Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Évelyne Sylvestre

Évelyne let out a quiet mutter of frustration as her target evaded her strike, though her keen eye's did not miss the revealing of the women that was apparently being carried somewhere. However she had little time to focus on that as her plunge left her in the middle of three of the ugly, green, smelly brutes, one of which had the bright idea of immediately attacking her. Unable to see if the other's bothered helping and not really caring at the moment, Évelyne took a step towards the attacking goblin, turning her body parallel to the downward strike in order to dodge while simultaneously thrusting her sword towards the creature's eye with considerable force generated by her lunge. If she could at least maim the creature before its friends could help she'd be on considerably better standing. If these goblins thought they were going to beat her they were severely mistaken and she would show them the folly of their decision to oppose her. After all, she wouldn't kick off her time in this place with a defeat!
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by hivekiller
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When it comes to the fight there's no honour, no code. All that matters was to win and live on. Steven knew that the peace was not an option as the green goblins were already forming a formation, eager to battle their life to the death. Steven was crouching near a tree while he quietly observed the situation. Évelyne was the first to confront those ugly-looking goblins while Chloe would strike from the sky when the goblins were too busy paying their attention to the fight in front of them.

Steven stood up, closed his eyes and started praying to "The God" while grabbing the tree branch with both of his hand. Hopefully, what Steven did will be enough to exert any powers or abilities that The God gave him earlier. "Fire!" Steven prayed. Hoping that by doing this, the tree branch Steven was holding will turned into some sort of "flame sword" weapon, which will boost the fire elemental damage caused by the wielder. Steven felt a slight warmth on both of his hands. It was like a raindrop of yellow heat that crept up the branch, blackening it, charcoaling it, and emitting heats from Steven's palms.

"Évelyne and I will handle these goblins, Chloe try to reach that prisoner those goblins held!" Steven shouted.

When Steven finally finished channelling his ability, he jumped into action when both Évelyne and Chloe were already doing whatever they could to end this fight. Steven rushed toward the back of an exposed goblins that were busy fighting Évelyne. Steven slashed the goblin with his magic-fire-branch sword and the goblin took the blow as it was not quick enough to react and dodge. The goblin turned around facing Steven and tried to hit him with the polearm. The goblin's movements were somehow obvious as Steven knew the next thrust would be to his chest, so he sidestepped as he back up.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by duskshine749
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"You can fly? That's awesome," Jason said as Chloe dropped him on a branch. It also must have made her strong because Jason wasn't exactly a small guy. Unfortunately the excitement was immediately followed by dread as his friend started fighting with no real plan. The goblins may have missed them, but no, everyone wanted to be a hero. Jason looked at his skeleton card, he could only use that if they were retreating since he only had a few seconds to control it. Sure they'd have a cool skeleton ally for a few seconds, but then it would just be another monster to fight, one that probably was much harder to kill than the goblins.

"I got nothing unless we're deciding to retreat, I'm not a fighter." He called this out to his friends, then he realized Chloe wasn't a fighter either. Before he would decide to jump in to battle or not he called up his status screen. Maybe he could ask it questions, so while it was up he asked quietly, "how to regain mana." If he could get some mana back maybe he could summon a card that would be more useful now instead of his retreating card.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by olcharlieboi
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olcharlieboi Master Mind of the Swarm

Member Seen 5 mos ago


A goblin would shout watching Chloe though it would have an intense confused look on it's face from the fact it was seeing a human with wings, a sight that it has never seen before. Giving Chloe the chance to pick the goblin up, it struggles in her hands, and soon grabs onto a branch causing her to lose her grip on it or risk being thrown off course into a tree. The goblin would shout at her as it climbs the branch and swings it's club in the air as if saying 'STAY FAR AWAY FROM ME!' though it can't actually speak.


The Goblin would be slightly surprised when it's attacked was dodged but would move as the counter attack moved towards it. Thanks to the goblin not being to fast it was still hit but the goblin was able to move fast enough to keep the damage to only losing an eye and not risk the blade being able to go through it's skull since it side stepped the rest of it as well. The goblin would some reason be grinning as if it's glad for something, using it's free hand it would reach to grab Évelyne's wrist so it could attempt to strike at her yet again with it's club.


