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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Serena followed him as Kuriboh floated up by his side. Serena looked at Yami and asked "How do you know Pegasus? I thought he was in hiding or something..."

Adam nodded and said "Your right...Its just hard to get though of this...knowing Serena's brother is in a coma and Drake being part of it all...I just can't believe this is where we are"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Turning his head sightly with his eyes glancing in her direction, the Former Pharaoh did not see this as surprising, The only thing that anyone would know most is his win in the Duelist City Tournament and few would know about his win in Duelist Kingdom. "Meeting him was how Yugi's and my own journey started both personally and as partners. If it wasn't for him, our journey would not have started and we wouldnot have been who and what we are now. Pegasus heard of Yugi's skill to defeating Seto Kaiba and decided to test his skills through a VHS Tape and sending us into the Shadow Realm. Later finding out that I too was this cause in Yugi's victory. To try and take the Millenium Puzzle and Yugi's soul, took Grandpa's to force Yugi into the Duelist Kindom Tournament. We had won, and Pegasus had become a much different man than who we had faced, and becoming an interesting ally and I believe a friend." Yami explained to, being as straightforward and shortened as possible.

"Realizing that now? Wake up dork and face it. The faster we get out of this situation, the more we can get back to work and figure this out so I can go back to running a company instead of having to group up with a bunch of Dweebs because someone decides to terrorize for no reason at all and the Geek Patrol decides to butt in." Seto barks out aas he decides to vent out his frustrations, sounding like Seto Kaiba instead of what would be to most people, Seth from his long lost remembered past.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Serena listened as they crossed the street and headed inside the building. "Interesting how fate works...but what could he have to do with all of this?"

Adam grabbed him and slammed him against the wall of the vent and said "Its not random! This is more then some problem you have to deal with! This is my family! My brother, Serena and Aaron and her father are all I have! All I have ever had and now my brother is trying to kill us! Aaron is in a coma, more likely his soul trapped in the Shadow Realm and Serena having to face it all like this along with figuring out she's some relived protector of a King and has no idea if her mind is going to snap because of all the crap she's going thru, adding on the fact her father is a emotionless dick who seems to care about everyone else apart from her. So I'm so sorry that our lives falling apart has gotten in the way of your work!" Adam was panting now, tears in his eyes. He was scared, it showed clearly. His fear for Serena and himself and for what was happening was shining on his face.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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"I would not know entirely. But he has had knowledge on the original foundations of Duel Monsters and the Shadow Games. He was an achiologist at one point before he created Duel Monsters. He would know something about this. All we would need to do is ask or he will say something about as secretly as possible." Yami told as he made his way toward the elevator, then once Serena was in activated it to Pegasus' floor. He remembered when they first came here. He glanced to Kuriboh, not entirely surprised that tis little creature decided to come with. A small smile came to his lips with this companion by his side.

Kaiba had to only admit that all he was surprised about was the sudden grab of his shirt and shoved into th wall of the vent. The rest of it with the rant Adam was going through, Seto wasn't phased and remained stoned faced the entire time. He waited for him to finish when Adam was panting now but clearly saw his fear, how scared he was. "You done? Because to be honest, you arent the only one know who is protecting someone, trying correct what some moron is starting and trying to control the world through Duel monsters. You cannot tell me for one second that I have no clue. I have been forced to face what that Geek squad has been facing for the past four years before Yami got a body of his own and could move on. You cannot tell me that I dont understand. And if you want advise on how to deal with this dick of a father? Ignore him. Obviously he doesnt care nor will he change. I know his type. Break ties before its too late and let Geek squad help Serena. She obvious is becoming buddy buddy with Yami and is helping her face that snap point." Seto told him with a slight scowl to his features but if Adam hadnt figured it out it was his brother he was protecting. But secretly and unknowing, Yami due their long past life. "So. Would you like to keep oving or have someone find us in this most awkward and pretty, embarrassing situation." Kaiba pointed out with how small this place was and what it would do to ones imagination and leave few scarred.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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The small creature was humming softly, bouncing while he floated in the air. Serena was watching him when suddenly her pendent glowed brightly. She touched it and said "Yami...did Pegasus have a item at some point..."

Adam blinked a few times then rubbed his eyes and nodded. "right...we should get back to the others...sorry" He started to move again, clearly feeling like a moron for snapping. He had been bottling it up for so long that seeing Drake again had made him fully snap and lose control.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Yami looked to Serena as he noticed a faint glow within his vision to see that pandant glowed. With her question, the Pharaoh nodded. "Indeed, he did. He had the Millennium Eye when I faced him in Duelist Kingdom. It was taken from him after I had left." Telling her with a solemn look on his face and looking away. He didnt know what else to say.

Kaiba rolled his eyes and continued to move behind Adam. "Don't apologize. Your stressed. I get it. Eveyone is. Just be glad it wasn't Wheeler that you snapped at. He would have punched you." Saying what sounded like having a smirk on his face. "We should be almost out."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Serena looked at Yami and said "It was stolen from him? How is that even possible?" The doors opened and Kurbioh floated out, looking around happily.

