Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago
Zeroth Post


  • Location information still to come

Current Dibs List


The greatest journey of your young lives takes place now. Since the days of Ash Ketchum, Pallet Town has grown and thrived as a hot bed for tourists and those wanting to become Pokemon trainers. The late, great Professor Oak's work has spawned what is effectively a starting point for any prospective trainer. People travel from all over Kanto and further to claim their first Pokemon from the Oak Institute, setting out on their journey's to try to become the greatest trainer to have lived. This will be where your story begins. As a group you will travel all over Kanto facing other trainers and gym leaders with the end goal of entering the Kanto Regional Tournament. All the while, something strange is going on in the region and you will need to help solve it or risk great devastation plaguing the land.

The Game World

  • It has been 50 years since Ash Ketchum set out on his now fabled journey to become the greatest pokemon trainer in the world. He is now an old man who resides comfortably on the Alolan Islands having achieved his dream.

  • Unfortunately time caught up with Professor Oak died long ago but not before establishing the Oak Institute.

  • Team Rocket have long been defeated, their leadership either locked up or deceased.

  • The Kanto region has worked with the Oak Institute for decades to introduce non-native Pokemon to the region. There are very few Pokemon that cannot be found in the vast Kanto region.

  • The towns remain the same from the days of Ash Ketchum, albeit having expanded outwards slightly. The gyms and their types remain the same.

The Oak Institute

After helping Ash and his grandson Gary, Professor Oak wanted to leave a lasting legacy to the world. He created the Oak Institute to give new trainers the same opportunity that Ash and Gary had. The institute provides the first pokemon for the majority of new trainers in the Kanto region should they travel to Pallet Town. In addition to this, the institute is responsible for the monitoring of pokemon numbers and introduction of non-native species into the Kanto region. At present the number of different pokemon species in the region is 700+.

The Institute is ran by Oak's great grandaughter, Professor Arianna Oak. She has been responsible for expanding the Institutes reach around Kanto and is laying the groundwork to expand into the Johto region. He expandision within Kanto has resulted in each town and city having an Institute centre that is responsible for monitoring all pokemon activity in their respective areas.


RP Rules

  • First rule is the generic roleplaying rule, no playing god, no controlling other peoples characters without permission etc.

  • No legendaries or mythics can be caught although legendaries may become available if the story progresses far enough.

  • I am a flexible GM, so if you dislike something or have a suggestion, PM me and we can have a chat

  • Battles will for the most part take place in written form apart from PVP, Gym Battles and tournament matches. These other matches will take place using Pokemon Showdown (see next header) to decide the winner. A battle report will need to be written detailing the outcomes of the fight. In player vs GM it will be the players responsibility, in player vs player you need to decide. It can be something simple and to the point, but should follow the rough flow of the battle. E.g. if player A stomps your first 5 pokemon but then your last mounts an insane comeback for victory, you should write that.

  • The story will naturally progress from town to town, gym to gym. When the story reaches a point where you are ready to challenge a gym leader, PM me and we can arrange a day and time to get on Pokemon Showdown to do the gym battle.

Pokemon Showdown Rules

  • Pokemon Showdown will be used for PVP and gym battles. It would be worth getting used to the interface now so that when it comes to battling gym leaders, you'll know what to do and how to set up your Pokemon.

  • Pokemon default to level 100. Leave them at this level as it is much easier to track.

  • You can set all IV's to 31 (usually done by default) and can set EV's as you wish (I suggest you do because I intend on doing it for Gym Leaders).

  • Natures can be set however you wish, but I would expect you to RP your pokemon in the same way as their nature dictates.

  • There are to be no held items whatsoever. This goes for berries as well. It is to ensure that there are no builds that are too OP. This includes Z-Moves and mega evolution stones.

  • All moves that your Pokemon learns should be in line with the games. So the way it will work is that we will assume all Pokemon know 4 moves up to level 20 in their base form. For every gym badge you win, you can add 10 levels to the moves your pokemon can learn. So if you beat Tyson, you will be able to learn moves up to level 30 for your respective pokemon. You can never have more than 4 moves.

  • The only moves you can learn are levelling up moves, no egg moves allowed. To see what moves your pokemon can have head here. Use the search bar in the top right to find your pokemon and then scroll down till you see "Learnset" and it's sub heading, "By levelling up." It is this list that you need to use.

  • Evolving pokemon works on the same principle as the moves listed above. Imagine your pokemon start at level 20 and for each badge you get, gain 10 levels. So using Ekans as an example, it evolves to Arbok at level 22. Prior to beating Tyson you would not be able to RP it evolving. After beating Tyson you could choose to evolve Ekans there and then or leave it till you get even more badges, it's entirely up to you.

  • Pokemon that do not evolve by level work on the following principles:

    • Evolution Stones: Level 30 - Must RP actually getting the stone whether from a store our finding it.
    • Happiness: Must earn 2 badges while you have this Pokemon to evolve it.
    • Trading: Level 40 - Do not need to RP them actually being traded back and forth. Write as evolving during battle or whatever way you wish.
    • Other: Any other strange evolution methods will be level 30 and must follow any other prerequisites such as being night time.