Moment the spell activates the Branch would burst into flames and immediately incinerate itself into ask before Steven could get a chance to react. The sudden heat of the weapon would of felt incredibly hot and burn his hands from the sudden outburst of flames. Thanks to him losing his possible weapon he wouldn't be able to take an opportunity to attack. The outburst caused the spotter goblin to notice him and now have him part of it's attention. mana remaining:65/100


From Jason's shouting about how he can't fight caused the spotter goblin to also notice him and now see all the participants in this battle. From trying to check into the status window, when Jason tapped onto the mana another menu would appear repeating how much mana he had remaining 50/150. Then it would continue to say Mana Regeneration .5/Minute. Mana refills naturally at a extremely slow rate by itself, through other methods it can be speed up such as a mana potion among other things.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Évelyne Sylvestre

Évelyne let out a smirk as her sword torn into the creature's eye. To her surprise however, rather than reeling back in pain, confusion, or alarm, it instead reached forward to grab her. However it unwittingly made a blunder and grabbed for her wrist. Though Évelyne's power was new to her, she was by no means going to forget about it. Évelyne's hand recoiled slightly from the goblin's reach, but slowly enough that the grab would still land, most importantly that it would land on her hand. However it would only grasp her hand for a moment before the goblin's grubby fingers passed right through it and Évelyne's sword came whistling to impale the brute's other eye, moving ever since the goblin had first stretched out his repulsive hand. If she got the other eye it'd be as good as dead. She didn't care how strong it was, it couldn't fight if it couldn't see, and in this battle there was too much information going on it for it to rely on its other senses to fight. Though if luck was on her side her blade would sink in far enough to cause some serious damage, but Évelyne didn't trust luck. Of course she was so focused on this single goblin that the other two would likely be able to strike her effortlessly.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by medalliah
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medalliah Magical

Member Seen 2 mos ago


@medalliahA goblin would shout watching Chloe though it would have an intense confused look on it's face from the fact it was seeing a human with wings, a sight that it has never seen before. Giving Chloe the chance to pick the goblin up, it struggles in her hands, and soon grabs onto a branch causing her to lose her grip on it or risk being thrown off course into a tree. The goblin would shout at her as it climbs the branch and swings it's club in the air as if saying 'STAY FAR AWAY FROM ME!' though it can't actually speak.

Chloe was very happy to stay far away from the club-shaking goblin. It was in a tree now, so that put it mostly out of the fight. At least for now.

"Évelyne and I will handle these goblins, Chloe try to reach that prisoner those goblins held!" Steven shouted.

Chloe tried to locate the prisoner in the crowding. The goblins were focusing on the girl now, so the prisoner was mostly safe. She mentally noted how long she'd been flying for. About a minute...she still had time left.

Flying down, she landed on the ground and tried to pull the prisoner up. She whispered "Hold onto me" to the woman. However, the girl seemed...empty. All Chloe could do was wrap her arms round the girl and take off. Hopefully she could get away before the goblins turned on her...and before the fighters were overwhelmed.

If she was able to, she'd fly the prisoner safely into a different tree, getting her well away from the issues at hand.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by duskshine749
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Member Seen 20 min ago

Jason needed to act, he was hiding in a tree as his friends were fighting the goblins. He had just enough mana to make another card, but if he did that he wouldn't be able to summon the skeleton, and the card he got had to not need mana to use as his other ones had. He didn't want to risk it, instead he called out to everyone, "guys, I can summon something to help, but I can only control it for 5 seconds then it will turn if we're still here. So get the prisoner and head south," he pointed towards south where the town supposedly was. "That's where the town is, right? Once we're all moving the goblins will chase us and I'll summon our back up to stop them." Jason didn't really know how strong a skeleton was, but he really hoped it was enough to stop the goblins. At least long enough for them to get far away from here.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by olcharlieboi
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olcharlieboi Master Mind of the Swarm

Member Seen 5 mos ago

@Eklispe @medalliah @duskshine749

The lookout goblin would screech out at the fact of Chloe snatching away their pet. causing the others to get slightly distracted, the goblin fighting Evelyne had raised it's arm up to block her blade but thanks to the shout of it's breathren it had started to turn away allowing the blade to hit it's target, and going deep. The Goblin would screech a moment before it died. Immeditly after the other two went to strike out at Evelyne in anger.

