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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by LuckyBlackCat
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LuckyBlackCat Cats Will Rule The World

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Sophia Danvers

Mesalon Pokecentre


"It was a legendary Pokemon," Sophia answered. "There are three legendary dragons in Unova. Two of them are said to choose heroes of truth and ideals. The leader's idea was, if his adopted son got chosen as a hero, people would fear and respect Team Plasma."

Solanna's information reminded her of what little news she'd heard about criminal activity in Kosei, like yesterday's report on TV. All those different theories, though... And just what was that corrupted aura she'd seen around the Aerodactyl?

Solanna Delacloude

Mesalon Pokecentre


"All these people battle at high level," Solanna replied, "high enough to win difficult challenges." She paused before continuing, a slight tremble creeping into her voice. "Like tournaments."

She tried to force herself to calm down. She couldn't have had any Pokemon stolen. Surely people she knew would have mentioned her having ones she couldn't remember. What had happened, then? How could she find out?

As she glanced at Sophia, an idea came to her. Ray had mentioned Sophia was a psychic... Could this girl uncover the lost memories in any way? Solanna's gaze shifted to the ground. The mere thought flooded her with panic. If Sophia was capable of helping her, would she be able to bring herself to accept the psychic's help?
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by fer1323
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fer1323 Roamer of the Internet

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Oscar Berg


The fact that Team Plasma went after a legendary Pokemon or a Pokemon that can rival one confirms some of Oscar's theory, however, Team Noble may be an exception to the rule. Convincing a powerful trainer, as described by Solanna, would be an impossible feat unless someone becomes 'said powerful trainer' and lures everyone to the place that Team Noble is taking them. Oscar tries his best to think of the best way to go about this but he draws a blank. "Why can't this be simple?" Oscar's outburst wakes Roadrunner up. Oscar realizes this and puts Roadrunner on the ground. "Sorry RR. You know how I get when I get frustrated." Roadrunner gives Oscar a look of understanding and sympathy. Oscar scratches Roadrunner's head and sighs "If you two are interested, I have a plan and some thoughts on Team Noble. I have to warn you that they are a bit crazy."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by LuckyBlackCat
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LuckyBlackCat Cats Will Rule The World

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Sophia Danvers

Mesalon Pokecentre


Sophia could relate to to Oscar's frustration. Her arms tensed slightly around Lacey, who looked from her to Oscar with a worried squeal.

"Lacey, we're going to figure out as much as we can," Sophia reassurred her, though her words sounded helpless. All she had to offer was the story of the Plasma leader, the manipulated boy and the dragon, nothing more. She couldn't imagine how awful it would be for someone to find out they were being used as a device to get at a rare Pokemon, for the purpose of furthering somebody's malevolent goals... There were some truly disgusting people in the world, and she wished she could do more to help Oscar investigate those kinds of groups.

She looked at him again. "Just about any ideas could be helpful, crazy or not."

Something suddenly occurred to her. "Oscar! Yesterday, back there... Did you see a small pink Pokemon in the sky?" she asked. "If it was what I think it was, it's supposed to be extremely rare and powerful. And that maniac with the Aerodactyl went after it."

Solanna Delacloude

Mesalon Pokecentre


"Really, what Sophia said," Solanna replied. "We need all the ideas we can get."

They really did... And it could be that all she had to do to access the information was tell the truth, then ask Sophia for help. It was time to stop hiding, stop being so selfish, so cowardly. Because of Team Noble, other people out there were just as confused and traumatised as she was. If her first theory was correct, then trainers could be getting their Pokemon stolen. Even if they weren't, an attack had happened, and it wasn't likely to be the last. What if, next time, not everyone made it out alive?

She'd listen to Oscar's plan first, she thought, with a pang of guilt. It felt as if she were making excuses to herself.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by fer1323
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fer1323 Roamer of the Internet

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Oscar Berg


Oscar thinks back to the battle yesterday. He vaguely remembers the Aerodactyl but not the pink pokemon. Oscar shakes his head. If what Sophia is true, then Team Noble is part of the rule and not the exception. "Thanks Sophia. You have been incredibly helpful. The same with you, Solanna. I could not have been able to understand Team Noble as well as I do know. As for the plan, We need someone to grab Team Noble's attention by becoming a strong trainer. We use this trainer as bait to lure us ,hopefully, to where their base is located. As for my thoughts, I don't know why but they are trying to achieve something and they can only do so with a legendary pokemon or rare and powerful pokemon if what Sophia saw yesterday is true." Oscar lets that sink in. He know that even he would object but this is the best that he could think of with the available infomation. He hopes that he can convince these two at least.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Heckno12
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Heckno12 That Guy

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Rheese Laudat

Mesalon Pokemon Center

Rheese reentered the Pokemon Center looking tired, but in a much better mood than when he left. As much as he loathed to admit it, Ray's words had driven him to train and better himself slightly. Now he's just have to continue that training so he could actually hold his own ground later on.