Character Sheet

Below is the character sheet, feel free to embellish it however you like. It is just a rough guide to ensure the basics are covered. If you want you could also create a trainer card similar to Sketcher's signature. Go here and it's pretty easy to set up. Save it and upload it to an image host. Anyway, the sheet is below.


Name: (One name, two names or a nick name here)
Age: (Not every new trainer is a young child, some people come into the game late. As such I would like 16 to be the minimum age, max being about 30)
Gender: (Male or female)
Hometown: (Pallet Town isn't the only town that has people wanting to be trainers)
Appearance: (Picture preferred but written is fine)
Personality: (How your character interacts with others. Any fears, hopes or dreams should be listed here.)
Background: (Where your character comes from and has been through so far in their life should be here.
Current Badges: (List any current badges you have)


Name: (If you name your pokemon then that goes here, otherwise no need to do this)
Species: (What your pokemon is)
Type: (Fire, water, dragon etc)
Gender: (Male, female or none if that applies)
Nature: (The personality of your pokemon based on the in game options)
Moves: (Up to four moves your pokemon knows using the rules listed under Showdown Rules)


Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sudkurve
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Sudkurve Within the Ruins

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@Sketcher @0 Azzy 0 @Alias

Right then you wrong 'uns, get your CS's filled in and posted in the OOC just so I can give them a once over. The standard CS is listed above but feel free to go a bit further with it if you want. Add theme songs or whatever. I didn't bother putting it in because it's not always somethings people want to do.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sketcher
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Sketcher The Sketchful

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

For pokemon evolving under level 20 - Would their evolution come after first badge as well?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sudkurve
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Sudkurve Within the Ruins

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Id rather they start in first evolution but feel free to evolve them as you RP whenever you like.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by KOgaming
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KOgaming The Nose Knows

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Checking in
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Sketcher
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Sketcher The Sketchful

Member Seen 2 yrs ago




Mosdeep City

Wye has always had a jolly side to him, even if it isn't ever-present. He can be quite outgoing and friendly to anyone if prompted to. He has a light hint of snobbery about him, but it rarely shows, if ever at all. He's easily excitable about subjects he's interested in. This quality of his outshines every other feeling and thought he might have when it is triggered.

Wye grew up in Mosdeep City in the Hoenn Region, now a flourishing city and a center for academic learning and research. His mother worked at the Mosdeep Space Center as a pokemon researcher, specializing on pokemon evolution and development, and his father was an investigative journalist. Although their parents worked quite a bit during the day, going abroad often, even, Wye and his sister Mari didn't want for anything. Their parents were loving and attentive in what little time they could be with their family. Wye went to a technical school in Mosdeep, while his sister went to Sootopolis. In Mosdeep, he fostered a healthy appreciation for the work his mother did, a path he decided he would follow one day.

Once out of school, he began his studies in Mauville University's College of Pine. After his first two years, as all students in their third year, he had to leave to study in another region and keep a log for his thesis research. He chose to go to Kanto after his mother suggested it would be a good experience.

Current Badges

Musical Themes

Pokemon in Party

Artie the Pawniard


Fury Cutter
Pokemon with Institute

None at Present
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Alias
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago




Cerulean City

Alex is a cheerful, loyal young man who cares deeply for humans and pokemon alike! He'll always look out for his friends, almost always putting them first before himself. He's always diving headfirst into a challenge, which can make him come across as a bit reckless or headstrong. One thing is for certain though, if you're considered his friend, he's always by your side through thick and thin!

Alex was born and raised in Cerulean City, his mother having a successful career as a Pokemon Doctor after studying at the Kanto University, graduating from the Faculty of Medicine. As for his Father, he was an accomplished Pokemon Ranger. The two taught Alex everything about caring for Pokemon, as well as humans. He grew up being surrounded by Pokemon, and wrote in his personal journal (which he keeps with him at all times) every detail and trait he could about the Pokemon he met. However, like every young trainer, he also found out about the gyms in Kanto. It was only a matter of time before he was to set off on his own adventure.

His mother and father were both very proud of him when he made the decision to go out on his own and Alex was excited more than ever. Alex has always said that once he's completed his adventure, he's going to become a Ranger just like his father. Equipped with a pokedex and a personal medicine field kit that his mother had assembled that's kept in his backpack, Alex's journey began.

Current Badges

Musical Themes

Pokemon in Party



Bubble Beam
Pokemon with Institute

None at Present

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sketcher
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Sketcher The Sketchful

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Also, I totally did not make final versions of 18 pokemon for Wye's potential team for the future. What a ludicrous claim! Preposterous!
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Alias
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

@SketcherI would for Alex if I knew wtf I was actually doing in training pokemon and all the details xD
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sudkurve
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Sudkurve Within the Ruins

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@Sketcher@Alias Feel free to move your characters over, both accepted.