A slight whistle would sound through the air as arrows suddenly struck into the necks of the two goblins that tried to attack, causing them to collapse falling sideways to the ground lifelessly. The scout would suddenly turn just to receive another right between the eyes. in a flash the goblins was all dead. A group of people step out of the shade of the trees in the direction they wanted to go, it was a group of 3 people. one was wearing leather armor with a quiver on his back, a bow in his hand and a dagger on his hip, He would have black hair and deep blue eyes. Another would be wearing full plate armor, carrying a shield and sword, wearing a helm making it impossible to see the face underneath. Finally the third would be a woman with blond hair, wearing a long purple robe and a pointy purple hat holding a staff. It would be a party of adventurers.

As the new group approached the archer would speak out "Hey there! sorry for stealing your kill like that but it looked like you really needed help" he says with a grin. "Hope everyone is well and uninjured from your all's fight" he says. He would sound a little goofy and silly, but he would have care in his voice showing he was worried about them.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by medalliah
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Member Seen 2 mos ago


Chloe stayed hovering in the air, holding onto the poor prisoner as the Goblins were shot down. Melee she was ok with, but arrows? If they were hostile, she'd be in trouble! Thankfully, they didn't seem to be, so Chloe warily lowered herself and the captive down.

"Uh...thanks. Who are you?" she tried not to stare at the leader guy, he was rather cute and distracting.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Évelyne Sylvestre

Évelyne whirled from her kill and tracked the goblins as they fell to a rapid flurry of scarily accurate arrows. Évelyne resisted the urge so sniff haughtily at the archer's words. His help had been... somewhat helpful after all. Even if it was only because he'd gotten the jump on the goblins, of course Évelyne had also pretty much gotten the jump on them but she chose to ignore that fact at this time. She wiped her saber on the grass to cleanse it of goblin fluids and put it back at her waist. "Your services, though unneeded, were rather handy. We're fine." That was thanks enough. Évelyne also didn't know that no one else was hurt, but she wasn't which was really the most important thing. She looked up at the winged girl, "How's their prisoner?" Évelyne asked, hoping they were some sort of rich person that would reward them.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by duskshine749
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Member Seen 20 min ago

Jason was about ready to read his card and get out of there when a hail of arrows rained down on the goblins, killing them stone cold. The figures came from the south, same way as the town. A group of three, clearly much more capable than they were having easily dispatched the goblins. He heard Évelyne say their help was unneeded, "yeah right they weren't needed, the plan was to run and hope to run in to someone who knows what they're doing like these folks." Jason put his card away for a rainy day and jumped out of the tree where he had been hiding. "Thank you for the help," he spoke to the newcomers now, "we're clearly not the best at this whole fighting thing yet. Most of us anyways," he figured Évelyne would be offended and kick up a fuss if he didn't add that last bit.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by olcharlieboi
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olcharlieboi Master Mind of the Swarm

Member Seen 5 mos ago

@duskshine749 @Eklispe @medalliah

The main would raise a brow some at Evelyne's attitude "Some talk from a rookie" he says shaking his head slightly chuckling at Jason's comment. The Mage girl would walk over quickly to Chloe and take the ex-prisoner from her, she would put her hand over the person's head and close her eyes concentrating. The Archer would look over as the mage girl started to work, he would look back at the others "judging by how you was fighting, I'd say none of you are apart of the guild, correct?" he says with a raise brow. "Taking on a group of goblins pretty much solo is suicide so don't go thinking you was winning just because one was fighting you alone" he would state shaking his head. "Granted the goblins you was fighting was fairly young" he says as he walks over to the bodies and pulls out a small dagger and cuts an incision in the lower back of their heads and pulls out a small pale blue gem, about the size of a pebble. "Yup, these goblins must of gotten separated from the major group... no more than a month's old" he states standing up holding the Gems. "The Demon Crystals inside them can always tell how old a creature was" he says shaking his head, "If this group was about a month older then they wouldn't of suffered any casualties and would of probably killed all of you before we even showed up" he tells them, "Goblins are insane for their reproduction, and rapid growth in a short time. Both in physical appearance, and in skills" he would state to them before returning to the quiet armored person.