After healing his Pokemon, he looked over where Sophia, Solanna, and Oscar were sitting. He listened in for just a moment and overheard Oscar concocting a plan to fight Team Noble. He sat down nearby and laughed a bit.

"Even if we found team Noble, getting caught would be...well the whole ordeal would be suicide." He said with a shrug. "I'm pretty sure the only trainer here even remotely strong enough to fight anything more than a grunt would be Solanna here. Whatever they're trying to do, it's the gym leaders' responsibility to deal with it. That's half of their damn job. And about that little pink Pokemon that distracted the fat guy yesterday wasn't some world altering super Pokemon, I doubt it's the key to their plan or anything, otherwise I'm sure he would have been more prepared for it. We got lucky, that's all there is to it."

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LuckyBlackCat
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LuckyBlackCat Cats Will Rule The World

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Sophia Danvers

Mesalon Pokecentre

@fer1323 @Heckno12

All Sophia could do at first was stare in disbelief at Oscar. "Oh geez, Oscar! Don't you dare go and get yourself hurt! Or get anyone else hurt!" Trying to calm down the best she could, she continued. "I mean, we're going to have to get stronger anyway so we can actually defend ourselves, but how do we do that without making ourselves targets?"

She thought over the seemingly no-win situation. If Team Noble went after them, would there be anything to look out for? "Solanna, do you know how these people are being kidnapped?" she asked.

Solanna Delacloude

Mesalon Pokecentre

@fer1323 @Heckno12

Solanna shook her head. "All I know is there have been reports of trainers being led away, but other than that... I'm afraid not," she replied, quite truthfully. She couldn't remember the people who had apparently taken her from the arena. "And they all claim they have no memory of these people."

Looking over at Rheese, she cringed. "I'm not really much of a fighter," she said. She wasn't, not any more.

Over the past eighteen months, she'd hoped the police and the gym leaders would catch Team Noble, but so far, they hadn't. And if it turned out she could access useful information with somebody's help, could she really ignore that possibility?
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by fer1323
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fer1323 Roamer of the Internet

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Oscar Berg


Oscar crosses his arms. "I do not like the idea of a sacrificial Mareep either but it is an option." Oscar turns to Rheese. "I am crudely profiling teams from other regions and it seems that there are some similar key facts between those researched thus far. I agree with you that 'we' are not strong enough at our present stage. We could assist gym leaders in catching team Noble. If you have a better plan, I would like to hear it."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by LuckyBlackCat
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LuckyBlackCat Cats Will Rule The World

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Sophia Danvers

Mesalon Pokecentre

@fer1323 @Heckno12

Sophia glared. She could only think of one person likely to volunteer to be said sacrificial Mareep, and that was the guy who'd come up with the ludicrous plan in the first place. "You're serious. You're actually serious about this."

Setting Lacey on the ground, she stood up, nearly losing her balance. "For Arceus' sake! How can such a battle strategist come up with such a dumb plan? Am I right in thinking that if nobody else agrees to this - which I strongly doubt they will - you'll go and throw your own safety away? No matter how good you are..." She stopped, realising what she'd just let slip to her rival. "Ok, I'll admit it. You're not a bad fighter. But that's no excuse to run headlong into danger! There's got to be some better way!" Her fists were clenched by her sides, her entire body tense with a mix of anger and worry.

In an attempt to stop the argument from escalating, Arcturus jumped into the middle of the group with a loud "HYAH!", core flaring. Sophia took a shuddering breath.

"Talking of gym leaders..." she said, shoulders drooping. "You know, you actually made a shred of sense there. Ugh, dammit, Hammer's still around." She glanced from Oscar to Rheese, a look of utter resignation on her face. "We might want to stay at the gym for a while. It'd be a good chance to train anyway, against the students. And yeah, we've got to become stronger trainers, but I guess if we do that, we'll have to watch each other's backs."