Adam chuckled and said "That's true...here we are" He found the grate and kicked it open and climbed out, the others waiting there. Mokuba ran to Seto and helped him up and hugged him. "Seto...I was worried that you might have been taken...what took you guys so long"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Watching Kuriboh having floated off when the elevator stopped and opened. Yami had wondered. He was only told. Not on how. "An old archenemy had done it. How, i do not know. But it had happened, though Yugi and I managed to retrieve it. Like all of the others, have been buried under the sands and never to be see again. Except one." Yami told her as he had walked within the room to see a set of large doors. Ones he knew well and who would likely be on the other side of. "Yami took no time to get mentally prepared of what he might see on the other side. He opened both doors and looked around the room as well as Kuriboh.

Seto let Adam get out before he did though was helped by Mokuba and then hugged of which he returned the brotherly gesture. "Its okay Mokuba. Just had to make a diversion and let a certain dweeb let his brain reset." Kaiba said, though was going to let the snap that happened between him and Adam. He knew this was a secret between men and he was alright with it. "Come on. The longer we stay the closer they are to realizing our position and us." he told them all and began his trek with the group back to the hideout.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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The room was huge office, portraits lining the walls. Serena looked around and whistled. "Dang...I heard he was a painter...but dang he is good..." The room was empty but they could hear voices behind the door across the room. Serena looked at Yami and said "Anything else I should know before I meet this guy?"

Joey helped Adam up and they headed for the road when a van pulled up and the door opened and Raphael and Alister were standing there. Rapheal said "Get in fast. We need to get out of here now" Alister said "We have been following the energy levels since the last god appeared and there is a huge energy surge downtown. Its by the business district. If we hurry we can get there before anyone gets hurt"
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Yami glanced to the walls when Serena had pointed out the portraits, having seen them before. Though he smiled upon hearing her compliment to Pegasus' art. "He did make many of the art works for Duel monsters." he told her before she had asked her question on what to be prepared for. "I do not believe there is much to tell about Pegasus. He was once an archaeologist, knowing quite abit of the history of Duel monster's origin. He is an ally, and he likes cartoons." Yami answered. Hearing the voices within another room, Yami headed there and went to open the door with caution. Granted he had better manners but he needed to know why Kuriboh brought him to Pegasus. So for the moment with unknown voices on the other side of the door, Yami wanted to feel prepared as he could be by basically barging in.

Kaiba ushered his brother with him while Yugi went to catch up with Joey with Marik, Ishizu, Odion, Tristen and Tea in toe. When the van pulled up, the group made no hesitation and got in and situated quickly for when they would leave. After that, Kaiba looked to the Bikers. "What else can you say about these energy levels?" Joey looked serious, What happen? Duel Monsters showing up or somethin'?" he asked hoping for more of a idea then just some mumbo jumbo that he wouldnt understand much of.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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One was Pegasus's voice, seeming to be worried about something as the other voice was a woman saying "I have spoken to Mister Deviln and he said he was alright. He didn't want to speak in detail on the phone but I believe he had the same visitor you did sir..." Pegasus sighed and said "It seems what I feared when I made Duel Monsters is coming to pass...the past has come back to finish what was started. Evil has returned to take its place...and Yami and his guardian are in his way. I fear time is running out"

Raph nodded and said "Only small monsters for now, but with how much the energy is building, bigger things are going to be heading our way soon. We have to find Serena and Yami, I fear they might be the only ones who can shut the gateway" Ishizu said "Marik and I can block the doorway for a time, but without our items...we can't shut it for good"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Yami felt it be the time after they seemed to have made their reports and comments that Yami opened the door looked to Pegasus and whomever else was in the room. "I believe you had said that once before Pegasus. Especially after what happened a few years ago." Yami said with a small smirk. He walked further into the room with Kuriboh until he looked to the fluffball and Pegasus. "Kuriboh brought me here for a reason I have yet to understand but I believe you might, Pegasus." Yami explained with a calm expression, his hands in his pockets while looking to the CEO of industrial illusions and the other within the room.

Marik nodded to confirm this while Joey and Tristen looked to each other and then to Yugi and everyone else. "We got this! Its like old times. We can kick can like we always do!" Joey encouraged with a devioua grin. Seto smirked at this. "I hate to admit it, but the mutt has a point." withis made Joey look at Kaiba with a growl. "Why you..." Tristen held him back after grabbing to keep him planted. "He just agreed with you moron!" which made Wheeler atop and looked surprised.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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The other was a young woman with dark hair and a scarf covering one of her eyes. Pegasus stood and said "Pharoh...I should say I;m surprised your here but I'm..." He stopped when Serena walked into the room. He stared at her, looking like he had seen a ghost. The woman moved forward and said "I am Sara...Mr. Pegasus's assassinate...Sir? Is everything alright?" Pegasus walked over to Serena and muttered "It can't be...your dead..." Serena blinked and said "I'm Serena...a friend of.." Pegasus took her hand and said "Serena...her daughter...it seems fated did have it in for you after all"

Yugi looked out the window and said "Raph..is that where we are going?" Raph looked out and they all saw a huge dark cloud hanging over the area by the docks. Mokuba held onto his brothers arm and muttered "Seto..."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Yami looked to Pegasus with a critical eye, unsure as to what was happening to Pegasus till he saw the CEO looking to Serena. He didnt understand why he was reacting to her the way he was. Though hoping for answers, looked to the female that introduced to him as Sara. Though seeing her reaction, she seemed just as confused as he and therefore looked back to Pegasus in hopes of some sort of clue. With the fague babbling he was speaking, it seemed to have something about a past she may have. "Pegasus. Might you please explain that it is you are speaking of?" Yami asked, hoping maybe he would explain and return to his usual self.