@KOgaming Post yourself a CS, just be wary of the dibs list.
2x Thank Thank
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Alias
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Also, I dunno what version of Alex I prefer-


Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sudkurve
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Sudkurve Within the Ruins

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@Alias the first one is alot cleaner so i'd say that.

By the way i've now updated the gyms so you can have a gander at the leaders Pokemon.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sudkurve
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Sudkurve Within the Ruins

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@Alias@Sketcher I have updated the top IC post so it shows the initial plan of the story, as well as some key locations within Pallet Town and a brief bio of Professor Oak. The idea will be that the post is updated as we progress so that we have a running record of what's happened. So feel free to crack on with your first posts and i'll get mine up tomorrow.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by KOgaming
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KOgaming The Nose Knows

Member Seen 5 yrs ago


Got a bit of work to do today, but I'll get on it tomorrow afternoon if that's alright with you.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sketcher
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Sketcher The Sketchful

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Could I switch my starter to Torchic?
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by KremeSupreme
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KremeSupreme im here

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Heya, you guys still accepting?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sudkurve
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Sudkurve Within the Ruins

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Could I switch my starter to Torchic?

Not a problem at all.

Heya, you guys still accepting?

Unfortunately not sorry.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sketcher
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Sketcher The Sketchful

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Updated on Char tab :)
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sketcher
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Sketcher The Sketchful

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@0 Azzy 0
OI! Good gravy, man! Where are ya?!
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by 0 Azzy 0
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0 Azzy 0 (insert witty quote here)

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Shane Matthews
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Hometown: Constantly on the move

Books. These are the cornerstone to Shane's personality. They are an almost unlimited wealth of information. Fascinating things, horrific things, completely unexpected things- all of this and more are found in books. Through books, he can become an astronaut, a physicist, a pirate, a noble knight, a demon hunter, or even a fairy princess. Perhaps one of the most prominent parts of Shane's personality is his rampant imagination, fueled by the plethora of literature he has devoured over the years. To him, writing was the greatest of all of mankind's inventions, for it provides an outlet outside of the limitations of reality.

Now, while we're on the topic of reality, what an amazing world that is! For, while the fantasies of writing may be able to transcend reality, that does not mean that reality is in any way drab or unamazing in itself. For someone such as Shane, there are always new things to learn and new sights to see. He is a rather adventurous fellow, fascinated by the world of Pokemon and fixated on not only learning more, but seeing for himself many of the wondrous spectacles he has only read about.

In general, he's a friendly and likable guy, though he has his quirks when it comes to dealing with other people. Being very prone to getting overly excited about things regarding Pokemon and fond of spouting out random useless trivia, he isn't exactly all that great with social interaction. Girls, in particular, are something of an enigma to him. While not exactly scared about them, he has a tendency to freeze up and lose track of what he's trying to say when around women, particularly if they happen to be exceptionally attractive (pretty much ordinary teenage nerd stuff). In summary: he's super socially awkward.

Much of Shane's early life was shaped by his parent's insanity. Though, for clarify: by 'insanity', we're not talking about a 'grab a shovel and start digging while I unload this body from my trunk' sort of insanity. Nah, it's more of a 'Holy schist! That's a super gneiss rock by the side of the road! Time to floor the breaks and roll on over to grab it!' kinda crazy. Basically, both his parents were archaeologists. Their work and their hobbies were pretty much interchangeable with one another. Cool rocks, fossils, ancient civilization- these things were their passion and their daily lives.

Thus did Shane grow up in an highly academically-charged environment. His life was fairly unstable, always being shuffled from dig site to dig site, so he never did get a real social experience among peers- the sort you might find by attending a public school system. In spite of his lack of formal structured education, Shane was by no means lacking in learning. Shane's education largely took the part of “home”-schooling from his parents, along with random lessons from whichever of his parent's colleagues he ended up spending time with when his parents were off doing something deemed to be too unsafe for Shane to accompany them. After all, there are all manner of tools and delicate instruments and artifacts you wouldn't want a child being anywhere near wherever scientists set up camp.

Due to this sort of hectic upbringing, being always surrounded by scholars and academic enthusiasts, it is little wonder that his primary hobby and pastime became reading. Shane was willing to read anything he came across, from fantasy novels and comic books to academic journals and scholarly works. Some of his primary role models while growing up were the renowned Pokemon Professors, from whom it seemed you could almost always learn something you had never before known.

Even into his teen years, Shane stuck with his parents and their work, being engrossed in the subject of studying Pokemon. Offering himself as an assistant to any researcher who would let him, he eventually managed to get his hands on an old Pokedex that would have likely otherwise been tossed out in favor of a newer model. Though he ended up delaying a bit beyond the normal age when kids run off to get their first Pokemon, eventually Shane decided he wanted to go on his own journey to explore as much as he could. As such, he bid his parents farewell and headed off to pick up a starter and get on the road.

Current Badges

Pokemon in Party
Yoma the Duskull


Shadow Sneak
Night Shade

Pokemon with Institute

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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by 0 Azzy 0
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0 Azzy 0 (insert witty quote here)

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

My apologies! I always get profiles done at the most glacial of a pace and was working on two at once. <3
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