It looked like people would have to stick together on this journey, no matter how infuriating they could be.

Solanna Delacloude

Mesalon Pokecentre

@fer1323 @Heckno12

"That's the first time I've seen a Pokemon without eyes death glare," Solanna said with an uneasy laugh, looking from the Staryu to the rest of the group. "And if you're heading to the gym, I'll come along too!"

She didn't exactly want to go to a place that would remind her of the start of her journey, but it was better than seeing Hammer again - and besides, that was where Sophia would be.

Except the psychic was clearly in a bad way, and it didn't seem to just be her injuries. She looked exhausted. Solanna considered the dilemma. Could she really ask someone in such a state to help? She'd have to wait until Sophia recovered. This girl was a human being, not some kind of key.

She wished she could say her reluctance was purely out of concern for Sophia. It was, partly, but not entirely.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Heckno12
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Heckno12 That Guy

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Rheese Laudat

Mesalon Pokemon Center

"Here's the main problem, Oscar. As things are, none of us could even compete in a high level tournament. So long as that's true, we don't have any way to get their attention or deal with the problems that come with it." Rheese said adamantly. He turned to Sophia. "My thoughts exactly. If we're going to get stronger, we'll have to work together."

He stood up and made sure he was ready to go to the gym. Soon enough he'd probably feel confident enough to actually challenge it. Minior would undoubtedly be a helpful Pokemon to have in that case.

"If we work at it, we'll be able to kick Hammer to the curb before we know it."

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by OtomostheCrazy
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OtomostheCrazy The Impatient Patience of Fulfilled Nothingness

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Alexandria "Alexis" Deva

Off to Training

Alexis was a bit offended that Sophia didn't want to talk a bit more, but then again, they were supposed to be rivals, so it didn't really matter much to her...Alexis just realized that she had just acknowledged Sophia as her RIVAL. Sophia, the poser. Sophia, the girl who thinks she can think so highly of herself because she has powers. Sophia, the girl that pretty much put her in the ambulance that brought them all to Mesalon in the first place.

In order to distract herself from that fact, she brought her pokemon to the nurse, and pretty much speed-read all the magazines that the center had to offer the entire time she waited for them to be healed. As soon as they were ready to go out again, she sent them out of their poke balls, and desperately said,

"Alright you three, let's go find a way to beat the gym."

The three of them hadn't been so weirded out in their entire lives. Alexis even forgot about returning them to their poke balls. She just put the things away, picked up all three of them, and sped walked so fast out of that pokemon center, you'd think she grew up in one of those busy, crowded cities.

Deneb Astrologian
In the Pokemon Center


Edea had never thought she'd see the day that Deneb would start conversing with other humans. Sure, she didn't quite trust the two females, but at least her own trainer was starting to actually do something more than stare at people. It was cause for a celebration! A controlled one, but a celebration nonetheless. A victory dance, to be specific. The Maractus pulled out her maracas, and shook them all around the place, dancing around. She didn't even notice the other pokemon...though it would seem as if she did, considering that she swung the maracas their way. Honestly, it looked as if she was deliberately trying to whack them.

Deneb didn't...Well, that was a lie. He noticed Edea doing that. Thing was, she did that ALL THE TIME, and often ended up hitting him on the head quite a few times. He'd grown so used to it that the very sight of it was natural, and he didn't see anything wrong with it.

"I've never seen such pokemon. Would you mind telling me more about them?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Typical
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

Aedre Charbonnet
— Mesalon Outskirts —

“Yes. The lore also says that Honedge are born when spirits latch onto the sword, embedding themselves in it and giving it life,” Aedre said, excitement blossoming as she continued. “But I’m most interested in the fact that it can — through contact between its sash and living creatures — drain a creature’s life force. There have been numerous reports of this happening, but no one’s figured out why yet.” Aedre paused, an awkward smile stretching on her face when she realized that she was rambling. “Ah, sorry. I tend to get really excited over studies and such.”

