Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AlternateMan
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AlternateMan there is calcium in my bones

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Bizz switched her Malice into shotgun and fired it as she slowly marched towards the Deathstalker, keeping the pincers and the tail away from Lucas and herself.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Misumichan
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Misumichan A gloomy midnight princess

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

“Yeah!” Hansa agreed with Lucas. “Objective isn't to eliminate, just recovery. Let's get outta here!” Hansa dashed through the trees with the others. As soon as he spotted the Deathstalker he jumped up into the treetops using Luck Herald as a boost throwing one of his knives at the tail before it retracted for another strike. “Well this is inconvenient.” He huffed and quickly peeked above the tree line to see the Nevermore diving for him. “Whoah!” He ducked down narrowly being missed as a snack. He hung upside-down seeing everyone going after the Deathstalker. “Glas! Help me distract the Nevermore!” He peered through the trees and saw there were some ruins ahead. “There’s more open space ahead closer to the cliffs! Let's head there!” He jumped up and did a roundhouse kick to fire at the Nevermore. He bounced through the trees to get around the Deathstalker and keep the Nevermore’s attention as he headed for the open space.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LemonZest1337
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LemonZest1337 Fresh and Zesty

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Sarah watches the rest of the kids run off towards the cliff the looks down at Zan. "Shall we proceed fierce Faunus warrior?" Sarah smirked as she said this and changed her shield into minigun mode and started spinning up the barrels. She was visually excited buy the sight of the two massive Grimm, she started giggling to herself.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Casterlyrock
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Zandrea unsheathed leaf from her side and nodded "I guess we shall" she smiled also getting ready to advance along side her partner "let's do this....RAWR!" she was excited to fight as a team with others she never even spoke to yet and to use this to bond more with her new partner.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LemonZest1337
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LemonZest1337 Fresh and Zesty

Member Seen 11 days ago

Sarah let out a laugh and grabbed a horse Chess piece. "Guess we'll go with the horse." She smiled and charged after the rest of the students, "Hey guys! How you all going!" She yelled out not really worried about the current situation at all. She could barely suppress her excitement giggling constantly.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by lantgreen
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lantgreen Rocketeer

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Glas switched her arrow heads to ice and fired two more shots at the Nevermore, hoping to slow it down at the least. Neverland went back to its spear form amd she started running. She was not expecting a Deathstalker to show up but with quick thinking she could use it to her advantage. Everyone around her was fighting and she couldn't have been more thrilled, though from what she overheard no one was staying for the kill. Glas looked up at Hansa who was busy distracting the giant bird asking for some assistance.

Glas charged at the Deathstalker, jumping slightly only to brace her feet on it's claw. She knew it's natural instinct would be to shake her off so when it lifted she used her light frame and quick movement to launch herself up using the Deathstalkers claw like a catapult. With spear in hand she infused her aura making the spear head barbed and attaching a string to herself. Glas threw the spear as hard as she could at the Nevermore, stabbing it in the midsection. She now swung haphazardly through the air being dragged by the bird. She reached her hand down toward her teammate, "HANSA" she shouted, hoping he would jump to her the two could drag the Nevermore somewhere else.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Misumichan
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Misumichan A gloomy midnight princess

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Hansa jumped up and fired a few shots from his boots to grab Glas’ hand. He caught a better view of the open space and the ruins that he was aiming for. “Those ruins have multiple levels and go up high with plenty of open space. As long as we move fast it'll be the perfect place to take it on!” He saw the rounded section with pillars and smirked. “Get me on top of him. We can trap the bird in a cage! It won't last long with its strength but long enough to get some hits in!”
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by lantgreen
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lantgreen Rocketeer

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Glas nodded to Hansa's suggestion, the ruins would be perfect to fight the giant bird of prey. However the Nevermore was going nowhere near the old stone buildings. Her partner wanted to get on top, an attempt to ride she thought. Glas pulled her string of aura as if they were being lifted by an elevator towards the Nevermore. As they got closer she threw Hansa at a different angle, hoping he could find a way to center himself above. Meanwhile she reached her spear and held onto it like an anchor point at the belly of the beast.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Misumichan
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Misumichan A gloomy midnight princess

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Glas threw Hansa up, a quick shot from his boots and he went even higher. He threw Pendulum out wide so it would wrap around the Nevermore’s neck. He pulled tight to land in the center of it’s back. He yanked hard on the wire causing the Nevermore to change course for the ruins. He placed his hand on it’s back and began to methodically decrease it’s size, just enough that the weight of the two of them would cause it to drop to the height of the pillars and so it would fit in between. An added bonus the wound caused by Glas’ spear would end up being larger when it reverted back.
“Get ready to jump!” Hansa yelled down to Glas as they got closer. He quickly retracted Pendulum and just held onto feathers for the remaining distance. He pushed off the Nevermore and fired Luck Herald to launch it into it’s cage and it reverted back to it’s original size making it a very tight fit inside the pillars. “Hit him with everything you got!” Hansa pulled his hood up as he backed away a bit more, pulling out his extra throwing knives and throwing a few ice dust blades at the caged Nevermore.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LemonZest1337
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LemonZest1337 Fresh and Zesty