Joey and the others looked through the window to see the huge dark cloud over the pier many thought of battle city before thinking of what they could do. Seto felt Mokuba holding his arm like a lifeline. "Its okay Mokuba." he looked to Adam then. "Adam. Make sure Mokuba stays safe and out of danger. Can you handle that?" he asked, though sounding like the regular ass that he is, he was trusting Mokuba to him. They needed to find out whoever this other duelist was that they tried to get ahold of as well ad this other so called chosen one like Joey and Duke. Either way, they needed to figure out as soon as possible. Joey looked to the rest. "We can do this guys! We got to. But who is going to look for Yami and Serena?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Pegasus turned and said "I'm sorry, its just you look exactly like your mother..." Serena blinked and said "You knew my mother? How?" He smiled and said "My dear girl...its thanks to your mother that duel monsters is around. She helped me with the history of the game. She was a genius when it came to the language and art of the time of our pharaoh here" Serena looked shocked then Sara's phone beeped and she looked at it and said "Sir? We just got word of another energy spike"

Adam looked over and said "I will protect him with my life...you guys head there and mokuba and I will will go with Raph and find Yami and Serena." Raph nodded and Mokuba said "I can help with that" Suddenly Adam's phone started to beep and he pulled it out and said "Oh thank heavens...Serena's ear com finally came back on line, as did Yami's. THey are...downtown? They are like five blocks from that cloud."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Yami looked confused at first but then looked even more confused of how this all tied together. He was shocked that Pegasus knew Serena's mother and ontop of that realized that Serena never spoke about her mother. From what he figured, Serena's mother sounds like an archeologist as well. Hearing the ping from a phone. Looking to Sara of whome it was coming, looking confused and to Pegasus. "Energy spike? What does she mean?" he asks before looking to Kuriboh.

Kaiba nodded as Joey and Marik look to Adam when his phone went off amd declared that their coms appeared though wjere they were was a surprise. "Wait, Whaa!? Five blocks away?! Are you serious?!" Joey exclaimed loudly, obvious freaking out with surprise. "Where are they?!" he asks almost begging. Tristen and Tea were too surprised where as Kaiba was one of the very few. "Figures." was all Seto said. "Why are they five blocks away? Thought they were heading back to the hideout?" Maeik deduced.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Sara said "a area of shadow energy has been detected.." Serena went to the window and said "guess we will have to talk later, Pegasus...we have to get to that portal before the brotherhood does..." Pegasus said suddenly "I don't think that's wise. If I'm right, you two aren't ready to take Apep on...you both need to remember the past first"

Yugi swallowed and said "we will have to worry about the others later...we need to get to that portal and make sure no one gets hurt"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Yami had walked over to the window as well to see the dark mass. He looked to Serena in agreeing that they needed to go there, most likely Yugi and the others were told about it and were heading there to help people. To hear that Pegasus saying it wasnt wise, he turned to the man with a questioned look which looked disapproving. "We are on that. We must wait two days before we can figure out the rest of mine and all of hers. Right now Yugi and the others must already be on their way to fix it and we need to go there to close it before anyone else gets hurt, Pegasus. This we know for a fact."

Joey was reminded to calm down and took a deep breath before nodding, serious. "Yugi's right. No doubt they have heard of this and are on the way. We can hold out." Tristen nodded with a smirk. "You bet." Marik looked to his sister, then the rest. "Then it is settled then. Adam, i would get ahold of Serena and Yami to let them know." he advised.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by MegaraFoxfire
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Serena didn't answer and Pegasus said "Guardian?" She sighed and looked at Yami. "I partly agree with him Yami...if we face that god again and we don't get luckily again...I can't control my power yet and yours seems to be all over the place. I'm worried someone might get hurt..."

Adam nodded and started to call Serena and Yami on the ear pieces, trying to some response. "Come on guys...pick up..."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Jazz
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Yami looked to Serena when she gave her opinion on the matter. He knew she was right. That deep down his own powers were too shaken up and jumbled from their meeting with Apep, that he needed to be better prepared. But he couldnt let his friends face this alone for none of them could close this gate but Serena and himself. He felt torn and it started to frustrate him until he heard something within his ear. He remembered the ear piece and thought it maybe Adam wondering if they were alright. He wondered if an hour had gone by already that they didnt check in. Yami decided to answer and pressed the button on the piece. "Yes?" he asked, making sure it was Adam.
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