While his trainer was rambling, Alitis had been watching the young Pokemon moving around below him cautiously, wings — while not tense — arched enough so that take-off wouldn’t be hindered. He was beginning to get an inkling that — while he himself was unfamiliar with the strange puppy-like creature — the fluffy brown quadruped was not a Pokemon he’d do well in battle with, especially when it came to close-quarters and the puppy’s strong hind legs. Cocking his head when the Pokemon’s trainer ordered it to sit down, the Fletchling gave his feathers a rustle, fluffing them up and discarding dust before allowing them to settle down again. A movement to his left caught his eye, and he looked over to see the grass-type swirling around dangerously, chirping sharply to alert his trainer of possible danger.

“Whoa, careful there,” Aedre said, flashing her palms up and taking a step back. “Doesn’t she get dizzy doing that?” she asked, looking at the blossoming cactus Pokemon curiously as it continued its spinning. The boy — Deneb — interrupted her staring with a question that made Aedre grin.

“I’ll gladly talk more about my Pokemon,” Aedre said, laughing. “Little here is a Fletchling, which is a flying-normal dual. He won’t stay that way for long though; one day he’ll evolve into a big ‘ol fire-type bird of prey called Talonflame, and I won’t be able to let him sit on my shoulder like so without struggle,” Aedre said, reaching a finger up to tickle the Fletchling’s beak. “Fletchling tend to flock together and create choruses of birdsong in the forest, so they’re quite social Pokemon, regardless of how Altilis here might seem. Still, get one angry and you’ll see their true colors. They’re still quite territorial and, as such, are often compared to Spearow,” Aedre said, a grin breaking over her face. “But I’d still vouch that Fletchling are kinder, more loyal, and more considerate birds. Personal bias and whatnot.”

@luckyblackcat @OtomostheCrazy
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by fer1323
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fer1323 Roamer of the Internet

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Oscar Berg


Oscar knew that convincing anyone would be really hard but he also knew that in order for his plan to have any shred of success, he would them on board and everyone with strong pokemon which is a valid point. "I see no harm in training and seeing some others battle the gym leader. Maybe we could do some light sparring between each other. Anyone up for that?" Although he do not get everything what he wanted but it was not fruitless. Oscar can feel this new purpose burn inside of him.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by LuckyBlackCat
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LuckyBlackCat Cats Will Rule The World

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Amber Pine

Mesalon Pokecentre

@OtomostheCrazy @Dusksong

"There's nothing to be sorry about!" Amber said, after listening intently. "Talk all you want. Fascinating, aren't they, Ghost types? There are all sorts of theories, yet so little is known for sure about them." A Ghost type was one she wanted to catch at some point - if she could find one here, it would most likely be helpful in the gym battle. The only problem was, apparently they weren't the easiest to train. Maybe she could ask Aedre for advice?

As Edea started wildly dancing around, Kyra leapt out of the way with a startled "Ruff!".

"Uh, careful with those maracas!" Amber said, stepping back. "As interesting as it is to see that dance in action."

She listened to Aedre's information about the Fletchling. "I was studying a flock of Fletchlings earlier. Precisely, the songs they use to communicate. I can see why you like them," she said with a smile before turning back to Deneb.

"Today's the first time I've seen a Rockruff, but I've read about them. Apparently, the younger and lower-level they are, the more sociable they are. They become more independent as they gain experience." There was something sad in her eyes as she looked at the little dog, imagining her gradually losing her friendliness. "But they always remain loyal to their trainers. And they evolve into one of two different forms, depending on time of day. It seems similar to the way Eevee's environment determines its evolution, except its type isn't affected. Instead, the two forms have different strengths and personalities."

She looked over at Aedre again. "You see? You're not the only one who talks a lot about Pokemon."

Sophia Danvers

Mesalon Pokecentre -> Outside

@fer1323 @Heckno12 @OtomostheCrazy

Sophia reminded herself what she'd said yesterday. Oscar wasn't the easiest person to work with, to put it mildly, but work with him she would. And considering what Solanna had revealed, the group would have to look out for each other even as high-level trainers... especially as high-level trainers.

"So you're finally being reasonable," she replied, keeping her pointed glare on Oscar. "I'm up for a training session later..." She glanced down at her Pokemon. "If you three are."

She still had to do what she'd set out on this journey to do - become the kind of trainer her family wanted her to be. They'd planned this her entire life, and she wasn't about to back out now. Besides, she of all people shouldn't be afraid. Her goal, as well as to improve as a trainer, was to be powerful in quite another way.