Member Seen 11 days ago

Sarah was delighted as she watched to nevermore get crammed into the pillars. Then she heard hit it with everything and a manic grin crossed her face. She then immediately opened up on the nevermore sending a hail of shots in its direction, all the while laughing. She slowly walked towards the nevermore while she shot at it, the barrels on her minigun were heating up slowly. "Oh this is going to be so much fun!" she yelled it might have seemed like she was being sort of careless not taking the situation seriously, but in actuality she was very focused on making sure not to harm anyone while also dishing out massive punishment on the nevermore. She knows all to well what the guilt of hurting an ally feels like.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by lantgreen
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lantgreen Rocketeer

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Glas removed the barbed aura off her spear and jumped off when told to. She landed a good vantage point to see the Nevermore struggling in its new cage. Given the order to go all out Glas didn't hesitate. She concentrated a bit before infusing her aura back into her spear, creating barbs that bent all sorts of ways and cycled around the head, like a complicated chainsaw in the shape of a ball. She threw NeverLand and controlled it with her string of aura as it repeatedly stabbed and shredded the Nevermores extentions.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Casterlyrock
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Zandrea watched in awe of everyone in the battle, she stood there leaf in her hand watching the nevermore and deathstalker fall to her class makes, grimm were not new in her life her tribe did live in the wilds after all, but if a nevermore,deathstalker, king taijitu or something else along those lines attacked, it took most of the tribe to beat it.

have a defensive role in battle came with perks and drawbacks, watching moments like this from the back lines was one of the draw backs.
zandrea mood quickly changed back when she realized how awesome the whole thing was to watch.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LemonZest1337
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LemonZest1337 Fresh and Zesty

Member Seen 11 days ago

Sarah looked back at Zan briefly "Zan come on! Join in on the fun! Those guys over at the deathstalker look like they could use a hand!" Sarah then resumed giggling and shooting at the nevermore, barrels of her minigun now visibly hot this does make her shouts slightly more powerful, but will eventually so the guns function. She noted the barrels heat and mad sure to briefly check on Zan every now and then. She could have her new friend getting hurt, especially one that was so adorable.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Azure Flame
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Azure Flame Leader of the Azure Knights

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Lucas hopped off the Death Stalker as it tried to stab him with it's stinger, spinning around and slicing the stinger off with his katana, before peppering it with ice bullets from his pistol. He noticed it about to grab Bizz with it's claw, and warped in front of her, grabbing her, and running towards the bridge near the cliff, as the Death Stalker chased them, his stinger sticking out of it's head.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AlternateMan
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AlternateMan there is calcium in my bones

Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Bizz flailed her arms as Lucas grabbed her and ran.
"I'm fine without your help!"
She yelled, trying to break free from him. Holding Malice tight, she tried to shoot at the grimm, but lowered the shotgun after realizing that the running gave her no clear shots.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Casterlyrock
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Zan nodded and quickly darted into the fight with the deathstalker standing defiantly infront of it as it scurried towards the other two students, it reached out with a claw and as it was about to grab her Zandrea quickly placed her hand on a near by stone and her aura became rock hard around her the claws bending against its own force trying to crush her, as it wailed she changed back with leaf in hand.

her quickness and evasiveness allowed her to slash her thin blade between the exoskeleton of the grimm and into its joints stabbing and slashing with surgeon like precision making the grimm less and less mobile.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by LemonZest1337
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LemonZest1337 Fresh and Zesty

Member Seen 11 days ago

Sarah smiled as Zan darted off then she turned her attention back to the nevermore. She the looked down at her now glowing hot minigun. She smiled and transformed it into shield mode the looked over at Glas and Hansa. "You two got any ideas for cooking this bird!?" she yelled out as she advanced on the nevermore keeping her shield at the ready. "Or do I just need to hit it really hard!?" She was hoping it was the second one honestly, she really wanted to see if she could put down a grimm of that size.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Misumichan
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Misumichan A gloomy midnight princess

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hansa switched out the blade on Pendulum for one made of wind dust. He quickly threw it and yanked on the wire to change it’s angle to slash at the Nevermore. The wind dust causes sharp arcing blasts of wind so even when Pendulum doesn’t strike it still causes damage. He’d throw in a few kick shots as he would twist around for another slash with Pendulum. He noticed the pillars cracking and growing weaker, “Stay back!” The Nevermore burst out letting out a terrifying screech as rubble started raining down on the students breaking up some of the pathways. Hansa jumped from piece to piece of the falling rubble to land next to Sarah. “Give me a boost if ya would!” Hansa said with a smirk. “You two bash it's head when I give the signal!”
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by LemonZest1337
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LemonZest1337 Fresh and Zesty

Member Seen 11 days ago

Sarah raised her shield to block any rubble that was thrown her way. She watched Hansa land next to her and she smiled this is so much fun! her smile got wider as he asked for a boost. "How much of a boost?" She said as she planted her glowing hot tower shield off to the side and rolled her shoulders. She then crouched down and put her hands together holding them slightly in front of her so Hansa could step on them. "Big, medium or small?" she didn't really have a medium or small option she just said them to make Hansa feel like he had options.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Azure Flame
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Azure Flame Leader of the Azure Knights

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"You're welcome." he said to Bizz. "If only there was some way to knock that stinger deeper into it." He set her down and warped up to one of the pillars on the bridge, turning his blade into the rifle, he loaded it up with fire dust and began shooting out it's eyes, hoping to blind the Grimm.
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