about his injury and that was ask Grandpa for help, but would the older Goblin help him for free? If not he might have to offer up some of the meat and even between the three of them there was already only a little to eat. Wondering what to do he looked at the stream which was filled with moving creatures. Fish, was what those creatures were called.

With that knowledge came an idea, maybe they could catch some to go with the rabbit meat and to offer to Grandpa in exchange for his help with Stegs' injury. "Don't know. Help me catch fish for Grandpa, maybe he'll help me then." he said sounding a lot calmer than he felt.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 39 min ago

@Rune_Alchemist@Wasted Ink@Duoya

-after the hunt-

As they separated the spoils the sharp horn of the rabbit was given to the goblin who made the final blow.
Isurta Gained= Small Animal horn

Each Goblin then gained the skill Escape As a result each of the goblins learned how to run away from a stronger enemy easier. This skill wasn't going to be helpful in actual combat when standing ones ground. As they soon finished their were three different paths that they could go. They could decide to go towards the darker area of the woods which would hold even stronger animals to hunt which were sure to give them greater skills and food to eat but was dangerous for new goblins to traverse. The second path was filled with more clearing and bushes which were sure to hold more horned rabbits for them to find. The final path was back where they came while they would be heading home early their was no question it would hold more berries and fruits for them to gather should they decide to avoid hunting all together.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


@Wasted Ink

"Wah? Really?" Isurta said, eyes sparkling as she observed the sharp horn. She was quite surprised, since had intended to let them have it but she wasn't going to say no since she was offered. Not saying anything, Isurta instead elected to give Xaal something a little more affectionate seeming in the way of thanks. Avoiding the sharp end of the horn, she wrapped Xaal in a light, quick hug giggling happily as she was offered the horn. It lasted only a brief seconds before she pulled away, swiping the horn from him as she started inspecting it.

"Hmm! Light, incredibly sharp and looks pretty nice!" She held it at eye level, seeming to drink in every visual detail she could before running her hands over it and getting a good feel for the horn. With a confident smirk, she gave the horn a few experimental thrusts and swings, testing how good it would be for each motion. "Hmhm, seems like it'd be good...hey hey, Brother Kish! Think you could make a better spear out of this? How'd you make these anyways?"

She was getting a bit sidetracked of course. Xaal apparently agreed that they should at least hunt two more, but she did want to know how Kishi made these spears to begin with. Maybe she could attempt to make one herself? She doubted it'd be as good as Kishi's handiwork, but she wanted to know regardless. Who knows, maybe one day such information might come in handy?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Duoya
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago

@Wasted Ink

Kishi observed the exchange between the two goblins silently, eying up the corpse of the rabbit with an analytical glare. The fur could be used for gloves or clothes, while also capable of turning to leather for armor and containers... The teeth may prove as a basic alarm system if enough were gathered... His thoughts were interrupted by Sister Isurtas questioning.

"...hey hey, Brother Kish! Think you could make a better spear out of this? How'd you make these anyways?"

Kishi began to shift uncomfortably. These guys would never believe that a voice in his head gave him all these ideas... Probably. Kishi reached for the horn and examined it carefully. It was very large in his hands, and seemed to weigh almost nothing. Without even feeling it, Kishi knew it could easily eviscerate any of them if it hit the right place. Kishi responded with a half-truth.

"With something like this, I could definitely make it sharper... The problem is durability. The horn may last a while, but I use cloth to keep it on the shaft. Knots don't really last long if you are jamming them with all your strength into some animal. If I had a better adhesive, they'd be perfect..."

"I guess I just have a knack for this kind of stuff. I tied some sharp stones I found onto some sticks using those extra loincloths Grandpa leaves all over the place. It's... hard to explain without showing it."

Kishi stared into the dark forest, a light chill crawling down his spine. He kneeled down and retied the head to his spear as he conversed with the group.

"Alright, so we look for more right? I hope we don't have to go too far from the cave...

Kishi stood up giving them the same stare he gave the rabbit. Sister Isurta was lightning quick, and was able to strike down the rabbit as it charged her. Brother Xaal, meanwhile, was much nicer than he appeared, and was by no means weak.

Kishi stood up and lightly tapped the butt of his spear on the ground a few times.

"Where do you guys want to go next?"

Kishi slung Isurta's rabbit corpse over his shoulder and watched his surroundings. The rabbit was killed in a less than humane way, and blood painted the grass red. Other animals probably smell the blood... Hopefully the rabbits aren't scared... And the wolves aren't hungry...

The hunger has died down temporarily.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Wasted Ink
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Wasted Ink

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

X a a l


Xaal stood stock still, eyes narrowed as he watched Isurta approach him - much too close for comfort. Subtly, he gripped the dagger from where he had relaxed it in his right hand, ready to defend himself if his fellow Goblin decided to attack him for whatever reason. He almost stabbed her when her arms briefly wrapped around his form, but something at the back of his mind told him to stay his hand, and he was rather glad that he did. It was merely a -hug-, his brain helpfully informed him, causing Xaal to release the iron-like grip on his weapon. Yeah, a hug. Not a sneak attack...

He shook his head - ignoring the annoying heat in his ears, before surveying the surrounding area, going over their options as Isurta and Kishi began talking about the customly-created spear that the tall goblin had made. They'd already decided to keep hunting the rabbits, so the darker path was obviously out. His gut told him that things more dangerous than horned rabbits lurked in the shadows there, and Xaal was definitely not interested in testing his rock dagger on something like a bear. No, the best thing they could do, was to continue on their current grassy path in the forest, and be on the lookout for more rabbits. With Isurta's agility and cunning, Kishi's craftsmanship and strength, and his own determination and guile, Xaal was sure that they would be fine.

"Where do you guys want to go next?"

Convenient timing.

"We will keep going-" Xaal's crimson eyes turned skywards for a second, before going back to Kishi and Isurta, "-northwards. It seems like the safest route for rabbits." He took one last look around the bloody clearing, before turning back to the path and walking forward.
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