Except, if Ray was right, how would she overcome what was holding her back while under more pressure than ever?

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Alexis rush from the building. "Alexis?" With a surge of panic, she ran across the room. If an enraged Detective Hammer noticed the girl in her current state... Sophia didn't want to think about it.

"Alexis, careful! Don't let that detective see you!" This was more difficult with somebody who wasn't also a psychic, but Sophia put all the effort she could into sending the thought to Alexis. The room whirled and blurred around her.

Trying to shake off the fatigue, she stumbled from the building. The moment she did so, the ground lurched up. She yelped as her already bruised hands and knees struck the concrete.

Distressed cries registered through the dizziness, the cries of her Pokemon as they surrounded her. Right now, though, Sophia wasn't thinking about her own state. She owed Alexis a lot, after all.

Solanna Delacloude

Mesalon Pokecentre -> Outside

@fer1323 @Heckno12

"Yep! I'd be happy to help people train!" Solanna answered, her enthusiasm a little forced. She'd be alright with a sparring session - sort of. As long as it wasn't any kind of competitive battle.

At the sound of a cry and a thud, she spun around. "Sophia!" Running outside, she crouched down by the girl's side and helped her up, despite her protests that she was alright. Shame coursed through Solanna at the thought that she'd considered asking Sophia for help, even though the brunette had clearly been trying to hide how unwell she was, and was still doing so.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Heckno12
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Heckno12 That Guy

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Rheese Laudat

Mesalon Pokemon Center

When Sophia hit the ground, Rheese was already moving. It was sudden, or maybe she had shown signs before and he hadn't picked up on them.

"Shit, Sophia are you okay?" Honestly, Rheese knew the answer he was probably going to get wouldn't be the truth. The truth was that she was clearly exhausted by something. He didn't know anything about psychics or things of the sort, so it was clear to him that he probably wouldn't be of any help.

The only thing he could do was try to get Sophia to get some rest. "Y'know, it is getting kind of late." He claimed despite it only being early evening at the latest. "If we're going to go to the gym we should make sure we at least get some sleep." He glanced at Solanna for support, the day's events had clearly taken a toll on everyone. Now that he thought about it, the throbbing pain from his scuffle with Minior had been annoying him. Unconsciously he placed his hand on the bandage that was supposed to keep his injured rib in check. Normally he'd take it as a sign that he had gone too far that day, but now...he saw the injury as a testament to his weakness. Now that Sophia was distressed as well, he honestly felt even more powerless as there wasn't much he could do about it.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by OtomostheCrazy
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OtomostheCrazy The Impatient Patience of Fulfilled Nothingness

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Alexandria "Alexis" Deva

On the Hunt

Alexis really should have paid attention to the time before she grabbed her team and started running off. It was getting close to dusk, and the darkness wasn't exactly the best place to practice tournament moves. At least, not with the moves they had at the moment. However, it was still good for training pokemon for battles. In fact, some pokemon only come out at night, so Alexis and her team might find a new pokemon to bring along.

In any case, it was getting darker, and they have all had a long day. Still, she didn't want to look like an idiot and head right back when people saw her leave to go train. But what kind of pokemon would she even find here at this time of day, anyway? The answer to that question came in the form of several large, glowing red eyes that suddenly opened up. They stared at Alexis and her team from the trees.

Alexis and her team felt that they should've just headed back.

Deneb Astrologian
Maracas and a Question


"You two know a lot about Pokemon."

Deneb was still a child. Though, he held interest in Pokemon like many that were around his age, he never even thought to look deeper into things. That was more his parents' thing. They liked to do research into certain things, and they found out a lot along the way. He really only knew a bit about the pokemon back home, but these two trainers seemed to know so much more. It was intimidating in a sense.

Still, Edea was there to help him switch focus in that regard. Her dance became much more wild as she spun around, almost dizzying herself. For a moment, some of her petals began to fall off and quickly regrow, and the fallen ones began to swirl around her. Thinking that it might be a bad sign, Deneb spoke to the Maractus.


Edea stopped immediately, and looked at her trainer. The boy made a small gesture with his hands, and she shuffled over to him. She placed the maracas in his hands, and shuffled back. Deneb gripped on the handles, and made a series of motions. Strangely, the maracas didn't make a sound. Edea nodded in response, and shuffled side to side, waving her arms, which resulted with the sound of shaking Maracas coming from her.