The mage would sigh and lower her hand, looking towards the others and shakes her head. The archer would sigh "Well that's unfortunate...." he says as he takes out his dagger and walks over to the woman "Then better to put her to rest than to leave her." he would state, which would probably confuse the group. "Dam goblins...." he would simply say.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Évelyne Sylvestre

Évelyne glared at Jason for a moment at his comment, only slightly forgiving him for the last part, which felt distinctively tacked on. Regardless it seemed these jerks had been watching long enough that they'd seen how poorly they'd been fighting, that is to say how she had been doing all the work. The archer took out a knife and headed over to the women with the obvious intention of putting her down. That seemed a bit excessive, Évelyne had seen the woman's glazed eyes but that was a bit excessive no? "So there's no way to fix her?" Évelyne asked, gesturing towards the women. Perhaps it would make her seem ignorant but knowledge was power and she was distinctly lacking. Making a fool of herself here could pay off with using any knowledge she gained to good use. She wondered how much information she could get out of these people, regardless, it'd be a good idea to hang out with them for a while.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by duskshine749
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Jason was intrigued by all the information he was hearing about goblins. He made a mental note to try and find a library once they ended up getting in to town. He decided it'd be polite to answer the mans question about them being in a guild, even though it was obvious to everyone that they were not. "We're not part of any guild, we're, uh... new?" He wasn't exactly sure how to put it, and he thought telling the truth might make him sound crazy. Hearing the mage speak Jason looked and it seemed as if he were intent on killing the prisoner. "Wait, hold on, what's wrong with her?" Jason figured it was something to do with her mind, since clearly she was physically still well enough to live after getting some treatment.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by medalliah
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medalliah Magical

Member Seen 2 mos ago


Chloe was nervous around these new people, but luckily the others were far more confident than her. She would have been happy to remain in the background, but then they took out a knife! And went towards the prisoner?!

She moved to stand between the woman and those who were trying to kill her. "Hey! This isn't just some...animal you're trying to put down! She's a person!" Chloe spread out her arms "I...I won't let you kill her."

Her heart was racing, and she was scared, but she couldn't let an innocent woman be killed.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by olcharlieboi
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olcharlieboi Master Mind of the Swarm

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@Eklispe @duskshine749 @medalliah

The archer would look at them with a raised brow and sigh bringing his hand up to his temple and rubbing his head. "You three really aren't around here if you say shit like that" he states looking back at them. "She is already dead, this is simply putting her body to rest as well" he tells them "When one is captured by goblins and you are of the female gender, goblins will rape you" he says "They'll use you to fulfil every desire they have, and make you give birth to their children, which only takes two months" he says looking away from them all. "People have tried to help those who had been captured, but unless you save them early enough their minds die, and this person is no different" he states in a sad but deep voice. "there is no saving people who's mind die from the experience, believe me people have tried... hundreds of gold coins spent on cleric and other healers to try and save loved ones who was captured, but it's never worked. Those that live, are constantly reliving that nightmare in an endless loop, so it is better to put them out of their misery so they don't have to suffer" he tells all of them before pushing past chloe and walking to the prisoner to do the deed. "If you can't stomach such things then you don't have the makings of an adventurer.. heck you don't have any making to become a hero if you had desired" he would state.

The female mage would speak up "I had used my magic to figure out if she was recoverable" she states to the others. "If she was I would of already healed any of her injuries and have pulled out new cloths for her to wear...but she is beyond that.. by my magic I can tell she has been captured for over four months... she has been forced to give birth for this monsters twice already.. she was already lost.. all we can do is put her to rest and cremate her body so the monsters of this forest don't use her for any of their desires." she would tell all of them with a very sad voice.