Edea just liked to carry the empty maracas for fun. That much, Deneb knew.

With Edea's would dance quelled, Deneb looked at the two ladies once more. He had a question about something that was earlier mentioned.

"Your spirits are different from the ones I've seen. They possessed swords instead of becoming Yamask?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by LuckyBlackCat
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LuckyBlackCat Cats Will Rule The World

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Amber Pine

Mesalon Pokecentre -> Outside

@OtomostheCrazy @Dusksong @Heckno12 @fer1323

"That dance..." Amber looked down in surprise at the Maractus. "Was that the beginning of an attack?" It certainly reminded her of a move she'd seen some Grass types do.

Kyra drew back, emitting a low growl. "It's ok, Kyra," Amber reassured the Rockruff. "She doesn't mean to hurt you."

At the sound of startled shouts from behind her, she turned around, running to the door. "Sophia! What happened?" The brunette was leaning against Solanna, staring ahead, a look of worry on her pallid face. Not wanting Sophia to be too crowded, Amber stayed behind the others. Still, she kept her concerned gaze on the girl.

Sophia Danvers

Outside Mesalon Pokecentre -> Outskirts of Mesalon

@fer1323 @Heckno12 @OtomostheCrazy

Sophia watched for any sign of Alexis, her anxiety forming a tighter and tighter knot in her stomach. Dammit, she hadn't gotten through. Or Alexis was ignoring her.

"It doesn't matter," she said, pulling away from Solanna, ignoring the others' concern. By being so weak, she'd done nothing to earn their compassion, anyway. "Alexis is out there... and so is Hammer."

Before anyone could react, she put all her strength into running past them, frantically looking around for Alexis. Finally, peering into the darkness, she spotted her - faced with several pairs of brilliant red eyes.

With a harsh cry and a rustle of wings, one of the Hoothoots swooped down. "Lacey!" Sophia called, panting as she leaned against a tree. "Use Reflect, then Confusion!" The Gothita stepped forward, a wall of light forming in front of her, the Confusion attack knocking the Hoothoot away in midair.

Watching the other pairs of eyes piercing through the shadows, Sophia could only hope the new TM move would prove helpful.

Solanna Delacloude

Outside Mesalon Pokecentre -> Into town

@fer1323 @Heckno12

"Hey, wait! Sophia!" Solanna called, but the girl didn't listen, disappearing into the city with her Pokemon. For a few seconds, she stared in shock. Then, she ran after the two.

She didn't know what she'd do if she ran into Hammer, but she had to put her own fear aside. If he found two of the attack victims, one on the verge of collapsing, things wouldn't end well. And if it came down to it, then technically, she might have a chance against the detective - if she could bring herself to battle him.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by fer1323
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fer1323 Roamer of the Internet

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Oscar Berg


After Sophia nearly collapsing and now running off, Oscar sighs and runs after her with Roadrunner in tow. Oscar arrives shortly after Sophia downs one Hoothoot. "Sophia, what has gotten into you?" Another Hoothoot swoops down at Sophia and Roadrunner deflects it with an ember. Oscar was amazed at Roadrunner. "Good going, RR but say frosty." Oscar releases Diasho to aid Roadrunner but ultimately to learn convey basic thoughts and emotions via Diasho. Oscar tries to send Sophia the emotion that she is not alone.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Noxx
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Member Seen 12 mos ago

Nyxx Hollow


Nyxx had left the group to do a bit of training of her own, deciding it was the best course of action opposed to the alternative which would be listen to Amber and the rest of the girls talk in circles about nothing she knew about. Hands in her pocked and leaned completely back with her eyes half opened as usual, she won those few battles she got into with relative ease which put her in a drastically bored state of being but that wasn’t anything new honestly the only real addition to her person was the Gengar sneaking around in her shadow at the command of her mother. Walking her way back to the Pokemon center she figured they had to have run out of topics to talk about by now and must be willing to actually do something that doesn’t involve yapping. Fortunately for her that indeed was the case, but not so much in the way she was expecting as the entirety of the starting trainer, group were in a pitched battle against some HootHoots and the psychic girl whose name escaped her at the moment was in peril.