The armored knight would simply turn away from the scene.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Eklispe SSP

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Évelyne Sylvestre

An expression of revulsion crossed Évelyne's face briefly. Filthy beasts, they all deserved to die. Still apparently there goblins stronger than this. Which meant she needed to get stronger, a level of 5 in fencing was insufficient. Plus her special ability wasn't very strong yet, if she could get it to affect her arm, or eventually her whole body she'd be much better off. Training then. She'd try it on her own first, seeing if she could increase her level on her own. If not well... she'd need help, but only because whatever had taken them here hadn't bothered explaining the rules. "I see. In which case I'm looking for a town within a few miles of here, mind pointing me in the right direction?" Évelyne asked calmly. Whatever had brought them here had told them a place to begin was located in a town three miles from here. That should mean it'd be a place to grow stronger and learn more about this world. At least it was a good place to start figuring things out, and this place was dangerous if it had roaming goblins like that, so wandering around like this was risky.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by duskshine749
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Member Seen 20 min ago

Jason didn't like the idea of it, but he said to the group, "if her mind is gone then she's already dead, her body just hasn't caught up yet." He couldn't bring himself to look at the woman, or anyone really for that matter. Now he was thinking of his dad, he died of brain cancer, and his mind was long gone by the time he ended up dying. In Jason's mind he had counted his dad as dead once he was bedridden. He couldn't talk, couldn't move, it wasn't his dad anymore. Not the one who took him to sports games or taught him how to skate, Jason hadn't realized he'd started crying but he had. He wiped his eyes and turned back to everyone else, "I'm just gonna sit down for a bit, grab me when you're done...dealing with her." Jason took a few steps away from the group and sat so there was a tree between himself and the others. He but his head in his hands and breathed deeply. He thought he was over this, then again, he supposed he would probably never truly be over it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by medalliah
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medalliah Magical

Member Seen 2 mos ago


Chloe was having the hardest time clearly. Her fists clenched, and she looked back at the woman. "She's...she's a person...how can you just..." she closed her eyes tightly, and a tear ran down her cheek "you're killing her because you don't want to try helping her anymore..." She couldn't accept that the woman's mind was entirely broken, she just couldn't. She shook her head. Everything from the crash to her death...the fight...the woman..it was clearly catching up to her and she was upset.

Eventually she had no choice. Everyone else had given up on her. She turned back to the woman, and looked for some kind of identification. Something she could bring back to the woman's family, to tell them that she was gone. Surely they'd have gone looking for her, have been trying to find her?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by olcharlieboi
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olcharlieboi Master Mind of the Swarm

Member Seen 5 mos ago

@Eklispe @duskshine749 @medalliah

The archer would just quietly do the deed, and as soon as he life ended, a small card appeared on the ground that the archer picks up. "...Miss Loks... a farmer.. they always attack the small villages" he says then looks back at Chloe "Say that when you have watched your own sister's frail and mangled body, when she was rescued" he states "Never responding no matter how much was done" he says as he stands up. "No matter how many times you spend for a priest to use healing magic on her.. spending everything possibly for years" he states and shakes his head before simply walking towards the knight, as the mage sets up to incenerate the body. "Your heading to Kelese? what a bad path to take" he states shaking his head. "Just follow us, it's where we are based at" he states. "We'll drop this off at the guild, and they'll make sure the family has something done for them, that they know what happened and will be given some compensation so they can live bit more comfortable" he states "It's best we can do" he says shaking his head.

After the body was incenerated, they grouped up after making sure to collect any resources from the nearby area, which they would cut some strange plants off the ground near the base of some of the trees, they would be some kind of Herb but uncertain of what. As the group then starts moving, Chloe and them could choose to follow or not. If they do it would take nearly 3 hours of simply walking to exit the forest and a wooden fence wall is seen surrounding a town, with various carriages coming and going.
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