“Guess were doing this now, ” she sighed releasing her Bunneary into the fray. The bunny jumped up and knocked one of the bird Pokemon straight out of the sky

“I miss anything important,” Nyxx said lazily, her attitude starting to adversely affect the ghost type who was starting to fall completely asleep
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by LuckyBlackCat
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LuckyBlackCat Cats Will Rule The World

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Sophia Danvers

Outskirts of Mesalon

@fer1323 @Heckno12 @OtomostheCrazy @Noxx

As Oscar joined in the battle, a warm, comforting feeling spread over Sophia. It was like the hand of a friend on her shoulder, reassurance that someone would look out for her. A quick glance at the Pokemon at his feet revealed the reason - was he getting Daisho to send her that emotion?

A bird swooped at Roadrunner, snapping Sophia back into action. "Arcturus! Water Gun!" she commanded, still out of breath. The Staryu's jet of water knocked the Hoothoot aside. Angry hoots and the flapping of wings sounded through the woods as more owls flew at the group.

Lacey advanced, her luminous force field still in place. A Hoothoot crashed right into the glowing wall, bouncing off. The Gothita stumbled back, having taken some minor damage, but the Reflect had partially absorbed the blow.

"Lacey, hold on! Use Confusion again!" As the bird tried to repeat its attack, Lacey's Psychic-type move sent it spinning through the air. "Grimalkin, hit with Scratch!" The cat pounced at one of the Hoothoots, swiping with her claws.

Sophia had planned to get in some training before the day was out, but this wasn't exactly what she'd expected.

Amber Pine

Outskirts of Mesalon

@OtomostheCrazy @Dusksong @Heckno12 @fer1323 @Noxx

"Kyra, which way did they go?" Amber asked as she hurried alongside Solanna, glancing from side to side. The Rockruff sniffed, yapped, and scampered ahead, towards the outskirts. It wasn't long until Amber heard the cries of Hoothoots, and raised voices. Battle commands.

Her pace sped up as she and Kyra arrived on the scene, staring up at several pairs of glowing red eyes. "Ok, Kyra, use Bite!" she called, standing beside Nyxx. The dog sprang up, clamping her jaws down on one of the Hoothoots.

More bird Pokemon attacking with little to no provocation... Was this like the Rufflets yesterday? No, they weren't being quite that brutal. They weren't ignoring their injuries or blindly firing attacks everywhere. It was probably a case of birds being territorial, like Aedre had mentioned earlier. Even so, Amber kept a wary look out for any particularly violent behaviour.

Solanna Delacloude

Outskirts of Mesalon

@fer1323 @Heckno12 @OtomostheCrazy @Noxx

Solanna sprinted over to the rest of the group. "Whimsicott! Cotton Guard, then hit those Hoothoots with a Stun Spore!"

The Grass-type fluffed herself up. Her high level and extra cotton allowing her to shake off the attacks despite her type disadvantage, she blew a cloud of orange powder at the Hoothoots. Solanna's team would easily be able to take them out with stronger attacks, but it seemed the group had turned this into a training opportunity, and were winning. Besides, the level gap meant her Pokemon could seriously harm these birds if she tried that, and she wasn't going to risk it except as an absolute last resort.

A cheery tune suddenly accompanied the heated battle, blaring from her bag. "Wow, bad timing much?" she said, forcing a laugh as her phone stopped ringing, only to start again. Whoever the caller was, they were clearly pretty set on getting through to her.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Heckno12
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Rheese Laudat


Before Rheese could even get involved the situation it had essentially been handled. That was when he saw one of the flying types attempt to attack from another angle. In a swift motion Minior struck the bird with a powerful tackle. The armor covered Pokemon seemed pretty eager to engage such a large group.

"Minior, at least wait until I tell you to do that!" Rheese shouted at the Pokemon. It turned towards him and dashed at full speed only to stop inches away and shake excitedly making sounds that could be interpreted as an apology, albeit not the most heartfelt. "Alright, alright. Confuse Ray as many of them as you can!" He commanded the Minior, it seemed a bit disappointed to not be directly engaging more enemies, but went about the order regardless.

Rheese was already a bit wary of the newest addition to his team. It was certainly the most eager and it...well it probably wasn't trying to kill him beforehand, but it had certainly gotten close. Even so, Rheese would by lying if he said he didn't enjoy having such an energetic Pokemon on his team. Wooper and Cottonee had energy certainly, but Minior was practically bursting at the seams with it.

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